瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第一章









       瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第一章

But, since man, who has been given free will, willfullyrejects my commandments and obeys the devil, it is only right that he alsoexperiences his tyranny and malice. This devil was created good by me, but fellby his own wicked will, and has become, so to speak, my servant for inflictingvengeance on the workers of evil.


Yet, even though I amnow so despised, I am still so merciful that whoever prays for my mercy andhumbles himself in amendment shall be forgiven his sins, and I shall save himfrom the evil robber - the devil. But to those who continue despising me, Ishall visit my justice upon them, so that those hearing it will tremble, andthose who feel it will say: “Woe, that we were ever conceived or born! Woe,that we ever provoked the Lord of majesty to wrath!”


But you, my daughter,whom I have chosen for myself, and with whom I now speak in spirit: love mewith all your heart - not as you love your son or daughter or parents, but morethan anything in the world - since I, who created you, did not spare any of mylimbs in suffering for your sake! Yet, I love your soul so dearly that, ratherthan losing you, I would let myself be crucified again, if it were possible.Imitate my humility; for I, the King of glory and of angels, was clothed inugly, wretched rags and stood naked at the pillar and heard all kinds ofinsults and ridicule with my own ears. Always prefer my will before your own,because my Mother, your Lady, has, from the beginning to the end, never wantedanything but what I wanted.


If you do this, thenyour heart shall be with my heart, and it will be inflamed by my love in thesame way that anything dry becomes rapidly inflamed by fire. Your soul shall beso inflamed and filled with me, and I will be in you, so that everythingworldly becomes bitter to you and all fleshly lusts like poison. You will restin the arms of my Divinity, where no fleshly desires exist, but only spiritualdelight and joy which fill the delighted soul with happiness - inwardly andoutwardly - so that it thinks of nothing and desires nothing but the joy whichit possesses. So love me alone, and you will have all the things you want, andyou will have them in abundance. Is it not written that the oil of the widowdid not decrease until the day the rain was sent to earth by God according tothe words of the prophet? I am the true prophet! If you believe my words andfollow and fulfill them, the oil - joy and jubilation - shall never decreasefor you for all eternity.”


OurLord Jesus Christ’s words to his daughter - whom He now had taken as His bride- about the articles of the true faith, and about what kind of adornments,tokens and desires the bride must have in order to please the Bridegroom.

我们的主耶稣基督对祂女儿说的话——祂现在拣选做祂净配的人——关于真正的信条,关于为了取悦新郎,新娘要有哪种爱和渴求。(注:信条:articles of faith:教友应信的各端教理。)

瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第二章


true faith, and aboutwhat kind of adornments, tokens and desires the bride must have in order toplease the Bridegroom.

我们的主耶稣基督对祂女儿说的话——祂现在拣选做祂净配的人——关于真正的信理,关于为了取悦新郎,新娘要有哪种爱和渴求。(注:信条:articles of faith:教友应信的各端教理。)


Chapter 2


“I am the Creatorof the heavens and the earth, and the sea and of all the things that are inthem. I am one with the Father and the Holy Spirit - not like the gods of stonenor the gods of gold, as were used by people of old, and not several gods, aspeople once thought - but one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three personsbut one in divine nature, the Creator of all but created by none, unchangeableand almighty, everlasting - without beginning or end. I am the one who was bornof the Virgin, without losing my Divinity but joining it to my Manhood, so thatI, in one person, should be the true Son of God and the Son of the Virgin. I amthe one who hung on the cross and died and was buried, yet my Divinity remainedunharmed. For even though I died in the Manhood and flesh that I, the only Son,had assumed, yet I lived on in my Divinity, being one God with the Father andthe Holy Spirit. I am the same one who rose from the dead and ascended intoHeaven, and who now speaks with you in my Spirit. I have chosen you and takenyou to myself as my bride in order to show you the ways of the world and mydivine secrets, for this pleases me. You are also mine by right; for when yourhusband died, you entrusted all your will into my hands and, after his death,you also thought and prayed about how you should become poor and abandon allthings for my sake. For this reason, you are mine by right because of thisgreat love of yours, and I will provide for you because of this.


