真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦
下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦
浏览次数:1158 更新时间:2024-5-2


Whenever I worked at the vine, I was bound to it in the form of a cross I saw all that I had accomplished in these eight days, for what faults I had atoned, what chastisements warded off, etc. I saw all under the appearance of a procession in honor of the Most Blessed Sacrament, a spiritual festival in which the blessed celebrated the treasures of grace bestowed on the Church during the year by means of the Blessed Sacrament.


These graces appeared as costly sacred vessels, precious stones, pearls, flowers, grapes, and fruits. The procession was headed by children in white, followed by nuns of all the different Orders especially devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, all wearing a figure of the Host embroidered on their habit. Juliana of Liege walked first. I saw St. Norbert with his monks and numbers of the clergy, secular and regular. Unspeakable joy, sweetness, and union reigned over all……


" I had pictures referring to the defects in divine worship and how they are supernaturally repaired. It is hard for me to say how I saw it, how the different scenes blended and harmonized, one explaining another. One thing was especially remarkable: viz., the failings and omissions in divine worship on earth only increase the indebtedness of the guilty.


God receives the honor due Him from a higher order. Among other things I saw that when priests have distractions during the sacred ceremonies, Mass, for instance, they are in reality wherever their thoughts are and, during the interval, a saint takes their place at the altar. These visions show frightfully the guilt of carelessly celebrating the Holy Mysteries.


Sometimes I see a priest leaving the sacristy vested for Mass ; but he goes not to the altar. He leaves the church and goes to a tavern, a garden, a hunt, a maiden, a book, to some rendezvous, and I see him now here, now there, according to the bent of his thoughts, as if he were really and personally in those places. It is a most pitiful and shameful sight !


But it is singularly affecting to behold at this time a holy priest going through the ceremonies of the altar in his stead. I often see the priest returning for a moment during the Sacrifice and then suddenly running off again to some forbidden place. Such interruptions frequently last a long time.


When the priest amends, I see it in his piety and recollectedness at the altar, etc., etc. In many parish churches I saw the dust and dirt which had long defiled the sacred vessels cleared away, and all things put in order."


On the night of June 12-13, Sister Emmerich was consoled by visions on the life of St. Anthony of Padua. “I saw the dear saint," she said, “very handsome and noble-looking, quick and active in his movements like Xavier.


6 月 12 日至 13 日晚上,艾曼丽修女从帕多瓦圣安东尼的生活异象得到安慰。我看到了这位亲爱的圣人,她说,长相英俊高贵,动作敏捷而活跃,就像沙勿略一样。

He had black hair, a nose long and beautiful, dark, soft eyes, and a well-shaped chin with a short, forked beard. His complexion was very fair and pale. He was clothed in brown and wore a small mantle, but not exactly in the style of the Franciscans of the present day. He was very energetic, full of fire, yet full of sweetness too.


 “I saw him eagerly entering a little wood on the sea-shore and climbing a tree whose lower branches extended over the water. He sprang from bough to bough. He had hardly seated himself when the sea suddenly rose and inundated the thicket, and an incredible number of fishes and marine animals of all kinds were borne in on the waves.


They raised their heads, looked quietly at the saint, and listened to him as he addressed them. After a little while, he raised his hand and blessed them, when the sea receded carrying them back to the deep. Some remained on the shore. The saint put them back carefully into the waters which bore them off. I felt as if I were lying in the wood on a soft bed of moss.


By me lay a wonderful marine animal, flat and broad. The head was round as a battle-axe with the mouth underneath ; the back was green streaked with gold. It had golden eyes, and golden spots on the lower part of the body. There it lay floundering from side to side. I tried to drive it away by striking it on the back with my hand-kerchief, and I also chased off an enormous spider which was running after it. The thicket and the whole country around lay in darkness, St. Anthony alone was bathed in light (1)


(1) The darkness of unbelief, hard-Heartedness, and heresy.

