真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
042.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第38章 囚禁
042.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第38章 囚禁
浏览次数:1779 更新时间:2024-4-16


The Captivity.



Sister Emmerich was conveyed to Councillor Mersmann's house and placed in a room on the second floor to which there was no access but by one door which opened into an ante-chamber. Her bed stood in the centre of the room, and from the ante-chamber the most minute observations could be made (1). Here two commissioners were to remain constantly six hours at a time, when they were to be relieved by two others ; they were not to lose sight of the invalid a single instant. The bed-clothes and linen of the invalid were carefully examined that no sharp instruments or chemical preparations by whose aid, as they imagined, she procured the effusions of blood could be there concealed ; her finger nails also underwent inspection lest they should be long enough to tear the skin.

艾曼丽修女被送到梅尔斯曼议员的家,被安置在二楼的一个房间里,这房间除了一扇通往前厅的门外,没有别的出路。她的床被放在房间的中央,从前厅可以观察到房间里最细微的情况(1)。在这里,有两名专员每次要连续监视 6 个小时,然后由另外两名专员替换;他们一刻也不能疏忽监视病人。病人的床上用品和床单都经过仔细检查,确保没有任何锋利的器具或化学制剂能藏在里面,据他们想象,病人是用这些东西弄出了血迹。所以病人的指甲也接受了检查,以免长到足以撕裂皮肤。

The Chief-President sent from Minister an experienced nurse, a Mrs. Wiltner, on Prof. Bodde's recommendation. She had never seen Sister Emmerich and the commissioners did all they could to prejudice her against the patient, telling her that she was an impostor whose fraud she was to expose. The Chief-President's instructions were that the investigation was to continue until they arrived at a definitive decision. The first day was Sunday, 8th of August. On the preceding evening the invalid had regained consciousness. She perceived the change in her surroundings, but soon relapsed into contemplation which lasted until the next morning when she requested her confessor to give her Holy Communion.

在伯德教授的推荐下,首席执行官从明斯特那里派来了一位经验丰富的护士---威尔特纳夫人。她从未见过艾曼丽修女,委员们尽其所能地使她对病人产生偏见,告诉她艾曼丽是一个骗子,她应揭露其欺诈行为。首席执行官的指示是,调查将持续进行,直到他们做出最终决定。第一天是 8 月 8 日星期日。 前一天晚上,病人恢复了知觉。 她察觉到周围环境的变化,但很快又陷入坐忘,一直持续到第二天早上,她请求她的神师给她送圣体。

(1 ) For an account of this investigation, the author has referred to the details published at the time, to the Pilgrim's notes, and especially to Dr. Wesener's. In September, 1819, Sister Emmerich related the particulars of her captivity to the latter, who wrote everything down and daily submitted his notes for her approval.

(1) 为了描述这次调查,作者参考了当时公布的细节、朝圣者的笔记,尤其是韦塞纳医生的笔记。 1819 年 9 月,艾曼丽修女将她被囚禁的细节告诉了韦塞纳医生,韦塞纳医生写下了一切,并每天提交笔记让她审阅确认。

She offered herself in sacrifice to God, prayed for her persecutors, and drew such strength from the reception of the Holy Eucharist as to look with perfect peace and resignation upon all that might happen to her. The day passed calmly, the watchers often approaching her bed, but most politely. Prof. Roling, of Miinster, expressed his amazement at her serenity : “I cannot understand how you can be so self-possessed and serene,”  he said to her. The nurse, too, testified her astonishment, and Sister Emmerich, noticing the marked attention she paid to her demeanor, to her every word, rejoiced with the thought : “Now the truth will appear !"


That night was a restless one. Her custodians frequently approached her one after another, holding the light in her face and calling her. She said in allusion to this : " Even then I was not left without help. When they came to me with the light, my angel was always present. I obeyed him, I heard him, I answered him. He called out to me, ‘Awake!’ and when they put insidious questions to me, he told me what to answer." 


The following day the interrogatory began, Dr. Rave, to whom she had objected, opening the inquiry. She was obliged to allow him to examine her wounds, which he did in the roughest manner, a proceeding very wounding to her exquisite delicacy. He noted down her answers as she gave them. Perceiving the effort she was obliged to make, he frequently asked her if he should discontinue his questions ; but she begged him to go on. “For," she said, a I am here for that purpose ; I must go through it." From time to time, Dr. Borges and Landrath Boenninghausen came in, seated themselves at the foot of her bed, and watched her closely. She tried to answer every question as precisely as possible in the hope of establishing her truth and innocence. The interrogatory lasted the whole day and even late in the evening, when completely exhausted she fainted away.


Dr. Rave and the Landrath appeared to have concerted together to sound each other's praises; they attributed to each other the best intentions and tried to impress the invalid with the belief that they were her protectors. Dr. Borges's presence was most odious to her. She regarded him as the chief instigator of the injustice done her, and he, on his side, lost no opportunity of wounding her by his coarse and unfeeling remarks. On the third evening, she was informed that neither Father Limberg nor Sister Neuhaus should any longer have access to her, and that Dean Rensing would bring her Holy Communion every week. The night passed with the usual annoyances. She was almost overcome by fear, her custodians continually touching and examining the wounds in her hands; but she kept silence and allowed them to do what they pleased (1).


(1) Her very patience and silence were for the Landrath a most convincing proof of imposture. If she, indeed, suffered so much " he reasoned, " she could never have kept silence."— " One single trick," he wrote, “one single act of dissimulation, sufficed to betray the whole affair. We were enlightened sooner than we expected by a seeming trifle. Her friends had united with her in assuring us that the slightest touch on her wounds caused her acute pain, that she even cried out on such occasions; but we found that when engaged in a conversation that embarrassed her, the wounds of her hands might be tightly pressed or even rubbed without her giving tiny sign of uneasiness. I tested this myself, and so did others.”— (Boenninghausen’s Report of the Investigation. 1819).

(1) 对兰德拉斯来说,艾曼丽的忍耐和沉默就是最有说服力的骗局证据。 「如果她真的受了这么多苦,」兰德拉斯推理道,「她决不会保持沉默。」兰德拉斯写道,「一个伎俩,一个伪装行为,就足以出卖整个事件。一件看似微不足道的小事,却让我们比预期更快地明白了真相。她的朋友们和她一起向我们保证,对她伤口的轻微触摸都会导致她剧烈疼痛,甚至在这种情况下她甚至会哭;但我们发现,当我们进行令她尴尬的谈话时,她双手的伤口可能会被紧紧按压,甚至被揉搓,而她却没有表现出丝毫的不安。我亲自试验了这一点,其他人也试验过。」(博宁豪森的调查报告。1819 年)。

On Tuesday morning, the 10th, the examination was resumed. Dr. Rave had declared his task finished the preceding evening; yet he began again with Dr. Borges and the Landrath to put differently worded questions on the same points as before, trying to force her to contradict her former statements. He had reported, in February, that she had callosities or painless swellings on her feet, a proof that she really did walk in secret. After he had repeatedly inspected them the invalid said: "What think you, doctor? Can I walk ? Do you judge by my feet that I can walk ?" — To which he was forced to answer before his companions : “There is no question of it. You are too weak and suffering."


When these interrogatories had continued two hours, all the commissioners were assembled by Dr. Borges for the reading of the official report. This lasted four long hours, from ten A. M. till two P. M. ; for each thought himself obliged to test the accuracy of the statements by repeated inspections of her wounds. She was treated with as little consideration by them as if she had been a log of wood. Their savage brutality would not even allow the timid, consecrated virgin to veil her breast. Whenever she tremblingly covered herself, they brutally tore away the linen, answering her plaintive entreaties by cynical railleries. Toward two o'clock they left her, but only for an hour. They all returned at the end of that time and recommenced torturing their victim, who happly fell into contemplation and beheld the martyrdom of St. Lawrence. She remembered only one of the remarks made to her that evening : " Now it is all right. You can go home again on Saturday."


" This day," she said, " was the bitterest of my life. I thought I should die of shame and confusion at what I had to endure, and the words to which I had to listen. I said to myself on the shameful treatment I underwent: 'My soul is in the prison of the body ; now is the body itself in prison, and the soul confined to a little space,  must deliver up the body of sin. Crucify it, outrage it ! It is but a wretched log."


