Op-ed: "Was a demon enthroned at the Amazon Synod?"
During the first press conference of the Amazonian synod Bishop David Martínez De Aguirre Guinea, O.P., one of the special secretaries appointed by Francis, gave a response that lends weight to reports that the shamanistic ritual conducted in the Vatican Gardens was, indeed, the worship of the pagan idol, Pachamama. Bishop Martínez said:
在亚马逊主教第一次会议期间,David Martínez De Aguirre Guinea主教,他是由方济各秘密、特别任命的主教,给予了一个回应:关于有报道称在梵蒂风花园举行的“萨满仪式”,的确是偶像崇拜 Pachamama(中文意译:大地之母):“主教” Martínez 说道:
"Those who used this symbol wished it to reflect fertility, to women, to life, the life present among the Amazonian people and Amazonia as an entity full of life. I don’t think we need to make connections with the Virgin Mary or with a pagan element."
While Bishop Martínez makes it clear that it was not the Virgin Mary, (as had been suggested), his denial that the statues of the pregnant, naked women bearing tribal markings are connected with paganism doesn’t make sense. A shaman priestess led a circle of people in prostrating themselves numerous times in homage before these idols. Getty Images’s official press photograph of the ritual, included the caption: ‘Pope Francis and Cardinal Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, Archbishop Emeritus of São Paulo, President of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM), stand in front of a statue representing Pachamama (Mother Earth)’. Pachamama is worshiped in Latin America as a ‘goddess’ of fertility, life and the harvest, originating in Inca mythology with its bloody history of human sacrifice, especially of young children.
“主教”Martínez对此作出清晰地解释:这不是至至童贞玛利亚(如之前,有这样的评论认为这是“至圣童贞”的暗示)。他(这位“主教”)对此怀孕、祼体的且有明显部落标识的女人雕像这样解释道,然而这是毫无意义的。一位萨满女祭司带着一群人,在此雕像前跪拜无数次,真是羞耻(而且还是在梵蒂冈后花园——想想罗马天主教徒怎么以血洗换来的圣城——编者加,作为天主教徒的编译者也是在此当然有立场!)。盖蒂图片社(Getty Images)的官方新闻照片中对此拜祭仪式的说明:“教皇”(我不承认他,引号是译编者加的)方济各和红衣主教克劳迪奥·胡姆斯站在代表大地之母:( Pachamama )的雕像前。Pachamama (梵蒂冈后花院放置人偶像—编译者加),大地之母在拉丁美洲是一位“生育、生命以及丰收的女神”,起源于印加神话中血腥的活人祭祀历史,尤指儿童(奉献活婴)祭祀。
In the past, Catholics would have had no difficulty recognising Pachamama as a demon. However now, not only was the Pachamama idol used in the context of a non-Christian ritual conducted in the Vatican, but it was also venerated in the sacred precincts of St. Peter’s Basilica in front of the Tomb of St. Peter. Furthermore, Francis greeted two bishops carrying the Pachamama idol on their shoulders processing it into the Synod Hall where it was set in a place of honour. Pachamama idols are also on display in the Cardinal Ouellet’s titular church, Santa Maria in , along with a poster displaying photographs of an indigenous woman breast-feeding an animal.
在往日的岁月中,天主教徒都会毫无疑问地认知,Pachamama (大地之母)是邪神。然而,现在Pachamama(大地之母)不仅仅是被用于非基督宗教信仰礼仪,而且,这一非天主教祭祀也在圣保禄圣墓前施行,加上(教皇)方济各亲迎两位“主教”用双肩扛着Pachamama偶像行进,进入亚马逊主教会议大厅,且放置在一个受崇拜的地方。Pachamama偶像也被以置入在梵蒂冈“枢机主教”Ouellet命名的,圣母玛利在此教堂中,随着一张展示土著妇女祼体母乳动物之画图一起呈现。
As Catholics we are faced with an appalling question, has a demon, intentionally due to wickedness, or unintentionally due to culpable ignorance, been enthroned at the Amazonian synod?The Christian horror of idolatry
St. Paul is clear that idols are demonic representations, to which the devil and demons are attached:
"Therefore, my beloved, shun the worship of idols…What pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be partners with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. Shall we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?" (I Cor 10: 14, 20-22.)
