真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
033.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第29章 十天的医学观察 — 教会调查的终结
033.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第29章 十天的医学观察 — 教会调查的终结
浏览次数:1703 更新时间:2024-5-22


The   Surveillance of Ten Days End of the Ecclesiastical Investigation.


十天的医学观察  — 教会调查的终结

"On   the 9th of June," says Dean Rensing's report, “I informed the invalid   that the surveillance would begin the next day. She expressed her satisfaction   and readiness to submit to the will of her Superiors. The cross on her breast   was bleeding profusely, her garments were quite soaked with blood.

「6 月 9 日,」伦辛总铎的报告中写道,「我通知艾曼丽,观察将在明天开始。她表示满意并愿意服从长上的意愿。她胸前的十字架印痕正在大量的流血,她的衣服已经被血浸透了。」

 “When I visited her next day to   prepare for the coming of the custodians in the evening, she said: ‘Would it   not be better for the Abbe Lambert to absent himself for the next ten days?   He is willing to do so, if you think well of it.' The proposition pleased me,   and I spoke of it to the Abbe who set out that very afternoon for the old   Chartreuse, three and a half miles from Dulmen. That evening, about eight   o'clock, the custodians began their watch."


Not only the Dean, but the Vicar-   General also, was pleased with Sister Emmerich's proposal. The latter had   earnestly desired the Abbe's absence during the coming days, but he felt a   delicacy in proposing it. As late as June 8th, he had written to the Dean:   " I beg you, if you can possibly do so, to arrange the Abbe Lambert's   absence during the surveillance; at least, do not allow him to visit her. If   you cannot effect this, we must commit the affair to God; and if you cannot   broach it as coming from the Sister herself, we must give it up. Recommend to   Sister Emmerich's prayers an intention which I forgot to mention to her   myself,”

不仅伦辛总铎,就连副主教也对艾曼丽修女的提议很满意。艾曼丽修女热切希望兰伯特神父在接下来的日子里不在身边,但副主教觉得艾曼丽提出这个提议很谨慎。早在 6 月 8 日,他就写信给伦辛总铎:「我求求你,如果你能做到的话,在观察期间请安排兰伯特神父离开;至少,不要让他来看望艾曼丽。如果你不能做到这一点,我们必须把这件事交给天主;如果你不能把这个建议当做是修女本人提出来的,我们就必须放弃这建议。请艾曼丽修女为这意向祈祷,我自己忘记了告诉她。」

The Dean replied to the above:   "It would certainly be very desirable for the Abbe to go away for some   time, but I see no way of effecting it."


The Vicar-General's directions for the   surveillance are as follows:



“Her custodians are not to leave   Sister Emmerich alone for a single instant. Her sister may be present and   render her all necessary services, but under no circumstances must the   custodians leave her; even when she makes her confession, they must be present.   Father Limberg will speak to her in a low tone and carefully avoid everything   calculated to arouse suspicion that he is in any way accessory to the   existence of her wounds. Two custodians must be present at a time and I think   it proper that one should, if possible, be an elderly man. They have nothing   to do but to watch, anything else would overstep the limits of   their charge."


On the fifth day the Dean sent the   following report to the Vicar-General:

“The custodians have faithfully   followed directions, and the invalid is so pleased at their comportment that   she has already repeatedly thanked me for having chosen men so discreet for   the discharge of a duty necessarily most painful to her.



" N. . N. . .has withdrawn. He   was unwilling to undertake so delicate an affair without the concurrence of   his colleagues. Is it not sad to see men, who so often expose their life in   contagious diseases, so fearful of the lash of public criticism when there is   question of testifying to the truth ?"


The physician alluded to did, however,   arrive on the 15th. He spent several nights by the invalid, but his   hesitation very nearly frustrated the end proposed. The surveillance had not   been undertaken to confirm the opinion of Superiors, but only to avert from   them the suspicion of not having investigated the case as rigorously as they   should have done; consequently this physician's withdrawal was a most   unpleasant surprise for the Vicar-General. He wrote to the Dean : —

然而,N…N…医生拐弯抹角地说要在 15 日到达。他在病人身边度过了几个晚上,但他的犹豫几乎使观察计划的目的落空。观察不是为了证实教会上级的意见,而是为了避免人们怀疑教会没有像他们应该做的那样严格地调查这个案子;因此,这位N…N…医生的退出对副主教来说是一个最令人不快的意外。副主教写信给伦辛总铎:

"That we may attain our end in   this surveillance, it is necessary for Dr. N. N — to go to Diilmen, direct   the affair, and certify to its having been conducted according to prescribed   forms. This is an indispensable condition, without which any surveillance   over Sister Emmerich will be useless."


