真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
041.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第37章 副主教采取的措施
041.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第37章 副主教采取的措施
浏览次数:1670 更新时间:2024-4-14


Measures Taken by the Vicar-General



We shall here interrupt our narrative to say a few words of the ghostly Superiors to whose authority Sister Emmerich so often appealed.


The Vicar General von Droste wrote to Dean Rensing, August 3d — " I hear they are about to institute a new investigation with regard to Sister Emmerich. Inform her of it without delay. Tell her also that they have not consulted me and that I have not authorized any ecclesiastic to take part in it."

8 月 3 日,副主教冯.德罗斯特写信给伦辛总铎——「我听说他们即将对艾曼丽修女进行新的调查。请立即通知艾曼丽修女这件事,还要告诉她,他们没有征求过我的意见,我也没有授权任何神职人员参与此事。」 

The Vicar Roseri received, at the same time, a severe reproof for going to Dulmen without orders. "No ecclesiastic ought to accept an order of the kind from secular authority,' wrote the Vicar-General. " He dishonors and forswears his august calling when he allows himself to be employed in police affairs." — Mr. Roseri and Mr. Niesert were, consequently, obliged to quit Dulmen, and the same order was given to Prof. Roling. The latter delayed until the Chief-President and Landrath Bcenninghausen should use their influence for him to remain ; but Clement von Droste was not a man to act in contradiction to himself. A second order was despatched to Dean Rensing :

与此同时,罗塞里神父因为没有接到命令就前往杜尔门而受到严厉的责备。「任何神职人员都不应该接受世俗权力机构的此类命令。如果他允许自己受雇于警察事务,他就玷污和背弃了他庄严的圣召」—— 因此,罗塞里先生和尼塞特先生不得不离开杜尔门,罗林教授也接到了同样的命令。于是罗林教授推迟参与,直到首席执行官和兰德拉斯.伯森宁豪森用他们的影响力让他留下来;但克莱门特.冯.德罗斯特副主教不是一个行事自相矛盾的人。他给伦辛总铎下达了第二个命令:

“The Chief-President von Vinke,'' he wrote, " asks that I should allow some ecclesiastics to take part in this investigation, but I cannot consent,…… I will permit no priest, Prof. Roling no more than any other, to take part in it, especially as Baron von Vinke does not speak of a mixed commission. Once for all, then, until further orders, observe the instructions I have given you. I trust Prof. Roling will be not less obedient than Mr. Roseri and Mr. Niesert."


In answer to Sister Emmerich's appeal for assistance and counsel, the Vicar-General wrote to Dean Rensing. “I hasten to reply that I can give no particular advice for the future, as I know nothing respecting the projected investigation. As for the rest, it seems to me that what Sister Emmerich has done up to the present and what she intends doing is very proper. Her saying that I ought not to abandon her entirely, shows that she has taken a wrong view of the case."




When, later on, Sister Emmerich forwarded to the Vicar- General through Dean Rensing a copy of the protest presented by her to the commission, he sent the following note from Darfeld : “I have received your communications of August 5th and 7th, with Sister Emmerich's protest. I shall reply as briefly as possible. This investigation is purely secular, ordered and directed exclusively by the civil authorities. If ecclesiastics were to take part in it, contrary to established rules, that fact would not alter its nature ; it would still remain secular. It is most important that it should in no way, not even in appearance, assume the character of a mixed investigation.



「已收到了你在 8 月 5 日和 7 日的来函,其中包括艾曼丽修女的抗议书。我将尽可能简短地回答。这项调查纯粹是世俗的,完全由民政当局下令和指挥。如果神职人员违反既定规则参与其中,也不会改变调查的性质,这调查仍然是世俗的。最重要的是,不论以任何方式进行,这世俗调查甚至在表面上,都不具有综合调查的性。 

Therefore, 1st — No ecclesiastic (yourself included) must take the least share in it, either for or against ; we must absolutely ignore it. If Sister Emmerich asks advice of you, Canon Hackram, or any other priest, it is only right that it should not be refused her; but neither you nor any other priest must accede to demands from a commission whose very existence should be ignored. Act so that all other ecclesiastics may clearly understand this.


“No. 2 — I know not by what right some of Sister Emmerich's friends have laid a protest against the investigation before the chief tribunals of the country. If such a course is resorted to, it is Sister Emmerich herself who should do it, or at least, her friends should have from her a formal request in writing authorizing them to make such a protest."


