真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
浏览次数:1104 更新时间:2024-5-19

October 16th Last night I made the Way of the Cross at Coesfeld with a crowd of souls who showed me the distress of the Church and the necessity of prayer. Then I had a vision of many gardens lying around me in a circle, and the Pope's situation with respect to his Bishops. He sat enthroned in one of these gardens. In the others were the rights and privileges of his Bishops and their sees symbolized by various plants, flowers, and fruits.

10 月 16 日——「昨晚,我在科斯菲尔德与一群灵魂一起拜了苦路, 他们向我展示了教会的苦难和祈祷的必要性。然后,我有个神视,看到许多花园在我周围绕成一圈,以及教宗与他的主教们的关系。他坐在其中一个花园的宝座上,其他的花园则是主教们的权利和特权,以各种不同的植物、花卉和水果象征他们的教区。

Their mutual connection, their communication and influence, I saw under the forms of threads, of rays extending from them to the see of Rome. In these earthly gardens, I saw the temporal, spiritual authority, and above them in the air I saw their future Bishops ; for instance, I saw above the garden of the stern Superior, a new Bishop with the cross, mitre, and other episcopal insignia, and standing around him Protestants who wished him to enter the garden below, but not on the conditions established by the Holy Father.


They tried to insinuate themselves by all sorts of covert means; they destroyed a part of the garden, or sowed bad seed in it. I saw them sometimes here, sometimes there, cultivating the land or letting it lie un tilled, tearing up and not clearing away, etc. ; all was full of pitfalls and rubbish.


I saw them intercepting or turning away the roads that led to the Pope. When they did succeed in getting a Bishop according to their liking, I saw that he had been intruded contrary to the will of the Holy Father; consequently, he possessed no legitimate spiritual authority. — Many such scenes were shown me, and it is for me to pray and suffer ! It is very distressing ! — I see one who has few claims to holiness about to be installed in the see of a holy deceased Bishop."


Sister Emmerich's sufferings during these contemplations were simply frightful. She felt as if her breast were girded tightly with cords; she had frequent vomitings, and so lively an impression of a huge, thorny crown that she dared not rest her head on a pillow. The wounds of her forehead and side bled several times. Whilst in this state, she related the following fragments of a vision of the Sacred Passion : —


“The crown of Jesus was very large and heavy, and stood far out from His head. When the executioners dragged His woven tunic over His head, the crown came off with it. I have an indistinct remembrance of their platting a smaller one (I know from what thorns) and putting it on Him by the cross.— The three holes in the latter were too far apart and, when they had nailed down one hand, they had to stretch the other with cords to reach the second hole.


The feet also were found to be too high up ; they had to be stretched in like manner. One of the executioners knelt upon the Saviour's limbs, whilst the others drove the nails. The Sacred Body was dislocated in every joint. One could, as it were, see through it, and below the breast it was quite sunken and hollow. It was a horrible moment when they raised the cross and let it fall into the hole prepared for it. The shock was so violent that the Sacred Body quivered.


“I did not see Jesus go into purgatory ; but, when He was in limbo, the souls came from purgatory to Him and all were delivered by Him. I saw the angel gathering and restoring to His Sacred Body before the Resurrection the Blood and Flesh lost during the Passion, and then I saw Him issuing from the tomb in indescribable glory, His shining Wounds so many holy, ineffable ornaments to His Sacred Body. He did not appear to the disciples in this radiant glory, for their eyes could not have endured the sight.


''The Blessed Virgin had some linen stained with the Blood of Jesus's circumcision and His other Wounds. She gave the Apostles when they dispersed crosses of about an arm's length, made of flexible reeds, which they carried under their mantles. They had also metal boxes for the Holy Eucharist and relics, which were, I think, pieces of the linen that Mary had. I think, too, that the Blessed Virgin wove them robes like that of her Son, for she made many such, sometimes on two needles, or again with a hooked needle. "


At the close of this painful task of prayer, Sister Emmerich had a very consoling vision of which she communicated the following: — " I lay on a plank in the midst of thorns which wounded me whenever I moved. In the hedge were numbers of red and white roses and other white flowers. Jesus appeared to me as my Bridegroom and showed me His familiar communications with His brides, Teresa, Catherine of Sienna and Clare of Montefalco whom I saw, one after another, in positions similar to my own : one seated in the midst of thorns, another rolling in them, and the third entirely surrounded by them.


I saw how familiarly and confidently they addressed Our Lord. Clare of Montefalco was dragging a cross upon which many of her fellow-religious laid heaps of trifles, little nothings, until it became so heavy that she sank under its weight. Then Jesus reminded her that He, too, had fallen under His cross. Clare exclaimed: " Ah ! then, stretch out to me Thy hand as Thy Heavenly Father did to Thee!’— Jesus showed me also how all who approached my bed pressed upon me, though without intending it, the pricking thorns. I saw too the infirmities, the sufferings, the sorrows, often very grievous, of all these brides.


Then Jesus placed before me a shining table and covered it with a snowy cloth. Upon it was immolated by a priest of the Old Law a patient, spotless lamb. I received touching instructions on the purity of the table, the cover, and the lamb ; the blood of which did not stain the cover. Then a red cover was placed on the table and over it a white, transparent one, upon which stood bread and a chalice from which the Lord gave me to eat and drink. It was He Himself whom I received — after this He disappeared, leaving me consoled.


— Then I saw in a series of pictures an abridgment of His whole Passion, how His friends misunderstood and abandoned Him, and how they would and how they really do treat Him at the present day. I saw Him more truly present in the Blessed Sacrament than He was present on earth during His mortal life, and I saw that His Passion still continues in the patient endurance and offering of their sufferings by His true followers. I saw, too, how many graces are trodden under foot in the mire. I came out of these visions calm and strengthened."



9. Dedication of the Church of St. Saviour at Rome.

9. 罗马救世主圣堂的奉献仪式。

" I was in Rome. I saw a very beautiful church, lately finished, delivered into the Pope's hands by the architect a man clad in ancient style and wearing round his neck a golden chain and collar. The Pope praised the work, but the architect replied boastingly that he could have built it much better had he wished. — Now, they took him at his word and refused him his pay, since he had not made the church as beautiful and magnificent as he could have done.


He had, as he himself acknowledged, neglected such and such a piece of sculpturing which would have greatly embellished it. The architect exclaimed : ' had I only been silent,’ and he laid his finger on his lips — ‘they would have accepted my work as perfect!’ — Then he was taken into custody and not released until he had improved his work and sculptured his own likeness on the wall, his finger on his lips.


He wrote to the Pope, saying that he would perfect his share in the material construction when the latter would have perfected his own part in its spiritual edification, denouncing at the same time numerous points of ecclesiastical discipline and fraternal charity which greatly disfigured the Church. ‘The exterior,’ said he, ' needs not to be more perfect than the interior.' On the receipt of this letter the Pope set him at liberty, in accordance with the precept : ‘Do not to others what you would not have others do to you.'


