真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
012.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示 第九章 安纳·加大利纳从十七岁到二十岁在科斯菲尔德的日子
012.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示 第九章 安纳·加大利纳从十七岁到二十岁在科斯菲尔德的日子
浏览次数:2393 更新时间:2024-3-12



Anne Catherine from Her Seventeenth to Her Twentieth Year at Coesfeld.


Up to the present, Almighty God had directed Anne Catherine by extraordinary means to the religious state.


Now she was to follow the ordinary way, to overcome those difficulties against which all that are so called have more or less to struggle.


As long as her soul was immersed in the contemplation of the supreme excellence and dignity of that state, her desire of embracing it was equalled only by her sorrow at beholding its lamentable decadence and the efforts of its enemies to destroy it.


Her interior trials consisted, for the most part, in her painful attempts to control her ardent desire and her ignorance as to how she could triumph over obstacles apparently insurmountable.


God willed that she should experience the weakness of a soul thrown upon its own resources, that she should prove her fidelity amid darkness, aridity, and contradictions.


At the age of seventeen a new period began in her direction which lasted till her twentieth year.


She resided at Coesfeld, working at her trade of mantua-making, hoping by strict economy to lay up a sum sufficient to gain her admittance into a convent. But this plan was never realized.


Her small weekly earnings were often disposed of the very day they were received, for all that she made belonged to the poor.


Her desire to enter a convent, though truly intense, equalled not her love for the needy for whom she never hesitated to despoil herself.


One day she met an old woman in rags.


Without a thought she took off one of her garments (the only one of the kind she possessed) to clothe the beggar.


The more painful the privation in her neighbor's behalf, the more readily she embraced it, hoping by this to regain the fervor she feared she had lost during her sojourn at Coesfeld.


The consolations she had once tasted in her devotions had been withdrawn, and she fancied that she had grown cold in the love of God.


This thought greatly tormented her, especially when she found her usual practices of piety become difficult and painful. She attributed it to her own infidelity, and esteemed herself wholly unfit for the religious vocation.


No penance, she thought, could expiate her faults, and, notwithstanding her repugnance, she multiplied her austerities and devotions.


In confession she could not accuse herself of even the least negligence or consent to her sudden antipathy to spiritual things, yet her feeling of guilt was so great that she dared not approach the Holy Table as often as usual, a positive command from her confessor being necessary to overcome her dread.


Thus did she struggle for three years, when God again inundated her mind with light, her heart with peace and joy.


Her family at this time annoyed her in many ways in their efforts to divert her from entering a convent.


The mantua-maker, at whose establishment she worked, formed such an affection for her that several times she offered to remain single and share all she owned with her if she would only promise never to leave her, if she would lead with her a life wholly dedicated to the service of God.


She never embarrassed her young work-woman by indiscreet curiosity nor restrained her in anything. She was pleased when other young girls came to ask her advice in their practices of piety, hoping that Anne Catherine would look more favorably on her proposal when she saw in it an opportunity of doing good.


But the latter could not be won over.


She declined her benevolent offers with arguments so sweet and persuasive that the good understanding existing between them was never wounded.


It was more difficult to resist her parents who imagined she would lose her desire of the religious life if they could prevail upon her to take part in worldly amusements.


Anne Catherine had always found it hard to refuse anything to her neighbor, and how could she continually repulse those good parents when they urged her to go to a dance or elsewhere with her brothers and sisters ?


Twice she yielded a reluctant consent hoping by this concession to secure herself from further remonstrances on the subject.


She says : " Once my eldest brother insisted on my going with him to a dance.


I refused. He fell into a passion and left the house.


But he soon returned weeping bitterly and knelt down in our parents' presence to ask pardon.


We never disagreed before nor since.


But one day when I had allowed them to persuade me to go to such an assembly, I became so sad that I was almost in despair.


My heart was far from the gay scene.


I endured the torment of hell, and I was so strongly urged to quit the place that I could scarcely control myself.


I remained only through fear of attracting attention.


