真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
043.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第39章 教会礼仪年的结束
043.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第39章 教会礼仪年的结束
浏览次数:1461 更新时间:2024-7-30


Close of the Ecclesiastical Year




Sister Emmerich now resumed her spiritual labors with unabated courage. “Thou art lying there persecuted,” said her Divine Spouse to her, “that minds at variance may be united, that many may see their errors." The work begun had to be perfectly fulfilled, and for this end she received all that assistance which a true child of Holy Church derives from the communion of saints; the help of the blessed, the fruits of her own good works, and the prayers and protection of the souls in purgatory.



Speaking once of her suffering life, she said : “I can see no end to my pains, they daily become greater ; they increase like the branches of a tree which multiply in proportion as they are pruned. I have often thought over them, as a child in the fields, a religious in the convent garden, and in my own interior ; they will keep on increasing to the end. I have left much behind me, but I grieve that many means of shunning evil have been neglected, many graces rendered useless.



It has often been shown me that great harm comes from making small account of the gifts granted me, and from not recording my visions, which show the hidden links of many things. It has often distressed me; but it is a consolation to think that it is not my own fault. I have also greatly relaxed through condescension."



Her visions now turned upon the views and plots of her enemies. She saw their underhand dealings and their sympathy with the tendencies of the period, tendencies hostile to the Church and Christianity ; against them were directed her combat of suffering and prayer. “I beard terrible threats that I was to be carried off again, whether I would or not. A man stood before me and said : ‘Dead or alive, she must go!' — I cast myself into my Saviour's arms, crying to him piteously.



Then came other pictures : I beheld an informer gathering up all that was said in the little town ; I saw people coming and going, tormenting me with questions and raillery ; cunning visitors, and false friends near me who did me much harm. These were true torments. The priests I saw in deep sleep ; whatever they did appeared like a spider's web.



I saw on all sides increasing malice, cunning, and violence which, at last, frustrated their own designs, failed in their ends, and completely baffled one another. In terror I beheld myself abandoned by all my friends. Then I saw a troop of men in a distant meadow, about a hundred of them with a leader, and I thought to myself that this must be the place in which Our Lord once fed the seven thousand people.



Our Lord came to meet me. With Him were all His disciples from among whom He chose twelve. I saw Him looking from one to another. I recognized them all, the old men full of simplicity, the young robust and sun-burnt. He sent them off in all directions, following them in spirit to distant nations. I thought, ‘Ah ! what can such a handful do among such multitudes !’



— The Lord answered : ‘Their voice sounds far and near. So also in these days many are sent. Whoever they may be, men or women, they can do the same. Behold to what multitudes these twelve have borne salvation ! They whom I send in your day will do the same, no matter how poor or despised they may be !' — I felt that this vision was for my encouragement. "

——主回答说:『他们的声音传向四面八方。如今,也有许多人被派遣。不管他们是谁,男人或女人,他们都可以做同样的事情。看哪,这十二个人救了多少人的灵魂!我在你们的时代所差遣的人,也必照样行,无论他们有多么贫穷,或多么被别人看不起!』 ——我觉得这个异象是对我的鼓励。」 


If she saw in spirit a new attack, she strengthened herself for it by prayer. " What can creatures do to me ?” she said. “If they want to tear this body to pieces, I shall deliver it up for Thee, my Saviour ! Lord, I am Thy hand-maid !" — Then she had a vision in which was shown her how much good she could do in her state of abandonment.



— "I found myself in a vast region belonging not to earth. The ground which bore me, or over which I floated, was like a veil of gauze, and below I saw the earth dark as night with pictures here and there. Around where I stood were troops of translucent spirits ranged in choirs ; they were not the saints, but praying souls, who offered petitions from below and received gifts from on high.



They prayed themselves; they offered the prayers of others : they implored the assistance of the more elevated choirs who answered such requests, sending more or less help, coming and going in the light. These elevated choirs were the saints. They that surrounded me seemed to be souls whom the Lord willed should see the dangers that menaced the earth and offer prayers to avert them.



All professions, all stations in life, seemed to have their praying souls, who exercised a most beneficent influence. I prayed, too, for I saw innumerable miseries. God sent help by His saints and the effect was instantaneous — obstacles opposed to evil ; undertakings turning out well, though apparently by chance; changes wrought in souls, etc. ; the dying converted and admitted to the Sacraments ; people in danger on land and water — all saved by prayer.



I saw what might prove fatal to certain individuals suddenly snatched out of their path, and all by the power of prayer. I adored the justice of God !”



She beheld her own position under the figure of a lamb. — " I saw a broad country spreading out before me like a map, with forests and meadows, flocks and shepherds, Just in front of me was a shepherd with a numerous flock of sheep, and behind them came the shepherd-boys.



The former discharged his duties a little carelessly, but the latter were more active. The flock was in good condition. There was one lamb, sleeker and fatter than the others; there was something remarkable about it, the sheep pressed around it.



They passed a clump of high trees among which lay a fierce wolf and a second one a little further on ; they were wolves, and yet they were like men too. The wolves appeared to understand each other; they often ran together and lay in wait for the lamb. I trembled for the poor little thing, and I could not understand how the shepherd could be so negligent.



One of the boys seemed attentive to it, but he could not do much for it, although he was faithful to the portion of the flock intrusted to him. Several times when the wolves attempted to seize it the sheep gathered bleating around it. To my amazement the shepherd made no effort to protect it. Everything seemed to be against it.



It was in an exposed position, and once the wolves were on the point of carrying it off; again they caught it by the throat, tore off a piece of its flesh, and were about to strangle it, when the others ran to the rescue. The pity I felt made me understand that there was question of myself Suddenly there came a man from above, the wolves fled, and I saw that I had the man's bones by me (1).



I wondered that his body was in one place, his spirit in another. Then the shepherd's boy came up and brought the lamb back." The lamb, so little cared for by the shepherds, was helped by some blessed soul who had suffered at a remote period, in the same place and under the same circumstances as Sister Emmerich herself.