On Wednesday, Aug. 11th, they adopted a new plan of action. After the preceding examination, the existence of the stigmata could not possibly be denied ; therefore must the invalid be adroitly led to confess that they had been artificially produced by French exiled priests. Dr. Rave undertook to extort from her the avowal, He made his appearance about nine o'clock A. M., assumed an air of extreme kindness, seated himself by her bedside, and expressed the desire “to speak to her heart to heart," The custodians withdrew, and the doctor began in emphatic terms to praise the intelligence, the virtue, the whole life of the poor invalid. With his hand on his heart, he exclaimed: "Yes, indeed! I feel the most heartfelt compassion for you, sick and suffering as you are ! I wish to speak with you in perfect sincerity and assist you as far as I can. Landrath Boenninghausen, also, esteems and pities you, like myself. He is disposed to serve you, and Chief- President von Vinke is of the same mind ; he wrote to us last evening that he would like to take charge of you and all your family. Confide in us, be perfectly open and sincere with us." — At these words Sister Emmerich interrupted him and said : —

8 月 11 日星期三,他们通过了一项新的行动计划。经过前面的检查,圣伤的存在是无法否认的;因此,必须巧妙地引导病人承认圣伤是由法国流放的神父兰伯特人为制造的。拉夫医生开始向艾曼丽修女逼供,他在上午 9 点钟左右出现,装出一副极其和蔼的样子,坐在艾曼丽修女的床边,表示希望 "和她说说心里话"。看护人走了出去,医生开始用有力的言辞赞扬这位可怜的病人的聪慧和美德的一生。他用手按住自己的心,感叹道:「是的,确实如此!我发自内心地同情你,你病了,遭受到痛苦!我希望真诚地与您交谈,并尽我所能帮助您。兰德拉斯.博宁豪森也像我一样尊敬和同情你。他愿意为你服务,首席执行官冯.温克也是同样的想法;他昨晚写信给我们,说他愿意照顾你和你的家人。请信任我们,对我们敞开心扉。」艾曼丽修女打断他的话,说:

“I only wish that you and he could see into my heart, you would find nothing hidden there, nothing bad."

“Yes," he continued, “you may trust me as you do your confessor. I will keep all to myself — even the Landrath shall not know what you confide to me, I shall arrange everything for the best, you will soon see an end to this affair." “I do not understand," she replied, u why you would hide from the commissioners anything concerning me. The commission must and shall know all that I have to say !”



Then he began to run over her life, from time to time putting captious questions to throw her off her guard, such as — “Did you not use the discipline in the convent ?"

"My chief discipline consisted in overcoming myself interiorly and in rooting out my faults and evil inclinations." “You have always borne great veneration toward the Five Sacred Wounds. Now, it is not an unprecedented thing for pious persons in an excess of love to imprint them visibly upon their person. "




" I know nothing of such things. I have already said all that I can of the origin of my wounds.' '

“Ah ! believe not that I imagine you have made them with a bad intention or through hypocrisy. No, I know you too well. I heard of you from every one as a person given to virtue from your childhood. But there would surely be no harm in wishing to become like to the Redeemer. One might do such a thing out of piety."

“No, not in this way. It would be sinful and unlawful."

" Yes, I think so, too. I esteem you too pious and upright for such a fraud. But I regret that you are now so abandoned by your friends. Do you not wish me to bring your sister or the Abbe Lambert?"





 “No ! I wish no suspicion to rest on them !"

“But you have been visited by other French priests, and you could not know what they did when you were unconscious."

" Just after the suppression of the convent, I had, it is true, long fainting- spells ; but I am certain that no one ever did anything to me. There was only one attendant by me, and she saw the blood flow for the first time."

艾曼丽修女:「不! 我不希望他们受到怀疑!」



 “It is not possible that such a thing could happen of itself. French priests are very pious, they esteem this sort of thing very highly ; they did it with a good intention, and you allowed it through piety."

“No ! that would not be a good intention nor piety. It would be so great a crime that I would rather suffer death than consent to such a thing."

“Reflect well upon your position ! Let it not come to this, that ecclesiastical authority demand an oath of you."

“What I say I can swear to at any time. Ecclesiastical Superiors may come."


艾曼丽修女:「不 !那既不是好意,也不是虔诚。这是极大的罪过,我宁愿死也不同意做这样的事情。」




" Then we are all in the dark, and you alone are in the light ! "

" What do you mean by that ? "

“You are so suffering, so full of pains, so tortured on all sides ! — Can that be the calling of man ? "

“Ah ! you disquiet and torment yourself still more for the evil things of this world, you live in constant agitation, you perplex your brain over things you cannot understand ; but my sufferings are not so grievous to me, because I know why I suffer."


艾曼丽修女:「 你这话是什么意思 ? 」



 “No ! I tell you, the wounds come not as you say ! It is impossible! If you have not made them, others have !"

“Now I see plainly what you mean, and what a double game you tried to play last winter ! "

“Well, let us remain good friends."

“No ! Friendship cannot exist on such terms. You shall not make me tell a lie ! "





Dr. Rave retired and Herr Boenninghausen entered. Sister Emmerich declared to him her readiness to confirm on oath all that she had stated, whereupon he replied : "O that is nothing! such an oath is of no value! We would not receive an oath ! " — And when she objected that Dr. Rave's duplicity would oblige her to defend herself by sworn testimony, he responded: —

"Dr. Rave has written nothing bad of you, his statement was good. For the rest, he may say and write what and how he pleases, only what is official has weight or truth."


Thursday, Aug. 12th, she was less importuned. She had violent vomitings all the morning, but they paid little attention to her. One or another made his appearance from time to time, but immediately withdrew. A young man named Busch, hardly yet free from the school-room, was the only one who frequently presented himself, tormenting her with his selfconfidence and arrogance. — " Will your wounds bleed to-morrow ?— What! you do not know?-- When the blood begins to flow, let me know immediately, etc." — At first, she sought to silence him by her own gravity. But failing in this, she at length addressed him : “Young man, take care ! Do not allow yourself to be drawn into acts of injustice and rash judgments ! It is not so easy to decide upon things of this kind, on which older men than you have suspended their judgment. You are young, and it is becoming in a young physician to be reserved, to judge leisurely."

月 12 日星期四,艾曼丽的病情有所缓解。整个上午,她都在剧烈呕吐,但他们对她几乎不闻不问。不时有一个或另一个人出现,但马上又退了回去。只有一个叫布西的年轻人几乎还没有离开学校教室,他经常出现在艾曼丽面前,用他的自信和傲慢骚扰着艾曼丽修女。「明天你的伤口会流血吗--什么!你不知道吗?—— 一旦开始流血,马上告诉我,等等。」 起初,艾曼丽试图用自己的严肃让他闭嘴。但艾曼丽没能做到,最后艾曼丽对他说:「年轻人,小心点!不要让自己陷入不公正的行为和轻率的判断中!这种事情不是那么容易决定的,比你年长的人已经暂停了他们的判断。你还年轻,对一个年轻的医生来说,应该保持缄默,才能从容不迫地作出判断。」

He was moved by these words and said before the nurse : “Sister Emmerich knows how to touch one's conscience. Were she innocent, I might weep tears of blood !" He, however, hardened his heart. He was to the end more insulting than the older members. The nurse could not conceal her sympathy and veneration for the persecuted invalid. That afternoon, Dr. Rave offered her some oatmeal porridge which she declined. He insisted, whereupon she tasted it, when vomiting immediately came on.


August 13th, Friday. — This day had been impatiently awaited by the commissioners. Would there, or would there not be an effusion of blood ? In either case, they had resolved to view it as imposture. Herr von Boenninghausen and Dr. Rave kept watch the night before and, to give her confidence, as he imagined, the former expressed to her his great desire that the following day would bring an effusion of blood. " Understand," said he, "I do not wish it on my own account, but for Dr. Borges's sake. Only yesterday were we speaking about it, and he assured me that, if he saw the blood flow, he would certainly become a Catholic. He assured me of it."

