真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第23章 圣周的最后几天——复活节
027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第23章 圣周的最后几天——复活节
浏览次数:1664 更新时间:2024-5-12


Last Days of   Holy Week; —   Feast of Easter.



Sister   Emmerich prepared to make her Paschal Communion on Holy Thursday, an ardent   desire for the Holy Eucharist being enkindled in her breast as was ordinarily   the case some days previously. Since the reception of the stigmata, she was   incapable of taking any nourishment; but, in preparing for Holy Communion,   she experienced a real bodily hunger for the Bread of Life. Wholly absorbed   in Its contemplation, she cried out repeatedly: "I am hungry! I am   hungry!” And her sister, taking her words literally, gave her two spoonfuls   of broth which her stomach instantly rejected. She was so ill after it that   the doctor sent for the Abbe Lambert to relieve her by his blessing. All knew   well that this result was produced whenever she was forced to eat; but   neither the doctor, her confessor, nor her sister desisted from their   attempts at making her take nourishment.



Dr.   Krauthausen reports, April 11th: —

"Twice I   persuaded her to take a spoonful of soup, but she vomited instantly both   times, as she had done the day before when by my order a few drops of wine   had been given her."

克劳特豪森医生于 4 月 11 日报道:「我两次劝她喝一勺汤,但她两次都立即呕吐了,就像前一天按照我的命令给了她几滴酒一样。」

April 14th,   eve of Holy Thursday, another trial was made with fish soup. “But,” says Dr.   Krauthausen, "she could not retain it, vomiting immediately   ensued." After she had received Holy Communion, her strength returned   for a while and all were struck at the change in her appearance. When the   Dean visited her at noon, she was again very weak, as the cross on her breast   had been bleeding since the preceding evening; but she was able to make him   understand that the consolation she had derived from Holy Communion rendered   her sufferings more endurable. She had, during the night, prayed for Clara   Soentgen who was very ill.

4 月 14 日,逾越瞻礼五(圣周四)的前夕,又一次尝试鱼汤。「但是,」克劳特豪森医生说,「她无法忍受,紧接着就呕吐了。」领完圣体后,她的力量又恢复了一阵子,所有人都被她容貌的变化触动了。中午总铎来探望她时,她又很虚弱了,因为她胸前的十字架圣伤从前一天晚上就开始流血了。但艾曼丽能让总铎明白,她从圣体中得到的安慰,让她的痛苦更容易忍受。晚上,她还为病重的克拉拉.索恩根祈祷。

Although her   sufferings by virtue of the Holy Eucharist had become less insupportable,   they were by no means diminished ; on the contrary, they steadily increased   until evening, when their intensity was such as to force from her the avowal   that, if it were not otherwise ordained, she should now die of pain.


"On Holy   Thursday night, about eleven o'clock," reports Dean Rensing, “all her   wounds began to bleed and they were still bleeding when I saw her at eight   o'clock next morning. That of her side especially had bled so copiously that   I shuddered when I beheld the cloths dyed in blood. I asked her how she had   passed the night, to which she answered: 'It did not seem long to me, for I   thought at every hour of what Our Saviour had suffered on this night. That   gave me consolation, O what sweet consolation! I had also a short swoon in   which I thought that I ought to pray for the marks to be taken from me, but   their pains left."

「在逾越瞻礼五(圣周四)晚上,大约   11 点钟左右,」伦辛总铎报告说,她所有的伤口都开始流血,当我第二天早上 8 点看到她时,伤口还在流血。尤其是她肋旁的血流得如此之多,以至于当我看到染血的衣服时,我不寒而栗。我问她这一夜是怎么度过的,她回答说:「我觉得时间并不长,因为我每时每刻都在想我们的救主这一夜所遭受的苦难。这给了我安慰,多么甜蜜的安慰啊!我也有过短暂的昏迷,我认为我应该祈求从我身上去除这些伤痕,只留下伤痛。」

