真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
039.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第35章 朝圣者再次回来 —— 谣传新的调查
039.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第35章 朝圣者再次回来 —— 谣传新的调查
浏览次数:1847 更新时间:2024-4-14


The Pilgrim's Return. — Rumors of a New Investigation.


朝圣者再次回来 —— 谣传新的调查

To leave Diilmen was very painful to the Pilgrim, but Sister Emmerich's kind words reconciled him. " We shall meet again,” she said. "You will again taste many consolations and write many things here at my bedside. I would have died long ago, if I had not a special mission to fulfil through you." Father Limberg also had given him the assurance of a kindly reception on his return which, however, was not to be at too early a date and only to be countenanced on the condition that he would not impose his presence on the invalid in such a way as to exclude all others. The good Father, nevertheless, shared the sentiments of the old Abbe and Dr. Wesener. 


He would have been well satisfied never to have seen Mr. Brentano again, for all knew that, in spite of his protestations, a repetition of the last three months' scenes might lawfully be expected. Such considerations, however, weighed little against the invalid's own conviction that the Pilgrim was destined to the perfect accomplishment of her mission. He, on his side, suspected not how painful it was to her to authorize his return, or what she suffered on his account. On Dec. 21, 1818, he had written the following : —

要是能永远不再见到布伦塔诺先生,林堡神父会很满意,因为所有人都知道,尽管布伦塔诺先生一再表示,但过去三个月的情景还是会重演的,然而,这些顾虑并没有影响艾曼丽修女的信念,即朝圣者注定会完美地完成使命。在布伦塔诺这边,他不知道批准他回来对艾曼丽来说有多痛苦,也不知道艾曼丽因为他而受了多少苦。1818 年 12 月 21 日,布伦塔诺写道:

" She was very much exhausted this morning from cutting out and making up clothes for poor children, but she bore my questioning with inexpressible patience. She was weak and feverish, and answered with an effort. She asked me afterward if she had not repeated the same thing several times. I did not, at first, remark her great exhaustion. I begged pardon whenever I put a question, to which she invariably replied, l It is nothing ! — ' " The Pilgrim, unaccustomed to self-control, could pass from the most joyous mood to one of profound melancholy at the slightest contradiction of his wishes or plans. At such moments the invalid would try to calm him with words like the following : —

「今天上午,因为给穷孩子剪裁和缝制衣服,她已经非常疲惫,但她还是以难以形容的耐心接受我的提问。她身体虚弱,发着高烧,回答得很吃力。事后她问我,她是不是重复了好几遍同样的话。起初,我并没有注意到她非常疲惫。每当我提出问题时,都请她原谅,她总是回答『没什么 ——』」朝圣者不习惯于自我控制,只要与他的愿望或计划稍有违背,他就会从最愉快的情绪转为极度的忧郁。 在这种时候,病人会设法用这样的话安慰他:—

 Never yet have I confided so much to any one as to you. I have never spoken so freely to any one before, but I have been ordered to do so." Persuaded that no one understood her as well as he did himself, he was too much inclined to attribute her confidence to his own personal influence, and on that account he felt justified in wishing to remove from her vicinity all that could annoy her. Scarcely had he returned to Berlin than he began to take measures for re-establishing himself by the invalid as soon as possible, and to this effect he wrote to Diilmen. The impression produced upon the Abbe Lambert by the news would be difficult to describe. He implored Sister Emmerich with tears to forbid the return of so importunate a guest.


She could hardly calm the old priest, usually so gentle and indulgent, but now more persistent in his request as he was supported by Dr. Wesener. Both thought her life drawing toward its close, and wished not to be deprived of the consolation they experienced in their intercourse with her by an intruder, for such they deemed the Pilgrim. His intellectual superiority crushed them, they felt that he thought them incapable of appreciating her high privileges.


Various circumstances combined to aggravate the Abbe's uneasiness : the Pilgrim's stay at Diilmen had already attracted attention throughout Miinster, and he had also aroused suspicion by his inconsiderate freedom of speech ; in Diilmen itself it was not understood how he, a perfect stranger, could gain so easy and continual access to the invalid ; the most contradictory surmises were circulated on the subject, and it was only his charity to the poor, his piety, and his simplicity of life that disarmed the malevolent. The Abbe also dreaded a new investigation, and not without reason ; for, by means of the Pilgrim, the report was spread in Minister that since Christmas, 1818, a change had taken place in the bleeding of her wounds. On Dec. 6th, Sister Emmerich said whilst in ecstasy : “My guide hast said to me : ‘If thy wounds are withdrawn from thee, thou shalt suffer greater pains. Tell this to thy confessor, and do what he says.' I replied : ' Ah ! I would rather have the sufferings than the wounds ! I am so afraid, I am so ashamed !’ "

种种情况加在一起,加剧了兰伯特神父的不安:朝圣者在杜尔门的逗留已经引起了整个明斯特的关注,他不加考虑的言论自由也引起了人们的猜疑;在杜尔门,人们不理解,他这个完全陌生的人,如何能够如此轻易和不断地接近病人;在这个话题上,人们流传着各种自相矛盾的猜测,只有他对穷人的仁慈、他的虔诚和他的简朴生活,使那些心怀不轨的人解除了恶意的猜测。兰伯特神父也害怕进行新的调查,这不是没有理由的。因为,通过朝圣者,报告在明斯特流传,自 1818 年圣诞节以来,她的伤口流血情况发生了变化。12 月 6 日,艾曼丽修女在神魂超拔中说「我的护守天神对我说『如果将你的圣伤从你身上收回,你会遭受更大的痛苦。告诉你的神师,并按照他说的去做。』我回答说:『啊!我宁愿受苦也不愿要圣伤!我好害怕,好惭愧!』」

On the 23d, Dr. Wesener records the following : —

 I have visited her every day since the end of October, but I find no change, nothing new in her physical condition. In the early part of November, we moved her into the little room next the one she was then occupying. This caused some confusion and bustle and gave us a fresh proof of her weakness and nervousness. She was quite overcome, began to vomit, and lay in this state for two weeks. Her hands and feet bled as usual on Fridays, her head all the time." From Friday, Dec. 25th, he made the following entries: —

在 12月23日,韦塞纳医生记录了以下内容:「从10月底开始,我每天都去探望艾曼丽,但我发现她没有任何变化,她的身体状况也没有任何新的。 11 月初,我们把她搬到了她当时住的房间隔壁的小房间里。这引起了一些混乱和喧闹,并为我们提供了她病弱和紧张的新证据。她很受打击,开始呕吐,在这种状态下躺了两周。瞻礼六(周五),她的手脚像往常一样流血,她的头一直流血。」从 12 月 25 日瞻礼六开始,韦塞纳医生做了以下记录:

" To-day, Christmas, her head, the cross on her breast, and the wounds in her side have bled more freely than for along time ; but the skin around the wounds of her hands and feet is white and dry, the crusts of a clear brown." Dec. 28th — The crusts fell from her hands and feet. There appeared on the upper part of both a long transparent mark ; and on the opposite surface is a slight induration also of an oblong form. The pain has increased instead of diminishing.

