真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
032.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第28章 关于圣伤的证词
032.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第28章 关于圣伤的证词
浏览次数:2028 更新时间:2024-5-19


Dean Overberg's, Dean Rensing's, and Dr. Wesener's Testimony Regarding the Stigmata.



Though from his very first visit the Vicar-General was convinced of the impossibility of imposture with regard to the stigmata, yet he commissioned Dean Overberg to submit the invalid to circumstantial interrogations as to their nature and origin. The Dean began the examination April 8, 1813, and continued it until May 12th. His manner of proceeding consisted in demanding of Sister Emmerich new and detailed explanations upon points already settled, whilst Dean Rensing's and Dr. Krauthausen's daily reports furnished matter for fresh interrogatories to which he insisted on answers. When the report of one of these questionings was forwarded to the Vicar- General, he in turn demanded yet further explanations from the invalid, being satisfied only when by various means he had arrived at conclusions similar to those of the Dean. We find, in his own writing, notes on the report, never contradictory but rather confirmatory of Dean Overberg's conclusions, since they present them in a clearer and more exact style.

尽管从副主教第一次访问时,他就确信圣伤不可能是伪造的,但他还是委托奥弗伯格总铎就圣伤的性质和来源向病人进行详细的询问。总铎于 1813 年 4 月 8 日开始审查,并一直持续到 5 月 12 日。奥弗伯格总铎的审查方式包括要求艾曼丽修女对已经审查过的问题重新做出新的、详细的解释。而伦辛总铎和克劳特豪森医生的每日报告则为奥弗伯格总铎坚持要求艾曼丽回答的新问题提供了素材。当其中一个问询的报告被转交给副主教时,副主教又要求病人进一步的解释,直到当他藉著各种方式得出与奥弗伯格总铎相似的结论时,他才感到满意。我们在副主教自己的信件中发现,在报告中有一些注释,这些注释与奥弗伯格总铎的结论并不矛盾,而是互相印证的,因为它们以一种更清晰、更准确的方式呈现出来。

The following are faithful extracts of the several reports: —

“I was commissioned," writes Dean Overberg, April 8th, “to inquire of Sister Emmerich if she had made the wounds herself, or allowed others to do so. I represented to her as forcibly as possible that she owed obedience to ecclesiastical authority, and that she was obliged to speak the truth even supposing she had sworn secrecy to the person instrumental in producing the wounds. I impressed upon her that an oath which militates against obedienceto the Church is invalid, and I asked her how she could stand before God's tribunal if she concealed the truth that obedience commanded her to reveal. Being assured that she comprehended the above, I asked:


4 月 8 日,奥弗伯格总铎写道:「我受命,去询问艾曼丽修女,这些伤口是她自己伪造的,还是让别人伪造的。我尽可能强硬地向她表示,她必须服从教会权威,并且她必须说出真相,即使她对伪造她伤口的人发誓保密,她也必须说出真相。我让她明白,不服从教会,所发的誓言是无效的,我问她,如果她隐瞒了该服从教会命她说出的真相,她怎么能站在天主的法庭上。我确信她理解了上述内容,便问道:

 “1 — ‘Have you — perhaps, with a good intention — pinched your hands or forced a nail, or something of the kind into them, that you might feel more sensibly the sufferings of Jesus Christ?” “Answer. — ‘No, never!’

“2 — ‘Have you not applied to those parts nitric acid or lunar caustic?’ Ans. — -' I know not what they are.'

“3— ‘Has any one, who takes an interest in your spiritual progress and that you may be a lover of Christ's sufferings, made these wounds by pressing, by sticking, by putting something on them, or in any other way ?' Ans. — ‘Ah. no!’

 「1.  你有没有——也许是出于好意——掐了你的手或用力钉了钉子(在手上),或者用其它类似的方式,好让你更清楚地感受到耶稣基督的苦难?」回答:「不,从来没有!」

「2.  你有没有在那些部位涂过硝酸或硝酸银?」


「3.  有没有人关你的神修进步,让你成为基督苦难的爱好者,通过按压、粘贴、在伤口上涂抹东西或其他方式造成这些伤口?」



“During the above questions and answers, her countenance maintained unalterable serenity. She then related what follows: —

“’I knew not of the wounds at first, it was another who remarked them.' (I think she named the Abbe Lambert.)

