真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
浏览次数:1203 更新时间:2024-5-28


St. Apollonia.


 "I had the saint's relic by me, and I saw the city in which she was martyred. It stands on a cape not far from the mouth of the Nile ; it is a large and beautiful city. The house of Apollonia' s parents stood on an elevated spot surrounded by court-yards and gardens. Apollonia was, at the time of her martyrdom, an aged widow (1), very tall.


Her parents were pagans. But she had been converted in childhood by her nurse, a Christian in secret, and had married a pagan in obedience to her parents, with whom she lived at home. She had much to suffer; married life was for her a rude penance. I have seen her lying on the ground, praying, weeping, her head covered with ashes.

她的父母是异教徒。但阿波罗尼亚在童年时被她的保姆教导皈依了天主教,保姆是一名秘密的天主教徒,阿波罗尼亚为了顺从她的父母而嫁给了一个异教徒,她和父母住在一起。她要受很多苦。婚姻生活对她来说是一种粗鲁的补赎。 我看到她躺在地上,祈祷,哭泣,头上蒙着灰。

 (1) In the Roman Martyrology and Breviary she is designated as V, M.

(1) 在罗马殉道和祈祷书中,她被指定为 VM


Her husband was very thin and pale, and he died long before her, leaving her childless. She survived him thirty years. Apollonia was extremely compassionate to the poor persecuted Christians ; she was the hope and consolation of all in suffering. Her nurse also suffered martyrdom shortly before her in an insurrection, during which the dwellings of Christians were plundered and burned, and many of the occupants put to death.


— Later on, I saw Apollonia herself arrested in her house by the judge's orders, led before the tribunal, and cast into prison. Again I saw her brought before the judge and horribly maltreated, on account of her severe and resolute answers. It was a heart-rending sight and I cried bitterly, although I had witnessed with less emotion even more cruel punishments ; perhaps it was her age and dignified bearing that touched me.


They beat her with clubs, and struck her on the face and head with stones until her nose was broken. Blood flowed from her head, her cheeks and chin were all torn, and her teeth shattered in her gums. She wore the open white robe in which I have so often seen the martyrs, and under it a colored woollen tunic. The executioners placed her on a stone seat without a back, her hands chained behind her to the stone, her feet in fetters.

他们用棍棒打她,用石头打她的脸和头,直到她的鼻子被打断。 鲜血从她的头上流了下来,她的脸颊和下巴都被撕裂了,她的牙齿在牙龈中被打碎了。她穿着一件我经常看到殉道者们穿的白色长袍,白袍里是一件彩色的羊毛长袍。刽子手将她放在一个没有靠背的石凳上,她的双手被锁在身后的石头上,脚上带着镣铐。

Her veil was torn off, and her long hair hung around her face, which was quite disfigured and covered with blood. One executioner stood behind and violently forced back her head, whilst another opened wide her torn mouth and pressed into it a small block of lead. Then with great pincers he drew out the broken teeth one after the other, tearing away with each a piece of the jaw-bone.


Apollonia almost fainted under this torture, but I saw angels, souls of other martyrs, and Jesus Himself strengthening and consoling her. At her own request, the power was conferred upon her of relieving all pains of the teeth, head, or face. As she still continued to glorify Jesus and insult the idols, the judge ordered her to be thrown on the funeral pile.


She could not walk alone, she was half dead ; consequently, two executioners had to support her under the arms to a high place where a fire burned in a pit. As she stood a moment before it, she appeared to pray for something ; she could no longer hold up her head. The pagans thought she was about to deny Jesus, that she was wavering, and so they released their hold upon her. She sank on the ground as if dying, lay there a moment, and then suddenly arose praying, and leaped into the flames.

她不能独自行走,她已经半死不活了; 因此,两名刽子手不得不将她搀扶到一个高处,那里有一个火坑在燃烧。她在火坑面前站了一会儿,似乎在祈求什么;她再也抬不起头来了。异教徒认为她要否认耶稣,她在动摇,所以他们对她松开了手。她倒在地上像死了一样,躺了一会儿,她突然站起来祈祷,然后跳进了火焰中。

— During the whole time of her martyrdom, I saw crowds of the poor whom she had befriended wringing their hands, weeping, and lamenting. Apollonia could never have leaped into the fire by herself. Strength came to her with the inspiration from God. She was not consumed, but only scorched. When she was dead, the pagans withdrew ; and the Christians, approaching stealthily, took the holy body and buried it in a vault."


St. Benedict and St. Scholastica.




" Through the relics of St. Scholastica. I saw many scenes in her life and that of St. Benedict I saw their paternal house in a great city, not far from Rome. It was not built entirely in the Roman style;  before it was a paved court-yard whose low wall was surmounted by a red lattice-work, and behind lay another court with a garden and a fountain. In the garden was a beautiful summer-house overrun by vines, and here I saw Benedict and his little sister Scholastica, playing as loving, innocent children are wont to amuse themselves.