"Friday, Jan. 1st — The wounds of her head and side bled as usual, but not those of her hands and feet.



1 月 1 日,瞻礼六(周五)——她头部和肋旁的伤口像往常一样流血,但手脚的伤口没有流血。

"Good-Friday, April 9th — The invalid has lain for a week in a state of inexpressible suffering. To the tortures of her stigmata are added bronchial catarrh and cough, pains in the throat and breast. The wounds of her hands and feet reopened to-day. I found them bleeding this morning at ten o'clock. Sister Emmerich showed them to me sadly and begged me to say nothing about it The following Friday her hands and feet remained as they have been since Christmas, the wounds closed. "


As soon as the report was spread in Miinster that her hands and feet had ceased to bleed, the Prussian authorities thought it an opportune moment for executing a project of long standing : namely, that of taking the stigmatisee of Dulmen under their own immediate jurisdiction.


Dr. Wesener says : "Feb. 18th — Sister Emmerich sent for me to-day to advise her on the introduction of two persons : Dr. Rave, of Ramsdorf, and Vicar Roseri, who had arrived with an order from the Chief President von Vinke to inquire into her present state. I advised her to admit them. They called on me that afternoon to inquire about the effusions of blood and many other particulars. I saw that Dr. Rave suspects fraud and that he is resolved to discover it. I begged him to wait until next day when he might witness the bleeding of her wounds for himself.

韦塞纳医生说:「2 月 18 日——艾曼丽修女今天捎信给我,希望我就介绍前来的两个人向她提出建议:拉姆斯多夫的拉夫医生和罗塞里神父,他们是带着冯.文克总主教的命令来到这里,询问艾曼丽目前的状况。我建议艾曼丽容许他们来访。当天下午他们就来找我,询问伤口流血的情况和许多其他细节。我看出拉夫医生怀疑这是欺诈,并决心查明真相。我恳求他等到第二天,亲眼目睹她伤口流血的过程。

" Friday, Feb. 19th — The two visitors wearied the invalid all the morning with questions on matters well-known to the public. Instead of waiting until her wounds bled, they left about noon. Toward three o'clock, the cross and her head bled, but not the wound of her side. I sent her head-dress stained with blood to Dean Overberg by Father Limberg, after having shown it to the burgomaster Mr. Moellmann. Roseri belongs to the so-called Illuminati (1) but he went away with changed sentiments. It seems as if God touched his heart (2). Rave, the physician, is a worlding, another Bodde ; one could read in his eyes his suspicion of imposture.

「2 月 19 日,瞻礼六(周五)——整个上午这两个来访者都在询问公众熟知的问题,把病人弄得疲惫不堪。他们没有等到她的伤口流血,而是在中午时分离开了。快三点了,十字架印痕和她的头流血了,但她肋旁的伤口没有流血。我把她那沾满鲜血的头饰给市长莫尔曼先生看了之后,通过林堡神父送到了奥弗伯格总铎那里。但罗塞里神父属于所谓的光明会(1),他带着复杂的情绪离开了,似乎天主触动了他的心灵(2)。拉夫医生是个世俗人,是另一个“布迪”;人们从他的眼中就可以看出他怀疑这是骗局。

He found fault with me for not having kept the crusts from her hands and feet. 'When one has the grain.’ said I ,’he throws away the husk. Now that I understand the most striking features of the case, unimportant details do not interest me' — but Rave could not comprehend my meaning, A few days before this visit the Abbe Lambert had been called upon to present his papers of nationality to the burgomaster. The order was from the Chief-President and was couched in the following terms : ' I have been apprised that there is now at Diilmen a French emigre, a priest, whose position is rather doubtful' — Fancy how such reports must affect the poor invalid and the old Abbe ! Idle tales and calumnies are rife on all sides; but Sister Emmerich confides in God, and we, her friends, rejoice to suffer for Christ and the truth !"


As Dr. Rave, besides his official statement, had circulated a (3) letter containing his own private opinion the subject very unfavorable to Sister Emmerich ; as he revived the former attacks of Bodde, and threatened to stir up fresh storms, Dr. Wesener thought it high time to come forward in defence of the innocent, by a memorial addressed to the Chief- President of Minister. But Sister Emmerich was opposed to such a step. She asked Dean Overberg's advice. He replied as follows :


 (1) Letter of Dr. Wesener to the Pilgrim.


 (2) The doctor was woefully deceived In Roseri, as the sequel will show. The invalid received information in vision concerning him and his clique. “I saw Rave full of malice, calumniating me. even against his own conviction, in order to please the followers of the Eagle" (the Prussian government.) " I thought Roseri changed, but he is essentially false and he acts at random. I said to myself : How can such a priest help souls ?— and I received the answer : ‘He helps as few as the Good Book does among the separated. He has no benediction in himself, but he can distribute the Church's goods without possessing them himself.'- I saw the government of the Eagle badly administered In this part of the country. The-Chief-President has a noble heart, he means well, but he has bad counsellors. If he came to see me himself, I doubt not that I would be able to gain his good judgment to the truth."-

(2) 拉夫医生被罗塞里神父可悲地欺骗了,正如结果所展示的那样。病人在神视中收到了关于罗塞里神父和他所在的光明会的信息。「我看到拉夫医生满怀恶意,甚至违背自已的信念诽谤我。为了取悦“鹰派”的追随者(指普鲁士政府)」 「我以为罗塞里变了,但他本质上是虚伪的,而且行为随意我对自已说: 这样一位司铎怎么能帮助灵魂呢?我得到的答复是:他对失散者的帮助就像《好书》对失散者的帮助一样少。在他内没有祝福。但他可以分配教会的宝藏自己并未拥有它们。』我看到在这片土地上鹰政府管理得很糟糕。最高行政长官有一颗高尚的心,他的本意是好的,但他的顾问却很糟糕。如果他亲自来见我,我相信我一定能让他对事实真相做出正确的判断。」