On October 9th, she related the following : “There was a holy widow by me who had lived at the manor in Dulmen, and who had died in prison. She conversed with me a long time ; we have not yet finished our conversation. She spoke of her time and imprisonment, as if in the present ; justice and faith were proscribed terms in her day and, therefore, had she suffered. She told me her family name, she was of the house of Galen.

10 月 9 日,艾曼丽修女讲述了以下内容:「我身边有一位圣洁的寡妇,她曾住在杜尔门的庄园里,后来死在狱中。她和我谈了很久;我们的谈话还没有结束。她谈到了她的时代和监禁,仿佛就发生在现在;在她那个时代,正义和信仰是被禁止的词语,因此她遭受了苦难。她告诉我她的姓氏,她是盖伦家族的人。 


She showed me the prisons, partly subterranean, in which she and her relatives were confined. She spoke much of my own history, saying that all things happen according to the designs of God, and that I should never say anything but what is inspired at the moment.



' How wonderfully,’ she said, ' hast thou faced the danger ! Hadst thou known it beforehand, thou wouldst have died of fright. Other wonders will be effected. Unbelief is at its height, unheard-of confusion will reign ; but after the storm, faith will be re-established!’— The lady seemed to know me well.



She explained to me many things in my life, consoled and encouraged me, saying that I had nothing to fear. She spoke of the state of the clergy, also of relics. ' It would be well.’ she said, 'if they were collected together and deposited in some church. They do, indeed, exercise a beneficent influence wherever they are, but the little respect shown them is very injurious. The dust in which they lie ought to be buried in blessed ground. There are still many relics at Diilmen Manor.'



" The lady wore a robe, open at the neck, crossed in front and falling behind in folds with a train, the sleeves tight with trimming around the wrists gathered and starched, over which fell a part of the sleeve. She died innocent, imprisoned by an association, or secret tribunal which, at that time, was the cause of many evils and inspired great terror. It was something like the Free-masons, but more violent."



Oct. 21st — " The good lady again appeared to me, conversed a long time, and repeated that she was of the family of Galen. She does not protect as sacred relics do, but she helps, she warns. She told me not to mind, for my persecutors fear me more than I do them. They attack me boldly because nothing is done to oppose them. “

10 月 21 日——「善良的夫人再次出现在我面前,和我交谈了很久,并重复说她是盖伦家族的人。她不会像圣髑那样保护人,而是帮助人,提醒人。她叫我不要担心,因为迫害我的人怕我胜过我害怕他们。他们之所以大胆地攻击我,因为没有人采取行动反对他们。」


 I met a man who also belonged to the time of the good lady of ' The Vehme' (1). I saw him in Diilmen Manor, whither he used often to go ; but once he stayed too long, which circumstance led to his death. He was one of the most distinguished men of the country, and one of the heads of the secret tribunal…… He was secretly very pious and good.



He often received warnings on the iniquities and cruelties of the tribunal. He tried to prevent them by means of the good lady who gave notice to its intended victims and saved as many as she could. Once he remained too long with her planning projects of this kind. This roused the suspicions of some wicked men, who plotted to put him to death.



1The secret tribunal mentioned above.



"I beheld secret meetings at night, sinister-looking men introduced into this country, and going furtively from place to place. Then I had a vision of a castle and garden this side of Munster, an old building with towers. Here dwelt the good man. He was in the garden, wrapped in a mantle as if about to set out for the assembly, when three men in disguise fell upon him, stabbed him, and dragged him into an alley.



The blood flowed in streams from his wounds and the men tried to wash away the stains, but in vain. They filled a sack with the blood-stained earth and carried it to Diilmen Manor with the body. They deposited them in a vault by the church where were the remains of many who had been killed in the same way.



He belonged to the Droste family. . . . The lady told me that it was well for him to die when he did, for he was pious and his conscience was in a good state. ‘Fear not,’ she said to me, ‘things must be as they are. Thy persecutors have neither right nor reason to do thee harm. Let nothing disquiet thee! If thou art questioned, answer only what comes to thy mind at the moment!"



Sister Emmerich in her humility was often occupied with this thought : " For what have I, poor sinner, deserved that my persecutors should render themselves so guilty on my account!” — and although God had given her the con- solation of knowing that she was not responsible, she begged for special sufferings to expiate their offence.



From the last week in October, she was a prey to interior abandonment, whilst her frame was consumed by fever, her tongue adhered to her palate, and she had not the strength to reach the water placed at her side ; the pain in her wounds often drew tears, and sometimes made her swoon away.


These were sufferings she had voluntarily embraced for the good of her neighbor. In her distress, she was consoled by an apparition of Blessed Nicholas von der Flue, who said to her : " I shall be thy very good friend, I shall help thee a little," and he held out to her a little bunch of herbs the smell of which gave her strength. “Thou sufferest," he said, "in every member of thy body, because the faults for which thou dost atone are so manifold. ''

这些是她为了近人的利益而自愿接受的苦难。在她的痛苦中,真福尼各老.冯.德.弗卢的显现安慰了她,他对艾曼丽修女说:「我将成为你的好朋友,我会给你一点帮助,」他递给艾曼丽一小束草药,那种气味给了艾曼丽力量。他说,「你身体的每一个部位都在受苦,因为你所弥补的过错实在是太多了。 」





尼各老.冯.德.弗卢,瑞士隐修士。与妻子多萝西娅·威斯林结婚并生了十个孩子,并于 1439 年在州军队中英勇地对抗苏黎世。1467年,五十岁的他在妻子和家人的同意下,度隐居的生活,据说他在最后的 19 年里除了圣体之外没有其他食物。他以圣洁和智慧著称,通过尼各老的努力, 1481 年,在他的帮助下,将弗里堡和索勒尔纳入瑞士联邦,从而阻止了一场可能发生的血腥内战的爆发。他被亲切地称为“布鲁德克劳斯”,在瑞士备受尊。他于   1947 年被正式封为圣徒。他被认为是瑞士的主保圣人。




On the nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost is read the Gospel of the wedding-feast and the nuptial robe. That night Blessed Nicholas was her guide in the following vision: —



"I saw Blessed Nicholas as a great, tall man with hair like silver. He wore a low notched crown, sparkling with, precious stones; his tunic, which descended to the ankles, was white as snow and he held in his hand another crown higher than his own and set with jewels. I asked him why he held that resplendent crown instead of the bunch of herbs.