This   meditation on the Passion was for Sister Emmerich a real participation in the   Saviour's sufferings; therefore, during the days sacred to their   commemoration, she endured without intermission the most cruel torments.   Every nerve of her body even to her finger ends, was racked with pain, and a   burning fever consumed her till midnight between Holy Saturday and   Easter-Sunday, April 18th, when relief came about three o'clock in the morning.   Her wounds did not bleed on Holy Saturday though the Dean found her very   weak. His pious words strengthened her a little, and she was able to answer   the questions he asked her. To his question for whom had she prayed   particularly during the last days, she answered: —

对艾曼丽修女而言,默想耶稣受难是真正参与救主的苦难;因此,在纪念主的苦难的神圣日子里,她不间断地忍受着最残酷的折磨。她身体的每一根神经,甚至到她的手指末端,都被疼痛折磨着,她开始发烧直到 4 月 18 日望复活瞻礼七(圣周六)和复活瞻礼主日交接的午夜,到凌晨 3 点左右才开始缓解。尽管伦辛总铎发现她很虚弱,但她的伤口在望复活瞻礼七(圣周六)没有流血。总铎虔诚的话语给了她一点力量,她能够回答总铎问她的问题。总铎的问题是艾曼丽在过去的几天特别为谁祈祷,她回答:

 “For those   who recommend themselves to my prayers and, above all, for sinners who know   not their own misery. For myself, I pray: Lord, Thy will be done! Do with me   as is pleasing to Thee! Give me Thy grace to suffer everything and never to   sin. Once I could go to church in Holy Week and on the Easter feasts. O what   happiness to see there all that recalled the death and resurrection of Our   Saviour! Now I must lie here, but it is the will of God. It is well, I   rejoice that it is so! "


On Easter-   Monday the Dean found her brighter than usual, and Dr. Krauthausen remarks on   the same day: — “On the 19th, she was better and more cheerful all day than   for the last month. Still, she took no nourishment with the exception of two   mouthfuls of water and the juice of half a roasted apple. “

When the Dean   inquired into the cause of her gayety, she replied:



"It is   from my meditation on the Resurrection. I feel now neither hunger nor thirst,   but I know not what God has in store for me. It has seemed to me for several   days that some gentlemen are consulting about me at the Vicar - General's.   There is one in particular who spoke of me, and I think he is coming to see   my marks."


After   communicating on Holy Thursday, she said: "After Easter I shall have   fresh trouble, they will surely try new experiments on me," These words   show that she saw as clearly this time as on March 27th and April 15th, when   she remarked to the Dean: — "My heart is very heavy, for I still have   much to suffer from these gentlemen on account of my wounds."

在逾越瞻礼五(圣周四)领圣体后,艾曼丽说:「复活节后我会有新的麻烦,他们肯定会在我身上尝试新的实验,」这些话表明她这次看到的和在3 月 27 日和 4 月 15 日看到的一样清楚,她对伦辛总铎说:「我的心很沉重,因为我的这些伤口,让这些先生们好奇,他们还会给我带来很多的痛苦。 

April 13th,   the Vicar-General wrote to Dean Rensing to engage a respectable and   intelligent nurse to attend Sister Emmerich day and night for two weeks,   observe all that happened and report the same conscientiously.

4 月 13 日,副主教写信给伦辛总铎,要他去请一位受人尊敬且聪慧的护士,在两周内日夜看护艾曼丽修女,观察发生的一切,并认真汇报。

“When you find   one whom you think suitable,” added the Vicar-General, “ask Sister Emmerich   before proceeding further, if she is satisfied with her. Assure her also that   when I order anything disagreeable, it is through a motive of duty and only   because I believe it absolutely necessary, and a means of shielding her from   greater annoyances. I have to do violence to my own feelings in acting   thus."


 April   20, Easter-Tuesday, the Vicar-General came again to Dulmen with Dean   Overberg. We give an account of this third visit as we find it in the   Vicar-General's own notes: —

Third Visit of   the Vicar-General and Dean Overberg. (From the Official Report of the   Vicar-General von Droste.) " April 20, 1813, Dean Overberg and I set out   again for Dulmen and arrived about two P. M.