Therefore, I takeyou to myself as my bride and for my own pleasure, the kind that is becomingfor God to have with a chaste soul. It is the obligation of the bride to beready when the bridegroom wants to celebrate the wedding so that she will beproperly dressed and pure. You purify yourself well if your thoughts are alwayson your sins, on how I cleansed you in baptism from the sin of Adam, and howoften I have been patient and supported you when you fell into sin. The brideshould also have the insignia of her bridegroom on her chest, which means thatyou should observe and take heed of the favors and good deeds which I have donefor you: such as how nobly I created you by giving you a soul and body, hownobly I enriched you by giving you health and temporal things, how lovingly andsweetly I redeemed you when I died for you and restored your heavenly inheritanceto you - if you want to have it. The bride should also do the will of theBridegroom. But what is my will, except that you should want to love me aboveall things and not desire anything but me?


I created all things for the sake of mankind, andplaced all things under his authority, but he loves all things except me, andhates nothing but me. I bought back the inheritance for him which he had lostbecause of his sin. But he is so foolish and without reason that he prefersthis passing glory - which is like the foam of the sea that rises up for amoment like a mountain, and then quickly falls down to nothing - instead ofeternal glory in which there is everlasting good.


But if you, mybride, desire nothing but me, if you despise all things for my sake - not onlyyour children and relatives, but also honor and riches - I will give you themost precious and lovely reward! I will not give you gold or silver, butmyself, to be your Bridegroom and reward - I, who am the King of Glory. But ifyou are ashamed of being poor and despised, then consider how I, your God,walked before you, when my servants and friends abandoned me in the world; forI was not seeking earthly friends, but heavenly friends. And if you now aretroubled and afraid about the burden and difficulty of work and sickness, then considerhow difficult and painful it is to burn in hell! What would you not deserve ifyou had offended an earthly master as you have me? For even though I love youwith all my heart, still I do not act against justice in the least point.


Therefore, as you have sinned in all your limbs, soshall you also make satisfaction and penance in every limb. But, because ofyour good will and your purpose of atoning for your sins, I shall change myjustice into mercy by foregoing painful punishment for but a little penance.Therefore, embrace and take upon yourself a little work, so that you may bemade clean of sin and reach the great reward sooner. For the bride should growtired working alongside her bridegroom so that she may all the more confidentlytake her rest with him.”



瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第三章


Our Lord Jesus Christ’s words of wisdom to His bride about how she should love and honor Him, the Bridegroom, and about how the evil love the world and hate God.



Chapter 3


“I am your God and Lord, whom you worship and honor. I am the one who upholds heaven and earth with my power; they are not upheld by any pillars or anything else. I am the one who is handled and offered up each day on the altar under the appearance of bread as true God and true man. I am the same one who has chosen you. Honor my Father! Love me! Obey my Spirit! Honor my Mother as your Lady! Honor all my saints! Keep the true faith which you shall learn by him who experienced within himself the battle of the two spirits - the spirit of falsehood and the spirit of truth - and with my help won. Maintain true humility. What is true humility if not to behave as one really is, and to give praise to God for the good things he has given us?


But now, there are many who hate me and my deeds, and who account my words as sorrow and vanity, but instead, with affection and love, embrace the whoremonger: the devil. Whatever they do for my sake is done with grumbling and bitterness. They would not even confess my name or serve me, if they did not fear the opinion of other men. They love the world with such fervor that they never tire of working for it night and day, always burning with their love for it. Their service is as pleasing to me as that of someone who gives his enemy money to kill his own son! This is what they do to me. They give me some alms and honor me with their lips in order to gain worldly success and to remain in their honor and in their sin. The good spirit is therefore hindered in them and they are prevented from making any progress in doing good.


However, if you want to love me with all your heart and to desire nothing but me, I will draw you to myself through love, just as a magnet draws iron to itself. I will place you on my arm, which is so strong that no one can stretch it out, and so firm that, once outstretched, no one is able to bend it back, and is so sweet that it surpasses every fragrance and is beyond comparison to any sweet thing or delight of this world.