He spoke earnestly and in few words of my death, of my destiny, and said that he would take me to a great wedding-feast. He placed the crown on my head, and I flew with him into the palace which I saw in the air above me. I was to be a bride, but I was so timid and ashamed that I knew not what to do. It was a wedding of wonderful magnificence.



I beheld the manners and customs of all classes of society on the occasion of a marriage festival, and the action of deceased ancestors upon their descendants. First of all was the banquet for the clergy. Here I saw the Pope, and Bishops with their croziers and episcopal robes, and many others of the clergy, high and low.



Above each one, in an upper choir, were the saints of his race, his ancestors, his patrons and the protectors of his charge, who acted through him, judging and deciding. At this table there were also spiritual affianced of the highest rank.



With my crown on my head, I had to join them as their equal, which filled me with confusion. They were all still living, though as yet they had no crowns. Above me stood the one who had invited me and, as I was so abashed, he managed everything for me. The dishes on the table looked like earthly food, but they were not such in reality.



I saw through everything, I read all hearts. Back of the banquet- hall were many different rooms filled with people, and there were new arrivals at every moment. Many among the ecclesiastics seated at the banquet were ordered out as unworthy, for they had mixed with worldlings, had served them rather than the Church.



The worldlings were punished first, then the ecclesiastics were banished to other apartments, more or less remote. The number of the just was very small. This was the first table and the first hour.




" The clergy withdrew and another table was prepared at which I did not sit. I stood among the spectators, Blessed Nicholas still above me to help me. Emperors, kings, and sovereign princes placed themselves at table, great lords served them, and above were the saints reckoned among the ancestors of each.



To my great embarrassment, some of the kings noticed me, but Nicholas came to my aid and always answered for me. They sat not long at table. They were all alike, their actions imperfect, weak and inconsistent ; if one happened to be a little superior to his fellows it was not through virtue. Some came not quite up to the table, and all were sent away in their turn.



“I remember in particular the Croy family. They must have had among them a holy stigmatisee, for she said to me, ' See, there are the Croys!”

“Then came the table of the distinguished nobility, and I saw among others the good Vehme lady hovering over her family.




" Then came the table of the wealthy citizens, and I can-not describe the frightful state of this class. Most of them were sent away and cast with those of the nobility who were as bad as themselves, into a hole like a sewer where they splashed about in mud and filth.



" After these came a class of a little better standing, honest old citizens and peasants. There were many good people here, among them my own family. My father and mother stood above my other relatives. Then came the descendants of Brother Klaus (Blessed Nicholas), right good, strong tradesmen ; but some of them were rejected.



Then came the poor and the crippled from among whom many pious people were excluded, as well as the bad. I had much to do with them. Above them I saw numbers of persons and tribunals. I cannot recount all. When the six tables were over, the holy man brought me back again to my bed from which he had taken me.



I was very weak, quite unconscious ; I could neither speak nor make a sign, I seemed about to die. Klaus signified to me that my life would be short, without however specifying any particular time for its close. "



November 8th — “Again I had a great vision of persecution and I beheld my miseries increase. I saw my enemies watching that no one should help me, and gathering up all that was said and done against me. The devil, furious with me, was rushing with open jaws on certain persons to confuse them and chase them away ; but what hurt me most, was that my nearest friends reproached and tormented me with inconsiderate advice and accusations.

11月 8 日——「我再次看到了迫害的可怕神视,我看到我的痛苦增加了。我看到我的敌人看守着不让任何人来帮助我,并收集所有针对我的言行。魔鬼对我大发雷霆,张着嘴冲向某些人,想迷惑他们,把他们赶走;但最让我伤心的是,我最亲密的朋友用不体谅的建议和指责来责备和折磨我。


They that were willing to help me were few and they could do nothing. My persecutors assailed me in my abandonment, and I was deprived of spiritual and corporal assistance. My enemies loaded me with trials hitherto unknown. ‘Where,’ they asked, ‘are your ghostly Superiors? where your spiritual directorsHave they ceased to interest themselves in youWho among the clergy are your protectors?’

愿意帮助我的人很少,而他们也无能为力。我的迫害者在我被遗弃时攻击我,我被剥夺了精神和肉体的帮助。我的敌人给我带来了前所未有的审讯。 「他们问道,『你那属灵上级在哪里?你的精神导师在哪里?他们对你不再感兴趣了吗?神职人员中谁是你的保护者?』


  Their words tortured me, drove me almost wild, and the desertion of my dearest friends afflicted me keenly. When I was almost in despair Nicholas von der Flue appeared. He told me to thank God for showing me these things, to arm myself with patience, and especially to avoid anger in my replies which should be reserved; that the trial would be shorter, if borne well ; and, finally, that I still had much to suffer from my friends who would injure me and exact things of me, though not with a bad intention.



If I endured this patiently, I should profit by it. He promised that the trial would not last long and that he would help me. Then he gave me his own little prayer on paper which I was to say. I had made use of it from my youth. It ran thus : ' Lord, detach me from myself.’ etc. He gave me also a picture about the size of my hand.



On top was a sun, and underneath the word, Justice, from which I understood that Divine Justice would end my persecution. At the bottom was a face full of benevolence with the word Mercy, and this gave me the assurance that I should soon receive help from the Divine Mercy. Under the face was a coffin with four lighted tapers.

