Sister Emmerich's visions, as well as her whole mission upon earth, bear a striking analogy to those of St. Hildegarde, as may be seen by a perusal of the magnificent epistle the latter addressed in 1170 to the Provost Werner of Kirchheim. The saint, in obedience to a divine command, had undertaken a journey into Suabia, in order to portray the state of the Church before the clergy of Kirchheim.
艾曼丽修女的神视,以及她在地上的全部使命,与圣希尔德加德的神视有着惊人的相似之处,细读圣希尔德加德在 1170 年写给基希海姆院长维尔纳的宏伟书信就可以看出这一点。 为了在基尔希海姆的神职人员面前描绘圣教会的状况,这位圣人遵从神圣的命令,前往苏亚比亚。
The impression produced by her words was so powerful that, after her return home, the Provost wrote to her begging in his own name and “that of his fellow- laborers,’ that they might meditate constantly upon it, a copy of what under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost she had said on the negligence of priests in offering the Holy Sacrifice.
The following is a copy of the saint's reply ; —
以下是圣人希尔德加德回复的副本; —
“Confined to my bed by sickness, I had in the year of the Lord, 1170, a beautiful vision of a lady more lovely and attractive than human mind can paint. Her form reached from earth to sky, her countenance shone with splendor, her eyes were fixed on heaven. She wore a shining robe of
white silk and a mantle embroidered with precious stones., emeralds, sapphires, pearls, and flowers of gold ; on her feet were shoes of onyx.
「我因病卧床不起,在主历1170 年,我看到了一位美丽的女子,她比人类的思维所能描绘的更可爱、更有吸引力。 她的身形从大地延伸到天空,她的容颜闪耀着灿烂的光芒,她的眼睛凝视着天堂。 她穿着一件闪亮的白色丝绸长袍,披着一件绣有宝石、祖母绿、蓝宝石、珍珠和金质花朵的披风;她脚上穿的是玛瑙鞋。
But her face was soiled with ashes, her robe was torn on the right side, her mantle was stained, her shoes were covered with mud. In a clear, plaintive voice she cried: 'Hear, ye heavens! my face is disfigured ! — Be afflicted, O earth, for my vesture is rent ! — and thou, abyss, tremble, for my shoes are soiled!
但她的脸被灰尘弄脏了,她的长袍右边被撕破了,她的披风被玷污了,她的鞋子上沾满了泥土。 她用清晰、哀伤的声音喊道:“听着,诸天! 我的脸毁容了! ——大地啊,你受苦吧,因为我的外衣破了! ——而你,深渊,颤抖吧,因为我的鞋子弄脏了!
The foxes have holes and the birds nests, but I, I have none to assist or console me, I have no support on which to lean ! — I was hidden in the bosom of the Father until the Son of Man, conceived and born of a virgin, shed His blood in which He espoused me and endowed me with His grace that, in the pure regeneration of spirit and water ; I might bring forth those anew whom the serpent's venom had infected.
狐狸有洞,飞鸟有巢,而我,没有帮助,没有安慰,没有依靠! ——我一直隐藏在父的怀抱中,直到人子由童贞女降孕并降生,抛洒祂的宝血,在祂的宝血中祂迎娶我,并赐予我祂的圣宠,藉着水和圣神使我得以重生; 使我可以让那些被蛇的毒液感染的人重新复活。
But my nurses, the priests, who should have preserved my countenance resplendent as the aurora, my robe brilliant as the lightning- flash, my mantle glittering as precious stones, my shoes white as snow, have sprinkled my face with ashes, have torn my robe, soiled my mantle, and stained my shoes.
They who should have adorned me have allowed me to perish. They sully my countenance when they handle and eat my Bridegroom's Flesh and Blood in spite of the impurity of their life, their fornications, their adulteries, and their rapacity in selling and buying, a thing unlawful for them. Yes, they cover His Flesh and Blood with opprobrium. It is like casting a new-born babe to swine.
As man became flesh and blood at the very instant that God formed him from the slime of the earth and breathed into him the breath of life, so the same power of God, at the words of the priest, changes the offering of bread, wine and water upon the altar into the true Flesh and true Blood of Christ, my Spouse ; which, however, on account of the blindness occasioned by Adam's fall, man cannot see with his corporal eyes.
The wounds of my Spouse remain fresh and open, as long as those of sinful man are not closed. They are outraged by those priests who, instead of preserving me pure and serving me in holiness, seek with insatiable avidity to heap up riches, and benefice on benefice. They tear my vesture by their infidelity to the Law, to the Gospel, to the priesthood.
They stain my mantle by their neglect of the precepts laid down for them, instead of fulfilling them joyfully and perfectly by continence like unto the beauty of the emerald, by alms-giving like unto the sapphire, and by the practice of all other good works which honor God as so many precious stones. They soil my shoes by walking not in the right path.