注:《好书》整本书的编排结构与圣经相似。 它分为十四卷(创世记、智慧、比喻、协和、哀歌、安慰、圣人、诗歌、历史、箴言、立法者、使徒行传、书信和善)。 每本书分为短章,每章又分为编号的节,以便章和节可以数字引用。——维基百科

(3) The Landrath Beenninghausen, of whom we shall hereafter speak more at length, acknowledged that Dr, Rave, besides his protocol, had privately written to Dr. Borges, at Minmster, expressing his own views with a little more freedom"

(3) 兰德拉斯.本宁豪森(我们将在下文中更详细地谈到他),他承认,除他的官方记录外,拉夫医生还私下写信给明斯特的博尔赫斯医生,更自由地表达了他自己的观点.。

" How much I have wished to visit my dear friends at Diilmen, among whom you hold not the last place ! But such is not the will of God. Sickness and other obstacles prevent. I would like to lay before you my reasons against writing to the Chief-President, but not now, not till I can do so by word of mouth. Neither do I advise you to have the declaration forwarded to me inserted in the journals. Every response is specie payment. We must not buy lead, or what is even of less value, with pure gold. It is written : ‘Cast not holy things to the dogs, nor pearls to swine. ‘ I desire to compare no man to dogs or swine. But there must be some deserving of such comparison, else the Saviour, the infinitely wise Son of God, would never have given us this warning .... Nothing is so consoling and delightful as to suffer something with Christ ! But why attach so much importance to Bodde's pamphlet? why see in it so formidable an attack ? I have heard many persons declare that it betrays its spirit too openly to find supporters, it cannot do the least harm."

「我多么想去拜访我在杜尔门的亲爱的朋友们,你在他们中间并不是最后一个!但这并不是天主的旨意。疾病和其它障碍阻止了我。我想向你陈述我反对写信给首席总长的理由,但不是现在,要等到我可以通过亲口讲述才行。我也不建议你将转交给我的声明刊登在期刊上。每一个回应都得付出真实的代价。我们绝不能用纯金购买铅或价值更低的东西。经上写着:『不要把圣物丢给狗,不要把珍珠丢给猪。』我不想把任何人比作狗或猪。但一定有些人配得这样比较,否则救主,无限智慧的天主之子,绝不会给我们这个警告……,没有什么比与基督一起受苦更令人安慰和愉快的了!但为什么要如此重视“布迪”的小册子?为什么要把它看作是这么可怕的攻击?我听到很多人说,这本“布迪小册子”过于公开地背叛了作者的良心,以至于找不到支持者,但“布迪小册子”对我不会造成丝毫伤害。 」

注腳:(Bodde 布迪,亦即‘B 教授’

1.在 29, 30, 31, 33 章中曾以Prof. B, 提到

2.在 33, 35, 37, 38 章中以Bodde or Prof. Bodde提到

3.Bodde's pamphlet“布迪小册子”? 在33 章中提到:“eighteen months later, when Prof. B published his calumnies accusing her…”(十八个月后,当 B 教授发表诽谤,指责艾曼丽修女欺骗和将教会调查视为蹩脚的事情时)

When Dr. Wesener declared later on that these public attacks ought to be met and refuted for the sake of those concerned, the invalid gravely replied : “Ah ! ye good people, I thank you for the interest you take in me. But I must say that one thing in all of you, without exception, afflicts me : that is, that you treat the case with presumption and selfishness and, consequently, with bitterness. Whilst defending the truth, you wish also to defend your own opinion, your own reputation! You combat not the lie only, but also those who contradict you ; in a word, you seek yourselves and not the glory of God alone ! "

后来,当韦塞纳医生宣布,为了相关人员的利益,应该回应和驳斥这些公开的攻击时,艾曼丽严肃地回答说: 「啊! 你们这些善良的人们,我感谢你们对我的关心。但我必须说,你们所有人都卷进这案子里了,没有一个人不令我痛苦:那就是,你们对待这案子的态度自以为是、自私自利,因而也是充满怨恨的,带来苦果。你们在捍卫真理的同时,也想捍卫自己的观点、自已的名誉!你们不仅与谎言作斗争,也与那些与你们唱反调的人作斗争总之,你们寻求的是自己,而不单单是天主的光荣! 」

The Vicar-General now thought it his duty again to visit Dulmen, the reports that had reached him being far from satisfactory. It was rumored that access to the invalid was refused by the old Abbe, and that evening reunions were held around her couch. Sister Emmerich soon gave satisfactory explanations to his inquiries, her irresistible candor and simplicity again pleading in her favor. He said to her, half in jest, half in earnest : "I have been a little displeased with you, many things around you shock me ! " — to which she replied : “That distresses me, but you know not my position, and it is not possible to explain it in words. " — Then he enumerated certain points : the Abbe's proximity, the Pilgrim's prolonged sojourn, the frequent visits she received, the room in which she was (instead of a more retired one at the back of the house), etc.

现在,副主教认为他有责任再次访问杜尔门,因为他收到的报告远不能令人满意。有传言说,老神父拒绝他去探望这位病人,而且晚上的聚会就在她的床边举行。艾曼丽修女很快就对副主教的询问作出了满意的解释,她那无可抗拒的坦率和朴实再次为自己辩护。副主教半开玩笑半认真地对艾曼丽说:「我对你有点不满意,你身边的许多事情都让我感到震惊! 」艾曼丽回答说:「这让我很难过,可是你不知道我的处境,我也无法用语言来说明。」然后副主教列举了几点:兰伯特神父离她太近,朝圣者的长期逗留,她经常受到拜访,她所住的房间不够隐私(而不是后面那间更私密的房间),等等。

But when she begged him to point out the remedy for all this, he confessed himself unable to do so. She explained to him the Pilgrim's intentions, the command she had received in vision to make use of him to record her revelations, and begged him to decide, as her Superior, upon what course she was to follow. Whereupon the Vicar-General concluded that Brentano must not be forbidden to fulfil his task. He was, at last, satisfied, or as Sister Emmerich herself expressed it : "It passed off well. We came to the same conclusion ! He went away satisfied and remained so !"


