真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
浏览次数:1090 更新时间:2024-5-28


St. Agnes and St. Emerentiana.


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"I saw a very lovely delicate maiden dragged through the streets by rude soldiers. She was wrapped in a long brown woollen mantle, her braided hair concealed under a veil. The soldiers seized her mantle by the sides and dragged her so violently forward that they tore it apart. They were followed by a crowd, among them a few women. She was led through a high gateway, across a square court, and into an apartment destitute of furniture, saving some long, cushioned chests.


They pushed her in and dragged her from side to side, and tore from her both mantle and veil. Agnes was like an innocent patient lamb in their hands, and light and airy as a bird ; she seemed to fly as they pulled her here and there. They took her mantle and left her. Agnes in a white, sleeveless undergarment open at the sides now stood back in the corner of the room praying calmly with outstretched hands and face upturned.


The women who had followed her were not admitted into the courtyard. All sorts of men stood around the doors as if the saint were their common prey. I saw her white tunic bloody around the neck from a wound received, perhaps on the way. — First two or three youths entered and fell upon her, furiously dragging her hither and thither, and tearing from her person the open garment.


I saw blood on her neck and breast. She did not attempt to defend herself, for, on the instant they deprived her of her garments, her long hair fell down around her, and I saw a shining figure just above her in the air, who spread over her, like a garment, a stream of light. The wretches who had assaulted her fled terror-stricken. They encountered her insolent lover outside who began to mock their cowardice.


He rushed in himself to seize her; but Agnes grasped him firmly by the hands and held him back. He fell to the ground, but arose quickly, and again rushed madly upon her. — Again did the virgin drive him back as far as the door, and again did he fall; but this time motionless. She stood calm as before, praying, shining, blooming, her face like a brilliant rose. A loud cry was raised, and several distinguished personages hastily entered the room.


One of them seemed to be the youth's father. He was furious, indignant, he spoke of sorcery; but when Agnes told him that she would pray for his son's restoration, if he would ask it in the name of Jesus, he grew calm and begged her to do so. Then Agnes turned toward the dead youth, and addressed a few words to him. He arose, and was led away still weak and tottering. And now came other men toward Agnes ; but like the first they too retired in fright.

其中一个似乎是青年的父亲。他大发雷霆,怒气冲天,说这是巫术;但当依搦斯告诉他,如果他能奉耶稣的名祈求的话,她会为他儿子的复生祈祷,他就平静下来,恳求她这样做。然后依搦斯转向死去的青年,对他说了几句话。 他站起身来,虚弱的摇摇晃晃地被带走。这时又有几个人向依搦斯走来; 但和第一次一样,他们也吓得退了回去。

Then I saw the soldiers go into the room. They took with them a brown robe, open at the side and fastened by a clasp, and an old veil such as were generally given to the martyrs. Agnes put the robe on, twisted her hair under the veil, and accompanied the soldiers to the judgment-hall. This was a square place, surrounded by a wall in which were prisons, or chambers ; one could stand on it and watch what was going on below. There were spectators on it at the time of which I speak.

然后我看到士兵走进房间。他们随身带来一件棕色长袍,长袍的侧面敞开,用一个扣子系着,还带着一件通常给殉道者的旧面纱。依搦斯穿上长袍,在面纱下盘起头发,被士兵们带到审判厅。这是一个四方形的地方,四周有墙围绕,那是监狱或密室。人们可以站在上面观看下面发生的事情。 在我说这番话的时候,有观众在上面。

Many Christians were led to the tribunal from a prison which seemed not far from the place in which Agnes had been so ill-used. I think they were a grandfather, his two sons-in-law, and their children, all bound together with cords. They were led before the judge who was seated on a high stone seat in the square court-yard, and Agnes with them.


The judge spoke to them kindly, questioned them, and warned them ; but it was soon evident that the prisoners had been brought out only to be present at Agnes's death. Three times was she surmounted before the tribunal. At last, she was condemned to be burned alive. She was led to a stake, made to mount three steps, and the faggots piled around her. They wanted to bind her, but this she would not allow.