4 月 20 日,复活瞻礼后的瞻礼三(周二),副主教与奥弗伯格总铎再次来到杜尔门。我们在副主教自己的笔记中找到了第三次访问的记录:

副主教和奥弗伯格总铎的第三次访问。(摘自冯.德罗斯特副主教的官方报告)「1813 年 4 月 20 日,我和奥弗伯格总铎再次出发前往杜尔门,大约下午两点到达。

"We had   not yet finished dining, when a physician of Stadtlohn, whose name I do not   know, came to beg me to allow him to examine Sister Emmerich's case. I think   the Dean had refused him some time before; but as I judge it proper that   physicians should examine the phenomena exhibited in her person and as I   intended to have all her wounds exposed to me, I promised to take him with   me. We were about starting, when a very skilful surgeon of Gescher, whose name   also I have forgotten, was announced He, too, wanted to see for himself.


I thought one   more or less mattered little since the examination had to be made, so I   consented to his being present. The Dean and Dr. Krauthausen had, likewise,   come and I begged the latter to inform the invalid of our visit, as I knew   well the presence of strangers would be very disagreeable to her. He went on   before to prepare her whilst Dean Overberg, the two physicians and I followed   soon after and reached the house about four o'clock. Sister Emmerich was   lying in bed as usual.


“The examination began. No blood   appeared on the head but only punctures, and her wounds, both the backs and   palms of the hands, the insteps and soles of the feet, were as usual, though   I think the blood-crust of the right hand had been broken by the bleeding. As   I frequently visited the patient during my stay at Dulmen, I cannot say   whether I noticed this on my first or on a subsequent visit. I examined the blood-crust   of the left hand with a magnifying glass and found it very thin and a little   rugose, or plaited like the epidermis when seen under a lens. On one of my   visits I examined, if I am not mistaken, the wound in the palm of the left   hand through the lens, and under the dried blood I discovered a round hole.   (See plate, fig. 1.)

检验伤口开始了。头上没有血,只有刺孔,她的手背和手掌,脚背和脚底的伤口都和往常一样,虽然我认为右手的血痂因流血导致破裂。由于我在杜尔门逗留期间经常看望病人,我无法确定是我在第一次还是在随后的访问中注意到这一点。我用放大镜检查了左手的血痂,发现它很薄,有点皱褶,、或者在镜片下看到的表皮一样。如果我没有记错的话,在一次探访中,我通过镜片检查了左手手掌上的伤口,在干涸的血迹下我发现了一个圆孔。   (参见图板,图 1。)


"The   cross on the breast did not bleed this time, but appeared of a pale red color   caused by the blood under the epidermis. I examined also the lines forming a   cross, as well as the skin around them, and I could distinctly see that they   did not break the skin. The epidermis over the lines and the skin surrounding   them to some distance was unbroken and, through the glass, appeared as if   peeling off a little.


"I   examined also with the lens the grayish speck below the cross, but I could   not distinguish it sufficiently well to describe it. Higher up it paled away   and disappeared entirely at the centre; the lower part was longer and a.   little broader. It was something like this. {See plate, fig. 2).

「我还用放大镜观察了十字架下方的灰色斑点,但我无法很好地辨识它,所以无法描述。在十字架上方,灰色班点变淡了,完全消失在中心;下面的部分更长一些,更宽一些。大概是这样的。(见图板,图 2)。

 "The   wound on the right side was not bleeding, but the upper part of it was   encrusted with dried blood of a darker hue, as might be produced by   extravasated blood just below the epidermis. It was a little like this. (See   plate, Jig. 3.)

「右侧肋旁的伤口没有流血,但上半部分结满了颜色较深的干血,可能是表皮下渗出的血。有点像这样。(见图板,图 3。)

"I used   the lens over the parts where there was no blood, but the skin showed no signs   of scratches whatever; it may, however, have been of a slightly deeper hue. I   cannot remember that distinctly.


 “Sister Emmerich consenting (1),   Dr. Krauthausen laid on the wound of the left hand a salve of althea and   other ingredients spread on lint, and over this he placed sticking plaster.   This was, perhaps, about six P. M. If I do not mistake, she complained that   evening when I again visited her that this wound caused her more suffering   than the others.