— Then the church was consecrated with magnificent ceremonies, and I saw an indescribably beautiful church full of saints and angels high up above it in the air. In it was reproduced, but with far more perfection and elegance, all that went on in the church below; for instance, its heavenly choirs responded to all that was chanted in the earthly procession. During this procession, I was suddenly called away to a person dying in a hospital.


I had to go over a road covered with snow, and I was afraid that by my footprints it would be discovered that I was barefoot ; but on my return I found all traces effaced. — I went again into the new church and stood high upon a wall where I could see the Blessed Sacrament borne processionally in a ciborium. Above it floated a banner of light, and over that again a resplendent Host surrounded by dazzling glory.


As It neared me, this supernatural Host flew toward me ; but I did not receive It, I only adored It. At the same moment, I saw the consecration of the church going on, and heard the responses sung by the celestial choirs above. — I went up to it and assisted at the celebration of the Feast of St. Martin. I saw many circumstances of his life as also of his death, and the wonderful propagation of his spiritual influence. This was represented by bands of light streaming from the church which he held in his hand. From their extremities sprang forth other churches which likewise propagated the faith and bore similar fruits.


 Then my guide took me up to the top of the spiritual church which appeared to increase in size until, finally, it became a tower full of luminous,  transparent sculpturing. From it he showed me the earth spread out like a map. I saw and recognized all the countries in which I have so often been. I saw the Ganges and spots where lay piles of sparkling precious stones, and I thought of those stolen from the tomb of the Three Kings.


Deep down in the sea, I saw treasures of precious things, merchandise, chests, and even whole ships. And I saw, also, the different parts of the world. My guide pointed out Europe and, showing me a little sandy patch in it, he uttered these remarkable words : ‘Behold hostile Prussia !’— then, pointing further north, he said : ‘See mischief-making Moscovy ! ' "



10. Sufferings for the Church (May-June, 1821). St. Cunegundes.


Sister Emmerich's assistance was about this time requested for an Ursuline nun, suffering from acute rheumatism. “I was by her," she said. “I saw her illness, and I suggested to her not to ask for a cure, but for what would be most pleasing to God. She will be relieved, but she will not entirely recover. “ Sister Emmerich's prayer for this invalid was, as usual, a real physical participation in her sufferings as may be inferred from the Pilgrim's notes of May 29th : —

大约在这个时候,有人请求艾曼丽帮助一位患有急性风湿病的乌尔苏拉修女。「我在乌尔苏拉修女身边,」艾曼丽修女说,「我看到她的病,我建议她不要寻求治疗,而是寻求最能讨天主喜悦的事。她会得到缓解,但她不会完全康复。」从 5 月 29 日朝圣者的笔记中可以看出,艾曼丽修女像往常一样,为这个病人祈祷,实际上是亲身参与了病人的痛苦:——

 Sister Emmerich's malady is greatly aggravated. During the night, she vomited a whitish liquid and endured sharp pains in her head and members, accompanied by retention, burning thirst, and inability to drink. She looks like one in death agony, She can with extreme difficulty and only at long intervals pronounce a few words ; but her soul is in peace. She is constantly in vision, laboring in a poor, neglected church. About noon she appeared to be dying. She lay stiff and cold, unable to ask assistance.


Fortunately, her sister happened to approach her bed and, seeing her condition, raised her up, otherwise she would have strangled from the vomiting which came on suddenly. After this she again lay for awhile like one dead when she sat up suddenly without effort or support, joined her hands, and so remained for about six minutes in an attitude of earnest prayer. ‘Ah ! I  have rested and thanked God for my difficult task !' She exclaimed, O that broom I used was a very heavy one! Her words came slowly, but her breathing was easier, though at intervals her pains were still very intense.


They lasted for about five minutes at a time, her feet trembling so violently as to shake the chair on which they rested. They are like so many sharp bones wrapped in bandages ; a mere touch on them produces a quivering that communicates itself to the lower limbs. Her labor was not yet finished, as she said. When her confessor exhorted her to patience, she replied: 'Patience hovers yonder in a globe !' and fell again into her former suffering state. "


May 30th — “Her vomitings have ceased j but there has come upon her so acute an ear-ache that she hides her head under the pillows to avoid hearing the least sound."


May 31st — “The headache and ear-ache lasted all night. They have become almost unendurable, nearly depriving her of consciousness. Her condition is pitiable. "


June 1st — The Pilgrim found her this morning serene and singularly joyous, the pain in her head abated, though she could scarcely hear. “I have had,” she said, “indescribable visions on the state of the Church both in general and particular. I saw the Church Militant under the symbol of a city like the Heavenly Jerusalem, though it was still on earth. In it were streets, palaces, and gardens through which I wandered and saw processions composed entirely of Bishops. I recognized the interior state of each.

6 月 1 日——今天早晨,朝圣者发现她平静而异常快乐,虽然她几乎听不见,但头部的疼痛减轻了。她说,「我对教会的总体和具体的状况,有说不出的异象。我在一个像天上的耶路撒冷这样的城市的象征下看到了征战教会,尽管它仍在地球上。其中有街道、宫殿和花园,我在其中漫步,看到完全由主教组成的游行队伍。我认出了每个人的内在状态。

I saw their thoughts issuing from their mouths under the form of pictures. Their religious transgressions were represented by external deformity : for instance, there were some whose head seemed to be only a misty cloud; others had a head, but a heart, a body of dark vapor ; others were lame or paralytic ; others sleeping or reeling. Once I saw a mitre floating in the air and a hand out of a dark cloud trying repeatedly, but vainly, to seize it.


Under the mitre I beheld many persons not unknown to me, bearing on their shoulders amid tears and lamentations, crosses of all kinds — among them walked myself. I think I saw almost all the Bishops in the world, but only a very few were perfectly sound. I saw the Holy Father very prayerful and God-fearing, his figure perfect, though worn out by old age and manifold sufferings, his head sunk on his breast as if in sleep. He often fainted away and seemed to be dying.


I often saw him supported by apparitions during his prayer, and then his head was upright. When it sank upon his breast, then were the minds of many turned quickly here and there ; that is, viewing things in a worldly light. When the hand out of the cloud tried to seize the mitre, I saw the Church of our country in a miserable state to which the learned young school-master had especially contributed. Protestantism was in the ascendancy and religion was falling to utter decay.




I saw the majority of the clergy, dazzled by the false show of the young fellow, furthering the work of destruction, and one in particular taking part in it through vanity and ignorance. He will see his error only when it will be too late to retrieve it. The misery under him will be great. Many simple-minded, enlightened men, and especially the school-master, are praying for the removal of this pastor.


I saw, at the most, only four ecclesiastics in the whole country steadfast and faithful. These visions were so frightful that I came near crying out. I see in the future religion falling so low that it will be practised only here and there in farm-houses and in families protected by God during the horrors of war.