The invalid herself was annoyed by the   physician's conduct. She prevailed on Father Limberg to go to Miinster and   make known to the Vicar-General her fears that the present surveillance would   be declared defective; that a new one would be instituted; and that she   would, perhaps, be removed to Miinster, from which last proceeding she   implored his protection. The Vicar-General, with the severity arising from his   upright intentions, sternly reproved her for such a petition which, however,   was most justifiable in itself and supported on motives which, as we shall   see, were far from groundless. His penetrating, we might even say his   mistrustful eye, had never been able to detect in the invalid the least thing   not in accordance with her sublime gifts, and what he knew of her past life   and present state confirmed his opinion that she was under the special   direction of Almighty God ; therefore, he met everything that accorded not   with the high idea he had formed of her with rigor as implacable, as he would   have shown had a shadow of suspicion attached itself to her wounds. He was   impatient at finding her not yet entirely “dead to self will," still   disquieted about her future.

病人自己对N…N…医生的指导感到烦恼。艾曼丽说服林堡神父前往明斯特,让副主教知道她的担忧,即目前的观察会被宣布为有是有问题的;然后会建立一个新的观察;并且她可能会被转移到明斯特,为这最后的可能性,她恳求副主教的保护。副主教带着出于正直的意图,严厉地责备艾曼丽的这种请求,然而,这种请求本身是很有道理的,并且我们将看到,其动机远非毫无根据。副主教那敏锐的,甚至可以说是多疑的眼光,从来没有发现过与艾曼丽崇高的天赋不符的一丁点儿东西,而他对艾曼丽前世今生的了解证实了他的看法,即艾曼丽是在全能天主的特别指引下;因此,他对一切不符合他对艾曼丽的崇高印象的事,他都严厉对待,就像他对待附着在艾曼丽伤口上怀疑的阴影一样。他发现艾曼丽还没有完全“死于自我意志”,仍然对她自已的未来感到不安, 这让他很不耐烦。  

“Say to Sister Emmerich," he wrote   to Clara Soentgen, " with my kind regards, that the proverb runs thus:   Do not worry over unlaid eggs! — I generally add: Nor over spoiled ones. The   past is past, the future has not yet come; it may, perhaps, never arrive. To   worry about the future is as useless as to grieve over the past; not only   useless, but even pernicious, for such anxiety prevents the fulfilment of   present duty and ordinarily proceeds from self-will. Tell her from me that   all such expressions as these: 'I fear I shall become impatient,’  'We   must not tempt God,’ etc., appear to me the result of self-love.”

「请转告艾曼丽修女,」副主教写信给克拉拉.索恩根,「致以我的亲切问候,俗话说:不要担心没下的蛋!我一般会加上:也不要担心会有腐坏的蛋。过去的已经过去,未来的还未到来;也许它永远不会到来。为未来担忧与为过去悲伤一样无用;不仅无用,甚至有害,因为这种焦虑妨碍了当前责任的履行,而且通常是出于自我意志。请转告她,所有类似这样的表达: 我怕会失去耐心我们不能试探上主等,在我看来都是自爱的结果。」

If Sister Emmerich's fears called   forth such a rebuke from her Superior, what would she not have received had   he beheld in her a real fault? The truth is, he had little need of being   convinced of the poor sufferer's sincerity, he needed not the ten days'   surveillance to establish the fact of her miraculous state; for, before the   prescribed time had expired, he wrote to Dean Rensing as follows: —


“Send me as soon as possible the   result of the interrogatories put to Sister Emmerich's companions, that I may   close the inquiry without delay.”— And some days later, he wrote for the   journal of the custodians: — "I am desirous of receiving it by Monday,   as it will close the investigation. I beg you, however, to keep me informed   on the invalid's condition and to aid her, as far as you can, in the perfect   acquisition of the virtue of indifference. St. Francis de Sales says: ' Fear   nothing, ask for nothing, complain of nothing.' "


