真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
020.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第16章 修道院被关闭——艾曼丽修女领受圣伤
020.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第16章 修道院被关闭——艾曼丽修女领受圣伤
浏览次数:1856 更新时间:2024-5-7



Suppression of the Convent. — Sister Emmerich Receives the Stigmata.

第十六章 修道院被关闭——艾曼丽修女领受圣伤。

On December 3,   1811, Agpetenberg was suppressed and the church closed. Although Sister   Emmerich had long foreseen this most painful event to avert which she had   offered herself to God to suffer everything, yet she was so affected by it   that she thought she would never be able to quit scenes so dear to her. The   separation of her soul from her body would have been less agonizing than   leaving the hallowed spot in which she had made her sacred vows.

1811 年 12 月 3 日,阿涅腾堡修道院被镇压,教堂被关闭。虽然艾曼丽修女早就预见到了这最痛苦的事件,为了避免这一事件,她已将自己献给了天主,愿意为主忍受一切,但她还是深受影响,她觉得自己永远无法离开对她来说如此珍贵的地方。即使她的灵魂与肉体分离,带给她的痛苦,也不会比离开她曾经矢发圣愿的这个神圣地方更痛苦。

"I became   so ill,” she says, "that they thought I should surely die. Then the   Mother of God appeared to me and said: ‘Thou wilt not die! There will yet be   much talk about thee, but fear not! Whatever may happen, thou wilt receive   help!” — Later I heard in all my sicknesses a voice whispering to me: 'Thy   task is not yet finished!’ "


The religious   quitted the convent one by one, but Sister Emmerich remained till the   following spring, so ill as not to be able to leave her bed. Into her cold,   damp cell the painful scenes arising from the sisters’ aversion toward her   never found their way. She lay alone, abandoned to herself and her   sufferings. But the doves and sparrows hopped on her window-sill and the mice   scampered familiarly over the coverlet of her bed, playing fearlessly by her   and listening to her reproaches when she scolded them for destroying the   doves' eggs. If the Abbe Lambert and an old servant- woman had not in pity   rendered her the most necessary services, sad enough would have been her   condition.


The Sisters were too much occupied with their own affairs to   think of her; and yet they had scarcely lost sight of her when they forgot   their prejudice against her, as well as its cause. To the question put by   ecclesiastical authority:“ How was it that Sister Emmerich was not loved in   the convent and why was she so persecuted !”— they had no other answer than   that of the Novice-Mistress: " It is true, she was not much beloved, but   I know not why." The Reverend Mother alone tried to assign a reason:   " It seems to me that this was the cause : many of the Sisters were   jealous of the particular interest the Abbe Lambert took in her, and some   thought her ill-health made her a burden on the community."

修女们忙于自己的事情,无暇顾及她;她们几乎没有注意到她,因而忘记了对她的偏见以及偏见的原因。对于教会权威提出的问题:「为什么艾曼丽修女在修道院里不受欢迎,为什么会受到如此大的迫害!」——除了初学导师回答之外,修女们没有别的答案:「这是真的,她不太被人爱戴,但我不知道为什么。」   院长姆姆独自试图给出一个理由:「在我看来,这就是原因:许多修女嫉妒兰伯特神父对她的特别关注,有些人认为她的健康不佳,使她成为修院的负担。」

The Abbe   Lambert, an invalid himself and an exile, without a soul upon earth from    whom to hope for sympathy in his old age, remained true to Sister   Emmerich in her distress. What he had seen in her for the last ten years he   had faithfully kept concealed in his own breast. He was the only one to whom   she had revealed the wonderful way by which it pleased Heaven to lead her,   the only one who had the least idea of her high mission.