(注:1) 不信、铁石心肠和异端的黑暗。

“Again I saw St. Anthony in the little thicket by the sea. He knelt facing a distant church, and his whole soul turned toward the Blessed Sacrament. At the same moment I saw the church, the Blessed Sacrament on the altar, and the saint's prayer arising before It. Then I saw a little old hunchback with an ugly face, running up behind Anthony. He carried a beautiful white basket (the edges, above and below colored, made perhaps of brown osiers) full of lovely flowers prettily arranged.


The old man wanted to give them to the saint. He shook him to attract his attention ; but Anthony neither saw nor heard anything. He was kneeling in ecstatic prayer, his eyes fixed on the Blessed Sacrament. Then the old man set the basket down and withdrew. I saw the church drawing nearer and nearer to Anthony whilst he prayed.


From the Blessed Sacrament there issued, as it were, a little monstrance which, attracted by his burning prayer, approached him in a stream of light and hovered in the air above him. From it came forth a lovely little Jesus dazzling, sparkling with glory, and rested on the saint's shoulder tenderly caressing him. After a little while, the Child re-entered the monstrance which went back again into the Blessed Sacrament on the altar of the far-off church which had drawn near. Then I saw the saint returning to the city, but the flowers remained where the old man had put them.



“Again I saw St. Anthony in a field outside a city near the sea disputing with several persons. One, in particular, a violent, passionate man, argued against the saint in bitter terms. Then I saw that they all agreed on some point and Anthony, fired with holy zeal, stepped forward, his arms under his little mantle, as if affirming something.


After this he pushed his way through the crowd and left the place. It was a large meadow planted with trees and surrounded by a wall. It extended from the city to the shore, and was full of people walking about or listening to the saint.


— Then I had another vision : Anthony saying Mass in a church, the broad road leading to it from the city gate filled with an expectant crowd, and the man who had disputed so hotly with him driving up to the city an immense ox with long horns. Meanwhile, the saint having finished Mass, walked solemnly to the church- door, bearing in his hands a consecrated Host.


Instantly, the ox began to struggle ; it freed itself from its master, and then rapidly up the street toward the church. The owner and several others pursued it, the tumult became general, women and children fell one over the other, but the ox could not be caught.


When, at last, it reached the church, down it knelt, stretched out its neck, and bowed humbly before the Blessed Sacrament which Anthony, standing at the door, held up before it. Its master offered it hay, but the animal noticed it not, changed not its position ; whereupon, the whole crowd including the owner prostrated humbly, praising and adoring the Blessed Sacrament.


Anthony re-entered the church followed by the people. Then only did the ox arise and allow itself to be led back to the city gate, where it ate the food presented it.


“I saw a man accusing himself to Anthony of having kicked his mother, and in another scene I saw the same man so contrite in consequence of the saint's exhortations, that he was about to cut off the foot that had


June 15th —"I turned toward the Blessed Sacrament to pray, and I was ravished in spirit into the church in which the Feast of Corpus Christi was celebrated for the first time upon earth. It was built in ancient style and adorned with ancient pictures, but it was not old itself nor did it present any appearance of decay ; on the contrary, all was bright and beautiful. I knelt before the high altar.

6 月 15 日——我转向圣体祈祷,我的灵魂陶醉在世界上第一次庆祝圣体圣血瞻礼堂。是古式的建筑,装饰着古老的图画,但圣堂本身并不老,也没有任何衰败的迹象; 相反,一切都是明亮而美丽的。我跪在主祭台前。

The Blessed Sacrament was not in a monstrance, but shut up in a tabernacle in a high round ciborium, surmounted by a cross. A vessel of three compartments could be drawn out of it : the upper one contained several little vessels which held the Holy Oils ; the second, several consecrated Hosts ; the lowest one, a flagon made of shining mother-of-pearl in which there was, I think, some wine.


Near the church was a cloister of pious virgins. On one side of the church stood a small house occupied by a very devout virgin named Eva. There was in her room a little window with a slide through which, day or night, she could see the Blessed Sacrament on the high altar. That she was very devout to It, I could perceive by all her movements.


