真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父在七周后去世了
下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父在七周后去世了
浏览次数:1242 更新时间:2024-11-20

This vision was followed by a great increase of suffering. For several days with frightful retchings she vomited blood and water almost every half hour, which weakened her so that she could scarcely speak. In this she clearly recognized her mission to obtain for impenitent sinners the grace of conversion.


December 23d — “Sister Emmerich was found this morning perfectly insensible and Father Limberg, who was obliged to go to the country, sent Father Niesing to recite over her the prayers for the sick. This Father Niesing did from the ‘Little Book of Benedictions,’ by Martin Cochem, and the invalid returned to consciousness ; or, as she herself expressed it, she could again think.

12  23 日——艾曼丽修女今天早上被发现完全失去知觉,由于林堡神父不得不到乡下去,他派辛神父为她念《病人祷文》。这位辛神父用马丁·科赫姆的《降福小册子》为艾曼丽修女祈祷,病人恢复了意识;或者,用她自已的话说,她可以再次思考了。

Her pulse was hardly perceptible, she was stiff and cold, she could not speak. An hour after, Father Niesing repeated the prayers, when she opened her eyes, moved a little and, at last, sat up in bed exclaiming : ‘See, what prayer and the hand of the priest can do ! Last night I suffered everything. I had pains all over me and burning thirst. I did not dare to drink, and indeed, I cannot do so yet. At last, I fainted. I thought I should surely die, for all night I was like one in agony. I wanted only to think the holy names Jesus, Mary, Joseph ; but I could not even remember the words.


Then I felt how little man can do of himself; he cannot even think on God, unless God give him grace to do so. My very desire, however, was an effect of that same divine grace. I knew when Father Niesing came, yet I could neither move nor speak. I knew, likewise, that he had the little book with him and I hoped he would pray. When he began, his compassion penetrated me like warmth. I regained consciousness, and with deep emotion I felt that I could again remember the names Jesus, Mary, Joseph ! Life was a gift of the priestly blessing."


That evening she again begged a benediction and asked also for the relic of St. Cosmas. Next day, she relapsed into a miserable state, though she was able to articulate. ' I pressed the relic to my heart,’ she said : ‘I saw the saint by me and a stream of warmth passed over me. I have now a little more life, though I am full of racking pains. My greatest torment is thirst, but I dare not drink.’ All Christinas Eve she lay like a corpse ; but since her increase of suffering the Abbe Lambert is better."

那天晚上,她再次祈求降福,并要求得到圣葛斯默的圣髑。 第二天,她又重新陷入一种痛苦的状态,尽管如此,她还能清楚地表达出来。 我把圣髑按在心上,她说:我看到圣人就在我身边,一股暖流从我身上流过。我现在有了更多的生命,虽然我充满了痛苦。我最大的痛苦是口渴,但我不敢喝。整个圣诞节前夕,艾曼丽像一具尸体一样躺着;但由于她的痛苦增加了,兰伯特神父的健康好转了。

[注圣葛斯默和圣达弥盎(- 287年)是两个阿拉伯医生,被认为是一对双胞胎兄弟,也是早期的基督教殉道者 他们早期在尤穆尔塔勒克(今土耳其境内)行医, 之后前往叙利亚。殉道后,他们被安葬于叙利亚尤穆尔塔勒克。]

Sister Emmerich begged the Pilgrim to defer his visit next day till noon, as she had need of repose, which request gave rise to the following lines in his journal : 


" Her request is like an insinuation that the Pilgrim is troublesome, as if he were ever willing to prove such to her. He cannot understand it ! It saddened him during the holy night ; he knows not why he should be made to suffer so ! At noon, when he saw her, she was cured, cheerful, though weak. ' I received at the Crib,’ she said, an order to distribute seven loaves to-day for the Abbe, since he is still of this world (1).

艾曼丽的要求好像暗示朝圣者是个麻烦的人,就像朝圣者曾经向她证明这一点似的。朝圣者无法理解!这让他在平安夜里感到难过,他不知道自己为什么要受这样的苦!中午,当他看到艾曼丽修女时,她的病已经好了,虽然很虚弱,但是很快乐。我在圣婴摇篮收到了一个命令,艾曼丽修女说,今天要给兰伯特神父分发七个面包,因为他还在这个世界上(1 )。


(1) The good old Abbe died the seventh week after.