兰伯特神父自己也是一个病弱和被放逐的神父,晚年在世上无依无靠,指望能得到别人的帮助,但在艾曼丽修女陷入困境时,他仍然不离不弃。在过去的十年里,他在艾曼丽身上看到的一切,都忠实地藏在心中。他是唯一知晓艾曼丽神秘经历的人艾曼丽向他透露了天主引领她的奇妙方式,他是唯一 一个对艾曼丽的崇高使命稍有了解的人。

He felt himself   called to guard to the best of his power her person as well as the mystery of   her life, regarding her as a chosen instrument, a precious treasure, for   which he was to account to God, since to him alone it had been given to know   its value. When she could no longer remain in the convent, he accompanied her   to the house of a widow named Roters, at Dulmen. She was still so sick that,   after dragging painfully through the streets with the assistance of the old   servant, she could hardly gain the little front room on the ground-floor   which now took the place of the quiet cell whose religious poverty had   transformed it into a heaven upon earth.


"I was so   nervous and frightened,” she said, " when I had to leave the convent,   that I thought every stone in the street was about to rise up against   me."


She   had scarcely reached her miserable lodging, through which the footsteps of   the passers-by resounded and into which the curious might freely gaze, as it   was almost on a level with the sidewalk, when she fell into a deep swoon.   Like a flower dragged from its home on the mountain-top and trodden under   foot on a dusty highway, she seemed about to fade. Although -the strict   observance of Rule had fallen into decay, yet the cloister had been for Anne   Catherine a consecrated spot, a place sanctified by the prayer and penance of   its first occupants in the days of fervor and religious discipline, and where   she herself had aimed at the perfect accomplishment of every duty.


She had, as it were, identified   herself with the conventual exercises still kept up in spite of the inroads   of decay. The Divine Office and other religious duties were almost essential   to her life, an aliment whose want nothing else could supply; but, above all,   the vicinity of the Blessed Sacrament, the house of God open to her at all   times, appeared a necessary condition to her stay upon earth, to the   accomplishment of her expiatory task. All this was now snatched from her   grasp. From the holy asylum in which her life had passed for the last nine   years in perfect seclusion, she was cast, so to speak, helpless and   friendless, upon the public road there to begin the last and most painful   stage of her mission.


That just before the Lent of 1812, a   poor sick nun was led through the streets of the obscure town of Dulmen, was   an event of little importance, doubtless, in the eyes of the world. And yet,   this apparently insignificant circumstance was in strict accordance with the   designs of Divine Providence.

就在 1812 年四旬期之前,一位可怜的生病的修女被人领着穿过默默无闻的杜尔门镇的街道,在世人眼中,这是一件微不足道的事件。然而,这看似微不足道的事件,却完全符合天主的圣意。

On this poor religious woman, worn out   by suffering and penance, despised and persecuted on account of her   profession, were heaped all the tribulations of the Church at this time   scorned and maltreated as never since her foundation. But as the Man-God   Himself, “A root out of a thirsty ground" (1),  “despised and the   most abject of men," “the man of sorrows, wounded for our iniquities,   bruised for our sins," willed to work out our Redemption, and would not   prevent the word of the Cross from becoming “to the Jews a stumbling-block,   to the Gentiles foolishness;" so at all times has He delivered His   Church by choosing “the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, the   weak to confound the strong, the mean things of the world and the things that   are contemptible, and the things that are not, to destroy the things that   are" (2). To accomplish this end, incomprehensible to men, sublime in   the sight of the blessed, to procure by her means the deliverance of his Church,   God now draws His spouse from the hidden retreat in which she had acquired   that strength which surpasses all the strength and wisdom of man.

这位可怜的虔诚的修女,因受苦和补赎而筋疲力尽,因她的修道生涯而受到鄙视和迫害,她在这个时候,聚集教会所有的苦难于己身,这是教会自创建以来受到的前所未有的蔑视和虐待。但是,正如耶稣祂自己,「出自旱地中的根苗」(依 53:2-5),「他受尽了侮辱,被人遗弃;」,「他被刺透,是因了我们的悖逆;他被打伤,是因了我们的罪恶」,愿意完成我们的救赎,并不会阻止十字架的道理成为「犹太人的绊脚石,外邦人的愚拙」;所以在任何时候,祂都通过选择「世上愚妄的,为羞辱那有智慧的;召选了世上懦弱的,为羞辱那坚强的,甚而天主召选了世上卑贱的和受人轻视的,以及那些一无所有的,为消灭那些有的,」(格前1:27)。为了达到这个人类无法理解、但在蒙福者眼中却崇高的目的,天主现在将祂的净配从那使她获得力量和智慧的隐修院中拉了出来,目的是通过艾曼丽补赎的方式拯救教会。