She was dressed respectably, not exactly like a nun, but more like a pilgrim. She did not belong to the city. She was of good family, and had moved there only through devotion, to be able to live near the church. In the neighborhood of this city, I saw a convent on a mountain, not built in the usual conventual style, but several small houses joined together.


One of the religious was Blessed Juliana who had been instrumental in the institution of the Feast of Corpus Christi. I saw her walking in the garden dressed in the gray habit of her Order. She seemed to be full of sweet simplicity and often paused in contemplation before the flowers.


On one occasion I saw her kneeling near a lily meditating on the virtue of purity, and I also saw her in prayer when she received the command to introduce the Feast of Corpus Christi. It gave her great anxiety, and I saw that another spiritual director was shown her to whom she was to make known the revelation, since the first one had paid no heed to her.


Whilst she was in prayer, I saw in the distance a Pope likewise engaged, and near him the number IV. Urged by a vision and in consequence of a certain favor some one had received from the Blessed Sacrament, he resolved to establish the feast in the Church.

当她在祈祷时,我看到远处有一位教宗同样地也在参与设立圣体圣血瞻礼了,而在他附近有个数字(译者注: 圣体圣血节是由教宗乌尔巴诺四世于1264年建立的)教宗由于一个异象以及某人从圣体中得到了某种恩惠,他决定在圣教会里设立这个瞻礼庆日。

Between these two pictures, I found myself again in the church before the Blessed Sacrament. I saw come forth from It first a shining finger, then a hand, and lastly, there stood before me a youth resplendent with light and covered with pearls. He said : 'Behold these pearls ! Not one is lost, and all may gather them.’  The whole world was illumined by the rays that shot from the glorious youth.


Then I poured out my soul in thanksgiving for I knew by this picture that the Blessed Sacrament with all Its graces has, at length, become an object of special devotion among the faithful.


 “Toward midday I beheld on the horizon over a lovely, fertile plain, five broad, luminous bands, like the sun in color and brilliancy, which united to form a dome overhead. They came from five great, distant cities like the bands of a rainbow in the blue sky. On the dome in indescribable splendor, was enthorned the most Blessed Sacrament in a richly adorned monstrance.


Above and below the five arches hovered myriads of angels going to and fro between the cities and the Blessed Sacrament. The pomp attending this picture, the devotion and consolation it inspired, I can-not express…… "


June 17th — " As I was fainting with desire for the Blessed Sacrament, a dying religious was shown me (Juliana Falconieri). She could not always receive Holy Communion, on account of her frequent vomiting. But to console her, the priest used to lay the Host upon her breast in a corporal, and this relieved her greatly.

6 月 17 日——当我因对圣体的渴望而昏厥时,一位临终的修女出现在我面前(儒利亚纳·法尔科涅里)。由于儒利亚纳经常呕吐,她不能经常领受圣体。但为了安慰她,神父过去常常将圣体放在圣体布里铺在她的胸前,这让她大大地得到了安慰。

As her death drew near, they brought the Most Blessed Sacrament to her, and she begged to have It laid upon her breast in a little linen cloth, instead of the stiff corporal. The priest did as she requested, the nuns kneeling around her bed, I saw the dying sister smile sweetly; her countenance became lovely, rosy, and radiant — and she was dead !


The priest stooped to remove the Host, but the linen was empty — the Sacred Host had entered her breast leaving the mark of a circle in which was a red cross with the Saviour's figure. I saw crowds flocking to witness the miracle. I longed for a similar favor, but it will not be granted."


 “I saw a little chapel standing on a vine whose branches encircled and even entered it. In the centre was a shoot on which stood Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, and around them in prayer were all the saints who had been marked with the stigmata. One among them was conspicuous, a tertiary of the Order of St. Dominic, named Osiana. She did not live in a convent ; she lived at home.


" I saw a little person whom I heard called Maria of Oignies. She lived not far from Liege, Juliana's city, which I could see at no great distance. At first I saw a man with her. I knew not before that she was married. She lay at night on the bare boards. Later on I saw her in another place, where the houses were crowded together, and here she served the sick.