‘He drew my attention to them, saying: “Do not think that you are now a St. Catherine of Sienna. You have not yet come to that !" ‘



 “When I objected that another could not have remarked the wounds before herself, since we are generally sensible of a wound received, she said: ‘That is true ; but having felt the pain three or four years before the wounds appeared, I suspected not the change. When I received the external marks, I had only a little girl to wait on me, and she did not think of washing off the blood. I did not remark it, and so it happened that the Abbe Lambert saw the wounds in my hands before I did myself. The pain could not attract my attention to them, for I had long been accustomed to it and the external signs made no change in it.' (Sister Emmerich used to call the pain she felt for many years in the places where, at a later period, the wounds were formed, marks, and the wounds themselves she generally denominated external signs )

「当我反对说,别人不可能先她之前看到伤口,因为我们一般都能感觉到自己伤口的疼痛。艾曼丽说:『这倒是真的;但是在伤口出现前三四年我就已经感觉到了疼痛了,所以我没有怀疑这种变化。当我领受到外在印记的时候,只有一个小姑娘在伺候我,她也没有想到要把血迹洗掉。我也没有注意到这一点,结果兰伯特神父在我看到“圣伤”之前就先看到了我手上的伤口。疼痛无法引起我对“圣伤”的注意,因为我早已习惯了它,而这外在的记号并没有改变既有的事实。』(艾曼丽修女习惯称那多年疼痛的地方所形成的伤口叫“印记”,在后期,这些伤口本身,她通常称之为“外在的记号”。 )

 “’The pains in my head I felt for four years before entering the convent. It is, as it were, encircled by thorns, or rather, as if all my hair were thorns; I can never rest on the pillow without pain. The pains of the other wounds are not like ordinary pains, they go to my heart. A touch or light pressure upon the cross on my breast is not so painful outwardly, but inwardly it is as if the whole breast were on fire. As to the sign above my stomach, it feels like a flame of fire.'


 “4 — ‘When did these signs appear on your person? Ans. — ‘The sign on my stomach appeared on the Feast of St. Augustine; the lower cross on my breast about six weeks after; the upper one on the Feast of St. Catherine; the wounds of my hands and feet on the last Feast of Christmas; and that of my side between Christmas and New Year.'

「4.  这些迹象是什么时候出现在您身上的?」回答:我腹部上的印痕是在圣奥斯定瞻礼那天出现的;大约六周后,我胸前下部的十字架印痕出现了;胸前上部的那个十字架印痕是在圣加大利纳瞻礼那天出现的;我手脚上的伤口是在圣诞节的最后一个庆日出现的;我肋旁的印伤是在圣诞节和新年之间出现的。」

 “5— ‘When you first felt these pains and later when the wounds in your head, hands, and feet appeared, did you see anything like an apparition, or did you receive special light on any subject?’ Ans — ' No, I was at the time in unusual suffering.'

 「5.  当你第一次感觉到这些疼痛,以及后来当你的头部、手部、脚部的印伤出现时,你是否看到类似天使显现那样的事件?或者你是否在什么地方看到了特殊的亮光?」


 “6 — ‘Do you not know what the crosses on your breast signify?’ Ans. — ‘No. But when the first appeared on my stomach, I felt that it was a sign that I should have much to suffer for Christ. When, on St. Catherine's Feast, the second appeared, I felt that my cross would be two-fold; and the same when the third became visible.' “She told me again, “ remarks the Dean, “that she had prayed much to suffer the pains of Jesus, but never for the marks of His Wounds" (1).

「6.  你知道你胸前的十字架印痕是什么意思吗?」


(1) See Dean Overberg's first visit. March 28, 29.

(1) 见奥弗伯格总铎的第一次访问。 3 月 28 日,29日。

" 7 — ‘How must your first declaration (report, March 25th) be understood: “My wounds have not been made by man, but I believe and hope they are from God."' Ans. —  ‘I said: I believe, and not: I am sure, because the Dean and the physicians, as well as their rigorous examination, made me fear that they came, perhaps, from the demon. But the crosses on my breast reassured me, for I said to myself: They certainly cannot have been made by the devil. For the same reason, too, I said, I hope, because I do hope that these signs are the work of God and not a delusion of the devil!’

「7.  如何理解你的第一个声明(3 月 25 日的报告):『我的伤口不是人为造成的,但我相信并希望它们来自天主。』」 回答:我说我相信,而不是我确定,因为总铎和医生以及他们的严格检查,让我担心伤口可能来自恶魔。但是我胸前的十字架让我放心,因为我对自己说:它们肯定不是魔鬼制造的。出于同样的原因,我说,我希望,因为我确实希望这些记号是天主的作为,而不是魔鬼的幻术!