在圣像上部是一个太阳,下面写着 "正义"二字,我从中明白天主的正义将会结束我的迫害。在圣像下部是一张充满慈祥的脸,上面写着“仁慈”,这让我确信自己很快就会得到天主仁慈的帮助。脸的下面是一具棺材,棺材四角有四只点燃的锥形蜡烛」 


Her vision was soon realized. One week after the Landrath's injurious pamphlet, her Superiors and friends urged her to appeal to a higher tribunal, and to lodge a formal complaint against him and the treatment she had received during imprisonment (1).



(1) " I see, on account of this writing," she said, " my enemies contending; they separate, they are dissatisfied. The Landrath stands alone. "



The affair was pressed on all sides ; but Sister Emmerich, in obedience to her angelic director, declined taking such a step. She saw the sufferings now prepared for her under the image of a thorn-hedge which she had to cross.



" The sight of it terrified me," she said. " but my guide encouraged me — “How many hast thou not already crossed ! Wilt thou despair at the end?”— I knelt and prayed and, by virtue of my prayer, I crossed the hedge, I know not how. I felt invisible assistance. Then I saw three men coming toward me who tried to make me say what I would do to the Landrath.



I told them that I would read his pamphlet to see if it were in accordance with his character, and that, if my Superiors questioned me, I should tell the truth. I was told also that my wounds would bleed next Good-Friday and again on another day; that enemies were waiting for this event; but they would never see it, as they sought not the truth.



"I beheld crowds of children who came from Minister with some grown people to see the impostor ; but they were all kind to me, they loved the impostor very much. It seemed as if I taught them something. Several saints were round me in this vision and, what pleased me greatly, St. Francis dressed in a long, coarse robe was among them, his forehead very broad, his jaws hollow, his chin large.



He consoled me ; and told me not to complain, that he, too, had been persecuted. He had kept his wounds very secret; but the blood from his side often streamed down to his feet. Although some had seen his wounds, they did not in consequence believe. It is better to believe and not to see, for seeing does not make them believe who have not the gift of faith. He (St. Francis) was tall, thin, vigorous, his hollow cheeks ruddy as of one interiorly inflamed, and he had black eyes. I saw no beard. He was not infirm, but very winning and sprightly."



When Sister Emmerich was informed of her Superior's desire that she should appeal to a higher court, she suddenly closed her eyes, and fell into ecstasy, her countenance becoming very grave. She afterward said: — “I invoked God, the Father. I begged Him to look upon His Son who satisfies for sinners at every moment, who every moment offers Himself in sacrifice, that He might not be too severe toward that poor, blind Landrath, but to assist and enlighten him for the love of His Son.



At the same instant, I saw a vision of Good-Friday, the Lord sacrificing Himself upon the cross, Mary and the disciples at its foot. This picture I saw over the altar at which priests say Mass. I see it at all hours of the day and night. I see, too, the whole parish, how the people pray, well or badly, and how the priest fulfils his duties. I see first the church here, then the churches and parishes all around, as one sees near him a fruit-tree lit up by the sun, and in the distance others grouped together like a wood.


I see Mass celebrated at all hours of the day and night throughout the world, and in some far-off regions with the same ceremonies as in the times of the Apostles. Above the altar, I see a heavenly worship in which an angel supplies all that the priest neglects. I offer my own heart for the want of piety among the faithful and I beg the Lord for mercy. I see many priests performing this duty pitiably.



Some, mere formalists, are so attentive to the outward ceremonies as to neglect interior recollection ; they think only of how they appear to the congregation, and not at all of God. The scrupulous ever long to feel their own piety. I have had these impressions since childhood. Often during the day I am absorbed in this far-off gazing on the Holy Sacrifice ; if I am spoken to my answer comes as from a person who interrupts not his own work to answer a child's questions.



Jesus loves us so much that He constantly renews His work of Redemption. The Mass is the hidden history of Redemption, Redemption become a Sacrament. I saw all this in my earliest youth and I used to think every one did the same.”



That afternoon, still in ecstasy, she said: — "They call me disobedient, but I dare not do otherwise. They want me to complain ! When it is too late, they will help me ! I see what trouble the wicked enemy gives himself to bring about a lawsuit ; he wants me to lodge a complaint, he can-not harm me in any other way. I see that if there is a suit, I shall die and all will be hushed up, and that is what the devil is after.



My guide has said to me : ' Thy best friends want thee to begin a lawsuit, but beware of doing so ! Forget not that the signs thou bearest are not signs of accusation, but of reconciliation. They have not been given to thee for strife, but for pardon. Write two letters in thy prayer-book, an L. (liebe, love) and a V. (vergiss nicht, forget not). Let them complain, but thou not ! "

护守天神对我说:『你最好的朋友希望你提起诉讼,但你这样做时要小心!不要忘记,你身上的印记不是控告的印记,而是和好的印记。这印记被赐给你不是为了争辩,而是为了宽恕。在你的祈祷手册上写下两个字母,一个 L.(liebe德语,爱)和一个 V.(vergiss nicht德语,不要忘记)。让他们抱怨吧,但你不要!」 


How faithfully she obeyed her guide's instructions, we see from the Pilgrim's notes, a few days later : " She suffers intensely, she vomits blood, her forehead is inflamed, and the pains of her wounds are so violent that the bed shakes under her quivering limbs. She will not be helped by relics now ; she wants to endure her pain for the poor souls and for her enemies."



These poor souls thanked her the following night. "I was the occasion,” she said, " of a very great procession of the purified souls. They were known to me, they prayed for me. I took the heavy crucifix from the Coesfeld church, detached the figure, and carried it. I was the only living being there. The souls wore not the clothes of their own time, still all were clothed differently and their countenances were different.


They went barefoot, some whiter or grayer than others. I went with the procession out of the gate, and I had much communication with the poor souls. I went to two Jesuits to whom I had confessed in my youth. One lived with his pious sisters who sold coffee, but privately ; it was not a public store. I often bought coffee there after the first Mass.