「经艾曼丽修女同意 (1),克劳特豪森医生在她左手的伤口上涂了一层由木槿花和其他成分混合的药膏,然后在上面贴上了医用胶布,这大概是下午六点左右。如果我没记错的话,那天晚上我再次去看望她时,她抱怨说这个伤口比其它伤口给她带来的痛苦更大。

 "April 21, Dr. Krauthausen   called for me and we went together to see Sister Emmerich. He removed the   plaster from the wound, as she complained of intense pain in it which had   caused her to pass a sleepless night. The crust that had formed came off with   the plaster. I think, however, that a little dried blood remained around it.   The wound was clean and bore no trace of suppuration, though a little blood   was to be seen and what appeared to be a watery fluid. We prevailed upon her   to endure the plaster a little longer upon the same wound, promising to take   it off in the evening if she suffered as before.

「(第二天)4 月 21 日,克劳特豪森医生找我,我们一起去看艾曼丽修女。他从伤口上取下了医用胶布,因为艾曼丽抱怨伤口剧烈疼痛,让她整晚都没睡好。形成的痂皮和胶布一起脱落了。然而,我认为周围还有一点干血。伤口很干净,没有化脓的痕迹,虽然可以看到一点血,似乎是一种水状液体。我们说服了她在同一个伤口上多敷一段时间药膏,并答应如果她像以前一样痛苦,晚上就把它取下来。

"I requested Dr. Krauthausen to   turn the invalid more to the left that I might see the wound of the right   side in a better light than on the preceding day. I examined it again with   the glass, but I observed nothing now excepting that the place where a darker   shade seemed to betoken extravasated blood, was less red. At the right of the   upper wound, I noticed a few scratches some distance apart, which looked, I   shall not say like the scratches of a needle, but rather like the spontaneous   cracking of the skin itself.


(1) Dean Overfoerg says: " After the physicians had   examined the wounds, they asked the Invalid If she were willing for them to   try to cure one of them. She said she was, whereupon a piece of   sticking-plaster was applied to the left hand."

 (1) 奥弗伯格总铎说:「医生检查完伤口后,问病人是否愿意让他们尝试治愈其中一个。她说愿意,于是在左手伤口上贴了一块膏药。」

“The crosses on the breast were red   with blood. I washed the upper part and examined it again. Had the skin been   broken I should certainly have remarked it. I think there was near the cross   a short streak which seemed to be a depression filled with blood. (See plate,   fig. 4.) Above the left arm of the upper cross and a little to the right, I   noticed some scratches like those which I had observed above the wound of the   side (1). I asked if the pin in her kerchief had made them, as it might   easily have done; but the invalid answered that she always put the pin in so   that the point turned out, and she showed me, at the same time, how she did   it.

「胸前的十字架(印記)被鲜血染红。我清洗了上部并再次检查。如果皮肤破了,我当然应该检查得出来。我认为在十字架附近有一条短线,似乎是一个充满血的凹陷。(参见图板,图 4)在十字架的左臂上方稍微偏右的地方,我注意到一些划痕,就像我在肋旁 (1) 的伤口上方观察到的那样。我问她是不是头巾上的别针造成的这些划痕,因为这很容易造成;但病人回答说,她总是把针别进去,这样针头朝外(不会碰到身体),同时她向我展示了她是如何做的。

 (1)   " I must hear remark that these things are often as fresh in my memory   as If I were really beholding them: then I say, ‘It was so and so.’   Again, I have but a faint remembrance of them, I cannot speak of them   positively, and I express myself as above."- Clem. Droste.

(1) 「我必须说,这些事情常在我的记忆中,就像我真的看到它们一样:于是我说,'事情是这样,这样的'然而,我对事情只有些微的记忆,不能肯定地说出来我的意思是这样的。」–克莱门.德罗斯特。  

”Another   plaster is now on the same wound. I visited the invalid several times today   and found her in exactly the same state. I find upon examination of one or   more of the wounds in the hands and feet that they are, particularly on the   upper part, surrounded by a slightly inflamed appearance. Dr. Krauthausen   says it is always so.


"Toward   noon, I took Mr. Schwelling, of Minister, at his earnest request, to see   Sister Emmerich. She consented to receive him on my telling her that he was a   very honorable man who asked not to see the wound of her side, the crosses on   her breast, nor even, I thought, the wounds of her feet.