8 月 13 日,星期五。委员们一直在焦急地等待着这一天的到来。到底会不会发生流血事件?不管是哪种情况,他们都决心将其视为假象。前一天晚上,冯.博宁豪森先生和拉夫医生一直在守夜,为了给艾曼丽修女信心,正如博宁豪森先生所想象的那样,他向艾曼丽修女表达了他的强烈愿望,希望第二天会看到血流出来。他说,「你要明白,我不是为了自己,而是为了博尔赫斯医生。就在昨天,我们还在谈论这件事,他向我保证,如果他看到血流出来,他一定会成为一名天主教徒。他向我保证过。」

Sister Emmerich replied indignantly : " On the Day of Judgment, perhaps that man, if he remains what he is, will be dealt with more leniently than they who know the Law, but who do not live conformably to it. It may be that he is not so guilty as you."


The entire night between Thursday and Friday she lay in contemplation, and the dawn of day found her physically stronger. "I begged the nurse” she said, “to give me water to wash. She did so, with these words : ' May God and His holy Mother permit the wounds in your head to bleed! then these gentlemen will be convinced of your innocence.’ I rebuked her for such a wish : ' I hope there will be no blood,’ I said. 'Of what use would it be? These gentlemen would not let themselves be convinced. Still we must commit ourselves to the will of God!’ I washed and said in jest, ‘My forehead especially I shall wash clean.' Then I took off my cap and the nurse had just spread a clean white linen towel over my head, when in came Dr. Busch with his usual questions. He said : ( You must let the blood flow '





— In about a quarter of an hour, he made me take off my binder, and behold it was stained with blood ! It was a most unwelcome sight to me, I had hoped there would be no blood. I did not dare to cover my head, and all the commissioners were called in. They examined my binder and head, and set to work to wash my forehead, first with a warm, then with a cold liquid, which gave me great pain.'' — The nurse deposed that the invalid's forehead was rubbed first with saliva, then with strong vinegar, and lastly with oil of vitriol. At this application she cried out in pain. " It burns, it burns like fire !" and then, as the nurse said, some red streaks appeared.


 “They spent the whole morning in examining, washing, and rubbing my forehead. I fainted from pain. The gentlemen-commissioners showed great embarrassment. The nurse was closely questioned as to how the blood came on my binder. She related all that we had said and how it had happened, but they declared that I had wounded myself. The nurse greatly excited came toward me, wringing her hands : ‘O Miss Emmerich, you are betrayed and sold ! They say you have put the blood on your bindder yourself ! O unhappy woman that I am to be employed by such people ! Yet do I rejoice that I now know you and can help you” — I consoled the woman, telling her that I knew they would act thus, and I exhorted her to trust in God."

「他们花了整整一个上午检查、清洗和揉搓我的前额。我痛得昏了过去。委员们露出了极大的尴尬。他们仔细询问护士,我的包头巾上的血是怎么来的。她把我们说过的话和事情的经过都讲了一遍,但他们宣布是我弄伤了自己。护士非常激动地朝我走来,绞着双手说:『艾曼丽小姐,你被出卖了!他们说是你自己把血涂在包头上的!啊,我真是个不幸的女人,竟然受雇于这样的人!然而,我高兴的是,我现在了解了你,并且能够帮助你! 』——我安慰那护士,告诉她,我知道他们会这样做,并劝她信赖天主。」

Mrs. Wiltner's honest testimony to the truth was exceedingly distasteful to the commissioners, who summoned her before them next day and interrogated her anew. They employed every artifice to make her say that, two minutes before Dr. Busch's arrival, she had left the invalid to empty the basin ; but she firmly refused to tell the falsehood. On the contrary, she declared herself ready to swear solemnly that she had not left the room and that the invalid, after the removal of her binder, had not once raised her hands to her head, but had kept them clasped on her breast the whole time. She forced Dr. Busch to acknowledge that, when he entered the room, the basin of water was still standing on a chair. But her protestations were of no avail. They entered into the report the following words as Mrs. Wiltner's deposition: “Mrs. Wiltner, the nurse, absented herself for two minutes to empty the basin."


Some time after the investigation, the nurse gave her testimony to the public through Dr. Theodore Lutterbeck, of Diilmen, and offered to repeat it under oath before any tribunal ; upon which the Landrath Boenninghausen had the audacity to publish the following : “If Dr. Lutterbeck contests the right of the commission to public confidence, he will find his words received as oracles by few, I claim it with much more reason for myself, as I have submitted every detail to a minute examination with perfect impartiality, and a mind free from prejudice. Should more credit be accorded to a nurse's deposition which, after all, proves nothing, than to my testimony ? This I leave to the judgment of the reader. I shall only observe that, from the first eight days, Mrs. Wiltner manifested a disposition to talkativeness and a veneration for Sister Emmerich which led the commission to deliberate whether it would not be well to supply her place by another, a less bigoted person.

But as she seemed to get on well with the nun, and as it was very important that the latter should mistrust us as little as possible, she was retained (1)."

调查结束一段时间后,护士通过杜尔门的西奥多.卢特贝克医生向公众提供了她的证词,并表示愿意在任何法庭上宣誓重申这段证词;对此,兰德拉斯.博宁豪森厚颜无耻地发表了以下内容:「如果卢特贝克医生质疑委员会对公众信任的权利,他会发现他的话被少数人当作神谕,而我自己则更有充分的理由提出这个要求,因为我已经将每一个细节都提交给了一个完全公正和没有偏见的详细的审查。一个护士的证词,毕竟证明不了什么,难道比我的证词更加可信吗?我把这留给读者去判断。我观察到,从头八天开始,护士威尔特纳夫人表现出爱说话的性格和对艾曼丽修女的崇敬之情,这让委员会不得不考虑是否应该换一个不那么偏执的人来代替她的位置。但是,由于她似乎与这位修女相处得很好,为尽可能避免修女对我们的不信任,因此她被留下来了 (1)。」

That afternoon the commissioners again met around the patient's bed, and Dr. Rave experimented on himself to prove that the effusion of blood had been artificially produced. The Landrath's report is as follows : —

“The circumstance (2) offering the most conclusive proof of the fraud and which shows that Anne Catherine Emmerich plays not only a passive role in it, but that she is also an active accomplice, happened in the following manner. The fact that the bleeding ceased not entirely in her head as in the other parts, formed the only basis upon which it was possible to experiment. The only difficulty was as to how she made her head bleed, not an easy matter in truth, since she was never alone and was, moreover, in a position that exacted the greatest precautions ; besides, a certain one of our members was so inconsiderate as to wish to treat with her candidly and openly, which manner of acting would not, as is evident, have led to the end in view, but would have put her still more on her guard.



(1) History and Result of Investigation, 2, p: 46.

(2) Hiatory and Result of Investigation, 2, p- 34—39.

(1) 调查的历史和结果,2, 46页。

(2) 调查的历史和结果,2,第 34-39 页。

However, the trial had to be made, and it was announced to her that the commission would not separate until a positive decision had been reached. She informed us herself that her head bled at times, although the other parts had ceased to do so, and the appearance of this phenomenon being all that was required to end the investigation, so painful on both sides, we entreated her to beg God not to delay it. As these words seemed to be pretty well received and, moreover, as we saw that the need of more substantial nourishment began to be felt by our patient, they were again repeated to her with every imaginable mark of sincerity, and lo ! that very evening was made the prophetic announcement that, perhaps the next day, Friday, August 13th, a little blood might appear on her forehead ! Now, at last, we had grounds for hope. That she might not be disturbed by too rigorous a surveillance, I took that duty upon myself, and when all were asleep I threw myself gently on the lounge in the ante-room.

然而,审讯必须进行,并且向艾曼丽修女宣布,在做出积极决定之前,委员会不会解散。艾曼丽亲口告诉我们,她的头有时会流血,尽管其他部位已经不流血了。而且这种现象的出现就是结束调查所需要的,双方都很痛苦,我们恳求艾曼丽求天主不要延迟赐予这现象。由于这些话似乎得到了很好的回应,而且,我们看到病人开始感觉到需要更多的营养,于是,我们带着各种可以想象得到的诚意,再次向她重复了这些话,就在当天晚上,她就预言性地宣布,也许第二天,也就是 8 月 13 日星期五,她的额头上可能会出现一点血迹!现在,我们终于有了希望。为了不让过于严密的监视打扰到她,我承担起了这个责任,当所有人都睡着后,我轻轻地躺在前厅的休息室里。

Toward midnight, I heard a rustling. I arose quietly, peeped through the open door and saw that Sister Emmerich had changed her position. Her back was turned to me and she was in the act of removing the bed-clothes. She caught sight of me; but, as the light did not fall on her face, I could not say whether she was annoyed at being detected or not. Next morning, however, at six o'clock, nothing had as yet appeared on her forehead. I was on the point of giving up hope, when half an hour after, the nurse very much excited brought me the wished for information that Sister Emmerich's head seemed to be bleeding.