 “8 — ‘And supposing your wounds were healed as Dr. von Druffel thinks possible? ‘ Ans. — ' I have been permitted to ask for their disappearance, but nothing has been said of their healing. I never thought of that. I understood it this way: that God would not be displeased at my praying for their disappearance, and that their pains would rather increase than diminish. The latter have already much increased. ‘

「8.  假如您的伤口像冯.德鲁菲尔医生认为的那样痊愈了呢?」 


The Dean said: "I shall not believe that you have revelations if you cannot prove to me that you know how to distinguish a revelation from a mere remembrance." She replied: “Yes, but how can I prove that!" He answered: “That I do not know." Then she said: "It may be that I have heard, or seen, or experienced something and that, when I spoke of it, it was misunderstood for a revelation." (' Here she cited an example," says the Dean.)

“What we have heard remains in the mind; but when we suddenly receive the knowledge of something of which we had never before heard or seen, that cannot be a remembrance !"






 “9 — ‘Do you not know at what time you felt the pains in your hands and feet?’ Ans. — 'Four years before the suppression of the convent, I went to Coesfeld to visit my   parents. Whilst there, I prayed for two hours at the foot of the cross behind the altar in St. Lambert's Church. I was very much distressed at the state of our convent, so I prayed that we might see our faults and live in peace. I also asked Jesus to make me experience all that He suffered. From that time I have always had these pains and this burning. I used to think it fever and that the pains arose from it. Sometimes I fancied it might be an answer to my petition; but I rejected the thought, deeming myself unworthy of such a favor. I was often unable to walk on account of the pains in my feet, and my hands were so painful that at times I could not perform certain work, such as digging. I could not bend the middle finger, it often felt as if dead.

「9. 『 你不知道你是什么时候感觉到手脚疼痛的吗?』


" 'After I began to feel these pains, I was one day earnestly praying that my sisters in religion and I might see our faults, that peace might reign, and that my sufferings would cease, when I received this answer: ' Thy sufferings will not decrease. Let the grace of God suffice for thee! Not one of thy sisters will die before recognizing her faults!" — After this response, when I felt the signs, I consoled myself with the thought that my state would be known only to the sisters, for it was frightful to think that the world would become cognizant of it.’

「『 在我开始感受到这些痛苦之后,有一天,我真诚地祈求天主,让我和修会的姐妹们能看到自已身上的缺点和毛病,祈愿和平降临,祈愿我的痛苦会停止,我收到了这个答复:『你的痛苦不会减少。天主的恩宠为你足够!你的姐妹们在死去之前都会认识到她们自已的错误!』在得到这个回应后,当我看到这些身上印痕时,我安慰自己,我想我的印痕只有姐妹们知道,因为想到若我的印痕被公开于世我就感到害怕。

10 — ‘To my questions concerning the crosses on her breast, she answered: ‘I begged God from my childhood to impriut the cross upon my heart, but I never thought of an external sign.'

“She told me, besides, that the detailed inquiry into her past life was not the least of her sufferings, for reasons stated in a preceding chapter.

10. 对于我提到的关于她胸前十字架印痕的问题,艾曼丽回答说:



11— "On Thursday, May 13th, four P. M., the blood spurted from her head and her forehead. In less than a minute her kerchief was saturated. She became exceedingly pale and weak, and soon after her hands began to bleed. A short time previously she had had violent pains in her forehead and temples as if from the piercing of thorns which she felt even in her eyes. I told her that, if I could, I would draw the thorns out of her head and leave only one, to which she replied: ‘I do not want them drawn out, I love their pains.’"

「11.   5 月 13 日瞻礼五(周四)下午 4 点,鲜血从她的头部和前额喷涌而出。不到一分钟,她的手帕就被鲜血浸透了。她变得非常苍白和虚弱,不久后她的手开始流血。此前不久,她的额头和太阳穴都剧烈疼痛,仿佛被荆棘刺痛甚至感觉痛到眼睛里了。我告诉她,如果可以的话,我会把她头上的刺拔掉,只留下一根,她回答说:『我不希望它们被拔出,我喜欢它们给我带来的疼痛。』」

 “I asked her what she meant by saying to Dean Rensing that they who believed not would feel? Did she think that they who did not believe in her stigmata would be punished? — She answered with a smile: ‘Ah, no! My wounds are not articles of faith. I only meant that they who believe not what the Catholic faith teaches, find no peace ; even on earth they will always feel miserable.’ "

「我问艾曼丽,她对伦辛总铎说那些不相信她(身上圣伤)的人,也会受到试探考验的痛苦,是什么意思?她是否认为不相信她圣伤的人会受到惩罚吗? 她笑着回答:『啊,不!我的印伤不是信条。我的意思是,那些不相信天主教教义的人,即使在今生,他们的内心也总是会感到痛苦,得不到平安的。』」

Dean Overberg gives an account of a subsequent visit made on Friday, September 15, 1814: "In the morning, about nine o'clock, I saw the marks on her hands red and swollen, a sure sign of their going to bleed. I expressed surprise that there was no swelling in the palms, upon which Sister Emmerich explained that the wounds in the palms of her hands never swelled before bleeding; on the contrary, they seemed to contract as if to puff out more on the upper surface.

