真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
浏览次数:1231 更新时间:2024-9-27

During the whole octave of Corpus Christi, 1821, Sister Emmerich had visions upon the state of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament throughout Germany, the sight of which drew from her tears and sighs of bitter grief. If, as she said, there were some portions of the country in a less lamentable condition than others, it was where that most august Sacrament was not altogether forgotten, where It was sometimes exposed for public veneration, sometimes borne in procession.

在 1821 年基督圣体圣血节的整个八天庆期中,艾曼丽修女看到了德国各地恭敬圣体圣事的虔诚情景,这虔诚的情景是来自她痛苦的泪水和叹息。像她说的那样,如果德国有些教区的情况没有其他教区那么悲惨,那是因为那些教区最神圣的圣体没有被完全遗忘,在那里时而有公拜圣体,时而有圣体游行。

Those districts which had fallen more or less under the influence of the new regime, liberty, love, and toleration, appeared under the form of a vineyard, withering and dying before the progress of the lights. In them she had to labor diligently, clearing and weeding until her hands were torn and bleeding. In December, though weighed down by all kinds of sufferings, she could not forbear asking Almighty God to send her still fresh ones ; for the mental anguish she endured at the sight of the coldness, neglect, and irreverence offered the Blessed Sacrament was greater than any physical pain could be.


Her prayer was heard but only on condition of her confessor's permission, that the merit of obedience might be added to that of suffering and supply the strength necessary for its patient endurance. The Pilgrim writes, Dec. 12, 1821, in the octave of the Immaculate Conception of Mary : “For several days, Sister Emmerich has had continual cramps, convulsive cough, spitting of blood. She swoons, she is perfectly prostrate, but her visions on the dangers threatening the faith are never interrupted. 'I must suffer it!’  she exclaims in ecstasy, ‘I have taken it upon myself, but I hope to be able to bear it!'— Once she seemed about to, spring from her bed :

她愿受苦的祈求被俯允了,但只有在她的告解神父许可的情形下,她的祈祷才能获得天主的应允,这样才能将她服从的美德加在受苦的功劳上,并为她耐心受苦提供所必需的力量。1821 年 12 月 12 日,朝圣者在圣母无染原罪的八天庆期中写道:「几天来,艾曼丽修女持续痉挛、抽搐性咳嗽、吐血。她昏倒了,她完全倒下了,但她对威胁信仰的危险的神视从未中断过。我必须为之受苦!她在神魂超拔中喊道,我亲自承担了,但我希望能够忍受得住!——有一次,她似乎要从床上跳起来:

— ‘I must find my confessor, I must ask his permission, I must open another fountain in the Heart of Jesus ! It has already five sources, but they have been wholly obstructed by the sins of men. Alas ! they permit not those fountains to flow upon them I lam to do it. I am to begin a new task, although my present one is not yet finished ! I must get my confessor's permission!’


— The confessor was absent, and Sister Emmerich several times repeated her petition to be allowed to open the obstructed sources.” The Pilgrim at first thought her delirious, but he soon reported the following : “Her condition becomes more and more critical and inexplicable — -torture, weakness, vomiting, bloody sweats, cramps, burning thirst, inability to drink, temptations to impatience and struggles against it.

——告解神父不在场,艾曼丽修女多次重复她的请求,要求允许打开被阻隔的泉源。 朝圣者起初以为她神智不清,但他很快报告了以下内容:她的病情变得越来越危急令人费解——折磨、虚弱、呕吐、血汗、痉挛、口渴难耐、不能喝水、诱惑使她不耐烦以及挣扎。

Dec. 13th — " Sister Emmerich lies to-day in a state altogether different from that of the last few days — painful paralysis of her members accompanied with acute rheumatism. A touch brings forth a groan, and still she had to be raised to a sitting posture several times during the night, on account of sharp pains of retention. She is too weak to explain the connection between her sufferings and her spiritual labors."

12 月 13 日——艾曼丽修女今天躺在床上的状态与前几天完全不同——她的肢体疼痛麻痹,还伴有急性风湿病。轻轻一碰她就会发出呻吟声,但她仍然不得不在夜间起身坐着,这是由于剧烈的牵拉痛。她太虚弱了,无法解释她的痛苦和她的属灵工作之间的联系。

That afternoon as the Pilgrim and confessor sat in the adjoining room, they were not a little startled on seeing the invalid suddenly leave her bed, approach them with a firm step, and kneel before the latter, her hands joined, saying : ‘Give me a blessing ! I need it for a certain person,’ Father Limberg blessed her and, though looking like a skeleton, she returned to her bed as briskly as one in perfect health.


At such moments her slightest motions are singularly striking and impressive ; she seems wholly unconscious of her movements. Like the turning of a flower to the light, they appear to be involuntary and they excite surprise in the beholder. After a short silence, she exclaimed: “They are strewing the road with rose leaves — some one must be coming !” and then she was shown how the sources of grace in the Sacred Heart were cut off from many souls of good- will by the suppression of devotional exercises, by the- closing and profanation of churches.

在这样的时刻,她的一举一动都是异乎寻常地引人注目,令人印象深刻;她似乎完全没有意识到自己的举动。就像花朵转向光一样,它们似乎是不由自主的,它们会让旁观者感到惊讶。沉默片刻之后,她惊呼道:「他们在路上撒满了玫瑰花瓣—— 一定有人来了!」然后,她看到圣心恩宠的源泉是如何因禁止公共祈祷关闭圣堂和亵渎圣堂而与许多良善的灵魂隔绝的。

In reparation for the same, she was directed to make special exercises in honor of the Divine Heart. “Great periods of suffering, “she said, “begin with visions of roses and flowers scattered over me ; they signify my different pains. When I was seized with rheumatism, I saw a pyramid of sharp thorns covered with roses. I groaned with fright at the thought of climbing it. “

为了赔补这一损失,她被指示进行特殊的补赎以光荣神圣圣心。 巨大的痛苦时期,她说,始于玫瑰和鲜花散落在我身上的神视;它们代表着我不同的痛苦。当我患上风湿病时,我看到了一个覆盖着玫瑰尖刺的锥形塔,一想到要爬上去,我就得呻吟起来。

Once she uttered these prophetic words : “I see the enemies of the Blessed Sacrament who close the churches and prevent Its adoration, rushing to their own destruction ! They fall sick, they die without priest or Sacrament !”


From Quasimodo until the third Sunday after Easter, 1820, Sister Emmerich’s state became so aggravated in consequence of the attacks made by Wessenberg and his party on the celibacy of the clergy and the scandals arising from the same, that her friends, though long accustomed to such scenes, could scarcely bear the sight of it. Still, however, her physical pains were perhaps even more endurable to the poor invalid than were the ill-advised efforts to relieve her and the disturbance occasioned her little household.

从卸白衣主日到 1820 年复活节后的第三主日,由于韦森伯格和他的同党对神职人员独身制的攻击和由此引起的种种丑闻,艾曼丽修女的处境变得更加恶劣,以至于她的朋友们,虽然早已习惯了这样的场面,却几乎看不下去了。然而,她身体上的痛苦,比起那些为减轻她的痛苦而做的不明智的努力,和给她的小家庭带来的干扰,对于这个可怜的病人来说,也许更能忍受。

The Pilgrim's brother, Christian Brentano, was in Diilmen at the time and, finding a noisy game of nine-pins going on just beneath Sister Emmerich's window one day, he resolved to have her removed to a more retired neighborhood. For this end he sought to gain Father Limberg and Dr. Wesener's approval, hoping to win through the latter the consent of the old Abbe Lambert, then sick and confined to his bed. But the old priest, weighed down by infirmity and desirous of ending his days in peace, would by no means consent to the change.

朝圣者的哥哥克里斯蒂安·布伦塔诺(Christian Brentano)当时就在杜尔门,有一天,他发现艾曼丽修女的窗户下正在进行一场喧闹的九柱球游戏,于是决定把她搬到一个更僻静的社区。为此,朝圣者的哥哥设法获得林堡神父和韦塞纳医生的认可,希望通过韦塞纳医生获得老兰伯特神父的同意,当时兰伯特神父病倒了,卧床不起,身体虚弱,又希望能平静地结束自己的一生,兰伯特神父无论如何也不同意这种改变。

 “Full of sadness,” as the Pilgrim says, he dragged himself to the invalid's bedside and protested against a removal. Sister Emmerich, anxious and annoyed by the repetition of such scenes, fell into a most deplorable state. Then it was that all concerned urged the use of various ineffectual remedies. They forgot the supernatural character of her sufferings which, had they been other than they were, must have ended in death.