St. Paul spell out the horror of Christians participating in the worship of demons — it creates an unholy communion between those who worship idols and the associated demon. He is clear that those who are joined to demons cannot remain in communion with Christ, and that they exclude themselves from the Eucharist. They excommunicate themselves.
Tertullian states that idols are the ‘property of demons’ and that the admission of the makers of idols into the Church, and even ministry, is a cause of great grief to the faithful:
ST Tertullian
"Bewailing that a Christian should come from idols into the Church; should come from an adversary workshop into the house of God; should raise to God the Father hands which are the mothers of idols; should pray to God with the hands which, out of doors, are prayed to in opposition to God; should apply to the Lord's body those hands which confer bodies on demons. Nor is this sufficient. Grant that it be a small matter, if from other hands they receive what they contaminate; but even those very hands deliver to others what they have contaminated." (Tertullian, On Idolatry)”
“哀叹一个基督徒居然从偶像那里走进教堂;居然从造偶像的作坊进入天主的圣殿,那制作偶像之母的手,居然向天父举起,居然用在那门外反对天主的手,向天主祈祷,居然用那给邪魔赋形的手,伸向天主的圣体。这还不够,还算是比较小的事,如果他们是从别人手中领受被他们玷污的圣体,更甚的是他们用玷污了的双手,分施圣体给他人。”《Tertullian, 论偶像崇拜》
Those who have made idols, or received from idol-makers, are contaminated by the unholiness of the associated demons and they contaminate all who they come into contact. Tertullian saw idolatry as a contagion spread by those who give honour and service to demons.
Leaving aside the worship of idols, Pope St. Gregory harshly condemned bishops assuming a receptive attitude towards pagan cultures. When informed that Bishop Desiderius was giving lectures on pagan poets he wrote a letter expressing his horror:
抛开对偶像的崇拜,教宗圣额我略严厉地谴责主教们对异教文化的接受态度 。当被告知主教Desiderius正在就有关异教诗人的话题进行演讲,他专门写了一封信,表达了他的恐惧。
"This thing we took so much amiss, and so strongly disapproved it, that we changed what had been said before into groaning and sadness, since the praises of Christ cannot find room in one mouth with the praises of Jupiter. And consider yourself what a grave and heinous offence it is for bishops to sing what is not becoming even for a religious layman."
Surrounded by the ruins of the pagan culture of Imperial Rome, Pope St. Gregory knew well that the presence of demons, in the guise of idols, contaminated the entire culture. Those contaminated by praising idolatrous cultures incapacitate their own ability to truly praise our Lord.
St. Thomas Aquinas examined what causes people to worship idols in the first place. Fr. Delaporte provides a summary of Aquinas’s teaching as follows:
圣多玛斯首先研究了人为什么会崇拜偶像。 Delaporte神父概述了圣多玛斯《神学大全》中的训导如下:
"Man might be in part the cause of idolatry, by the disorder of his affections, by the pleasure he found in symbolical representations, and by his ignorance. But the fundamental cause (consummativa) must be sought in devils, who cause men to adore them under the form of idols, therein working certain things which excited their wonder and admiration." (Summary of ST II, 94 in Fr. Delaporte. The Devil: does he exist and what does he do?)
Whenever we see individuals excited by, and expressing admiration of, idol worship we know that they are directly under the influence of demons and are acting in a way totally antithetical to the worship of God.