The spirit of the old man pointed out the little house to me and remarked how changed all was now. He told me that he remembered me distinctly, that he had always wished me well, and that he prayed for me. The other also spoke with me."



The evil consequences that would result from any action she might take against the commission were shown her by her angel. She saw that after the unfavorable impression of the commission produced on the public mind by the Landrath's pamphlet, her enemies would willingly carry her off from Dulmen under pretence of a new investigation.



All the details of their plans were shown her as if being actually executed; and this made her suffer so much the more acutely as she was forced to bear it in silence. “God alone can help me,” she said weeping ; “I have neither consolation nor help beside. " She heard in her visions the words :

“This is a warning of what they will do," and she beheld the sufferings by which she would avert the dangers.

敌人计划的所有细节都向她展示了,就好像正在执行一样;这让她更加痛苦,因为她不得不默默承受。「只有天主才能帮助我,」 她哭泣着说。 「我身边没有安慰也没有帮助。」 她在神视中听到了这样的话:「这是对他们将要做的事的警告,」 她看到了为避免灵魂堕落的危险,她所忍受的痛苦。 


“Thou mayest ward off the sufferings awaiting thee from thy enemies by prayer ; but they will be replaced by others and by annoyances from thy friends," said her Heavenly Spouse to her one day. " Thou wilt often be almost in despair." — and the very next morning, Gertrude loaded her with reproaches, such as “she gave away to the poor all that they had, she was a spendthrift, their affairs were every which way, and she was ruled by the evil spirit !"



" I found her very weak," says the Pilgrim, “her cheeks stained with tears; she vomited blood, she was consumed by thirst, and she could not drink. The evil one tormented her. As soon as Gertrude began her reproaches, he showed himself visibly. — ‘When I was alone and in prayer,’ she said, ‘I was freed from his presence or, better still, when I took up my relics ; but, if I laid them aside, there he was again ! I struggled with him all day.



When the Pilgrim tried to comfort me, the apparition became more frightful. It was the same demon who was always present in Mersmann's house among the commissioners.’— When, at last, the enemy was forced to retire, she saw the road she had yet to travel before reaching the Heavenly Jerusalem.



It was a rugged path broken up by precipices over which both friends and enemies had stretched nets to ensnare her ; scraps of writing were attached to many of them as if to warn her. She read : Be silent ! Turn aside ! Suffer patiently ! Look not back ! Look straight ahead ! Do not lose sight of Me too often !' which last words gave rise to a conversation with her Spouse from which she gathered charity and patience.

这是一条崎岖不平的小路,两边都是悬崖峭壁,朋友和敌人都在这条路上布下罗网来诱捕艾曼丽。许多人身上都贴着一些有字的纸片,好像是在警告她。她念到:『保持沉默!绕开罗网! 耐心忍受痛苦吧!别回头!直视前方!不要经常忘记我!』最后这句话引发了艾曼丽与她的净配的对话,她从中获得了仁爱和耐心。


‘Yes, I see it!’ she exclaimed, ' He shows me what I have already surmounted!’— ' And who has guided thee thus far!’ said He to her. ‘How canst thou complain ? thou forgettest Me too often ! — ‘Ah ! my well-beloved Spouse, I understand all now. All things are for the best. I would rather be despised and ill-treated with Thee than rejoice with the world!'



" Some days after, when I was in distress, the evil spirit again placed before me various pictures of the sufferings in store for me ; he showed them as quite unbearable, and I was on the point of yielding. Then I thought, I will make an effort and flee away, but I could not. I sank back, because I was acting on my own light.



I was at last worn out with the struggle, and I said, ‘Now I will bear my misery with my Lord Jesus!’ At the same moment the Lord appeared to me pale and exhausted, dragging His cross up Golgotha and sinking under the weight. I flew to Him, conscious of how I had wronged Him, I acknowledged my sin, and took one end of His cross on my shoulders. Now had I strength and vigor, because I acted for Jesus. He showed me what He endured for me, and my cowardice confounded me : but thanks to Him, I again have courage!”



"On the Feast of St. Cecilia, my cowardice again forced itself upon me and I felt remorse for not having been more patient during the investigation. I invoked St. Cecilia for consolation, and she came to me instantly through the air. O heart-rending sight ! Her head half-severed from her body, lay on her left shoulder ! She was short, slight and delicate, black hair and eyes, and a fair complexion. She wore a yellowish white robe, with large heavy golden flowers, the same in which she had been martyred. She spoke as follows : —




圣女则济利亚(St. Cecilia)是圣教会最著名的殉教者之一,她的名字载于弥撒正典内,受普世圣教会的敬礼。她是天主教、圣公宗、东正教等敬奉的基督教圣人,被视为音乐家和基督教圣乐的主保圣人。


" ' Be patient ! God will forgive thy fault, if thou dost repent. Be not so troubled for having spoken the truth to thy persecutors. When one is innocent, he may speak boldly to his enemy. I, too, reproached my enemies. When they spoke to me of blooming youth and the golden flowers on my robe, I replied that I esteemed them as little as the clay of which their gods were formed and that I expected gold in exchange for them. Look ! with this wound, I lived three days and tasted the consolation of Jesus Christ's servants.



I have brought thee patience, this child in green. Love him, he will help thee !’ She disappeared and I wept with joy. The child sat down by me on the bed and stayed with me. He sat uncomfortably on the edge, kept his little hands in his sleeves, and hung his head with a mournful but kind air, asking for nothing, complaining of nothing.



His demeanor touched and consoled me more than I can say. I remember having had the patience-child by me once before. When the people from Holland tormented me almost to death, the Mother of God brought him to me. He said : ' See, I allow myself to be taken on either arm, nursed or put on the floor, I am always satisfied — do thou the same ! ' Since that time, even in my waking state I see that child, seated near me, and I have really acquired patience and peace."



She endured in vision torments equivalent to exterior persecution to satisfy the justice of God.