“Dr.   Krauthausen and I returned about six P. M. I think the invalid slept a little   that afternoon. The plaster was removed and found to be saturated with blood.   The wound evidently had bled again, for even supposing the crust and dried   blood had not all come off with the plaster of the morning, so small a   quantity could not possibly have produced such an effect on the second one. I   think the wound on the back of the right hand also had bled. As she   complained of the pain, we did not replace the plaster, for it would be unjust   to torture the innocent.


“Had I   commanded it, she would, without doubt, have submitted; but she feared   yielding to impatience, and I did not feel that I had any right to impose   such a command. She complained of pain in her head and felt sure that it was   going to bleed.


"About   eight o'clock A. M. on the 22d, Dr. Krauthausen called at my request. He had   just been to see Sister Emmerich who told him she was under the impression   that her head had been bleeding, or that it would soon do so. The doctor   removed the linen, but saw no signs of blood.

We went   together to see her. I think she had slept a little the night before. We   found that her forehead had, indeed, been bleeding, the blood having run down   as far as her nose where it now lay clotted and dry. Her cap and the linen   binders being removed, we found large stains in the back of the former and another large one on the right side   near the temple.

「22 日上午 8 点左右,克劳特豪森医生应我的要求来访。他刚刚去看了艾曼丽修女,艾曼丽告诉他说,她感觉她头上的印记在流血,或者很快就会流血。医生把包头的亚麻布拆了,但没有看到血迹。于是我们一起去看她。我想她前一天晚上睡了一会儿。我们发现她的额头确实在流血,血流到了她的鼻子上,现在已经凝固了,已经干了。艾曼丽的裹头亚麻布和夹子被取下,我们在裹头的亚麻布的后面发现了大块血渍,在靠近太阳穴的右侧还有另一处也发现了大块的血渍。

“Her hair being very thick, it was   impossible to examine the punctures around the head. She consented to have it   cut close, though not so close, however, as to allow the blood instantaneously   to soak her head-dress and the pillow. She   requested this for the sake   of neatness.


“The blood being washed away, a number   of fine bloody marks could be seen with the naked eye scattered irregularly   over the forehead and extending from the middle of it almost to the top of   the head. (See plate, fig. 5)


「血迹被洗掉后,肉眼可以看到许多细小的血痕,散布在额头上,从额头正中一直延伸到头顶。(见图板,图 5)

“I examined   them with the lens and I could see, especially in one of them, some liquid   blood. These marks have not the appearance of having been made by a sharp   point; they look like little holes. I think I saw distinctly that the one in   which there was blood, was indeed a hole.


"Before leaving her, she told me   that some one had come from Munster to see her, saying that the Dean had   given permission for it. She seemed satisfied when I told her that it was so,   and thanked me gratefully for lessening the number of visitors, begging me to   remain firm on this point. I reminded her of the prohibition I had given   against showing the wounds of her side, breast, and feet; but when I wished   to prepare her to allow Drs. Stadtlohn and Gescher to examine them at the end   of fourteen days, as they proposed, she answered decidedly : “ No ! they   shall not see them again !'


"I was   obliged to examine the wounds and other phenomena as closely as I did, since   Dr. Krauthausen could see nothing through the glass.

“On taking   leave of her, I said pleasantly: ‘Be sure to let me know when you are going   to die’ — to which she replied: ‘I will !' "

Thus ends the   Vicar- General's report.




The poor invalid had no heart for   jesting. The preceding days had well-nigh exhausted her; but her patience and   fortitude were proof against every trial, so that Clement von Droste, seeing   her peace and calm, seemed to forget for the moment her cruel state.


After this third visit, the   Vicar-General addressed the following official communication to the   Commissary -General of French Police: —


"Sister Emmerich desires only to   be forgotten by the world that she may be free for spiritual things which   alone interest her. She asks nothing, she accepts nothing, she desires not to   be spoken of, and I trust the public will soon forget her. I cannot discover   the slightest shadow of imposture in her case, yet I shall continue to   observe her closely."




上一篇:026.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第22章 探问,一位基督新教医生的证词
下一篇:028.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第24章 伦辛院长和克劳特豪森医生变得不耐烦了


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