At last I thought I heard my Divine Spouse calling me, and I fled from the house.


I looked around, and there I saw Him standing under a tree, sad and displeased, His face pale and bloody.


He said to me : How unfaithful thou art !


Hast thou forgotten Me ?


How hast thou treated Me !


Dost thou not recognize Me?'


Then I implored pardon.


He told me what I should do to prevent sin ; viz., to kneel and pray with extended arms, and to go where my presence would hinder its commission.


"On another occasion I went, though reluctantly, to the same kind of a gathering. But again I was drawn away by an irresistible power, and I fled in spite of my companions who tried to detain me. I thought the earth would swallow me up. I felt as if I should die of grief.


Hardly had I passed the city gate, when a majestic lady appeared before me and in a severe tone thus addressed me :


' What hast thou done?


What conduct is this?


Thou wast betrothed to my Son, but thou no longer deservest that honor!'


Then the youth approached, pale and disfigured.


His reproaches pierced my heart, when I reflected in what company I had been whilst he was awaiting me, sad and suffering.


I thought I should die. I begged His Mother to intercede for me, and I promised never to yield again.


She did so, I was forgiven, and I resolved never more to allow myself to be enticed to such places. After accompanying me some distance, they disappeared.


I was wide awake, with full consciousness.


They had spoken with me just like ordinary people.


I returned home sobbing, sad unto death.


The next day my friends reproached me for having left them, but they never again pressed me to attend such amusements.


About the same time, a little book fell into my fathers hands in which he read that parents are wrong in forcing their children to such places.


He was so troubled that he shed tears, saying :  God knows my intention was good!' I consoled him."


Her parents' opposition did not, however, cease ; indeed, it became only the more obstinate.


At first sight it seems strange that these poor peasants, who could entertain no hope of ever seeing their daughter occupying other than a very humble position in life, should have so strongly opposed her becoming a religious ; but when we reflect what a treasure she was to them, we can no longer be surprised. She wag their joy and consolation. 


They had recourse to her in every doubt.


Her wisdom and intelligence guided them in every emergency, they could not do without her.


All that she undertook received a blessing; nothing succeeded so well when their favorite child was absent, and there was something so attractive about her that they could not bear to be separated from her for any length of time.


She was attentive to their wants, she sought to gratify their every desire.


They looked upon her as the support of their old age.


Although she had for some years been from under the paternal roof, yet it was at so short a distance that daily intercourse had not been interrupted ; but the cloister once entered would deprive them of her presence altogether.


They knew her too well not to feel confident that, even were she in a relaxed community, she would live as a perfect religious, scrupulously observing her Rule.


They would have been more pleased to discover in her an inclination for the married-state, as that would not preclude their frequent communication with her.


They also feared that her poverty would be made a subject of reproach to their child in the miserable condition to which convents were then reduced.


Actuated by these considerations, they implored her with tears, reproaches, and entreaties to abandon a design which they represented as the effect of caprice and presumption, or as a desire of escaping a life of poverty in the world.


Her affectionate heart was crushed by such arguments, and often she knew not what to reply.


Her only resource was prayer, from which she drew the strength and light necessary to carry out her resolution.


"My parents," she said to Dean Overberg, "spoke of marriage, for which I felt the greatest repugnance.


Sometimes I thought that my distaste to it arose from a dread of the duties it imposes.


'If it be the will of God that I should marry,' said I to myself, 'I ought to be willing to bear the burden.'


Then I begged God to take from me that feeling of dislike, if it were His will that I should conform to my parents' desires.


But my longing for the convent only increased.


" I laid my trouble before my pastor and my confessor, and begged their advice. Both told me that if there were no other children to take care of my parents, I ought not to enter religion against their wishes ; but that, as they had several sons and daughters, I was free to follow my vocation. So I persevered in my resolution."


It was a very remarkable fact that, although Anne Catherine had so often received in vision a positive call to the religious state, yet she had to recur to ordinary means for a confirmation of what had been extraordinarily communicated.