Then I saw her in another place kneeling all alone at night before the Blessed Sacrament in a church. Again, I saw her lying ill a long time. Those around her were unable to understand her singular malady with its frequent changes, and they scoffed at her abstinence from food.


It was shown me how much she had suffered for others, how many poor souls she had helped ; and then I saw for my own consolation, a picture of her glory in heaven. The Church has always had such members.”


June 18th — St. Ignatius consoles and assists Sister Emmerich : —"During my last great sufferings, I had by me the relic which Dean Overberg sent me. All at once, it became brilliant and, as I prayed to know what relic it was, I saw a resplendent figure surrounded by a white aureola, descending toward me from on high.

6 月 18 日——圣依纳爵安慰并帮助艾曼丽修女:——在我最后一次极度痛苦的时候,我随身带着奥弗伯格院长送给我的圣髑。突然间,圣髑变得明亮起来,当我祈祷着要知道这是谁的圣髑时 ,我看到一个被白色光环环绕的光辉的身影从高处向我降来。

The light issuing from the relic united, as usual, with that from the apparition, and I heard interiorly these words : ‘That is one of my bones. I am Ignatius!' After that I had a long night of horrible torture, of expiatory sufferings. It was as if a knife were being slowly buried in my breast and then turned round and round on all sides, and my wounds pained so intensely that I could not repress my groans and complaints.


I cried to our Lord for mercy. I begged Him not to let me suffer beyond my strength, for I feared I should yield to impatience. I gained by my prayers an apparition of Our Lord, under the form of a youth, my Spouse, and I was inexpressibly consoled. In a few words, which I cannot repeat precisely He said : — 'I have placed thee on My nuptial couch of pain. I have lavished upon thee the graces of suffering, the treasures of atonement, and the jewels of good works. Thou must suffer, but I shall not abandon thee. Thou art bound to the vine, thou wilt not be lost.'


— In such words as these the Saviour consoled me, and I suffered patiently and quietly the rest of the night. Toward morning I had another vision of St. Ignatius. I saw his relic shining. I invoked the dear saint, whom I now knew, and clasped his relic lovingly and reverently. I called to him through the sweet  Heart of Jesus.


He immediately came as before, the two lights uniting, and again I heard the words : ‘That is my bone!’— He consoled me, telling me that he had received everything from Jesus. He promised to stand my friend, to assist me in my labors, to relieve me in my pains, and he bade me make the usual devotions in his honor during the following month. Then he arose in the air and vanished, after which I saw some scenes of his life.


" I thought that I lay on a little bed at the entrance of a church whose choir was shut off by a grating. There were some people in the church, but not many. In the choir were about twelve of St. Ignatius's companions, among whom I recognized Francis Xavier and Favre. It seemed as if they were about to start on a journey.


They were not all priests. They wore a habit something like that of St. Ignatius, but not exactly like it. It was very early, and still quite dark ; the candles were burning on the altar. St. Ignatius, not entirely vested for Mass, a stole around his neck, and attended by another who carried the holy water, passed down the church among his companions and gave the blessing with the asperges. I, too, prepared to receive it.


He came, indeed, to my little bed and sprinkled me abundantly. At the same instant I experienced a sensation of sweet relief throughout my whole being. Returning to the sacristy, he came forth again in full vestments and went to the altar for Mass, during which a flame suddenly appeared over his head.


One of the twelve ran with outstretched arms to his assistance ; but, when he saw his countenance all on fire, he respectfully retired. Then, when Mass was over, I saw the saint led from the altar by his companions. He was bathed in tears and so agitated as to be unable to walk. His Mass usually lasted an hour, much longer than our ordinary Masses.