他们无视为他们制定的戒律,玷污了我的身体,而不是像翡翠的美丽那样,快乐的、完美地节制自已,借着像蓝宝石一样珍贵的布施,借着行各样善事,像许多宝石一样光荣天主,来喜乐而完美地满全这些戒律。 他们因走错了路而歪曲了我的立场。
the rough and difficult path of justice, and by failing to give good example to their inferiors; but in my shoes I perceive the hidden light of truth among a few. The false priests deceive themselves ; they crave the honor attached to their functions whilst dreading the trouble. But it is impossible for them to have one without the other, since to no one who has not labored will wages be given.
When God's grace touches a man, it urges him to labor for the reward. God now punishes man by raining evils upon him. He covers the earth with them as with a mist until its verdure disappears and it is clothed in darkness. But the abyss will tremble when He will come in His wrath, making heaven and earth the instruments of His vengeance and man's destruction.
Arrogant princes and nations will rise up against you, O ye priests who have hitherto neglected me ! They will drive you forth, they will rob you of your wealth, because you have neglected your sacred ministry. They will cry : ' Cast out of the Church these adulterers, these robbers full of iniquity ! — ' In so doing they think they render God a service, saying that you have polluted His Church; therefore the Scriptures say, ‘Why have the nations raged and the people devised vain things?'
素来漠视我的司祭啊!傲慢的首领和列邦必起来攻击你,他们必驱赶你,抢夺你的财富,因为你忽视了你的神圣职责。 他们会喊道:『把这些通奸者,这些充满罪恶的强盗赶出教会! ——』他们认为这样做是在为天主服务,说你污染了祂的圣教会; 所以经上说:『万邦为什么嚣张,众民为什么妄想?』(咏2:1)
By God's permission the nations will rise up against you ; they will have vain thoughts of you ; they will esteem as naught your priestly dignity and consecration, The princes of the earth will unite to cast you down. Your rulers will drive you from their territories, since your crimes have driven the innocent Lamb far from you.
And I heard a voice from heaven saying: ‘This vision represents the Church — wherefore, O daughter of man, who dost see these things and hear these lamentations, announce it to the priests who have been instituted and ordained to guide and instruct the people, for to them in the person of the Apostles it has been said ; ' Go into the whole world and preach the Gospel to every creature.'
我听到来自天上的声音说:「这个异象代表了圣教会——因此,人类的女儿啊,你看见了这些事情,听到了这些哀歌,请将它宣布给那些被设立和任命来引导和指导人民的司铎 ,因为宗徒们对他们说了: 『你们往普天下去,向一切受造物宣传福音, 』(谷16:15)
When God created man, He delineated in him every creature, as are written upon a scrap of parchment the seasons and numbers of a whole year ; therefore it was that God named man ‘every creature. ‘ And I, poor woman, saw again a drawn sword floating in the air, one edge toward heaven, the other toward the earth.
当天主造人时,祂在人身上描绘了每一个受造物,就像写在一张羊皮纸上的一年的季节和数字一样; 因此,天主将人命名为“一切受造之物”。 而我,可怜的女人,又看见一把拔出的剑飘浮在空中,一刃朝向天,另一刃朝向地。
And it was raised above a spiritual race that the prophet foresaw when he exclaimed in astonishment : ' Who are these, that fly as clouds, and as doves to their windows?’ (Isaias lx. 8) ; for they who are raised above the earth, separated from ordinary men, they who should live holily, showing forth in their actions the simplicity of doves, are evil in their works and manners.
当先知惊讶地喊道:「那些像云彩飞来,像鸽子回笼的是谁?」(依撒意亚60:8); 因为那些被提升到大地之上,与普通人分离的人,他们应该过圣洁的生活,在他们的行为中表现出鸽子的单纯,然而他们现在的行为和举止却是邪恶的。
And I saw the sword strike the priestly race in many places as Jerusalem was destroyed after the Saviour's Passion ; and I saw, also, that in the time of tribulation God will spare many pure and upright priests who fear Him, as He said to Elias that he had left in Israel a thousand men who had not bent the knee to Baal. May the inextinguishable fire of the Holy Spirit be enkindled in you to convert you to better things !" Such are Hildegarde's words.
在救主受难之后,当耶路撒冷被摧毁时,我看见刀剑在许多地方击打了司祭们;我还看到,在苦难期,天主会饶恕许多敬畏祂的又纯洁又正直的司祭,正如祂对厄里亚说的,祂在以色列留下了一千个末曾向巴耳屈膝的人。(列王纪上19:18) 愿圣神的不灭之火在你心中点燃,使你转向更美好的事物! 」这就是希尔德加德的话。