So stood affairs in Dulmen, when the announcement of the Pilgrim's speady return threw the good people into great agitation Father Limberg said nothing and left to the invalid the care of lulling the storm ; but as this proved no easy task, she had recourse to Dean Overberg for advice. She knew from experience that his decisions were always well received by her little circle, and it was on this account that she had so earnestly desired a visit from him during the Pilgrim's former stay ; she wished him to explain to her friends that it was not in her power to dismiss the object of their dislike, that his coming or going depended not on her choice. The Abbe and the doctor allowed themselves to be persuaded to appeal to the Dean, but at the same time, they wrote to Brentano to dissuade him from returning. Whilst these negotiations were pending. Sister Emmerich prayed that the glory of God and the salvation of souls might accrue from the whole affair.


The Abbe's letter ran thus : "Sir, be not offended with me, if I desire not your return. I feel that I have not the strength and courage to undergo a second time what I endured during your last visit to Diilmen. For many years have Sister Emmerich and I lived in peace, and so we wish to die. It was very hard for me whilst you were here, to be forced to see and speak to her, as it were, by stealth. I cannot consent to your return. No ! No ! my dear sir, no ! What I now write I should have said to you before by word of mouth, if you had listened to me. I often wanted to speak to you on this subject, but you would never permit me."

兰伯特神父的信是这样写的:「先生,如果我不希望您回来,请不要生我的气。我觉得我没有力量和勇气再经历一次您上次访问杜尔门时我所承爱的痛苦。多年来,我和艾曼丽修女一直平静地生活着,所以我们也希望这样平静地老去。当您在这里的时候,我被迫偷偷地与她见面和交谈,这让我非常难受。我不能同意你回来 。不!不!亲爱的先生,不!我现在写的这些话,是我以前早该亲口对您说的。我经常想和您谈谈这个话题,但您从不给我机会。」

To the above written in French, the doctor added the following lines: — "My object in writing is to beg you not to return. You may smile at this, but your inflexible will cannot always be a safe guide for your actions. I have acquainted Dean Overberg with your manner of life here and your treatment of us all. Follow his advice! All Sister Emmerich's friends, both here and in Munster, are of one opinion — that your return will have most vexatious results. The fault lies in yourself. You have expressed yourself in Munster about the clergy of Diilmen, and principally of one, in terms so free and sarcastic that all declare against you, not one in your favor. No one is willing to write this to you; therefore, I do it.


I feel obliged to say that the inconveniences resulting to Sister Emmerich from her relations with yon infinitely outweigh the advantages derived ; consequently, we are resolved, in the event of your return, not to allow you the free access to her that you enjoyed before. Sister Emmerich sympathizes with your sad fate and solid conversion, but she sees, too, with anxiety your distempered imagination, she dreads your ungovernable will. If you return, she is resolved to admit you to her room but one hour a day ; and besides, you are not to interfere in her household affairs. Her sister is, in truth, a miserable creature ; but Sister Emmerich is willing to bear with her, persuaded that God makes use of this sister to help her to practise virtue. The good old Abbe Lambert has suffered much from you though, of course, without your intending it. All has not gone so smoothly as you think. Dean Overberg is of our opinion. Prevail upon him to say what he thinks of your return."


Dr. Wesener had written, as follows, to Dean Overberg respecting the Pilgrim :

" Our dear invalid has entreated me to write and give you some explanation of the Abbe Lambert's letter, and my own inclinations, as well as my affection for her, urge me to give you news of her present condition. Mr. Clement Brentano has visited you ; he has told you marvellous things of the invalid and has spoken to you of her progress in the interior life. This gentleman, it is true, has been very generous toward her. He has procured her a convenient lodging where she can enjoy more quiet ; and he has, perhaps, been of great advantage to the public, furnishing many interesting details by his sagacious observations and researches but all at the price of the invalid's domestic peace ! What do I say ? At the price of her health, her life ! He is in himself good, his faith is firm, his works noble and Christian ; but His poetical genius is out of place among the simple and unlettered. The invalid knows very well that her surroundings are not what they might be, she clearly sees the miseries by which her sister is enslaved, and the sight causes her inexpressible torment ; but she is not less firmly persuaded that severity and constraint are not the means to correct and reclaim her.



What she cannot cure by the way of charity and peace, she is willing to endure with humility and patience. The invalid has borne with Mr. Brentano and kept silence on all occasions, with the sole intention of being useful to him and to others. She wishes to forget past annoyances, to sacrifice them to God and her neighbor ; but she dreads his return. He understands not the way of mildness, he wishes to overcome all obstacles by force. Sister Emmerich is determined not to receive him again unconditionally, not to regard all that he does as right. However, as there is a certain imposing air about him which intimidates some, and as her friends cannot always be near her, she feels unequal to the task of communicating with him directly and she seeks means for ameliorating the evil. He loves and esteems you highly and places in you unlimited confidence ; consequently, the invalid entreats you most earnestly to write to him, to represent to him the state of affairs and authorize him to return only upon certain definite conditions.''


To this letter, Dean Overberg replied as follows :

 It is a great satisfaction to me to hear something of our dear invalid from a pen other than that of Mr. Clement Brqntano. From his account, I should have conjectured that she was well pleased to have him by her, and perfectly satisfied with his manner of acting. On reading your account, the legal phrase, Audiatur et altera pars, recurred to my mind. He also assured me of his intention to return as soon as possible and continue his observations, which I hardly think we can prevent if Almighty God does not oppose some obstacle to his doing so, nor do I see any possibility of persuading him to take up his abode in Minister. That he may comport himself differently toward the invalid and her friends, she must herself assign some hour for his daily visit to her and, moreover, positively decline his interference in her domestic affairs.

对于这封信,奥弗伯格总铎回复如下:「我很高兴能从布伦塔诺先生之外的其他人的书信中听到关于我们亲爱的病人的一些消息。从布伦塔诺先生的叙述中,我应该可以推测病人很高兴有布伦塔诺在她身边,并且对布伦塔诺的行为方式非常满意。在阅读您的叙述时,我的脑海中又浮现出拉丁语格言 兼听则明”(Audiatur et altera pars)。 布伦塔诺先生还向我保证他打算尽快返回继续他的观察,如果全能天主不反对他这样做,我想我们很难阻止他这样做,我也看不到任何说服他接受在明斯特居住的可能性。为了让布伦塔诺先生以不同的方式对待这位病人和她的朋友,艾曼丽修女必须指定一个时间让朝圣者每天去看望她,此外,还要明确拒绝朝圣者干涉她的家务事。

She must do this herself for if any suggestion to this effect came from me, it would certainly not be adopted for the following reasons : — He is persuaded or wishes to be persuaded that Sister Emmerich is very well pleased to have him near her and that she is satisfied with his proceedings ; he thinks that, at all events, it tends to her greater good. He knows that I cannot go to see her and converse with her upon these subjects ; consequently, he would undoubtedly look upon what I might say of her sentiments concerning him and his manner of acting as suggested by those around her. Now, he might very reasonably suspect that they wish to remove him from the invalid through motives of envy ', jealousy ', and the like.