奥弗伯格总铎描述了 1814 年 9 月 15 日瞻礼六(周五)的后续访问:「早上九点左右,我看到她手上的伤痕又红又肿,这是它们要流血的明确迹象。我对手掌没有肿胀表示惊讶,对此艾曼丽修女解释说,她手掌上的伤口在流血之前绝不会肿胀;相反,手掌心的伤口似乎在收缩,似乎要使手掌面鼓起来更多。」 


“The cross on her breast did not bleed, though it was very red, as it invariably is on certain days, even when there is no effusion of blood.”


From the first Sister Emmerich carefully sought to conceal her hands from every one. She hid them under the coverlet or, when much inflamed she laid a white cloth over them. This desire possessed her to such a degree that even in ecstasy she perceived any attempt to remove the covering.


Dr. Wesener says: "One day, I took my eldest sister to see Sister Emmerich and found her lying, as was often the case, unconscious. Father Limherg attempted to uncover her hands, but she showed signs of dissatisfaction. He said to her: ' What is the matter?' — She answered in a low voice and without opening her eyes: “They want something of me that I must not grant.' — I was wishing in my heart that my sister might be strengthened in her faith by this wonderful sight. Sister Emmerich again said: ‘Some one wants signs from me that I must not give.' Then Father Lim berg gave her his blessing, when instantly she began, still in ecstasy, to sign herself with her trembling hand, anxiously endeavoring all the time not to let the cloth fall from it."

韦塞纳医生说:「有一天,我带着我的大姐去见艾曼丽修女,发现她躺着,像往常一样失去了知觉。林堡神父试图揭开她上的遮盖,但她表现出不满的迹象。神父于是问她说 :『怎么回事?』她没有睁开眼睛,低声回答:『他们想从我这里得到一些东西,我决不能答应。』我心里真希望我的姐姐看到这一神迹,能够坚定她的信心。艾曼丽修女又说:『有人想从我这得到神迹,那是我不能给予的。』然后林堡神父祝福了她,她虽仍然处于神魂超拔之中,但立即用颤抖的手画十字圣号,一直焦急地努力不让遮布从手上掉下来。」

Something similar occurred to Dean Overberg, Sept. 10, 1813, when he accompanied the Princess Galitzin to Diilmen. He wrote: “I found the invalid very weak. As I sat by her in the evening about six o'clock, she fell into one of her deep swoons (ecstasies). I extended the first fingers of my right hand toward her face. Instantly inclining her head she kissed them respectfully. Then I leaned over to kiss her left hand which lay before me stiff and immovable, but she drew it back frightened. I approached the other, but succeeded no better, so quickly was it withdrawn, although in these swoons her whole body lies stiff as a log."

1813 年 9 月 10 日,奥弗伯格总铎陪同加利津公主前往杜尔门时,也发生了类似的事情。他写道:「我发现这位病人非常虚弱。傍晚六点左右,我坐在她旁边,她陷入了深深的昏厥(神魂超拔)中。我右手食指伸向她的脸。她立即低下头,恭敬地吻了我的右手食指。然后我俯身亲吻她僵硬不动的左手,她吓得缩回了左手。我靠近了她的右手,但也没有成功,右手很快也缩回了,在昏迷中她的整个身体僵硬得像一根木头。」

The Dean had made these attempts through respect for the stigmata, but the patient's humility had become like second nature ; she shrank from such homage even when unconscious. She could not endure a glance animated by such a feeling, as the Pilgrim experienced at a later period. "I was sitting by her bed praying. She was in ecstasy and in intense suffering. I offered to God in union with the Sacred Wounds of Our Saviour, the sufferings of all the martyrs and the pains of all the saints who had had the stigmata and at the same moment I glanced reverently at Sister Emmerich's hands, when quick as lightning she drew them away. The movement surprised me and I asked what was the matter. From her deep swoon she answered: 'Many things!’”