The phenomenon was carefully examined by all, and each member was invited to commit his observations to writing. I regard this circumstance as the most important and decisive in the course of the investigation ; and I am of opinion, as are also the other members of the committee, that nothing was left undone on the occasion. Our unanimous conclusion is, that the red marks on the invalid's forehead perfectly resemble what might be produced by rubbing or scratching.


There were two where the epidermis had evidently been scratched. From them flowed the ordinary lymph which adhered to the head-band, whilst a third had begun to form a crust. This opinion is that of men, unprejudiced, impartial, and of sound judgment ; it alone should suffice to convince the most incredulous. Mark well what follows : — to arrive by comparison at still greater certainty, Dr. Rave that same morning scratched his forehead in two places until the epidermic broke and lymph flowed. The result was the same in both cases : the simple red marks made by the rubbing disappeared in two days ; in other places the crust formed by the lymph fell off in six days, when the epidermis was renewed, which in both cases took place on the seventh day.


 “When we had thus acquired convincing proof that what we had seen was altogether different from the effusions of blood we had heard described — still more that they had been made by the hand of man, and that unskilfully enough, it remained only to be ascertained how far the invalid would carry her denial of the facts. It was easy to see, as is proved by the report that when she was in a state of consciousness, two or three minutes would have sufficed to do the work ; and this time she could have had when the nurse left the room with the basin. I exhorted her in presence of some of the members to depose to the report, but she declared that the scratches on her forehead were neither of her own making nor that of any one else, and she offered to take an oath to this effect.


A feeling of grief came over me when I heard this declaration on oath of an evident lie, uttered coolly and smilingly by one whose pitiful condition I could not forbear compassionating. She appeared in my eyes as a hardened impostor deserving neither pity nor consideration, one with whom severe measures should be used to bring her to an avowal of her guilt. But the sight of suffering humanity regained its empire over me ; her desolate state effaced my first impression of horror and turned my indignation against the revolting malice of those who had perverted the poor creature.”


As some stains had appeared on the invalid's linen, the wound in her side having bled also, an explanation must be found for that. The Landrath said they were merely the stains of the coffee she had vomited. But Mrs. Wiltner declared at the time and afterward to Dr. Lutterbeck that she was ready to swear to the fact that the very weak coffee taken and rejected by the invalid had been received in a blue cloth always at hand, and that not a single drop had fallen on the chemise which had been, besides, protected by a four-double covering. The article was then examined, the stains found to be the red color of blood. After washing it, Mrs. Wiltner showed the water tinged to the commissioners. Still Boenninghausen clung to his opinion of the coffee stains, and forbade the nurse to show it or the water to Dr. Zumbrink who arrived from Minister the following day. She however disregarded the Landrath's injunction and in- formed Dr. Z — of all that had passed, offering to confirm what she said by oath (1).


 (1) Mrs. Wiltner 's deposition was published some time after by Dr. Theodore Lutterbeck, upon which Landrath von Boenninghausen immediately made the following explanation : " The numberless frauds already discovered and the others yet to be disclosed, lead me to suspect that the reddish stains on Sister Emmerich's linen were made by blood from her gums. This assertion is not quite so ridiculous as is the attempts to prove that by capillary attraction it must have flowed from her internal organs . for the stains were darker outside than inside- I do not, however, affirm that her perspiration was wholly free from blood. ‘

(1) 威尔特纳夫人的证词不久后由西奥多.卢特贝克医生发表,兰德拉斯.冯.博宁豪森随即做了以下解释:「已经发现的无数欺诈行为和尚未揭露的其他欺诈行为,让我怀疑艾曼丽修女亚麻布上的红色污渍是由她牙龈上的血造成的。这种说法并不像试图证明血迹是由毛细血管吸引而从内脏流出的那么荒谬。因为血迹的颜色在外面比在里面深——但是,我不能肯定她的汗水完全没有血。 

In the afternoon they again assembled around her bed to renew the torture of the morning. But Sister Emmerich flatly refused to yield to their wishes; whereupon, the Landrath exhorted her to obedience and patience. “We must all do our duty," he said. u We are all servants of the State and one must help the other. You, also, must give an account to the State of whatever there is extraordinary in you.”

Sister Emmerich replied : “I respect civil authority and I am willing to fulfil my duty ; but I do not recognize all here present as competent judges in this case ! "




They answered by all kinds of persuasive reasoning, but to no purpose. The Landrath exclaimed : “For whom do you take us, then ? " — Instantly in a solemn tone, she answered : “I look upon you all as the servants of the devil !" (1). These words from the lips of a defenceless female made such an impression upon one of the gentlemen present, Mr. Nagelschmidt, the druggist, that he left the room, exclaiming : “No ! I'll not be the devil's servant ! " — and he refused to take any further part in the iniquitous affair. All were dumbfounded. The Landrath had no answer to make and, one by one, they slipped away, leaving Sister Emmerich in peace.

他们用各种有说服力的推理来回答,但没有达到任何目的。 兰德拉斯惊呼道:「那你认为我们是谁?」艾曼丽修女顿时语气凝重,回答道:「我视你们为魔鬼的仆人!」 (1)一位手无寸铁的女性口中说出的这番话,给在场的一位先生、药剂师纳格尔施密特先生留下了深刻的印象,以至于他离开了房间,大声宣称:「不!我不会做魔鬼的奴仆!」他拒绝进一步参与这桩罪恶的事情。所有人都傻眼了。兰德拉斯没有回答,他们一个一个地溜走了,留下艾曼丽修女安静地呆着。 

 (1) When Sister Emmerich, in September, recounted this scene to the Pilgrim, she added : " The Landrath was sitting at the right of mv bed smoking, near him stood the apothecary The former pretended to pity me because, as he said, my friends had reduced me to so pitiable a state. But, he said. I was not too old to be cured, and so on, and again began to flatter me. I saw the devil behind him. I was too frightened to speak, and the nurse, thinking I was going to faint, brought me some water. Then came the talk about authority, and I said, ‘First comes God……' "

(1) 九月,艾曼丽修女向朝圣者讲述这一幕时,她补充说:「兰德拉斯坐在我床边的右侧抽烟,旁边站着药剂师,兰德拉斯假装同情我,因为正如他所说,我的朋友们把我变成了如此可怜的状态。但是,他说,我还没有老到不能治愈等等,然后又开始奉承我。我看到他身后的魔鬼。我吓得说不出话来,护士以为我要晕倒了,就给我端来了水。然后又开始谈论权柄,我说,『首先权柄来自天主……』」

Dr. Busch came again late that evening, feigning compassion and offering his services. He made the nurse remove the invalid's head-dress, when he poured on the top of her head some drops of a liquid which deprived her of consciousness. “Those drops," she said afterward, " gave me pain through my whole body and took away my senses. The nurse thought me dead. I lay for a whole hour immovable."


On the morning of Saturday, the 14th, they began again to rub and to bathe her head. The new physician from Miinster, Dr. Zumbrink, carefully examined everything, but behaved with so much propriety as to gain Sister Emmerich's confidence. In the afternoon, she had a chance of convincing herself in an interview with him that her first impression was not false.

14 日周六上午,他们又开始给她擦洗头部。来自明斯特的新医生琼布林克医生仔细地检查了一切,他的举止得体,赢得了艾曼丽修女的信任。下午,她在接受琼布林克医生采访时,有机会说服自己她的第一印象没有错。 

 “Before he came," she related, " I had a vision in which I beheld a tall, dark-complexioned man approach me and hold out his hand. I thought he was sent from God to save me and I told my nurse so. He did come, in reality. He was an upright, honorable man ; the others were afraid of him, concerted among themselves, and kept out of his presence. The chief-officer ironically called him my doctor ; he said that he was of my party and asked me if I were not particularly fond of him. I answered that I hoped each would do his duty. Dr. Zumbrink was no flatterer ; he was more attentive and more active than any of the others. He said to me from the first : ‘I shall write whatever I discover, innocence or imposture. Be not bewildered by anything, neither by fair words nor by threats. Hold to the truth ; with that a person cannot be worsted (1).'