" No. 3 — It would not be proper for any priest to remain alone with her under the present circumstances, either for counsel or spiritual assistance." This was the only decision to which the Vicar-General could possibly come, since about a year previously the Chief-President had, on some futile plea, positively rejected the proposed idea of a mixed investigation. “I have," he wrote, " proposed to Baron von Vinke, in accordance with his desire, a commission of investigation, partly secular, partly ecclesiastic, which, however, was not accepted. He assured me that four-persons could not be found (I had expressed a wish that there should be some Protestants among them) who, alternately with four others named by me, would guard Sister Emmerich for eight days at least."


The Chief-President, however, pushed the matter on, designedly eluding the intervention of ecclesiastical authority- He named a commission, the choice of whose members made it plainly visible to the Vicar-General what were its tendencies ; therefore the latter deemed it obligatory upon himself to protect the Church's dignity by forbidding clerics to take part in it. He knew also that he could not hazard any step in favor of persecuted innocence under the then existing government without exposing it to worse treatment ; he looked upon the projected investigation as unworthy of notice, feeling confident (as the invalid had been shown in vision) that, " what was of God would be upheld by God.“


Some time before, when Prof. Bodde had published his attacks upon the invalid and, through her, upon ecclesiastical authority, the Vicar- General, to prevent the intervention of the civil authorities, had again seriously thought of removing her from her surroundings and placing her in some peaceful retreat entirely secluded from the world. He was, however, forced to admit that Almighty God, in signing her with the stigmata, had willed to leave her in a position apparently little suited to such a distinction, although he could not be persuaded that the Abbe Lambert and Father Limberg were wholly free from blame in the unsuccessful project of removing her to Darfeld (1).


 (1) As the venerable old Abbe suffered much In this affair, we think it proper to give here the following letters of Dean Overberg to Dr. Wesener. They testify to the charity and solicitude with which the Dean, the most venerated priest in the country of Minister Interested himself in Sister Emmerich and her little circle.

(1) 由于这位可敬的的兰伯特老神父在这件事中受了不少苦,我们认为应该在这里提供以下奥弗伯格总铎写给韦塞纳医生的信件。这些信件证明了奥弗伯格总铎,这个在明斯特国家最受尊敬的神父,对艾曼丽修女和她的小圈子是多么的仁慈和关心 


I.               " Sept. 6, 1818.

" Have the kindness to inform me at your earliest convenience : 1— How much the Abbe Lambert still owes the druggist ; 2— Whether our dear Sister or the Abbe has as yet paid anything, and how much : 3— Whether our Sister herself still owes anything to the druggist, and how much. I shall try to help them discharge their debt, at least in part. Salute our dear Sister cordially for me, and assure her that I shall write soon, D. V., though I would rather go to see her, if it pleases God to grant me the use of my limbs. I should be much pleased, If you would kindly lend me again for some months your journal of the invalid. I do not write to the Abbe concerning the apothecary, but of the other affair. The position for writing suits not my limbs, it is very fatiguing ; therefore, I must be brief. May God be with us!"


一、 1818 年 9 月 6 日。







II.  " Sept. 13, 1818.

" I have the honor to send you not only the 8 Thlr. 23 Gr. of the apothecary's bill, but also what is due for the Abbe’s medicines, 25 Thlr. We can also count among the medicines, the wine still necessary or, at least, very desirable during convalescence. Let our Sister employ what remains after paying the apothecary In procuring wine or anything else of which she may have need, or wine for the Abbe until he is able to return to his beer. No sick or poor person has suffered by my sending her this sum, but let her remember the donor in her prayers. It is not I. I shall name him to her some time— and yet, there is no reason why you and she should not know him. It is the Prince-Bishop of Hildesbeim to whom I wrote about the bill. I leave it to your and our Sisters discretion to let the Abbe know that there is something in reserve to procure him wine. If it please God to cure my limbs so that I ran undertake a journey to Diilmen, I shall have the pleasure of seeing all my beloved friends. May God be with us !

" P. S. None of the money is to be returned, even though it should not be expended In wine for the Abbe."