Dean Rensing added the following remarks   to the report demanded of him: —

“As Your Eminence is about terminating   the inquiry, I should like to know if the duty I have hitherto discharged   with regard to visitors is likewise to cease. I greatly desire to be freed   from the daily annoyances resulting from it; but, on the other hand, the poor   sufferer will then have not one hour's rest from morning till night, she will   be constantly assailed by the curious. She told me twice lately that Dr.   Krauthausen has spread the report, both here and in Coesfeld, that if she   herself gives permission there will be no necessity to apply to me; and his   wife confirmed this recently by her own example. She was sick, and on last   Thursday, during the afternoon service, she had herself carried in a chair by   two servants to Sister Emmerich's lodgings, without previous permission from   me. I believe it my duty to inform you of this circumstance, as it has   created much talk and it may be followed by unpleasant consequences. Several   have already asked permission to visit the invalid to consult her on their   bodily infirmities and other affairs."



The report of the twenty custodians   accompanied this letter. It runs as follows : —

" We, the undersigned, having   been invited by Dean Revising to keep guard over the invalid, Sister   Emmerich, and having been informed orally and by writing of the motives for   the same and the points to be observed in it, went two by two to her   lodgings, June 10, 1813, eight o'clock P. M,, and entered upon our duty   according to the order prescribed, which we continued day and night till   Saturday, the 19th. No one approached the invalid during the aforesaid time,   excepting her sister who waited on her, one of her former companions in the   convent, and some visitors who entered with the Dean, or by written permit   from the Vicar-General. No one could speak to her, much less concert anything   with her, without our knowledge.

20名监护人的报告随信附上。   陈述如下:

「我们,以下签名者,受伦辛总铎的邀请照看病人:艾曼丽修女,并被口头和书面告知这样做的动机和其中要注意的事项, 于1813 年 6 月 10 日,晚上 8 点,我们两个两个地到她的住处,按照规定的命令来值班,我们昼夜不停地监护到 19 日瞻礼七(星期六)。在上述时间内没有人接近病人,除了侍候她的妹妹,和她以前在修道院里的一位同伴,还有一些随总铎进入的访客,或者获得了副主教书面许可的访客。没有人接近病人。谁也不能瞒着我们跟她说话,更不用说跟她商议什么了。 

The Abbe Lambert, who   resides   in the same house, had removed of his own accord before the surveillance   began, in order to forestall objections to his presence; he returned only at   its close. During, these ten days, the patient took nothing but clear water;   this she rarely asked for, but drank it when offered either by her sister,   the physicians, or the custodians. Once she sucked a cherry, but   rejected the pulp. She took also some drops of laudanum from Dr. Wesener one   day when she had unusually keen and continued pains.


"Neither she herself nor anyone   else touched her wounds even slightly. The double cross on her breast began   to bleed on the night of the 15th, after she had experienced sharp, shooting   pains in it ; the effusion lasted till seven A. M. The other wounds bled   early on Friday morning, the 18th, and continued to do so more or less   copiously the whole day. Her head bled again for a while on Saturday morning.   Before and during these effusions, she complains of shooting pains in her   wounds. We remarked that in the morning until about ten o'clock, she seems   brighter and complains less; before and after this time the blood flows.   During the rest of the day, she complains of weakness, fever, and shooting   pains in her wounds, head, and eyes. She rarely sleeps soundly. The state   which appears to resemble sleep is, as she says, of little benefit to her,   and she is generally weaker after it than before. Between ten o'clock and   midnight, she falls into ecstasy, speaks aloud, shudders with terror, etc.;   though occasionally she lies as if in deep sleep.