The order was repeated thrice, and I begged God to show me the poor for whom they were destined. Some came of themselves and received the loaf with tears of gratitude ; the others I saw in spirit.’ To the Pilgrim's remark that, after the Abbe's death, she could send away Gertrude and remove to more retired lodgings, she replied that Dean Overberg would never permit either change. The Pilgrim cannot understand how the Dean could object. — It is either through a want of judgment on the part of some, or an inexplicable disposition of Divine Providence."


December 27th — Sister Emmerich has been busy making bandages and lint for the Abbe, and the severe cough of her little niece gives her trouble; but she was untiring in her efforts to relate what she could of her visions. What little she gives is deserving of thanks, for she deals out with a hand always beneficent, although dying. She is again worse.” These grateful acknowledgments were drawn from the Pilgrim by the great vision of St. John the Evangelist related on this occasion.

12  27 日——艾曼丽修女一直忙于为兰伯特神父做绷带和棉绒,她的小侄女剧烈的咳嗽给她带来了麻烦;但她不厌其烦地努力讲述她的异象。她所付出的每一点点都值得感谢,因为她总是用一只仁慈的手处理一切,虽然越来越衰弱。她的病情又加重了。这些感恩的致谢来自朝圣者,他在记录圣史若望与这个场合相关的伟大异象时写下的。

December 28th — “Fresh annoyances, unsatisfactory communications, or none at all. She lies, as it were, in the midst of disgusting torments; she is sick unto death, her good will counts for nothing ! In tears and anxiety she sews for the Abbe, to whose sick room she had herself carried. She saw the need he is in of many things which she is now trying to supply. He wept freely on seeing her. She put off the recital of her visions until the evening, when she was very much fatigued and visibly struggling against temptations to complain.

12  28 日——新的烦恼,不如意的叙述,或者根本没有叙述。她仿佛躺在令人厌恶的折磨中;她病得要死,她的善意毫无意义!她在眼泪和焦虑中为兰伯特神父缝纫,她让人把自己抬到了神父的病房。她看到神父需要许多她正设法提供的东西。她一见到神父就痛哭起来。她把叙述异象推迟到晚上,那时她非常疲倦,显然在竭力克制想要抱怨的诱惑。

The confessor came in, and the Pilgrim read to her a prayer in honor of Jesus Crucified. In a few instants she was deep in ecstasy, her whole person became light as a feather, and to the marks of pain on her countenance succeeded a radiant expression of peace and joy. The Pilgrim can express the brightness, the beauty that shone on her features only by one word, she was perfectly luminous. Her confessor presented the prayer-book to her;  she took it and, her eyes still closed, continued reading the prayer to the end.”


December 29th--- “She has been taking a little barley broth every evening since Christmas, but she throws it off immediately. She cuts out and distributes clothes for poor children. She is very anxious about the Abbe."

1229日——从圣诞节开始她每天晚上都喝一点大麦汤,但她又立即吐出来。 她为贫困的孩子裁剪和分发衣服。她很担心兰伯特神父。

December 31st — “Sunday. She confessed yesterday and was to have communicated to-day; but her confessor went on a mission to the country and forgot to engage some other priest to carry her Holy Communion. Her countenance wears the distressed expression of one who languishes with weakness. She shed tears, and she was not disposed to relate her visions — in truth, that is no rare thing now!

12  31 日——主日。 她昨天办了告解,本来应该在今天领圣体;但她的告解神师去乡下传教了,忘记请其他神父来给她送圣体。她的脸上流露出一种因虚弱而憔悴的痛苦表情。她流下了眼泪,她不愿意讲述自己的异象——事实上,这在现在已经不是什么稀罕的事了!

She seems to attach very little weight to the admonition she receives from her angel to relate all, and the visions themselves seem to be a worry to her ; she is always praying to be delivered from them. She still declares to the confessor that her guide has told her to send for the Pilgrim's brother, as she has something to tell him ; but Father Limberg wants her to wait until he comes of his own accord.