奥弗伯格总铎出于对圣伤的尊敬做了这些尝试,但病人的谦逊已经变成了她的第二天性;她甚至在失去知觉的情况下,也不愿接受这种敬意。她无法忍受被这种敬意所激起的一瞥,正如“朝圣者”(《艾曼丽神视录》的原作者Clemens Brentano 克莱孟布伦塔诺) 后来所经历的那样:「我坐在艾曼丽的床边祈祷。她处于神魂超拔和强烈的痛苦之中。我将所有殉道者的苦难和所有有圣伤的圣人的痛苦,结合于我们救主的神圣五伤,奉献给天主,与此同时,我虔诚地瞥了一眼艾曼丽修女的手,她像闪电一样迅速地把双手抽回。这个动作让我很惊讶,我问这是怎么回事。她从深深的昏迷中回答说:『关乎很多事情!』」

Dean Rensing was with her once just before the wounds began to bleed, and she complained of the sharp pains that always preceded it. He asked her why she did not uncover her hands, saying that she need not scruple doing so in his presence. " Ah!" she answered, “I cannot myself bear the sight of my signs. They cry out to me of the special favors of which I am not worthy. “The Dean adds: “Then she thanked me for having denied admittance to a party of visitors. She wept that these good people gave themselves so much trouble and esteemed her so highly, although before God they were much better than she. She said: 'I must also thank God that He does not hide from me my faults ; by them He strengthens me in humility. ' "


She spoke of the pain and anxiety such visits gave her and earnestly begged the Dean not to allow her to be seen any more, especially by strange doctors who often inconsiderately wounded delicacy. "It is very hard for me," she said, “to be forced to show my signs so often ; but still harder is it when I see that these people seek not the honor of God, but only something to talk about.


 “From bodily sufferings I desire not to be free, God will leave them to me. But of what use are these inspections, these investigations? Our Lord Himself did not satisfy all in such a way that they believed and were converted. Some pity me too much. Let them pray for me that I may humbly submit to whatever God ordains through my spiritual Superiors and that I may not lose His grace. God leads every one by a separate way. But what matters it whether we go to heaven by this or that road? Let us only do all that God demands of us according to our state! "


Once Dean Rensing told her that Veronica Giuliani had for a long time around her head the marks of the Crown of Thorns. When it became known, the physicians tried to cure her, which proceeding cost her frightful sufferings. The invalid sighed and said: " I have not yet suffered so much; yet when Ecclesiastical Superiors decided that my wounds should be cured, I felt it very much because I was undergoing such pain. I had the pains of the crown around my head even before my entrance into the convent. I felt them first in the Jesuit church at Coesfeld."

有一次伦辛总铎告诉艾曼丽说,物洛尼加.朱利安尼 (Veronica Giuliani) 的头上很长一段时间都带着棘冠的印记。当被人知道时,医生们试图治愈她,这使她遭受了可怕的痛苦。艾曼丽叹了口气说:「我还没有受过这么大的苦,可是当教会长上决定要治愈我的伤口时,我的感受非常痛苦,因为我正在经历这样的痛苦。在我进入修道院之前我的头上就已经有了茨冠的痛苦。我第一次感受到这痛苦是在科斯菲尔德的耶稣会教堂里。

During the first Vespers of St. Catherine of Sienna, Dean Rensing found her wounds bleeding; but on the day itself, April 30th, the flow was much more profuse. He reports as follows: "I visited her at three o'clock. As I entered the room the blood was streaming from her head and hands. I was quite unnerved at the sight, and an expression of admiration at the extraordinary favors bestowed upon her escaped me. She noticed it and said: ‘Yes, God grants me more than I deserve. I thank Him for them, but I would rather He would hide these graces from the eyes of men, for I fear they will think me better than I am.' Then we had a conversation which gave me an insight into her pure and humble soul. She related some incidents of her youth which convinced me that the Hand of God had ever conducted her, shielding her from all danger, I was astonished to find one with so little education yet with ideas of God and divine things so clear, so just, so elevated. She told me that Almighty God had asked her the night before: 'Wouldst thou rather be with Me soon, or still suffer more for Me!’ —

在锡耶纳的圣加大利纳瞻礼的第一晚祷中,伦辛总铎发现她的伤口在流血;但在 4 月 30 日这一天,流量要大得多。他报告如下:「我在三点钟去看望她。当我走进房间时,血从她的头和手上流了出来。看到这一幕,我十分震惊,我对天主给予她的非凡恩惠流露出钦佩的表情。她注意到了,说:『是的,天主赐予我的比我应得的更多。我为这些恩宠感谢天主,但我宁愿天主将这些恩宠隐藏起来,不让人们看到。因为我担心他们会认为我比实际的我更好。』然后我们进行了一次谈话,让我洞察了她纯洁而谦卑的灵魂。她讲述了她年轻时的一些事情,让我相信天主的手曾经引导过她,保护她远离一切危险,我惊讶地发现,一个没有受过多少教育的人,竟对天主和神圣事物的认识如此清晰、如此公正、如此高尚。她告诉我,前一天晚上全能天主问她:『你是愿意早点和我在一起,还是愿意为我受更多的痛苦!』