艾曼丽修女必须自己做这件事,因为如果我有任何这方面的建议,我的建议肯定不会被采纳,原因如下:布伦塔诺先生相信或希望别人相信,艾曼丽修女很高兴让他在她身边,并且她对布伦塔诺先生的进展感到满意;布伦塔诺先生认为,所有的事件都对艾曼丽有更大的好处。布伦塔诺先生知道我不能去看艾曼丽,也不能与艾曼丽谈论这些话题;因此,他无疑想听听我会说什么,想从我这里打听到艾曼丽对他的看法,以及周围的人对他的行为方式可能会说的话。现在,布伦塔诺先生可能有理由怀疑,他们是出于 "羡慕""嫉妒 "之类的动机,才想把他从这个病人身边赶走的。

He would then imagine it his duty to espouse her cause so much the more earnestly as he saw that some desired to deprive her of the consolation his presence affords her and him of the opportunity of securing to her a greater degree of repose by his zealous efforts to keep others at a distance. The arrangement to which I have referred should, as the case demands, be made in your own and Father Limberg's presence, and, during the first days of its going into effect, you should watch closely to see if the prescribed time be observed. I foresee very plainly that in the beginning the invalid will have difficulty ; but I know no better means to adopt. I hope that if she is firm in the commencement, Brentano will by degree become less exacting.


I must, besides, beg you not to refer him to me for a decision. That would only render the case more confused and strengthen him in the persuasion that the invalid would rather see things remain as they were heretofore, and that, if she expresses herself differently, it is only through the fear of offending either party. Her own free will and choice must decide this question. Mr. Clement Brentano told me something, but only in a passing way, of the change that has taken place in her wounds. If you noted the time of this change, I beg you to send me your account in a day or so. I heard yesterday that she has begun to eat (1). Perhaps God will raise her up again. Salute her kindly from me. I presume she has received my letter."

此外,我还恳求您不要把布伦塔诺先生交给我来做决定,那只会使情况更加混乱,使他更加相信,这位病人宁愿看到事情保持原状,如果病人有不同的意见,那只是因为害怕冒犯任何一方。这个问题必须由病人自己的自由意志和选择来决定。布伦塔诺先生告诉我一些事情,这里只是顺便说一下,病人的伤口发生了变化。如果您记录了这个变化的时间,请在一天左右发送给我您的记录。昨天听说她开始进食了(1)。 或许天主会再次使她重新振作起来。替我亲切地向她致意。我想她已经收到了我的信了。」

The Pilgrim was stung to the quick by the Abbe Lambert and Dr. Wesener's letters and he complained bitterly of them to his friends (2). But when the first storm was over, he wrote an answer to the same which unfortunately has not been preserved. From the doctor's and Father Limberg's reply, however, it may easily be inferred that they were deeply touched by his humility and repentance. The doctor responded: "I have read your letter, and I thank God that I have done so ! It has moved us to tears, it has satisfied all ! Your intentions were good, you meant well; but, under the influence of your impetuous spirit, you forgot that we are only poor, weak gnats unable to follow you in your rapid flight…… Were you calm, gentle, patient, then would you be a sword, a flame in our Holy Church !”

朝圣者被兰伯特神父和韦塞纳的信深深地刺痛了,他痛苦的向他的朋友们抱怨 (2)。但是当第一场风暴结束后,朝圣者写了一封回信,可惜没有保存下来。然而,从医生和林堡神父的回信中不难推断出,他们对朝圣者的谦虚和忏悔深深地打动了。医生回复道:「我读了你的来信,感谢天主让我读了你的信!这让我们感动得热泪盈眶,让所有人都感到满意!你的意图是好的,你的本意是好的;但是,在你浮躁的性情的影响下,你忘记了,我们只是可怜的、弱小的蝼蚁,无法跟上你的快速飞翔……,如果你冷静、温柔、耐心,那么你会成为我们圣教会的一把剑,一团火焰!」


(1) This refers to Dr. Wesener's attempts to make her take some light nourishment. such as milk and water, barley soup, or sago. She tried to obey, but without success, and the doctor was forced to desist from such attempts.

(2) Clement Brentano's Gessammelte Brlefe, vol. I., p. 384 and 840.

(1) 这是指韦塞纳医生试图让艾曼丽吃一些清淡的食物,例如牛奶和水、大麦汤或西米。她试图服从,但没有成功,医生被迫停止这种尝试。

(2) 克莱门特.布伦塔诺的《收集的信件》,第一卷。 第334 和 340页。

Of Father Limberg's kind reply, the Pilgrim thus "From Father Limberg, too, I have received a very beautiful and consoling letter, singularly touching, affectionate, simple, and scriptural. A very elevated spirit, a truly sacerdotal spirit, pervades it. He rejoices at the prospect of my return. I submit, however, to Dean Overbeds decision" (1).


 (1) Letters of Clement Brentano, vol. I.p. 844.

(1) 克莱门特.布伦塔诺的书信,卷一, 第844页。

On arriving in Diilmen, May, 1819, Brentano received a most cordial welcome from all, and Sister Emmerich set herself to work to maintain peace on all sides. She exhausted herself in her efforts to keep Gertrude silent in presence of the stranger who seemed insupportable to her; she exacted from Dr. Wesener a renewal of his promise to treat the Pilgrim kindly ; and she spared no efforts to make the Pilgrim himself less irritable, less alive to the little weaknesses of his neighbor. One day, after a conversation with her on this subject, he wrote, as follows, in his journal : —

1819 年 5 月,布伦塔诺抵达杜尔门后,受到了所有人最热烈的欢迎,艾曼丽修女开始努力维护各方的和平。她竭尽所能,让格特鲁德在这个看来无法忍受的陌生人面前保持沉默;她要求韦塞纳医生重申他善待朝圣者的承诺;她不遗余力地让朝圣者本人不再那么易怒,不再对近人的小弱点那么在意。一天,艾曼丽就此话题与朝圣者进行了一次交谈之后,布伦塔诺在日记中写道:

 “May the confessor, good and kind as he is, find in me some day a sincere friend ! This I desire with all my heart, I really mean it. I have no after-thought in this— may it be so, too, with him ! I have no concealments from him. How happy must two men be who trust and warn each other in Christ ! God grant that my earnest efforts may earn His love and blessing !"