In view of this irritating commotion, we may readily understand the effort it cost the poor invalid to preserve her patience unruffled and the earnestness with which she longed for Dean Overberg's presence to lull the storm. The Pilgrim gives us the following details : —


April 15th — "I found Sister Emmerich quite unable to speak from excessive pain. She had lain all night unable to stir on account of the violent suffering in her left side. She could neither stretch out her hand to the tumbler at her side, nor move her feet from the bottle of hot water that had been placed in her bed ; and thus she spent the night, abandoning herself to the mercy of God. When her confessor visited her next morning, he ordered the dreaded brandy lotions, which only served to aggravate her misery.”

4 月 15 日——我发现艾曼丽修女因极度疼痛而说不出话来。她躺了整整一夜,由于左侧剧烈疼痛而无法动弹,她既不能伸手去拿身边的玻璃杯,也不能把脚从放在床上的暧水瓶上挪开;她就这样度过了一夜,把自己交给天主的慈悲。第二天早上,当她的告解神父来看望她时,给了她一点白兰地乳液来减轻她的痛苦,但那只会加重她的痛苦。

April 16th — “The pains in the wound of her side are excruciating. They began by a vision on St. Thomas's incredulity. To-day, Sunday, as she was contemplating a scene from the Gospel, the wound bled and she felt that with every breath she drew the air blew through it. To prevent this she laid her hand over the wound. The retention from which she suffers is very severe. To crown all, there is a game of ninepins going on under her window. A friend is endeavoring to persuade her to change her lodgings."

4 月 16 日——她肋旁的伤口疼痛难忍。她看到了圣多默宗徒的神视,这疼痛与圣多默的怀疑有关。今天主日,当她在默想福音中的一个场景时,伤口流血了,她觉得随着每次呼吸都会导致气流流过伤口而引起疼痛。为了防止这种情况,她把手放在伤口上,伤口上的伤非常严重。最糟的是,在她的窗户下正在进行一场九柱球比赛。一位朋友正在努力说服她换个住处。

April 17th — “Her pains increase ; she is all swollen, and the retention is so sharp as sometimes to deprive her of consciousness. She lies like a corpse, like one who had died from starvation. Sometimes her hunger for the Blessed Sacrament becomes intolerable ; her heart burns with desire, whilst her hands are icy cold.'


April 18th— " Her condition is truly pitiable! Father Limberg begged the Parish-priest of Haltern to come and give her his benediction, which he did apparently to her relief. This evening a brandy lotion was again prescribed, to which the poor invalid submitted with a groan. I have brought it upon myself!' she said, 'I have prayed for expiatory sufferings, and now the fire must burn out. I abandon all to God ! '”

4 月 18 日——她的情况真的很可怜!林堡神父恳求哈尔滕教区的本堂神父来为她降福,这降福显然使她得到了缓解。这天晚上,医生又用了白兰地乳液,可怜的病人呻吟着服从了。这是我自愿做补赎!』她说,我已经求得了赎罪的痛苦,现在火必须熄灭了。我将一切都交托给天主!』」

April 19th — ' The whole night she lay consumed by fever and not allowed to drink for fear of retention. The Parish-priest of Haltern again prayed over and relieved her. When the Pilgrim visited her in the afternoon, he found her lying on the foot of the bed, her limbs gathered up ; she was groaning with agony, and her fever was high. The pain seems now to be centred in the left side of the vertebral column. Although in this pitiable state, she thanked God for all and, thinking herself in purgatory, she rejoiced in the thought of never being able to offend Him again."


April 20th — “Her pains still continue ; her bed is steeped with perspiration, and even Gertrude (not very easily moved) shed tears at her sister's sufferings. The invalid declares that, unless relieved, she must surely die ; she can-not longer support her pains. She is quite deformed. She sent in haste for the Cure, who came at once. He prayed and imposed hands upon her, when she instantly fell into a gentle slumber.


Afterward she said in allusion to this crisis: 'I begged God earnestly to forgive me if I had asked for sufferings beyond my strength, to pity me for the sake of His Son's Precious Blood, and to help me to do His holy will, if I can still be of any service on this earth. I felt sure that, had I died this time, I should, in some measure, have been guilty of my own death and that I should have had to do penance in purgatory.


As I received no other answer than : “The fire thou thyself hast lighted must burn to the end !" — I became discouraged, for I saw myself in a very precarious state. I recommended my affairs to God, since I should have to leave them behind me in disorder. When the Cure prayed and imposed hands upon me, it seemed as if a gentle stream of light passed through me. I fell asleep feeling that I was again a little child being rocked to rest. A luminous ray rested upon me which vanished when he withdrew his hand; but I was relieved, I was again full of courage !”


Toward noon, Sister Emmerich had another attack which the old Abbe Lambert relieved by the imposition of hands and the recital of the Rosary. The Pilgrim put into her hand the crusts that had fallen from her stigmata. She smiled with a surprised air, and said : " There is a poor sick person in a most pitiable condition ! The Cure of Haltern must know her ! There she lies over there ! She is much worse off than I, but she is patient ! Ah ! she is in great danger, but the Cure has helped her. I cannot bear to see her suffering so ; it makes me worse ! I shall pray for her. She must have been shown me for my humiliation, for she is far better, far more patient than I, though much more suffering !" — and here the Pilgrim removed the crusts.

中午时分,艾曼丽修女又犯了一次病,老兰伯特神父通过覆手和诵念玫瑰经来减轻她的痛苦。朝圣者把从她的圣伤上掉下来的结痂放进她的手里。艾曼丽修女露出惊讶的表情笑了,说:一个可怜的病人,病得极其可怜!哈尔滕教区的神父一定认识她!她躺在那儿!她的处境比我差很多,但她很有耐心!啊!她处于极大的危险之中,但圣事帮助了她。我不忍看到她这样受苦;这让我更难受!我会为她祈祷。天主将她显示给我,一定是为让我更谦卑,因为她比我更有圣德,比我更有耐心,虽然比我更痛苦! ——说到这里,朝圣者拿走了结痂。

April 21st — "She appears better to-day. St. Walburga and Madeline von Hadamar have appeared and consoled her. She is in continual contemplation.’

April 22d — “Her pains are not so severe, but she is so weak as to be hardly able to speak. Her confessor told her to-day : ‘You are averse to brandy lotions, yet I know they are good for the stomach and back. ‘"

4 月 21 日——她今天看起来好多了。圣沃尔普加和玛德琳·冯·哈达玛显现并安慰了她。她一直在默观中。

4 月 22 日——她的疼痛不是很严重,但她很虚弱,几乎不能说话。她的告解神父今天告诉她:你不喜欢白兰地乳液,但我知道它们对胃和背部有好处。 』」

April 23d — Second Sunday after Easter : " At the Abbe Lambert and Gertrude's request, the mistress of the house made Sister Emmerich a small cup of chicken broth without seasoning ; for, as they said, she would never get strong without nourishment. The poor invalid patiently yielded to their united solicitations, but no sooner had she done so than her stomach revolted and she lay until evening in a state calculated to draw tears from the beholders.

4 月 23 日——复活节后的第二主日:应兰伯特神父和格特鲁德的要求,房子的女主人给艾曼丽修女煮了一小杯没有调味的鸡汤;因为,正如他们所说,没有营养她永远也不会强壮起来。可怜的病人耐心地接受了他们的恳求,但她刚一咽下,她的胃就恶心了,她一直躺到晚上,她的状态让旁观者流下了眼泪。

Fever, chills, cramps, and total insensibility succeeded one another in rapid succession; at last, the doctor pronounced mortification as having set in, and her death was momentarily expected. But after some time, she suddenly opened her eyes and said smilingly : ' I am no longer ill, I have no pain!’ The confessor ordered her to go to sleep which, however, her burning fever prevented, and she replied in a deprecating tone : ‘I want to, but I cannot,’ and she began in a low voice to make tender acts of love to God.