Nov. 13th — "I saw myself carried by shouting and hooting enemies up a high scaffold which was so narrow that I could hardly lie on it. I was in danger of falling and breaking my neck. My enemies were triumphant at the sight. I lay in agony, until at last the Mother of God appeared in the form of her statue of Einsiedeln, and made the scaffold , broad enough for me to walk on it. When I descended unexpectedly, my enemies were filled with confusion."

11 月 13 日——「我看到自己被敌人叫喊着抬到了一个高高的刑台上,这个刑台非常狭窄,我几乎无法躺在上面,我有掉下去摔断脖子的危险。看到这一幕,我的敌人得意洋洋。我痛苦地躺着,直到最后圣母以她的“艾因西德伦”圣母雕像的形式出现,她把刑台变得足够宽敞,足以让我在上面行走。当我出乎意料地从刑台上下来时,我的敌人都惊慌失措。」



Nov. 25th — “I found myself again on an enclosed scaffold in whose centre was an opening through which one beheld a dark prison. All was still, I saw no one and it seemed as if I were about to perish secretly by falling through the hole. Then Sts. Frances and Louisa appeared, they who had so often helped me. They raised a plank and showed me a ladder which, as soon as I stepped upon it, sank with me to the ground, and I escaped. Then an old nun of our convent washed my soiled feet; but the marks of the wounds were not removed, and I drew my feet away in confusion." 

11 月 25 日——「我再次发现自己置身于一个封闭的刑台上,刑台的中心是一个开口,透过这个开口,可以看到一座黑暗的监狱。四周一片寂静,我看不见一个人,似乎我要掉进这黑洞而悄悄地死去。然后圣方济和雅仙达出现了,他们曾多次帮助我。他们举起一块木板,给我看一个梯子,我一踩上梯子,梯子就跟我一起降落在地上,我得以逃脱。接着,我们修道院的一位老修女洗了我脏兮兮的脚;但伤口的痕迹没有去除,我就慌慌张张地把脚挪开了。」


Nov. 27 — " That I might see what dangers I had escaped, I was taken by my guide into an empty four cornered house like a barn. On one side stood a great cauldron as large as my room, under which blazed a fire. I was to be thrown into the kettle. First came all the young people I knew with sticks and shavings, but their fire soon burned out. Then came all the married people and old women I had ever known. They built a blazing fire with great logs, but it also went out without even catching all round though some embers lay smouldering.

11 月 27 日——「为了让我看看我逃过了什么样的危险,我被护守天神领进了一间四角的谷仓似的空屋子,屋子的一边立着一口和我的房间一样大的大锅,锅底下生着火。我将要被扔进锅里。首先来的都是我认识的年轻人,手里拿着干柴和刨花,但他们的火很快就熄灭了。然后,我认识的所有已婚人士和老妇人都来了,他们就用大木头生起了一堆火,但是火也熄灭了,甚至没有燃着周围的柴火,尽管有些余烬还在闷烧。


I was not yet thrown into the cauldron. After them came the nuns and made a fire in a most ridiculous way. They heaped up slyly all kinds of trash, reeds, withered leaves, dry herbs, nothing but hollow worm-eaten things which they could bring easily and secretly. They were praying all the time and running into the church. No one wanted her neighbor to see what she did, and yet all were doing the same thing.



It was most amusing to see them making the fire. I recognized each one's peculiar style. I saw in particular Sister Soentgen. She piled up a good deal of wood, so that some of the smouldering sticks were relighted. Then the nuns left the house one after another, and I, too, retired. Soon, however, I returned. Now came people of all sorts in vehicles, among them some doctors, who made observations, setting the cauldron on the fire and feeling again and again if the water was getting hot.



Then Sister Soentgen came back, stirred up the fire, and spoke so sweetly that I also ran and brought a log of wood for it. Then came spies, among them the Landrath; they seized me suddenly and threw me into the cauldron. I was frightened to death. I thought I should die. They repeatedly drew me half out and plunged me in again up to the neck, sometimes forcing me down to the very bottom where I awaited my death in agony.



Then came my friends, Frances and Louisa, to take me out, but I insisted on remaining till the end. At last, however, they took me under the arms and lifted me out, a proceeding which the cooks unwillingly allowed. They went away saying : ' We shall try it in another place, there are too many people here.' — I saw them go to an upper, retired chamber in which they wanted to shut me up, but they did not succeed.



 I thought that, to comfort me in my frightful agony, Blessed Louisa took me to Rome and left me in a great cave, where I saw numerous bones of the saints, bones of the arms and smaller ones arranged in order, and many little pots, urns, and flasks of various shapes, containing dried blood of the saints. I had never before seen such things. I found bones of which I have little particles, and also blood belonging to the saints of whom I have relics.



译者注:真福路易莎·阿尔贝托尼Blessed Louise Albertoni年轻时服从父母意愿结婚,育三女,33 岁守寡,献身天主。公开加入在俗修会,进行了最严厉的苦修,并且无法抗拒地默想我们的救主的苦难


The cave was quite bright, lit up by these sacred objects. I arranged and venerated them ; and I was thinking how I should get out, when the soul of a woman I had once known appeared to me. She told me that I must end her sufferings. She had sought me long and only now found me.



During life she had refused a poor pregnant woman a piece of buttered bread which she craved and which she might easily have spared her. For this she was now devoured by insatiable hunger. She begged me to help her. Then appeared, also, the soul of the other poor woman entreating me earnestly in behalf of her neighbor. I had once known her too.



As I was still in the relic cave, I knew not where I could get bread and butter, although I was eager to help the poor soul. Then a beautiful, shining youth appeared and pointed to a corner of the cave where was what I wanted : an oval loaf, long as my hand and two fingers thick. It was of a pale yellow color not like our bread. It looked as if it had been rolled up in something and baked under the ashes. By it stood a pot of melted butter and a knife.



I tried to spread the butter thickly on the bread but it always ran back into the pot ; and, at last, the whole thing fell from my hands into the dirt. Then the youth said : ‘See, that is because you always want to do too much (1),’ and he bade me scrape up the butter and clean it. When I gave the bread to the woman, she thanked me, saying that she would soon be in a better state and then she would pray for me.