And in our own day, Fr Jeremy Davies, the renowned exorcist and co-founder with Fr Gabriele Amorth of the International Association of Exorcists, warns that all natural religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism and Animism, have a demonic influence on adherents and participants because they involve sins which have a special affinity with the devil:
神父 Jeremy Davies,在我们的时代,著名的驱魔者,与神父Gabriele Amorth共同建立了国际驱魔协会,警告:所有的自然宗教:包括印度教、佛教、神道教、万物有灵论,对其追随者和参与者皆恶魔的影响,它们牵涉到与魔鬼有着特别亲密关系的罪恶:
"The Church has always recognised that there is a good side to these pagan religions but that there is also an idolatrous demonic side (I Cor 10:14-22; 2 Cor 6:14-18) — for they are simply the kind of religion that fallen man naturally makes for himself, but they make claims to teach the way to God."(Fr. Jeremy Davies, Exorcism: Understanding exorcism in scripture and practise.)
“教会一直认可这些异教有好的一面,但也有崇拜偶像的恶魔的一面。(格林多书10:14——22,格林多书6:14-18)——因为它们只是堕落的人自然为自己创造的那种宗教,但是他们宣称是训导通向天主的路。(神父Jeremy Davies,驱魔:理解在圣经中的驱魔与践行)
The contagion of idol worship
From the above we can conclude, that those who participated in the shamanistic worship of the demon Pachamama in the Vatican have, to varying degrees, been in contact with the demonic. If they were excited and enjoyed the rituals and processions associated with Pachamama we can assume that they are under the influence of demons. Demonic contamination and influence may well impair, or even incapacitate, their ability to offer worthy praise to Jesus through prayer, liturgy and teaching. In the worst cases, those who have knowingly participated in demonic worship may have excommunicated themselves.
从上述的一切,我们可得出结论,那些在梵蒂冈参预了恶魔大地之母(Pachamama )萨满教崇拜仪式的人,在不同程度与恶魔有了关系。如果他们在有关Pachamama 仪式与游行中,觉得兴奋和享受,我们可以确信,他们置于恶魔的影响下。他们的祈祷、领受圣体圣事、接受天主教教导和向耶稣献上有价值的赞美的能力,让恶魔的污染与影响可能会削弱,甚至无力。而最坏的情况是,那些有意参与恶魔崇拜的人可能已经自科绝罚。
All those who participated in the Pachamama rituals are a danger to others in the Church because they will spread the contagion of idol worship. It is likely that some synod fathers will even further extoll and disseminate the demonic nature religions of the Amazon.
The fact that the Pachamama idol was processed into the Synod Hall is a grave cause for concern because it places a demon at the heart of the Amazonian synod’s deliberations. The danger is that many evils may be introduced into the Church that will have the devil as their author. In response to this sacrilegious insult to God and this mortal peril to souls we should pray:
Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Vade Retro Satana
Nunquam Suade Mihi Vana
Sunt Mala Quae Libas
Ipse Venena Biba! Amen.
May the Holy Cross be my light
Let not the dragon be my guide
Begone Satan
Never tempt me with your vanities
All that pours from you is evil.
Drink your own poison. Amen.
Amazon Synod Pachamama Idols Thrown into Tiber River in Rome [Updated with Reactions]
[UPDATE 22-OCT-2019 22:59 UTC: Reactions added at end of post]
Breaking news from Rome, everyone: Some courageous soul has decided there’s been enough dialogue and bridge building and it’s now time for some action: The disgusting Pachamama idols that had popped up in the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina and that Francis had blessed in the Vatican Gardens on Oct. 4 in connection with the ongoing Amazon Synod, have been removed by an as-yet unidentified individual and cast into the Tiber river.
来自罗马的突发性新闻:各位:一些勇敢的灵魂决定:已经有足够的对话与桥梁建设了,所以现在就是行动的时间:令人作呕的Pachamama (大地之母)偶像突然出现在Traspontina的圣母玛利亚教堂,就是方济各于10月4日在梵蒂冈后花园祝福过的,与仍在进行中的亚马逊主教会议有关的偶像,已经被身份不明的人移走,并扔进了台伯河!
Now this will really turn things upside down in the Vatican press hall. An act like this is a million times more effective than some petition, some book release, or some conference.