无论是她本人还是其他人都没有碰触过她的伤口,哪怕是轻微的。15日晚上,她胸前的双十字印痕开始流血,之后她经历了剧烈的刺痛,流血持续到早上 7 点。其它伤口在 18 日瞻礼六(周五)早上流血,而且一整天都在流血。瞻礼七(周六)早上,她的头部又流了一会儿血。在流血之前和期间,她抱怨她的伤口有刺痛感。我们注意到,早上到十点左右,她的精神状态看起来比较好,抱怨也少些;在这段时间之前和之后,血流的比较多。在这一天剩下的时间里,她抱怨自己的伤口、头部和眼睛出现虚弱、发烧和刺痛。她很少睡得安稳。正如她所说,这种看似睡眠的状态对她几乎没有什么好处,而且她通常比睡前更虚弱。从晚上十点到半夜,她陷入神魂超拔,大声说话,因恐惧而颤抖等等;虽然偶尔她也会像在熟睡中一样躺着。

 “The foregoing deposition we are   willing to repeat before either ecclesiastical or civil authority, and if   necessary, attest its truth on oath.

" Dulmen, June 23, 1813."

我们愿意在教会或民事当局面前重复上述证词,并在必要时宣誓证明其真实性。杜尔门,1813 年 6 月 23 日。」

The Vicar-General expressed his   satisfaction in the following letter to the Dean: "I cannot refrain from   expressing to you my gratitude for having conducted the investigation in a   manner so entirely conformable to my desires and instructions. I can give   Sister Emmerich no better advice than to encourage her to the practice of   holy indifference with the help of God's grace, which is never wanting to   those who ask it. I also advise her to make use of the means in every   citizen's power to rid herself of importunate visitors. I pity Sister   Emmerich from my heart, but I dare not render her further assistance"


These last words refer to an incident   which took place before the close of the examination and which was attended   by ulterior consequences. We shall not pass it over in silence since, four   years after, it was made a pretext for attacks upon her through the press.


On   June 16th, Dean Rensing received the following directions in writing from the   Vicar-General:

"   If the wife of the Prefect of the Rhenish Department of R — with her sister   and Professor B— of Minister, should ask to see Sister Emmerich, do not fail   to introduce them to her and tell her, in virtue of obedience, to allow them   to see all her wounds. It is necessary that the Professor should see them; he   is very incredulous as to their origin."

6 月 16 日,伦辛总铎收到了副主教的以下书面指示:


The   above-named visitors arrived that evening. They first called on Dr.   Krauthausen to receive from him an account of his observations. The Professor   declared the whole thing ignorance and illusion and, even before seeing the   invalid, condemned her as an impostor and pronounced the investigation   valueless. On the morning of the 18th of June, Dean Rensing introduced them   to Sister Emmerich who, in obedience to orders, consented to the inspection   of her wounds, a proceeding highly repugnant to her feelings. The Professor   saw in them only the veriest cheatery.

上述来访者是当天晚上到达的。他们先去请克劳特豪森医生,让他谈谈他的观察结果。教授宣布整件事是无知和幻觉,甚至在看到病人之前,就谴责她是骗子,并宣布这项调查毫无价值。6 月 18 日上午,伦辛总铎把他们介绍给艾曼丽修女,她服从命令,同意检查她的伤口,这一过程令她极其反感。教授在这些印伤上看到的只是真正的欺骗。

“The crusts of dried blood were (as he   repeated four years after in a pamphlet) nothing but starch, the cross on her   breast was put on so lightly that it crumbled under his touch, the wounds had   been made with pins and a penknife, and the blood flowing from them was   paint" The learned gentleman was, above all, disgusted by the blood   oozing from under her head-dress and trickling down her face. “It was,"   he said, "far too gross an attempt to deceive a person of his   experience." The invalid herself was, in his eyes, “a healthy, robust   person, wondrously well considering her pretended abstinence from food."   So much for this lynx-eyed Professor, who could see nothing in the invalid's   case but sharp instruments, albumen, starch, paint, and gum water, which   important discoveries he imparted some years later to the astonished public.   The Prefect's lady thought that similar wounds might easily be produced with   a penknife; the ecstasies she described to animal magnetism. She tormented   the poor sufferer with innumerable questions on war, peace, hidden things,   and future events, to all which, however, she received but the short answer:   “Interior peace is all I think about."