Many religious of either sex had left   their cloister without regret to return to that world from which their sacred vows had never wholly detached them ; everywhere   unworthy monks and priests were met employed by the great ones of the world   to spread in the hearts of aspirants to the priesthood the poison of error   and revolt against the hierarchy and sacred traditions of the Church. The   sanctity and dignity of the sacerdotal character, the graces and privileges   attached thereto, were despised and denied even by those that were clothed   with it; and the open enemies of the Christian name were not the only ones   who confidently looked forward to the speedy destruction of the Church.


This explains the state to which the   poor victim of expiation is now reduced, why she is thrown out, unprotected   and proscribed. It is the Church and her Heavenly Bridegroom that suffer and   mourn in the person of the helpless little nun of Dulmen.


Sister Emmerich became rapidly worse.   All thought her end near, and her former Novice-Mistress sent for Father   Limberg, a Dominican priest who, since the suppression of his convent in   Minister had resided in Dulmen, to hear the invalid's confession. We shall   give his own words on the impressions then received : —


 “During the Lent of 1812, my   aunt, who had been Sister Emmerich's Novice-Mistress, sent for me to hear her   confession. At first, I refused, since a special permission is necessary to   hear a religious; but, when I was assured that this restriction was no longer   in force, I went. She was so weak as to be unable to speak, and I had to   question her on her conscience. I thought her dying and delayed not to give   her all the Last Rites; but she rallied, and I became from that time her   confessor instead of Father Chrysanthe, an Augustinian, lately deceased. She   wore a cincture of brass wire and a hair-shirt in the form of a scapular,   which I made her lay aside.

「在 1812 年四旬斋期,我的姑姑,曾是艾曼丽修女的初学导师,派我去听她的告解。起初我拒绝了,因为听一位修女告解需要得到特别许可;但是,当我确信这个限制不再有效时,我就去了。她虚弱得无法说话,我必须向她提问来唤醒她的意识。我以为她快死了,不再拖延给她行了终傅圣事;但她重新振作起来,我从那时起成为她的告解神父,而取代最近去世的奥斯定会院的库萨特神父。艾曼丽戴着一条铜线腰带,披着一件“苦行”肩衣,我让她把苦行放在一边。

 “I knew very little of Sister   Emmerich before this, having seen her only occasionally. I often said Mass in   the convent chapel, and I liked to do so; everything there was so neat. I   thus became acquainted with the chaplain, the Abbe Lambert. Sister Emmerich   was sacristan, and I used to see her coming and going. Her health seemed to   be so miserable that I thought she would soon die. I often said to myself on   seeing her: ‘What ! that poor soul still alive !'"


Sister Emmerich kept her bed the whole   of Lent, her soul the greater part of the time in a state of abstraction   which was ascribed to excessive debility.


On the Feast of Easter she went,   though not without great effort, to the parish church to receive Holy   Communion, and she continued to do so until Nov. 2, 1812, after which she   never rose from her bed of pain. In September she made a pilgrimage to a   place called the “Her-mitage," just outside Dulmen, where an Augustinian   had formerly dwelt and near which was a small chapel. She went in the hope of   receiving some alleviation to her fearful sufferings. She had hardly reached   the spot when she fell into an ecstasy, becoming rigid and immovable as a   statue.

在复活节这天,她去教堂领圣体,虽然费了很大的劲但她一直坚持到1812年11月2日从那以后,她就再也没有从痛苦的床上起来过。9 月,她前往杜尔门郊外的一个叫做隐居处”的地方朝圣,那里曾经住过一位奥斯定会士,附近有一个小圣堂。她去那里希望能减轻她那可怕的痛苦。她还没到达目的地,就陷入了神魂超拔中,身体变得僵硬,如雕像般一动不动。

The young girl who accompanied her was   seized with fright, and called out to a woman for help; they thought she had   fainted and treated her accordingly. In doing so they discovered upon her   breast a bloody cross which she had received on the preceding Feast of St.   Augustine, August 28, but which she herself had never seen. When she awoke   from her ecstasy, she was so weak that the two women had to help her home.