This brother sees in her state only a case of mesmerism ; he judges whatever he beholds in her by this erroneous standard. ' But,’ she says, ‘it is not my affair ; it is God's. I see how much annoyance that person will yet cause me. My guide told me that even the ignorant Landrath had more correct ideas of me.' "


January 1 ; 1821. — "I was at the Crib last night and I begged for just a little relief — that God would, at least, take off one burden, free the poor child from its dreadful cough . but I was not heard, I received no encouragement. I had a real struggle with God. I laid before Him His promises. I named those to whom they had been made, those to whose prayers He had listened; but I was not heard!  I learned that I should be still more severely tried this coming year. I implored God to withdraw my visions, that I may be relieved of the responsibility of communicating them.

11 ; 1821 年——我昨晚在圣婴摇篮旁,我祈求给我一点安慰——求天主至少会卸下我的一个负担,让可怜的孩子摆脱可怕的咳嗽。但我没有被垂允,我没有收到鼓励。我与天主之间有了真正的搏斗。我将天主要许诺的摆在祂面前。我点名了那些祂所许诺的人,那些祂已经俯听了他们祈祷的人;但我没有被俯听!我认识到在接下来的一年里,我还会受到更严厉的考验。我恳求天主收回我的异象,这样我就可以免除传达它们的责任。

In this, also, I was not heard. I received, as usual, the injunction to relate what I could, even if I should be ridiculed for it, even if I saw no utility in it. I was told again that no one had ever had visions of the same kind or in the same measure as I ; but it is not for myself, it is for the Church. I saw St. Joseph clearly, distinctly. —He was old, thin, and bald, but with ruddy cheeks.


I entered into conversation with him, laid before him all my needs, and he told me to abandon myself entirely to God; that he, too, had had great trials before the angel told him that the Infant was of the Holy Spirit and that he was to be the Mother's protector ; again when he had to go unexpectedly to Bethlehem and found there no lodgings ; and, when from Nazareth where he had hardly begun to feel at home, he had to flee into Egypt, the Child scarcely nine months old.


He uttered not a word, but hastily got together some clothing, some bread and a pair of small flasks, laid them on the ass and set out by night, thinking : God has ordered it. He will direct all things. Once he met numbers of serpents in the wilderness, and he thought : Now it is time for God to help, and he prayed for assistance.


An angel appeared, and the serpents fled. I saw the whole scene, great serpents crawling out from among the bushes. — But, I interrupted, it was easy for him to endure such trials, since he had Jesus with him. He answered only by a look that silenced me, and he bade me prepare to be well tried this year. I thought yesterday I should have much to suffer in three weeks, or for three weeks."


To this communication are appended the Pilgrim's own remarks which we give in all their ingenuousness, as he himself would have us do : “In praying for a withdrawal of her visions, the good Sister has made a very unwise demand which clearly proves her non-appreciation of what she sees ; for the only support and relief in her miserable state, in the midst of the disorder that surrounds her, is that highest prerogative of hers, the faculty of vision — and from it she begs to be freed ! It looks, indeed, as if she hardly knew what she requested.


The refusal of her petition is the greatest favor shown her. She would like to occupy herself exclusively with the poor — and yet, she could hardly give them more time than she does. She devotes scarcely two hours a day to the Pilgrim, notwithstanding the order to recount all she knows (1). As an instance of what he has to endure, behold the following : — The miller's wife brought some flour the other day for the Abbe Lambert and asked, at the same time, to see the invalid, Sister Emmerich.



The Pilgrim was at the moment writing by her bedside and the woman was kept waiting a minute or two in the ante-room ; but as soon as the Sister spied her, she got a scruple. ‘We must not give scandal,’ she said. 'The woman might make reflections on what she was saying to the Pilgrim; she might hear something,’ etc., and she was all anxiety. The Pilgrim was, consequently, sent away till the afternoon, when very likely some new obstacle will arise to frustrate his work."


