真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
003.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示 导言
003.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示 导言
浏览次数:1686 更新时间:2024-2-26




The author of the present biography published eight years ago the last volume of the “Life of Our Divine Saviour," compiled from the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich. He purposed issuing, as a supplement to the same, the life of the servant of God drawn from the most authentic sources ; but the duties of his ministry, sickness, and the difficulties attendant on the undertaking itself, retarded its publication until the present.


If Clement Brentano, (1) who resided at Diilmen from the fall of 1818 till the spring of 1824, daily making notes of his observations, shrank from the task of compiling this life, so simple in the exterior, so little calculated to strike the senses, and yet so rich, so wonderful in its interior signification, the writer of these lines may surely believe himself entitled to the indulgence of his readers for withholding it so long.



 (1) Clement Brentano, whose name will appear so often in the course of this biography, was born September 8, 1778. He was a poet of the highest genius- What others acquired only by long and hard study, he learned with ease- He was perfectly at home with the Greek and Latin authors, with Calderon, Dante, and Shakespeare, as well as with those of his own tongue. His wit and humor, his brilliant talents and exquisite poetical productions won for him the love and admiration of all who came in contact with him, and opened to him access to the highest literary circles.



His religious education had been very much neglected ; still he believed in the existence of God as a remunerator of good and evil, and in Jesus Christ as a divine mediator. He was charitable to the poor. Like Solomon he saw the vanity of all created things, and like the great Augustine he longed for something higher than earthly glory and knowledge. His restless heart at last found peace in God in a general confession, 1817.


A new world was now opened up before him, new friends gathered round him ; his religious fervor was great, although wanting in prudence and needing direction. This he found by the bedside of the poor and suffering Anne Catherine Emmerich, to whom Di- vine Providence had sent him in 1818- So attracted was he by the heroic virtue he there witnessed that the former idol of the fashionable world resolved to bury himself in the little town of Diilmen, and warm his heart at this furnace of divine love- But n6t for himself alone were the graces he there received.



Brentano was to be the instrument for the accomplishment of God's design that the revelations with which the ecstatica was favored should be recorded for the benefit of mankind. Ardently desirous of doing something for the glory of God, and thereby to atone for the shortcomings of the past, Brentano readily accepted the pressing invitation of Dean Overberg to become the amanuensis of the favored stigmatisee. For nearly six years, despite the jeers and mockery of his friends, he dailv committed to writing what he learned in that school of Christ Crucified. When A. C. Emmerich died, Brentano returned to his friends not now to entertain them by his talents, but to astound them by his ardor in the service of God and his neighbor. The large sums realized from his literary productions were all devoted to this noble purpose. Catholic literature felt a new impulse, good books were translated and circulated, sculpture and painting were raised to new life by his religious energy.


Encouraged by the pious and learned of his time, and we may add in the very home of the famous Diepenbrock, afterward Cardinal- Archbishop of Breslau, he published in 1835 the " Dolorous Passion of Christ," the first work compiled from the revelations of A. C. Emmerich. One edition succeeded another and quickly prepared the public mind for other works from the same source, Brentano died holily in 1842. With him a great and noble soul passed from earth to heaven. His early failings he had long before blotted out by torrents of contrite tears. If charity covers a multitude of sins, certainly his heroic love for God and his neighbor more than atoned for the wanderings of his early career, wanderings that sprang rather from Ignorance than malice. His death was followed by the conversion of some noble souls to whom In life he had earnestly pointed out the Catholic Church as the only secure refuge, the only safe harbor of salvation.— Taken from "Sketch of Clement Brentano,” by Rev, F, Dikl, S. J.

在当时虔诚和博学的人们的鼓励下,我们可以补充一点,他于1835年在著名的迪彭布罗克神父(后来的布雷斯劳枢机大主教)的许可下,出版了《基督的受难记》,这是他根据艾曼丽的神视汇编的第一部作品。于是一个版本接着另一个版本陆续问世,并迅速为公众接受艾曼丽其他神视做好了准备。布伦塔诺于1842年圣洁地去世了。一位伟大而高尚的灵魂从人间升入天堂。他早年的过失早已被痛悔的泪水冲刷得干干净净了。如果说爱德能遮掩许多罪过,那么他对天主和近人爱无疑弥补了他早年信仰生活中的迷失,而这种迷失与其说是出于恶意,不如说是出于无知。他死后,带来了一些高贵灵魂的皈依,他生前曾认真地向他们指出天主教会是唯一安全的避难所,唯一安全的救赎港湾。——摘自克莱门特布伦塔诺素描,作者:Rev, F, Dikl , S.J. 迪克神父,耶稣会会士。