陪在她身边的小姑娘受到惊吓,大声向一名妇女求救;她们以为她晕倒了,于是对她进行了急救措施。在这样做的过程中,她们在她的胸前发现了一个流血的十字架,这是她在去年8 月 28 日圣奥斯定瞻礼上收到的,但她自己以前从未见过。当她从神魂超拔中醒来时,身体非常虚弱,两个女人只好扶着她回家。

On December 29, 1812, the daughter of   the widow Roters found Anne Catherine again in ecstasy, her arms extended,   and blood gushing from the palms of her hands. The girl thought it the effect   of an accident and drew her attention to it when she had returned to   consciousness, but Sister Emmerich earnestly requested her not to speak of   it. On December 31st, when Father Limberg took her Holy Communion, he saw for   the first time the bloody marks on the back of her hands.

1812 年 12 月 29 日,寡妇罗特斯的女儿发现安纳.加大利纳再次神魂超拔,她张开双臂,掌心涌出鲜血。女孩以为是意外造成的,等艾曼丽修女恢复知觉就提醒她注意,但艾曼丽修女恳切地要求寡妇的女儿不要说出来。 12 月 31 日,当林堡神父给她送圣体时,神父第一次看到她手背上的血迹。

“I made it known," he writes in   his report, “to the Abbe Lambert who resided in the same house. He went   immediately to Sister Emmerich's room and, seeing the blood still flowing, he   thus addressed her: ‘Sister, you must not think yourself a Catherine of   Sienna!‘ But as the wounds bled until evening, he said to me next day:   Father, no one must know this! Let it rest between ourselves, otherwise it   will give rise to talk and annoyance!? "


Father Limberg was fully persuaded of   the necessity of such a course. He thought more of treating the affair as of   small importance than of seeking any relationship between it and other   wonderful things he knew concerning the invalid, nor did he question her on   the subject. Sister Emmerich herself rejoiced that the two priests did not   pursue the affair and she sought to conceal from all eyes her new and cruel   sufferings. Father Limberg did not at the time reduce his observations to   writing ; but in his ordo he made the following short entries : —


" Jan. 6th,   Feast of the Kings, I saw for the first time the stigmata on the palms of her   hands."

 “Jan. 11th   — She sat up in an arm-chair about six o'clock. She was in ecstasy an hour   and a half."

“Jan. 15th — She   communicated today. From seven till nine, stiff and immovable in   ecstasy."

" Jan. 28th   — Since the 15th, she has been in ecstasy more or less prolonged. To-day, I   saw the marks of the wounds   on the soles of her feet.

「 1月6日——君王节,我第一次看到了她手掌上的圣伤。」

「1月11 日——大约六点钟,她坐在扶手椅上。她神魂超拔了一个半小时。」

「1月15 日——她今天领了圣体。从七点到九点,她在神魂超拔中僵硬不动。」


“Her hands and   feet bleed every Friday and the double cross upon her breast on Wednesdays.   Since the existence of these wounds has come to my knowledge, she has eaten   nothing.


 “Her state   remained secret till February 28, 1813, when Clara Soentgen perceived it and   spoke to me of it."

「她的状态一直保密,直到 1813 年 2 月 28 日,当时克拉拉.索恩根察觉到并跟我谈起此事。」

As Sister Emmerich never mentioned her   stigmata but, on the contrary, anxiously hid them, we can glean further   details on the subject only from the official inquiry to which she was   subjected and in consequence of which her state soon became noised abroad.




上一篇:019.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第15章 艾曼丽修女的神魂超拔和祈祷
下一篇:021.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第17章 教会调查—— 伦辛总铎的报告


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