他说,「干血的外壳(正如他四年后在一本小册子中重复说的那样)只不过是淀粉浆,艾曼丽胸前的十字架印痕是被轻轻地放上去的,在他的触摸下碎裂,而伤口是用大头针和铅笔刀造成的,从伤口中流出来的血是颜料。」这位博学的绅士最厌恶的是从艾曼丽的头饰下渗出、和从她脸上淌下来的血。他说,「企图欺骗他这样经验丰富的人,实在是太过份了。」在他眼里,病人本身是「一个健康、强壮的人,由于她身体好得出奇,应该考虑她是假装不吃东西。」对于这位   “眼光锐利”的教授来说,他从这个病人的案子里,除了锋利的工具、蛋白、淀粉、油漆、和胶水外,什么也看不到,几年后他将这些「重要发现」发布给公众,引起了轰动。省长的夫人认为,用小刀很容易造成类似的伤口;她将艾曼丽修女的神魂超拔描述为动物的磁性   (译注:18世纪奥地利医师 F.A.梅斯梅尔认为系人体内潜在的一种催眠力)。她用无数个关于战争、和平、隐藏的事物和未来事件的问题折磨着这位可怜的病人,然而,她得到的只是艾曼丽简短的回答:「我所想的只是内心的平安。」



The Dean and Dr. Krauthausen were both   highly offended, and the former refused them a second visit. This displeased   the Vicar-General, and he expressed his dissatisfaction in the following   terms: —

"Under other circumstances it would   have been wrong to permit the repetition of a visit so painful to Sister   Emmerich; but, in this instance, when dealing with people disposed to believe   that a pious fraud or, to speak more correctly, that gross ignorance or   diabolical charlatanry had been employed to produce, I know not what effect,   the slightest cause for suspicion should be avoided. Now to refuse a second   visit evidently furnishes such a pretext."

In his pamphlet, some years later the   Professor did, indeed, allude to his having been refused a second visit,   because as he said, " the cross on her breast had not yet been   renewed."




The Prefect's wife protested to Dr.   Wesener that her only desire was to ascertain the truth for her own and   others' satisfaction, begging him, at the same time, to appeal to Sister   Emmerich herself for a confirmation of her words. When questioned on the   subject, the invalid answered: " The Prefect's lady was the most sincere   of the party, yet she did not come with a pure intention. She is too haughty   and very far from being a true Christian. I have suffered much from this visit,   and I feel that I ought not to be so tormented."


On returning to Minister, the   Professor boldly gave out as his opinion that Sister Emmerich was an   impostor; consequently the Vicar-General, though attaching but small   importance to the Professor's private opinion, concluded to grant him full   powers with regard to the invalid, hoping that prolonged observations would   force from him a testimony to the truth, and thus place such an enemy in the   impossibility of contesting or denying the real state of affairs. With   characteristic boldness, the Professor declared that he could soon cure the   wounds, and the Vicar-General took him at his word. In an appendix to the   official report the latter expresses himself thus : — -


“I stipulated for the experiment's   being tried only on one hand, for I knew that it would subject poor Sister   Emmerich to much suffering. But as the project would entail his perfect   seclusion for some time, the Professor did not even attempt it, although he   seemed to be convinced of the reasonableness of trying the experiment on one   hand only, for he said: ‘If one wound is a fraud, all the others are   frauds also. ‘He declared her abstinence no less an imposture than her   stigmata, and that it would all be brought to light were she removed to   Miinster and placed under the care of six physicians. To this I refused my   consent. I would not, by such measures, confirm the suspicions already   entertained of the invalid and which I believed utterly destitute of   foundation, Such a proceeding would seem to me contrary to justice and   charity."

「我规定实验只能在一方面进行,因为我知道这会让可怜的艾曼丽修女受很大的苦。但由于这个项目需要教授完全与世隔绝一段时间,教授甚至没有尝试过,尽管他似乎相信仅在一方进行试验是合理的,因为他说:『如果一个伤口是一个骗局   ,所有其它的伤口也都是骗局。』他宣称艾曼丽的禁食与她的印伤一样是一种欺骗,如果她被转移到明斯特并置于六名医生的看护下,这一切都会被曝光。对此,我拒绝同意。我不会通过这样的措施来证实已经对病人产生的怀疑,我认为这种怀疑完全没有根据的,在我看来,这样的做法是与正义和仁爱相违背的。」

Later, however, Professor B — 's plan   was modified: two trusty female nurses were to be chosen by him in Miinster   and commissioned to watch the invalid as closely as possible; she was to be   removed to other lodgings, receive no visits save those of Dean Rensing, and   the Vicar- General was to go himself to Diilmen to make the arrangements.