When he communicated his good resolutions to the invalid, she could scarcely conceal her fears for their constancy. " I saw the Pilgrim,” she said, “under a flourishing, but short-lived gourd- vine — it reminded me of Jonas." He understood well the deep significance of her words, though he cared not to acknowledge it even to himself. He remarked in his notes :

当朝圣者把自己美好的愿望告诉病人时,艾曼丽几乎无法掩饰自己对他这些愿望能否实现的担忧。「我看到了朝圣者了,」她说,在一棵茂盛但如昙花一现的葫芦藤下,这让我想起了约纳先知。」(约纳4: 7)朝圣者很清楚艾曼丽话中的深意,虽然他连自己都不愿意承认。他在笔记中写道:

[经文〈约纳4: 7〉:但第二天曙光升起时,天主安排了一个虫子咬死篦麻,篦麻便枯萎了。 ]

" Her strange anxiety troubles me. She wept, and I was distressed, for she could not tell me the cause. May God comfort her, give peace, confidence to all hearts, and to me fortitude and unbounded charity toward all my brethren ! The confessor is very good and kind. Does the gourd of Jonas withering so suddenly signify a short-lived peace !”


Yes, without doubt, this vision was to be realized only too soon. The order of the priesthood is, as it were, the channel by which the gifts and graces of God's chosen ones are distributed among the faithful in accordance with His commands; now, in their ranks not one was to be found to secure the fruits of the visions granted Sister Emmerich for the good of her fellow-men. By leading the Pilgrim back to his faith, by preparing him for the duty imposed upon him in the midst of such suffering as it entailed on herself, she supplied for what was wanting in the priestly co-operation and discharged the debt their negligence contracted. Still the accomplishment of her mission was to depend wholly upon ecclesiastical authority. For the Pilgrim's return, she had to gain the consent of her chief Superior, the Vicar-General von Droste.


Her director, Dean Overberg not having come to Diilmen as soon as expected, she sent her confessor to Miinster to learn from him if it were the will of God that she should communicate her visions to the Pilgrim ; and she reminded the Abbe Lambert of the commands so often received to reduce to writing what was shown her of Our Lord's Passion. Dean Overberg could, consequently, on June 6, 1819, unhesitatingly assure her friends that the Pilgrim's employment near Sister Emmerich was in accordance with the will of God. This declaration consoled her, as we glean from the Pilgrim : —

她的导师,奥弗伯格总铎没有如期来到杜尔门,艾曼丽派她的神师林堡神父到明斯特向总铎请教,想从他那里了解天主是否让她把自己的神视告诉朝圣者;她还提醒兰伯特神父,她经常接到命令,要朝圣者把她看到的主的受难过程写下来。因此,在 1819 年 6 月 6 日奥弗伯格总铎毫不犹豫地向艾曼丽的朋友保证,朝圣者在艾曼丽修女附近的工作符合天主的旨意。这一声明安慰了艾曼丽,正如我们从朝圣者那里了解到的那样:

" Dean Overberg has gone. The invalid is so exhausted that she can relate nothing ; still she refers with pleasure to her interview with the Dean." Now began a new duty for Sister Emmerich, that of leading the Pilgrim to comprehend that, not being a priest, he possessed neither the sacerdotal power nor authority, and that it was only by his respect and submission to those by whom it was represented, Dean Overberg and her confessor, that he would render himself worthy to receive the communication of her visions. She repeatedly and gravely made use of expressions to him which, at first, seemed strange ; as, for instance, " You are not a priest ! I sigh for Dean Overberg. He has the priestly power that you have not ! You cannot help me, you are not an ecclesiastic ! Were you a priest, you would understand me, etc. !" It was long before he seized the meaning of such words. Only two years before Sister Emmerich's death, he wrote : “Where, then, is the priest who has understood her? I am reproached in these words: Were you a priest, you would understand me and that would spare me many torments' — but no one has understood her!”

「奥弗伯格总铎走了。病人已精疲力尽,无力讲述任何事但她还是愉快地提到她和总铎的会面。」现在,艾曼丽修女开始了一项新的工作,那就是引导朝圣者明白,他不是司铎,既没有司铎的权力也沒有司铎的权柄,他只有尊重和服从代表这一神圣权威的人----奥弗伯格总铎和艾曼丽的神师林堡神父这样他才有资格接受艾曼丽所传达的异象。艾曼丽一再严肃地对朝圣者使用一些起初看起来很奇怪的表达方式,例如,「你不是神父!我渴望奥弗伯格总铎来。他有你没有的神职权力!你帮不了我,你不是神职!如果你是神父,你就会理解我!」,等等。很久之后,朝圣者才明白这些话的含义。就在艾曼丽修女去世前两年,他写道:「那么,理解她的神父在哪里?我因这话被责备:『如果你是一名司铎,你会理解我,这会让我免于许多折磨』 ——但没有人理解艾曼丽修女!」

It was only by invincible patience that she by degrees curbed his rebellious spirit, reduced him in some measure to respect for spiritual authority, arid enabled him to fulfil his mission with a blessing to others as well as to himself. Superior to good Father Limberg in learning and experience, Brentano saw himself in a position in which he could not approach the invalid for a single word without express leave from the former, and day by day he received convincing proof that strength to communicate her visions was accorded her only by the priest's intervention. He failed not to perceive that this simple and unlettered man, whom he so vehemently accused of not understanding his spiritual daughter, possessed by virtue of his lively faith an influence over her immensely superior to his own ; he could not close his eyes to the fact that he had yet to rid himself of many faults, and acquire many virtues before arriving at a just appreciation of Sister Emmerich and his own relations with her.


Sister Emmerich's prudence in aiding him to acquire this knowledge was admirable. If charged by her angel to give him an admonition, she did it only after having adroitly prepared him to receive it well ; and she generally clothed it in parables or striking comparisons which, appealing to his intellectual mind, charmed and attracted him, forced him, so to say, to accept them in spite of himself. If he expressed disgust at something wounding to his aesthetic tastes, she would say : “One may, indeed, be displeased by bad singing at Mass or an indifferent performance on the organ, whilst others are edified by the same. We ought to banish such sentiments by prayer. He who resists such a temptation in church acquires merit, gains new graces." This simplicity of faith she recalled in words such as these : " He who in his search after truth relies on his own efforts and not on the grace of God, may cling to his own opinion, but he will never dive into the truth."