 (1) Dr. Lutterbeck declared In his second pamphlet that he had read the opinion Dr. Zumbrink had given in writing and in which he stated, “Not having seen Anne Catherine Emmerich for seven years before, he had formed no opinion as to the origin of her wounds ; but that, during the investigation, he had remarked no fraud From the Impression made upon him at the time by the invalid he esteemed her incapable of imposture."

(1) 卢特贝克医生在他的第二本小册子中宣称,他已经阅读了琼布林克医生的书面意见,并指出:「七年前他没有见过安纳.加大利纳.艾曼丽,因此她伤口的来源还没有定论;但在调查过程中,从那个病人当时给他的印象来看,他没有发现任何欺诈行为」

" The others I saw in vision in the black, filthy, four- cornered, false church, with a high roof and no turrets ; they were very intimate with the spirit that presided therein. This church is full of impurity, vanity, sottishness, and darkness, but scarcely one of those men knew in what obscurity he labored. It is all proud presumption. The walls are high, but they surround emptiness ; a stool is the altar, and on the table is a death's head veiled, a light on either side. In their worship they use naked swords, and at certain parts of the ceremonies the death's head is unveiled. It is all bad, thoroughly bad, the communion of the unholy. I cannot say how abominable, how pernicious and empty are their ceremonies. Many of the members know it not themselves. They wish to be one single body in some other than the Lord, and if a member separates from them, they become furious with me.


When science separated from Faith, this church was born without a Saviour, good works without faith, the communion of the unbelieving with the appearance but not the reality of virtue ; in a word, the anti-Church whose centre is malice, error, falsehood, hypocrisy, tepidity, and the cunning of all the demons of the period. It forms a body, a community outside the Body of Jesus, the Church It is a false church without a Redeemer. Its mysteries are to have no mysteries and, consequently, its action is temporal, finite, full of pride and presumption, a teacher of evil clothed in specious raiment. Its danger lies in its apparent innocence. It wills differently, acts differently everywhere. In many places its action is harmless, in others it aims at corrupting a few of the learned. But all tends to one end, to something bad in its origin, an action outside Jesus Christ, through whom alone every life is sanctified, and outside of whom every action, every work remains in death and in the demon,"


That evening Sister Emmerich reminded the Landrath of his promise to have her conveyed home on Saturday. " It cannot be," he replied. " The case is not closed, we have arrived at nothing definite." The next day, he jested among the other commissioners : " Miss Emmerich shall not escape, though we need not stay by her the whole day, or guard her so closely." Dr. Zumbrink expressed his indignation at such a speech — " What ! is this not an investigation of a serious natureEvery one eats, drinks, sleeps, walks, amuses himself. The affair is not conducted as it should be. I do not trust such men ! "

当晚,艾曼丽修女提醒兰德拉斯,他曾承诺在星期六将她送回家。「不可能,」他回答。「这个案子还没有结案,我们还没有确切的结论。」  第二天,他和其他委员开玩笑说:「艾曼丽小姐逃不掉的,因此我们不需要整天待在她身边,也不需要那么严密地看守她。」琼布林克医生对他的这番话表示愤慨——「什么!这不是一次严肃的调查吗?怎么每个人都可以吃、喝、睡、散步、自娱自乐。这件事没有按应有的方式进行。我不信任这种人!」

On the Feast of the Assumption and the two days following, Sister Emmerich was less tormented than usual. The committee could not agree upon what further experiments to make ; the Landrath went nervously in- and out, and spoke of indifferent things. On the 17th, she demanded an end to the investigation, she recounted the torments she had undergone, and asked what they still exacted of her. The Landrath replied that so many new questions had been forwarded from Minister for herself, the Abbe Lambert, and her sister, that he could see no end to it. She responded sadly :


 “They have put me off from day to day with vain promises, and the end is still far distant ! "

The Landrath grew angry and began to threaten her : “You dare to reproach me, but things will soon be changed ! Then you will find your man in me ! You yourself and your French priests are the cause of your not being released."



Dean Rensing's entrance at this moment interrupted his invectives. Sister Emmerich turned to him saying : ''They exact of me confessions that I cannot make."

The Dean replied : “If there is question of your avowing anything, you can testify to it on oath."

“Truly ! but they tell me that my oath is of no account."

" Who has told you that ? " inquired the Landrath.

“He who said it, ought to know," was her answer.


艾曼丽修女,「这是真的! 他们告诉我,我的誓言没有意义。」



Thursday, Aug. 18th — This day was spent without special annoyance, excepting the Landrath's menaces and reproaches against her and her absent confessor, to all which she listened in silence.

Drs. Borges and Busch were to watch that night. They hoped that, as the next day would be Friday, they would witness the bleeding of her wounds (1).

8 月 18 日,星期四,这一天除了兰德拉斯对艾曼丽修女和她那不在现场的告解神师的威胁和责备之外,艾曼丽没有受到什么特别的烦扰。她默默地听着。


Fortunately, Dr. Zumbrink was also present which restrained their brutality. Frightful visions disturbed her rest, and to her great joy the morning brought no effusion of blood. " This circumstance," she says, " seemed to give the Landrath satisfaction, as he looked upon it as a confirmation of his opinion that I am an impostor. Perhaps, too, he hoped to hear something from me. It is only in this way that I can explain his polite attentions, and the flattery with which he loaded me on the following day, forgetful of past scenes. His kindness was more insupportable than his threats."


Dr. Borges was in bad health. The night-watch had greatly fatigued him, and he returned to Miinster disgusted at the whole affair.

On Friday evening, Dr. Rave appeared after an absence of a week. He could not conceal the impression made upon him by the invalid's appearance.


 (1) “They gave me that night a small phial,” she said "wrapped In a scrap of black silk, saying that Dean Overberg had sent it to me, and that I must lay it awhile on my breast. It inspired me with horror, especially the silk. I felt that it came from an impure being. When they insisted on my putting it on my breast, my heart beat so Violently that, in an agony, I dashed it away."

(1) 「那天晚上,他们给了我一个小药瓶,」艾曼丽修女说,「用一块黑丝绸包裹着,说是奥弗伯格总铎寄给我的,我必须把它放在胸前一会儿。小药瓶激起我的恐怖,尤其是丝绸。我觉得它来自一个不洁的人。当他们坚持要把小药瓶放在我的胸前时,我的心跳得如此剧烈,以至于我在痛苦中把它扔掉了。」  

 “How miserable and suffering you are ! " he exclaimed, and turning to the Landrath, he said : " She is unusually weak, she has fever. I cannot answer for her life much longer ! " — When she reminded him that the next day would be the third Saturday since they brought her there, he said : “I can do nothing ! I, too, am worn out here. If you cannot trust us longer, we cannot trust you, etc."

She represented to them their unworthy conduct, saying sternly : " Which of you can accuse me of falsehood ?" — but they returned no answer.

「你是多么的凄惨和痛苦啊! 」拉夫医生惊呼道,又转向兰德拉斯说:「她异常虚弱,发烧了。我不能再为她的生命负责了!」当艾曼丽修女提醒拉夫医生说,明天就是他们把她带到这儿来的第三个星期六了,拉夫医生说:「我无能为力!我在这里也筋疲力尽。如果你不再信任我们,我们也不能信任你 ,等等。」


On Saturday several of the commission, scarcely knowing what further course to pursue, assembled around her. They spoke of their own weariness of the affair and proposed bringing it to a close. The nurse ventured the remark: “What expense this affair has entailed! And where will the money come from to pay these gentlemen ? "“All will be defrayed by the king," answered one.


 “The king is badly served by his subjects," rejoined Sister Emmerich. " They deceive him to get his gold, which is steeped in the sweat of the poor peasants ground down to blood by taxation. Of what use is such an investigation ? Of what value are all these reports made by men ignorant of such things, who understand them not, who possess not the key to them ? Better to distribute the money among the poor and exact an account of secret prevaricators, of skilful cheats, for that would do some good and draw down a blessing from God !"