And now the torch was applied, and again I saw the shining youth shedding over her streams of light which enveloped her as with a screen whilst, at the same time, the flames turned upon her excutioner, leaving Agnes untouched. She was then taken down and led before the judge, at whose command she was placed upon a block, or stone. Again they wanted to bind her hands, but again she refused and crossed them on her bosom. The executioner seized her by the hair and cut off her head which, like Cecilia's, remained hanging upon one shoulder.


Her body was thrown, clothed as it was, upon the funeral pile, and the other Christians were led back to their prisons. During the trial, I saw Agnes's friends standing afar off weeping. I often wondered that nothing was ever done to the friends who showed so much sympathy, assisting and consoling the martyrs. Agnes's body was not burned, nor her clothing neither, I think.


Her soul went forth from her body white as the moon, and flew toward heaven. Her execution took place in the forenoon, I think, for it was still day when her friends took the body from the funeral pile and reverently buried it. Many were present, but enveloped in mantles, to avoid being known, I think.


I saw at the tribunal the youth whom Agnes restored to life, but who was not yet converted. — I saw Agnes also apart from this vision, as an apparition near me, radiant and sparkling with light, a palm in her hand. The aureola which surrounded her whole person was rosy in the centre, the rays changing to blue. She was full of joy ; she consoled me in my sharp pains, saying : ' With Jesus to suffer, in Jesus to suffer, is sweet!’

我在法庭上看到了被依搦斯救活的那个青年,但他还没有悔改的迹象。——除了这个异象,我还看到了依搦斯,她在我身边显现,容光焕发,闪闪发光,她的手中拿着棕榈叶。她全身的光环中心是玫瑰色的,光线逐渐变成蓝色。 她充满了喜乐;她在我剧烈的痛苦中安慰我说:与耶稣一起受苦,在耶稣里受苦,是甜蜜的!

— I cannot describe the great difference there is between these Romans and people of the present day. There was no mixture in them ; they were wholly one thing or another. With us all is so indifferent, so complicated ! It is as if there were in us a thousand compartments within a thousand compartments.


" I had another vision. I saw a maiden prostrate in prayer at Agnes's tomb whither she often went by night, wrapped in a long mantle, gliding along like Magdalen to the tomb of Our Lord. I saw the enemies of the Christians lying in wait for her ; they fell upon her and dragged her off. —


 Then I saw a little church, a perfect octagon, and over its altar a feast among the saints, apparently a patronal feast, very simple, innocent, and yet solemn, A lovely young martyr sat on a throne whilst other Roman martyrs, youths and maidens of the early times, wreathed her with garlands. I saw St. Agnes and by her a little lamb."


Here the Pilgrim handed Sister Emmerich a relic under which in legible characters appeared the name of the Apostle St. Matthew, but which she had already designated as belonging to St Emerentiana. Scarcely had she touched it when she exclaimed: " O what a lovely child ! Whence comes that beautiful child? And see, there's a woman with another child !"


— Next morning she related what follows : — "Last night I saw two lovely children with a nurse. First, one about four years old, came out through a gate in a portico, followed by an old woman with a hooked nose, like a Jewess. She was dressed in a flowing garment, a scalloped collar, and lappets like maniples on her arms. She led another little girl of about five and a half years.


The old nurse walked up and down under the portico whilst the children played. The centre columns of the portico were round, capped by curled heads crowned with crisped leaves, and entwined by sculptured serpents with beautiful human faces which stretched out from the columns. The corner ones were square with huge masks cut on the inner side, like oxen's heads, below which were hollowed out three round holes one under the other.


At certain distances in the inner wall stood pillars; above it was a platform to which steps led on either side. In the middle was an arrangement like a tabernacle by which something could be turned out from the wall. All around were seats sculptured like the lower part of the columns ; below them were compartments in which the children could put their toys.


Here the nurse sat and watched them. The two lovely children wore little knit or woven slips like shirts confined by a belt. Some other children from the neighborhood joined them and they played very nicely together, mostly near the tabernacle which they drew out and in which they put their toys, little puppets on wires very artistically made. They skipped around the steps by the tabernacle, and ran up and down to the platform.