But the French Prefect opposed the   project and ordered the Mayor of Diilmen to forbid a new surveillance. “The   civil power” he declared,   “ought to protect a subject who had already been subjected to a rigorous   examination and of whom so satisfactory a testimony had been rendered to the   Commissary of Imperial Police.'' This declaration was accompanied by the   threat to hand over any future inquiry regarding Sister Emmerich to the civil   authorities, if it were proved that the ecclesiastical investigation had been   insufficient. This threat determined the Vicar-General to abandon the project   and leave the Professor to his learned vagaries. It seems a little strange at   first sight that the Vicar-General should have paid so much attention to the   professor's unworthy proceedings ; but his own words afford the explanation:   " I was myself most anxious for him to heal the wounds. "


From the beginning, he would willingly   have got rid of the stigmata and their bloody effusions even at the cost of   great sufferings to the invalid, for they attracted too much attention toward   a person whose whole existence was so far removed from the ideas of the age   in which she lived. He desired that everything calculated to become for the   Church's enemies an occasion of attack should be shunned or ignored;   therefore, the publicity given to the invalid's case which appeared to awaken   the rage of unbelievers, was in his eyes a most vexatious affair. He himself   regarded her stigmata as the work of God alone; but, sympathizing little with   any sort of mysticism, he shrank with a sort of fear from further   investigation of the mystery and made use of the following argument to   dispense himself from it:


"I have aimed at discovering but   one thing: Is Sister Emmerich herself deceived, or does she deceive? The   result of the investigation has convinced me that imposture can- not   reasonably be suspected; consequently, I seek nothing further. The stigmata   are either natural phenomena of a very rare kind on which I pass no judgment,   or they have a supernatural origin difficult to demonstrate."


Viewing it in this light, we can   understand how the Vicar-General could entertain the greatest respect for the   invalid, could ask her prayers for his own needs and those of the Church,   could send to her humble abode the most distinguished personages of his   widely-extended circle of acquaintances, and yet at the same time be so   anxious to conceal her as much as possible from the eyes of the world.


He wrote to Dean Rensing, July 16th: —   " I beg you to present my compliments to Sister Einmerich; and ask her   prayers for a special intention. Tell her if the Count and Countess von   Stolberg go to Diilmen, to show them all her wounds."

7 月 16 日,副主教写信给伦辛总铎:「我请求你向艾曼丽修女致意;并请她为一个特殊的意向祈祷。告诉她伯爵和伯爵夫人冯.斯托尔伯格将去杜尔门,是否可以向他们展示她所有的伤口   。」

Count von Stolberg arrived in Diilmen   with his wife and Dean Overberg, July 22d, one month after Prof. B.'s visit,   and remained two days. The following is from the pen of the Count himself,   published some time after with a few additions: —

B 教授访问一个月后,即 7 月 22 日,冯.斯托尔伯格伯爵与他的妻子和奥弗伯格总铎抵达杜尔门,并停留了两天。以下是伯爵本人写的,不久以后发表了,并添加了一些内容:-

 “Dean Overberg announced our   coming to Sister Emmerich, and at nine A. M., accompanied us to her lodging.   Her little room opens directly on the street, the passers-by can see into it   ; in fact, all that goes on in it may be seen outside. It is exceedingly   neat, without the slightest disagreeable odor. Though a great trial to the   invalid to be seen by strangers, yet she received us most graciously. Dean   Overberg asked her, in our name, to uncover her hands. It was a Friday, and   the wounds of the crown of thorns had bled profusely. She removed her   head-dress, and we saw her forehead and head pierced as if with great thorns.


We could distinctly see the fresh   wounds partly filled with blood, and all around her head was bloody. Never   has the painter's brush rendered so real the Saviour's wounds from the Thorny   Crown. The wounds on the back of the hands and the upper part of the feet are   much larger than those on the palms and soles, and those of the feet larger   than those of the hands. All were bleeding.