二、1818 年 9 月 13 日。

「我很荣幸地给您寄去了药剂师费用共8泰勒 23先令,还有神父的药费25泰勒。我们也可以把酒算作药物之中,至少酒在病人的恢复期间是非常需要用的。让我们的艾曼丽修女在支付了药剂师费用之后,使用剩下的钱来采购葡萄酒或她可能需要的东西,或者为神父购买葡萄酒,直到神父能够再恢复饮用啤酒。我把这笔钱寄给艾曼丽修女,没有一个病人或穷人会因为我寄给她这笔钱而受苦,但请修女在祈祷中记住捐款人,那人不是我。我会告诉修女那人的名字——然而,你和修女没有理由不认识他。捐款人是希尔德斯贝姆的主教,我为账单的事给他写信。请您和我们的修女斟酌决定,让神父知道有预留的钱,可以给他购买葡萄酒。如果天主愿意治愈我的腿,让我踏上前往杜尔门的旅程,我将有幸见到我所有亲爱的朋友。愿天主与我们同在!」



Some years later, owing to the idle talk of one of her former Sisters in religion, it was rumored in Miinster that the invalid was going to retire to a place near Diilmen called “The Hermitage." The Vicar-General immediately dispatched an order to Dean Rensing, couched in the following severe terms : “Having learned that Sister Emmerich proposes to go to the Hermitage with the Abbe Lambert, or Father Limberg, or with both, I charge you, Rev. Sir, to inform Sister Emmerich immediately, as well as the two aforesaid ecclesiastics, that, although I cannot forbid her residing at the place named, yet I formally forbid her to allow either one or other of these two priests to accompany her. I also prohibit the latter, under pain of reserved punishment, to lodge at this Hermitage, or even to pass a single night therein, in case Sister Emmerich makes it her abode.”


Reports like the above succeeded one another, accusations and threats against the invalid and her friends were addressed to the Vicar-General which aroused in him the fear that it would turn to the prejudice of religion. He resolved therefore, upon an expedient which would insure her removal from Diilmen by placing it out of her own power or that of her friends to object ; an expedient, however, to which spiritual authority ought not to resort. Oct 21, 1817, he wrote to Dean Rensing : —

诸如此类的闲话,一个接一个地传来,对病人和她的朋友们的指控和威胁都传到副主教那里去了,这使他担心,恐怕闲话会转变成宗教偏见。因此,他决定采取一种权宜之计,使艾曼丽修女能离开杜尔门,让她或她的朋友都没有能力反对。然而,这种权宜之计是神长本不应该采取的。1817 年 10 月 21 日,副主教写信给伦辛总铎:

"I thank you very much for your letter concerning Sister Emmerich. I should have replied the same morning had I not committed to writing and sealed what I propose in her regard, and I look forward to breaking the seal only in your presence. Say to her in my name that as her Superior! I command her to beg God to vouchsafe to her the knowledge in detail of the plan I have formed for her. Tell her also that she can never fail when in obedience. As soon as an opportunity offers, I shall take the liberty to send you a copy of my brother's book on the 'Church and State.’ May God command the wind and waves!"

「我非常感谢你关于艾曼丽修女的来信。如果我没有答应把对她的建议写下并封上信封寄去,我当天早上就会给她回信的,我盼着能当着你的面拆开这封信。请以我的名义告诉艾曼丽修女,作为她的上级,我命令她祈求天主赐予她知道我为她制定的计划的细节。也告诉她,只要她服从,她永远不会做不到。一旦有机会 ,我就会冒昧送你一本我兄弟写的关于《教会与国家》的书。愿天主平息风浪!」

It was, then, upon the hope that his thought would be divined that the Vicar-General rested the execution of his project. He forgot that he was treading on the forbidden ground of divination when he gave such a command. He lost eight of the strict rules of Faith and the very principles that constitute authority in the ascetic life, which alone ought to dictate the measures and trace the limits of an ecclesiastical investigation. His purity of intention, however, was pleasing to God, who granted him the desired satisfaction of seeing the invalid separated for some time from her habitual surroundings. One feature in his project was directly opposed to the will of God. and that was his resolve to sequester her for the rest of her life in an asylum absolutely cut off from the world, for she still had a task to fulfil, that of relating the Life of Jesus. Scarcely had Dean Rensing informed her of the above-mentioned command, than she was enlightened by her angel on the Vicar- General's secret project. Next day, Dr. Wesener made the following report: —


"Oct. 25 — I found her deathly weak. She had had a miserable night and had seen herself near death. She could not exactly designate the day, but she thought it not far distant.

“Oct. 26 — Extreme debility. We resolved to sit up with her last night which she spent miserably. She had three spasmodic attacks in which the muscles of the abdomen were drawn back to toward the spine. She announced each attack, saying she should have to bear this suffering , but that God would give her patience."