" I had another singular vision. St. Cunegundes brought me a crown and a little piece of pure gold in which I could see myself. She said: ‘I have made thee this crown, but the right side " (where Sister Emmerich's great pain was) "is not quite finished. Thou must complete it with this gold. I made thee this crown because thou didst place a precious stone in my crown even before thou wert born' — and then she pointed to a stone or pearl in one side of her crown so dazzlingly bright that one could scarcely look at it — and this I had put there !


I thought that really laughable, and so I said right out : ‘How can this be? It would indeed be strange had I done that before my birth ! To which the saint replied that all my labors and sufferings, as well as those of all mankind, were already portioned out and divided among my ancestors ; and she showed me pictures of Jesus working in the person of David, our own fall in Adam, of the good we do already existing in our ancestors, though obscurely, etc.


She showed me my origin on my mother's side (she was named Hillers) up through several generations to her own ancestors where a thread appeared connecting them. She explained to me how I had put the jewel in the crown. I understood it all in vision, but now I cannot explain it. It was as if the property of patient suffering which sprang from the thread of life connected with my existence, had been communicated to her ; and thus I, or something of mine in her had gained a victory which was represented by the jewel in her crown.


— In the beginning of the vision I saw her in a heavenly sphere or garden in company with kings and princes. I saw the Emperor Henry, her holy spouse, in a sphere. He appeared fresh and younger than she, as if she had existed there a longer time in the persons of her ancestors. But this I cannot explain, indeed I did not understand it at the time, and so I let it alone. — There was, above all, in this vision something unspeakably disengaged from the conditions of time; for, although wondering to find that I had even before my birth labored at a pearl in Cunegundes's crown, yet it seemed very natural.


I felt that I had lived in her time — yes, that I was even anterior to her, and I felt myself present to myself even in my earliest origin. — St. Cunegundes showed me on her left her extraction according to the flesh and on the right her descendants according to the spirit, for she had had no children. Her spiritual posterity was very rich, very fruitful.


I saw her ancestors as well as my own far, far back to people who were not Christians. -Among them I saw some who had received a merciful judgment. This astonished me, since it is written : ‘Whoever believes not and is not baptized shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.' But St. Cunegundes explained it thus : ' They loved God as far as they knew Him and their neighbor as themselves.


They knew nothing of Christianity, they were as if in a dark pit into which light never penetrated. But they were such as would have been perfect Christians had they known Christ, consequently, they found mercy in His sight.' — I had a vision of my being before my birth or that of my forefathers, not like one genealogical tree, but like numerous branches spread over all the earth and in all sorts of places.


I saw rays extending from one to another which, after uniting in multiplied beams, branched out again in different directions. I saw many pious members among my ancestors, some high, some low. I saw a whole branch of them on an island ; they were wealthy and owned large ships, but I know not where it was. I saw very many things in this vision. I received many clear lights upon the importance of transmitting to the world a pure posterity and of maintaining pure, or of purifying in ourselves that which our ancestors have handed down to us. I unstood it to refer both to spiritual and to natural posterity.


I saw, too, my father's parents. His mother was named Rensing. She was the daughter of a rich farmer. She was avaricious and, during the Seven Years' War," she buried her money near our house. I knew almost the exact spot. It will be found long after my death when the house will have passed into other hands. I knew this long ago, even when a child.


译注: 七年战争是法国和英国之间从1754 年持续到1763年的一场冲突。它被称为七年战争,因为大部分战斗发生在1756年到1765 年之间的七年期间。

June 2d — The Pilgrim found Sister Emmerich very much agitated. With agonizing tears she recounted the following : "I have had a frightful night ! A cat came to my bed and sprang at my hand. I caught it by the hind legs, held it out of the bed, and tried to kill it ; but it escaped from me and fled. I was wide awake, I saw everything. I saw the child lying asleep there disturbed, and I was afraid she would see what was going on.


The whole night until three o'clock did the enemy under a horrible, black figure, maltreat me. He struck me, dragged me out of bed, hurled me forward with the pillows, and squeezed me terribly. He kicked me before him, threw the pillows on me, and tossed me up in the air to my indescribable anguish.


I saw clearly it was no dream, and I did all I could think of to drive him away. I took my holy relics and the cross, but in vain. I implored God and His saints to say whether I were in sin or not, whether I had any ill-gotten goods ; but I received no answer. I adjured the enemy in the name of all that is sacred, to say what power he had over me ; but he answered not and went on tormenting me, grasping me by the neck and back with his icy cold hands, or claws.


At last I crept to the wardrobe at the foot of my bed, took from it my confessor's stole which is kept there, and threw it about my neck. Then the devil touched me no more, and he even answered my questions. He always speaks with astonishing assurance and artfulness. I am sometimes tempted to think he is right in what he says, so confident does he appear. He reproached me with the failure of many of his designs saying that I did him great wrong. He said this with an injured air as if his rights were the best in the world.


When I asked God if I possessed anything badly acquired, the enemy answered: 'Thou hast something of mine,’ but I replied : ' From thee have I sin accursed along with thyself from the beginning ! Jesus Christ has satisfied for us ! Take sin for thy own portion, keep it, go off with it into the abyss of hell !’ No words can say all that I endured !" and here she wept, trembling in every limb.


June 3d-- "The violent pains in her head have decreased, though she still suffers in one ear, which has become so deaf that she raises her voice in speaking. ‘St. Cunegundes,’ she says, ‘was with me a long time last night. During the last few days I have learned an infinity of things from her, chiefly concerning our origin and our participation in another life. I have seen innumerable histories and details of our ancestors.

6 月 3 日——「艾曼丽修女头部的剧烈疼痛减轻了,尽管她的一只耳朵仍然疼痛难忍,聋得历害,以至于她在说话时都要提高嗓门。她说,『圣库内贡德斯昨晚和我在一起很长时间。这几天我从她那里学到了无数的东西,主要是关于我们的起源和我们在另一个生命中的参与。我看到了我们祖先的无数历史和生活细节。

To- day she told me that, like myself, she had been freed from her youth from all temptations of the flesh and had early vowed herself to God. She did not dare to tell her mother; but she informed her husband, who made with her the vow of chastity. And yet, she was afterward subjected to frightful calumnies and sharp trials. I did not see last night the cause of her subjection to the fiery ordeal, but I had already seen it.


— She was too good to one of her servants who also had endured much from false accusations. — I saw her death and that of her husband. The latter was interred in a church he had built and dedicated to St. Peter (at Bamberg). I do not know whether it was in this church or in another that Cunegundes in magnificent imperial robes assisted at a service for her husband.


After it was over, in the presence of five Bishops, she laid aside her crown and royal attire for the humble habit of a religious, like that of Sister Walburga, and covered her head with a veil. The people who had witnessed her pompous entrance, were moved to tears on seeing her leave the church in her lowly garb.