Some weeks after his arrival, she laid open her soul to him : — Every evening I am told to make such or such a meditation. Last night I received an instruction upon myself, and a great deal was said to me about the Pilgrim. Much remains to be corrected in him. I was shown how we can render him better, more easy to deal with, and thereby more useful. As I thought over my manner of acting toward him, asking myself how I could perform his task as well as my own, and by what means we could have a larger and richer share of merits, I learned that we must be patient with each other in the sufferings that will come upon us, and that he must receive Holy Communion for my intention ; for spiritual union is thereby strengthened. 'Do what thou canst,’ was said to me, ' but, for the rest, do not mind the Pilgrim. Many will come to speak with thee.



When they present themselves, examine whether it be for their good or not…… Pray that the Pilgrim may resolve to be humble and patient, for he must overcome his wilfulness. Aim at making him more earnest.  Through mistaken condescension, be not deceived by fair words. Do thou resist, be firm, that he may become resolute. Thou art too indulgent, this has always been thy fault. Do not allow thyself to be persuaded into seeing good where, in reality, there is a fault……’  My guide told me again that I should have much to suffer, that I must not be frightened, but in the name of God calmly await what is in store for me. He reprimanded me for many faults. He says that I keep silence on many points through false humility which is, in the end, hidden pride; that I ought to receive and to communicate the divine favors as I did in my childhood when I received much more than I do now ; that I ought to speak out boldly on suitable occasions, that I ought to tell my confessor whatever troubles me even if he seemed but little disposed to hear it, for in this way, I should receive his help more frequently.

当他们出现与你交谈时,检查这是否对他们有好处……,祈祷朝圣者能够下定决心谦卑忍耐,因为他必须克服自已的任性。旨在使他更加热心。通过错误更能屈尊俯就,不要被花言巧语所欺骗。你要抵抗,要坚定,使他变得刚强。你太过宽容了,这一直是你的错。不要让你自己被说服去看他好的一面,但事实上却有错……。』我的护守天神再次告诉我,我应该受很多苦,我不能害怕,但因天主之名平静地等待着我将要面对的一切。他斥责我很多过错。他说我通过虚假的谦卑在许多问题上保持沉默,最终是隐藏的骄傲;我应该接受和传达天主的恩惠,就像我童年时所做的那样,那时我所得到的比现在多得多; 我应该在合适的场合大胆说出来,我应该告诉我的神师任何困扰我的事情,即使他似乎不太愿意听到,因为这样,我才能更经常地得到神师的帮助。

He reproached me for my too great condescension to some, which causes me often to fail in prayer and my duties toward others. He says that I am very unreasonable when I complain of lying in bed unable to act. He knows I would like to wrap in my mantle, go out in the evening, and distribute alms, because of the pleasure it would give me; but that what God imposes is not agreeable to me. He says that I ought to know that I am not lying here without an object. I must act by prayer and communicate all that I receive. I shall soon have something to impart that will cost me an effort, but I must say it. A great storm is near, the clouds are lowering fearfully ; there are few who pray, the distress is great, the clergy are sinking lower and lower. I must exhort the good to pray earnestly. He told me that I must be more calm, more collected to meet approaching sufferings, else I might suddenly die. My task is not yet completed. Were I to die now through my own negligence, I should have to undergo the rest' of these sufferings in purgatory where it would be much harder for me than here."


Sometimes Sister Emmerich encouraged the Pilgrim by holding out to him the blessings she saw flowing from his labor. She related a vision in which, under the appearance of a garden, she had seen many things of his past life, his present work, and its fulfilment after her own death.


 I saw,”  she said, “the Pilgrim far away, sad and lonely in his room. He could interest himself in nothing, all was distasteful to him. I wanted to fly to him, to help him, but I could not.


" Then I saw a garden, a large garden divided into two parts by a hedge over which some people were looking, but who were unable to cross it. My guide took me where the vegetation was rich, beautiful, luxuriant, but all over run with weeds. I saw beans and peas, and there were blossoms and flowers in abundance, but no fruit. Many people were walking about apparently well pleased with themselves.


 My guide said to me as we walked around : ' See, what it means : — beautiful flowers of rhetoric, brilliant but sterile; abundant, but producing no harvest ; plentiful, but yielding nothing!’ — ‘Ah!’ I exclaimed, ' must all the labor be lost!’— ‘No!’ was the answer, ' nothing will be lost ! It will all be turned under to make manure,’ at which I felt glad and yet sorry too.

我的护守天神边走边对我说:『瞧,这意味着什么:-- 美丽的花儿,灿烂却不结果;丰富却没有收获;看似丰收,却一无所获 --『啊!』我惊呼道,『难道所有的劳动都要付诸东流吗!』护守天神回答道:『不!什么都不会浪费!一切都将变成肥料,』我听后感到高兴,但也感到遗憾。

 The second time we went around, we found standing in the centre of the path a tent made of the branches of a stunted walnut-tree. It was covered with a cloth. The nuts on these branches were the only fruit in the whole garden. Further on we saw an apple-tree and a cherry-tree around which the bees were gathering honey. The place was desolate enough.


 My conductor said: ‘See ! Thy confessor ought to imitate the bees and gather these nuts' — but my confessor feared being stung. I thought to myself his very fear would be the cause of his suffering what he dreaded. If he would go along coolly, the bees would not harm him ; but he ran from tree to tree, he did not even see the nuts.


 “When my guide took me the third time, the growth was still luxuriant. I was charmed at seeing the Pilgrim gathering certain strange plants in the corners of the garden which, although partially hidden by others, yielded the most fruit.


 “Again I went into the garden where the too luxuriant vegetation was beginning to decay, and at last it was all turned under. I saw the Pilgrim actively digging and tilling.


 “When I came again, the garden was all ploughed up and the Pilgrim was setting out plants in beds. It was a pleasing sight. At last he left the garden, and some people entered whom I knew only by sight, I knew not their names. They fell upon me in a rage and abused me terribly, inveighing against my communications to the Pilgrim, complaining that a new sect would arise from it, and asking what they were to think of me! I took it all in silence. Then they broke out against the Pilgrim who, I thought, was within hearing. I rejoiced at being able to bear it all patiently and I ceased not to exclaim : ‘Thank God ! Thank God ! I can bear it! another, perhaps, might not. ‘ — Then I went and sat down on a stone in a neighboring grove.