 ‘What do you want with the saints ?’ asked Father Limberg. ' Go to sleep ! Fine obedience!’ Again she replied : ' Ah ! I want to, but I cannot!’ At last she fell into ecstasy, her whole body becoming rigid with no sign of pulsation excepting under the touch of the priest's fingers (1). The fever also left her."

 想和圣人们干什么林堡神父问道。去睡觉 !乖乖服从!她又回答说:啊!我想,但我不能!最后她陷入了神魂超拔中,她的整个身体变得僵硬,除了在司铎的手指触摸之外的脉动,没有任何脉搏脉动的迹象(1)。高烧也退了。

(1) “This pulsation," says Brentano, " Is a witness of the highest importance rendered by nature to the Church ; but it is incomprehensible! Unfortunately, we do not attach to it its proper value."

(1) 这种脉动,布伦塔诺说,「是造物主赋予教会的最重要的见证;但它是不可理解的!不幸的是,我们没有赋予它应有的价值。」

April 24th — “The doctor and the confessor are anxious about the invalid. They fear mortification. She herself asks for Extreme Unction and begs them to send for Dean Overberg. They delay, however, giving her Holy Communion, as they expect the Vicar-General this evening and desire him to perform that office for her."

4 月 24 日——医生和告解神父都很担心病人。他们害怕她死亡。她自己要求终傅,并恳求他们派人去找奥弗伯格总铎。然而,他们推迟了给她送临终圣体,因为他们希望今天晚上副主教会来,并希望副主教为她实行终傅圣事。

The Vicar-General came not, and Sister Emmerich lay for hours without assistance ; but God took compassion on His faithful servant. The Pilgrim reports under date of April 26th — "The invalid, who seemed to be in agony, suddenly arose to a sitting posture, her hands joined, her countenance radiant with youth and health and wearing an expression of the tenderest piety ; thus she remained for a few minutes, made a motion as if swallowing, and then sank back on her pillows entirely changed.

副主教没有来,艾曼丽修女在无人帮助的情况下躺了好几个小时。但天主怜悯祂忠心的仆人。朝圣者在 4 月 26 日的报告中写道——病人似乎很痛苦,突然坐起身来,双手合十,她的脸上洋溢着年轻而健康的光芒,带着最温柔的虔诚的表情;她这样保持了几分钟后,做了一个吞咽似的动作,然后又倒在枕头上,完全变了样。

Gaily and with childlike simplicity she exclaimed : ‘O I have obtained something! I have been so long begging at that magnificent table and, at last, I received a crumb which has entirely restored my strength. I am entirely changed ! All is well, all is in the hands of God. I have abandoned all to Him, I am perfectly relieved ! Something like a dark vapor went out from me and floated upward. — It may stay away ; I don't want it!’  Next day, she said: ‘Although in contemplation, I saw what was going on around me, what was being done to assist me, to arrange things as is customary in this lower world. It struck me as being so very ridiculous that I had to laugh, though I was in such pain.'"

她带着孩子般的天真欢快地喊道:啊,我得到了一些食物!我在那张华丽的餐桌上乞求了许久,终于,我得到了一点面包屑,它使我完全恢复了体力。我完全变了!一切都好了,一切都在天主的手中。我已经把一切都交给了祂,我完全缓解了!有一种像黑色雾气一样的东西从我身上散发出来,向上飘去。——它可能会飘走,我不想要它! 第二天,她说:虽然在默观中,我看到了我周围发生的事情,看到了人们正在帮助我,按照这个尘世的习惯安排事情。我觉得这太荒谬了,尽管我很痛苦,我还是忍不住笑了。』」

April 27th — " She was very weak this morning. When she received through the Pilgrim the announcement of Dean Overberg's inability to come just then she wept, but soon regained her composure and related a vision she had had the night before : ' I was a child again. I was home, sick unto death, and all alone, father and mother absent. But ever so many of the neighbors' children, those of the mayor and others, came in and waited on me, and were so sweet and kind ! They got green branches, (it was in May) stuck them in the ground, find made a little hut.

4 月 27 日——她今天早上非常虚弱。就在这时,当她从朝圣者那里得知奥弗伯格总铎不能来的消息时,她哭了,但很快又恢复了平静,并讲述了昨天晚上看到的神视:我又回到了童年时代,我在家里,病得要死,独自一人,父母都不在家。但是,有很多邻居的孩子,市长的孩子和其他人的孩子们,都进来照顾我,他们是那么可爱和亲切!他们找到了绿色的树枝,(那是在五月)他们把枝条插在地里,做了一个小茅屋。

They carried leaves to it and made a bed for me. Then they brought me the most wonderful playthings, more beautiful than I could ever have dreamed of: dolls, cribs, animals, cooking utensils, little angels — and I played with them until morning. At times I feel as if some of them were still lying around. — I wept much this afternoon, and once I pressed the Mother of God right to my heart, saying over and over again : “Thou art my mother, my only mother !" and that did me good.'"


How often the poor sufferer had to struggle against the frightful evil that attacked the celibacy of the clergy may be seen by the following vision of August 16, 1821; — "I was taken to a flock (a diocese) at one end of the field by the Nuptial House (that is, a diocese surrounded by Protestant sects). Among the sheep were many good- for-nothing goats that injured them with their horns.


I was ordered to drive them out, a task which proved both troublesome and difficult, as I knew not how to tell the good from the bad. Then appeared St. Stanislaus Kostka who helped me. First, I went to the banks of a swift, broad stream and called all the goats together, The saint told me that the worthless ones were those with long, stiff hairs behind their ears and on the nape of the neck. I seized seven such animals and cast them into the cold waters which swept them off. “


August 19th — “I have had a frightful night! I was nailed, crucified by the world, the flesh, and the devil, and I had to struggle with an enormous ram ; but I conquered him ! I bent his horns over his neck, broke them, and laid them crosswise on his back. ' Thou, also, shalt bear the cross!’ I said." In a subsequent vision the fruit of her sufferings was shown her: "I saw a number of young ecclesiastics in a seminary assembled for a repast and, as I came from a higher sphere, I had many things to provide for them.

8 月 19 日——我度过了一个可怕的夜晚!我被世俗、肉身和魔鬼钉在十字架上,我不得不与一只巨大的公羊搏斗;但我征服了它!我把它的角弯到它的脖子上,折断,然后交叉放在它的背上。你,也应该背负十字架!我说。在随后的异象中,我看到了我所受的苦难的果实:我看到神学院里许多年轻的神职人员聚在一起吃饭,因为我来自一个更高的领域,我有许多东西可以供给他们。

I collected all in various places, though not without great fatigue. All sorts of cripples and beggars helped me and also the souls of many deceased persons. My companions in religion were to assist me, but I had first to light them out of a dark cave (1). Reverend Mother remarked to them how wonderful it was that I should have been commissioned to lead them to such a task. I had to distribute a dozen sugar-loaves made by myself. I had to drag the sugar-cane from a great distance and put it through the necessary processes.


I distributed eleven ; the twelfth I laid aside for the poor. But Sister Eswig made such a fuss about it, saying that I had put it away for myself, that I replied : ‘Very well ! I shall divide it. But let every one give me back a part of hers for my trouble!’ and so, I got more than I had at first. — This vision was very extended.


I saw too by what prayers, labors, and holy souls this will be brought about after my death. It seemed as if a band of pious workmen arose from whom these good results were to emanate. The gifts bestowed upon the clergy were very varied ; each received what he most needed There appeared to be very peculiar plants and flowers among them. From the ecclesiastics the best were chosen."


Again we find Sister Emmerich's labors directed to the good of ecclesiastical seminaries, as the following vision shows : —

May, 1821. — “I was in a long hall, on either side of which at their desks were young men in long robes like seminarists ; passing up and down among them was a tall man. I was in one corner. All at once, the young men turned into horses and the tall man into an immense cud-chewing ox. The horses showed their teeth behind him and made all sorts of mocking grimaces.