She answered: ‘If thou dost desire it, I will gladly suffer more, if only Thou givest me the grace to do as Thou wiliest! — God promised me this grace,’ she added, ‘and now I am right joyful. He also reminded me that, whilst in the convent, I had committed many faults against the perfection to which my vows engaged me. I repented anew of these faults and received the assurance that I had not lost His grace by them, since I had humbled myself before Him and men. I was also reminded that when in the convent, despised by all, I had often prayed that the sisters might recognize the faults they committed on my account. Often, when thus praying and particularly during the last summer I was among them, I received the consoling promise that all would see their faults before my death. And all have entered into themselves since God has given me these extraordinary signs. This is a joy for which I thank Him in the midst of the intense pains my signs cause me. ‘


 “I asked her once," continues the Dean, “if she had not also a wound upon her shoulder, for I think the Saviour surely had His Sacred Shoulder wounded by the heavy cross. ‘Yes, indeed!’ she answered, ‘the Divine Saviour had a painful wound on His Shoulder from the cross; but I have not the wound, although I have long felt its pain. I have venerated this wound from my childhood, because it is especially pleasing to Our Saviour. He revealed to me in the convent that this Wound of which so little is thought caused Him the greatest pain, and that when one honors it, He is as much pleased thereby as if that person had borne the cross for Him up to Calvary. At six or seven years old ; when alone and meditating on the Lord's Passion, I used to put a log of wood or some other weight on my shoulder and drag it along as far I was able."


During the whole of May, 1813, Dean Rensing noted almost daily the bleeding of the wounds and their increasing pains. Up to the 8th of May, she was forced to lie on her back which was covered with sores. She suffered intensely from it, but she said: " It is nothing compared with my other wounds. Still, I am ready to suffer any pain, provided the dear God withdraws not His interior consolation. But I often feel great bitterness of soul now. It is hard, but God's will be done !"

在 1813 年 的整个 5 月期间,伦辛总铎几乎每天都注意到她的伤口在流血,而且伤口越来越痛。直到 5 月 8 日,艾曼丽被迫仰卧,身上长满了疮。她为此感到剧烈的痛苦,但她说:「与我其它的伤口相比,褥疮算不了什么。只要亲爱的天主不撤回祂给我的内心的安慰,我愿意忍受任何痛苦。但我现在经常感到灵魂干枯的痛苦。这很难忍受,但我愿天主的旨意承行!」

During the octave of the Invention of the Holy Cross her wounds bled daily, her sufferings proportionately increasing. When the Dean saw blood flowing on the morning of the 3d, he did not at once recall the connection between it and the feast of the day. He expressed some surprise, upon which Sister Emmerich replied: "It must be because the Feast of the Invention is kept today." She had communicated, but with spiritual dryness, a keener suffering to her than any physical evil. The pains of the Crown of Thorns were simply intense in her forehead, eyes, and temples, and they extended even to her mouth and throat. This state lasted for several days, no consolation being vouchsafed her. The Dean, unable to endure the sight, remained by her side as little as possible.


On May 6th, she exclaimed: “I feel the pains from my feet up to my breast. It seems as if all my wounds communicate their pains one to the other." Her back, as we have said, was raw in several places, and her linen adhered to it; but she declared this nothing when compared with each separate wound. The Dean remarked that she must have had a very bad night. She replied: " No! my pains are my joy! I rejoice when I have something to suffer and I thank God that I am not lying idle in my bed." Once she said to Dean Overberg that her greatest trial was to have nothing to- suffer ; she was never so happy as in suffering something for the love of God.

5 月 6 日,艾曼丽惊叹道:「我感到从脚到胸部都疼痛。好像我所有的伤口都在互相传递着疼痛。」正如我们所说,她的后背有多处溃烂,亚麻布衬衣也粘在上面;但与每个单独的伤口相比,她说,这算不上什么。伦辛总铎说她一定度过了一个非常糟糕的夜晚。她回答说:「不! 我的痛苦就是我的欢乐!当我要受苦时,我很欢悦,我感谢天主,我没有躺在床上闲着。」有一次,她对奥弗伯格总铎说,她最大的考验是没有什么苦可受;没有什么是比为了爱天主的缘故遭受苦难与折磨,更让她快乐的事了。

On May 9th, her state remained the same, but she had been consoled and strengthened from on high. She told the Dean that she felt as if a hair rope were being drawn through her head, and that she sometimes feared she would lose her mind. "My suffering is, however, not too great. God sweetens it by His consolations, although I do not deserve them. Especially in the convent did I render myself unworthy of such favors, for I often thought too much over the faults of my sisters and what they ought to do, and too little of what I ought to be myself. That was imperfect and ungrateful; therefore, I am satisfied that God now lets me suffer. If I knew that by it, I could contribute ever so little to His glory and the conversion of sinners, I would gladly suffer more and more. God grant me patience!" Her pains decreased toward evening when the Dean found her unusually bright.