To whoever did this: Thank you! God bless you!
“For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens” (Ps 95:5).
“For they themselves relate of us, what manner of entering in we had unto you; and how you turned to God from idols, to serve the living and true God” (1 Thess 1:9).
“For the time past is sufficient to have fulfilled the will of the Gentiles, for them who have walked in riotousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and unlawful worshipping of idols” (1 Pet 4:3).
“Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen” (1 Jn 5:21).
St. Evaristus, Pope and martyr "It was at the same time as St. Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, that Pope St. Evaristus gave his life by martyrdom. He is often represented with a sword because he was decapitated, or with a crib, because it is believed that he was born in Bethlehem"
Rev. Anthony Cekada @frcekada
Several years ago, I speculated that Bergoglio would effect a "paradigm shift." Well here it is. Modernists no longer even PRETEND to reconcile their program with the past. This is THE real story behind the Synod -- not ecology and married priests.
Nick Donnelly @ProtecttheFaith
Bergoglio gave homage to the Pachamama idol in St. Peter's.
贝格里奥在圣伯多禄广场向 the Pachamama (大地之母)致敬。
Behold, I am bringing such evil upon this place that the ears of every one who hears of it will tingle. Because the people have forsaken me, and have profaned this place by burning incense in it to other gods (Jer 19)
(耶肋米亚)19:3 看,我必给这地方招来灾祸,凡听见的,必要耳鸣,19:4 因为他们离弃了我,使这地方成了异地,在这里向他们和他们的祖先并犹大王都不认识的外邦神祗献香,使这地方充满无辜的血,
19:5 给巴耳建了高丘,向巴耳火焚自己的儿子作全燔祭:这都是我从没有吩咐,没有说过,没有想到的事。
Nick Donnelly @ProtecttheFaith
The dignity of the office of pope, sanctified with the blood of papal martyrs, is being dragged through the filthy mud of paganism
horrifying spectacle
Christine Niles @ChristineNiles1· Oct 21
Want a pregnant female figure that indigenous peoples can pray to and honor? The one who helped convert 9 million indigenous in South America and put an end to their child sacrifice.
Why isn't she seen everywhere at the Amazon Synod?
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
By New Catholic
If "pagan worship of God" is all right, then why don't we put up altars to Baal in our churches, and call "God" by a different name? That's where all this "inculturation" is leading to. First they change the dogmas, then they give us a new "god". I'll stick with the God of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, and the Prophets & Apostles -- Father, Son & Holy Ghost. They can have their Antichrist and be damned. Jesus Christ alone is our divine Saviour.
Trad Cath Sermons@TradCathSermons
#Pachamama #AmazonSynod #SaturdayMotivation #Catholic #ChristIsKing! Jesus is Lord #AdmitSedeVacante Stop offering the Mass in union with Bergoglio THIS Sunday! Feast of the SOVEREIGNTY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, SUPREME KING!
Make no mistake! This is literally a separating the sheep from the goats decision - Are you with the King? Or are you not? Can you, in good conscience, offer the Most Holy Sacrifice of Jesus to Almighty God in union with a Pachamama "Pope"?
Fr. Despósito@FrDesposito
"Pachamama is OK cuz cultural." If superstition & idolatry is part of your culture, you are heading straight to Hell, my friend. So no, Pachamama is NOT OK. #AmazonSynod #Catholic #sedevacante
Dr Taylor Marshall @TaylorRMarshall
Pope Saint Pius X said that "Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies." The Pachamama affair reveals that the Modernists have also jumbled up the orthodox teaching on veneration of images of Christ, Our Lady, and the Saints as taught in the 7th Ecumenical Council (Nicea II).
教宗庇护十世说:“现代主义者是所有异端的综合体。”The Pachamama (大地之母)事件揭示出现代主义者们混淆了,在第七次全体基督徒大公会议(圣尼西亚)上训导的正统教义,关于对基督,圣母,以及圣人们的图像的崇拜。
"Et abstulit effeminatos de terra, purgavitque universas sordes idolorum quae fecerant patres ejus."