As obstacles did not disappear miraculously, as they had to be surmounted by her own efforts, so neither did her supernatural illumination dispense her from the obligation of proving her vocation by the usual methods.


She was called to religion for the good of the Church, she was to serve as a model for all in it, she was to show forth at a time in which the religious state was in absolute decadence, what fidelity a soul can practise who has chosen God for her spouse.


For this it was that she was sent to the representatives of God, the priesthood of the Holy Church.


Like the ordinary Faithful, her life was to be regulated by their judgment and decision, and by this way open to all, she was to attain the end marked out for her by God.


This submission to the guidance and discipline of the Church was precisely the surest test of the truth of all that was extraordinary in her.


We shall meet in her life numerous facts which prove that the graces bestowed upon her were all destined to be placed under the guidance of ecclesiastical Superiors to receive from them their seal of authenticity.


She was in her eighteenth year when she received the Sacrament of Confirmation from the hands of Gaspard Max von Droste-Vischering, then suffragan Bishop of Miinster.


(注:Sacrament of Confirmation:坚振圣事;坚信礼(基):乃耶稣建立七件圣事之一;是主教(神父)先向领坚振的教友覆手祈祷,而后在其额上傅油,同时念:“请藉此印记,领受天恩圣神”,透过圣事赋予的神印,使领受的人更密切地与教会结合,进而更坚强地为基督作见证(法典 879 )。乃圣洗圣事的补充和加强,亦即基督徒的成人礼。)

This sacred ceremony was performed during the period of her interior desolation ; hence, the call to receive the Sacrament was to her like a voice from heaven.


She prepared for it most carefully, trusting through its efficacy, to regain that spiritual strength and joy for which she thought she had been striving uselessly during the past year.


At her First Communion she had begged to be a good and docile child ; now she asked for fidelity and love that she might suffer until death for God and her neighbor.


Again she felt rise in her soul her former desire of burying herself in some distant land to serve God unknown and alone. One day, as she was conversing with an intimate friend, she said that a true imitator of Jesus Christ ought like the saints to quit all things for Him.


These words made so deep an impression on her hearer that she declared her readiness to follow wherever she might lead in imitation of those servants of God.


Anne Catherine joyfully accepted the offer and together they planned their flight into solitude; but they soon discovered that their pious design was not feasible.


The following is Anne Catherine's own account of her Confirmation :


" I went to Coesfeld with the children of our parish to be confirmed.


Whilst I stood at the church door with my companions waiting my turn, I had a most lively sentiment of the sacred ceremony going on inside.


I saw those who came out after receiving Confirmation interiorly changed, but in various degrees.


They bore an exterior mark.


When I entered, the Bishop seemed to me to be all luminous, a band of heavenly spirits around him.


The chrism was resplendent and the forehead of the confirmed shone with light.


When he anointed me, a fiery dart shot from my forehead to my heart, and I felt the strength emanating from the sacred chrism. I often saw the suffragan Bishop after, but I would scarcely have known him."


We can judge of the effects of this Sacrament in Anne Catherine's soul from her own words. She declares that from this time she had to endure frightful apparitions and chastisements from invisible agency for the faults of others. 我们可以从安妮-凯瑟琳自己的话中判断出这一圣礼对她灵魂的影响。她说,从那时起,她就不得不忍受可怕的幻影和来自无形机构对他人过错的惩罚。


This expiation was often performed under circumstances apparently accidental :



for instance, she was sometimes thrown down, wounded, bruised, or scalded by the awkwardness of a companion ; or, again, she was suddenly seized by some unaccountable malady which every one ridiculed.


She bore their bantering with patient sweetness, she silently endured contradiction, blame, harsh words, and unjust accusations.


Naturally hasty, the interior struggle to control her feelings, pardon her persecutors, and, at the same time, to bear the chastisement due to them, was great.


In the Sacrament of Confirmation, she received the strength to fulfil her mission.


We shall see later on how rapid was her progress in perfection.


The corporal maladies that from this epoch unceasingly attacked her, bore the characteristic stamp of expiation under the most varied forms.


They had a special reference, known to God alone, to the offences for which they atoned.


The more faithful Anne Catherine was to the direction given in her great vision, the more worthy was she of holding before God the place of the Spouse par excellence, the Church ; but by the impression of the Sacred Stigmata of Jesus Christ, her quality of representative reached perfect assimilation with her Beloved. 


As in the sight of God she held the place of Holy Church, she was to bear the same wounds, incur the same dangers, undergo the same persecutions that menaced either the whole body or its individual members.


At the age of four, she had intercepted the murderous axe hurled at the sleeping infant ; now as a substitute she was to endure whatever threatened the Pope, ecclesiastics, or other influential personages, whose well-being in any way affected that of the Church.


She expiated the spiritual maladies of such members by unspeakable sufferings ; and she atoned by patience for those whose infidelity, negligence, or immorality would have drawn down upon the Church the chastisements of Divine Justice if not appeased by some such offering.


In Anne Catherine was wrought the same marvellous change as in the Apostles on the day of Pentecost when, as the catechism teaches,


(注:Pentecost:五旬节;圣神降临日;圣神降临瞻礼:纪念耶稣复活后第五十日派遣圣神降临(宗:2:2-4);是教会的大庆节,因为是日教会正式向全人类传佈福音的任务。称五旬节(主日),源自希腊文 pentesoste 五十日节,原指犹太人逾越节五十天后所举行的感恩庆典:五旬节,亦即收成(丰年)节。早期基督宗教(借)用五旬节庆祝复活节后第五十天的圣神降临。)

"They were so filled with the power of the Holy Spirit that they esteemed themselves happy to be judged worthy to suffer stripes, imprisonment, and even death for the name of Jesus Christ."


One day she revealed the secret of her strength in the following words :


"After my Confirmation, I could not refrain from petitioning to bear the punishment of every sin."


What a high idea of the sanctity and justice of God, what reverence for the Precious Blood, what horror of sin, what compassion for sinners, must have found a place in that heart which lived but to atone for its neighbor's faults !


Her love of penance ever increased.


Her days were spent in labor, her nights in prayer and penitential exercises.


From her infancy, though hiding it as much as possible from her family, she had been accustomed to the same ; even now humility forbade her revealing all these practices to her confessor.


Her mistress, the mantua-maker, had however informed him of it. When he questioned Anne Catherine upon the subject, she was covered with confusion ; she acknowledged all and afterward followed his advice most exactly.


He again declared to her that she was called to the religious state.


When she expressed her fear of not being received into any convent without a dowry, he recalled to her the power and goodness of God, and promised to interest himself for her with the Augustinians of Borken.


He did so, and soon announced to her the welcome news that she might present herself to the Superioress of the Borken community, who was disposed to admit her on his recommendation.


The Superioress did, it is true, receive her most kindly ; but Anne Catherine was suddenly overcome by mental anguish, tears choked her utterance. The sight supernaturally revealed to her of the spiritual state of the community, the Founder of the Order and even their holy Rule being almost entirely unknown to the religious, overcame her.



The Superioress in surprise asked the cause of her tears, to which question Anne Catherine answered truthfully, but evasively :


"I weep over my want of veneration for St. Augustine.


 I am not worthy to become an Augustinian ! "


She took leave, saying that she would reflect on the matter ; but she could never resolve to return.


Dean Overberg speaks thus of her mortifications at this time : 


"Anne Catherine practised more austerities in the world than she did after entering the convent. She knew not at the time that for such things her confessor's leave was necessary.


She wore chains and cords and a rough undergarment which she had made herself of the coarsest material she could find.''


Among her other penances was that of the Stations of the Cross, erected upon the confines of Coesfeld.


It took at least two hours, pausing only a few moments at each station, to perform this devotion, since they were at a great distance apart, separated by intervening groves of fir-trees.


Her labor began at daybreak and lasted till late in the evening; consequently, it was only at night she could make this exercise.


She used to begin a little after midnight and, when the city-gates were closed she had to climb over the broken wall.


She was naturally timid and her retired life made her still more so.


This nocturnal expedition was a very formidable undertaking for her, yet she never failed to perform it at the instance of the souls in purgatory, or on a command received in vision.


No inclemency of the weather could prevent her.


She was sometimes accompanied by a friend who shared her pious sentiments.


"Once," she says, "I went with my friend, about three o'clock in the morning, to make the Way of the Cross, and we had to climb the broken wall.


On our return, we stopped awhile outside the Church to pray, when I saw the cross with all the silver offerings suspended from it leave its place and draw near to us.


I saw it clearly and distinctly ; my companion did not see it, but she heard the clinking of the silver objects.


After this, I used to go behind the main altar to pray before the miraculous crucifix there, and I often saw the Saviour's figure inclining toward me. It made a strange impression on me."


On one occasion, she performed this devotion to ask for peace in a certain household.


" The hatred existing between a husband and wife at Coesfeld," she says, " afflicted me greatly. I often prayed for the poor people. On Good-Friday, after leaving the Holy Sepulchre, about 9 o'clock in the evening, I made the Way of the Cross for them.


The evil spirit in human form attacked me and tried to strangle me, but I cried to God with my whole heart and the enemy fled.


After this the husband treated his wife less harshly."


She often experienced similar opposition from the demon. She says : 


" I felt great compassion for a poor girl who had been deceived by a young man, who afterward refused to make her his wife.


This great sin against God grieved me to death.


I formed a little plan with two companions to make on Easter-night fifty-two turns around the cemetery of Coesfeld for the souls in purgatory, begging them to help the poor girl.


The weather was bad, the night dark.


We went barefoot, I between my two companions.


As we were praying earnestly, the evil one in the form of a young man rushed upon me and dashed me several times from side to side.


But I went on praying all the more fervently, for I knew that prayer is hateful to the demon.


I know not whether my friends saw what I did, but they both screamed with terror.


When we had finished our rounds, we were so exhausted that we could go no further- As we returned home, the same apparition cast me head foremost into a tan-pit twenty feet deep.


My companions thinking I was surely killed, again screamed, but I fell quite gently.


I cried out to them : ' Here I am,' and, on the instant, I know not how, I was drawn out of the pit and placed on the ground.


We began our prayers once more, and now went on unmolested. On Easter Tuesday the girl came full of joy to tell me that the young man had consented to marry her.


He did so in effect. Both are still living (1818).


Another time, as a friend and myself were crossing a field before daybreak in order to go pray, Satan under the appearance of a huge black dog came bounding toward us on a little path we had to cross. He wanted to prevent our going any further.


Every time that I made the sign of the Cross he retreated a short distance and stood still.


He kept this up full fifteen minutes.


My friend was trembling with fright.


She caught me and tried to hold me back.


At last I went boldly forward, saying : ' We will go in the Name of Jesus!


We have been sent by God and what we are going to do is for God ! If thou wert of God, thou wouldst not try to hinder us.


Go thy way, we will go ours ! At these words, the monster disappeared. When my friend recovered from her fright, she exclaimed : ' Ah ! why did you not speak that way at first ?'


I answered :"You are right, but I did not think of it." We then went on in peace.


" On another occasion, I was praying earnestly before the Blessed Sacrament, when the evil one threw himself down so violently beside me on the kneeling bench that it cracked as if split asunder. Cold chills passed over me, I was so frightened ; but I continued praying, and he soon left me."


For three long years, as before stated, Anne Catherine patiently endured spiritual dryness. At the end of that time the sun of consolation again shone upon her soul and her intimate communication with the Celestial Spouse was never afterward interrupted.


Without such support she would have been unable to fulfil the terrible expiatory task of her life.


O the mysterious ways of Divine Providence !


Anne Catherine now beholds her Redeemer almost constantly !


She is enlightened, strengthened, consoled by Him, the invisible Head of the Church!