" And now a priest came along, an active, energetic man, about as tall as the Prior, robust and florid. He expressed surprise at my not defending myself; but after a little reflection-, he said : ‘This person endures bad treatment very coolly, and yet she is both intelligent and sensitive ! The Pilgrim's conduct is probably very different from what we imagine ; the confessor, too, is a good man who would not permit anything wrong.' As the unknown ecclesiastic continued thus speaking in favor of the Pilgrim, the brawlers began to slink away and I noticed how diligently the Pilgrim had worked and how much the plants had grown and flourished.


" My guide said : ' Make good use of this heavenly instruction. Thou shalt, in truth, endure these injuries and outrages. Be prepared ! For awhile thou shalt live at peace with the Pilgrim ; but lose not time, squander not the graces given thee, for thy end will soon come. What the Pilgrim gathers he will bear far away, for here there is no desire to have it. But it will produce fruit where he goes, and that same fruit will one day return and make itself felt even here.' "


The Pilgrim understood the foregoing vision only little by little, as his oft-repeated complaints that the time of peace would never dawn, prove. He thought the words meant freedom from exterior annoyances, whereas they really signified peace of mind, which alone could fit him to receive the visions of Our Divine Redeemer's Life. Over a year elapsed before, upon the admonition of her angel, Sister Emmerich began the narration, July, 1820. The Pilgrim had, it is true, planted diligently, but many weeds yet remained to be rooted out. His rich, lively imagination was as yet too undisciplined for the reproduction of Sister Emmerich's visions in their native simplicity, and it cost him a struggle not to embellish them with his own poetical ideas. The interpretations he gave them were infallible in his eyes, and he hesitated not to introduce them freely without specifying their origin. This happened principally during the first year when Sister Emmerich's labors for the Church formed the greater part of her communications.

朝圣者只是一点一点地理解了上述神视,正如他一再抱怨和平的时刻永远不会到来一样。他以为这些话的意思是摆脱外在的烦恼,而这些话的真正含义是心灵的安宁,只有心灵的安宁才适合他去接受我们神圣救世主一生的神视。一年过去了,在护守天神的劝告下,艾曼丽修女于 1820 年 7 月开始叙述。诚然,朝圣者已经勤奋地耕耘了,但仍有许多杂草没有被铲除。他丰富、活泼的想象力,无法将艾曼丽修女的神视原汁原味地再现出来。在他看来,他对这些神视的解释是无可挑剔的,因此他不愿随意地介绍这些神视,而不具体说明他们的来源。这部分的叙述主要发生在艾曼丽修女为教会工作的第一年,构成了艾曼丽叙述的主要内容。

He had repeatedly been told that the invalid had asked Almighty God as a special favor not to be informed for what individuals among the clergy she was called upon to pray and suffer; yet it was not without difficulty that Brentano could be dissuaded from introducing the names of persons to whom he fancied certain visions particularly applicable, instead of the terms Sister Emmerich herself used ; such as spouse, affianced, pastor, etc. Later on he erased many of these early notes from his manuscripts, when he recognized the incommensurable distance between the highest flights of his own fancy and the pure light in which this favored soul dwelt ; and then it was that he began to esteem no trouble too great to reproduce as conscientiously as possible whatever was transmitted to him for the good of the faithful.


When we cast a glance at this man of genius, this poet so admired, the light of the cultivated and intellectual circle in which he moved, we are forced to admit how slight are the claims to superiority of all such natural qualities. The atmosphere which he breathes by the suffering couch of this poor peasant-girl is far purer, far more elevated than any he had yet known; her detachment, her patient sufferings, her voluntary mortifications rendered her inaccessible to any influence of an inferior order and ever more susceptible of the sacred light of prophecy. The Pilgrim could, indeed, annoy and afflict her, but to her interior, to her visions he had no access.

当我们把目光投向这位天才人物,这位受人敬仰的诗人,以及他所处的有教养的知识分子圈子里的外表的光芒时,我们不得不承认,所有这些自然品质的优越性是多么微不足道。他在这个可怜的农家女孩受苦的床榻呼吸到的空气,比他所知道的任何地方的空气都要纯净、高尚得多。 这位病人的超然,她的忍耐,她自愿的补赎,使她无法受到任何下界层次的影响,而且更容易理解预言的神圣启示。朝圣者的确可以惹恼她、使她痛苦,但朝圣者无法进入她的内心和她的神视异象。

Nothing could be more absurd than the supposition that his energetic nature had established between the invalid and himself a kind of magnetic communication owing to which he received from her only what he had himself previously dictated. This conjecture loses weight at once when we recall the fact that only one clothed with the priestly dignity could exercise any spiritual influence over her. She endured his presence as she would that of a poor, sick person sent her by Divine Providence to heal and save. He is the debtor, he is the favored one, he is the pupil; she is the dispenser of gifts, she is the teacher, or, in other words, the instrument under God to snatch one of the most brilliant minds of that period from the snares of the world, to win him over to the glorification of His Most Holy Name.


No one possessed a more piercing eye with regard to his neighbor's weakness and foibles than did the Pilgrim, a gift he afterward bewailed with bitter tears of repentance. He was the most pitiless, the most acrimonious observer that the invalid and her little circle ever had to endure. When his enthusiasm vanished, and the charm of novelty wore off, woe to Sister Emmerich did he discover, or fancy he discovered the least thing to arouse suspicion or distrust ! He was an inexorable judge ! Up to the time of her death, his manuscripts teemed with bitter remarks: the words, the gestures, even the steps of her confessor were noted down with tiresome prolixity and interpreted with unsparing rigor.


And yet, the only charge that could be brought against the reverend gentleman was that he made little account of the Pilgrim's notes, that he would gladly have dispensed with Sister Emmerich's visions altogether and thus been freed from the obligation of the aforesaid notes, and that he treated her communications with freezing indifference. Sister Emmerich herself met with no greater lenity at the Pilgrim's hands. Let her utter a word of consolation to the poor and afflicted who flocked to her for relief, or show the slightest sign of weariness in relating her visions, and she is instantly rebuked for unfaithfulness to her mission, for dissipating the graces she received, for injustice to himself. But soon, overcome by her angelic sweetness and forced to recognize his own unreasonable humor, he records the following words in his journal :

She is full of goodness and patience ! Yes, she is a most admirable vessel of divine grace!”


上一篇: 038.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第34章 克莱门特.布伦塔诺 — 艾曼丽修女对他信仰生活的影响
下一篇:040.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第36章 艾曼丽修女被捕-——她对这一事件的预感,及事件的结果


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