This man, who was the teacher of the bride of Christ, was the holy theologian and canon of Linkoping, named Master Mathias of Sweden. He wrote an excellent commentary on the whole Bible. He was ingenuously tempted by the devil with many heresies against the Catholic faith. However, he overcame all of them with the help of Christ and could not be conquered by the devil, as is shown in the written biography of Saint Bridget. It was this Master Mathias who composed the prologue to these books which begins thus: “Stupor et mirabilia,” etc. He was a holy man with great spiritual power in both word and deed. When he died in Sweden, the bride of Christ was living in Rome. While she was praying, she heard a voice saying to her in spirit: “Happy are you, Master Mathias, for the crown that has been prepared for you in heaven! Come now to the wisdom that will never end!”

此人为基督净配的老师,是林雪平的神学家和咏礼司铎,被称为瑞典训导师玛弟亚(注:亦被称为Magister Mathias of Sweden)。他为整本圣经写了极好的注解。撒殚以许多相反天主教信仰的异端诡诈地诱惑他。然而,在基督的帮助下他战胜了所有诱惑,撒殚无法得胜他,见《圣毕哲传记》中所载。正是这位训导师玛弟亚为这些书撰写了序言,以此开头:“美妙又神奇”等等。他是一位无论在语言还是行为上都有着巨大精神力量的圣人。当他在瑞典离世时,基督的净配正居住在罗马。当她祈祷时,意念中她听到有个声音对她说:“你是有福的,训导师玛弟亚,因为天国中的荣冠已然为你备好!到永无止境的智慧中来吧!”

One may also read more about Master Mathias in this Book (in chapter 52), in Book V (in the answer to question 3 in the last interrogation), and in Book VI (chapters 75 and 89).



瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第四章


Our Lord Jesus Christ’s words to His bride about how she should not fear or think that the revelations told to her by Him come from an evil spirit, and about how to discern an evil spirit from a good one.



Chapter 4


“I am your Creator and Redeemer. Why did you fear and doubt my words? Why did you wonder whether they came from a good or an evil spirit? Tell me, what have you found in my words that your conscience did not tell you to do? Or have I ever commanded you anything against reason?


The bride answered: “No, all you told me was completely true and reasonable and I was badly mistaken.” The Bridegroom, Jesus, answered her: “I showed you three things from which you could recognize the good spirit: I invited you to honor your God, who made you and gave you all the good things you have; your reason also tells you to honor him above all things. I further invited you to keep the true faith, that is, to believe that nothing has been created without God nor may be made without God. I also invited you to love reasonable work and continence in all things, for the world was created for man’s sake, in order that he may use it according to his reasonable needs, and not in excess.


In the same way, you may also recognize the unclean spirit, the devil, from three opposing things: He tempts and advises you to seek and desire your own praise, and to be proud of the things given you. He also tempts you into unbelief and intemperance in all your limbs and in all things, and makes your heart inflamed by them. Sometimes he also deceives men under the guise of a good spirit. This is why I commanded you to always examine your conscience and reveal it to spiritual men of wisdom!



Therefore, do not doubt that the good spirit of God is with you when you desire nothing but God and are completely inflamed by him! Only I can do this, and it is impossible for the devil to come near you then. He also cannot come near to any evil man unless I allow it, either because of his sins, or some secret judgment that is known only to me. For he is my creature like all other things - he was created good by me, but made himself evil by his own malice – therefore, I am Lord over him.


Therefore, those who accuse me do so falsely when they say that those who serve me with great and godly devotion are insane and possessed by the devil. They consider me to be like a man who gives his chaste and trusting wife over to adultery. Such a one should I be, if I allowed a righteous and God-loving man to be handed over to the devil! But because I am faithful, the devil will never rule over the soul of any man who devoutly serves me. Although my friends sometimes seem to be insane or senseless, it is not because the devil is tormenting them, or because they serve me with fervent and godly devotion. It is rather because of some defect or weakness in the brain, or some other hidden reason, which serves to humble them. It may also happen, sometimes, that the devil receives power from me over the bodies of good men for the sake of their future reward, or that he darkens their consciences. But he can never rule the souls of those who have faith in me and who love me.



瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第五章


Then God said to his heavenly host thatstood around him: “What do you think about these who have conquered my castle?”They all answered as with one voice: “O Lord, all justice is in you, and in youwe see all things. You are without beginning and without end, the Son of God,and all judgment is given to you. You are their judge.” He answered: “Althoughyou know and see all things in me, still for the sake of my bride who standshere, tell me the just sentence.” They said: “This is justice: that those whoundermined the wall should be punished as thieves, that those who persist inevil should be punished as intruders and violent criminals, and that those whoare captive should be freed and the hungry be filled.”


Then Mary, the Mother of God (who until nowhad remained silent) spoke: “Oh, my Lord and most dear Son, You were in my wombas true God and man. By your grace you sanctified me, who was but an earthenvessel. I beg you, have mercy on them once more!” Then the Lord answered HisMother: “Blessed be the words of your mouth that ascend like a sweet fragranceto God. You are the Queen and glory of angels and all saints because, by you,God and all the saints are made happy! Because your will was as my own from thebeginning of your youth, I will do as you wish once more.”


Then He said to the host of saints:“Because you have fought manfully, and for the sake of your love, I will letmyself be appeased for now. Behold, I will rebuild my wall because of yourprayers. I will liberate and heal those who were oppressed by force, and honorthem a hundredfold for the indignity they have endured. But if the violatorsand wrong-doers pray for my mercy, I will give them peace and mercy. However,those who despise my mercy will feel my justice.”


Then he said to his bride: “My bride, Ihave chosen you and brought you into my Spirit. You hear my words and those ofmy saints. Although the saints see all things in me, nevertheless, they havespoken for your sake so that you might understand, since you, who are still inthe flesh, cannot see all things in me in the same way as they who are spirits.I will now also show you what all these things signify.


The castle I spoke about previously is theHoly Church and the souls of Christians, which I built with my own blood andthat of the saints. I cemented and joined it with my love and placed my friendsand chosen men in it. The foundation is true faith, that is, to believe that Iam a righteous and merciful judge.


Now, however, this foundation is underminedbecause all believe and preach that I am merciful, but almost no one preachesor believes me to be a righteous judge. They view me as an unjust judge! Unjustand unrighteous, indeed, would the judge be who, out of mercy, allowed theunrighteous to go unpunished, so that they could oppress the righteous evenmore! But I am a righteous and merciful judge; for I do not let even the leastsin go unpunished, nor the least good go unrewarded. By the undermining of thiswall’s foundation, there entered into the Holy Church people who sin withoutfear, who deny that I am a righteous judge, and who torment my friends asseverely as those who are placed in the stocks. My friends have no joy orconsolation given to them but, instead, every kind of mockery and torment areinflicted upon them as if they were possessed by the devil. When they tell thetruth about me, they are rejected and accused of lying. They have a ferventdesire to hear or speak the truth about me, but there is no one who listens tothem or speaks the truth to them. And I, the Lord and Creator of all things, ambeing blasphemed and rejected, for they say: ‘We do not know if he is God and,if he is God, we do not care!’ They overthrow my banner and trample it undertheir feet calling out: ‘Why did he suffer? What benefit is it to us? If hewants to satisfy our lust and will, it is enough for us. He may keep hiskingdom and heaven!’ I want to go into them, but they say: ‘We would rather diebefore giving up our own will!’


Behold, my bride, what kind of people theyare! I made them, and could destroy and damn them with a word if I wanted to.How bold and arrogant they are toward me! But because of the prayers of myMother and of all the saints, I am still so merciful and patient that I willsend them the words of my mouth and offer them my mercy.If they want to acceptit, I will be appeased. Otherwise, they will come to know my justice and bepublicly humiliated like thieves in front of all angels and men, and be judgedby every one of them. For just as the men who are hanged on gallows aredevoured by ravens, they will also be devoured by demons, yet not die. Just asthose who are punished in the stocks have no rest, they too, will have pain andbitterness all around them. The most burning river will flow into their mouths,but their bellies will not be filled, and their punishment will be renewed eachday.


But my friends will be redeemed andconsoled by the words that come from my mouth. They will see my justice joinedwith my mercy. I will clothe them in the weapons of my love and make them sostrong that the adversaries of the faith will fall back like filth and feelashamed for all eternity when they see my justice. Yes, they will surely beashamed for having abused my patience.”