They had, also, some little vessels with which they played by the seats with the semi-circular boxes. I took a peevish little thing up into my lap, but she struggled and would not stay with me. This made me feel sad, for I thought it was because of my unworthiness. Then the strange children went home, and the servant, or nurse, took her two in through the gate, across a court-yard, and up a flight of steps to an apartment in which the mother of one was seated apparently reading from a book.


She was a large woman, wore a robe with folds, walked heavily and languidly, had a grave air, and took little notice of the children. She did not caress them although she gave them little cakes of different shapes and colors. She took still less notice of the strange child than of her own. The seats in this room were like cushions, some leather, others worsted, and they had something by which to lift them.


The ceiling and walls were covered with paintings. The windows were not glass, but furnished with nets embroidered in all sorts of figures. In the corners of the room stood statues on pedestals. — Then I saw the nurse and children in a garden which lay like a court-yard in the middle of the building, with rooms all around it and a fountain in the centre. Here the children played and ate fruit. I saw not the father.

天花板和墙壁上都挂满了油画。窗户不是玻璃的,而是绣着各种图案的网。 房间的角落里放着几尊立在基座上的雕像。——然后我看到保姆和孩子们在一个花园里,这个花园位于房子中央,像一座中庭,中央有一个喷泉。 孩子们在这里玩耍、吃水果。我没有看到孩子的父亲。

— And now I had another picture. I saw the two children a few years later alone and in prayer, and I felt that their nurse was a Christian in secret and that she directed their steps. I saw them going by night stealthily with other maidens to one of the small houses next the large mansion. I also saw persons cautiously approaching by night the house in which they lived, and giving the inmates a sign through a hole in the wall, whereupon the latter arose and came out.


The nurse used to lead the children out by a back passage and then return I saw them wrapped in mantles and gliding with others by an old wall to a subterranean apartment in which many people were assembled. There were two such rooms. In one was an altar on which all on entering deposited an offering. In the other was no altar ; it appeared to be used only for prayer and instruction. To these secret underground reunions, I saw the children going by night.


" Again I stood before the house in which I had seen the little ones at play, and I felt an eager desire for them to come out. I saw one of their playmates, and I sent her in to coax the nurse to bring the children out. She did so with Agnes in her arms, an infant of about eighteen months. She said that the other child was not there.


I replied that she would certainly come soon, and we went together to a great shade tree like a linden. Sure enough, here came the other child in the arms of a young girl from a small, neighboring house. But the nurses could not stay; they had something to do. I begged them to leave the children with me a little while which they did. I took them both on my knees, kissed, and caressed them ; but they soon grew uneasy and began to cry.


I had nothing to give them and, in my perplexity, I laid them on my breast when they became quiet. I threw around them my large mantle when suddenly, to my surprise and alarm, I felt that they were really receiving nourishment from me. I handed them to their nurses who soon returned followed by the children's mothers. Emerentiuna's mother was the smaller, the more active, the more pleasing of the two.


She carried her child home herself, whilst Agnes's mother let the nurse carry her. But now, to my great alarm, I noticed something strange about my breasts, as if by the children's suckling they had become swollen, full of nourishment, and I felt an oppression, a burning in them which gave me great anxiety.


I was hardly half-way home, when two poor children of our neighborhood came and drained my breast, causing me much pain. Several others did the same. I noticed on these poor little ones swarms of vermin which I removed : so they were fed and cleaned at the same time.


I was relieved of the oppression in my breast ; but, as I thought it had all happened in consequence of the relics, I put them away in the closet." The following day as Sister Emmerich lay in ecstasy, the Pilgrim approached her bed with the relics of Sts. Agnes and Emerentiana. She turned quickly away, exclaiming : " No, No ! I cannot ! I love those children, but I cannot again ! " —

我胸部的压迫得到了缓解;不过,我想这一切都是因为那些圣髑才发生的,所以我就把他们藏在了壁橱里。第二天,当艾曼丽修女沉浸在神魂超拔中时,朝圣者带着圣依搦斯和艾美兰霞的圣髑走近她的床。她连忙转过身去,惊呼道:不,不!我不能 !我爱那些孩子,但我不能再这样做了!(译者注:这里是指她再不能给她们喝奶了,因为已经被吸干了 。)





St. Paula.