1821 年 5 月。——我在一个长长的大厅里,两边的课桌旁都是年轻人,穿着长袍,就像神学院学生一样;一个高个子男人在他们中间穿梭。我在一个角落里。突然,年轻人变成了马,高个子变成了一头巨大的反刍的牛。马在他身后露出牙齿,做出各种嘲弄的鬼脸。

I was wishing the ox would show them his horns and make them behave, but all he did was to butt the wall every time he came to the end of the hall. There was a hole in it already, and I thought the building would soon come down on top of us. I knew not how to get out when, all at once, one of the horses left his place to go to another. I perceived a door behind the seat he had vacated, and by it I made my escape."


On the evening of Jan. 15, 1822, Sister Emmorich vomited blood freely, and then suddenly exclaimed : “Ah ! a pious, parish-priest has just died in Rome of old age ! I received the general absolution with him ! His soul went straight to purgatory, but he will very soon be released. We must pray for him. He was greatly attached to the Pope during whose captivity he did much good in secret. The Pope himself has not long to live."

1822 年 1 月 15 日晚,艾曼丽修女吐血不止,然后突然惊叫道:啊!一位虔诚的本堂神父刚刚在罗马因年老去世了!我和他一起获得了全大赦!他的灵魂直接进入炼狱,但很快就会被释放。我们必须为他祈祷。他与教感情深厚,在教宗被囚禁期间,他秘密地做了很多好事。教宗本人也活不久了。

And again she said : "That good old priest was one of the twelve unknown Apostles whom I always see supporting the Church and of whom I have often spoken. He is the second that has died. There are now only ten ; but I see others growing up. He was a friend and counsellor of the Holy Father, but he would never give up his parish for a higher position."


19. Coronation of a Pope.


January 27, 1822, Feast of St. Paul's Conversion (Minister). Sister Emmerich suddenly fell into ecstasy during which she prayed fervently. That evening she said to the Pilgrim: “There has been a thanksgiving feast in the spiritual church. It was filled with glory, and a magnificent throne stood in the middle of it. Paul, Augustine, and other converted saints figured conspicuously.

1822 年 1 月 27 日,圣保禄宗徒皈依瞻礼(明斯特)。艾曼丽修女突然陷入了神魂超拔之中,她虔诚地祈祷着。那天晚上,她对朝圣者说:在属灵的教会里有一个感恩祭。它充满了荣耀,在它中间矗立着宏伟的宝座。圣保禄、圣奥斯定和其他皈依的圣人都赫然在列。

It was a feast in the Church Triumphant, a thanksgiving for a great, though still future grace, something like a future consecration. It referred to the conversion of a man whom I saw of slight figure and tolerably young, who was one day to be Pope. I saw him below in the church among other pious men ; he had been connected with the good old priest whose death I saw the other day in Rome.

这是 凯旋教会一个 瞻礼庆日,是对未来的一个 恩宠的感恩,类似一个人未来的献身。它指的是有一个人的转变,我看到这个人身材瘦小、相当年轻,他有朝一日要成为教宗。我看见他在下面的教堂里和其他虔诚的人在一起;他与我前几天在罗马看到的那位刚去世的善良的老司铎有联系。

I saw many Christians returning to the bosom of the Church, entering through the walls. That Pope will be strict, he will remove from him lukewarm, tepid Bishops — but it will be a long time before this happens. — All whose prayers have been instrumental in obtaining this grace were present in the church. I saw also those men eminent in prayer whom I so often see.


The young man was already in Orders and it seemed as if he were receiving some new dignity. He is not Roman, though an Italian from a place not far from Rome. I think he is of a pious noble family. He travels sometimes. But before his time there will be many struggles. — It was an indescribably beautiful and joyous festival, and I was so happy ! The church is still there — I want to go back to it ! — " and at these words she relapsed into ecstasy, during which she rose in her bed to pray until ordered by her confessor to lie down.

这位年轻人已经是神职人员了,他似乎还获得了一些新的尊严。他不是罗马人,但他是离罗马不远的意大利人。我认为他出自一个虔诚的贵族家庭。他有时会旅行。但在他的时代到来之前,将有很多挣扎。——这是一个难以形容的美好和欢乐的瞻礼,我好开心!教堂还在那儿——我想回去! ——说这些话时,她又陷入了神魂超拔之中,在神魂超拔期间,她从床上站起来祈祷,直到她的告解神父命令她躺下。

Sister Emmerich spent the fall of 1822 in continual labors for the Church in Germany, She made nightly journeys to Rome ; averted dangers from couriers, whose dispatches robbers and assassins were lying in wait to seize ; assisted the sick and leprous whom she found on the road, and took charge of their disgusting packages; protected brides from false bridegrooms, that is opposed the illegitimate occupation of certain episcopal sees ; and all this she did with so much fatigue, with corporal sufferings so intense, as to be able to give very little account of them.

在 1822 年秋天,艾曼丽修女继续为德国的教会工作,她每天趁夜晚去罗马;为避开信使的危险,因他们的快件正被强盗和刺客埋伏着伺机夺取;在路上艾曼丽修女帮助她发现的病人和麻风病人,并保管这些病人令人作呕的包裹;保护新娘免受假新郎的欺骗,亦即反对非法占用主教空缺位;当她做这一切的时候,她是那么的疲惫,身体的痛苦是那么的强烈,以致于她几乎无法讲述这些事情。

The following vision, however, distinctly points to the object of these journeys ; viz., the ecclesiastical affairs of the Upper-Rhine province. Just at this epoch strenuous efforts were being made to gain the Holy See to renounce all right to certain bishoprics and to recognize as lawful incumbents men who had formally ratified an engagement with their patrons to betray the Catholic faith and to ignore for the future the laws and jurisdiction of the Church. Sister Emmerich was the instrument employed by God to oppose these iniquitous projects: —


Oct. 22, 1822. — "I was on my way to Rome, when I found a singular-looking child on a heath by the roadside. It seemed to be only one day old. It lay in the centre of a dark globe which looked like fog, but which in reality was formed of thousands of twisted threads proceeding from the most distant regions. I had to pierce this web to get at the child which I found closely enveloped in a beautiful little cloak with a large scalloped cape. I felt something under the cloak fastened to the child's back. I tried, though in vain, to remove it, for I suspected that it was nothing good, when this child of a day began to laugh !

1822 年 10 月 22 日——我在去罗马的路上,在路边的荒地上发现了一个长相奇怪的孩子。他好像才出生一天。他躺在一个看雾的黑暗球体的中心,但实际上它是由数以千计的缠绕线组成的,这些线来自最遥远的地方。我必须穿透这张网才能接近孩子,我发现那孩子紧紧地裹在一件漂亮的小斗篷里,斗篷上有一个大扇形披肩我感觉到斗篷下面有什么东西紧紧地系在孩子的背上。我想把它取下来,但没有成功,因为我怀疑这不是什么好东西这时候,这个一天大的孩子开始笑了起来!

I shrank from it unable to account for its mirth. I now know what it meant. The authors of the trick doubted not of its success. They had wrapped it (the book) up with the gentle child in order to have it secretly conveyed to Rome. I do not now remember to whom I confided the child, but I think it was to a secular. I saw many whom I knew exulting over my taking the child, for there are in Rome even among the prelates many whose sentiments are not Catholic, and who had connived at the success of the scheme.


I saw in Germany among worldly- wise ecclesiastics, and enlightened Protestants, plans formed for the blending of religious creeds, the suppression of Papal authority, the appointment of more superiors, the diminishing of expenses and the number of ecclesiastics, etc., which projects found abettors in many of the Roman prelates. (I have often seen that C. C — is not of much account) (1). He does much harm, he hates his father ; but he is so mixed up in affairs that they can-not get rid of him. He is perfectly entangled by the secret society, that wide-spread association which works more quickly and still more superficially than even the Freemasons."

在德国,老于世故的神职人员和“开明的”新教徒中间,我看到了为混合宗教信条制定的计划压制教宗权威、任命更多上级、减少开支和减少神职人员的数量,等等。这些计划在许多罗马主教中得到了支持。(我经常看到 C C不是很重要的人)(1)。他做了很多坏事,他恨他的父亲,但他被卷入各种事务中,以至于人们无法摆脱他。他完全被秘密组织纠缠住了,这个广泛传播的组织比共济会运作得更快、也更肤浅。

(1) (Ich habe oft geseben, das. C.C. nichts taugt, etc)

(1) 我经常看到 CC没什么大不了等等。 

The child in the globe of fog typifies the plan conceived for the suppression of Catholicity enveloped, as in a cloak, by beautiful figures of rhetoric ; the fog signifies imposture which works in the dark; the laughing of the child, the premature triumph of the plotters (men devoted to the pleasures of the table) at having outwitted the Sovereign Pontiff despite his protests and briefs ! The book under the mantle represents the writings forwarded to Rome in favor of the projects.