The words of Christ to His bride about howHis Spirit cannot remain with the unrighteous, and about the separation of theunrighteous from the good, and how good men, armed with spiritual weapons, aresent to war against the world.


瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第六章




Chapter 6


My enemies are like themost violent beasts that can never be filled or have rest. Their heart is soempty of my love that they never allow the thought of my suffering into it; andnot once has a word like this been uttered by their inmost heart: O Lord, you have redeemed us, may you be praised for your bittersuffering! How could my Spiritremain with the people who have no divine love for me, and who willingly betrayothers in order to satisfy their own will? Their heart is full of vile worms,that is, full of worldly desires. The devil has left his filth in their mouths,and that is why my words do not please them.



Therefore, I willsever them from my friends with my saw, and just as there is no more bitter wayto die than to be sawn asunder, so there will not be a punishment in which theywill not partake. They will be sawn in two by the devil and separated from me!They are so abhorrent to me that all who cling to them and agree with them willalso be severed from me.



Therefore, I send out my friends in orderthat they might separate the devils from my members, for they are truly myenemies. I send my friends like knights to war. Anyone who mortifies andsubdues his flesh and abstains from forbidden things is my true knight. Fortheir lance, they will have the words that I spoke with my own mouth and, intheir hands, the sword of the true faith. Their breasts will be covered withthe armor of love, so that no matter what happens to them, they will love me noless. They shall have the shield of patience at their side, so that they maysuffer and endure all things patiently. I have enclosed them like gold in avessel; they should now go forth and walk in my ways.



According to theways of justice, I could not enter into the glory of majesty without sufferingtribulation in my human nature, so then, how else will they enter into it? Iftheir Lord endured pain and suffering, it is not surprising that they alsosuffer. If their Lord endured beatings and torture, it is not too much for themto endure words and contradictions. They should not fear, for I will neverabandon them. Just as it is impossible for the devil to touch and divide theheart of God, so it is impossible for the devil toseparate them from me. And since they are like the purest gold in my sight, Iwill never abandon them, even though they are tested with a little fire, for the fire is given to them fortheir greater reward and happiness.





瑞典圣毕哲的预言和启示 第七章


The words of theglorious Virgin to Saint Bridget about how to dress and with what kind ofclothes and ornaments her daughter should be adorned and clothed.



Chapter 7


 I am Mary who gave birth to the Son of God,true God and true man. I am the Queen of Angels. My son loves you with all ofhis heart. Therefore, you should love him. You should be adorned with the mostproper clothes, and I will show you how and what kind they should be. Just asbefore you had an undershirt, a shirt, shoes, a cloak, and a brooch on yourchest, so now you shall have spiritual clothes.


The undershirt youshall have is contrition for your sins; for just as an undershirt is closest tothe body, so contrition and confession are the first way of conversion to God.Through these the mind, which once enjoyed sin, is purified, and the unchasteflesh restrained from evil lusts. The two shoes are two intentions: namely, thewill to make amendment for your past sins, and the will to do good and refrainfrom evil. Your shirt is hope in God; and just as a shirt has two sleeves, so mayjustice and mercy be paired with your hope, so that you will hope for the mercyof God, yet not forget his justice. Think about his justice and harsh judgmentin such a way that you do not forget his mercy, for he does not work justicewithout mercy, or mercy without justice. The cloak is faith, for just as thecloak covers everything and everything is enclosed in it, man can likewisecomprehend and attain all things by faith. This cloak should be decorated withthe tokens of your Bridegroom’s love - namely, how he created you, how heredeemed you, how he raised you and led you into his spirit and opened yourspiritual eyes. The brooch, which should always be on your chest, is thefrequent consideration of his suffering: how he was mocked and scourged, how hestood alive on the cross, bloody and wounded in all his limbs, how in death hiswhole body shook from the most bitter pain and anguish, and how he commendedhis spirit into the hands of his Father. May this brooch always be on yourchest! There should also be a crown on your head, which means that you shouldbe chaste in your desires, so much so, that you would rather endure a beatingand pain than to be further stained.      


Therefore, bemodest and polite and do not think about or desire anything but your God andCreator - for when you have him, you have everything! Adorned in this way, youshall await your Bridegroom.