She spoke many earnest words to which the commissioners replied not, though they seemed impressed. The Landrath felt his position as president growing more embarrassing every day ; Dr. Borges had withdrawn in anger at not being able to persuade the invalid to acknowledge herself an impostor; Dr. Rave saw all his artifices fall to the ground, whilst Mr. Nagelschmidt and Dr. Zumbrink had become her declared friends; the others were wavering.


The president had as yet discovered nothing to substantiate his private suspicion of fraud, and what report should he make to Baron von Vinke to whom he had promised to bring the case to a definite conclusion? He began to cast around for some escape from his embarrassment, and for three days ; from the 21st to the 23d of August, he sought to throw the invalid off her guard by insulting remarks and sudden attacks. He approached her only to irritate and perplex her ; for example, he would address her as follows : “There you still lie ! A person in health ought not to lie in bed. You are only feigning. You pray not, you work not, and yet you are so weak and languid ! But you do not impose upon me. It does not escape me that you have strength enough when you wish ! You can speak as loud and as long as you want. I know that at home you were able to sew," etc.

总监还没有发现任何可以证实他私下怀疑欺诈行为的证据,他又该如何向冯.温克男爵提交报告?他曾经承诺要给男爵一个明确的结论。他开始四处寻找摆脱窘境的办法,从 8 月 21 日到 23 日一连三天,他试图通过侮辱性的言论和突然的攻击来使病人失去警惕。他走近病人只是为了激怒她,让她感到困惑;例如,他会这样对她说:「你还躺在那里!一个健康的人不应该躺在床上。你只是在装病。你不祈祷,不工作,你还是那么虚弱和无精打采!但你別欺骗我。只要你愿意你就有足够的力量,你逃不过我的眼睛!你可以想说多大声就说多大声,想说多久就说多久。我知道您在家里还能缝缝补补…… 」等等。

Sister Emmerich full of compassion for the poor man, seldom answered a word. Hearing that his wife had a cancer, she longed to suck the wound and heal her ; the certainty that her request would be refused alone restrained her from asking to do so. Sometimes Dr. Busch joined the Landrath in his railleries : “You are pretty well off in this investigation," he would say. “You suffer nothing, you lose nothing." One day as she was in the act of throwing off blood, he, without a word of explanation, suddenly wrenched open her mouth, thrust in the handle of a spoon, and examined her gums. Only from some remarks dropped by the Landrath did she discover what was meant by so violent an action : “Your case," said he, “is some- what similar to that of an impostor recently unmasked at Osnabruck. She, too, with lips dry and parched; vomited blood ; but it was discovered that she sucked her gums to produce the hemorrhage. You do the same" — then softening his manner a little, he continued: “I pity you though, I do not think you so very guilty. The French priests say you are a patient, good creature willing to do all they tell you. They think they will be able to revive the practices of the Catholic Church and faith in her legends, if they can reproduce in you things of this sort."


Dr. Zumbrink was indignant at the outrages offered the poor invalid, and the nurse wept. " The president," she says, “proclaims you an accomplished cheat." — But Sister Emmerich, consoled and strengthened by God, bore up courageously.


 “One day," she afterward related, “an old man with a little Child took me by the arm, led me away, and hid me in a nettle-bush, I was satisfied even to be stung by the nettles ; it was better than the talk of that man. It was St. Joseph and the Infant Jesus who had taken me away. One night the same little Boy that used to help me with the cows, came to me. He was very bright and gay and ran merrily around, a little stick in his hand. I said to Him: ‘Ah ! dear Child, it is not now as it used to be in the fields, now I am in prison !' and we talked together joyously and freely. At another time, I had a shining Child by me in a glittering cradle. I rocked Him and cared for Him. He carried a cross, and when I asked what it was, He answered : — ‘It is thy cross which thou wilt not carry!’


 “One day in the third week when I was very sick and longing for the Most Holy Sacrament, I had a vision. I went by a narrow, level, shady path to an island surrounded by walls. And now came two spirits to me, I think they were females, and gave me, for I was very weak, two morsels on a little plate. I remember the nurse was lying near me asleep and, that she might not see them, for they approached from her side, I threw my towel over her head.”


August 25th found her so full of courage that she said : “I have lost all fear, all dread. I shall now be strong and cheerful in proportion as my troubles increase." And she begged the Landrath to put to her the questions he had had on hand for several days. But he replied : “You are too weak and sick ! You cannot answer !" — "If I am ordered to answer," she replied, " I can do so. The Lord will give me strength."

8 月 25 日,艾曼丽修女充满了勇气,她说:「我不再恐惧、不再害怕。随着我的麻烦增加,我变得更坚强更快乐。」她请求兰德拉斯把这几天来一直想问的问题提出来,但兰德拉斯回答说:「你太虚弱了!病得太重了!你不能回答!」艾曼丽修女回答说,「如果命令我回答,我可以回答。天主会给我力量的。」

After some hours, he returned with Dr. Rave to begin the interrogatory. They had about fifty points to investigate. Dr. Rave felt her pulse at intervals to see how far her strength might be taxed, as he told the nurse (1). Sister Emmerich, alluding to this interrogatory afterward, said : " Before it began I was weak and miserable, but as it went on I grew stronger. But the questions were so singular, so ridiculous that they amused me, sometimes I could not help laughing heartily ; for instance, they asked what was done to my wounds when people were kept waiting at the door, etc. When I had responded to all their questions, the report was read to me and I signed it after they had made some changes in it. Then I became again quite prostrate."


On Friday, Aug. 27th, her annoyances recommenced on the part of Dr. Busch. " Your blood must flow," he said, “Yes, make it do so ! We are here uselessly, nothing comes of it. What can we say? What have we seen ? etc." — "I have not that power," Sister Emmerich replied. “You should have come sooner, if you wanted to see my blood flow. If I could help you in any way with my blood, I should willingly do it ; but I have not now as much blood as would satisfy your desire."

8 月 27 日星期五,布西医生又开始骚扰她了。「你的血必须流出来,」他说,「是的,让血流出来!我们在这里毫无用处,没有任何结果。我们能说什么?我们看到了什么?等等。」 「我没有那个能力,」艾曼丽修女回答说,「如果你想看到我的血流出来,你应该早点来。如果我能用我的血以任何方式帮助你,我会心甘情愿;但我现在没有足够的血以满足你的愿望。」

 (1) He made a note In the report in his own peculiar style: "When Sister Emmerich forgets herself, she can speak very distinctly and at length ; otherwise, she speaks in almost a whisper— a proof of her great dissimulation."

(1) 拉夫医生在报告中以他独特的风格做了一个注释:「当艾曼丽修女忘记自己时,她可以说得很清楚和详细;否则,她几乎是低声说话——这是她非常善于伪装的证明。」

Then came the Landrath, impatient at her wounds not bleeding and asking angrily : " What will be the end of all this? We have as yet found out nothing !" — and he broke out into threats against the invalid for not confessing what he termed the truth, At three P. M., he returned, sent the nurse out of the room, and closed the door. His excited appearance alarmed the poor invalid for the moment but she soon regained her self-possession. He began : “Every day, every hour discovers so many new things that this case becomes more and more serious and complicated. Those Frenchmen's intrigues are now unveiled.


Lambert, the old fox, has betrayed himself, but I am more cunning than he ! We now know why he, the Abbe Channes and Father Limberg distributed rosaries. I am now upon Limberg's track. I know that he used to be the exorcist in the parish of Darup. Yes, yes, I tell you, the French made those wounds on you, or you yourself did it. Come now, confess!"


Sister Emmerich replied quietly : “What I have said I hold to. I neither can nor do I wish to say anything else. Father Limberg never was at Darup." In a solemn voice, the Landrath said : " Miss Emmerich, I state the truth to you. It is all a fraud, the work of the French!”


The invalid silently busied herself with her tea. Assuming a gentler tone, the Landrath addressed her: " You shall no longer be annoyed, all will be ended if you only confess. Fear nothing. You and yours will be well cared for! We wish well to you and to them. “" What you ask I cannot do. It would be a scandalous falsehood !”


“Confess ! “he cried in a rage, "If the French did not do it, the Germans did ! But no ! they are not so bad, they are not cheats. But confess, at least, that you made your head bleed the other day !"