 “The physicians have been more   unreserved than ecclesiastics in pronouncing the case miraculous, as the   rules of science furnish more certain data for their judgments. They say that   such wounds could not be naturally maintained without suppuration or inflammation;   that it is incomprehensible how the invalid, suffering constantly and   cruelly, does not sink under the pressure of pain. She is, on the contrary,   full of life, intelligence, and benignity; she does not even grow pale.


“For sometime it has been optional   with her either to refuse or admit visitors, so she declines whenever she can   even those from a distance, as she finds such visits very painful. It is only   on the recommendation of ecclesiastics or the physician that she consents to   make some exceptions. She has enough to do, she says, to beg God for patience   in her pains. It is tempting Him to risk it for people who are, for the most   part, actuated only by curiosity. ' They who believe not in Jesus Christ,’   she says, ‘will not believe on account of my wounds.' It must truly be very   distressing for a poor, timid, sick religious to be gazed at by a crowd of   curious, indiscreet people!


"Anne Catherine, whose childhood   passed in labor and the care of flocks, speaks gently, and in an elevated   style when touching on religious subjects. This she could not possibly have   acquired in the convent. She expresses herself not only with propriety and   discretion, but also with superior intelligence. Her glance is full of   benevolence, her words kind and affable. Her voice is low, clear, and sweet,   and there is nothing forced in her conversation or manners, for love knows no   effort. She is a sublime spectacle. The love of God is breathed in her   sentiments, words, and actions. She bears with everything, and is charitable   toward her neighbor.


 “’How happy we are,’ she said to   Sophie, 'In knowing Jesus Christ! How difficult it was for our pagan   forefathers to find God!’ — Far from glorying in the external signs of the   divine favor, she esteems herself wholly unworthy of them, and carries with   humble care the treasure of heaven in a frail earthly vessel."


Mr. Keilermann was the first who took   a copy of the foregoing letter for Rev. Michael Sailer,(l) afterward Bishop   of Ratisbon, who made known its contents to many of his friends. It fell into   Clement Brentano's hands and inspired him with a desire of knowing more of   Sister Emmerich, Count Stolberg regarded her with deep veneration and through   Dean Overberg maintained a spiritual union with her till death. She on her   side never forgot the Count before God; he was one of those for whom she   constantly prayed and lovingly suffered, the beauty of his great soul having   been shown her.


 (1) John Michael Sailer (1751 -1832), Bishop of Ratisbon.   Born of humble parents, he was by the providence of God raised to one of the   highest dignities in the Church. As a student, he united to rare talents an   iron industry and zeal together with a spirit of humility and kindliness   toward all around. In 1770 he entered among the Jesuits. At their suppression   in 1773. he continued his studies at Ingolstadt and was ordained in 1775. He   held the professorial chair in pastoral and moral theology in different seminaries   for many years. In 1821, be became Bishop of Ratisbon, in which position he   accomplished a great amount of good.


For ten years he bore the accusations of his   enemies in silence. That he should have endured his grievous wrongs in the   spirit of Christ when he might have defended himself, must excite our   admiration. Bishop Sailer was of a noble character without self- love or   self-interest. He united piety with cheerfulness and was loved by all that   knew him. He refused many splendid positions offered him in Wirtemberg,   Prussia, etc, and counted numerous friends among the highest families.—   (Taken from Herder's Kirchen-lexicon.)

 (1) 若望.弥额尔.赛勒 (1751-1832),拉蒂斯邦主教。他出生于卑微的家庭,被天主的圣意提升为教会中最高的地位之一。作为一名学生,他团结钢铁行业的稀有人才,并以谦虚和友善的精神对待周围的一切。1770年,他加入耶稣会。在耶稣会于 1773 年被关闭时,他继续在英戈尔施塔特学习,并于 1775 年被祝圣司铎。他担任不同神学院的教牧和道德神学教授席位很多年。 1821   年成为拉蒂斯邦主教,在此职位上他立下了汗马功劳。



It   was not by an effect of pure chance that, just after the examination to which   she had been subjected, one of the most eminent men of his day visited the   poor stigmatisee to render open testimony to the wonders of divine power   manifested in her. His visit was followed by several from the Princess   Gallitzen accompanied by Dean Overberg.






上一篇:032.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第28章 关于圣伤的证词
下一篇:034.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第30章 副主教最后一次访问杜尔门


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