They were on their way, indeed, but they were incapable of preventing  the discovery and defeat of the plot. Sister Emmerich saw the same wicked designers hunting up the decisions of the early Councils, on which occasion Pope Gelasius was shown her as opposing the Manicheans, prototypes of the modern Illuminati. The intention of annihilating the Pope and his authority really existed, as the Church-Councillor Werkmeister, the most active and influential of the sect, openly and cynically boasted.


This man, once a monk at Neresheim, then a Church-Councillor at Stuttgard, boldly arrogated to himself the glory of having incontestably demonstrated that " The Papacy could and ought to be rooted out," setting forth, for the benefit of the secular powers, the surest means of attaining that end, a means which was afterward literally adopted by the Frankfort Assembly of which we have made mention (1).


 (1) Plan for the Re-organization of the Catholic Church in the Germanic Confederation-" Published in German, 1816

(1) 重组日耳曼联邦天主教会的计划——德文出版,1816 年

Whilst these agents of the evil one seemed to grow stronger day by day in numbers and influence ; whilst flattering themselves that they had even smoothed the way in Rome for the success of their plans, the prayers and sufferings of the poor stigmatisee of Diilmen arrested their work of destruction. She so courageously resisted the enemies of God, besieging Him with prayers so ardent that, in a short time, she was able to say : “God ordained that the Holy Father should be ill at this moment, whereby he escaped the snare laid for him.


The enemy has long been maturing his plans ; but they will not succeed, they have been discovered. I had many visions on this head, but I only recall the following : I beheld the only daughter of the King of kings attacked and persecuted. She wept bitterly over the quantity of blood shed (2), and cast her eyes on a race of valiant virgins (3) who were to combat at her side. I had much to do with her. I begged her to remember my country, as well as certain others that I named, and I petitioned for some of her treasures for the clergy.


(2) The numberless souls lost.

(3) Chaste priests, defenders of her rights.

(2) 无数灵魂丧失。

(3) 贞洁的神父,圣母权利的捍卫者。

She responded : ‘Yes, it is true that I have great treasures, but they tread them under foot.’ She wore a sky-blue robe. — Then my guide exhorted me anew to pray and, as far as I could, to incite others to pray for sinners and especially for erring priests. ‘Very evil times are coming,’  he said. ‘The non- Catholics will mislead many. They will use every possible means to entice them from the Church, and great disturbances will follow.’


— I had then another vision in which I saw the King's daughter armed for the struggle. Multitudes contributed to this with prayers, good works, all sorts of labors and self-victories which passed from hand to hand up to heaven where each was wrought, according to its kind, into a piece of armor for the virgin-warrior. The perfect adjustment of the various pieces was most remarkable, as also their wonderful signification.


She was armed from head to foot. I knew many of those who contributed the armor, and I saw with surprise that whole institutions and great and learned people furnished nothing. The contribution was made chiefly by the poor and lowly. — And now I saw the battle. The enemies' ranks were by far the more numerous ; but the little body of the faithful cut down whole rows of them. The armed virgin stood off on a hill.


I ran to her, pleading for my country and those other places for which I had to pray. She was armed singularly, but significantly, with helmet, shield, and coat of mail, and the soldiers were like those of our own day. The battle was terrible ; only a handful of victorious champions survived


20. A Diocese Separated from the Rock of Peter.

20. 伯多禄磐石”–教宗分开的教区。

“I saw a church sailing on the waters and in great danger of sinking, for it had no foundation ; it rolled on the sea like a ship. With mighty efforts I had to help to restore its balance, and we sent many people into it, chiefly children, stationing them around on the beams and planks (1). In the three aisles of the church lay twelve men prostrate and motionless in fervent prayer, and there were crowds of children at the entrance prostrate before an altar.

我看到一座教堂在水面上航行,有沉没的危险,因为它没有根基;它像船一样在海面上漂浮。我费了很大的劲才帮助它恢复平衡,我们派了很多人进去,主要是孩子,把他们安置在横梁和木板上(1)。 在教堂的三条过道里,躺着十二个人,他们俯伏着一动不动地虔诚的祈祷,在教堂入口处,有成群的孩子在祭台前俯伏祈祷。

(1)A symbol of the future. This church, tossed to and fro and about to be engulfed by the waves, was to find by decrees a more solid foundation on the rock of Peter.

(1) 未来的象征。这个教会摇摇欲坠、即将被海浪吞没,本应通过法令在伯多禄磐石上找到更坚固的根基。

I saw no Pope, but a Bishop prostrate before the High Altar. In this vision I saw the church bombarded by other vessels, but we hung wet cloths before it and it received no damage. It was threatened on all sides ; it seemed as if its enemies wanted to hinder its landing. When by the help of extra weight it was again righted, it sank a little in the sand.

我看到的不是教宗,而是一位主教跪伏在主祭台前。在这个异象中,我看到教堂(好似一只船)被其他船只轰击,但我们在它前面挂了块湿船帆(译注: 船帆的主要作用是给船提供前进的动力,船帆一旦沾水,会增加船的整体重量),在额外重量的帮助下,虽然船受到四面八方的威胁,它没有受到任何损坏,船再次被扶正,它的敌人似乎想要阻止它的登陆,但它在沙地稍微下沉了一点着陆了。

Then we laid down planks to the shore. Instantly all sorts of bad ecclesiastics ran in with others, who had given no assistance in time of need, (2) and began to mock the twelve men whom they found in prayer and to box their ears ; but the latter were silent and went on praying. — Then we brought great stones which we stuck all around for a foundation which began to increase as if it were growing of itself. The stones came together, and it seemed as if a rock sprang up and all became solid. Crowds of people, among them some strangers, entered by the door, and the church was again on land."


 (2) The old liberal party who, when they could do so without danger or fatigue sought to possess themselves of the rights of others.

(2) 旧的自由党,当他们可以在没有危险或疲劳的情况下这样做时,他们试图占有他人的权利。

This vision lasted several nights and was accompanied by hard labor. Once Sr. Emmerich, still in ecstasy uttered the following words : “They want to take from the shepherd his own pasture grounds ! They want to fill his place with one who will hand all over to the enemy !" — Then she shook her hand indignantly, crying out : “O ye German cheats! (1) Wait awhile! You will not succeed! The Shepherd stands upon a rock ! O ye priests ! You stir not, ye sleep, and the sheepfold is everywhere on fire ! You do nothing ! O how you will bewail this some day ! If you had said only one Our Father ! The whole night have I seen the enemies of the Lord Jesus drag Him around and maltreat him upon Calvary ! I see so many traitors ! They cannot bear to hear said: 'Things are going badly’ — All is well with them if only they can shine before the world !"

这一神视持续了几个晚上,并伴随着极其痛苦的补赎。有一次,还在神魂超拔中的艾曼丽修女说出了下面的话:他们想夺走牧羊人的牧场!把这一切都交给仇敌来取代牧羊人的位置! 然后艾曼丽义愤填膺地摇着她的手,喊道:哦,你们这些德国骗子!(1)再等些时候!你们不会成功的!那位大牧者站在磐石之上!哦,你们这些司铎!你们一动不动,你们睡觉,羊圈到处都着火了!你们什么都不做!哦,有一天你们会为此痛哭!哪怕你们只念一遍天主经!我整夜都看到了主耶稣的仇敌把祂拖来拖去,在加尔瓦略山虐待祂!我看到这么多叛徒!他们这些司铎不愿意听到人说:情况很糟了!——只要他们能在世人面前有光彩,他们就认为一切都美好!

(1) The so-called German patriots who were opposed to the Latin tongue as the language of the Church. They sought to establish a national German Church, without God, without the Sacraments, without the Pope.