These effusions of blood were attended by so copious a flow of perspiration that the bed-clothes were saturated as if dipped in water. The wounds on her back resulted from this and prevented her lying down. The wound of her right side made it impossible to lie upon it, and her left hip-bone was completely stripped of flesh; consequently she was forced to remain in a most painful sitting posture. Mr. Clement Brentano says: " For four years I was in daily communication with Sister Emmerich, and saw the blood flowing from her head. I never saw her head uncovered or the blood gushing directly from her forehead, but I saw it running down under her cap in such quantities that it lay in the folds of her kerchief before being absorbed. Her head, surrounded by an invisible crown of thorns, could not be rested on her pillow; she balanced it for hours in a sitting posture like a weight of untold pain. Often did I support it for a longer or shorter time on my two fingers placed against the bridge of the nose, the sweat of agony bathing her pallid face. I could not endure the pitiful sight without doing something to relieve her. Whole nights were often passed in this state, helpless and alone."


The absolute impossibility of taking nourishment of any kind coincided with the appearance of the stigmata. Dean Overberg writes, May 12, 1813: " For about five months, Sister Emmerich has taken no solid food, not even the size of half a pea. She can retain nothing, neither chocolate, coffee, wine, nor soup. The only thing she takes occasionally is a tea-spoonful of beef-tea. She endeavors to conceal the fact of her abstinence from food by having a baked apple or some stewed prunes placed by her ; but of these she only tastes the juice.

绝对不可能摄取任何食物,这与圣伤的出现是一致的。奥弗伯格总铎写道,1813 年 5 月 12 日:「大约五个月以来,艾曼丽修女没有吃任何固体食物,甚至连半个豌豆大小的食物都没有。她不能留存任何食物,无论是巧克力、咖啡、酒还是汤。她唯一偶尔的食物是一茶匙的牛肉茶。她努力通过食用一个烤苹果或一些炖李子来掩盖她不吃东西的事实;但这些食物她只尝了流汁。

[注:牛肉茶是一种简单的汤剂,将牛肉(通常是臀部肉)在水中浸泡几个小时,加盐调味。这种温和的肉茶在英国经常被用作治疗各种健康状况的药物,包括感冒、咳嗽和不同类型病毒感染后的恢复。茶不同于牛肉汤或骨汤,因为它是通过浸泡肉而不是骨头制成的。它是一种舒缓的液体,传统上在茶杯中趁热饮用,在寒冷的日子里享用,以振兴身体。https://www.organicfacts.net/beef-tea.html ]

“A little very weak coffee was what she could best take in the convent, but from the early part of last winter she could retain not even this. She then tried weak chocolate, but only for a few days; wine, pure or watered, she could not endure, and, at last, she confined herself to water alone."


We have seen that, in spite of her total inability to eat, she was at times suspected of doing so, a suspicion that was frequently renewed. Dean Overberg reports, Sept. 17, 1814: — " Dean Rensing told me that the widow with whom Sister Emmerich lodges, was very ill for about two months before her death. She had herself carried into Sister Emmerich's room, thinking that she could endure her sufferings more patiently there and better prepare for death. A day or so before she died, she acknowledged that she bad once had doubts as to Sister Emmerich's not eating, but now she was convinced that she took absolutely nothing. “

我们已经看到,尽管她完全无法进食,但有时还是被人怀疑她会吃东西,这种怀疑经常被再次提起。奥弗伯格总铎1814 年 9 月 17 日报道:「伦辛总铎告诉我,艾曼丽修女寄宿在一位寡妇家,这寡妇在去世前大约两个月病得很重。她请人把自己抬进了艾曼丽修女的房间,以为在那里她可以更耐心地忍受临终的痛苦,更好地预备善终。在她去世前一天左右,她承认她曾经对艾曼丽修女不吃东西产生过怀疑,但现在她确信她什么也没吃。」