He deemed the sketch of Sister Emmerich's life prefixed to the first edition of “The Dolorous Passion," published by Clement Brentano, in 1833, sufficient, until his friend Dr. Krabbe, Dean of the Cathedral Munster, procured him access to the original " Acts of the Ecclesiastical Inquiry of 1813," and also accompanied him to Diilmen, Coesfeld, and Flamske, to collect among her few surviving contemporaries some circumstances of her life, which led to the present work. Gratitude demands the mention of the late Herr Aulike, Privy- Councillor at Berlin, who kindly forwarded to the author the given notices to the public at intervals from the year .1813 to that of her death, 1824. The above-named gentlemen regarded her with deep veneration, and eagerly awaited the publication of her biography, which, however, neither lived to see.



Owing to the conscientious record of the Acts of the Investigation, wholly unknown to Clement Brentano, the author has been enabled to support this history on testimony so weighty that none more conclusive can be found in the life of any saint favored by similar graces, whilst the rich materials they afford give a clearer understanding of Sister Emmerich's mission. In them we behold a fact whose sig- nificance is universally acknowledged by the Church, a fact known and appreciated in every age ; viz., that Almighty God at all times chooses certain souls, who, either secluded from the world or amid the hurry of secular life, serve as instruments in suffering and combating for the Church.


The life and sufferings of such chosen ones are often widely dissimilar : for instance, Lidwina of Schiedam, or our own Domenica Lazzari appear as victims in the body, like the early virgin-martyrs ; whilst others, such as Magdalene di Pazzi, or Colomba di Rieti, combat and suffer for the Church spiritually ;


though, inasmuch as their life is a perpetual sacrifice, a course of uninterrupted endurance in perfect abandonment to the will of God, they closely resemble one another. They expiate the faults committed in the bosom of the Church and repair the wrongs she endures from her own children, or they atone for actual guilt, doing penance for the guilty. By prayer, or rather by an extraordinary gift which converts prayer into action, they avert impend- ing dangers from the Sovereign Pontiff and the clergy ;


they obtain conversion for sinners ; an increase of faith for the weak ; zeal and intrepidity for pastors ; and, lastly, they wrestle for souls in danger of being lost through the negligence of others, chiefly of those entrusted with their spiritual guidance. Besides this duty of prayer and expiation, there is, moreover, the task militant, to be undertaken by some privileged souls, and which consists in actually embracing corporal and spiritual dangers, diseases, temptations, and evil inclinations. Here it is no longer simple suffering or sacrifice, the fruits of which are reaped by others; but there is question of exposing one's self, really and personally, to all the perils that menace the neighbor, of taking upon one's self sickness or temptation exacting of the substitute a real struggle, the fruits of whose victory are to be made over to another. One of the most sublime instances of such a task is found in Judith confronting Holofernes and his army to prevent the profanation of the Sanctuary and the opprobrium of God's chosen people.


It may seem, perhaps, that prayer must be the only or, at least, the chief duty of these victims; but such is not exclusively the case, since the martyrdom of penance undergone by the innocent is precisely that which gives to prayer its efficacy and draws down upon the Church the richest benedictions.


The expiatory task is never separated from that of combating, and both united to prayer are found to an extraordinary degree in the life of Sister Emmerich who, from her very infancy, had been prepared for her mission, her communications with her angel, her intuitive perception of the unseen, and the gift of contemplation bestowed at her birth contributing thereto.


Three great evils menaced the Church at the epoch in which she lived : the profanation of sacred things, the dis- semination of false doctrines, and the corruption of morals, to meet which with the weapons of prayer and expiation was Sister Emmerich's mission, to struggle in defense of the Church delivered over, as it were, to the will of her enemies


It will, in no small degree, animate the pious reader to renewed confidence in God when he finds in this biography so many proofs of His merciful protection over His Church during those troubled times, and beholds the instrument employed for that end in the person of the poor little shepherdess of Flamske. This was the consideration that encouraged the author to resume his oft-interrupted task, and to spare no trouble, in the study of her life, diligently comparing for this end the facts contained in it with those presented in the biographies of others similarly favored by Heaven.