" She is suffering with Lambert. Every evening brings fever and hemorrhages ; and several times in the day she is obliged to hold the sick child half an hour at a time, lest it stifle whilst coughing. ' I have,’ she said, ‘continual visions of coming troubles. A white robe has been put on me and over it a black one, a black veil over a white one. There are many little crosses on the robe which I can put together ; among them three black ones tipped with gold and united into one.


They lay on the robe, but when touched they sank in. I had also successive visions of great trials, no one any longer able to understand me. I was abandoned and ridiculed. I learned also that I should again take nourishment and be able to walk. My sister was not allowed to stay with me ; I was attended by some one else, and I was in another place. The Pilgrim brought me something to eat, but I could take only porridge, coarse bread, a couple of beans, and water. I was told that fruits, sweetmeats, and wines are poisonous to me. I saw, too, the experiments made upon me (1).



(1). All this we shall see literally verified.



“To-day her countenance is unusually calm and serene. She had herself carried to the Abbe, whom she found very weak. He wept on seeing her and again bade her farewell. She was so affected that she fell from swoon to swoon."


 “She is again bright and cheerful, though very sad at the approaching death of the good Abbe. God gives her courage and consolation ; her resignation is His pure gift. She had a vison of Lambert's death : ' I thought I was by him, and I saw over him a great fire which vanished by degrees in a tiny flame.’ She recounted also a vision of a child sacrificed by the Three Kings before they had received the divine light.


 ‘When I saw on my right the horrible vision of the child's martyrdom, I turned away, but there it was again on my left ! I begged God to deliver me from the awful spectacle, and my Spouse answered me : “There are still worse sights ! See how they daily treat Me all over the world !"— and then I saw priests in mortal sin saying Mass the Host like a little live child on the altar before them. They cut It and gashed It horribly with the patena ! Their sacrifice was murder.


I saw in many places at the present day numbers of good people oppressed, tormented, persecuted- -It is to Jesus Christ Himself such injuries are offered. This is an evil age. I see no refuge anywhere. A dense cloud of sin hangs over the whole world, tepidity and indifference everywhere ! Even in Rome, I see wicked priests murdering the Child Jesus in their Mass. They want to exact something very pernicious from the Pope ; but he sees what I do and, whenever they try to approach him, an angel with a drawn sword repulses them.' "


January 7th — " This morning calm and peaceful, toward noon anxious about the Abbe. When the Pilgrim returned about four o'clock, he found six children praying around the invalid's bed, on which was her little niece in one of the most frightful spells of convulsive coughing. Sister Emmerich's countenance had lost its serene expression; she asked for her confessor. As the Pilgrim could do nothing, he left perplexed and worried."

1  7 日——今天早上平静祥和,临近中午,艾曼丽为正在生病的兰伯特神父的事焦虑不安。当朝圣者大约四点钟回来时,他发现六个孩子围在病人的床边祈祷,床上躺着她的小侄女,她正于最可怕的痉挛性咳嗽的发作中。艾曼丽修女的脸上失去了往日的平静,她要见她的告解神师。朝圣者无能为力,困惑而担忧地离开了。

The next day, the 8th, she recounted the following: “All day long, even when talking or doing my work, I see before me the sick Abbe with all his sufferings and interior dispositions. I see the temptations by which the evil one tries to drive him to despair. He reads him a long list of faults and omissions, and conjures up visions of his failings. This renders him more cowardly and impatient, makes him more sick.

第二天,也就是 8 日,艾曼丽修女讲述了以下内容:一整天,即使是在说话或做工作时,我都能看到生病的兰伯特神父,他的痛苦和内心的性情都在我面前。我看到了邪恶者试图引诱他绝望。牠给兰伯特神父读了一长串缺点和疏漏的清单,并让他联想到他的失败。这使他变得更加懦弱和不耐烦,使他病得更重。

Then I pray, I labor, I make all kinds of representations to God I take upon myself the Abbe's pains, and then I see his angel approach. St. Martin, his patron, helps him, and his faith, hope, and love increase. When he is freed from the temptation, there suddenly rises up some exterior affair, some contradiction, or accident to make me lose my presence of mind and pray no more for the sick Abbe. If happily I triumph over this, some other suffering is offered to my patient endurance.


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