十二个人中的一个伸出双臂跑去帮助他。但是,当他看到依纳爵脸象着了火似的,他就恭敬地退了下去。弥撒结束后,我看见圣人由他的同伴领着走下祭台。他泪流满面,激动得无法行走。 他的弥撒通常持续一个小时,比我们平常的弥撒时间要长得多。

“After that I saw the men whom I had before seen in the maritime city, introduced to the Pope. He was in a large hall seated on a magnificent chair before a table covered with papers and writing materials. The Pope wore a short cloak ; I think it was red. I know for certain that he wore a red skull-cap. At the door were standing several ecclesiastics.


The companions of Ignatius entered. They knelt before the Pope, and one spoke in the name of all. I do not remember distinctly whether Ignatius was there or not. The Pope blessed them and gave them some papers. Then I saw some other pictures of the saint's life. I saw him make so earnest a confession of his past life to a bad priest , that the latter burst into tears quite converted.


Again, I saw him whilst on a journey, suddenly leave his companions and go to a house in which dwelt a bad man, a slave to his passions. I saw the latter trying to elude the saint who, however, caught him. Falling on his knees before him, he embraced him and implored him to think of his salvation. The man was converted and followed him.


I saw the saint in a beggar's garb, journeying alone through a gloomy, mountainous district, and the devil lying in wait for him under the form of a dragon with a thin body and a great, crispy head. Ignatius drove his stick into its neck from which there immediately issued fire. He then pinned him down firmly with a stake, took up his stick, and coolly went on his way.”


That evening the Pilgrim found the invalid reciting in a low voice and without a book the Office of St. Ignatius in Latin. When finished, she related what follows : — " I received from Ignatius such comfort and kindness, I saw him so penetrated with ardent love for Jesus, that I turned earnestly and reverently toward him, and his apparition descended from on high in a beam of light, the most holy name of Jesus shining in his heart like a sun.


Then I wanted to make some devotions in his honor, when lo ! words and antiphons streamed toward me from him, and I found great sweetness in this gift of prayer." She concluded her devotions with the prayer: “Oratio recitanda ante imaginem Sancti Ignatii. A prayer to be recited before the image of St. Ignatius." The following night St. Ignatius again appeared to her and strengthened her to endure her pains. Next day she related the following vision to the Pilgrim : —

然后我想为光荣他做一些虔诚的敬礼,看!立时祈祷词和对经向我涌来,我从这份祈祷的礼物中找到了极大的安慰她以祷结束了她的敬礼Oratio recitanda ante imaginem Sancti Ignatii (在圣依纳爵圣像前诵读的祷文)。第二天晚上,圣依纳爵再次出现在她面前,并增强了她忍受痛苦的力量。第二天,她向朝圣者讲述了以下神视:-

" I saw Ignatius and Xavier and their intimate union of heart in Jesus Christ. I saw them shedding around consolation and relief whilst they instructed and served the sick and incurable. As I contemplated their powerful and efficacious action among the people, my heart turned to them with the words :


—'If during your life as frail creatures, you so loved and served in the strength God gave you, O how much more efficacious must be your influence now that you revel in light and love ! See, here are your sacred relics which once labored so much for your fellow-men ! O help us still ! Work, pour around grace, O ye perfect vessels of the fountain of grace !’


— Then all things earthly vanished, and I saw the two saints in heaven standing together in St. Ignatius's aureola was perfectly white; Xavier's of a rosy tinge, something like the glory of a martyr. And whilst I gazed upon them, whilst life and light streamed down upon me from them, my soul rose up and gave back as it were in heart-felt, earnest prayer the light and love God shed upon me through them.


Just as I received yesterday the prayer to Ignatius, so to-day words of love and joy flowed into my soul, and I called all creatures to praise and to invoke ; my heart swelled and poured itself out in jubilation. I praised and prayed through all the choirs of the blessed, and the whole heavenly court was set in motion.