A few days before her death, her angel told her that her husband would come for her at the last moment. I beheld him doing so with crowds of souls, the poor whom they had fed and others to whom they had one good. I understood that they were their spiritual children. Her husband presented them to her as the fruit of their union. ‘"


June 4th — “The invalid still suffers from ear-ache and partial deafness. The pain is very acute, and she understands how truly it is the symbol of the finely-wrought jewel that completed St. Cunegundes's crown."

6 月 4 日——「病人仍然遭受耳痛和部分耳聋的折磨。疼痛是非常剧烈的,她明白这是完成圣库内贡德斯王冠上那棵精美珠宝的象征。」

June 5th — “The ear-ache continues, though at intervals it is relieved by the confessor's imposition of hands. At such moments, he feels sharp pains in his hand as if they had been pricked by thorns. Sister Emmerich knows well why this suffering was imposed upon her, and also that it was symbolized by the crown that St. Cunegundes gave her to finish. And yet, what is very remarkable, she constantly speaks of inflammation and of deafness. She even begs the physician for remedies which he prescribes, but which after all she does not use."

6 月 5 日——「耳痛仍在继续,尽管有时会因告解神父的覆手而缓解。在这种时候,告解神父会感觉自己的手像被扎一样刺痛。艾曼丽修女很清楚自己为什么会遭受这种痛苦,也知道这是圣库内贡德斯给她的王冠象征着这种痛苦。然而,非常引人注意的是,她经常谈到炎症和耳聋。她甚至要求医生开出治疗的药方,但她终究没有使用。」

June 6th — “Sister Emmerich declares that this ear-ache will continue till Pentecost. — ‘God wants this labor,’ she says. ‘He will make use of it, there lies the secret. St. Cunegundes is connected with me by a secret tie existing between those that from infancy have been freed from the concupiscence of the flesh. It is impossible to explain this to the impure world. It is a secret of an unknown nature. I am, moreover, related to the saint through our ancestors. ‘ "

6 月 6 日——「艾曼丽修女宣布这种耳痛将持续到圣神降临节。——她说,『天主会要这种劳动,祂会利用的,秘诀就在这里。圣库内贡德斯与我之间存在着一种秘密纽带,这些纽带存在于那些从婴儿时期就摆脱了肉身欲望的人之间。这是不可能向不洁的世界解释的。这是一个不为人知的本性的秘密。此外,通过我们的祖先,我与圣人库内贡德斯有关系。』」

June 8th — “Her deafness and pain still continue, and last night the tempter again appeared to her under the form of an angel. He told her that, as Dean Overberg came not to her, it would be well for her to turn to him for he could help her. But she, raising her heart to God, recognized Satan and boldly put him to flight."


June 9th — “As Sister Emmerich had predicted, the ear-ache left her to-day, though slight deafness still remains. She says she has finished and offered to God the crown given her by St. Cunegundes to complete. The saint, moreover, showed her for whom the task was performed. — ' I have seen an influential Protestant who has some idea of returning to the Church. He would, indeed, be very useful to it, for even now he does much for the Catholics, though secretly. He is known to the Pope, My suffering will purchase his crown if he conquers human respect and follows the dictates of conscience. — By my labor united to the merits of Christ, the crown has been finished for him."

6 月 9 日——「正如艾曼丽修女所预言的那样,今天她的耳朵已经不痛了,但仍然有轻微的耳聋。她说她已经完成了圣库内贡德斯给她的王冠,并将其献给了天主。此外,圣人还向她展示了这项补赎是为谁完成的。——『我见过一位颇有影响力的新教徒,他想回归公教。事实上,他的回归非常有用,因为即使是现在,他也为公教徒做了很多事,尽管是秘密地做的。教宗知道他,如果他能战胜人的尊敬并遵循良心的指示,我的痛苦将换来他的冠冕。——通过我的努力和基督的功绩,这位新教徒的冠冕已经完成了。』」


11. Pentecost. — The Mountain of the Prophets.

11. 圣神降临节。 ——先知之山。


“I have seen as usual the Feast of Pentecost, and many pictures of the communication of the Holy Spirit throughout the whole world, also the twelve new Apostles and their connection with the Church. I saw from several parishes which received the Holy Ghost, a spiritual church formed, symbolical of the infusion of new life into the Church Militant, and I also saw numerous individuals receiving the Holy Spirit.


 Last night I made a long journey, chiefly to the Mountain of the Prophets and Paradise in its vicinity. All was as usual on the mountain, the man under the tent writing and arranging books and rolls of parchment, erasing many things, and burning others. I saw him giving leaves to doves which flew away with them. I had also a vision of the Holy Ghost, a winged figure in a triangle surrounded by bands of light of seven different colors which spread over the spiritual Church floating below and over all in communication with her.


In this vision I felt that the effusion of the Holy Ghost exercises an influence over all nature. I stood above the earth near the Mountain of the Prophets and saw the waters that fall from it spread out like a transparent, many-colored veil above the earth, and I saw all sorts of things shining through it. One color sprang from another and produced a different effect.


When the veil is rent, the rain descends. These effusions take place at certain seasons commemorative of the saints and their victories. The feast of a saint is his true harvest-day. On it he dispenses his gifts as a tree does its fruits. What souls do not receive in this out-pouring of spiritual gifts falls upon the earth as rain and dew ; in this way, does a superabundance of rain become a chastisement from God.


I often see wicked people in fertile places nourished by the fruits of the earth, and good men in sterile regions receiving into their own souls the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Were man and the earth in perfect harmony, there would be Paradise here below. Prayer governs the weather, and the days marked in the old weather-tables are the days on which such distributions are made.


When it says : ' If it rain on the third day of Pentecost, the harvest will not be gathered dry,' may mean, if the spiritual gifts poured out on mankind at Pentecost are received by them only in small measure, they will be changed into rain which will fall upon them as a chastisement. I see the life of nature intimately connected with that of the soul.


 Wind is something wonderful. I often see a storm bearing sickness from a far-off land ; it looks like a globe full of evil spirits. Violent winds affect me painfully. I have always had a horror of them. And from my very childhood, shooting stars have been hateful to me ; for wherever they fall, the air is full of bad spirits. When as a child I watched the rising and setting of the sun, I used to hail it as a creature endued with life. I thought: ' He weeps over the numerous sins he is forced to witness !’ Moonlight would be agreeable to me on account of the peaceful silence, were it not that I know the sins it covers and its powerful influence over man's sensual nature ; for the moon is more deeply enervating than the sun."



12. Judith in Africa.

12. 友弟德在非洲


“I was with Judith in the Mountains of the Moon, and I saw many changes there. The ravine and bridge leading to her castle have disappeared as if an earth-slip had filled up the former. A level road now leads to the house. Judith looked much older. She seems to be much nearer to Christianity, if not really a Christian in heart. I do not think she has yet been baptized ; but, were a priest at hand, it might be done immediately.