“That also would be false. Ask the nurse who saw the blood, ask the commissioners," replied Sister Emmerich.

兰德拉斯说,「承认吧 !」他狂怒地喊道,「如果不是法国人干的,那就是德国人干的!不!他们没那么坏,他们不是骗子。但至少要承认,前几天你把自已的头弄出血了!」「那也是假的」。艾曼丽修女回答说:「你可以去问看到血的护士,也可以去问委员们。」

" The nurse is of no account ! And your good Dr. Zumbrink ? Let him keep out of this affair !" retorted the Landrath.

" Give yourself no further trouble ! I understand you. It is useless ! You gain nothing !" said Sister Emmerich quietly.

" Ah ! you hypocrite ! Cunning woman ! I know you! I have watched you closely, I have often felt your pulse ! You have strength enough when you wish, when it pleases you," said he in a rage.




She was silent — her innocent, peaceful expression only exasperated him, and he began again. “What ! you will not answer me?”

“I have nothing to say to you ! You do not want the truth. I fear you more than all hell. But God is with me and with all your threats and blasphemies you cannot hurt me !" — answered the Sister.

艾曼丽修女沉默了——她天真、平静的表情只会激怒他,兰德拉斯又开始了。「什么 !你不回答我吗?」「我跟你没什么好说的! 你不想要真相。我害怕你胜过所有的地狱。但天主与我同在,无论你如何威胁和亵渎我,你都不能伤害我!」艾曼丽修女回答。

“It is a fraud, and it will remain a fraud ! Confess it ! (1) It cannot come from God, and a God, who does such things, I would not have ! I offer you pure wine (2). What kind of conscience have you? I have something with which to reproach myself, but I would not exchange places with you !"

"It is not pure wine, it is gall that you offer me. You would drive me to perdition, but God will protect me. Truth will triumph ! I have nothing more to say to you !" and she turned away in silence. The Landrath withdrew, saying : “You shall regret this soon, very soon ! Still, I give you till to-morrow for reflection. Be reasonable ! Allow yourself to be persuaded !"

兰德拉斯说,「这是一场骗局,而且永远是一场骗局!承认吧!(1) 它不可能来自天主,而做这种事的天主,我宁愿不要!我为您提供了纯酒意指‘真相’)(2)。你还有什么良心?我是有自责的地方,但我不愿与你交换位置!」


(1) Some weeks later, Von Boenninghausen published the following “Sister Emmerich must acknowledge that, when the investigation was over, I frankly made known to her my conviction founded upon evident reason." (The afore-named Work, p. 10.)

(2) " Pure wine"— that Is the truth.

(1) 几周后,冯.博宁豪森发表了以下文章:「艾曼丽修女必须承认,调查结束后,我坦率地向她表明了我的信念,基于明显的理由(上述著作,第 10 页)。


This scene, which lasted over two hours, the nurse witnessed from the ante-room. When the Landrath withdrew, she entered hastily, weeping and wringing her hands ; but the invalid, cool and calm herself, soon restored her peace. When on Nov. 28th she related the affair to the Pilgrim, she said : “The two holy religious who had so often helped me, came and offered to deliver me. But I thought of St. Peter in prison and of his deliverance. I said : ‘What am I compared with Peter? I will remain till the end.' "

这一幕持续了两个多小时,护士在前厅目睹了这一切。当兰德拉斯退出时,护士急忙走进来,哭泣着、绞着双手;但是病人冷静沉着,很快就让护士恢复了平静。当艾曼丽修女在 11 月 28 日向朝圣者讲述这件事时,她说:「那两位经常帮助我的圣洁的修女来了,并提出要救我。但我想到了监狱中的圣伯多禄和他的获释。我说:『与伯多禄相比,我算什么?我要坚持到最后。』

On August 25th, Dr. Rave paid his last visit. “A curious case," said he, scornfully, " a curious case ! I shall have nothing more to do with it ! I am going home. I shall not be an obstacle to things turning out well for you!”

As Dr. Rave retired, the Landrath entered to announce a new scene for the evening : "Your affairs go ill," said he. " In the first place, you shall not soon, perhaps you will never return to your lodgings. Still, I leave you till this evening to reflect."

8 月 25 日,拉夫医生进行了最后一次访问。他轻蔑地说:「一个奇怪的案子,一个奇怪的案子!我不会再跟它有任何瓜葛了!我要回家了!我不会成为你的障碍了!」


" This evening you shall receive no other answer than that already given," replied Sister Emmerich. Mr. Mcellman, the burgomaster, came to see her, assuring her of the generous intentions of the Landrath in her regard. He tried to draw from her expressions of satisfaction upon all that had been done in the investigation up to the present moment; but she indignantly repelled his insinuations. About six, the Landrath returned in great excitement, closed the door as on a former occasion, and began : — " Do you remember what I told you ?"


“I have no other answer to make," said the invalid.

" Reflect upon what you are doing. Lambert has committed himself. I'll soon catch him," said the Landrath.

“Then hold him fast !" replied Sister Emaaerich. a Only take me to my home until he has revealed all, for then I shall have a long rest."

“Will you also confess ?" said he, unmindful of her last remark.

" To be sure,” she answered ; “but I can tell you nothing but what I have already told you."





" You are an impostor ! You are not sick ! You know how to appear so, but I am more cunning than you. I have watched you. I have noticed every pulsation, every breath. You will have to quit Diilmen. Never again shall you see your relations and your good friends, the French. Yes, those French are they who have perverted you, etc., etc. !"Two hours were spent in such invectives, during the greater part of which the invalid observed strict silence. At last, her tormentor said : " My patience is worn out. We shall remove you this very evening."


"Have you really the power to do so ?" asked Sister Emmerich. “You have repeatedly said that, as a servant of the State, you would follow your orders closely" — but he interrupted her, saying : “I am now going to write the report. I understand the whole case. You cannot confess your guilt, because you are bound by terrible oaths; but I’ll bring all to light! You must leave Diilmen."


Sister Emmerich replied. " Do without fear or hesitation whatever you will. As for myself, I dread nothing. You call yourself a Catholic Christian, but what is your religion ? You see me receive the Holy Sacrament ! And yet I impress upon myself the signs of the Redeemer ! I am bound by oaths ! I am acting a lie, a horrible crime ! What is your religion?”


He made no answer, and withdrew. In about an hour he returned with a written paper in his hand, and began : “Must I send this report ? You have yet some time. Reflect seriously !"

"Yes, send it,” was the answer.

"I warn you! Think over it well !" said the Landrath gravely.

“In God's name, take it away !" moaned the poor invalid.

In a solemn voice, he once more inquired : " Again, I ask you, shall this report be sent f Think of the consequences !"

“In God's name, yes !" she again answered.







He left the room in a rage, returned, renewed the scene, and left again angrily as before. Sister Emmerich saw through the farce got up for the occasion. She quieted her agitated nurse and, the first time since her removal, enjoyed for two hours a calm and refreshing sleep.

“I can say sincerely," she afterward remarked, “that I was quite calm and more cheerful during this scene than I had been the whole time previously."



Saturday night, the 29th, passed quietly. At ten the next morning the Landrath reappeared.

“Now, will you go?” he began.

“O yes ! I will gladly go home!" answered Sister Emmerich.

"No! not home, but out of the city!" repeated the Landrath.

“I'll not consent to that," said Sister Emmerich firmly.

" How will you return to your home ? “inquired her persecutor. " You are too weak ! "

“Leave that to me ! " answered Sister Emmerich.

“You had the care of bringing me here, leave to me that of returning ! The servant-girl will take me."

" But it is Sunday ! " he retorted. " You will be seen."

“Let me go at once !" said she. “The people are still at High Mass, the streets are empty. "

“Well, let it be so ! " he replied. " But before you go, you must promise me something."

“If I can, I will," said the poor invalid.

“You can. Promise to let me know immediately if blood again flows."