(1) 反对将拉丁语作为教会语言的所谓德国爱国者。他们试图建立一个没有天主、没有圣事、没有教宗的德国民族教会。

April, 1823. — “I almost killed myself working last night, I am full of pains ! First, I had to drag a great man into the church. He had tried to prevent my adoring the Blessed Sacrament in a spiritual church and had seized me by the shoulders. When I caught him he resisted ; but I held him firmly by the hands and, not being able to free himself, he dragged me backwards on my knees. At last, after much struggling, I succeeded in bringing him before the altar.

1823 年 4 月——我昨晚做的事情差点要了我的命,我满身都是伤痛!首先,我不得不把一个大人物拖进教堂。他曾试图阻止我在一个属灵教堂中朝拜圣体,还抓住我的肩膀。当我抓住他时,他奋力反抗;但我紧紧地抓住他的手,他挣脱不开,只好跪着把我向后拖。最后,经过一番挣扎,我终于把他带到了祭台前。 

The house from which he had come (the Nuptial House) was on fire, which it seems he himself had kindled. With infinite trouble, I had to save everything, to carry all to the sheep-fold. The fire had already mounted to the roof and there was no human being to help me, although I saw many priests, whom I knew, walking leisurely around. At last an ecclesiastic approached with one who looked like a lawyer, and they helped me.


We rescued from all corners of the house chests, boxes, mantles, candlesticks, and church chandeliers, and took them to the sheep-fold. I worked myself to death ! — As the flames darted out through the roof, the priest rushed in and snatched up a son, (2) a child from one of the rooms that he whom I had dragged into the church had tried to kill, but which was still alive. The servants slept over that room ; but, fortunately, they were saved. The smoke and fumes soon cleared away. We three saved all."


 (2) The son, the child , viz., the plot to establish certain relations with the Greek schism. Sister Emmerich saw this son go to Russia.


Sister Emmerich about this period was also engaged in the conversion of N whom she saw surrounded by a fog, cut off by a wall of separation as if under the ban of excommunication. She begged God to cure him corporally and spiritually. “His condition is somewhat improved ; his long illness has been a grace from God, and his sentiments on many points are quite changed. It is as if he died and came to life again an altered man. He confessed many things to the Holy Father, accused himself of many things, gave up all, died to all, and then lived again.

在这段时期,艾曼丽修女也参与了 N 的皈依,她看到 N 被浓雾包围,被一堵隔离墙隔开,仿佛被逐出教会。她祈求天主在身体和精神上医治他。他的病情有所好转;他的长期病痛是天主的恩宠,他在许多问题上的看法都有了很大的改变。仿佛他死了,又活过来且成了另外一个人。他向教宗忏悔了许多罪过,明认了自己在许多事上所犯的罪,放弃了一切,死于一切,然后又活了过来。

I saw him lying on his bed surrounded by high Church dignitaries, and once too the Pope was by him. Around lay writings, many of which he gave up. They spoke, they questioned, and I often saw him raising his hand as if affirming something ; perhaps he could no longer speak distinctly, but I know not for certain. He seemed to be declaring that he disengaged himself from everything, that he gave up everything.


The Pope was with him alone for some time, perhaps hearing his confession. I know not, but he used his hand as before and I think he put his arm around the Pope's neck. — I know not whether he was merely embracing him, or bidding him adieu, or whether the Holy Father was forgiving him something. — Then the latter went out. Among the papers that N gave to the Pope was one in particular relating to our Church.

教宗单独和他待了一段时间,也许是在听他的告解,我不能确定是不是,但他像以前一样举起手,我想,他用手臂搂住了教宗的脖子。——我不知道他究竟是在拥抱教宗,还是在和教宗告别,或者教宗是否在宽恕他什么。——然后教宗出去了。在N 给教宗的文件中,有一份文件特别与我们的教会有关。

It was not perfectly conformable to the Holy Father's sentiments ; indeed he even seemed not to have had any previous knowledge of it. It is well that events fell out thus ! Affairs will now take a turn quite different from that which the enemy expected. N — wept as did also the Pope and all the assistants. It looked as if they were taking leave of him.


" I have had much to do for the Church of this country, and I am now undergoing a frightful martyrdom ! I am passing through horrible states ! I have to work for the whole Church, I am quite bewildered by the disorder and distress I see all around and by my own pains and labors. I have had a vision on the fatal condition of students of the present day.


I saw them going through the streets of Munster and Bonn with bundles of serpents in their hands. They drew them through their mouth, and sucked their heads, and I heard these words : ‘These are philosopical serpents ! ' — I have often seen that the simple, pious old schoolmasters, who are generally ignored as ignorant, form children to piety; whilst the skilful masters and mistresses put nothing into their heads because, by their pride and self-sufficiency, they deprive their labor of its fruit and, so to speak, consume it themselves. It is the same as with the blessing attached to good works which, when done in public or through motives of policy, have little efficacy. — Where charity and simplicity are wanting, there is no secret success.


I saw many pastors cherishing dangerous ideas against the Church. Full of sadness, I turned my eyes away and prayed for Bishops ; for if they become better, their priests will soon follow their example. I saw among other things that the house whence I had dragged that man, was the Church under N—— In all the rooms lay his children (that is, his plans) a full collection of -his views. My dragging him to the altar signified his conversion, his confession. He had set fire to the house, and I with others had to save the goods and convey them to the sheep-fold.


"They built a large, singular, extravagant church which was to embrace all creeds with equal rights : Evangelicals, Catholics, and all denominations, a true communion of the unholy with one shepherd and one flock. There was to be a Pope, a salaried Pope, without possessions. All was made ready, many things finished ; but, in place of an altar, were only abomination and desolation. Such was the new church to be, and it was for it that he had set fire to the old one ; but God designed otherwise. He died with confession and satisfaction — and he lived again !"

他们建造了一座庞大的、奇异的、奢华的教会,一位没有财产的领受薪的教宗(译注:指没有继承从宗徒传下来的教会宝藏的教宗),将成为这个教会的“牧者”,在这位“牧者”的倡导下,这教会将以平等的权利接纳所有信条:福音派、天主教和所有的宗派,表面上看是一牧一栈,但在此内的共融是真正的邪恶的共融。一切都已准备就绪,许多事情都已完成;但代替祭坛的只有可憎和荒凉。这就是新教会的样子,正是因为这个缘故,他才放火毁烧传统圣教会的 ; 但天主另有安排。这“牧者”带着忏悔和补赎而死——但死灰复燃了!(指他的邪恶的共融被下一任接纳)。

 Here the Pilgrim remarks : “Her state makes me shudder ! Her communications have ceased. She has been told that for the next fourteen days, that is until Pentecost, she will continue to suffer for the Church. “


In the fall of 1823, Sister Emmerich related what follows: "I saw the Pope when he fell (1). Some persons had just left him. He had risen from his chair to reach something when he fell. — I could not believe that he was really dead. I felt that he was still governing, that all went on by his orders. I saw him lying dead, and yet I thought him still acting. Pius was constantly in prayer, always communing with God, and he often had divine illuminations ; he was very sweet and condescending. Leo XII. cannot yet pray like Pius VII., but he has a resolute will.

1823 年秋天,艾曼丽修女讲述了以下内容:教宗倒下时我看到了他 (1)。一些人刚刚离开了他。他倒下去时,是从椅子上站起来伸手要去拿什么东西。——我简直不敢相信他真的就这样去世了。我觉得他还在执政,一切都在他的命令下进行。我看到他躺在地下一动不动,却以为他还会站起来执政。庇护七世经常祈祷,与主同行,他经常得到圣神的引领;他非常和蔼可亲,具有威严。良十二世还不能像庇护七世那样祈祷,但他有坚定的意志。

(1) Pius VII. died Aug. 20, 1823, of a fracture of the hip occasioned by a fall.

(1) 庇护七世 1823 年 8 月 20 日死于跌倒导致的髋部骨折。

“On the Feast of the Assumption I saw many things concerning N——The Pope and some Cardinals seemed to be exhorting him to keep his promise and to devote himself in earnest to the good of the Church. N—— had in childhood learned from his mother a short invocation in honor of Mary. He frequently repeated it morning and evening, and so obtained Mary's intercession with Jesus. I saw her warning him and sending him grace to amend.”

