摘录自:真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第14章 肉体的痛苦(下)
译注: 鼠尾草因为其花穗如同鼠尾而得名。传说圣母玛利亚手抱着耶稣,一路躲避希律王的追兵,最危难时鼠尾草伸出援手,将圣母母子掩护起来。从此鼠尾草又叫“圣母草”,受到圣母祝福。鼠尾草的拉丁学名是Salvia,源自拉丁文Salvare,为“拯救”之意。其性平、味辛、苦。属活血化瘀药。主治疮疡疖肿、跌打损伤。
Speaking of a similar case, she says : "The physician of the convent was a little abrupt; one day he scolded a poor woman soundly, because she had neglected to show him her finger which was very sore. The inflammation extended all the way up to the arm which was perfectly black. When he said that he would have to amputate it, the poor creature came running to me, pale with fright, begging me to help her. I began to pray when suddenly the proper way of treating it flashed upon my mind.
I spoke of it to Reverend Mother, who permitted me to dress the arm in Abbe Lambert's room. I boiled sage, myrrh, and some of Our Lady's herb in wine and water ; to this I added a few drops of holy water and made a poultice which I bound on the woman's arm. It was surely God Himself who had inspired the remedy, for next morning the swelling had entirely disappeared, though the finger was very sore. I made her bathe it in lye and oil. When it opened, I extracted from it a great thorn after which it soon healed. ''