In the room in which I once saw her taking coffee with several others stood something like a little altar ; above it was the picture of an infant in a manger, below which was a cavity in the altar, cut out like a basin, in which lay a small spoon and a white bone or stone knife. Lamps burned around and near by were desks with rolls of writings. Judith knelt there in prayer with many younger than herself and an old man, her assistant.


All seemed to be suddenly convinced that the Messiah was already come ; but I saw as yet no cross. In the upper room in which were the old busts, the aged Jews were still assembled. — The treasure in the cellar was greatly diminished, for Judith gave much to the poor.


Her abode is very wonderful ! Her house to the west faces a deep valley beyond which rises a mountain that shines and Sparkles in the sun like stars; on the opposite side,, far away in the distance, are seen strange high towers and long buildings on the mountains. They cannot be descried from the castle, but I saw them. I saw also the people on the Ganges. Their church is in beautiful order, and they have among them an old priest, a missionary, I think."



13. Sufferings for Five Bishoprics of the Upper-Rhine.

13. 为莱茵河上游五个主教教区的受苦。

March, 1820.— " I passed through Frankfort (1) and saw in a large house not far from a great church, a society assembled for deliberation on evil projects; among them were ecclesiastics, and devils were crouching under the chairs…… I went again to the large house at whose entrance lay sleeping, under the form of a black dog with red eyes, Satan himself. I roused him with my foot, saying : ‘Up, Satan ! why sleepest thou here?’ — ' I can sleep quietly here,’ he replied, ‘for the people inside are attending to my work.' "

1820 年 3 月——「我经过法兰克福 (1),看见在离一座大教堂不远的一幢大房子里,有一个社团聚集在一起商议邪恶的计划;其中有神职人员,魔鬼正蹲在椅子下面……我又来到那座大房子,在门口撒殚化作一只红眼睛的黑狗躺在那里睡觉。我用脚把牠惊醒,说:『起来,撒殚!你为什么睡在这里?』——『我可以在这里安静地睡觉,』牠回答说,『因为里面的人都在做我的工作。』  

 (1) Precisely at this moment the ecclesiastic and the lay delegates of the petty German States were convened for the second time to deliberate on the means to be adopted for the gradual extinction of Catholicity in the five dioceses.

(原注1) 正是在这个时候,德意志小州的教会代表以及平信徒代表第二次召开会议,商讨在五个教区逐步消灭天主教的方法。

Sister Emmerich saw also in a symbolical picture, the results following from this new way of establishing Churches: — "I found myself," she says, "lying in the only sound spot of a ship that was all punctured. The crew kicked and ill-treated me in many ways whilst I prayed earnestly for them that they might not fall into the deep from the sides of the vessel on which they were sitting.


I saw the ship going to pieces, and I was sick unto death. At last they put me ashore where my friends were in waiting to convey me to some other place. I kept on praying that the unhappy people might also disembark ; but, scarcely had I reached the shore, before the ship capsized and to my great grief, all were lost. — There was an abundance of fruit where I was."


On Wednesday after Passion-Sunday, March 22, 1820, the Frankfort Convention held its first formal sitting to deliberate upon the means to be adopted to seize Jesus by stealth and deliver Him to death. Its members said : " Let it not be in daylight, lest the Pope perceive it and make opposition !" Whilst this was going on, Sister Emmerich's attention was attracted to them and she entered the lists against them. “I am bearing" she said, “an enormous weight on my right shoulder, for I am atoning by my many afflictions for the sins of others. I am almost sinking and my visions on the state of mankind, particularly of the clergy, are so sad that I cannot help taking still heavier burdens upon myself (1).

1820年 3 月 22 日,苦难主日后的圣周三,法兰克福大会举行了第一次正式会议,商讨采取何种手段秘密地抓住耶稣并将他处死。那些议员说:「不要在白天,以免教宗察觉并反对!」当这一切发生时,艾曼丽修女吸引了他们的注意力,他们把艾曼丽修女纳入了反对者的名单。艾曼丽修女说,「我的右肩承受着巨大的重担,因为我正在用我的许多苦难为他人的罪孽补赎。我几乎要倒下去了,我对人类状况,尤其是神职人员状况的看法是如此悲哀,以致于我不能不把更重的担子压在自己身上。(1)。

I prayed God to touch the hard hearts of His enemies that, during these Paschal Feasts, they may return to better dispositions. I begged to suffer for the most hardened or for those for whom He knows it to be most necessary. Then I felt myself suddenly raised and suspended in the air in a shining vessel. There passed through me a shower of keen, indefinable pains, which have not yet ceased, and the oppression in my left side increased.


When I looked below me, I saw distinctly through a dark veil the manifold errors, wanderings, and sins of mankind, their stupidity and wickedness in acting against truth and reason. — I saw pictures of all kinds. Again I saw the miserable old ship full of popular, self sufficient men, sail by me on the stormy waves, and I waited to see it go down at any moment.


I recognized some priests among the crew, and with all my heart I offered my sufferings to bring them to repentance. Below I saw crowds of gray figures moving sadly to and fro in certain places, in old cemeteries long since forgotten. Again I saw souls wandering alone in solitary places either where they themselves had perished, or where they had taken the life of others — I do not now remember which, but I think their detention there had something to do with the expiation of the crime.


I begged for fresh sufferings that thus I might obtain relief and pardon for them. — When I cast my eyes upward I saw, in contrast to the abominations below, a heavenly sight so beautiful as almost to dazzle me : the saints, the angels, and the throne of the Most Holy Trinity. I beheld Our Saviour offering all His sufferings in detail to His Heavenly Father for us, Mary renewing the offering of her sorrows through Jesus, and all the saints offering their merits and prayers in like manner. It was a vision in which variety and unity, action and repose, supreme magnificence, love, and peace were inexpressibly blended.


 (1) Once she said : " I see so many ecclesiastics under the ban of excommunication ! But they seem quite at their ease, almost unconscious of their state ; and yet, all who join associations, take part in enterprises, or adhere to opinions condemned by the Church, are really excommunicated by that fact itself. I see such men hemmed in, as it were, by a wall of fog. By this we may clearly see what account God makes of the decrees, orders, and prohibitions of the Head of the Church and how rigorously He exacts their observance, whilst men coolly mock and scoff at them.


译注: 圣教法典1382条 自动生效(即自科绝罚)







As I continued to gaze upon it, I perceived all at once that I was lying in one side of a pair of scales, for I saw the needle and beam above me. In the other scale, hanging in darkness, lay God's most hardened enemies, around them many others seated on the rim, as they had been on the sides of the ship. As at the sight I redoubled my patience and my prayers, as my pains also increased, the scale rose a very little ; but it was too heavy and most of the men fell off. All, however, for whom I had given my sufferings as a counter-balance were saved.


Above me I saw heaven and the efficacious merits of Jesus, and I rejoiced that with God's grace I had been able to gain something by my pains. — These men are hard as rocks; they fall from sin to sin, each more grievous than the last." The cunning with which these plotters sought to hide their intrigues was shown to Sister Emmerich under the form of the tempter :




"After my examen," she says, "I was saluting the Wounds of Jesus, when I suddenly fell into the greatest mental agony. An ecclesiastic appeared before me saying that he had just returned from Rome with all sorts of sacred objects for me ; but I felt intense repugnance both for him and his gifts. He showed me all sorts of little crosses and stars, but not one of them was perfect; all were crooked and deformed. He told me in many words that he had spoken of me to the Holy Father, that I had not a suitable confessor, etc.


His words were so plausible that, although I still felt aversion for him, I thought : ‘Perhaps I judge him too severely !’ —I again examined his singular-looking sacred objects, remarking, with the hope that he would not be offended, that I too had recently received holy things from Rome and Jerusalem, though not indeed artistically made; but that his articles seemed to have been picked up from some abominable old pit or tomb — where-upon, he asked how I could have so bad an opinion of an innocent man.

他的话听起来很有道理,尽管我对他仍然感到厌恶,但我想:『也许我对这个人的评价太严厉了!』——我再次把他那奇形怪状的十字架圣物看了一遍,说,希望他不会生气,我最近也收到了来自罗马和耶路撒冷的圣物,虽然不是真正的艺术创作; 但他的物品似乎是从某个可恶的旧坑或坟墓中捡来的——于是,他问我怎么会对一个无辜的人有如此糟糕的看法。

I wanted no further parley with him, and so I said : ‘I have God and the relics of the saints ; I have no need of thee!’ and I turned away from him, when he instantly disappeared. I was bathed in perspiration, I trembled in every limb, and I begged God not to subject me again to such agony. — Some days later Satan again approached me, under the form of a priest. He cunningly tried to excite all sorts of scruples in my mind, saying principally that I meddled too much in outside affairs, etc. ; but I soon discovered him when he said that he met me everywhere, that I gave him no peace."


The evil plottings, which kept the episcopal sees so long vacant, were shown Sister Emmerich in a touching vision of which, however, her terrible sufferings permitted her to communicate only a part. “In a journey to the Nuptial House, I came to a cabin by a field where awaited a bridegroom the coming of his bride. The field belonged to the apostates. Near by stood a large house in which I found a very good bride. She accompanied me, apparently right well pleased. Her brother, also, came with us, but there was something singular about him (1) and he turned back when we had gone only half-way.


(1) The secular power.


I took the bride to the bridegroom in the cabin. He received her lovingly and joyfully, presenting her tempting refreshments apparently of a spiritual nature. The bride gave him her hand and appeared truly good, but she still put off the marriage and made some excuse to withdraw. The bridegroom, greatly distressed, looked after her tenderly, resolving to wait for her, to take no other in her place. I felt so sorry for him. I gave him some money I happened to have about me, which he accepted.


— I felt that he was the Heavenly Bridegroom ; that the bride was His flock; and that the money I gave Him was the prayer and labor which I offered as security for her. Ah ! if the bride had seen the Bridegroom ! Had she seen how He gazed and sighed after her, how He waited for her, she could not have left Him with such indifference! What has He not done for her! How easy has He not made things for her ! And yet she abandons Him !"


The foregoing vision was repeated under various forms every time Sister Emmerich was commanded to pray for the appointment of Bishops to the vacant sees. In November, beginning with the Feast of St. Martin, she performed an eight days' labor for this end during which the spiritual nuptials were constantly before her. “I saw," she said, “a most beautiful and holy bride. I with four others was her bride-maid. The bridegroom was a dark, gloomy man.


He had five groomsmen, and they drank all day long. In the evening, however, there appeared another bridegroom who put the dark one out-of-doors, saying: 'This bride is far too noble and holy for thee!’ I spent these days in continual contemplation. I saw the bridal house as a church, and the bride so beautiful and holy that one could not approach her without fear and respect."



A False Aspirant to the Hand of the Bride is put out

of the Vineyard of the Church.


One day Sister Emmerich was in a pitiable state. Her right arm and shoulder were paralyzed ; profuse perspiration flowed so copiously from her head and breast as to soak the bed on which she lay ; and she was tormented by incessant attacks of whooping-cough which, she said, was to last for six hours. At intervals she swooned away from the violence of her sufferings. She afterward related the following :


 I found lately at the Nuptial House hedges of walnut-trees outside the choir of the church where there used to be beautiful vines, and just behind the main altar was a high nut-hedge full of ripe nuts. I saw a distinguished ecclesiastic wearing a cross, (something like a Vicar-General) who went to the hedge with


I saw it distinctly. He cracked and ate numbers of nuts, after which he hid the shells and went into the church. I felt the great impropriety of his entering the church after eating the nuts, for the act of cracking nuts is a symbol of treachery and discord. He was from the unhappy house connected by an outer staircase with the Nuptial House. In it were assembled all who entered not by the true gate ; but he was driven from the church.


He was the cause of my profuse perspiration, the sharp pain in my shoulder, and the paralysis of my right side. Seeing him after he had been chased away standing before a wall unable to advance or to go back, I grasped him by the shoulders and drew him with incredible difficulty to the top of the wall. I was told just to let him drop down on the other side.


But I saw that he would be dashed to pieces, and so with great fatigue I carried him down and dragged him into a region quite new to me. Here I met first a great river, then a lake on whose banks stands a city (Constance). Around lay towns and villages. As I carried my heavy load across the lake, invisible hands placed under my feet two narrow planks, one after the other, which as I stepped on them rose and sank alternately. It was a difficult passage, but I accomplished it. Before me arose high mountains.


— I have more than once seen this ecclesiastic (Wessenberg) in the Nuptial House. He is a worldly man to whom the Protestants are as well inclined as he is to them. He will help them as far as he can. He intruded himself into his high position by all sorts of artful means, signified by the nut-cracker ; he is strongly opposed to the Pope and he has many adherents.


I prayed very much for the Church and the Holy Father, and then I was commissioned to perform this task. It would be well if this man could without scandal come to some terms with his partisans. The Protestants would thereby receive a severe blow, for they are continually exciting and defending him. They are getting the upper hand ; but they will lose much, if this unworthy priest does not succeed."


The invalid was at this time continually engaged in repelling the attacks of the enemies of the Church ; consequently, her state was most distressing. The Pilgrim writes : “She is sick, very sick, but quite supernaturally so ! Her state is one of constant change : sometimes drenched with icy death-sweats ; again radiant as if in full health ; and shortly after falling from one swoon to another.


But she rejoices in having already accomplished a great part of the task undertaken. When her sufferings become quite intolerable, she is so consoled and rejoiced by some beautiful vision that she often laughs with joy ; for example, when sinking under her pains, St. Benedict appeared and said pleasantly to her : ' Ah ! thou art always stumbling although so old! — ‘  and St. Joseph took her to a beautiful meadow full of flowers, telling her to walk on them without bruising them.