就像我昨天收到向依纳爵的祈祷文一样,今天,爱和喜悦的话语也涌进了我的灵魂,我呼吁所有的受造物来赞美和祈求;我的心在欢呼中澎湃 我通过所有真福的歌咏团赞美和祈祷,整个天庭都开始赞美和祈祷了。

My prayer went up to God through Our Lord Jesus Christ, to Christ through His holy Mother, to the holy Mother through all the saints, and to all the saints through Ignatius and Xavier. It seemed as if I knew exactly what flowers and fruits, what perfumes, what colors, what precious stones and pearls were the purest, the most agreeable to my God ; as if from the inexhaustible abundance of these treasures, I had lovingly made and presented to Him a crown, a pyramid, a throne ; and as if all precious things streamed down to me in the light from the two saints. ''


— (That afternoon the Pilgrim having read to her an old canticle of Sts. Ignatius and Xavier, in which all creatures are invited to praise them, she exclaimed : “That's it! That is just the way I prayed to them ! ")


 “In this jubilee of prayer and praise and supplication, the vision continued to unfold before my soul ; but with this change, I went with the two saints into the Heavenly Jerusalem. What words can describe the joy, the bliss,the splendor that I there beheld !



It was not as when I saw it before with its walls and gates, a city seated on the summit of the mountain of life; but it was an immense world of light and splendor, the streets stretching far and wide in all directions, and all in perfect regularity, order, harmony, and unending love. High up, over the centre of the city, in light incomprehensible, I see the Most Holy Trinity and the twenty- four ancients, and below in a world of glory, the angelic host.


I see the saints in their different ranks, bands, and hierarchies, all in their own palaces, on their own thrones, and in their various relations. They with whom I am more particularly connected , whom I honor most frequently, whose relics I have, are more distinct to me, or rather I am nearer to them, and they introduce me to the others.


— I have seen, also, their wonderful influence. When I invoked them, they turned to the Most Holy Trinity from whom streamed rays if light upon them ; then they went to some marvellous trees and bushes that stood between the palaces, and gathered fruit, dew, and honey which they sent down upon the earth.


I saw the part the angels play. They are swift as lightning, passing quickly to and fro, carrying blessings down to earth and, as it were, multiplying them. I saw Ignatius and Xavier scattering graces over my own land, chiefly on those for whom I had prayed, and sending quantities of dew and honey into far-off countries.

我看到了天神扮演的角色。他们快如闪电,来去迅速, 将祝福带到人间,好像是在使祝福倍增。我看见圣依纳爵和圣沙勿略,在我自己的国土上,主要是在我为之祈祷的人身上,撒下恩宠,又将许多甘露和蜂蜜送到遥远的国家。

I saw in separate pictures sufferers relieved and becoming fervent ; people suddenly converted and changing their life ; in dark, distant countries light shining out and increasing in brilliancy, and holy souls praying in its brightness. I saw that the saints do indeed dispense graces everywhere, but more especially where their relics repose and where they are invoked. These relics shine with the same light and color as the saints themselves ; they always appear as a part of themselves.


 “I saw many holy men around Ignatius : Francis Borgia, Charles Borromeo, Aloysius, Stanislaus Kostka, Francis Regis, and numerous others. I saw him, also,” she said, pointing to some one who seemed to appear at the moment. The Pilgrim thought, at first, that she meant St. Francis of Assisi, but it was St. Francis de Sales whom she beheld before her attracted by his relic lying near (1). "


(1) " She was in ecstasy, her eyes wide open, and forgetful of our blindness to the spirit world, she spoke to us, as if we could see what she herself saw."---( Brentano's Notes).

(注:1) 艾曼丽修女在神魂超拔中,睁大眼睛,忘记了我们对属世界的盲目,她对我们说话,好像我们可以看到她自己看到的一样。---(布伦塔诺的笔记)。

I saw him not with Ignatius but in a choir of Bishops. I saw multitudes whom I knew, and I drew near many of them by prayer. At first, I dared look only at Ignatius, the others I saw from a distance ; but all were so kind and good that after awhile I ventured to go around among them.


“The streets were paved with pearls in all shapes and figures, and some of them also with stars. I thought in my simplicity (for it was stupid nature thinking) : ‘Look ! there are the stars that we see above the earth!’— I saw, too, Augustine and his whole Order, and Bishop Ludger with a church in his hand as he is usually represented, and many others with their various insignia, some of whom I recognized, among them St. Joachim and St. Anne.