"And he took away the effeminate out of the land, and he removed all the filth of the idols, which his fathers had made." 1 Kings 15:12 (Vulgata 3 Kings 15:12)
(列王纪上)15:12 他把那些为邪神卖淫女人气的男妓从这块土地上除掉,并驱除他祖先所立的一切污秽的偶像.(拉丁文译本 梵二前圣教会钦定版本)
1) From the Catholic men who threw the Pachamama idols into the Tiber River. Here is their OFFICIAL STATEMENT (4 tweets):
2)"This was done for only one reason: Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, his Blessed Mother, and everybody who follows Christ, are being attacked by members of our own Church. We do not accept this! We do not longer stay silent! We start to act NOW!
3)"Because we love humanity, we can not accept that people of a certain region should not get baptized and therefore are being denied entrance into heaven.
4)"It is our duty to follow the words of God like our holy Mother did. There is no second way of salvation. Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat!" [End of Statement]
这是我们的责任,追随天主圣言,如同我们的慈母圣玛利亚做的一样。救赎之路没有两条。Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands! "(基督得胜!基督为王!基督统领!)
Dr Taylor Marshall @TaylorRMarshall
One of these 3 is the Blessed Virgin Mary. The other 2 are idols to which people bow down:
Vae Victis @Vae_Victis_1958
I submit to the Pope. #sedevacante
圣Boniface(LATIN: Bonifatius; c. 675 – 5 June 754 )生活在第五、六世纪的欧洲,被称为德国传教士,他摧毁了当时德国境内的所有异教偶像.
FR Paul Kramer
So, the Mother Earth worshipping Argentinian ex nite-club bouncer declares that the figurines placed in the Church of S. Maria in Traspontina were in fact, Pachamama IDOLS; yet he claims that the pagan idols placed in the sacred precincts of a Catholic Church for veneration, were not there for any idolatrous purpose! LOL!Read Ezechiel, Chs. 7 - 8, and then understand why Rome will be invaded and devastated, as is foretold in many prophecies and Marian apparitions. The defection of Rome and its return to Paganism is foretold by the ancient Fathers of the Church, as Cardinal Henry Edward Manning explained in his short 1861 work, The Present Crisis of the Holy See.
神父Paul Kramer 这样说;
因此,阿根廷前 夜店部保镖,地球之母的崇拜者宣称,在Traspontina的S. Maria教堂里放置的小雕像实际上是Pachamama的偶像;然而他声称,异教的偶像被放置在天主教堂的神圣区域是为了崇拜,而不是为了崇拜偶像!哈哈!请阅读厄则克耳,Chs. 7 - 8,然后理解为什么罗马将被入侵和毁灭,正如在许多预言和圣母显现的预言。也是红衣主教亨利•爱德华•曼宁(Henry Edward Manning)在1861年的简短著作《教廷当前的危机》(The Present Crisis of The Holy See)中所解释的那样,罗马的背叛及其回到异教,今天的混乱与不堪都是由圣教会的前辈们预言过了的。
So, they condemn Catholic Tradition in the name of"Jesus Christ and his Gospel" ! Is that the Gospel they preach? No. That is not the Gospel that Bergoglio and his Mafia are preaching. They preach a "different gospel" (Gal. 1:8) of a "different Jesus" (2 Cor. 11:4). In their false new gospel, they are demonizing "the actual original faith, teaching, and tradition of the Catholic Church which the Lord bestowed, the apostles proclaimed, and the Fathers safeguarded" (St. Athanasius, ad Serapion); they do exactly as Luther and Calvin did -- because they belong to the Sect of the same Gnostic religion that Luther and Calvin belonged to; who, like the Bergoglian Roman Protestants of today, rooted their false new religion in esoteric Gnosticism; which was itself a veiled form of Paganism in Christian garb, rooted in what the Masons call the "Ancient Mysteries" (of Paganism).
"Now to the King of Ages,
"Now to the King of Ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen."