真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
045.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第41章 1819年将临期和圣诞节(上)
045.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第41章 1819年将临期和圣诞节(上)
浏览次数:1181 更新时间:2024-4-15


Advent and Christmas, 1819.

— Journeys in Vision to a Jewish City in Abyssinia and to the Mountain of the Prophets, via Thibet.

— Labors for Children.

— Mystical Sufferings.

第 41 章


·       在神视中通过西藏前往阿比西尼亚(即衣索比亞∕埃塞俄比亚)的犹太城市和先知山的异象。

·       为儿童的劳作。

·       奧秘的苦难。

On the first Sunday of Advent, 1819, a poor old Jewess came begging an alms of Sister Emmerich for her sick husband ; she was kindly received and to a few silver pieces Sister Emmerich added words that both touched and consoled her. It was not the first time the poor woman had sought the couch of suffering for relief in her own sorrows, and she had never come in vain.

1819 年将临期第一主日,一位可怜的犹太老妇人为她生病的丈夫来向艾曼丽修女乞求一点施舍;老妇受到了友善的接待,艾曼丽修女在给了她几枚银币后,还说了些既感动又安慰她的话。这个可怜的女人已经不是第一次在受苦者的床榻边寻求安慰了,而且她从来没有白来过。

On this occasion, the invalid was seized with such compassion for the poor Jews that she turned to God with ardent prayers for their salvation. She was most wonderfully heard. Shortly after, she related the following vision in which her task was assigned for the beginning of the ecclesiastical year, prayer not only for the poor Jewess, but also for her whole race.


"It seemed to me that the old Jewess Meyr, to whom I had often given alms, died and went to purgatory, and that her soul came back to thank me as it was through me that she was led to believe in Jesus Christ. She had reflected that I had so often given her alms, although no one gives to the poor Jews ; and she had thereby felt a desire spring up in her heart to die for Jesus, if faith in Jesus were the true faith.


It was as if her conversion had already taken place or would take place, for I felt impelled to give thanks and to pray for her. Old Mrs. Meyr was not dead. But her soul had been disengaged from the body in sleep that she might inform me that, if she died in her present sentiments, she would go to purgatory.


Her mother, she said, had also received an impression of the truth of Christianity, and she certainly was not lost, I saw the soul of her mother in a dark, gloomy place, abandoned by all. She was as if walled up, unable to help herself or even to stir, and all around her, above and below, were countless souls in the same condition.


I had the happy assurance that no soul was lost whom ignorance alone hindered from knowing Jesus, who had a vague desire to know Him, and who had not lived in a state of grievous sin. The soul of the Jewess said that she was going to take me to the native place of her family whence her maternal ancestors had been banished for some crime.


" She would take me also to a city of her people among whom some were very pious, but as they had no one to instruct them, they remained in error. She said I should try to touch their hearts. I went with her willingly. The soul was far more beautiful than the poor old woman who is still living. My angel was at my side and, when the Jewess made little mistakes, he appeared to shine more brilliantly and corrected them.


 Then she appeared to see him too, for she would ask eagerly, ‘Who told you that ? Was it the Messiah ?’— We journeyed over Rome and the sea and through Egypt where I did not see any great waters — only in the middle of the country a great white river which often overflows and fertilizes the soil.

然后,老妇人似乎也看到了天使,因为她会急切地问我:『谁告诉你的? 是默西亚吗?』我们越过了罗马和大海(地中海),穿越了埃及,在那里我没有看到任何大河,只有在这国(埃及)中部有一条白色的大河(尼罗河),它经常泛滥成灾,滋润了肥沃了土壤。

All was sand and sand-hills, which the winds scattered around. In this desert are immense stone buildings, high, thick, massive, such as are nowhere else. They are not houses but they are full of great caves and passages where rest numbers of dead bodies. They are very different from the subterranean tombs of Rome. The bodies are all swathed like little infants, hard, stiff, dark brown, and tall ; ungraceful figures are sculptured on the monuments.


I went into one and saw the bodies, but not one was luminous. We went on further and further south over sand deserts where I saw spotted beasts, like great cats, running nimbly, and here and there round buildings on high hills covered with straw, with towers and trees above.


We went up higher and higher over white sand and green stone polished like glass, into a region of steep and rugged mountains. I was surprised to see so many fertile places among the rocks. At last we reached a large, strange-looking Jewish city, like nothing I had ever seen before in the narrowness, obscurity, and intricacy of its streets and houses.


The mountains and rocks appeared as if about to topple over. The whole place was pierced with caves, grottos, and fissures over which one must either climb or go around them. It is less a city than an enormous group of mountains covered with houses, towers, square blocks of stone, and it is full of caves and excavations.



We did not touch the earth, though we did not go over the houses either, but moved between them along the walls, always mounting higher and higher. It seemed to me that it was all hollow and might cave in at any moment. There are no Christians, but on the distant part of the mountain are people who are not Jews.


I saw on one side a high quadrangular stone building with round holes in the top covered with iron bars which I took for a Jewish synagogue. Here and there were houses with gardens on shelving rocks lying above and behind them. The soul of the old Jewess Meyr told me on the way that it was true that in former times the Jews, both in our country and elsewhere, had strangled many Christians, principally children, and used their blood for all sorts of superstitious and diabolical practices.


She had once believed it lawful ; but she now knew that it was abominable murder. They still follow such practices in this country and in others more distant; but very secretly, because they are obliged to have commercial intercourse with Christians. We entered the city near the gate through a long, narrow, dangerous court between two rows of houses which looked like an open street, but which really ended in an angle full of caves and windings leading into the heart of the rocks.


All sorts of figures were cut out in them. I had a feeling that murders had been committed here and that few travellers left them alive. I did not go into them, they were too frightful. I know not how we got out of the court again.


 “The soul of the Jewess Meyr said that she would take me now to a very pious, almost saintly family, upon whom the people all looked as upon their hope ; they even expect from them a deliverer, perhaps the Messiah. ‘They are very good,’ she said, ' and so are all their connections.’ She wanted me to see them.


We crossed the mountainous city which we had entered at the north, and mounted toward the east, till we reached a level place whence we had a view of the eastern side. There was a row of houses running toward the south at the end of which stood a large, solid building overtopped by mountains and gardens.


The soul told me that seven sisters dwelt here, the descendants of Judith. The eldest, still unmarried, was also named Judith, and all the inhabitants of the city hope that some day she will do for her people what Judith did for their ancestors. She dwells in the large stone castle at the end of the place. The soul begged me to be kind to them for they know not the Messiah, and to touch their hearts as I had touched hers.


I forgot to say that it was night when we entered the city. I saw men sleeping in the caves and corners, and among them many good, simple-hearted people, very different from our Jews, franker and nobler. They were like gold compared with lead or copper; still there was also a great deal of superstition, crime, horrible filthiness among them and even something like witchcraft.

我忘了说我们进城时是晚上。我看到人们睡在洞穴和角落里,其中有许多善良、单纯的人,与我们这里的犹太人截然不同,更坦率、更高贵。 他们与我们这里的犹太人相比,就像金子与铅和铜相比;但其中也有很多迷信,犯罪,可怕的肮脏,甚至还有一些巫术之类的东西。

“We went into the first house at the corner, which belonged to one of the seven sisters. We passed through a round vestibule and entered a square apartment, the bed-chamber of the owner, who had a hooked nose. The soul of the Jewess again praised her excellent qualities ; but, whenever she said anything inexact, my guide drew near, that is he appeared and corrected it.


She would then ask, ' Was it the Messiah who told you that?’— I answered, ‘No, His servant.' — As I looked upon Judith's sleeping sister, I suddenly became conscious that she was not good. I saw that she was a wicked adulteress who secretly admitted strangers. She appeared aware of our presence, for she sat up, looked around in alarm, and then arose and went about the house.


I said to the soul that now she saw that this woman misbehaved. She was greatly surprised, and asked if the Messiah had told me that too. We went into the houses of the other sisters, who also had hooked noses, but not all equally so, and all were better than the first. I cannot now remember how it was that I found them alone, for all were married and some had children. They wanted for nothing.


Their houses were richly carpeted and furnished, beautiful shining lamps hanging in the rooms ; but all lived upon their sister Judith's generosity. The sixth sister was not at home. She was with her mother who lived in a small house just in front of Judith's. We went in by a little round court and saw the mother, an old Jewess at her window. She was complaining angrily to her sixth daughter that Judith gave her less than the others, that she even gave more to her bad sister ; and had turned her, her mother, out of doors. It was horrible to see the old Jewess in such a rage.


" We left them quarrelling, and went to see Judith herself in the castle before which stretched a deep broad chasm. I could not look down it steadily. A bridge with an iron railing spanned it, the flooring being only a grating through which at a frightful depth could be seen all kinds of filth, bones, and rubbish. I tried to cross, but something held me back. I could not enter without Judith, so l had to wait ; such were my orders.


Morning began to dawn, and I saw that the side of the mountain on which we then were, was more pleasant and fertile than the north side by which we had ascended, and I noticed that the castle gate was fastened by a huge beam shaped like a cross. This fact very much surprised me. Suddenly Judith, returning from distributing alms in the city, stood before the bridge. 


She is about thirty years old, unusually tall and majestic. I never before saw a woman of such vigor and courage, so heroic and resolute ; she has a noble countenance, her nose just slightly hooked, hardly enough so, however, to be perceptible. Her whole person, her gestures breathe something elevated, something extraordinary ; but, at the same time, she is simple, pure, and sincere.


I loved her from the first. She wore a mantle. Her dress from the neck to the waist was most proper, tight as if laced, especially over the breast ; she looked as if she had on a stout corset under her long, striped, many-colored robe. She had something like a gold chain around her neck and large pearls in her ears. A kind of variegated turban was wound around her head, and over it was thrown a veil.


A tolerably large basket hung in full view upon her arm, the rods of which were black, the hoops white. She was returning home from one of her nocturnal expeditions when she caught sight of me on the bridge. She appeared startled, took a step backward, but did not run. She exclaimed : —‘O My God ! what askest Thou of me ? Whence is this to me?’— but soon she recovered herself and asked who I was and how I came there.


I told her that I was a Christian and a religious, that I had been brought thither because some good people sighing for salvation, but who were without instruction. When she found that I was a Christian, she showed surprise at my having come so far by a route so dangerous. I told her that curiosity had not impelled me, but that the soul by me had led me thither, in order to touch her heart.


' This is,’ I said, ‘the anniversary of the coming of Christ, the Messiah ; it is a yearly festival.' I added that she should reflect upon the miserable condition of her race and turn to the Redeemer, etc. Judith was deeply affected, she became gradually convinced that she was conversing with spirits. It seemed to me that she either said or thought that she would find out whether I was a natural or a supernatural being, and she took me with her to the house.


A narrow path led over the bridge which could, however, be enlarged. When we reached the huge crossbeam that barred the gate, she touched something, the gate flew back, and we passed through a court-yard into which several gates opened ; all around stood statues of various kinds, chiefly old yellow busts. We entered an apartment in which some women were sitting cross-legged on the ground before a long, narrow table about as high as a foot-stool ; they were taking something, and Judith thought that she would now put me to the test.

我们沿着桥上一条狭窄但还可以拓宽的通道过了桥。当我们走到挡住大门的巨大横梁时,她碰了碰什么,大门自动打开,我们穿过一个院子,院子里有几扇敞开的大门。四周矗立着各种雕像,主要是古老的黄色半身雕像。我们进了一个房间,里面有几个女人盘腿坐在地上,面前是一张窄长的桌子,桌子大约有脚凳那么高。 她们正在拿东西,友弟德现在想要测试我。

She made me enter first, I did so and went around behind the women, who did not appear to see me ; but, when Judith entered, they arose and passed before her bowing slightly as a mark of respect. Then she took a plate, passed around the women, and presented it to me, holding it against my breast, for she wanted to find out whether I was a spirit or not.


Now, when she saw me decline her offer and that none of the women appeared to see me, she became very serious and went with me into her own room. She acted like a person who half-believes herself alone, who wants to convince herself that it is so, but who at the same time doubts it She spoke timidly, but not fearfully. She is, in very deed, a Judith, most courageous !


Her room was simple, some cushions lying around, and several old busts on the wall. Here we conversed a long time. I spoke of her wicked sister. Judith was exceedingly distressed and desirous of remedying the disorder. Then I mentioned her mother whom I had seen in such a passion, and she told me that, on account of her temper, she had had to build her the little dwelling adjoining the castle; that she was very angry at being sent away, and at her giving more to one than to another, for all shared her bounty, as she, Judith, was not willing that they should live by usury. She took them money every night.


Many others of the city lived at her expense, for her father had left a great treasure of which no one living knew but herself. He had loved her tenderly and left her everything. The people built their hopes upon her. Her secret alms made them see in her something superhuman, for they knew not of the treasure. They had once been greatly oppressed by war when she had done all in her power for them ; and so her deceased father (as she called him) left her the treasure.


All wished her to marry, hoping that a deliverer would be born from her ; but she instinctively shrank from marriage. My appearance made upon her an impression such as she had never before known, and she felt that the Messiah might, indeed, be already come in Christ. She desired to inquire further into it, and, if she were convinced, she would strive to lead her people to salvation. She knew well that all would follow her, and she thought perhaps that was what they expected of her.


After conversing in this strain, she took a lamp, led me into a kind of cave by a secret trap- door in the floor of her room, and showed me the immense treasure. I never before saw so much gold. The whole cave was lined with it and there was, besides, an enormous quantity of precious stones, one could hardly enter without stepping on them.


She then took me all over the house. In one room were seated a number of old men, some of them Moors, wearing frontlets and turbans, their robes bordered with fur; they smoked long pipes, and they were drinking like the women in the other room. In another room were both men and women.


We went up to the second story and into a large apartment singularly arranged. Around the walls and over the doors were yellow busts of venerable, old, bearded men. The furniture was odd-looking, antique and artistically carved, reminding me of the Jesuit church at Coesfeld, though the carving here was more elaborate.


In the middle of the room hung a large lamp and I think seven others around it, and there was also something like an altar with rolls of parchment on it. The whole room was wonderful ! Near it was another where lay numbers of decrepit men, as if being cared for. Then we went up on the roof. Back of the house on a terraced slope was the garden with large spreading trees carefully trimmed.


We went up on this side and Judith pointed out in the distance a ruined building with crumbling towers, remarking that it had been the boundary of her nation's possessions before they had been conquered by a neighboring people -and driven back. They still feared a renewal of their misfortune of which these walls stood as a perpetual memorial. I saw them and water also in the distance.


We mounted higher across deep ravines and strange buildings, the rocks at times jutting out over one another as if the trees and houses on them were about to fall. We went to another part of the city where rose a steep rock like a high wall. Steps were cut in it, and here and there gushed limpid springs. Judith told me that there was a tradition of this city's having suffered extremely from drought.


A strange man, a Christian, came and struck the rock with his staff, when water gushed forth. It used to be conducted by pipes, but they were not now in existence. All the springs, excepting this one, had ceased to flow. Judith left me by the fountain ; she returned home and I continued my journey. We took no leave of each other.


It was all like a dream to her and she parted from me as if she no longer saw me. My road went up, up. I saw trees with large yellow fruits lying underneath, fertile fields, beautiful flowers, and bees in hives different from ours. They were square, tapering upward, black, and smeared with something.


I was now far past the Jewish mountain, and I saw men who lived under large spreading trees like houses. They had few movables. Some of them were spinning and I saw, here and there, a kind of loom. Their flocks, animals like those of the Magi, grazed around. There were also animals like great jackasses, all very tame.


Some of these people lived in tents ; but they stayed not long in any one place, they were continually moving. Clambering over bushes and stones, I came to a large subterranean cavern in good condition supported by short square pillars on which were all kinds of figures and inscriptions ; in it was something like an altar, a large stone, above it and on either side great holes like ovens.


I wondered why the people did not use this beautiful hall. They are good, simple creatures and they doubt not that their faith is the right one. At last, I crossed the sea and returned home."


June 21, 1820. — “Last night I took another long journey to the high mountain-city and Judith's castle. I did not find her sisters in the houses leading to the castle. I know not where they are. I know that she had promised faithfully to put an end to the disorders of one of them.

1820 年 6 月 21 日——「昨晚,我又一次长途跋涉来到了高山之城和友弟德的城堡。在通往城堡的房子里,我没有找到她的姐妹们。我不知道她们在哪里。我知道她曾忠实地承诺要治好其中一个人的毛病。

All the rest was as before, only it was later in the day, and there were numbers of strange Jews upstairs praying in the synagogue. I went to Judith who was sitting in her room reading a book. There was something about her inexpressibly grand, noble, and touching. I gazed upon her with delight.


I have no doubt that she will become a Christian, if God gives her the opportunity, and then the greater part of her people will follow her. I cannot look upon this woman in her beauty, her majesty, her courage, her tenderness of heart, her humility, without great love and hope. I saw her once more in my illness before the last, but I forgot to mention it. I have finished the journey that relates to her. “



·      在神视中通过西藏前往先知山的异象

In the second week of Advent, Sister Emmerich was taken by her angel to the highest peak of a mountain in Thibet, quite inaccessible toman. Here she saw Elias guarding the treasures of knowledge communicated to men by the angels and prophets since the creation. She was told that the mysterious prophetic book in which she had been allowed to read, belonged here.


This was not her first visit. She had often been brought hither by her angel, and also to the terrestrial Paradise not far distant. These places seemed to be closely connected, as in both she met the same holy custodians. Her own prophetic light gave her a certain right to participate in the riches preserved in them and she had need of the supernatural gifts there bestowed upon her for the continuance of her expiatory task. She could retain only a general impression of what she saw which she reproduced in very imperfect sketches.

这不是她第一次来这里。她经常被天使带到这里,也曾被带到不远处的人间乐园。这二个地方似乎有着密切的联系,因为她在这两个地方都遇到了同样神圣的守护人。 她自己的预言之光赋予她一定的权利来分享其中保存在那里的财富,她需要从这里得到超自然的恩赐,来继续完成她的赎罪使命。 她只能对所看到的事物留下大概的印象,并把这些印象用不太完美的素描再现出来  

Dec. 9, 1819 — "Last night I journeyed over different parts of the Promised Land. I saw it just as it was in Our Lord's time. I went first to Bethlehem, as if to announce the coming of the Holy Family, and then I followed a route already well known to me and saw pictures of Our Lord's public life. I saw Him distributing the bread by the hands of two of His disciples, and then explaining a parable.

1819 年 12 月 9 日——「昨晚我走遍了应许之地的不同地方。我看到这些地方和我们主的时代一样。我首先去了白冷,好像要去宣布圣家即将到来,然后我沿着一条我已经很熟悉的路,看到了主的公开生活的图像,我看到主通过祂的两个门徒的手分发饼,又用比喻说明。

The people sat on the slope of a hill under tall trees which bore all their leaves on top like a crown. Underneath were bushes with red and yellow berries, like bramble-berries. A stream of water ran down the hill and branched off into other small streams. I gathered some of the grass. It was soft, fine as silk, like thick moss. But when I tried to touch other objects, I could not. I found they were only pictures of times long past, though the grass I really felt.


The Lord was, as usual, in a long, yellowish woollen tunic. His hair, parted in the middle, fell low upon His shoulders. His face was peaceful, earnest, and beaming with light, His forehead very white and shining. The two who distributed the bread broke it into pieces which the men, women, and children ran to receive; they ate and then sat down. Behind the Lord was a brook. I saw many other pictures as I passed rapidly from place to place.


Leaving Jerusalem I went toward the east, and met several great bodies of water and mountains which the Magi had crossed on their journey to Bethlehem. I came also to countries in which many people lived, but I did not enter them. I travelled mostly over deserts. At last, I reached a very cold region, and I was led up higher and higher. Along the mountain-chain from west to east, was a great road over which troops of men were travelling.

离开耶路撒冷,我向东走,遇到了几条大河和山脉,这些都是三王在前往白冷的路上所经过的。我也来到很多人居住的国家,但我没有进去。 我大部分时间在沙漠上旅行。最后,我到达了一个非常寒冷的地区,我被带上了越来越高的地方。沿着山脉从西到东,是一条大路,一队人马在上面行进。

They were diminutive, but very active, and they carried little standards. I saw some of another race, very tall ; — they were not Christians. Their road led down the mountain. But mine led up to a region of incredible beauty, where the air was balmy, and vegetation green and luxuriant — flowers of marvellous loveliness, charming groves, dense woods. Numbers of animals sported around apparently harmless.


No human beings inhabited this region, no man had ever been there, and from the great road only clouds could be seen. I saw herds of nimble animals with very slender legs like young roebucks ; they had no horns, their skin was clear brown with black spots. I saw a short black animal something like the hog, and others like great goats, but still more like the roebucks; they were tame, bright-eyed, and nimble.


I saw others like fat sheep with wigs of wool and thick tails ; others like asses, but spotted ; flocks of little yellow nanny-goats and herds of little horses ; great long-legged birds running swiftly ; and numbers of lovely tiny ones of all colors, sporting in perfect freedom, as if ignorant of man's existence. From this paradise I mounted still higher, as if through the clouds, and, at last, came to the summit of the mountain, where I saw wonders !


It was a vast plain, surrounding a lake, in which was a green island connected with the shore by a strip of verdant land. The island was surrounded by great trees like cedars. I was taken up to the top of one of them. I held on firmly to the branches, and saw the whole island at once. There were several slender towers with a little portico on each as if a chapel were built over the gate.


These porticoes were all covered with fresh verdure, moss or ivy ; for the vegetation here was luxuriant. The towers were about as high as bell-towers, but very slender, reminding me of the tall columns in the old cities I had seen on my journey. They were of different forms, cylindrical and octagonal; the former built of huge stones, polished and veined with moon-shaped roofs; the latter, which had broad, projecting roofs were covered with raised figures and ornaments by means of which one might climb to the top.


The stones were colored brown, red, black, and arranged in various patterns. The towers were not higher than the trees, on one of which I stood, though they seemed to be equal to them in number. The trees were a kind of fir with needle-shaped leaves. They bore yellow fruit covered with scales, not so long as pine-apples, more like common apples.


They had numerous trunks covered toward the root with gnarled bark, but higher up it was smoother ; they were straight, symmetrical, and stood far enough apart not to touch. The whole island was covered with verdure, thick, fine, and short, not grass, but a plant with fine curled leaves like moss, as soft and nice as the softest cushion. There was no trace of a road or path.


Near each tower was a small garden laid off in beds with a great variety of shrubs and beautiful blooming trees — all was green, the gardens differing from one another as much as the towers. As from my tree I glanced over the island, I could see the lake at one end, but not the mountain. The water was wonderfully clear and sparkling. It flowed across the island in streams which were lost underground.


 “Opposite the narrow slip of land in the green plain was a long tent of gray stuff inside of which, at the further end, hung broad colored stripes, painted or embroidered in all kinds of figures. A table stood in the centre. Around it were stone s-eats without backs ; they looked like cushions and they, too, were covered with living verdure. In the middle and most honorable seat, behind the low, oval, stone table, was a manly, holy, shining figure sitting cross-legged in eastern fashion, and writing with a reed on a large roll of parchment.


The pen looked like a little branch. Right and left lay great books and parchment rolls on rods with knobs at either end. By the tent was a furnace in the earth, like a deep hole, in which burned a fire whose flames rose not above its mouth. The whole country was like a beautiful green island up in the clouds. The sky above was indescribably clear, though I saw only a semicircle of bright rays, much larger however than we ever see.


The scene was inexpressibly holy, solitary, charming ! Whilst I gazed upon it, it seemed as if I understood all that it signified. But I knew that I should not be able to remember it. My guide was visible until we reached the tent, and then he disappeared.


 “As I gazed in wonder, I thought, ‘Why am I here ? And why must I, poor creature, see all this?' — And the figure from the tent spoke : ‘It is because thou hast a share in it!' — This only surprised me more, and I descended or rather I floated down to where he sat in the tent. He was clothed like the spirits I am accustomed to see, his look and bearing like John the Baptist or Elias.


The books and rolls were very old and precious. On some of them were metallic figures or ornaments in relief : for instance, a man with a book in his hand. The figure told me, or informed me in some way, that these books contained all the holiest things that had ever come from men. He examined and compared all, and threw what was false into the fire near the tent.


He told me that he was there to guard everything until the time would come to make use of it, which time might have already come, had there not been so many obstacles. I asked if he did not feel tired waiting so long. He replied: ‘In God there is no time!’ He said that I must see everything, and he took me out and showed me around. He said also that mankind did not yet deserve what was kept there.


The tent was about as high as two men, as long as from here to the church in the city, and about half as broad. The top was gathered into a knot and fastened to a string which went up and was lost in the air. I wondered what supported it. At the four corners were columns that one could almost span with both hands ; they were veined like the polished towers and capped by green knobs.


The tent was open in front and on the sides. In the middle of the table lay an immense book that could be opened and shut; it seemed to be fastened to the table and it was to this the man referred to see if the others were right. I felt there was a door under the table and that a sacred treasure was kept there.


The moss-covered seats were placed far enough from the table to allow one to walk around between them and it; behind them lay numbers of books, right and left, the latter destined for the flames. He led me all around them, and I noticed on the covers pictures of men carrying ladders, books, churches, towers, tablets, etc. He told me again that he examined them and burned what was false and useless ; mankind was not yet prepared for their contents, another must come first.


He took me around the shore of the lake. Its surface was on a level with the island. The waters at my feet ran under the mountain by numerous channels and reappeared below in springs. It seemed as if all this quarter of the world received thereby health and benediction ; it never overflowed above. The descent of the mountain on the east and south was green and covered with beautiful flowers ; on the west and north there was verdure, but no flowers.

他带我绕着湖边走了一圈。湖水的表面与岛屿在同一水平线上。我脚下的湖水通过无数的涌道流向山下,又以泉水的形式重新出现在山下。似乎全世界这四分之一都因这水得到了滋养和祝福;湖水从未溢出湖面。 东面和南面的山坡,绿油油的,开满了美丽的花朵;西面和北面山坡一片青翠,但没有花朵。

At the extremity of the lake, I crossed over without a bridge, and went all around among the towers. The ground was like a bed of thick, firm moss, as if hollow underneath. The towers arose out of it, and the gardens around them were watered by rivulets which flowed either to or from the lake, I know not which.


There were no walks in the gardens, though they were all laid out in order. I saw roses far larger than ours, red, white, yellow, and dark, and a species of lily, very tall flowers, blue with white streaks, and also a stalk as high as a tree with large palm leaves. It bore on the top a flower like a large plate. I understood that in the towers were preserved the greatest treasures of creation, and I felt that holy bodies rested in them.


Between two of them, I saw standing a singular chariot with four low wheels. It had two seats and a small one in front. Four persons could easily be accommodated and, like everything else on the island, it was all covered with vegetation or green mould. It had no pole. It was ornamented with carved figures so well executed that, at first sight, I thought them alive.


The box was formed of thin metallic open worked figures ; the wheels were heavier than those of Roman chariots, yet it all seemed light enough to be drawn by men. I looked at everything closely, because the man said : ‘Thou hast a share herein, and thou canst now take possession of it.' I could not understand what share I had in it. ' What have I to do,’ I thought, ‘with this singular looking chariot, these towers, these books?’ I had a deep feeling of the sanctity of the place.


I felt that with its waters the salvation of many generations had flowed down into the valleys, that mankind itself had come from this mountain, and had sunk ever lower, lower, and lower, and I also felt that heaven's gifts for men were here stored, guarded, purified, and prepared. I had a clear perception of it all ; but I could not retain it, and now I have only a general impression.


 “When I re-entered the tent, the man again addressed me in the same words : ' Thou hast a part in all this, thou canst even take possession of it!’— And, as I represented to him my incapacity, he said with calm assurance: ' Thou will soon return to me !' He went not out of the tent whilst I was there, but moved around the table and the books.


The former was not so green as the seats, nor the seats as the things near the towers, for it was not so damp here. The ground in the tent and everything it contained were moss-grown, table, seats, and all. The foot of the table seemed to serve as a chest to hold something sacred. I had an impression that a holy body reposed therein.


I thought there was under it a subterranean vault and that a sweet odor was exhaled from it. I felt that the man was not always in the tent. He received me as if he knew me and had waited for my coming. He told me confidently that I should return, and then he showed me the way down. I went toward the south, by the steep mountain, through the clouds, and into the delightful region where there' were so many animals.


There was not a single one up above. I saw numerous springs gushing from the mountain, playing in cascades, and running down in streams. I saw birds larger than geese, in color like a partridge, with three claws in front of the foot-and one behind, a tail somewhat flat, and a long neck. There were other birds with bluish plumage very like the ostrich, but rather smaller. I saw all the other animals.


" In this journey I saw many more human beings than in the others. Once I crossed a small river which I felt flowed from the lake above. I followed it awhile, and then lost sight of it. I came to a place where poor people of various races lived in huts. I think they were Christian captives. I saw brown-complexioned men with white kerchiefs on their head, bringing food to them in wicker baskets; they reached it to them the whole length of their arm, and then fled away in fright as if exposed to danger.  


They lived in rude huts in a ruined city. I saw water in which great, strong reeds grew, and I came again to the river which is very broad here and full of rocks, sandbanks, and beautiful green weeds among which it danced. It was the same river that flowed from the mountain and which, as a little stream, I had crossed higher up. A great many dark-complexioned people, men, women, and children in various costumes were on the rocks and islets, drinking and bathing.


They seemed to have come from a distance. It reminded me of what I had seen at the Jordan in the Holy Land, A very tall man stood among them, seemingly their priest. He filled their vessels with water. I saw many other things. I was not far from the country where St, Francis Xavier used to be. I crossed the sea over innumerable islands. “


Dec. 22d — “I know why I went to the mountain. My book lies among the writings on the table and I shall get it again to read the last five leaves. The man who sits at the table will come again in due time. His chariot remains there as a perpetual memorial. He mounted up there in it and men, to their astonishment, will behold him coming again in the same. Here upon this mountain, the highest in the world, whose summit no one has ever reached, were the sacred treasures and secrets concealed when sin spread among men.

12 月 22 日——「我知道我为什么去山上。我的书就在帐篷里的桌子上,我应拿回它来读完最后五页。坐在桌边的那个人会在适当的时候再来。他的战车留在那里,作为永久的纪念。他乘着他的战车上到那山上,人们会惊讶地看到他会再次乘着同一战车返回。当罪恶在人类中蔓延时,在这座无人能到达的世界上最高的山峰上,隐藏着神圣的宝藏和秘密。 

The water, the island, the towers, are all to guard these treasures. By the water up there are all things refreshed and renewed. The river flowing from it, whose waters the people venerate, has power to strengthen ; therefore is it esteemed more highly than wine. All men, all good things have come down from above, and all that is to be secured from destruction is there preserved.


" The man on the mountain knew me, for I have a share in it. We know each other, we belong together. I can-not express it well, but we are like a seed going through the whole world. Paradise is not far from the mountain. Once before I saw that Elias lived in a garden near Paradise. “

「山上的人认识我,因为我有份于山顶宝藏。我们彼此认识,我们有共同的归属。我无法恰当地表达,但我们就像一粒种子,将撒遍整个世界。乐园离此山不远,有一次我看到厄里亚住在乐园附近的花园里。 」

Dec. 26th— "I have again seen the Prophet Mountain. The man in the tent reached to a figure floating over him from heaven leaves and books, and received others in return. He who floated above reminded me very much of St. John. He was more agile, pleasing, and lighter than the man in the tent, who had something sterner, more energetic and unbending about him ; the former was to the latter as the New to the Old Testament, so I may call one John, the other Elias.

12 月 26 日--「我又看到了先知山。帐篷里的人把树叶和书本递给了从天堂的书页中飘出来的一个人,这个人也得到了其他人的回应。他让我想起了圣若翰。他比帐篷里的那个人更敏捷、更讨人喜欢、更轻盈,而帐篷里的那个人则更刚毅、更有活力、更不屈不挠;前者之于后者,就像《新约》之于《旧约》,所以我可以称一个为若翰,另一个为厄里亚。

It seemed as if Elias presented to John revelations that had been fulfilled and received new ones from him. Then I suddenly saw from the white sea a jet of water shoot up like a crystal ray. It branched into innumerable jets and drops like immense cascades, and fell down upon different parts of the earth, and I saw men in houses, in huts, in cities all over the world enlightened by it. It began at once to produce fruit in them."



·      末日教会的启示

Dec. 27th, Feast of St. John the Evangelist, Sister Emmerich beheld St. Peter's basilica shining like the sun, its rays streaming over all the world. “I was told," she said, "that this referred to St. John's Apocalypse. Various individuals would be enlightened by it and they would impart their knowledge to the whole world. I had a very distinct vision, but I cannot relate it."

12 月 27 日,圣史若望瞻礼,艾曼丽修女看到圣伯多禄大殿像太阳一样闪耀,它的光芒洒在全世界。「我被告知,」艾曼丽说,「这是指圣若望的默示录。各种各样的人会受到默示录的启发,他们会将他们的知识传授给全世界。我有一个非常清晰的神视,但我无法说出。」

During the octave she had constant visions of the Church, of which, however, she could relate but little. Nor could she give a clear idea of the connection existing between them and the Prophet Mountain, but we may infer from the Pilgrim's notes that they formed a cycle of visions singularly grand.


" I saw St. Peter's. A great crowd of men were trying to pull it down whilst others constantly built it up again. Lines connected these men one with another and with others throughout the whole world. I was amazed at their perfect understanding. The demolishers, mostly apostates and members of the different sects, broke off whole pieces and worked according to rules and instructions.


They wore white aprons bound with blue riband. In them were pockets and they had trowels stuck in their belts. The costumes of the others were various. There were among the demolishers distinguished men wearing uniforms and crosses. They did not work themselves, but they marked out on the wall with a trowel where and how it should be torn down.


To my horror, I saw among them Catholic priests. Whenever the workmen did not know how to go on, they went to a certain one in their party. He had a large book, which seemed to contain the whole plan of the building and the way to destroy it. They marked out exactly with a trowel the parts to be attacked, and they soon came down. They worked quietly and confidently, but slyly, furtively, and warily.


I saw the Pope praying, surrounded by false friends who often did the very opposite to what he had ordered, and I saw a little black fellow (a laic) laboring actively against the Church. Whilst it was thus being pulled down on one side, it was rebuilt on the other, but not very zealously. I saw many of the clergy whom I knew. The Vicar-General gives me great joy.


He went to and fro, coolly giving orders for the repairing of the injured parts. I saw my confessor dragging a huge stone by a roundabout way. I saw others carelessly saying their breviary and, now and then, bringing a little stone under their cloak or giving it to another as something very rare. They seemed to have neither confidence, earnestness, nor method.


They hardly knew what was going on. It was lamentable ! Soon the whole front of the church was down ; the sanctuary alone stood. I was very much troubled and I kept thinking,  ‘Where is the man with the red mantle and white banner whom I used to see standing on the church to protect it?’ Then I saw a most majestic lady floating over the great square before the church.


Her wide mantle fell over her arms as she arose gently on high, until she stood upon the cupola and spread it over all the church like golden rays. The destroyers were taking a short repose, and when they returned they could in no way approach the space covered by the mantle. On the opposite side, the repairs progressed with incredible activity. There came men, old, crippled, long-forgotten, followed by vigorous young people, men, women, children, ecclesiastic and lay, and the edifice was soon restored.


Then I saw a new Pope coming in procession, younger and far sterner looking than his predecessor. He was received with pomp. He appeared about to consecrate the church. But I heard a voice proclaiming it unnecessary as the Blessed Sacrament had not been disturbed. The same voice said that they should solemnly celebrate a double feast, a universal jubilee and the restoration of the church.


The Pope, before the feast began, instructed his officers to drive out from the assembled faithful a crowd of the clergy both high and low, and I saw them going out, scolding and grumbling. Then the Holy Father took into his service others, ecclesiastic and lay. Now commenced the grand solemnity in St. Peter's. The men in white aprons worked on when they thought themselves unobserved, silently, cunningly, though rather timidly."


Dec. 30th — " Again I saw St. Peter's with its lofty cupola on whose top stood Michael shining with light. He wore a blood-red robe, a great banner in his hand. A desperate struggle was going on below — green and blue combatants against white, and over the latter, who seemed to be worsted, appeared a fiery red sword. None knew why they fought.

12 月 30 日—— 「我再次看到圣伯多禄大教堂,它高耸的圆顶上站着闪耀着光芒的圣弥额尔。他穿着一件血红色的披风,手里拿着一面巨大的旗帜。圆顶下正在进行一场殊死的战斗——绿色和蓝色的战士对抗着白衣战士,白衣战士似乎要被打败了,他们头上出现了一把火红的剑,谁也不知道他们为何而战。  

The church was all red like the angel, and I was told that it would be bathed in blood. The longer the combat lasted, the paler grew the color of the church, the more transparent it became. Then the angel descended and approached the white troops. I saw him several times in front of them.



Their courage was wonderfully aroused, they knew not why or how, and the angel struck right and left among the enemy who fled in all directions. Then the fiery sword over the victorious whites disappeared. During the engagement the enemy's troops kept constantly deserting to the other side ; once they went in great numbers.


" Numbers of saints hovered in the air over the combatants, pointing out what was to be done, making signs with the hand, etc., all different, but impelled by one spirit. When the angel had descended, I beheld above him a great shining cross in the heavens. On it hung the Saviour from whose Wounds shot brilliant rays over the whole earth.

「许多圣人在战士上方的空中盘旋,指出要做什么,用手做手势,等等,战斗士们虽然各不相同,但都受到同一种精神的激励。当圣弥额尔天神下降时, 我看到他上方的天上有一个巨大的、闪耀的十字架,十字架上面悬挂着被钉的救主,祂的圣伤放射出耀眼的光芒,照耀着整个地球。

Those glorious Wounds were red like resplendent door-ways, their centre golden-yellow like the sun. He wore no crown of thorns, but from all the Wounds of His Head streamed rays Those from His Hands, Feet, and Side were fine as hair and shone with rainbow colors ; sometimes they all united and fell upon villages, cities, and houses throughout the world.


I saw them here and there, far and near, falling upon the dying, and the soul entering by the colored rays into the Saviour's Wounds. The rays from the Side spread over the Church like a mighty current lighting up every part of it, and I saw that the greater number of souls enter into the Lord by these glittering streams.


I saw also a shining red heart floating in the air. From one side flowed a current of white light to the Wound of the Sacred Side, and from the other a second current fell upon the Church in many regions ; its rays attracted numerous souls who, by the Heart and the current of light, entered into the Side of Jesus. I was told that this was the Heart of Mary.


Besides these rays, I saw from all the Wounds about thirty ladders let down to the earth, some of which, however, did not reach it. They were not all alike but narrow and broad, with large and small rounds, some standing alone, others together. Their color corresponded to the purification of the soul, first dark, then clearer, then gray, and, at last, brighter and brighter.

除了这些光芒,我还看到从救主所有的圣伤口处有大约 30 个梯子通向地面,但其中有些梯子并没有到达地面。梯子并不全都相同,有窄有宽,有大有小,有的梯子单独存在,有的梯子则连在一起。它们的颜色与灵魂的净化相对应,先是黑暗的,然后变得清晰,接着是灰色,最后变得越来越明亮。

I saw souls painfully climbing up. Some mounted quickly, as if helped from above, others pressed forward eagerly but slipped back upon the lower rounds, whilst others fell back entirely into the darkness. Their eager and painful efforts were quite pitiful. It seemed as if they who mounted easily as if helped by others, were in closer communication with the Church.


I saw, too, many souls of those that fell on the battle-field taking the path leading into the Body of the Lord. Behind the cross, far back in the sky, I saw multitudes of pictures representing the preparation begun ages ago for the work of Redemption. But I cannot describe it. It looked like the stations of the Way of Divine Grace from the Creation to the Redemption.


I did not always stand in the same place. I moved around among the rays, I saw all. Ah, I saw inexpressible, indescribable things ! It seemed to me that the Prophet Mountain drew near the cross whilst at the same time it remained in its own position, and I had a view of it as in the first vision. Higher up and back of it were gardens full of shining animals and plants. I felt that it was Paradise.

我并不总是站在同一个地方。我在光芒中四处移动,我看到了一切。 啊,我看到了无法描述、难以形容的事!对我来说,先知山似乎靠近了十字架,而同时它又保持着自己的位置,我看到先知山就像在第一个异象中的一样。在更高的地方和它的后面,满是闪闪发光的动物和植物的花园。我觉得那就是天堂里的乐园。

 “When the combat on earth was over, the church and the angel became bright and shining, and the latter disappeared; the cross also vanished and in its place stood a tall, resplendent lady extending over it her mantle of golden rays. There was a reconciliation going on inside, and acts of humility were being made.


I saw Bishops and pastors approaching one another and exchanging books. The various sects recognized the Church by her miraculous victory and the pure light of revelation they had seen beaming upon her. This light sprang from the spray of the fountain gushing from the Prophet Mountain.


When I saw this reunion, I felt that the kingdom of God was near. I perceived a new splendor, a higher life in all nature, and a holy emotion in all mankind as at the time of the Saviour's birth. I felt so sensibly the approach of the kingdom of God that I was forced to run to meet it uttering cries of joy (1).

(1)This she really did in her vision, praying in a loud voice.



“I had a vision of Mary in her ancestors. I saw their whole stock, but no flower on it so noble as she. I saw her come into this world. How, I cannot express, but in the same way as I always see the approach of the kingdom of God with which alone I can compare it. I saw it hastened by the desires of many humble, loving, faithful Christians.


I saw on the earth many little luminous flocks of lambs with their shepherds, the servants of Him who, like a lamb, gave His Blood for us all. Among men reigned boundless love of God. I saw shepherds whom I knew, who were near me, but who little dreamed of all this, and I felt an intense desire to arouse them from their sleep.


I rejoiced like a child that the Church is my mother, and I had a vision of my childhood when our school-master used to say to us : ' Whoever has not the Church for his mother, looks not upon God as his father!’— Again I was a child, thinking as then, ‘The church is Stone. How, then, can it be thy mother ! Yet, it is true, it is thy mother!’ — and so I thought that I went into my mother whenever I entered the church, and I cried out in my vision, ' Yes, she is, indeed, thy mother!’


— Now I suddenly saw the Church as a beautiful, majestic lady, and I complained to her that she allowed herself to be neglected and ill-treated by her servants. I begged her to give me her son. She put the Child Jesus into my arms, and I talked to Him a long time. Then I had the sweet assurance that Mary is the Church ; the Church, our mother ; God, our father; and Jesus, our brother — and I was glad that when a child I had gone into the stone mother, into the church, and that, through God's grace, I had thought : ' I am going into my holy mother !’

现在,我突然看到教会是一位美丽、庄严的夫人,我向这位夫人抱怨,她允许自己被忽视,被她的仆人虐待。我恳求她把她的儿子交给我。她把小耶稣放在我怀里,我和小耶稣交谈了很久。然后我得到了甘美的保证:玛利亚就是教会;教会就是我们的母亲;天主就是我们的父亲;耶稣就是我们的长兄--—我很高兴,当我还是个孩子的时候,我就进入了磐石母亲,进入了教会,并且藉着天主的恩宠,我想:「我要走进我的神圣母亲的怀抱! 」  

— “Then I saw a great feast in St. Peter's which, after the victorious battle, shone like the sun. I saw numerous processions entering it. I saw a new Pope, earnest and energetic. I saw before the feast began a great many bad Bishops and pastors expelled by him. I saw the holy Apostles taking a leading part in the celebration. I saw the petition: 'Lord, Thy kingdom come,’ being verified.


It seemed as if I saw the heavenly gardens coming down from above, uniting with pure places on earth, and bathing all in original light. The enemies that had fled from the combat were not pursued; they dispersed of their own accord." These visions upon the Church were soon absorbed in one great contemplation of the Heavenly Jerusalem.


" I saw in the shining streets of the city of God brilliant palaces and gardens full of saints, praising God and watching over the Church. In the Heavenly Jerusalem there is no Church, Christ Himself is the Church. Mary's throne is above the city of God, above her are Christ and the Most Holy Trinity, from whom falls upon Mary a shower of light which then spreads over all the holy city.


I saw St. Peter's basilica below the city of God, and I exulted at the thought that, in spite of all men's indifference, it ever receives the true light from on high. I saw the roads leading to the Heavenly Jerusalem and pastors conducting therein perfect souls among their flocks ; but these roads were not crowded.


" I saw my own way to God's city and I beheld from it, as from the centre of a vast circle, all whom I had ever helped. There I saw all the children and poor people for whom I had made clothes, and I was surprised and amused to see what varied forms I had given them.


Then I saw all the scenes of my life in which I had been useful, if only to a single person, by counsel, example, assistance, prayer or suffering ; and I saw the fruit they had drawn from it under the symbol of gardens planted for them which they had either cared for or neglected. I saw every one upon whom I had ever made an impression and what effect it produced."

然后,我看到了我生活中的所有场景,我一生中通过忠告、榜样、帮助、祈祷或受苦而曾对别人有用之处,哪怕只是对一个人。 我看到了他们从树上摘下的果实,那果实象征着为他们种植的花园,而这些花园要么是他们精心照料的,要么是被他们忽视的。我看见了每一个我曾经给他们留下印象的人,以及对他们所产生的影响。 」

·      为儿童的劳作

The fact of Sister Emmerich's retaining the liveliest remembrance of those actions most dear to her in her natural state, is quite characteristic of her, so simple and yet so heroic. Her labors for the sick and the poor ever constituted her greatest delight. Day and night, awake or in vision, in the midst of her sufferings, she was constantly occupied in works of this kind, and great was her delight when she finished some pieces of clothing for her needy clients. We shall give the Pilgrim's remarks on this subject just as they fell from his own pen : —


" Nov. 18th — I found her mending some coarse woollen stockings to be given away. I thought it all a waste of time and I said so to her, whereupon she gave me a beautiful instruction on the way to perform charity."

「11月18日— 我发现艾曼丽修女正在缝补一些要送人的粗羊毛袜。我认为这都是浪费时间,我对她也是这么说的,于是她给了我一个美好的教导,告诉我如何行爱德善功。」

 “Dec. 12th — She was unusually gay this morning, working away at little caps and binders, made out of all kinds of scraps, for poor women and children at Christmas. She was enchanted with her success, laughed and seemed perfectly radiant. Her countenance shone with the purity of her soul; she even looked a little mischievous as if about to introduce someone who had lain concealed. She says she is never so happy as when working for little children.


This joyousness was, however, accompanied by a peculiar sensation — she was, as it were, absent and beholding an infinity of things against her will. She recollected herself repeatedly, glancing around her little room as if to assure herself that she was really there ; but soon it all disappeared again and she was once more surrounded by strange scenes."


Dec. 14th — " Last night I saw a woman of this place who is near her accouchement. She confided to a friend her destitute condition, not having clothes in which to wrap the child. I thought, ‘Ah ! if she would only come to me!’—Her friend said to her, ‘I shall see if l can get you something,’ and to-day she came to tell me of the poor creature's distress. I was so glad to be able to provide for her wants."

We turn again to the Pilgrim's journal and find the following: —

12 月 14 日——「昨晚我看到这个地方的一个女人快要临产了。她向朋友吐露了她的贫困状况,没有衣服可以包裹新生婴儿。我想,『啊!如果她肯到我这儿来就好了!』



"Dec. 13th — She was very bright again to-day, making clothes for poor infants. Nothing pleases her more than to receive some cast-off garments and old scraps for this purpose. Her money has also been again miraculously multiplied. For two days she knew not what to do, having only four thalers left. She recommended the affair to God when, all at once, she found ten in small change.


She thinks their being in small change signifies that she should make use of them right away. She is surprised at the quantity of work she has finished. Her scraps and old pieces are dearer to her than the most costly treasures, though she is so rapt in contemplation during her work that she sees the scissors moving as if in a dream, and she often thinks she is cutting up the wrong thing."


 “Dec. 18th — When I entered she was talking to her little niece about poor children; she was quite bright, although suffering a good deal. She said to the child : 'Last night I saw a child in a new jacket, but it had only one sleeve.’— ‘Yes,’ replied the child, ‘it was little Gertrude. You gave her some stuff for a jacket, but there was not enough for both sleeves ; she told me so in school to-day.’ Tears sprang to the invalid's eyes, and she told me that she always felt such consolation in speaking to the innocent child that she could hardly restrain herself; she was sometimes obliged to send her away that she might not witness her emotion."


" Dec. 20th — She finished her work to-day with great effort and the help of God. She put herself to much trouble, she has everything in perfect order. ‘I have nearly all my gifts ready,’ she said, l for mid- winter, then I shall have to begin again. I am not ashamed to beg for the poor.


Little Lidwina used to do it. I have seen her in her room on the ground-floor ; it was about twice as large as mine, the miserable walls of clay, all was very poor. On the right of the door stood her bed around which hung a black woollen cloth like a curtain. Opposite the bed were two little square windows with round panes opening upon a court, and against the wall, between the windows, stood a kind of little altar with a cross and ornaments.


Good Lidwina lay patiently in the dark corner with no feather bed, only a heavy, black quilt. She wore a black mantle which covered her all over even her hands, and she looked very sick, her face was full of fiery red marks. I saw her little niece by her, a remarkably good and amiable child, about as large as my niece. She waited on her so compassionately !


Lidwina sent her to beg some meat for the poor, and she brought back a shoulder of pork and some pease; then I saw her in the corner to the left of the door, where the fireplace was, cooking both in a great pot or kettle. Then I had another picture, Lidwina looking for her Heavenly Spouse whom she saw coming.


I saw Him, too, He was mine also. But a man who had hidden himself between the door and her bed distracted her, and she was so worried that she began to weep. I had to laugh, for the same thing often happened to me too. I saw that her lips were greatly swollen."


Dec. 21st— " When I felt the cold last night, I thought of the freezing poor, and then I saw my Spouse who said : ‘Thou hast not the right kind of confidence in me. Have I ever let thee freeze ? Why dost thou not give thy extra beds to the poor ? If thou hast need of them again, I shall give them back to thee.' — I was ashamed of myself and I resolved, in spite of Gertrude, to give away the beds not in use." — That very evening she did so, saying : ‘If my relations want to visit me, they may sleep on straw, or stay at home.' "

12 月 21 日——「 昨晚我感到寒冷时,我想到了冻僵的穷人,然后我看到我的净配,祂说:『你对我没有正确的信心。我让你冻僵了吗?为什么你不把你的多余的床铺送给穷人呢?如果你再次需要这些床铺,我会把它们还给你。』——我为自己感到羞耻,尽管格特鲁德阻止,我还是决定捐出那些不用的床铺。——那天晚上她这样做了,说:『如果我的亲戚想来看我,他们可以睡在稻草上,或者回自己家。』 」

Dec. 22d — “She cried out in ecstasy : ‘There I see all the children for whom I have ever made anything ! They are so merry, they have all the things, they all shine — my little Boy is there, too. Come here, dear little one. sit there,’ and she pointed to a seat. 'O how I thirst for my Saviour! It is a burning thirst, but it is sweet — the other thirst is disgusting. O what thirst Mary must have had for her Child! Still she had Him only nine months under her heart, and I can receive Him so often in Holy Communion ! Such food is upon earth, and yet many die of hunger and thirst !

12 月 22 日——「她在神魂超拔中喊道:『在那里,我看到了所有我为之付出的孩子!他们是如此快乐,他们拥有一切,他们都闪闪发光——我的小男孩也在那儿。来吧,亲爱的小家伙。坐在那里,』她指了指一个座位。『哦,我多么渴望我的救世主啊!这是一种炙热的渴望,但它是甜美的---其他别种的渴望则是令人厌恶的。哦,玛利亚对她的孩子一定有多么渴望啊!尽管如此,她心底怀有她的耶稣只有九个月的时间,而我却能经常在圣体中领受耶稣!这样宝贵的食粮给了世界,但仍有许多人死于饥饿和口渴!   

The land in which this blessing is given to man is just as desolate and poor as the rest of the world ! But the blessed let nothing go to loss. Wherever a church once existed, it still exists. O how many churches I see around Bethlehem and in the whole world, floating in the air above the places on which they formerly stood ! Feasts are still celebrated in them.


There is the church in which Mary's Conception was so magnificently celebrated. Mary's spotlessness consists in this that she had in her no sin, no passion; her sacred body never endured sickness. She possessed, however, no grace without her own co-operation, excepting that by which she conceived the Lord Jesus. "


After this she had a vision of how the “Little Boy," had been the constant companion of her life : —

“What I now saw in vision, once really happened ; for the little Boy used to work with me when I was a child (1).


「我现在在神视中看到的,曾经真的发生过;因为小男孩在我小时候曾经和我一起工作 (1)。

 “When I was ten years old, He said to me : ‘Let us go see how the little crib looks that we made years ago!’ — ' Where can it be?’ I thought. But the little Boy said I had only to go with Him, we should soon find it. When we did so we saw that the flowers (2) of which we had made it, had formed garlands and crowns, some only half-finished.


The little Boy said, ‘The pearls are still wanting in front.’ Only one small circlet of pearls was entirely finished and I slipped it on my finger. But, to my great distress and fright, I could not get it off. I begged the little Boy to do so, for I was afraid I should not be able to work with it on. He succeeded, and we put everything back again. But I think it was only a picture, I do not remember it as a real event, After I had grown up I got sick.


 (1) The particular are given in one of the first chapters.

(2) Symbols of suffering.

 (1) 具体内容在第一章之一中给出。

(2) 苦难的象征。

I wanted to go to the convent ; but as I was so poor, I became sad. The little Boy said that that was nothing , His Father had enough, the Christ-Child had nothing either, and that I should one day enter a convent. I did, indeed, enter; it was a joyful time ! As a nun, I was sick and in distress because I had nothing. I used to say, ‘Now, see how it is ! Thou wast to have care of all, I was always to have enough ; and now Thou stayest away, and I get nothing !'

我想去修道院;但由于我很穷,不符合入会资格,我变得忧伤了。小男孩说那不算什么,祂的父亲有足够的产业,孩童耶稣也没有钱,而我总有一天会进修道院的。我的确最终入修道院了;那是一段快乐的时光! 作为一个修女,我生病且困苦,因为我一无所有。我过去常说,『现在,看看这是怎么回事!祢过去照顾我的一切时,我总是有足够的东西;而现在你离开了,我却一无所有了!』 

— Then the little Boy came that night with gold, pearls, flowers, and all kinds of precious things. I knew not where to put them all. Twice again I received such things in vision, but I know not what has become of them. I think they were symbolical of the gifts I was to receive and which were miraculously multiplied ; as, for example, Herr von Galen's present and the coffee on St. Catherine's day.

——那天晚上,小男孩带着金子、珍珠、鲜花和各种珍贵的东西来了。 我不知道把它们都放在哪里好。我又有两次在神视中得到了这样的东西,但我不知道它们变成了什么。我认为它们象征着我将要得到的恩宠,并且奇迹般地成倍增加;例如,在圣加大利纳瞻礼日,冯·盖伦先生的礼物和咖啡。

I used to be sick all the time ; well for a couple of days, then sick again, and in this state I saw many things with the Child Jesus and many cures.

Then I was out of the convent very ill, often in intense agony and distress ; but the little Boy always came with help and advice. Lastly, I had a vision of the future. The little Boy took me again to see the garlands and flowers of the crib in a kind of sacristy, where they lay in a casket, like golden crowns and jewels.



He again said, ‘Only some pearls are wanting, and then all will be used in the Church.' — I understood that I am to die, as soon as all the pearls will have been added."




In Advent she had her usual visions of Mary and Joseph journeying from Nazareth to Bethlehem : —


Nov. 27th — "I went to Bethlehem, and thence I journeyed a good distance to meet the Mother of God and Joseph. I knew they would go into a stable, and I hurried on joyously to meet them. Again I saw them coming with the ass, as peaceful and calm, as lovely as ever, and I was so glad to see it all once more as I had done in my childhood. I went a long way back and found the stable, and on looking behind I saw Joseph and Mary far away with the ass, shining with light.  It seemed as if a luminous disc surrounded the Holy Family as they moved forward in the darkness.

11 月 27 日——我去了白冷,从那里走了一段很远的路去见天主之母和圣若瑟。我知道他们会进到山洞马槽,于是我兴高采烈地赶去迎接他们。我又一次看到他们着驴走来,像以前一样的平安和宁静,以往一样可敬可爱,我很高兴再次看到这一切,就像我在童年时所看到的那样。我重回这里走了很长一段路,找到了马槽,我转身看若瑟和圣母远远地着驴子,闪着光。仿佛有一个发光的圆盘围绕着圣家在黑暗中前行。

Anne and Joachim had prepared all things for the holy Virgin's delivery, and they hoped she would come back in time to make use of them. But Mary knew that she would not be delivered in her parents' house and with wonderful humility, she took of all that had been prepared but two pieces, for she had an inexpressible feeling that she must and should be poor. She could have no outward show, for she had all within herself.


She knew, or felt, or saw in some unknown way that, as through a woman, sin had entered the world, so by a woman was the expiation to come, and it was in this sentiment that she exclaimed, ' I am the handmaid of the Lord !’ She always followed an interior voice which in moments of grace urged her irresistibly. This same voice has often called me to make long journeys, and never in vain."


Dec. 13th — " Last night I was near Bethlehem in a low, square hut, a shepherd's hut, occupied by an old couple. They had partitioned off a corner for themselves on the left by a slanting black mud-wall. By the fire-place stood some crooks, and a few plates hung on the wall.

12 月 13 日——昨晚我在白冷附近的一间低矮的方形茅屋里,那是一间牧羊人的小屋,里面住着一对老夫妇。他们在屋子的左边用一堵歪斜的黑土墙为自己了一个角落。壁炉边立着几根牧羊杖,墙上挂着几只盘子。 

The shepherd came out of his apartment and pointed to another just opposite, where sat Mary and Joseph in silence on the ground against the wall.  Mary's hands were joined on her breast; she wore a white robe and veil. I stayed by them awhile reverently. At the back of the house was a bush."


Dec. 14th — "I went from Flamske to the Promised Land, as I had often done when a child, and I ran to meet Mary. I was in such a hurry, so eager for the coming of the Christ-Child, that I flew through Jerusalem and Bethlehem with streaming hair.

12 月 14 日——「我从弗拉姆斯克去了许之地,就像我小时候经常做的那样,我跑去见圣母玛利亚。我是如此急切,如此渴望婴孩基督的到来,以至于我飞快地穿过耶路撒冷和伯利恒时,头发被风吹乱。

I wanted to get them a right good lodging for the night, and I found one not far from the first which I met on my entrance. I went into a shepherd's hut back of which was a sheep-fold. The shepherd and his wife were both young. I saw the Holy Family arrive late at night. The shepherd gently reproached St. Joseph for travelling at so late an hour with Mary.


Mary sat side-ways on the ass on a seat with a resting-place for the feet. She was very near the birth of the Christ-Child. They left the ass at the door, and I think the shepherd took it into the sheep-stable. They went into a separate apartment and made some arrangements. They had brought some small fine loaves with them, but I never saw them eat much. They were treated kindly.


I spoke quite simply with the Mother of God and, as I had my work with me, I said to her : ‘I know well that thou needest nothing from me, but still I may make something for poor children. Be so good as to point out the most needy.’  “She told me to go on quietly with my work and that she would do as I requested . Then I went over into a dark corner where no one could see me, and worked away diligently. I finished many things, and watched the Holy Family preparing for their departure."


Dec, 16th —"I Journeyed quickly on to Bethlehem although I was quite fatigued, and I hurried to a shepherd's cot, one of the best in sight of Bethlehem. I knew that Mary would arrive there that night. I saw her and Joseph in the distance. She was on the ass and shining with light.

12 月 16 日——「虽然我很劳累,但我还是很快赶到了白冷,我匆匆赶到了一个牧羊人的小屋,这是白冷能看到的最好的一间。我知道圣母那天晚上会到达那里。我在远处看到了圣母若瑟。圣母坐在驴背上,闪耀着光芒

The interior of the cot was like the others ; on one side of the fire-place all sorts of vessels and pastoral utensils, on the other an apartment in which I thought Mary and Joseph would lodge. There was an orchard near by and back of it the sheep-fold which was not enclosed, the roof supported only by stakes.


The shepherd and his wife were young and very hospitable. When I first appeared, they asked what I wanted, and I told them that I had come to wait for Joseph and Mary who would arrive there that day. They replied that that had happened long ago, and that it would never happen again. They were a little short with me. But I said that it happened every year, for the feast was kept in the Church. Then they grew quite clever and obliging.


I sat down in a corner with my work. They had to pass me often, and they wanted to give me a light, but I assured them that I needed none, I could see very well. The reason they said that the event was passed and would not again be repeated was that, on entering the house, I, too, had thought : ‘How is this ? These people were here long ago, and they are still here ! They cannot still be alive!’


Then I said to' myself : ‘Why, what foolish questioning ! Take things as thou findest them!’ This reassured me, but the people had met my doubt by a similar one. It was like a mirror, reflecting these words : ' Whatsoever you would that men should do unto you, do ye also unto them.’


 “When Joseph and Mary arrived, they were kindly received. Mary got off the ass, Joseph brought in his bundles, and both went into the little room on the right. Joseph sat down on his bundle, and Mary on the ground against the wall.


These young people were the first to offer them anything ; they set before them a little wooden stool on which stood flat oval dishes. On one were small round loaves, on the other small fruit. Mary and Joseph did not touch them, though Joseph took some and went out with it ; I think there was a beggar outside. The ass was tied before the door. Although they ate not, yet they deceived the gifts humbly and gratefully.


I always wondered at their humility in taking whatever was given them. I drew near to them timidly, rendered them homage, and begged the Blessed Virgin to ask her Son at His birth, not to let me do or desire anything but His most holy will. I spoke of my work, that she might tell me how to do it and distribute it. She bade me go on, soon all would be right. Then I sat down timidly in my little corner and sewed, but I did not stay until the Holy Family left.


“My guide took me through a wilderness some distance from Bethlehem toward the south, and it seemed to be in our own time. I saw a garden with trees shaped like a pyramid, their leaves fine and delicate, and there were lovely green plots with little flowers. In the centre, on a column around which twined a luxuriant vine, stood a small eight-cornered church covered with the vine branches.


At some distance, only the leaves could be seen, but a nearer view disclosed bunches of grapes an ell long. It was wonderful how the branches supported their weight. The vine itself was as thick around as a small arm. From the eight sides of the little church, which had no doors and whose walls were transparent, ran pathways.


In the church was an altar on which were three pictures of the holy season (Advent) : one was Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem ; another the Child Jesus in the crib ; the third, the Flight into Egypt. They seemed to be living representations. On the eight sides, hovered twelve of the ancestors of Mary and Joseph who had celebrated these scenes.

教堂里有一个祭坛,上面有三神圣将临期的圣像:一是圣母玛利亚和圣若瑟去白冷的旅程; 另一是圣婴摇篮上的小耶稣;第三是逃往埃及的圣像。这些圣像似乎是活生生的代表,在教堂的八面墙上盘旋着母玛利亚和圣若瑟的十二位祖先,他们曾庆祝这些场景。

My guide told me that a church once stood here in which the relations of the Holy Family and their descendants always celebrated these holy feasts. It had been destroyed, but the feast will continue to be celebrated in the spiritual church until the end of time. Then he brought me back quickly.


“My state on these days is very singular. I seem not to be on the earth. I see around, far and near, people and pictures, men dying of spiritual famine, evils everywhere; I see people here in our own country, or in the islands, or under tents, or in forests — I see them learning in one place, forgetting in another, but everywhere misery and blindness.


When I look up to heaven, how poor and senseless seem these people ! They are sunk in impurity, they interpret everything in a wrong sense. Then I try to push them on to God — it is all dark and obscure, and I feel a deep, deep disgust for life. Everything earthly is abominable, and violent hunger seizes me ; but it is not disgusting, it is sweet. Corporal hunger is so disgusting !"


Dec. 23d — "I met Mary and Joseph near Bethlehem just about dusk. They were resting under a tree by the roadside. Mary got down from the ass and Joseph went alone into the city to seek a lodging in One of the nearest houses. The city had no gate here, the road passed through a broken part of the wall. Joseph hunted in vain for a lodging, for crowds of strangers were in Bethlehem.

12 月 23 日——「黄昏时分,我在白冷附近遇见了圣母若瑟。他们正在路边的一棵树下休息。圣母从驴背上下来,若瑟独自一人进城,在最近的一所房子里寻找住处。城里没有城门,道路从城墙的破损处穿过。若瑟寻找住处,但没有找到,因为在白冷涌大量的陌生人。

I stayed with the Mother of God. When Joseph came back he told the Blessed Virgin that he could find no place near, and both returned to Bethlehem, Mary on foot and Joseph leading the ass. They went first to be enrolled. The man made some remarks to Joseph about bringing his wife, saying it was unnecessary, and Joseph blushed before Mary fearing she might think he had a bad name here.

我和圣母待在一起。当若瑟回来时,他告诉圣母,他在附近找不到住处,然后两人进了白冷城,圣母步行,若瑟牵着驴。他们首先去登记。 那个人对若瑟说了一些话,说没有必要带他妻子来,若瑟在圣母面前羞红了脸,生怕她会认为他在这里名声不好。

The man said also that, as there was such a crowd in this quarter, they would do well to go elsewhere, and they would certainly find lodgings. They went along timidly. The street was rather a country-road than a street, for the houses stood on hills. On the opposite side, where they were far apart, there was a beautiful, wide spreading tree, the trunk smooth, the branches forming a shelter.


Joseph left Mary and the ass under this tree, and set off again in search of lodgings. Mary leaned at first against the tree, her loose robe falling in full folds around her, a white veil covering her head. The ass stood with his head turned toward the tree. Many passed on various errands, looked at Mary, but knew not that their Redeemer was so near ! She waited so patiently, so quietly, so humbly ! Ah ! she had to wait a long time !


At last she sat down, her feet crossed under her, her hands joined on her breast, her head bowed. Joseph returned disappointed, he had found no lodgings. Again he set out in an- other direction, and again Mary waited patiently ; but he was unsuccessful as before. Then he remembered a place near by where the shepherds sometimes sought shelter.


They, too, could go there, and even if the shepherds came, they need not mind them. They started and turning to the left, followed a lonely road which soon became hilly. Before a small rising stood a clump of trees, pines or cedars, and others with leaves like box. In the hill was a grotto or cave, the entrance closed by a gate of twigs.

他们也可以去那里,即使牧羊人来了,也不介意他们在那里。他们出发了,向左转,沿着一条偏僻的小路走,道路很快变得崎岖不平在一小片高地的前面有一丛树,松树或雪松,还有一些叶子像盒子一样的树。 山上有一个洞窟,入口用树枝编成的门封闭

Joseph entered and began to clear away the rubbish, whilst Mary stayed outside with the ass. Joseph then brought her in. He was very much troubled. The grotto was but ten feet high, perhaps not that much, and the place where the manger stood was slightly raised. Mary sat down on a mat and rested against her bundle. It was, perhaps, nine o'clock when they entered this grotto.


Joseph went out again and came back with a bundle of sticks and reeds, and a box with a handle containing live coals which he poured out at the entrance and made a fire. They had everything necessary for that purpose, as well as various other utensils, though I did not see them cooking or eating. Joseph again went out, and on his return he wept. It must now have been about midnight.


For the first time I saw the Blessed Virgin kneeling in prayer, after which she lay down on the mat, her head on her arm, the bundle for a pillow. Joseph remained humbly at the entrance of the grotto. In the roof, a little to one side, were three round air holes with gratings. On the left of the grotto was another apartment cut out of the rock or hill, the entrance broader than the first and opening on the road that led to the fields where the shepherds were. There were small houses on the hills and sheds built of twigs or branches supported by four, six, and eight posts.


" After this I had quite a different vision. I saw Bethlehem as it now is ; one would not know it, so poor and desolate has it become. The Crib is now in a chapel under the earth and Mass is still read there ; it is larger than it used to be, and it is covered with all kinds of white marble ornaments and figures. Above it stands a church like an old ruined convent, but Mass is celebrated only in the grotto of the Crib.


I saw over it in the air a beautiful spiritual church. It was eight-cornered and had but one altar. Above it were choirs of saints. On the altar was a representation of the Crib before which shepherds knelt, and through the air came little lambs like little white clouds in the picture. The officiating priest was a kind looking old man with white hair and a long beard. He wore a very wide antique vestment, a cowl over his forehead and around his face.


It was Jerome. Incense was used during the ceremony more frequently than with us. Holy Communion was administered, and I saw, as among the Apostles, a little body, like a tiny body of light, entering the mouth of the communicants. There were about six priests performing the ceremony, and when it was over they ranged before the altar, face' to face as in choir, and chanted. Then the scene changed.


Jerome remained alone, and the body of the church was filled with nuns of different Orders. They ranged in three ranks as in choir and chanted. I saw the Annonciades among them and Jane, who told me that, from her childhood, she had seen these mysteries thus represented and also the great good resulting from them to mankind.


It was for this reason she had founded her Order. She was now present with all her faithful nuns to continue the celebration of this feast almost forgotten by men. She exhorted me to reflect upon what had given birth to her charity and teach it also to my spiritual children. She told me many more things of the same kind that I intend to leave after me to my sisters in religion. May God grant it ! I saw also at the feast Frances and other nuns whom I knew."


On the evening of Dec. 23d, the Pilgrim and Father Limberg spent two hours at Sister Emmerich's bedside whilst she lay in ecstasy (1) The former wrote: “She experienced violent pains in her limbs and particularly in her wounds. She bore them joyously, though at times she was unable to repress her groans ; her hands and feet quivered with pain, the former opening and closing convulsively.

12 月 23 日晚上, 朝圣者和林堡神父在艾曼丽修女的床边度过了两个小时,而她正神魂超拔地躺着 (1) ,朝圣者写道:「她的四肢特别是伤口感到剧烈疼痛。她高兴地忍受着疼痛,虽然有时她无法抑制她的呻吟; 她的手和脚因疼痛而颤抖,手不由自主的痉挛抽搐。

She has made all her presents, finished all her work, sorted and put away all the scraps and ends of thread that were left. When this was done, she sank exhausted under her pains which were to form her own Christmas gift at the Infant's Crib. These pains are always shown to her under the form of flowers.


(1) The Pilgrim was deeply touched by what he saw and heard. He began his entry in his journal by these words :—

“Whilst I write, I am saddened at the thought of the miseries by which we are surrounded. The darkness of our understanding prevents our calmly receiving and clearly recording the heavenly secrets revealed to us by this simple, childlike soul so favored by God. I can reproduce very imperfectly mere shadows, as it were, of those visions which prove the reality, in an ever eternal present, of God's relations with man obscured by sin. And even this has to be effected hastily and even stealthily. I cannot express what I feel! They who have for years stifled and mocked at this grace, they who recognize it and yet persecute her, who know neither how to seek nor how to appreciate it, will weep with me when the mirror that reflects it shall have been obscured by death !

"infant Jesus, my Saviour, give me patience !"

(1) 朝圣者被他的所见所闻深深的打动了。他在日记的开头这样写道:



She said : ‘Dorothea is going with me to the Crib, she has come for me. She told me that she had often been blamed for ornamenting the altar so profusely with flowers, but that she had always answered : “Flowers wither. God takes from them the color and fragrance that He once gave , so, too, may sin wither ! May whatever is good be offered to Him, since it is from Him!”


Dorothea used to be taken to the Crib in spirit, and she offered everything to the Lord in sacrifice. The Pilgrim, too, must take all his sufferings to the Infant Jesus, all his weaknesses, all his faults, and he must take nothing back. He must begin all over, and ask the Child Jesus for a burning love that he may taste the consolations of God. I see also St. Jerome. He lived here a long time, and obtained from God such a fire of love that it almost consumed him.’


“O who can tell the beauty, the purity, the innocence of Mary ! She knows everything, and yet she seems to know nothing, so childlike is she. She lowers her eyes and, when she looks up, her glance penetrates like a ray, like a pure beam of light, like truth itself ! It is because she is perfectly innocent, full of God, and without returns upon self. None can resist her glance.


"I see the Crib and above it, celebrating the feast, are all the blessed who adored the Child Jesus at His birth, all who ever venerated the Holy Place, and all who have gone there even only in devout desire. They celebrate in a wonderful spiritual church the eve of the Redeemer's birth ; they represent the Church and all who desire the sacred spot to be honored, the holy season celebrated Thus acts the Church Triumphant for the Church Militant ; and thus should the Militant act for the Church Suffering.


O how indescribably beautiful it is ! What a blessed certainty! I see these spiritual churches all around, far and near, for no power can destroy the altar of the Lord. Where it is no longer visible, it stands invisibly cared for by blessed spirits. Nothing is perishable that is done in the Church for the love of Jesus ! Where men are no longer worthy to celebrate, the blessed do it in their stead and all hearts that turn to the service of God are there present. They find a holy church and a heavenly feast, though their corporal senses perceive it not ; they receive the reward of their piety.


 “I see Mary in heaven on a magnificent throne offering to her Divine Son, sometimes as a new-born babe, sometimes as a youth, and again as the Crucified Saviour, all hearts that have ever loved Him, that have ever united in celebrating His feast……. "

「我看见在天上的玛利亚,在一个宏伟宝座上献上她的圣子,有时是一个新生的小圣婴,有时候是少年耶稣,有时是被钉十字架的救主,所有曾经爱过主的心,联合在一起庆祝主的瞻礼…… 」

Here Sister Emmerich was radiant with joy, her speech, her glance, full of animation, and she expressed herself so intelligently and with so much ease even upon the most hidden and sublime subjects that the Pilgrim was lost in amazement. His words but faintly reproduce those of this inspired soul, who spoke not so much in glowing colors as in fiery flames.


“See," she exclaimed, “how all nature sparkles and exults in innocence and joy ! It is like a dead man rising from the gloom and decay of the grave, which proves that he not only lives, youthful, blooming, and joyous, but that he is also immortal, innocent, and pure, the sinless image of his Maker ! All is life, all is innocence and thankfulness ! Oh, the beautiful hills, around which the trees stretch their branches as if hastening to strew at the feet of their newborn Saviour the perfumes, flowers, and fruits from Him received !


The flowers open their cups to present their varied forms, their colors, their perfumes to the Lord who will so soon come to tread among them. The springs murmur their desires, and the fountains dance in joyous expectation, like children awaiting their Christmas gifts. The birds warble notes of joy and gladness, the lambs bleat and skip, all life is filled with peace and happiness. In the veins of all flow quicker, purer streams.


Pious hearts, earnest, longing hearts now throb instinctively at the approach of Redemption, All nature is astir. Sinners are seized with sadness, repentance, hope ; the incorrigible, the hardened, the future executioners of the Lord, are anxious and fearful, they cannot comprehend their own uneasiness as the fulness of time draws near.


The plenitude of salvation is in the pure, humble, merciful heart of Mary, praying over the Saviour of the world incarnate in her womb, and who, in a few hours, like light become flesh, will enter into life, into His own inheritance, will come among His own who will receive Him not. What all nature now proclaims before my eyes when its Creator comes to abide with it, is written in the books upon the Mountain wherein truth will be preserved until the end of time.丰盛的救恩蕴藏在圣母玛利亚纯洁、谦卑、仁慈的心中,她为胎中道成肉身的救主祈祷,几小时后,救主就会像光一样变成肉身,进入生命,进入祂自已的产业,而祂来到自已的地方,自已的人并不接纳他。当造物主与受造物同居共处时,在我眼前所有大自然现都在宣布这个奥迹,都将写在山上的书中,真理将被保存到时间的尽头。

As in the race of David the Promise was preserved in Mary until the fulness of time; as this race was cared for, protected, purified, until the Blessed Virgin brought forth the Light of the world ; so that holy man purifies and preserves all the treasures of creation and the Promise, as also the essence and signification of all words and creatures until the fulness of time.


He purifies all, erases what is false or pernicious, and causes the stream to flow as pure as when it first issued from God, as it now flows in all nature. Why do seekers seek and find it not? Here let them see that good ever engenders good, and evil brings forth evil, if it be not averted by repentance and the Blood of Jesus Christ. As the blessed in heaven, the pious on earth, and the poor souls work together, helping, healing through Jesus Christ, so do I now see the same in all nature.


It is inexpressible ! Every simple-hearted man who follows Jesus Christ receives that gift, but it is through the marvellous grace of this season. The devil is chained in these days, he crawls he struggles ; therefore I hate all crawling things. The hideous demon is humbled, he can do nothing now. It is the unending grace of this holy season."


Two days after, she related the following: —

"I saw St Joseph going out in the evening with a basket and vessels, as if to get food. No words can express his simplicity, gentleness, and humility. I saw Mary kneeling in ecstasy in the same place as before, her hands slightly raised. The fire was still burning, and on a shelf was a little lamp. The grotto was full of light.



There were no shadows, but the lamp looked dull like a flambeau in the sunlight, for its flame was material. Mary was alone. I thought then of all I wanted to bring to the Crib of the expected Saviour. I had a long journey to make through places I had often seen in the Life of the Lord, in all of which I saw care, trouble, anguish of soul. I saw Jews plotting in their synagogues and interrupting their service.


I went also to a place in the environs where sacrifices were being offered in a pagan temple in which was a frightful idol with wide jaws. They put into it flesh offered in sacrifice, when the monster instantly fell to pieces. Fear and confusion seized the worshippers, who fled in all directions.


 “I went also into the country of Nazareth, to Anne's house, just one moment before the Saviour's birth. I saw Anne and Joachim asleep in separate apartments. A light shone over Anne, and she was told in a dream that Mary had brought forth a son. She awoke and hurried to Joachim whom she met coming to her ; he, too, had had the same dream.


They prayed together praising God, their arms raised to heaven. The rest of their household, likewise experienced something extraordinary. They came to Anne and Joachim whom they found filled with joy. When they heard of the birth, they thanked God with them for the new-born child. They did not know for certain that He was the Son of God ; but they knew that it was a child of salvation, a child of promise.


They had an intuitive assurance of it, although they could not express it. They were, besides, struck by the wonderful signs in nature, and they looked upon that night as holy. I saw pious souls here and there around Nazareth, rising up awakened by a sweet interior joy and, whether knowingly or otherwise, celebrating with prayer the entrance of the Word made Flesh into the life of time.


My whole way on that marvellous night lay through the most varied scenes — people in all countries flocking together, some joyous, some prayerful, others uneasy and sad. My journey was rapid toward the east, though a little more to the south than when I went to the Mountain of Ellas. In an old city I saw a large open square surrounded by huge, half-ruined columns and magnificent buildings in which was extraordinary commotion.


Men and women flocked together. Crowds were coming in from the country and all were gazing up at the sky. Some looked through tubes about eight feet long, with an opening for the eye, others pointed out something in the air, and all uttered such exclamations as, ‘What a wonderful night ! ' — They must have observed a sign in the heavens, perhaps a comet, which was, without doubt, the cause of their excitement though I do not remember having seen anything of it.


" I hastened on to a place where people with their priests were drawing water on the banks of their sacred river. They were more numerous than before — it seemed to be a feast. It was not night when I arrived, it was noon-day (1). I could not speak to all whom I knew. I spoke to some who understood me and were deeply moved.

「我赶到一个地方(印度),人们和他们的司在他们神圣的河(恆河)的岸边汲水。他们比以前人数更多了——这似乎是一场盛宴。我到达那里(印度)的时候已经不是晚上,而是中午 (1), 我不能和所有我认识的人说话。我只对一些理解我、并深受感动的人说话。

I told them they should no longer draw the sacred water, but that they should turn to their Saviour who was born. I know not how I said it, but they were surprised and impressed, and some, especially the most pious and reflective, were a little frightened, for there were very, very pure and deeply sensitive souls among them.


These latter I saw going into their temples, in which I could see no idols, though there w r as something like an altar ; they all knelt, men, women, and children. The mothers placed their little ones before them and held up their tiny hands as if in prayer. It was a truly touching sight !


 “I was led back to the Crib. The Saviour was born! The holy Virgin sat in the same place, wrapped in a mantle and holding on her lap the Infant Jesus swathed in ample bands, even His face was covered. Both were immovable and seemed to be in ecstasy. Two shepherds were standing timidly at some distance, and some were looking down through the air-holes in the roof. I adored in silence !


When the shepherds went away, St. Joseph entered with food in a basket and carrying on his arm something like a coverlet. He set them down, and drew near to Mary who placed the Infant in his arms. He held It with unspeakable joy, devotion, and humility. I saw that he did not know It to be the Second Person of the Divinity, although he felt that It was the Child of Promise, the Child that would bring salvation into the world, that It was a holy Child.

牧羊人走后,圣若瑟带着篮子里的食物进来,胳膊上着像被子一样的东西。他放下东西,走近圣母圣母把圣婴放在若瑟的怀里。圣若瑟怀着无法形容的喜悦、虔诚和谦卑的心情抱着圣婴。我看到圣若瑟不知道圣婴是天主的第二位格(译者注: 耶稣兼具两个本性:神性和人性),虽然他觉得这是应许之子,给世界带来救赎的孩子,是一个圣洁的孩子。

(1) It must have been, the hour there (India) corresponding to our midnight. Sister Emmerich beheld Christ's birth in Bethlehem at our midnight and all the events there as night scenes ; but, on arriving in India, the time of Nativity changes in her vision to the real time, the hour it really was at the Ganges when her soul arrived here.

(1) 一定是,那里(印度)的时间对应于我们的午夜。艾曼丽修女在我们的午夜看到了基督在白冷的诞生,那里的所有事件都像夜景一样;但是,到达印度后,她的神视中的耶稣降生时间变成了真实的时间,即她的灵魂到达这里时真正是在恒河的时间。

 “I knelt and begged the Mother of God to lead to her Son all who I knew had need of salvation, and immediately I saw in spirit those of whom I was thinking — my thought was the sign that she had heard my prayer. I thought of Judith on the mountain and, all at once, I saw her in her castle, in the hall in which the lamps hung, and there were many people present, among them some strangers. It looked like a religious reunion. They seemed to be consulting together about something and they were much agitated.


I saw, too, that Judith remembered my apparition and that she both desired and feared to see me again. She thought if the Messiah were really come, and if she could be quite sure of what the apparition had said to her, she would do what she had promised, in order to help her people.


“It was day. Mary sat cross-legged in her usual place busied apparently with apiece of linen, the Child Jesus lay at her feet swathed, but His face and hands free. Joseph was at the entrance opposite the fire-place making something like a frame to hang vessels on, and I stood by the ass thinking: ‘Dear old man, you need not finish your work, you must soon go.' Now came in two old women from Mary's country who seemed to be old acquaintances, for they were kindly received, though Mary did not rise.


They brought quite a number of presents — little fruits, ducks, large birds with red, awl-shaped beaks, which they carried under their arms or by the wings, some small oval loaves about an inch thick, and lastly, some linen and other stuff. All were received with rare humility and gratitude. They were silent, good, devout woman. They were deeply affected as they gazed down upon the Child, but they did not touch Him. They withdrew without farewells or ceremony.


I was looking at the ass; its back was very broad, and I said to myself, ‘Good beast, thou hast borne many burdens!’— I wanted to feel it, to see if it were real, and I passed my hand over its back. It was just as soft as silk, it reminded me of the moss I had once felt. Now came from the country of the shepherds, where the gardens and the balsam-hedges are, two married women with three little girls about eight years old. They seemed to be strangers, people of distinction, who had come in obedience to a miraculous call.


Joseph received them very humbly. They brought presents of less size than the others, but of greater value : grain in a bowl, small fruits, a little cluster of thick three-cornered golden leaves on which was a stamp like a seal. I thought how wonderful ! That looks just like the way they represent the eye of God ! But no ! how can I compare the eye of God with red earth!’— Mary arose and placed the Child in their arms.


They held Him awhile, and prayed in silence with hearts raised to God, and then they kissed the Child. Joseph and Mary conversed with them and, when they departed, Joseph accompanied them a little distance. They appeared to have travelled some miles and secretly, for they avoided being seen in the city. Joseph behaved with great humility during such visits, retiring and looking on from a distance.


" When Joseph went out with the ladies, I prayed and confidently laid open my miseries to Mary. She consoled me, though her answers were very brief; for instance, three words upon three points. This manner of communicating is very difficult to explain. It is an intuitive perception something like the following : when Mary, for example, wanted to say, ‘These sufferings will strengthen thee spiritually, thou wilt not yield to them, they will make thee more clear-sighted, will render thee victorious,’ I perceived nothing but the meaning of these words under the figure of a palm-tree which is said to become more elastic, more vigorous by the pressure of a weight upon it.


In the same way, she told me something like the following: ' The struggle with thy sister will be painful, a sharp combat is before thee. Be comforted ! With the trial and the suffering thy supernatural strength will increase. The sharper thy sufferings, the more clearly, the more profoundly, wilt thou understand. Think of the profit thou wilt derive from it!’ — I received this last instruction under the perception of the principle by which the purity of gold is increased under the hammer, or the polish of a mirror is produced.


Then she told me that I must tell all, keep nothing back, even if it seemed to me of small importance. Everything has its end. I must not allow myself to be discouraged by the thought that I do not rightly comprehend. I must tell all even if my words appear useless and unconnected. A change will come over many Protestants after my death, and the conviction of the truth of my state will contribute greatly thereto ; consequently I must keep nothing back."




  • 奥秘的苦难

On Christmas-Eve she was shown in a vision new sufferings in store for her. The following is her account of it :—

" There came three holy nuns, among them Frances of Rome, who brought me a clean white robe with a scalloped border ; on the left side was a red heart surrounded by roses. I touched them and the thorns pricked me to blood. The nuns threw the robe around me quickly, saying that I must wear it until the new-year when it would be exchanged for a gray one with a heavy iron cross.