10 月 25 日——我发现病人虚弱得要死。她度过了一个悲惨的夜晚,眼看着自己濒临死亡。她无法准确说出一天,但她认为那一天不远了。


Her sufferings increased until the first week in November, the doctor and confessor looking upon death as certain. On Nov. 6th, the doctor recorded in his journal : " I found her to-day weak indeed, but cheerful. 'During my last sufferings,’ she said, 'I had constant visions. I had to climb a rough mountain with my guide. Right and left on the road, I saw paths leading to precipices and I beheld the distress of the wanderers for whom I had to pray. Half-way up the mountain, I came across a city with a magnificent church ; but before I could enter, some holy little nuns of my own Order received me, and clothed me in a shining white habit. I told them I was afraid of not being able to keep it unstained. They answered : ‘Do what thou canst. Stains will, indeed, appear, but thou wilt cleanse them with thy tears.’ .... I had also a conversation with my guide about the secret the Vicar-General had imposed upon me through Dean Reusing, and he told me that I must observe the strictest silence on the subject. I was to tell no one whatever. 'If they push the affair further,' he added, ‘God will put an end to it.' "

她的痛苦一直持续到 11 月的第一周,医生和神师认为死亡是确定无疑的。11 月 6 日,医生在日记中写道:「我发现她今天确实很虚弱,但她很高兴。『在我最后的痛苦中,』艾曼丽说,『我不断地看到异象。我和我的护守天神一起爬上一座崎岖的山。在路上,我看到左右两边都有通往悬崖峭壁的小路,我看到徘徊在路上的人们的痛苦,我不得不为他们祈祷。在半山腰上,我发现了一座城市,那里有一座宏伟教堂;但还没等我进去,同修会的几位圣洁的修女就接待了我,并为我穿上了洁白闪亮的修女服。我告诉她们,我害怕我不能保持白衣不被玷污。她们回答说:『尽你所能吧。污渍确实会出现,但你要用你的眼泪来洗净它们』……我还和护守天神谈起了副主教通过伦辛总铎强加给我的秘密计划,他告诉我,在这个问题上我必须保持最严格的沉默。我还被告知不得告诉任何人。『如果他们进一步推动这件事,』护守天神补充说,『天主就会终止这事。』

This absolute silence of the invalid threw the Vicar-General into a state of incertitude. He wrote to Dean Rensing, April 5, 1818:— “have not yet come to any decision, although I have done what I could to fathom the case. Herr von Vinke is responsible for the non-execution of a mixed investigation, under the empty pretext that he could not find four individuals to engage in it. I think God will take the affair into His own hands ! " . . . And, as if to attest his belief in the invalid's extraordinary vocation and perfect sincerity, he added:—" This letter will be handed you by Prince von Salra Reifferscheid, accompanied, perhaps, by his son and Rev. Herr von Willi. They wish to converse with Sister Emmerich and look upon at least one of her hands. As they are God-fearing people. I could not refuse them, and I beg you to escort them to her lodgings. I mention the Prince's son and his venerable tutor merely for the sake of precaution. I know not for certain whether they will go or not."

病人的这种绝对沉默让副主教陷入了困惑之中。1818 年 4 月 5 日,他写信给伦辛总铎说:「尽管我已经尽我所能去了解这个案子,但还没有做出任何决定。冯.温克先生以找不到四个人参与调查为借口,对不执行综合调查负有责任。我想天主会亲自处理这件事的!」……副主教好像是要证明,他深信病人有非凡的圣召和绝对的真诚,他补充说:「这封信将由冯.萨尔拉.赖弗沙伊德亲王交给你,也许他的儿子和冯威利神父也会随行。他们希望与艾曼丽修女交谈,并至少看看她手上的圣伤。因为他们是敬畏天主的人。我无法拒绝他们,我请求你护送他们到病人的住处去。我提到亲王的儿子和他可敬的家庭教师,只是为了以防万一。我不能确定他们是否会去。」

hen Bishop Sailer visited Dolmen in the fall and, conformably to Dean Overberg's wish, received an account of conscience from Sister Emmerich, she revealed to him the Vicar-General's secret and the order she had received in vision. He encouraged her to silence, and the Vicar-General allowed the affair to rest





上一篇:040.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第36章 艾曼丽修女被捕-——她对这一事件的预感,及事件的结果
下一篇:042.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第38章 囚禁


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