The flat ceiling of the summer-house was painted all over with figures which I thought, at first, sculptured, so clearly were their outlines defined. The brother and sister were very fond of each other and so nearly of the same age that I thought them twins. The birds flew in familiarly at the windows with flowers and twigs in their beaks and sat gazing at the children who, also, were playing with flowers and leaves, planting sticks and making gardens.


I saw them writing and cutting all sorts of figures out of colored stuffs. Occasionally their nurse came to look after them. Their parents seemed to be people of wealth who had much business on hand, for I saw about twenty persons employed in the house ; but they did not seem to trouble themselves about their children. The father was a large, powerful man, clothed in the Roman style ; he took his meals with his wife and some other members of the family in the lower part of the house, whilst the children lived entirely up-stairs in separate apartments.


Benedict had for preceptor an old ecclesiastic with whom he staved almost all the time, and Scholastica had a nurse near whom she slept. The brother and sister were not often allowed to be alone together ; but whenever they could steal off for awhile, they were very gleeful and happy.


I saw Scholastica by her nurse's side, learning some kind of work. In the room next that in which she slept stood a table on which lay in baskets the materials for her work, various colored stuff, from which she cut figures of birds, flowers, etc., to be sewed on other larger pieces. When finished they looked as if carved on the ground-work.


The ceilings of the rooms, like that of the summer-house, were covered with different colored pictures. The windows were not glass ; they were of some kind of stuff on which were embroidered all sorts of figures, trees, lines, and pointed ornaments. Scholastica slept on a low bed behind a curtain.


I saw her in the morning when her nurse left the room, spring out of bed and prostrate in prayer before a crucifix on the wall. When she heard the nurse returning she used to slip quickly behind the curtain and be in bed again before she re-entered the room. I saw Benedict and Scholastica separately learning from the former's tutor.


They read from great rolls of parchment, and they painted letters in red, gold, and an extraordinarily fine blue. As they wrote they rolled the parchment. They made use of an instrument about as long as one's finger. The older the children grew, the less were they allowed to be together.

他们从大卷的羊皮纸上读书,他们用红色、金色和特别漂亮的蓝色涂字。 他们边写边卷起羊皮纸。 他们使用了一种和手指一样长的笔。 孩子们越长大,他们被允许在一起的时间就越少。

 “I saw Benedict at Rome, when about fourteen years old, in a large building in which there was a corridor with many rooms ; it looked like a school, or a monastery. There were many young men and some old ecclesiastics in a large hall, as if at a holiday feast. The ceilings were adorned with the same kind of paintings as those in Benedict's home.

我在罗马见到本笃时,他大约十四岁,在一座有许多房间的一条走廊的大楼里;它看起来像一所学校,或一座修道院。 在一个大厅里有许多年轻人和一些年长的神职人员,仿佛在过节。天花板上装饰着与本笃家中相同的绘画。

The guests did not eat reclining. They sat on round seats so low that they were obliged to stretch out their feet ; some sat on one side, back to back, at a very low table. There were holes hollowed in the massive table to receive the yellow plates and dishes ; but I did not see much food, only three large plates of flat, yellow cakes in the centre of the table.


When all had finished, I saw six females of different ages, relatives of the youths, enter the hall bearing something like sweetmeats and little flasks in baskets on their arms. The young men arose and conversed with their friends at one end of the hall, eating the dainties and drinking from the flasks. There was one woman of about thirty years of age, whom I had once before seen at Benedict's home.


She approached the young man with marked affability; but he, perfectly pure and innocent, suspected nothing bad in her. I saw that she hated his purity and entertained a sinful love for him. She gave him a poisoned, an enchanted drink from a flask. Benedict suspected nothing, but I saw him that evening in his cell restless and tormented.


He went, at last, to a man and asked permission to go down into the court-yard, for he never went out without leave. There he knelt in a corner of the yard, disciplining himself with long thorn branches and nettles. — I saw him, later on, when a hermit, helping this his would be seducer who had fallen into deep distress precisely because she had sought to tempt him. Benedict had been interiorly warned of her guilt.


“Afterward I saw Benedict on a high, rocky mountain when, perhaps, in his twentieth year. He had hollowed out a cell for himself in the rock. To this he added a passage and another cell, and then several cells all cut in the rock ; but only the first opened outside. Before it he had planted a walk of trees. He arched them and ornamented the vaulted roof with pictures which seemed to be made of many small stones put together.


In one cell I saw three such pictures: Heaven in the centre, the Nativity of Christ on one side, the Last Judgment on the other. In the last, Our Lord was represented sitting on an arch, a sword proceeding from His mouth ; below, between the elect and the reprobate, stood an angel with a pair of scales. Benedict had, besides, made a representation of a monastery with its abbot, and crowds of monks in the background. He seemed to have had a foresight of his own monastery.