If at the new-year I returned the present one spotless, the cross on the second one would, perhaps, be much lightened. I thought this referred to my death, and I said, ‘Is it true that I am going to die?’— But they answered, ‘No, thou hast still much to suffer,’ and then they disappeared, My guide announced those bitter sufferings in severe words that cut into my soul like swords.

如果到新年,我把现在这件长袍一尘不染的归还,那第二件长袍上的十字架上也许会减轻很多。我想这是指我的死亡,于是我问:『我真的要死了吗?』——但她们回答说,『不,你还有很多痛苦要受。』 然后她们消失了,我的天神以严峻的语气宣布了那些苦难这些话像利剑一样刺入我的灵魂。 

He told me that I should not succumb, that I drew them on myself by undertaking so much for others, that I should be more moderate, not so eager to do so much good, that Jesus alone can do such things. Then sharp pains racked me until two hours past midnight. I lay upon a harrow covered with thorns that penetrated into my very bones."


She had at short intervals three attacks of these same sufferings. On Dec. 29th, the Pilgrim found her quite changed in appearance by physical and mental pain, her features drawn, her forehead knit, her whole frame twitching convulsively.  “I have not slept all night," she said, “I am almost dead ; still I had exterior consolation. The sweetness of suffering spread itself through my inmost soul, it came from God.

艾曼丽修女每隔很短的时间就会遭受三次同样的痛苦。 12 月 29 日,朝圣者发现她的外表因身体和精神上的痛苦而发生了很大变化,她的面容憔悴,她的眉头紧锁,她的整个身体都在抽搐。「我一夜没睡,」她说,「我快死了;但我还是得到了外在的安慰。痛苦的甘饴在我的灵魂深处蔓延开来,它来自天主。

The Blessed Virgin also consoled me. I saw her inexpressible sufferings on the night the Lord was seized, and particularly that caused her by Peter's denial. I saw how she lamented it to John ; it was only to him that she told her grief. I asked her, why my sister's state gave me so much pain, wounded me so deeply, yes, almost distracted me, whilst I supported courageously far worse than it.


I was told : ' As thou dost perceive light from the relics of the saints by thy intuition of the union existing among Christ's members, so dost thou perceive more clearly the blindness ; the anger, the disunion of thy sister's state, because it comes from the root of thy sinful flesh in fallen Adam, in a direct line through thy ancestors. Thou dost feel their sins in thy flesh through thy parents and earliest ancestors. It is sin proceeding from the share thou hast in the fall.'


— I suffered, I watched, I fainted away, I regained consciousness, I counted the hours, and when morning dawned I cried out to my Spouse not to abandon me. I saw Him taking leave of His Mother. I saw Mary's grief. I saw Him upon the Mount of Olives, and He said to me : ' Dost thou wish to be treated better than Mary, the most pure, the most beloved of all creatures ? What are thy sufferings compared with hers ?’— Then He showed me endless miseries, the dying unprepared, etc., and my guide said to me : ‘If thou wouldst help them, suffer for them, else how can justice be satisfied ?’


— He showed me future sorrows, and told me that few pray and suffer to avert evils. I became thankful and courageous, I suffered joyously for I had seen Him ! He again said, ‘See, how many dying souls ! in what a state ! ; — and showed me a dying priest of my own country, one who had fallen so low that he could not receive Holy Communion with faith and purity of heart. I did not know him. My guide said, ‘Suffer for all these until mid-day ' — Then I suffered joyously. I still suffer, but I shall soon be relieved. "


“Toward noon her countenance changed, the heart-rending expression faded, her pains seemed to leave her gradually like water evaporating under the sun's rays. Her drawn features relaxed and precisely at noon, became sweet and peaceful as those of a sleeping child — the paroxysm had passed. Her members became torpid, and she fell into a state of insensibility exempt from suffering.


" The last evening of the year she was completely absorbed by her journey to the Heavenly Jerusalem, and she occasionally repeated some verses from the Breviary referring to the City of God. Once she said : ‘I must be trodden under foot, my garden is too flourishing, it will produce nothing but flowers.’ — She beheld herself in all possible situations, her heart cruelly lacerated. She exclaimed : ‘how much that person afflicts me ! I can hardly endure the sight of her sufferings ! I beg God to hide them from me !’


 “On the night of January, 1820 ; the three little nuns came again and took off her white robe, which was still spotless. They put on her the promised gray one with the heavy black cross which she was to wash white with her tears. A number of poor souls came to thank her for their deliverance, among them an old woman of her own hamlet for whom she had prayed much. She felt that she had delivered them through the spotlessness of her white robe, and that affected her deeply.

「1820 年 1 月的一个晚上; 三个小修女又来了,脱掉了艾曼丽修女一尘不染的白袍,她们给她穿上许诺的带有黑色沉重十字架的灰色长袍,她要用眼泪洗白那个黑色十字架。许多可怜的人来感谢她的解救之恩,其中包括她自己村庄的一位老妇人,艾曼丽修女为她祈祷了很多。艾曼丽觉得她是透过那件一尘不染的白袍把他们救出来的,这深深地影响了她。

‘When I received the gray robe,’ she said,  ‘I saw again all the torments in reserve for me. I had, besides, an apparition of St. Teresa, who consoled me greatly by speaking of her own sufferings. She also reassured me on the score of my visions, telling me not to be troubled but to disclose all ; that with her it so happened that the more open she was in this respect the clearer did her visions become. My Spouse also spoke lovingly with me and explained the gray robe.


—"It is of silk,’ He said, "because I am wounded in my whole person, and thou art not to tear it by impatience. It is gray, because it is a robe of penance and humiliation.” He told me, too, that when I was sick, He was satisfied with me; but that when I was well, I was too condescending. He said, moreover, that I should tell all that was shown me even though I might be ridiculed for it, for such was His will. Everything is of use. Then I felt as if I were borne from one bed of thorns to be laid on another, but I offered all for the poor souls.' "


January 2d — the Pilgrim found her enduring a martyrdom. "It would be vain, " he writes, "to attempt a description of her sufferings. To understand it even slightly, one would have to watch the various phases of her inexplicable state. " The cause of her pains none could divine. Her life glided by in this daily struggle without sympathy or support.

1 月 2 日——朝圣者发现艾曼丽正在遭受一次殉道。「试图描述她的痛苦是徒劳的,」朝圣者写道,「哪怕想略微明白她的痛苦,也必须观察她不可解释的状态的各个阶段。」她痛苦的原因没有人能猜到。她的生命就这样在日复一日的挣扎中流逝,得不到同情和支持。

She never appeared to lose the remembrance of her thorny crown ; even when the rest of her person became rigid, she retained command over her head, supporting it in such a way that the thorns might not penetrate too deeply. Sometimes her whole body was slashed and torn with whips, her hands were tied, she was bound with cords ; the torture she endured forced the cold sweat from every pore, and yet she related all without a sign of impatience.


Suddenly she extended her arms in the form of a cross with an effort so violent that one would have thought the distended nerves were about to snap. She lowered them again, her head gradually sank upon her breast as if she were dead, her limbs were motionless, she lay like a corpse. ‘I am with the poor souls,’ she murmured, and on returning to consciousness, she related the following though with an effort : —


" ‘I have had three violent attacks, and I have suffered everything just as my Spouse did in His Passion. When I was about to yield, when I groaned in agony, I beheld the same suffering undergone by Him. Thus I went through the whole Passion as I see it on Good- Friday. I was scourged, crowned with thorns, dragged with ropes, I fell, I was nailed to the cross, I saw the Lord descend into hell, and I, too, went to purgatory. I saw many detained therein;  some I knew, others I knew not. I saw souls saved who had been buried in darkness and forgetfulness, and this afforded me consolation.


“ 'The second attack I endured for all that were not in a state to bear patiently what falls to their lot, and for the dying who were unable to receive the Blessed Sacrament. I saw many whom I helped.


" The third attack was for the Church. I had a vision of a church with a high, elaborate tower, in a great city on a mighty river (1). The patron of the church is Stephen by whom I saw another saint who was martyred after him. Around the church I saw many very distinguished people, among them some strangers with aprons and trowels who appeared about to pull down the church with the beautiful tower and slate roof.

「第三次攻击是针对教会的。我看到一座教堂有一座高高的、精致的塔楼,位于一条大河(多瑙河)上的一座大城市 (1)。教堂的保是圣斯德望,我通过他看到了另一位圣人,他是在圣斯德望之后殉道的。在教堂周围,我看到许多非常显赫的人,其中一些穿着围裙和拿着泥铲的陌生人(共济会)出现,即将推倒这座美丽的塔楼和石板屋顶的教堂。

(1) These details point to Vienna, the Austrian capital.

(1) 这些细节指向奥地利首都维也纳

People from all parts were gathered there, among them priests and even religious, and I was so distressed that I called to my Spouse for assistance. Xavier with the cross in his hand had once been all powerful, the enemy ought not to be allowed to triumph now ! Then I saw five men going into the church, three in heavy antique vestments like priests, and two very young ecclesiastics who seemed to be in Holy Orders.


I thought these two received Holy Communion, and that they were destined to infuse new life into the Church. Suddenly a flame burst from the tower, spread over the roof, and threatened to consume the whole church. I thought of the great river flowing by the city — could they not extinguished the flames with its waters? The fire injured many who aided in the destruction of the church and drove them away, but the edifice itself remained standing, by which I understood that the Church would be saved only after a great storm. The fire so frightful to behold indicated in the first place, a great danger ; in the second, renewed splendor after the tempest. The Church's destruction is already begun by means of infidel schools.


" I saw a great storm rising in the north and sweeping in a half-circle to the city with the high tower, and then off to the west. I saw combats and streaks of blood far and wide in the heavens over many places, and endless woes and misery threatening the Church, the Protestants everywhere laying snares to entrap her. The servants of the Church are so slothful. They use not the power they possess in the priesthood ! I shed bitter tears at the sight."


— She wept whilst recounting this vision, imploring Almighty God to deliver her from such spectacles- She mourned also over the flocks without shepherds, and counselled prayer, penance, and humility to avert a portion of the impending danger.






圣热罗尼莫(St. Jerome 342 - 420



瓦卢瓦的圣简(Jane of Valois1464   - 1505


她退隐到路易给她的贝里公国,并在其首都布尔日过着隐秘的祈祷和善行的生活。在那里,她实现了她长期以来建立天使报喜会的愿望,以纪念天主之母。在简童年的导师保拉的圣方济(St. Francis of Paula)指导下,简克服了创建修会的种种障碍。修会的修女以默观的方式,为敌人的悔改祈祷和工作。会规得到了教宗亚历山大六世的批准,主要为效法圣母在道成肉身的奥迹中所实践的10种圣德。修会长上称为婢女,为光荣圣母的谦逊。


多萝西娅(Saint Dorothy–311年)

或凱撒利亞的多羅德(Dorothea of Caesarea),贞女殉道,是罗马天主教和东正教圣人。多萝西娅于 280 年代出生于小亚细亚卡帕多西亚的凯撒利亚,父母是基督徒。异教总督阿普里修斯追求她,遭到拒绝;因为多萝西娅为了天国的缘故立誓守贞。州长随后对她进行了酷刑,并以斩首的方式判处她死刑。



罗马的圣方济嘉Frances of Rome1384-1440

 生于罗马一个富裕的贵族家庭。 11 岁立志修道。但13岁在父亲强迫下不得不结婚。她的丈夫卢旺达民族解放运动司令老楞佐·庞齐亚尼,高贵富有,也真心爱她。婚姻很幸福,持续了四十年。方济嘉结婚后不久就患了重病。圣亚历克西斯显现治好了她。方济嘉与嫂子维诺莎(Vannozza)探访了穷人,照顾了病人,鼓舞了这座城市的其他富裕妇女也这样做。婆婆去世后,方济嘉成了家庭主妇。在水灾和饥荒期间,她将家庭的部分乡村庄园变成了医院,并分发食物和衣物给穷人。

方济嘉(Frances)与丈夫老楞佐(Lorenzo)结婚期间还经历了其他悲伤。他们在瘟疫中失去了两个孩子。在得到了丈夫的同意后,圣方济嘉(St. Frances)开始苦修默观生活。天堂圣人经常以戏剧形式出现在她的神视中。她有行奇迹和神魂超拔的恩赐,以及关于炼狱和地狱的启示,并预言了西方分裂主义的终结。她可以识别人心。她以谦卑和超脱,服从和耐心而著称。


上一篇:044.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第40章 艾曼丽修女圣伤上掉下来的结痂的神奇效果
下一篇:001.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示 英译版序言


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