(1) These souls appeared to Sister Emmerich in a place to which she had been transported in spirit. She could aid them, as she was still living. Weight and measure had to be observed, since satisfaction must be proportioned to the debt. To give to one soul more than is necessary is to take away from another. Sister Emmerich participates in the merits of the holy martyrs which they acquired during their mortal career.

(1) 艾曼丽修女曾在灵里被转送到一个地方,这个地方的灵魂显现给艾曼丽修女。艾曼丽修女可以帮助这些灵魂,因为她还活着。艾曼丽修女的补赎必须遵守份量和尺度,因为补赎必须与债务成比例。给予一个灵魂超过他所必需的,就是从另一个灵魂拿走他需要的,艾曼丽修女分享了殉道圣人在尘世生涯中获得的神圣殉道者的功绩。 


— Then came another woman carrying a small bag of salt. She had been a little niggardly. She told me with tears that she had once refused a little salt to a poor woman, and now for punishment she had to beg salt. She asked me to give her some, and the youth showed me where to get it. It was very different from our salt, damp, coarse, and yellow. I took one of the smallest grains to fill up the measure.



But every time I laid it on the pile it fell off, and again did I receive the same reproof. When I had given her the salt, she disappeared satisfied, promising to pray for me. Darkness reigned in the cave, the sacred things alone shone brightly. The youth then took me to the place where the martyrs suffered and to a charnel-house, such as I had seen before, to assure me that all was real, and then he brought me back to my bed."



Nov. 28th — “I saw a great conflagration. The Landrath's house was all on fire. Sparks and burning beams flew around wounding people far and near, but not setting anything on fire. I was sorry for the man's misfortune ; but I soon found out that I and not he was to be the sufferer.

11 月 28 日——「我看到了一场大火。兰德拉斯的房子整个着火了。火花和燃烧的光束四处飞散,伤了远近的人,但没有点燃任何东西。我为这个人的不幸感到遗憾;但我很快发现,受苦的是我而不是他。


An enormous firebrand, like a burning flitch of bacon, was carried by the wind over my head ; but a soul warded it off and it fell to the ground. She said : ‘It does not burn me. I have had to undergo a very different fire, but now I am well- off.' Then I saw, to my great joy, that it was the soul of an old peasant- woman who was very fond of me in my childhood, and who had often complained to me of the trouble her daughter gave her.



I had shown her affection and cleaned her when covered with vermin. This soul had been thirty years out of the body ; she was extraordinarily bright and beautiful. She thanked me with a frank and joyous air, and told me how rejoiced she was to be able to help me now in return for what my prayers had done for her. 



She bade me be comforted ; that I had, it was true, still much to suffer, but that I should accept all quietly and uncomplainingly from God ; that she would help and protect me as far as she could. ' And,' she added, ‘I am not the only one who helps thee. Ah ! thou hast so many protectors ! See, all for whom thou hast prayed, whom thou hast assisted — all will help thee in thy need.'



Then she pointed to many souls that I knew ; they were in various situations, and all were going to protect me. I cannot say enough of the joy and satisfaction I felt on beholding the splendor and beauty of this old woman whom we used to call Aunty.



"But I saw all this time the Landrath's house burning more fiercely, and I felt that it was a picture of the consequences of his wickedness, of the ruin ad unhappiness in store for him. I pitied him from my heart, and I begged the soul to pray and get prayers that God might not punish him for the evil he had done or still would do me. I begged that he might be treated as if he had loaded me with benefits and, on this condition, I would accept all sufferings. She promised and disappeared.



 “Afterward I had to carry the Landrath up a mountain, which greatly fatigued me. I had already had to do this for many others. Long ago, even before he came to see me, I had to carry the Pilgrim in vision, which labor represents the exertion necessary to lead a soul into the way of salvation. When St. Francis Xavier was sent to convert the pagans, he often carried black men on his shoulders in vision."

「后来,我不得不背着兰德拉上山,这让我非常疲惫。我已经不得不为许多其他人这样做了。很久以前,甚至在朝圣者来见我之前,我就不得不背着 "朝圣者 "看神视,这种劳动代表着将灵魂引向救赎之路所必须付出的努力。当圣方济.沙勿略被派遣皈化异教徒时,他经常在异象中将黑人扛在肩上。」


In the first week of Advent, Sister Emmerich had her last vision relating to her persecutors. “I had to struggle all night, I am worn out with the sad pictures I saw. My guide took me all around the earth through immense black caverns built by the powers of darkness, and filled with people wandering about in sin. It was as if I went over all the habitable points of the globe and saw nothing but sin. I often saw new troops of men falling from on high into the blindness of vice.



I saw nothing good. I saw, in general, more men than women, the children were few. Often when I was overcome by the sight, my guide brought me for a little while out into the light, into a meadow or beautiful region where the sun shone, but where there were no people ; afterward I had to return into the darkness and see again the malice, blindness, pride, deceit, envy, avarice, discord, murders, luxury, snares, passions, the horrible wickedness of men all plunging them into greater misery, deeper darkness.



I was under the impression that whole cities were built upon a thin crust which would soon cave in and precipitate them into the abyss. I saw people digging ditches for one another's destruction; but there were no good people here, none falling into the ditches. All these wicked people were in a great dark place, running about at random as in a great fair, grouping together, and enticing one another to sin.



Sometimes the darkness grew deeper, and the road led down a steep crag, frightful to behold, extending around the whole earth. I saw people of all nationalities, all costumes, and all sunk in crime. At times I awoke in terror, and saw the moon shining brightly in at my window. I groaned in anguish, and begged God to send me no more such frightful pictures ; but I had soon again to descend into those terrible regions of darkness and behold their abomination.