在圣母升天节上,我看到了很多与N有关的事情——教宗和一些枢机主教似乎在劝告N信守诺言,热心地为教会的利益奉献自己。 N——小时候从他的母亲那里学到了一个短诵来光荣圣母。他从早到晚不停诵念,因此得到了圣玛利亚向耶稣的代祷。我看到圣玛利亚警告过他,并赐给他悔改的恩宠。

November. — " These last days, I had to urge a man employed in St. Peter's, at Rome, to make known to the Pope that he is a Free-mason. He did so with the excuse, however, that he was only a treasurer, that he saw no harm in it, and that he did not want to lose his place. But the Pope gravely represented to him that he must either resign the office immediately, or give up his employment in the church. I heard the whole interview."

十一月。 ——最近几天,我必须敦促罗马圣伯多禄大殿的一名雇员,要他向教宗表明他是共济会会员。然而,他加入共济会的借口是,他只是在共济会担任出纳员 ,他看不出这有什么害处,他不想失去自己的职位。但教宗严肃地向他表示,他要么立即退出共济会,要么放弃在教会的工作。我听到了整个访谈内容。

With the month of January, 1823, began the spiritual task of collecting and distributing materials for sacerdotal ornaments whilst, at the same time, Sister Emmerich commenced to prepare her Christmas gifts for poor children. Her work was repeatedly delayed by the want of some indispensable article, by the awkwardness of an unskilful assistant, or by violent pains in her eyes. She had a thousand temptations to impatience ; but she overcame all, she triumphed by prayer and perseverance.

1823 年 1 月,艾曼丽修女开始了收集和分发司铎圣物饰品的属灵任务,同时,艾曼丽修女开始为贫困的孩子准备圣诞礼物。她的工作一再拖延。因为缺少一些必不可少的物品,或者因为一个不熟练的助手的笨拙,或者因为她的眼睛剧烈疼痛,她有千百种不耐烦的诱惑;但她都克服了,她通过祈祷和坚韧不拔的毅力战胜了一切。

She says : “I made a journey to Cyprus," (and here she accompanied Our Lord in His travels). “As I left the continent, I saw Marseilles on my right, and only once did I pass over a point of land. My guide and I moved along by the shore.


I had various tasks to perform on the way : things to arrange, secret packages and letters which I carried under my arm, to deliver, often with great risk ; obstacles to surmount; people to admonish in prayer ; sleepers to awaken, the wounded to bandage ; robbers and other evil-doers to disturb ; prisoners to console ; those in danger to warn ; and, for several days, I had to urge a man who was the bearer of a letter which, like that of Urias, contained instructions to those to whom it was addressed to make away with him. It was on this side of Rome. I whispered to him : ‘Where are you going ? You are on the wrong road!’ —'No,’ said he. ' Here is the address on my letter.’— ' Open it,’ I said, ‘there you will see,' — He did so, read the plot laid for him and fled.


“Then I had an immense labor on all kinds of ecclesiastical vestments in the house I had seen on fire last spring. I had to make an alb for a Bishop whom I saw in the distance; but I had not wherewith to finish it, and so I asked alms from everybody. Dean Overberg said he could give only a groschen, and that mortified me. I had to make that alb because I must soon die. . . . Again, in Switzerland I had to beg materials for surplices. I rolled them into a large bundle and dragged it to Rome where they were to be made up.


 “I was in Rome, in the midst of an assembly of ecclesiastics presided over by the Pope. There was question of re-establishing or organizing something, but the resources for it had been squandered. The ecclesiastics were for letting the affair drop, saying: 'Nothing can be made of nothing ;' but the Holy Father was for going on with it. Then I interposed : A good undertaking ought not to be abandoned. If there is nothing, God will supply.' The Pope told me that I had a good deal of courage for a nun, but that I was right.


" Again I went to Rome, and I was very much vexed to find a quantity of church linen that had been washed in the time of the last Pope and which had been hanging there ever since. I myself had made and brought many pieces. Much of it had never been used but had lain neglected, laces, ribands, borders torn off, even great holes in them. The ivory crucifixes I had taken there were now minus the figures, only the crosses and marble stands remained.


On one they had even hung a little brass figure. In the midst of this wash, walked all sorts of distinguished ecclesiastics taking great notice of the school-examination and First-Communion dresses, and other unimportant article, but paying no attention to the church linen which hung in such disorder. I was indignant at seeing five disgraceful chemises of costly and extravagant style conspicuous among the church linen.


I was indignant, for they looked to me indecent and less proper for a bride and bridegroom than for adulterers. The upper part was miserably made, the shoulder straps of coarse pack-cloth ; but the rest was of the finest, most transparent material, trimmed elaborately with lace and open-work embroidery. These chemises were provided with a hood to blindfold the eyes, as if shame and nakedness could be hidden under this infamous veil !


I was deeply afflicted at such a scandal ; and, grieving over my mutilated crucifixes, I packed the things I had brought in a long basket to take them back with me. One of the ecclesiastics wanted to hinder my packing the things, but another whom I knew took my part. I saw also the deceased Abbe Lambert in the distance. “ (It was the eve of his feast, St. Martin's). “I asked him to help me and also why he had not yet come for me. — He laughed, shook his finger, and said : ‘Did I not tell you, you were still to suffer much?’  and then he turned away. I insisted on having what belonged to me, succeeded in getting the marble stands of the naked crosses, and packed up everything.


I asked how those vile chemises came there. I would have loved to tear them to pieces, and I found that, in compliment to some Protestant gentlemen, they had been received and tolerated. I took one down, and then only did I discover the hood ; for, at first, I thought it a collar. Iwas so angry that I thought : ‘Wait ! I'll sew your fine trimmings with cobbler's thread that people may see what is wanting to you ! ' — The Pope, too, was very indignant at the sight of those shameful chemises. He tore one to shreds, and I saw that several Cardinals and secular princes were quite displeased at his act."


 “The five vile chemises,” says the Pilgrim, “signify the occupation of the five vacant sees by men who, instead of forming a chaste and lawful union with their bride, the Church, founded on faith and fidelity, rested their adulterous claims upon treason and perjury under the patron-age of the secular powers; men whose intrinsic vileness had to be veiled by high sounding expressions, peace, gratitude, toleration, etc.


The picture could hardly be more striking both upon this point and upon those that refer to school exhibitions and to the theatrical costumes worn at First Communion. Such dresses banish from the souls of many hundreds of children that piety and recollection, that reverence and devotion so necessary for the worthy reception of their Eucharistic God.


Sister Emmerich was so much the more affected by this vision as she knew how important, how decisive for after-life is the child's First Communion. One day the Pilgrim found her consoling and instructing her little niece who was in a flood of tears because the teacher had demanded from each pupil a sketch of the Sunday sermon. The little thing had caught nothing of it, excepting a few words relating to the justification of the Pharisees in their own eyes.


Her aunt told her that that would be quite sufficient, She remarked at the same time that the task imposed upon children was already the fruit of the impetus given by the mischievous young school-master of the Nuptial House; for the sermons and instructions were given in High German, whilst the poor little ones understood only the Low German patois."



21. Journeys Undertaken for Her Neighbor.

21. 为她的邻人所经历的旅程。

“Last night I performed a wonderful task. I was thinking yesterday evening of the misery of those who, living in a state of impurity, make insincere confession,and I prayed earnestly for all such sinners. Then came the soul of a noble lady to my bedside, begging me to pray God for the conversion of her daughter, to pray for her with extended arms because His Son had so prayed. Her daughter lay dying after having concealed her sins in eighteen confessions. Then my guide took me a long journey, first to the east, afterward toward the west.


I met on my road various cases requiring assistance. There were at least ten; but I only remember three: — In a beautiful city, more Lutheran than Catholic, I was taken by my guide to the house of a widow who was ill. Just as we entered, her confessor was leaving. The lady lay surrounded by friends and acquaintances, and I stood in the background, forgetting that I was there only as a spirit, as a messenger. I looked around and felt as an insignificant person would naturally do when treated with indifference by the great ones of the world. I soon saw the lady's state.


— She was a Catholic, apparently pious, for she gave large alms. But she had fallen into manifold secret disorders which she had concealed eighteen times in the confessional, thinking she could repair all by alms; her disease also she kept secret. I was quite confused and abashed before all these grand people. I heard the sick lady say laughingly to her friends, as they raised her in the bed : ' I did not tell him (the priest) such or such a thing' — and then they all laughed. They withdrew as if to let her rest.