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Father Limberg handed the invalid a scrap of brown stuff from a package of relics, with the question: "What is this ?" Sister Emmerich looked at it attentively and then said in a decided tone : “It belongs to the veil of the lady who went from Rome to Jerusalem and Bethlehem ; it is a scrap of St. Paula's veil. I see the saint standing there in a long veil that falls over her face.


She holds a gnarled stick in her hand." Then she recognized another scrap of silk as part of the curtain that hung before the manger in Paula's little chapel. “The saint," she said, “and her daughter often prayed behind this curtain. The Infant Jesus frequently appeared to them there." The Pilgrim asked : “Was it the curtain of the true Crib, the Grotto?"


She answered : "No! it hung before the little representation of the true Crib which St. Paula's nuns had in their chapel. The monastery was so near the Holy Grotto that the chapel seemed to join it. It was right next the spot in which Jesus was born. It was built only of wood and wicker-work, and the inside was hung with tapestry. From it ran four rows of cells lightly built, as the pilgrims' quarters always are in the Holy Land. Each had a little garden in front.


Here it was that Paula and her daughter gathered together their first companions. In the chapel stood an altar with a tabernacle behind which, concealed by a red and white silk curtain, was the crib arranged by St. Paula. It was separated only by a wall from the true place of the birth of Jesus. The crib was a true representation of the Holy Crib, only smaller and of white stone; but so exact that even the straw was imitated.


The little child lay closely wrapped in blue swathing- bands; and when Paula knelt before it, she used to take it up in her arms. Where the crib rested against the wall hung a curtain on which was wrought in colors the ass with his head turned toward the crib, its hair done in thread. Over the crib was fixed a star and before the curtain, on either side of the altar, hung lamps."



St. Agatha.



“Last night I was in that city in which I saw the great insurrection (Palermo). The churches and houses still bear the marks of it. I saw a grand and wonderful festival. The church was hung with tapestry and in the middle of it was a curtain like our Lenten curtain, our Hungertuch. — In one place I saw a great fire like our St. John's fires, to which the priests all went in procession carrying a veil. It was a grand festival, great pomp and parade. The people seem to join in it eagerly, and brawls are of frequent occurrence. The church was magnificent and, during the ceremonies, I saw Agatha and other saints.




"I saw that Agatha was martyred in another city, Catana, though her parents lived in Palermo. Her mother, a Christian in secret, had instructed her child in the faith ; but the father was a pagan. Agatha had two nurses. From her earliest years, she enjoyed most familiar intercourse with Jesus.


I often saw her sitting in the garden, and by her a shining, beautiful Boy playing and conversing with her ; it seemed as if they were growing up together. I saw her make a seat for Him in the grass and listen to Him thoughtfully, her hands in her lap. Sometimes they played with flowers and little sticks. He seemed to grow as she grew, but He only came when she was alone. I think she saw Him, for her actions indicated consciousness of His presence.


I saw her increase wonderfully in interior purity and strength of soul. It is impossible to say how one sees such things. — It is as if some object continually became more magnificent, like gold being purified, a spark becoming a star, a fire becoming a sun ! I saw Agatha's extraordinary fidelity to grace. I saw her constant turning-away from every shadow of impurity, from every little imperfection for which she punished herself severely. 


When she would have wished to lie down in the evening, her guardian-angel often stood visibly by her side reminding her of something, some forgotten duty perhaps, which she would then hasten to perform : some prayer, some alms, something relating to charity, purity, humility, obedience, mercy, or some effort to prevent sin. —


—— I often saw her as a child gliding along unknown to her mother with alms and food for the poor. She was so noble, so dear to Jesus, —— and yet she lived in a constant struggle ! I often saw her pinch and strike herself for the least faults, the slightest inclinations ; but with it all, she was so open, so frank, so courageous !


—— I saw her in her eighth year taken in a carriage with several other maidens to Catana. — This was by her father's orders, for he wanted her reared in all the liberty of paganism. She was placed in the house of a shameless woman who had five daughters. I cannot say that she kept a public-house of infamy, such as I have often seen in those times ; she seemed rather to be a bold worldly woman of high position. Her house was beautifully situated, everything about it sumptuous.