 They who are familiar with the rules laid down by Ben- edict XIV. and the great theological authorities to whom he constantly refers in his work, u De Servorum Dct Bcatifica- tione" will understand the author's anxiety in elaborating a history like the one under consideration, and agree with him in declaring Sister Emmerich's life a striking exemplification of the virtues exacted by the Church as proofs of the truth wherever there is question of the supernatural (1)

他们熟悉本笃十四世颁布的诏书中所定的规则,而在其著作《De Servorum Dct Bcatifica-tione》中不断提及的伟大神学权威的人,会理解作者在阐述这样一段历史时的顾虑,并同意他的观点,即艾曼丽修女的一生是教会所要求的圣德的杰出典范: 凡对超自然启示的疑问,教会要求其本人以圣德作为真理的证明(1)。


(1) The following line, taken from Father Schmoger's Introduction to the “Lite of Christ." seem so suitable to the subject here treated that, conforming to the advice of certain capable persons, among' them a holy confrere of the author himself, we take the liberty of incorporating them in this Introduction to the Life of Sister Emmerich.

(1) 以下几行,摘录自施莫格神父的《基督之光导言,似乎很适合本文的题目,因此,我们听从了一些有才能者的建议,其中有作者本人的一位圣洁的朋友,冒味地把他们写进这本《艾曼丽修女的生平导言》里

To be able prudently to pronounce upon so delicate a question, consideration must be had on the one side to the virtue of the person under examination, and on the other to her manner of conducting herself both in and out of vision ; for which latter point, Benedict XIV., with the most distinguished doctors and theologians, has laid down twelve marks deserving special attention :


I. — Has the person in question ever desired visions ; or, on the contrary, has she begged of God the grace of being con- ducted in the ordinary ways ? Has she received such visions only in the spirit of obedience ? — " To desire such favors," says St. Vincent Ferrier, " would be to nourish secret pride or reprehensible curiosity ; it would be a sign of weak, imperfect faith."

1.当事人是否曾渴望过神视异象?或者正相反,她向天主祈求,让她像普通人那样接受教导?她是否只是本着服从的精神下才领受了这样的异象? 如果她有想要得到神迹异象的渴望,圣文森特·费瑞厄说,这只会滋长渴求者内心的骄傲和应受谴责的好奇心。这将是软弱、不完美信德的表现。 」  


II.-Has she received from her confessor an order to comlnunicate her visions to holy and enlightened persons ?



III. — Has she always shown absolute obedience toward her spiritual guides ? Has she in consequence of her visions made rapid progress in the love of God and humility ?



IV. — Has she willingly conferred with persons disinclined to credit her, or who tried and contradicted her ?



V. — Does she habitually experience peace and tranquility of conscience ? Is her heart always inflamed with ardent zeal for perfection?


VI. — Were her spiritual directors ever obliged to reproach her with imperfections ?



VII. — Has she received from God a promise to hear all her lawful and reasonable petitions ? Has she by her prayers obtained great favors from Him 



VIII. — Have those who live with her, supposing their own perversity no obstacle to her virtuous influence, been incited to piety and the love of God ?



IX. — Have her visions been vouchsafed her after fervent prayer or Holy Communion ? Have they excited in her a desire to suffer for the glory of God ?



X. — Has she crucified her flesh ? Has she rejoiced in trials and contradictions ?



XL — Has she loved retreat ? Has she fled the society of creatures? Is she despoiled of every natural attachment ?


XII. — Has she preserved serenity of soul as well under adverse as under prosperous circumstances? Finally, have learned theologians found nothing in her visions contrary to the rules of faith, or which might appear reprehensible, viewed in any light whatever ?



These twelve points laid down by Benedict XIV., fruits of the experience of the most holy and enlightened Doctors, furnish sure and infallible rules in such cases ; and the more closely a soul endued with the gift of vision is conformed thereto, the more motives are there, according to the holy pontiff, for accepting her testimony and visions as true and real. Now, the reader will, without doubt, be no less gratified than we in tracing the perfect and truly surprising correspondence between these rules and the whole life of Sister Emmerich.


He will agree with us in declaring that to find these different characteristics united in the same degree in any one soul, he would be obliged to search the lives of the most illustrious saints of the Church. In the first place, Sister Emmerich never desired such favors.