" More than once I saw Benedict's sister, who lived at home, going on foot to visit her brother. He never allowed her to stay with him over night. Sometimes she brought him a roll of parchment which she had written. Then he showed her what he had done, and they conversed together on divine things. Benedict was always very grave in his sister's presence whilst she, in her innocence, was all mirth and joy.


When she found him too serious, she turned to God in prayer, and he instantly became like herself, bright and gay. Later on, I saw her under her brother's direction, establishing a convent on a neighboring mountain distant only a short day's journey. To it flocked numbers of religious women.


I saw her teaching them to chant ; they had no organs. Organs have been very prejudicial to singing. They make of it only a secondary affair. The nuns prepared all the church ornaments themselves with the same kind of needlework that Scholastica had learned when a child at home. On the refectory table was a large cloth on which were all sorts of figures, pictures, and sentences, so that each religious always had before her that to which she was especially obliged. Scholastica spoke to me of the sweets and consolations of spiritual labor and the labor of ecclesiastics.


“I always saw Scholastica and Benedict surrounded by tame birds. Whilst the former was yet in her father's house, I used to see doves flying from her to Benedict in the desert ; and in the monastery I saw around her doves and larks bringing her red, white, yellow, and violet-blue flowers. Once I saw a dove bringing her a rose with a leaf. I cannot repeat all the scenes of her life that were shown me, for I am so sick and miserable ! Scholastica was purity itself I see her in heaven as white as snow. With the exception of Mary and Magdalen, I know of no saint so loving.''




St. Eulalia (1).


Among Sister Emmerich's relics were two teeth marked St. Eulalia. After some time, she said : "Only one of these teeth belongs to the holy virgin-martyr Eulalia of Barcelona. The other belongs to a priest who received Holy Orders at an advanced age, and whom I have seen journeying around helping widows and orphans. St. Eulalia's tooth was drawn about six months before her martyrdom.


I saw the whole operation. The tooth caused her much suffering and she had it extracted at a young friend's house because her mother, through excessive tenderness, could not endure that it should be done at home. The old man who drew the tooth was a Christian. He sat on a low stool, Eulalia before him on the floor, her back to him. She rested her back against him and he quickly drew the tooth with an instrument which fitted closely around it. 


——The instrument had a transverse piece to the haft. When the tooth came out, he held it up in the pincers before the two girls, who both began to laugh. Eulalia's friend begged her to make her a present of it, which she readily did. All Eulalia's companions loved her and, after her martyrdom, the tooth became a more precious object, a sacred relic to the possessor. It passed successively into the hands of two other females.


Later on, I saw it in a church enclosed in a silver box shaped like a little censer. It hung before a picture of St. Apollonia. In this picture Apollonia was represented not as old, but young with pincers in her hand and a pointed cap on her head. Then I saw that, when this church had been despoiled of its silver, the tooth fell into the possession of a pious maiden far away from Eulalia's native land.

后来,我在一教堂里看到了这牙齿,它装在一个形状像小香炉一样的银盒子里。它挂在一幅圣阿波罗尼亚的圣像前。在这张圣像中,阿波罗尼亚的形象并不老,而是年轻的,手里拿着钳子,头上戴着一顶尖帽子。 后来我发现,当这座教堂的银器被洗劫一空时,这颗牙齿落入了一位远离欧拉莉亚故乡的虔诚少女的手中。

Sister Emmerich had frequently felt and referred to the presence of this relic, saying : “There must be a St. Culalia in my church ! She belongs to Barcelona.“ She had seen the name in vision in small Roman letters, and had mistaken C for E.


A little piece of one of the roots had been broken off, which I also saw preserved as a relic, but I cannot name the place. The tooth shines, but not with the glory of martyred bones. It shines by reason of Eulalia's innocence and the ardent desire to die for Jesus which even then animated her; and also on account of the intense pain she endured so patiently from it.


I do not see the bones that the saints lost before martyrdom shining with the colors of the glory that distinguishes their other relics. To the light of this tooth was wanting the martyrdom of the whole person. Eulalia's parents were very distinguished people. They lived in a large house surrounded by olive-trees and others with yellow fruits.


They were Christians, but not very zealous ones ; they allowed nothing of their faith to be remarked in them. Eulalia was intimate with a female older than herself, a zealous Christian, who lived not far from Eulalia's home in which she was often employed to do great pieces of embroidery.


I saw her and Eulalia making church-vestments secretly by night, fastening in round-stitch figures on cloth. They used a lamp with a transparent shade; it gave a very clear light. I used to see Eulalia retired in her own chamber, praying before a simple cross which she had cutout of box wood. She was consumed with a desire to confess Jesus openly, for he often showed her in vision the martyr's crown. I saw her walking with other maidens and expressing to them the longings which she dared not utter in her father's house.”




