The Prophecy of Premol
This prophecy is anonymous. No one knows who it isattributable to but it dates back to the 5th and early 6th centuries and ismentioned by every serious chronicler of the prophecies over the last 1500years.
Believed to be the work of a 5th century monk it waslater unearthed in Premol,France during the Seventeenth century.
“Everywherethere is war! Peoples and nations are pitted against each other. War, war, war!
Civil and foreign wars. Mourning and death everywhere!Famine over the whole world. Will Paris be destroyed?
Why O Lord dost thou not stop all this with thy arm?
Must also the elements be the instrument of thy wrath?Enough, O lord Enough.
The cities are destroyed, the natural elements letloose, the earthquakes everywhere.
But mercy, mercy for Rome, but thou hearest not myentreaties and Rome also collapses in tumult.
And I see the King of Rome with his Cross and histiara,shaking the dust off his shoes, and hastening in his flight to othershores.
Thy Church, O Lord, is ton apart by her own children.
One camp is faithful to the fleeing Pontiff, the otheris subject to the new government of Rome which has broken the Tiara.
But Almighty God will, in His mercy, put an end to thisconfusion and a new age will begin.
Then, said the Spirit, this is the beginning of the Endof Time….”
那么,圣神说,这就是世界末日的开始…… 」
(Desmond A.Birch, Trial Tribulation and Triumph: Before, During and After Antichrist,Queenship Publishing, 1996. p 306.)
“With a roll ofthunder, the clouds parted and I beheld Jerusalem laid low by a frightfultempest; its walls had fallen as from the blows of a battering ram, and bloodran through the streets;the enemy had taken possession of the city.
The abomination of desolation ruled the city…
And it was here that I beheld the Patriarch emerge fromthe Temple that had been invaded by the sons of Baal.
He fled, carrying with him the Ark of the Covenant, andfled towards the sea where the sun sets.”
他带着约柜逃到日落之处的海边。 」
(O.V.Garrison,The Encyclopedia of Prophecy)
“The spiritconducted me into the heavens and said to me: 'It is written that the ArchangelMichael will do battle with the Dragon before the Triangle of God.'
Then the spirit added: Open the doors of yourunderstanding; the Archangel and the Dragon are the two spirits that willcontend for the kingdom of Jerusalem; and the Triangle is the glory of theAlmighty.”
然后使者补充说:打开你们的知识之门;总领天使和龙是两个为耶路撒冷王国而斗争的天使;圣三是全能者的荣耀。 」
(Robert A.Nelson.Prophecy: A History of the Future Internet Version):
“And a voicefell from the heavens: 'Here are those whom I have chosen'” (i.e. the GreatMonarch and the Holy Pope)…”(And I saw that) he placed his hand in thePontiff's hand….” (Yves Dupont, Antichrist, World Trends Magazine, September,1975)
「一个声音从天而降:“这是我所拣选的人”」(即伟大的君王和圣洁的教宗)…… 「(我看到了)他把他的手放在教宗的手中…… 」
“Is such asacrifice not enough to appease your wrath, O Lord?
But no, what then is this noise of arms? These cries ofwar and fear?
What do the four winds bring? Ah! the dragon hasappeared in all countries and has brought terrible confusion everywhere.
There is war everywhere.
Men and people have risen up one against the other.War, war, war---civil war and foreign war.
What frightening onsets. Everything is mourning anddeath; famine reigns in the fields..”
何等可怕的攻击。一切都是悲哀和死亡;饥荒肆虐着田野。 」
Robert A. Nelson. Prophecy: A History of the Future,Internet Version):
“The generalrevolution has followed. In these future happenings will Paris be destroyed?
Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Save yourself from the fire ofSodom and Gomorrah, and from the sack of Babylon.
Why, Lord, do you not stop all this with Your Arm?
Is the fury of men not enough without flaming ruin?
Must the elements also serve as an instrument of thinewrath? Stop, O Lord, stop!
Thy cities are already crumbling by themselves. Theelements are set loose.
Cities are destroyed by fire.
Mercy, pardon for Zion! But thou are deaf to our cries,and the mountain of Zion comes crumbling down with a deafening roar!
The Cross of Christ now surmounts only a heap of ruins.
And it is here that I see the king of Zion abandon hisstaff and his triple crown and, shaking the dust of these ruins from his feet,make haste to flee toward other shores. And that is not all, O Lord; yourChurch is rent asunder by her own children!…”
就是在这里,我看见熙雍的王丢下他的杖和他的三重冠冕,从他脚上抖掉废墟上的尘土,奔向彼岸去了。上主啊,这还不是一切;你的教会被她自己的孩子们拆散了…… 」
(Rev R. Gerald.Culleton The Prophets and Our Times, Tan Books and Publishers 1941, p 125)
“The sons ofZion are divided into two camps--one faithful to the fugitive Pontiff, and theother inclined or disposed to the government of Zion respecting the Sceptre,but breaking in pieces the triple crown.” (Rev R. Gerald. Culleton, TheProphets and Our Times, Tan Books and Publishers, 1941. p 126.)
「熙雍的子民分为两个阵营–一个忠于逃亡的教宗,另一个倾向于或有意于让熙雍尊重权杖(王权),但把三重冠冕打碎。 」
“And I saw outof the Orient a significant young Man; he rode on a Lion and held a flamingSword in his hand. And France sang in front of him. (The Great Monarch) And onhis Path, many people fell before him, because the Spirit of God was with him.
He rode into the ruins of Rome, and laid his Hand inthe Hand of the pope.
And the one places the mutilated tiara upon the ardent head,determined to institute reforms that the opposing faction rejects; andconfusion reigns in the sanctuary...”
他们把残缺的三重冠冕交给了一个决心进行改革的热心者的头上,他被反对派所拒绝;圣所里一片混乱…… 」
(Robert A.Nelson. Prophecy: A History of the Future Internet Version)
“But my spiritwanders and my eyes become obscured at the sight of this terrible cataclysm Butthe Spirit said to me, that the man who hopes in God does penance, because theall powerful and merciful God will draw the world out of confusion and a newworld will commence.
Then the Spirit said to me: 'Here is the beginning ofthe end of Time which begins!' And I awoke terrified…”
然后圣神对我说:“这就是世界末日的开始,它开始了!”我惊恐地醒来…… 」
(Rev R. Gerald.Culleton, The Prophets and Our Times, Tan Books and Publishers, 1941, p126)