This feat, possible only to the Child Jesus, she could not accomplish, whereupon St. Joseph said : ‘Now thou seest thou dost not belong here !’— There was shown her a rich treasure of pearls ; viz., lost graces, which she by her sufferings was to gather up and pay off the debt of those who had squandered them. Her weakening, death-like sweats she offers for the poor souls whom she beholds hourly becoming brighter, and who thank her for the relief her charity affords them.


— Again she saw the fatal intrigues of the false suitor in the Nuptial House. ' I met few ecclesiastics there according to my liking,’ she said. ‘I had to cook for them, that is, prepare spiritual nourishment for them. Many sat at table, and I saw him whom I had to drag so far enter and boldly seat himself with his five followers. I had prepared three dishes ; but when I set them on the table, the insolent fellow cried out scorn fully : " The Pope has given us a fine cook, indeed ! now we'll get nothing but gray pease!” ' "



In Easter week, 1820, Sister Emmerich had another vision in which was shown her the immense evil this man and his supporters would do the Church, as also the fatal consequences of the Frankfort convention :— " I saw," she said, " a field (1) full of people and hard by a circular building with a gray cupola like a new church. In it were some learned men, and such crowds were flocking into it that I wondered how it could contain them all ; it looked like the influx of a whole nation !

在 1820 年复活节第一周,艾曼丽修女看到了另一个异象,在异象中,她看见了这个神职和他的支持者将对教会造成极大的破坏,以及法兰克福会议的致命后果:「我看见,」她说,「一片田野上(1)挤满了人,紧挨着一座圆形建筑,那灰色的圆顶,像一座新教堂。里面住着一些博学的人,人群蜂拥而至,我真不知道怎么能容纳得下这么多人;好像整个国家的人都涌来了!

译注: 法兰克福会议是在德意志1848年革命期间成立的国民议会,用以计划以民主之方式统一德国。议会在法兰克福召开,有831名众议员出席。法兰克福议会在圣保禄教堂召开。会上挂满了革命党人在该年3月9日采用的德国国旗,正是今德国之国旗。

Then the air all around grew darker and darker. A black vapor filled the church and poured out of its windows spreading over meadows, fields, and parishes, till the whole country, far and wide, was changed to a bleak, wild moor. Then I saw numbers of well-meaning persons pressing toward one side of the field where light and verdure were still to be found.


 (1) The green field, or meadow, signifies the festivals of the Church, the ecclesiastical year, the communion of the faithful from which the friends and abettors of the " new lights" wished not to separate, despite their incredulity, their revolt against legitimate authority. Like the Jansenists, they directed their destructive darts against the Church from her very bosom ; therefore it was that, though in the meadow, they stood apart. They erected a church in the Church, spreading therein the night of unbelief, the horrors of spiritual death.

(1) 绿色的田野或草地,象征着教会的节日、教会的礼仪年、信徒的共融,“新光明会”的朋友和教唆者不希望与信友分开,尽管他们怀疑,他们反抗正统的权威。像詹森主义者一样,他们将毁灭性的飞镖对准教会的心脏;因此,尽管在草地上,他们还是分开站着。他们在教会中建了一座教堂,在教堂里散布不信的黑夜和灵性死亡的恐怖。


— I can-not describe the dark, the frightful, the deadly influence of this scene : fields withered, trees blasted, gardens blighted, darkness spreading everywhere as far as the eye could see, and encircling the country as if with a black chain, I know not what became of the people in the church. They seemed to be consumed with it (1) as it grew blacker and blacker like a mountain of coal, and peeled off frightfully.


—I went afterward with three angels into a green enclosure about as large as the cemetery outside Diilmen, and it appeared to me that I was laid on a high bench. I know not whether I was dead or alive, but I was habited in a long white robe. The greatest of the three angels said to me : ‘Thank God ! it will now be fresh and light here !’and then there fell between the black church and me a glittering shower of pearls and precious stones like a rain from heaven. One of my three companions ordered me to gather them up (2) and then left me.


(1) Depriving them of the life of grace by the destruction of faith and the Christian life springing from it.

(2) The merits of her prayers and sufferings which arrest the, progress of decay.


(1) 因失去信德而剥夺了信友们的恩宠生命,而基督徒生命是由恩宠产生的。

(2) 她的祈祷和苦难的功劳阻止了腐朽的进程。


I know not whether all went or not. I only remember that, in my anxiety about the black church, I had not the courage to gather up the precious stones. When the angel returned, he asked me if I had gathered them, and on my answering no, he bade me to do so at once. I dragged around, and picked up three little stones like crystals with ground edges that lay all in a row, one blue, another light red, and the third white, glittering, and transparent.


I took them to my little companions who ran to and fro, rubbing them against one another until the loveliest colors and rays of light flashed around, renewing the vegetation and bringing forth light and life. Then on the other side, I saw the dark church crumbling to pieces. Suddenly a great multitude streamed out of it into the bright green fields, and wended their way to a luminous city. Behind the black church all remained dark as night. "


The following vision, though chiefly upon the ravages made in the Church by the infidelity of Sister Emmerich's own day, comprehends many other things and embraces seven periods of time. This was indicated to her ; but her sufferings prevented her, unfortunately, from specifying these periods or saying which among the events would be realized in her own lifetime, or which would take place only after her demise.


"I saw the earth's surface covered with darkness and obscurity, all creation, trees and shrubs, plants and flowers, withering and dying. The waters seemed to have flowed back to their sources, brooks, fountains, rivers, and seas to have returned to the waters above the firmament around Paradise. I wandered over the desolate earth.


I saw the rivers like fine threads ; the seas like black abysses with here and there a tiny stream ; and, wallowing in the slime, lay huge animals struggling with death. I went so far that I could distinctly see the shore on which St. Clement was drowned. Mankind was in a sad state of confusion and, as the earth became more arid and desolate, the deeds of dark-ness increased.


I saw in detail many abominations. I recognized Rome, and I beheld the oppression of the Church, as also her internal and external decadence. Then I saw immense troops marching from various quarters to a certain place near which was a great black spot like an enormous abyss into which numbers of the troops seemed to fall, unnoticed by their companions.


Again I saw in the midst of these disasters the twelve new Apostles laboring in different countries, unknown to one another, each receiving streams of living water from on high. They all did the same work. They knew not whence they received their tasks ; but as soon as one was finished, another was ready for then. They were twelve in number, not one over forty years ; three were priests, and others aspired to that dignity.


I have often met one of them ; he is either known to me or he is near me. They were not dressed alike, but each according to the custom of his country and the fashion of his time. They received from God all the graces squandered by others; they did good everywhere; they were all Catholics. — Among the dark destroyers, I  saw false prophets and people who labored against the writings of the twelve new Apostles. I often beheld the latter disappear in the tumult to reappear again, however, more courageous, more dauntless than ever.


I saw also about a hundred women prophesying as if in rapture. By them were men who mesmerized them. They filled me with loathing and horror and, as I thought I beheld among them the clairvoyant of Minister, I reflected that, at all events, the Father would not be with her(1). — Whilst the ranks of the combatants around the dark abyss became thinner and thinner until a whole city (2) had disappeared, the twelve Apostles constantly gained new followers, and from the other city (Rome, the true city of God) there issued, as it were, a luminous wedge which pierced the dark disc.


Above the little church stood a majestic lady in a flowing sky-blue mantle, a crown of stars on her head. From her streamed out light into the deep darkness. Wherever it penetrated, all things revived and flourished. In a large city I saw a church once the smallest become the greatest (3). The new Apostles entered into the light, and I thought I saw myself with others whom I recognized, in the first rank”(that is with others who like herself had contributed to the renewal of life).


(1) See Vol. 1. 

(2) The false church with its followers. 

(3) The little church of Notre-Dame des Victoires, Paris, in which the Arch-confraternity of the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of Mary took its rise.






“Now all is again flourishing. I saw a new, very resolute Pope, and the black abyss gradually closing until the opening was so small that a water-pail could cover it. Lastly I saw again three troops or parishes uniting in the light under holy, enlightened men, and entering into the Church. The waters again gushed forth ; all was renewed, all wad living and flourishing, churches and convents were rebuilt.


— Whilst that frightful drought prevailed, I was taken over a verdant meadow full of those lovely white flowers I once had to gather, and I came to a thorn-hedge on which I scratched myself badly in the dark ; but it also was full of buds and I pressed through joyously."


April 12, 1820.- — “I have had another vision on the great tribulation everywhere reigning. It seemed as if something were exacted of the clergy, something that could not be granted. I saw many aged priests, some of them Franciscans, and one, in particular, a very old man, weeping bitterly and mingling their tears with those of others younger than themselves.


I saw others, tepid souls, willingly acceding to conditions hurtful to religion. The old faithful in their distress submitted, to the interdict and closed their churches. Numbers of their parishioners joined them ; and so, two parties were formed, a good and a bad one.' “


As the supporters of the “new lights," the Illuminati, especially hated the devotion of the Rosary, the value of this popular form of prayer was shown Sister Emmerich in a very significant vision “I saw Mary's Rosary with all its mysteries. A pious hermit had thus honored the Mother of God, weaving in his childlike faith a garland of leaves and flowers for her; and, as he understood their signification, his garlands were always profoundly symbolical.


He begged the Blessed Virgin to obtain for him some favor from her Son, whereupon she gave him the Rosary." Then Sister Emmerich described this Rosary ; but after the vision was over ; neither she nor the Pilgrim could clearly repeat what had been seen and heard. It seems that the Rosary was surrounded by three rows of different colored notched leaves, on which were represented in transparent figures all the mysteries of the Church from both the Old and the New Testament.


In the centre of the Rosary stood Mary with the Child surrounded by angels and virgins, hand in hand, their colors and attributes expressive of the various mysteries. Sister Emmerich described each bead, beginning with the coral cross on which is said the Creed. The cross grew out of a fruit like the apple of the forbidden tree ; it was carved, it had certain determinate colors, and it was full of little nails.



On it was the figure of a youth, in his hand a vine which sprang from the cross, and sitting on the vine were other figures eating the grapes. The beads were joined by colored, spiral rays, like roots, each possessing some natural and mystical signification. Every Our Father was enclosed in a wreath of leaves from whose centre sprang a flower in which was portrayed one of Mary's joys or sorrows. 


The Hail Maries were stars of precious stones on which were cut scenes from the lives of the patriarchs and Mary's ancestors relating to the Incarnation and Redemption. Thus does the Rosary comprehend heaven and earth, God and nature and history and the restoration of all things through the Redeemer born of Mary.


Every figure and color in its essential signification was employed for the perfecting of this divine master-piece. This Rosary, though inexpressibly profound in signification was described by the invalid with deep feeling and childlike simplicity.


With trembling joy she went from leaf to leaf, from figure to figure, describing all with the eager and joyous readiness of a lively child.  This is the Rosary " she said, "that the Mother of God gave to man as the devotion dearest to her ; but few have said it in this way ! Mary also showed it to St. Dominic ; but, in course of time, it became from neglect and disuse so soiled and sullied with dust that she covered it with her veil as with a cloud, through which, however, it still glimmers. Only by special grace, by great piety and simplicity can it now be understood. It is veiled and far away — only practice and meditation can bring it near!”

艾曼丽修女带着颤抖的喜悦,从一片树叶讲到另一片树叶,从一个人物讲到另一个人物,像一个活泼的孩子一样热切而快乐地描述着一切。 她说:「这就是玫瑰经」,「这是圣母玛利亚赐予人类的最虔诚的奉献;然而很少有人这样对圣母诵唸玫瑰经!圣母玛利亚也曾向圣多明我展示过玫瑰经;但随着时间的推移,玫瑰经因疏忽和废弃而被玷污,蒙上了一层灰尘,圣母玛利亚用面纱遮住了玫瑰经,就像遮住了一片云彩,但玫瑰经依然闪烁着光芒。只有藉着特殊的恩宠,拥有虔诚和纯朴之心的人,才能理解玫瑰经的奥秘。玫瑰经是隐蔽的,而又离我们遥远——只有通过实践和默想才能让它与自已靠近!」

附: 圣库贡德斯St. Cunegundes,皇后(立陶宛的主保)瞻礼 - 3 3


圣库贡德斯的父亲是第一任卢森堡伯爵。在接受了虔诚的教育后,她嫁给了巴伐利亚公爵圣亨利,后者在奥托三世皇帝去世后被选为罗马人的国王。 1014 年,她与丈夫一起前往罗马并成为皇后,并与他一起从教宗本笃八世手中接过皇冠。虽然已婚,但她生活在节制之中,因为在丈夫的同意下,她在婚前发誓要保持童贞。诽谤者指责她的行为是可耻的,但她的清白得到了天意的明确证明,因为她在没有受伤的情况下走过燃烧的铁块,让帝皇大为高兴。她的丈夫亨利二世于 1024 年去世,留下他的遗孀相对贫穷,因为她几乎将所有财富都捐给了慈善事业。 她在 1025 年她丈夫去世的周年纪念日,召集了大批主教蒙席参加她的卡芬根教堂的落成典礼。 在弥撒中,她在祭坛上献上了真十字架的圣髑,然后脱下她的皇袍,穿上了一件贫贱的会服。 她的头发被剪掉,主教给了她面纱和一枚戒指,作为她对天上净配忠诚的保证。


在修会中奉献给天主之后,她似乎完全忘记了自己曾经是一位女皇,并在修道院里承担最卑微的工作,因为她相信自己在天主面前就是这样。 她祈祷并阅读大量书籍,亲手劳作,并以探访和安慰病人为乐。 就这样,她度过了人生的最后十五年。她于 1040 年去世,她的遗体被运到班贝格,安放在她丈夫圣亨利的遗体附近。

上一篇:下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省的罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
下一篇:下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦


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