St. Walburga.



Sister Emmerich took from “her church” a finger-bone, looked at it in silence for a moment, and then exclaimed : "What a sweet little nun ! so clear, so beautiful, so transparent ! She is altogether angelic! It is Walburga !


I see her convent, too." Then followed visions of the saint and of the disinterring of her sacred remains, which Sister Emmerich gives as follows : " Two blessed nuns took me into a church in which a grand festival was being celebrated, either the translation of a saint's relics, or a canonization. A Bishop was superintending everything, and assigning places to the assistants.

我也看到了她的修院。接着关于圣人的异象和她神圣遗体的挖掘,艾曼丽修女给出如下叙述:两位蒙福的修女带我进入一座正在庆祝盛大节日的教堂,若不是转移圣人的圣髑,就是封圣。 一位主教正监督一切,并为助手分配位置。

It was not the church of the convent in which Walburga had lived; it was another and a larger one, and the crowd was far greater than I had ever seen around the crucifix at Coesfeld. Numbers were obliged to remain outside the doors. I stood near the altar, not far from the sacristy, the two nuns by me. On the steps of the altar was a plain white chest containing the holy body; the white linen cloth was raised and hung at either side.


The body was white as snow, and one might have thought her alive, so rosy were her cheeks. Walburga always had the pure, fair complexion of a delicate little child. The feast began with High Mass. But I could not stand any longer. I must have fainted, for I found myself lying on the ground, my two companions at my head and feet.


I saw an abbess of Walburga's convent in the sacristy preparing three kinds of dough for bread : two fine ; the third coarser, of white flour indeed, but full of chaff, and I began to wonder for whom they were. Here I lost sight of the earthly festival and I entered a heavenly garden in which I was shown Walburga's reward in heaven.


I saw her with Benedict, Scholastica, Maurus, Placidus, and many holy virgins of Benedict's Rule, at a table spread with marvellous dishes. At the head sat Walburga completely surrounded by garlands and arches of flowers. — When I returned to the church, the feast was over ; but I received from the Bishop and abbess a loaf of coarse bread, marked with the number IV.


The fine bread was given to my companions. The Bishop told me that my loaf was for myself alone, that I must not give it away. Then he led me out before the church door where St. Walburga's nuns had their little oratory, and I had another vision of Walburga. She had, a short time before her blessed death, been found as if dead in her kneeling-place.


Her brother Willibald was sent for and, to his surprise, he saw her face and hands covered with white dew-drops like manna. He gathered it into a brown bowl and gave it to the nuns as a holy thing. They wrought numerous cures with it after Walburga' s death. When she returned to herself, Willibald gave her Holy Communion. The dew prefigured Walburga's oil, which I saw had begun to flow on a Thursday, because the saint bore so great a devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and Our Saviour's agony in the garden of Olives.


As often as I take this oil, I feel strengthened as by a heavenly dew ; it has helped me greatly in severe sicknesses. Walburga was full of tenderest love for the poor. She used to see them in vision. She knew even before they came to her how she should distribute her bread among them. She gave to some whole loaves, to others half, and to others pieces which she cut herself.


She gave them, also, a certain oil, thick poppy-oil, I think, which she mixed with butter and spread on the bread; besides which she gave them some for their cooking. On account of her bounty and the soothing, consoling influence of her gentle, loving words, her relics have received the property of distilling oil. Walburga also protects against vicious dogs and wild beasts.


I saw her going by night to the sick daughter of a gentleman in the neighbor-hood of her convent. She was assailed by his dogs which, however, she put to flight. She wore a narrow brown habit, a broad girdle, and a black veil over a white one ; it was more the dress of pious females of the time, than a regular religious habit. I saw a miracle which took place at the time of the great pilgrimage to her tomb.


Two assassins joined a pilgrim on his way thither, the latter kindly sharing with them his bread ; but they, in return, killed him as he slept. Then one took up the corpse on his back to bury it out of sight; but he could not lay it down again, it stuck to him as if it had grown fast. I saw him wandering around in despair with the corpse on his back until, at last, he plunged into the river to drown himself.


But he could not sink, the waters would not have him ; they cast him up on the opposite bank, the horrible load still clinging to him. Then I saw some one try to loosen the hands of the dead man with his sword ; but, far from succeeding, he remained himself fastened to the corpse until he freed himself by prayer."


— When the Pilgrim objected to this narrative, saying that it was strange she should see as true so many singular things which even pious priests denied, she replied: “One cannot say how simple, natural, and connected all such things appear in the state of contemplation ; and, on the contrary, how perverse, unreasonable, and even insane are the intentions and actions of the enlightened world compared with them ! People who think themselves very intelligent and who are esteemed such by others, often appear to me insane enough to be confined in a mad-house."



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