They entailed upon her so many trials and contradictions that she frequently conjured God to deliver her from them. Again, the age at which she first received them permits us not to suppose she could have desired them, for when she did begin to speak of them, it was with the simplicity of a child ignorant of the precise meaning of what it says.


Secondly, she could be induced to communicate her visions only by the reiterated instances of her angelic guide, and not till the last ten years of her life did she find any one willing to listen to them.



Thirdly, as her confessors suspected her visions and took the trouble not even to ex- amine them, she did all in her power to hide them, to stifle them, so to say, in her own breast. The struggle thence arising with her invisible guide, who ceased not to urge her to reveal them despite her confessor's aversion, caused her indescribable suffering. Still she continued to address herself to the same directors from whom, however, she had naught to expect but stern rebuffs and bitter hu- miliations.


She left to God the care of enlightening them in His own gootime upon the origin and character of her supernatural gifts; and she rejected, as far as in her lay, all that could modify or ameliorate her painful posi- tion, testifying only charity, patience, and sweetness toward the authors of her trials.


Passing over the other points, we shall limit ourselves to a glance at the twelfth and last: viz., the conformity of Sister Emmerich’s visions with the teachings of faith — a circumstance of the utmost importance in visions containing revelations.


Benedict XIV. here supports his opinion chiefly upon Suarez, who establishes as an incontestable principle that, in the study of revelations, it is chiefly to be considered whether they are in perfect accordance with the rules of Faith and sound morals, rejecting as illusory and diabolical every pretended revelation in contradiction with Holy Scripture, tradition, the decrees of Councils, and the unanimous teachings of the Fathers and theologians. Even those revelations which, without contravening the Faith, contain evident contradictions and serve but to satisfy vain curiosity, which appear to be the result of a purely human activity, or which, in fine, are opposed to the wisdom of God or to any other of His divine attributes, are to be suspected.



And here the illustrious pontiff asks what should be thought of revelations containing statements apparently opposed to the common opinion of the Fathers and theologians, revela- tions which on some particular point, give details quite new, or which affirm as certain what has not as yet been pronounced upon by the Church ?


Resting upon the most solid authority, he answers that this motive suffices not to reject without further examination revelations in which such things are found; for, 1st, a fact which at first sight appears opposed to the common opinion may, if submitted to an earnest and conscientious examination, evoke in its favor weighty authority and excellent intrinsic reasons for belief;


2d, a revelation should not be condemned as false merely on account of its containing circumstances in the Life of Our Lord, or that of His Blessed Mother, of which no mention is made in the Sacred Writings, in tradition, or in the Holy Fathers ; 3d, a revelation may, without militating against the decisions of the Church, the Fathers, and theologians, explain a point unexplained by them or make known some detail on which they are silent ; 4th, it would be to place arbitrary limits to the almighty power of God to suppose that He cannot reveal to a private individual a point which, not yet pronounced upon by the Church, is still a subject of controversy.




If the reader desires to apply the foregoing rules to the revelations contained in this work (1), he will find therein ab- solutely nothing wounding to the principles of Christian faith ; on the contrary, he will be fully satisfied that there are few books which enable the soul to penetrate so easily into the mysteries of our holy religion, or which impart so speedily even to ordinary minds the knowledge of that art of arts which, according to the author of the Imitation, consists in the meditation of the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, In vita Jesu Christi meditari (2).


As impostors and hypocrites are often met in these our days who vaunt themselves the favored recipients of Heaven's special favors, and who occasionally gain credence with some, the author has given faithfully and in detail the investigations made on Sister Emmerich's case as he found them in the original documents.



 (1) "Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ." The above remark Is equally applicable to many points in Sister Emmerich's own life.

(1) 《耶稣基督的诞生与成长》 上述备注同样适用于艾曼丽修女生命中的许多时刻。  


(2) Extract from Introduction to Life of Our Lord, Schmoger.



Clement Brentano's friend, Edward Steinle, painted the portrait from which the engraving prefixed to this volume was taken. His models were the drawings sketched by Brentano himself at various periods of his sojourn in Diil- men. They who knew Sister Emmerich best testify to its fidelity.


In conclusion the author declares his unreserved submission to the decrees of Pope Urban VIII. of March 13, 1625, and June 5,1634, inconsequence of which he claims for whatever is extraordinary in this book but a purely human origin.





Convent of Gars, on the Inn, Bavaria,

September 17, 1807

施莫格神父 C.SS.R.





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