I was quite sure about the last-named, as this is Tuesday, the day on which I always honor holy Mother Anne. Both held a green branch and, as I knew not what it signified, I was given to understand that it was a sign of their ardent desire for the advent of the Messiah who was to spring from them according to the flesh. Then I had visions of their ardent desires, their prayer, mortification, and penance.


 “The whole night I was consoled in the midst of my pains by these contemplations. I cannot repeat all the magnificent things I saw, nor their truth and clearness. The figures were not thrown together at random, but they formed one grand whole — one explained another, lived and loved in the other. During this vision my heart beat with joy, my lips sang canticles of praise."

整整一夜,我在痛苦得到了这些默观的安慰。我无法重复我所看到的所有壮丽的景象,也无法复述它们的真实性和清晰性。 这些图像不是随意拼凑在一起的,而是形成了一个宏大的整体——一个解释另一个,一个在另一个里面生活和相爱。看到这一幕,我的心因喜悦而跳动,我的唇舌唱出赞美的颂歌。」

Whilst relating the above, Sister Emmerich, though lying in death- like exhaustion, was full of joyful emotion, and tears flowed down her cheeks.


June 21st — The Pilgrim found her to-day, as the confessor also thought her, nigh unto death, but full of gladness at the remembrance of her last night's vision. She had assisted in spirit at the celebration of the Feast of St. Aloysius : " I was at a grand spiritual festival, a great solemnity with numerous processions : maidens in white with lilies in their hands carried the Mother of God on a throne, and then came St. Aloysius borne by youths also in white.


The saint wore over his black habit a white surplice with golden fringe and like his companions, he bore a lily in his hand. There were a great many white banners with gold fringe.


" Aloysius sat on a throne above the altar, and above him again was enthroned the Mother of God to whom he was espoused. The upper part of the church was filled with the heavenly choirs, and around Aloysius were Ignatius, Xavier, Borgia, Borromeo, Stanislaus, Regis, and numbers of other holy Jesuits.

圣类斯坐在祭坛上方的宝座上,他的上方又坐着他所敬仰的天主之母的宝座。教堂的上半部分坐满了天上的歌咏团,在圣类斯周围有圣依纳爵、圣沙勿略、圣博吉亚、圣博日亚 、圣鲍荣茂、圣达义、圣里吉斯(刘格来)和其他圣洁的耶稣会士。

Higher up were crowds of other holy religious, and there were countless souls of youths, maidens, and children who by following the example of Aloysius had found favor with the Lord. Only the blessed were in the church.


" When Aloysius had been honored with garlands, crowns, etc., he in his turn honored those who had paid him homage ; for such is the custom at these feasts — the honored one becomes the servant. I cannot describe the splendor of the scene ; it was the feast of chastity and innocence, of humility and love. — Then I saw the saint's life.

当圣类斯被授予花环、王冠等荣誉时,他反过来向那些向他致敬的人表示敬意;因为这就是这些瞻礼的习俗——受光荣的人成为仆人。我无法形容那场面的壮丽; 这是贞洁和纯真、谦卑和爱的盛宴。——然后我看到了圣人的生活。

I saw him still a little boy alone in a large hall whose walls were hung with all kinds of armor, among which was a knapsack. The child seemed to be attracted by it. He unbuckled it, took out a large box which appeared to contain firearms, and carried it away with him. But soon he was seized with remorse. He returned weeping bitterly, and replaced it in the knapsack.


He was full of repentance for the theft. Then I saw a tall female enter the hall, go to the child who was leaning against the wall under the knapsack, and try to comfort him. She led him still weeping to his parents who were in a beautiful room, and he confessed his fault with many tears.


— I saw him afterward entrusted to a man who was always with him. — I saw him whilst still a child sick in bed for a long time, but so patient that all the servants loved him. I saw them carrying him around in their arms and, in spite of his fever and sufferings, he always smiled on them sweetly.