Once I found myself in a sphere so horrible that I thought myself in hell, and I began to weep aloud. My guide said : ' I am by thee, hell cannot be where I am.' Then turning longingly to the poor souls in purgatory, I was transported into the midst of them. It seemed like a place near the earth, and there too I saw inexpressible torments; but they were God-fearing souls who sinned not, who perpetually sighed, hungered, thirsted for deliverance.



They could all see what they longed for and for which they had to wait in patience ; their suffering was full of resignation ; their acknowledgment of their faults and their utter inability to help themselves peculiarly touching. I saw all their sins.



They were in different depths, different degrees of abandonment ; some up to the neck, some to the breast, etc., and they implored aid. After I had prayed for them, I awoke and again begged God to deliver me from these visions. But scarcely had I fallen asleep than I was lead once more into the dark regions. Satan threatened me and placed horrible pictures before me.



Once I met an insolent devil who said something like the following : 'There was no necessity for your coming down here and seeing everything — now you'll go up above, boast of your trip, and write something about it !' I told him to cease his stupid talk. Once I thought I saw a great, wicked city being undermined by devils who were already far advanced with the work. I thought as it had so many heavy buildings, it must now soon fall in. I had often felt that Paris would sink in, for I see so many caves under it, but not cut out purposely like those in Rome."



" At last, I reached a large place like one of our own cities. In it was a little more light, and there I was shown a horrible sight, Our Lord Jesus Christ crucified ! My whole soul shuddered, for the executioners were men of our own time, and Our Lord was suffering much more cruelly from them than He did from the Jews. Thank God, it was only a picture ! — ‘So would they,’ said my guide, ' now treat the Lord, could He still suffer.'



— I saw with horror among His tormentors men whom I knew, even priests. This place was connected with the dark regions by many veins and ramifications. I saw, too, my own persecutors and how they would treat me, if I fell into their hands ; they would by torture try to make me confirm their false statements.''



The remembrance of this horrible vision made her heart beat with fright. Nothing could induce her to give it entire ; she concluded with these words : “My guide said to me,  Now hast thou seen the horrible blindness and darkness of men. Murmur no more at thy own lot, but pray ! Thy lot is very sweet.

一想起这可怕的神视,艾曼丽修女就心惊肉跳。什么也不能使她忘记这一切;她最后总结道:『护守天神对我说,现在你已经看到了人类可怕的盲目和黑暗。不要再为你自己的命运抱怨,而要祈祷...... 』你的来非常美好。」


— This vision was followed by that inquietude I so often feel, that of being accountable for something since so many sins are committed on my account. The dread of disobedience haunts me. My guide said : ' It is pride that makes thee think that only good should happen through thee ! And if thou are not obedient, it is my fault and not thine!"



Some days later, she said : " My persecutors will now leave me in peace. I saw that they had a mind to use violence, but they were suddenly seized with fright and became disunited. I saw it under the picture of a fire breaking out among them. One mistrusts the other and fears being betrayed. My Spouse has told me that I will not yield to impatience. I shall have a little repose to finish reading the last five leaves of my great book. I must have rest that I may leave its contents after me. I have still much, very much to do!”



On Dec. 14th, she had a vision of an ecclesiastical investigation that would be instituted after her death. Whilst in ecstasy, she related to the Pilgrim : “I saw the clergy receiving from Rome letters commissioning them to proceed to an investigation in due form. I saw after this a church in which there were no seats. It seemed to me that it had once been desecrated, but was now restored. It was a solid, angular old building, but beautiful ; no hollow wooden ornaments about it, no sham gold. The clergy entered in silence.

12 月 14 日,艾曼丽修女看到了一个异象,教会将在她死后展开调查。在神魂超拔中,她对朝圣者说:「我看到神职人员收到了罗马的信,委托他们以适当的方式进行调查。之后,我看到一座没有座位的教堂。在我看来,这座教堂曾经被亵渎过,但现在又被修复了。那是一座坚固的、棱角分明的古老建筑,但很美,没有镂空的木制装饰品,也没有虚假的金饰。神职人员静默地走了进来。


With their exception, there was no one in the church but the saints and my own soul. They drew a coffin from one of the vaults, carried it before the altar, opened it as if about to make a trial of something, and left it open whilst they celebrated High Mass. Then they cut from one of the hands a consecrated finger, for in the coffin was the body of a holy Bishop.



They laid the relic on the altar and replaced the coffin in the vault. I felt that they were coming to me with the relic, and I ran off home. They came, and were very strict and grave. I know not what they did to me, for I was on high as if in a beautiful meadow, and still at the same time up in the clouds, by the old Bishop whose finger had been cut off. It was wrapped in red velvet and one of the clergy carried it on his breast.



I was now suddenly united to my body again by the holy Bishop, and I arose and looked in amazement at all the gentlemen. After the investigation, I again saw the clergy in the church from which they had taken the finger. They now put it back into the coffin under the altar, and a great thanksgiving was celebrated.— The church was full of people and there were also many saints and souls present, with whom I sang in Latin.



 Afterward I had a vision of a new convent. Still it was as if it all took place after my death. Had I lived longer, they would have made me undergo a great trial; so I must die first. The end that they propose can be as well attained after my death as before. I saw also that after my death, some one will cut off one of my hands, and here and there changes will be quietly made in the churches in which relics will be more honored and again exposed for public veneration."



When the Pilgrim mentioned this vision to Sister Emmerich's confessor, he remarked: “She has often enjoined upon me when she thought herself dying and I carried her the Sacraments, she being in ecstasy, to cut off one of her hands after her death. I know not why she said this unless she intended to intimate that it would retain the power of recognizing relics.



She often told me that even after death, she would be obedient to my orders in quality of confessor. And of the priest's consecrated fingers she says that were his body fallen to dust and his soul in hell, yet will the consecration still be recognized in the bones of the fingers. They will burn with an altogether peculiar fire, so ineffaceable is the mark."



上一篇:042.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第38章 囚禁
下一篇:046.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第41章 1819年将临期和圣诞节 (下)


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