Dr. Wesener reports, Oct. 29, 1814, that he was often obliged to defend his patient against such suspicions: — "I had a visit from the Dean von Notteln, who came to find out for himself, as he said, the origin of the report circulating in Minister that Sister Emmerich had been seen out of bed eating some meat. I took him to see the invalid, telling him to watch her closely whilst I repeated the report to her in the plainest terms. She smiled as I told her, saying that such things only made her pity those who invented and propagated them. To render homage to truth, I must here say that I took a great deal of trouble to discover something she could eat without vomiting, but in vain. If I am deceived in her, I must refuse credence to my own senses. She is, moreover, surrounded by people who would be only too well pleased could they find the least thing against her, how equivocal soever it might be. Her own sister, who ought to wait on her, is a perverse, ill-tempered creature, constantly doing something to deserve reprimand both from Sister Emmerich and from me. She has no love for the poor sufferer; she often leaves her the whole day long without even a drink of water. Surely, such a person would not keep a fraud secret!"

韦塞纳医生在 1814 年 10 月 29 日报告中说,他经常不得不为他的病人辩护,以免受到这类怀疑:「冯.诺特恩总铎曾来拜访我,正如他所说,他来亲自查明在明斯特流传的关于有人看到艾曼丽修女下床吃肉的报道的来龙去脉。我带他去看病人,让他密切注视艾曼丽,同时我用最简单的语言向艾曼丽复述了报告。艾曼丽在我说的时候微笑,说这样的事情只会让她怜悯那些编造和传播这些事的人。为了尊重真相,我必须在这里说,我费了好大劲才找到一种她吃了不会吐的东西,但却白费力气。如果说我被她欺骗了,那么我就必须拒绝相信自己的感觉。此外,她周围的人只要发现一点点对她不利的事情,不管它是多么模棱两可,都会非常高兴。她自己的妹妹,应该伺候她的人,却是个乖僻、脾气坏的女人,经常做一些应该受到艾曼丽修女和我的谴责的事。她对受苦的人毫无爱心;她经常离开她一整天以至于她喝不到一口水。当然,这样的人绝不会隐瞒骗局的! 」

Father Limberg himself was alive to such suspicions. Fifteen months after the investigation, he was tormented for several days by a stain on the coverlet of Sister Emmerich's bed, which he concluded could have been made only by food eaten in secret. Dr. Wesener and Clara Soentgen reassured him, explaining that it was made by a plaster which the latter had applied to the invalid's hip. Sister Emmerich could not restrain a smile at her confessor's unreasonable doubts. She remarked; “If I could eat, I know not why I should do it in private?” — She begged him to communicate to her any suspicions that arose in his mind and not keep them to himself for entire days. Later we shall see her suffering greatly from the doctor's attempts to make her take food.

林堡神父本人也产生了这种怀疑。调查结束 15 个月后,他被艾曼丽修女床单上的污渍折磨了好几天,他断定这只能是偷吃食物造成的。韦塞纳医生和克拉拉.索恩根向他保证,解释说它是由克拉拉贴在病人臀部的石膏造成的。艾曼丽修女对她的告解神父毫无道理的怀疑不禁笑了起来。她说:「如果我能吃,我不知道为什么要私下吃?」她恳求告解神父把心中产生的任何怀疑都告诉她,不要整天把它们藏在心里。稍后我们将看到她因医生试图让她进食而遭受到的极大的痛苦。

With regard to her manner of prayer when she received Holy Communion, Dean Overberg says: —

“Sister Emmerich's immediate preparation for receiving the Holy Eucharist consisted in begging God, her Saviour, to give her His own Heart that she might worthily receive and entertain Him. She represented to Him that it was only through and with His Heart that she could love and praise Him as He deserved. Then she offered Him her own, begging Him to make it pleasing to Himself. After this she called together all the powers of her soul and body that she might offer to Him all she possessed — her eyes, her ears, her members, supplicating Him to make use of them in His own service and to accomplish by them what she herself could not. Then she made a contract with Almighty God to praise and thank Him with her whole being: every thought, every sigh, every movement of her eyes and hands, every instant of her sufferings, was to be an act of praise. She begged Mary for some gift from her superabundant treasures, supplicating her to place the Divine Infant in her arms as she had done to the Eastern Kings. Then turning to the saints she went from one to another, begging for something of their beauty, their virtues, their ornaments, that she might prepare better for Holy Communion and make a more fervent thanksgiving. ‘You are so rich,' did she say to them, ' and I am so poor! Ah, pity me! I ask for only a mite from your abundance!’ “After Holy Communion, she fell into ecstasy as she had always done in the convent.”


上一篇:031.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第27章 副主教第四次访问杜尔门
下一篇:033.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第29章 十天的医学观察 — 教会调查的终结


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