Here Agatha remained a long time, but she was never allowed to go out. I generally saw her with other little girls in a handsome room before which lay a lake which reflected in its waters the whole house ; the other sides of the dwelling were guarded. The lady and her five daughters gave themselves the greatest trouble imaginable to form Agatha to their kind of virtue.


I saw them walking with her in the beautiful gardens and showing her all kinds of elegant clothes ; but she turned away indifferently from such things. And here too I often saw the Heavenly Boy at her side, whilst she daily became more serious, more courageous. Agatha was a very beautiful child, not tall, but perfectly formed. She had dark hair, great black eyes, a beautiful nose, round face, a very mild but firm manner and an expression indicative of extraordinary strength of soul. Her mother died of grief during her child's absence.


 “I saw Agatha in this house constantly and courageously overcoming herself and her natural inclinations, resisting every seduction. Quintianus, who afterward condemned her to death, often visited the house. He was a married man, but he could not endure his wife. He was a disagreeable, very vulgar, and insolent man, and he used to go prowling around the city spying out everything, annoying and tormenting the inhabitants.


I used to see him with the lady of the house. He often looked at Agatha as one might gaze on a beautiful child ; but he never offered her any improper attentions. I saw her Heavenly Bride-groom standing by her, visible to her alone, and I heard Him say to her : ‘Our bride is little, she has no breasts (1).


When she will have them, they will be cut off; for none shall ever drink thereof!’— The Youth spoke these words to Agatha in vision, and they mean that but few Christians, few priests were then in her country (Sicily) (2). I saw that the instruments of her martyrdom were shown her by her Bridegroom ; indeed, I think they played with them. — -


(1) Canticle viii., 8.

(2) Agatha was " The Bride," the Church of Sicily, as yet young...... Her martyrdom was here foretold, by which she was to become the spiritual mother of innumerable souls, to whom the milk of her breasts; viz., the rich blessings flowing from her martyrdom, was to procure the grace of salvation.

(1) 《雅歌》八章8节。

(2)亚加大是“新娘”的意思,西西里的教会当时还很年经,在这里……亚加大的殉道在这里被预言,她将成为无数灵魂的精神母亲,她的乳汁将滋养灵魂; 也就是说,从她的殉道中流出的丰富祝福,为这些灵魂带来救赎的恩宠。


Later, I saw Agatha again in her native city, after her father's death when she was about thirteen years old. She made an open profession of Christianity and had only good people around her. — Then I saw her dragged from her house by men sent by Quintianus from Catanato arrest her. In passing out of the city-gate, she stooped to fasten her shoe and looking back, she perceived that all her friends had abandoned her and were hurrying back to the city. Agatha begged God to set up some sign as a memorial of their ingratitude, when instantly there arose on the spot a sterile olive-tree.


 “I saw Agatha again with the wicked woman and her Heavenly Bridegroom by her. He said : ' When the serpent, formerly mute, began to speak, Eve should have known it was the devil.’— The woman tried again in every way to seduce her by flattery and amusements, but I heard Agatha applying to her the teachings of her Bridegroom. When she urged her to wantonness, Agatha replied : ‘Thy flesh and blood are, like the serpent, creatures of God ; but he who speaks through them is the devil!’


I saw Quintianus's communications with this woman, and I knew very well two of his other friends there. — Then I saw Agatha thrown into prison, interrogated, beaten, and finally, her breasts cut off. One man held her whilst a second took off the breasts with an instrument shaped like a poppy-pod. It opened in three parts like a mouth, and bit off the breast in one piece.


The executioners had the revolting cruelty to hold them up mockingly before the maiden, and then throw them on the ground at her feet. During the torture, Agatha said to Quintianus : ‘Dost thou not shudder to tear from a woman that from which thy own mother once fed thee?’ She stood firm, self-possessed, and once she exclaimed : My soul has breasts more noble than those thou canst take from me !'