She receives from Him the promise of assistance  but, at the same time, all her efforts to enter a convent are futile!


For three years she had toiled to put by a sum for a dowry, and at the end of that time she finds herself as poor as before, for her Heavenly Betrothed sent her so many occasions of relieving the wants of her neighbor, that she could keep nothing for her own needs.


But a still more serious obstacle stands in the way, one well calculated to crush her hopes, and that is her continued ill-health.


She saw, indeed, in her visions, what she had to suffer and why she suffered ; but the knowledge of these hidden causes was poor compensation for a life of daily sacrifice, for sickness so real, so sensible as to exhaust her vital energies.


She could now with difficulty perform her usual duties ; and when, after her unsuccessful attempt at Borken, she begged her confessor to speak for her to the Trappistines, of Darfeld, his reply was that he could not encourage one so weak and sickly as she to enter so severe an Order.


(注:Trappist :苦修会士;熙都隐修会士:以禁言及严肃规律度苦修生活的隐修士。)

On beholding her distress at this declaration, he consoled her by promising to ask admittance for her among the Clares, at Miinstor.


These religious gave a favorable answer to his application, and Anne Catherine went to present her petition in person. But they informed her that, as their convent was poor and she could bring -no dowry, they would admit her only on condition that she would learn to play the organ, and thus become useful to the community.


She agreed to this, but her increasing debility made it necessary for her to return home awhile before beginning her new study.


The friend who accompained her to Minister on this occasion, made the following deposition before ecclesiastical authority, April 8, 1813 : 


" My name is Gertrude Ahaus, of Hammern, parish of Billerbeck.


I have known Anne Catherine Emmerich for fourteen years.


I became acquainted with her at Ccesfeld, and we were very intimate.


She told me of her desire to become a nun, and I went with her to the Clares at Miinster in which community I had two relatives.


Her desire was so great that, when I represented to her that these houses would soon be everywhere suppressed, she replied that if she could enter one although with the certainty of being hanged eight days after, she would still be too happy to do so.


The most severe Order was her attraction.


I never saw any fault in her ; she was pious and upright.


I had the greatest confidence in her.


Our conversations were always upon piety, and she instructed me in many things concerning the duties of a Christian, relating traits from the lives of holy religious, St. Matilda, St. Catherine, St. Gertrude, St. Clare, etc,


"She communicated on Sundays and feasts.


When she worked at our house, she used to kneel long in prayer every evening.


She had a particular devotion to the Five Wounds of Jesus and to the three upon His Shoulder, from which He suffered more than from all the others.


She wore a red garment next her person.


On Fridays she fasted till mid-day, and if she could escape notice she took nothing in the evening.


She often went at night to make the Way of the Cross and she spent Sundays and holydays in prayer.


"Her patience was wonderful.


If I were sick, she consoled me reminding me of the sufferings of Christ.


Some said it was through pride that she wanted to be a nun.


But Anne Catherine answered that she was pleased to be thus spoken of, for her innocent Saviour also had been calumniated.


She was prepossessing, kind to all, and very diligent.


She always worked hard at our house, and her conversation did me much good.


She was so generous that she gave away all she had. She was frank and sincere in her words, although with most people she spoke but little."


We shall here give some other depositions made by Anne Catherine's early companions concerning the period which forms the subject of the following chapter.


They were made before Ecclesiastical Superiors in 1813 when the details of her life were collected.


Their simplicity and truthfulness not only prove the wonderful benediction emanating from her, but they also present a striking and faithful picture of her.


We shall give that of her eldest brother first, taken April 11, 1813:


" Anne Catherine Emmerich is my sister, and I am the eldest of the surviving children.


She lived some years out of the family, but only at a short distance so that we saw her often.


I always got along with her, although her disposition was like my own a little hasty ; but her earnest efforts to correct this defect were soon perfectly successful.


She was by nomeans vain, though she liked to be well dressed.


She kept aloof from parties and amusements of all kinds, and she was always respectful and affectionate to our parents.