— I saw him in another very grand house. He was always a gentle, earnest boy. Again, I saw him sitting in the midst of ecclesiastics, speaking to them gravely whilst they listened in deep attention, highly edified at his words. They seemed to be preparing him for Holy Communion but, enlightened by God, the pupil taught his masters.


He was filled with wonderful devotion and intense desire for the Holy Eucharist. Wherever he was, wherever he went, he always turned toward the Blessed Sacrament in some church. He often drew on the wall of his room a chalice with a Host or a monstrance, before which he prayed with inexpressible devotion, quickly effacing it on the approach of any one.


It reminded me of St. Barbara whom I had seen doing the same in her prison. I saw him afterward in a church receiving Holy Communion, the Sacred Host shining before him and, as it were, flying into his mouth. Then I saw him in the convent, his cell so small as to admit of no furniture but a bed.


I often beheld him radiant with light when he disciplined himself and prayed. It was told me that his greatest sin had been a distraction for the space of an Ave Maria at the end of a prayer which had lasted all day. Aloysius's companions loved him very much. They used to follow him to the door of his cell which, however, he would never allow them to enter for fear of their praising his poverty.


I always saw him, even in infancy, with his eyes lowered. He never looked any woman in the face. It was no affectation in him, but an act of self-renunciation which guarded his purity. — Through God's grace I never knew that necessity, and I often wonder when I read such things in the saints’  lives." —Sister Emmerich wept when the Pilgrim told her that St. Aloysius's father had tried to prevent his entrance into religion.

我总是看见圣类斯低垂着眼睛,甚至在他婴儿时期,他从不正视任何女人的脸。这不是矫揉造作,而是一种自我克制的行为,从而保护了他的纯洁。——靠着天主的恩宠,我从来不知道这种克制必要性,当我在圣人的生平中读到这类的事情,我常感到惊讶。—— 当朝圣者告诉艾曼丽修女,圣类斯的父亲试图阻止他进入修会时,艾曼丽修女哭了。







真福儒利亚纳(Bl. Juliana of Mount Cornillon)








圣方济博日亚(St. Francis Borgia ),1510年在西班牙,瓦伦西里王国刚地亚出生,是博日亚公爵若望的长子,在他表兄皇帝嘉禄五世的宫廷,接受完整的教育。 





圣达义葛斯加修士 (11 月 13 日)

   圣达义(或达尼老,St. Stanislaus Kostka),1550年生于波兰贵族之家,1564年在维也纳耶稣会院研读古典文学,他蒙圣母召叫加入耶稣会。预期父亲的反对,1567年潜离维也纳,徒步前往德国,在该地见圣伯铎嘉尼修,得到指示转往罗马,蒙圣方济博日亚准许进入初学院。嘉尼修的推荐信上称扬这个青年:「我们对他寄予厚望」。1568年8月15日,年十八岁,逝世于罗马,1726年被列入圣品,虽然年纪轻,却以慷慨的心及成全的圣德,受人怀念。



  刘格来神父(François-Régis Clet,1748年8月19日出生于法国伊泽尔省格勒诺布尔,1820年2月18日逝世于中国武昌)是一位中华殉道圣人.[1]




  圣嘉禄鲍荣茂主教圣嘉禄·鲍荣茂(拉丁语:Sanctus Carolus Borromeus;义大利语:Santo Carlo Borromeo;1538年-1584年)是文艺复兴时期欧洲神学家及罗马天主教会枢机。[1]他于1610年被封为圣人。他是教宗庇护四世的侄子枢机,1560年至1565年担任国务卿,他帮助改革教会音乐,曾主持部分特伦托会议。作为米兰总教区总主教,他执行严格的《特伦托教令》,拆除了一些米兰主教座堂的装饰。他还改革宗教教团,迫害女巫和其他异端。文艺复兴时期著名的作曲家卡洛·杰苏阿尔多是他的外甥



圣类思·公撒格(义大利语:Luigi Gonzaga;1568年3月9日-1591年6月21日),又作圣内思。他是意大利贵族公撒格家族出身的耶稣会会士。


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