My guide now bade me remember that I had come as God's messenger, and to step forward. I drew near the bed with him and spoke to her — my words passed before her as luminous writing, one line after another. I know not whether she beheld my guide or myself, but she turned pale and swooned from fright, in which state I saw that she read even more distinctly the words that appeared before her bodily eyes. My words were these: ' You laugh, and yet you have eighteen times abused the Sacraments to your own condemnation ! You have ……,' and here I rehearsed her hidden sins. — ' Eighteen times have you concealed all these in false confessions ! In a few hours will you stand before the judgment-seat of God ! Have pity on your own soul ! Confess and repent !'

这时,护守天神叮嘱我记住,我是作为天主的使者来到这里的,应挺身而出。我和护守天神一起走近床边,和她说话——我的话像发光的文字一样,一行接一行地在她面前闪。我不知道她看到的是护守天神还是我,她脸色苍白,吓得昏了过去,在这种状态下,我看到她更清楚地读出了出现在她眼前的字句。我的话是这样的:你笑了,但你已经十八次亵渎告解圣事,你正在自取灭亡!你有……,在这里我列出了她隐藏的罪恶。—— 你十八次在冒办告解中隐瞒了这些罪行再过几个小时,你就要站在天主的审判台前了!可怜可怜你自己的灵魂吧!悔改

— She was perfectly overcome, the cold sweat ran down her forehead ! I stepped back, and she cried out to her attendants that she wanted her confessor. They expressed great surprise, as he had just left the house ; but she made no reply, she was in frightful anguish. The priest was called. She confessed all with plentiful tears; received the last Sacraments, and died. I know her name, but I cannot tell it ; some members of her family are still living. It is with a joyful, and yet a heartrending feeling that I perform such tasks.


 “I entered a country of vast swamps and bogs over which my guide and I floated. We came to a village and went into a peasant's house, the mistress of which lay very ill. There was no priest in the neighborhood. The woman was a hypocritical adulteress who lived apart from her husband, the more readily to sin with another. I brought up her wickedness before her eyes, and told her that she must confess it to her husband and crave his pardon. This she did with many tears. Her accomplice also was forced to appear. The husband opened the door for him, and the wife declared to him earnestly that their relations with each other must cease. She did not die ; she recovered.


 “I went to a large city and into a house with a beautiful garden full of groves, ponds, and pavilions. The parents were living; the mother, a pious, good woman. They had a daughter, a very discreet maiden apparently, but who was in the habit of meeting her lovers secretly and by appointment in the garden. There I found her last night awaiting one of them. I stood by, begging God to come to her aid. Suddenly I saw a figure trying, but in vain, to approach her. I recognized Satan. The girl grew agitated and withdrew into a summer-house.


I followed and found another figure enveloped in a mantle whom she took for her expected sweetheart. She went up to him, drew aside the cloak that concealed him, and there she saw (and I saw also) the figure of the Saviour covered with blood and wounds, His hands bound, the crown of thorns upon His head ! —The piteous figure spoke : ‘Behold to what thou hast reduced Me!’ and the girl fell to the ground as if dead.


I took her in my arms, told her in what crime she was living, and urged her to confess and do penance. She recovered consciousness and thinking, no doubt, that I was a servant or perhaps some stranger who had come across her, she moaned plaintively : ‘O if I were only in the house ! My father would kill me if he found me here!’ — Then I told her that, if she would promise to confess and do penance, I would help her to regain her room ; otherwise, she would have to lie there until morning and steal in as best she could.


She promised everything, her strength returned, and she slipped into the house as she was accustomed to do;  but, when safe in her room, she again fell ill. The priest for whom she sent next morning was found by God's mercy ready to attend her. She confessed, repented sincerely, and died fortified by the Sacraments. Her parents had no suspicion of her sins.


" I saw ten such cases last night ; but I am not successful in all, some will not give up their evil ways. It is horrible ! I still must weep, the devil holds them so fast !......I have found it particularly difficult to convert ecclesiastics given to such sins. I met some last night for whom prayer is the only hope."

昨天晚上,我看到了十个这样故意瞒下大罪不告的案例;但我没有完全说服他们重发痛悔办告解,有些人不会放弃他们的邪恶道路。太可怕了!我仍然要哭泣,恶魔抓得他们那么紧!.....  我发现要让那些染上这种罪孽的神职人员改过自新尤其困难。昨晚我遇到了一些人,祈祷是他们唯一的希望。.

November, 1820. — " I took a great journey on which I had much to do, but I only remember the following cases distinctly : — Near Paderborn, my guide took me to a house, saying: ' There is in this house a young girl immersed in frivolity. You must warn her. She will soon return from a dance. I shall give you the voice and language of a pious young neighbor and, whilst she prepares to retire, you will reproach her with her levity.’

1820 年 11 月——我踏上了一段伟大的旅程,我有很多事情要做,但我只清楚地记得以下几件事:——在帕德博恩附近,护守天神带我去了一幢房子,说:这房子里有一位年轻的女孩沉浸在轻浮之中。你必须警告她。她很快就会从舞会上回来。我会给你一个虔诚的年轻邻居的声音和讲话方式,当她准备退场时,你要责备她的轻浮。

— Then I saw a picture of the girl's whole life- — she was vain, giddy, fond of dress and dancing, in short, a practised flirt. And now I beheld her returning from the dance. — She went to her room without a light, and laid off her ornaments to go to bed. I drew near and said : ‘It is time for you to think seriously of your life. In laying aside this toilette, abandon also your evil courses. Serve no longer the devil rather than your God who gave you body and soul, who redeemed you with His blood!’ At these words, she grew angry, told me I had better go off home, what did I want there with my prattling.


She needed no monitress, she knew very well what she was about, etc. — She jumped into bed without a prayer. When she had fallen asleep, my guide said : Rouse her ! I shall show her some pictures of her life!’ — I did not see the pictures, but I knew that she saw Satan, herself, and her lovers. My guide called Satan by another name, I think the prince of this world. I shook her. She arose tremblingly upon her bed and, in great terror, hastily recited all the prayers she knew. I saw her run to her mother, and tell her how frightened she had been and that she would never again go to a dance. Her mother in vain tried to dissuade her from her resolution. Next morning she did as I had directed, and made a good confession of her whole life. I know for a certainty that she amended."


March 8, 1820. — " I went last night on a journey through the snow, and saw two poor travellers set upon and beaten by others with clubs. One fell dead and, as I ran to his assistance, the assassins seemed to be frightened and fled. The second was still alive. Some of his kinsmen came up and carried him to a physician's in the neighborhood. This I obtained by my prayers. I knew well that I ought not to add anything to my burden, and yet I was so anxious to suffer a part of his pains. I obtained my wish.

1820 年 3 月 8 日——昨天晚上,我在雪地里赶路,看到两位可怜的旅行者被一些人用棍棒袭击和殴打。其中一人倒在地上当我跑过去救他时,那人已经死了,暴徒们似乎被吓坏了,逃之夭夭。第二个人还活着。他的几位亲戚来了,把他送到附近的一位医生那里。这是我通过祈祷得来的。我很清楚,我不应该给自己增加任何负担,但我还是急迫地分担受害者的一份痛苦。我如愿以偿了。

— Then I made another long journey, and returning I again met snow. As I neared my home, I saw a poor famished man who, whilst trying to get bread for his children, had met with a serious fall He could not extricate himself from the snow. I helped him to get free, as also to obtain food. I think we shall hear of him soon" — and, in effect, that very afternoon the Pilgrim found Sister Emmerich sick and drenched inperspiration, which state she said was to last till five o'clock. The profuse perspiration, a mixture of blood and water, had been imposed upon her for the relief of the wounded man.


She said : “People may think as they please, but I know that it is God's will for me so to do, so to suffer. I have done so from my youth, I am called by Him to such works of mercy. When only four years old, I heard my mother groaning with pain at the birth of my sister. I slept with an old woman, and I began to pray to God, saying over and over : “I will take my mother's pains ! Give me my mother's pains !"


上一篇:下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
下一篇:下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦


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