Agatha was scarcely more than a child, and her bosom was far from being developed. The wound was perfectly round ; it was not lacerated, the blood gushed out in little streams. I often saw that same instrument used in torturing the martyrs. They used to tear off whole pieces of flesh from their person with it. How wonderful were the help and strength the martyrs received from Jesus Christ !


I often see Him by them strengthening them for the combat : they faint not where another would die. — Then I saw Agatha in prison where an aged man appeared to her, offering to heal her wounds. She thanked him, but replied that she had never had recourse to medicine ; that she had her Lord Jesus Christ who could heal her if He so willed. ' I am a Christian and a gray-haired old man,’ said he, ‘be not ashamed of me!’


She replied : ' My wounds have nothing about them revolting to modesty ! But Jesus will heal me, if He sees fit. He created the whole world, and He can also restore my breasts !' Then the old man laughed and said : ‘I am His servant Peter ! Behold ! Thy breasts are healed!’and he disappeared.

她回答:『我的伤口并没有让人厌恶和羞耻的地方 ! 但如果主耶稣认为合适,会治愈我。祂创造了整个世界,祂也能恢复我的乳房!老人笑着说:我是祂的仆人伯多禄!看哪!你的乳房痊愈了!然后他就消失了。

—— I saw that an angel fastened to the roof of her prison something like a ticket on which was writing, but I do not now remember what it was. Agatha's breasts were perfectly restored. It was not merely a healing of the skin, it was a new, a perfect bosom. Around each breast I saw circles of light, the inner one composed of rainbow-colored rays.


Again was Agatha led forth to martyrdom. In a vault were rows of furnaces like deep chests, stuck full of sharp points and potsherds; under them burned fires. There was room to pass between the chests, and many poor victims were roasted at the same time. As Agatha was thrown into one of these furnaces, the earth quaked, and a falling wall crushed the two friends of Quintianus.


The latter had fled during a revolt of the people. Agatha was led back again to her prison where she died, I saw Quintianus, when on his way to seize Agatha's property, drowning miserably in a river. — I afterward saw a mountain vomiting forth fire, and people fleeing before the fiery wave. It rolled as far as Agatha's tomb, where it was extinguished."



St. Dorothea.



“Again I recognized this saint's relic and I saw a large city in a hill country. Playing in the garden of a house built in the Roman style, were three little girls between five and eight years old. They took hold of hands, danced in a ring, stood still, sang, and gathered flowers. After awhile the two eldest ran away from the youngest, tearing up their flowers as they went, and leaving the little one deeply hurt at their treatment of her.


I saw her standing there all alone with a sharp pain in her heart, a pain which I also felt. Her face grew pale, her clothing became white as snow, and she fell to the ground as if dead. Then I heard an interior voice saying : ' That is Dorothea !' and I saw the apparition of a resplendent Boy approaching her with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.


He raised her, led her to another part of the garden, gave her the bouquet, and disappeared. The little thing was delighted ; she ran to the other two, showed them her flowers, and told them who had given them to her. Her companions were amazed ; they pressed the child to their heart, appeared sorry for the pain they had caused her, and peace was restored.



At this sight I felt an eager desire for some such flowers to strengthen me. All at once, Dorothea stood before me as a young maiden, and made me a beautiful discourse in preparation for Communion. ' Why sighest thou after flowers?’  she asked, 'thou who so often receivest the Flower of all flowers !' — Then she explained the vision I had just had of the children, the desertion and return of the two elder ones, and I had another vision referring to her martyrdom.


I saw her imprisoned with her elder sisters, a contest going on among them. The two elder wished not to die for Jesus, and so they were set free. Dorothea was sent by the judge to the two apostates in the hope that she would follow their example and advice. But the contrary was the case ; she brought her sisters back to the faith. Then Dorothea was fastened to a stake, torn with hooks, burned with torches and, finally, beheaded.


Whilst she was being tortured, I saw a youth, who had mocked at her on her way to martyrdom and to whom she had addressed a few words, suddenly converted. A resplendent boy appeared to him with roses and fruits. He entered into himself, confessed the faith, and suffered martyrdom by decapitation. With Dorothea suffered many others ; some by fire, some by being fastened to animals and quartered."




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