" She spoke little On worldly things, but she was always glad to be able to instruct others on points of faith and morals.


She often repeated the sermons she had heard or the lives of the saints, and tried by all means to make us love virtue.


She was so kind-hearted that she gave away all she earned.


She never allowed us to speak of our neighbors' defects, but often gave us sound admonitions on this score.


When any one found fault with her, she said it was all true ; and, when we asked her how she could endure such injuries so sweetly, she used to answer :


'That is only what I ought to do. You can do the same if you try.'


Much of her time was given to prayer. Long after the family had retired, she was still up reading or praying on her kneesher arms extended, and even when she worked she prayed.


" She fasted often, especially on days consecrated to the Sacred Passion.


When we begged her to eat on account of her weak health, she replied that it was not necessary. She mortified herself in every way, and wore next her a robe of rough material.


She strewed her bed with chips or thistles to do penance whilst she slept"


April 7, 1813, Clara Soentgen deposed : 


"Anne Catherine so distinguished herself among the other children at school that the master often told her parents that there was no question he could ask her which she could not answer, although she attended regularly only four months.


She used to study during her leisure moments and whilst tending the cows.


When the other children were playing, she sat off by herself with a book.


When she grew older she had to share the hardest labors ; and even then, though worn out after the day, she often spent half the night reading pious books after her parents had retired.


Sometimes they had to order her to bed.


She used to instruct the girls among whom she worked as seamstress telling them the beautiful things she had read.


She was sought after by many, but chiefly by the young who confided to her their secrets and asked her advice.


On Sunday afternoons she used to persuade them, especially when she knew they were wandering a little from the right path, to make the Stations of the Cross with her, she saying the prayers aloud.


She often rose at night, slipped barefoot from the house, and made the Way of the Cross.


When the city-gate was closed, she used to climb the wall.


Sometimes she fell, but she never received any injury. Sunday was her joyous day, the day on which she could confess and communinate.


When several feasts followed in succession, her confessor allowed her to receive Holy Communion on each.


She fasted the last three days of Holy Week, touching nothing until dinner on Easter Sunday. But even when fasting, she performed the most fatiguing labor."


(注:Holy Week:圣周:指复活节主日前之一周,包括从圣枝(苦难)主日、主建立圣体日(四)、主受难日(五)、复活前夕(六)。)

Anne Gertrude Schwering, St. Lambert's, beyond Coesfeld, deposed, April 16, 1813: 


" I have been intimate with Anne Catherine Emmerich for about fifteen years, and I always saw in her great virtue.


She was very pious, her conversation always turning upon the Holy Scriptures, the lives of the saints, or the truths of faith. She never spoke of the defects of others or of worldly things.


She was assiduous in her employment, and knelt long every evening in prayer.


She was indulgent toward all, generous as far as her means would allow, and she never complained. I never saw any fault in her."


Mary Feldmann, St. James's, district of Flamske, beyond Coesfeld, deposed as follows, April 11, 1813 : 


" At the age of fourteen I went to Anne Catherine to learn to sew, and we were on as intimate terms as the difference in our age permitted.


I was with her over two years and I loved her much because she was so good.


She taught me so patiently, in spite of my dulness. I judged of her piety by the numerous prayers she said during the day, and by her quiet and retiring manners.


She was already up and praying when I awoke in the morning, and at night when I fell asleep she was still on her knees, her arms extended in the form of a cross.


I often saw little pieces of wood lying crosswise on her bed.


She used to speak frequently of the Offices of the Church and instruct me in my faith.


She never talked about her neighbor and always told me never to say anything uncharitable of any one and to return good for evil.


She gave all she had to the poor.


She rarely had any money since it all went as fast as it was earned. She never attended assemblies and only went out on business,"



上一篇:011.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示 第八章 安纳•加大利纳的修会圣召。她是由特殊的指导所预备的
下一篇:013.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示 第10章 安纳•加大利纳尝试学习管风琴,在风琴师索恩根家里住了三年


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