29 日星期六晚上悄然过去了。 第二天早上十点,兰德拉斯再次出现。













She promised, but he was not yet satisfied. He presented a paper, saying : “Here I have written your promise. Sign it, that it may be a pledge of its fulfilment." In her desire to return home, the unsuspecting Sister signed the paper without reading it (1). When he held in his possession the desired signature, he said : “I shall conduct you home myself. As I brought you here, I shall also take you away" — with these words, he seized the coverlet, rolled it round her in spite of her struggles, and carried her down stairs. Here he confided her to a female servant who bore her to her home without attracting much attention, the Landrath following at a distance. She had lost consciousness from the moment he took her into his arms. When she recovered her senses, he said : " I still hold to my opinion, but we shall remain friends ! " — She kept silence, and he withdrew.

Some weeks after, he returned and entered her room unannounced. She was so terrified at the sight of him that she almost swooned away.



 (1) Oct. 14th, Von Boenninghausen published the following :—

“Anne Catherine Emmerich has giving me in writing, signed by her own hand, a solemn promise to inform me immediately of any change that may occur in her physical state ; she has, besides, expressly authorized me to contradict all that may be published about her without my knowledge, and to declare him guilty of falsehood who propagates such things."

(1) 10 月 14 日,兰德拉斯.冯.博宁豪森 发表了以下内容:


“But" (she afterward said to the Pilgrim and Dr. Wegener, who both relate this scene), "I turned my thoughts to God and became calm and brave. This man is quite inexplicable to me. He pretends to be very kind, speaks to me with tears of his wife's sickness, makes protestations of friendship, mentions the goodness that he has shown to me, and then says : ‘But your wounds have not bled since the investigation, else you would have let me know!’ Then he began to speak of the publications which might be issued. He thought that printed relations of the affair would entail very fatal consequences for me ; and he begged me earnestly, with tears in his eyes, to prevent my friends from publishing anything. I replied : ‘Be assured, my nearest friends certainly write nothing for the public. As to what others may do, I know not ; and again, I know not how I could prevent them.' At this he appeared still more affected and said : ‘But your position afflicts me greatly. I feel such a desire of befriending you!’


 ‘No,’ I replied, ' you mistake on that point, I cannot believe it. ' ‘I am speaking the truth,’ he said. — ' I cannot consider it such,’ I replied . — ‘Well, we shall not speak of that,’ he said ; ‘I have formed my opinion, and I fear not to make it public. However, listen to me, be persuaded ! I will give you whatever you ask, your brother also; but you must leave this place. Your surroundings are prejudicial to you. The French mislead you. You are so upright a person, you have ever been a good child, a virtuous young girl, and a perfect religious. I am acquainted with your whole life, I know it to be exemplary ; but even that excites my pity for the situation in which you now are.’ I replied quietly : ' I can neither speak nor act otherwise than I have done. No one around me has had any part in making my wounds. But I am satisfied with my position, I neither wish to accept nor do I demand anything but repose. My brother has no more need than I of your money ; he is happy in his poverty for his heart is content.’ Then he spoke to me with great earnestness and gravity. ‘Miss Emmerich,’ said he, ' you will repent of not having accepted my offer. Reflect seriously upon what you are doing.' ‘My resolution,’  I replied, ‘is firmly taken. I trust in God,’ whereupon he left me."

我回答说,『不,你在这一点上错了,我不会相信你。』他说,『我说的是实话,』我回答道,『我不这么认为,』『好吧,我们不谈论这个,』他说; 『我已经形成了自己的观点,我不害怕将其公开。但是,听我说,相信我!无论你向我求什么,我都给你,对你的哥哥也如此;但你必须离开这个地方。你周围的环境对你不利。法国人误导你。你是一个多么正直的人,你曾经是一个好孩子,一个有美德的少女,一个完美的修女。我了解你的一生,我知道你的一生堪称典范但即便如此,我还是很同情你现在的处境。』我平静地回答道:『我的言行与我所做的一致,我周围没有人参与制造我的伤口。但我对自己的处境很满意,除了休息,我既不愿接受,也不要求任何东西。我哥哥比我更不需要你的钱;他在贫穷中很快乐,因为他的心是满足的。』然后,他一本正经地对我说: 『艾曼丽小姐,』他说,『你会后悔没有接受我的提议的。认真考虑一下你正在做的事情。』我回答说,『我的决心已定。我信赖天主,』然后他就离开了我。

This visit was followed some weeks later by the public declaration of Von Boenninghausen in which he said : " Anne Catherine Emmerich, as she has herself informed me, will leave this place where she has endured so many sufferings and miseries. She will retire to her brother's cottage in the neighborhood of Coesfeld, as soon as the mildness of spring will permit her to travel. A quiet room in which she may pass the rest of a life which has been rendered miserable by a set of impostors, has already been prepared for her. Who would not desire as I do to see her regain that peace and rest lost partly by her own fault?” (1)

在这次访问几周后,兰德拉斯.冯.博宁豪森发表了公开声明,他说:「安纳.加大利亚.艾曼丽,正如她自己告诉我的那样,将离开这个她经历了无数苦难和不幸的地方。只要天气一转暖允许她出行,她将退隐到她哥哥在科斯菲尔德附近的小屋去。我们已经为她准备好了一个安静的小屋,她可以在那里度过因一群骗子而变得很悲惨的余生。谁不希望像我一样看到她重新获得部分由于她自己的过失而失去的安宁呢?」 (1)

 (1) Work mentioned above, p. 43.

 (1) 工作在以上提到了,第43页。

We may more easily form an opinion of this man with the numberless and strange contradictions manifested in his words and actions, if we consider the firm conviction under which he was even before the inquiry and which he had avowed in these terms : " The phenomena manifested in the person of Anne Catherine Emmerich being diametrically opposed to the best known laws of nature, cannot be natural. There is in the case either a miracle or a fraud." But his want of religion allowed him not to admit the existence of a miracle or of an immediate interposition of Almighty God, as he unhesitatingly declared : " I would not have a God who would do such things. “  Imposture it must be, and the only point to be investigated was how far the invalid was an active or a passive accomplice in it.


He was inclined to decide upon her passive participation ; for, even in his most violent attacks upon her, he felt that she was innocent and unjustly persecuted, he bowed to the mysterious power of her purity and elevation of soul. He could, in fact, truthfully say in his " History of the Investigation" : “Who could be so hard-hearted as not to pity her ? I feel for her, I shall make every effort to draw her from the snare that holds her captive, the snare of ignorant fanaticism or infernal malice." Had he presented to the Chief-President the faintest suspicion of Sister Emmerich's sincerity, he never would have been allowed to publish such a declaration as the following : " I was authorized by the Chief- President von Vinke to offer pardon and support to the unfortunate woman, if she would freely confess everything and make known the principal impostors that have led her astray (1)."

兰德拉斯倾向于决定让艾曼丽修女被动参与;因为,即使在他对艾曼丽修女最猛烈的攻击中,他也觉得艾曼丽修女是无辜的,受到了不公正的迫害,他向艾曼丽修女的纯洁和她灵魂的崇高奥秘力量低头。他其实可以在他的《调查史》中如实说:「谁会如此铁石心肠而不怜悯她呢我同情她,我会尽一切努力把她从囚禁她的网罗中、从无知的狂热或邪恶的陷阱中拉出来。」如果他对首席总监表现出他对艾曼丽修女的诚意有一丝怀疑的话,他就永远不会被允许发表如下声明:「我得到了首席总监冯.温克的授权,我可以赦免并支持这个不幸的女人,前提是她愿意坦白承认一切并揭露导致她误入歧途的主要骗子。」 (1).

 (1) “Report upon the Phenomena Observed in the Person of Anne Catherine Emmerich," by Rensing. Dorsten, 1818.

(1) 「关于在安纳.加大利亚.艾曼丽身上观察到的现象的报告,」伦辛.多尔斯滕著,1818 年。

As to solving the question how in one and the same individual could be found diabolical imposition and incomparable purity, the Landrath gave himself no trouble. He left that to Dean Rensing, whom he had gained over to his own opinion, though both Dean Overberg and Dr. von Druffel were more and more strongly convinced of her truth. The year before Dean Rensing had defended her against Prof. Bodde's calumnies. "Up to the present,’ he says, " I have discovered no reason for supposing the phenomena in question, (the stigmata) were produced artificially. I cannot pride myself on having made the natural sciences a special study ; but I do not subscribe to that love of the marvellous which sees the supernatural in what is merely extraordinary.


If I must say what I candidly think, Anne Catherine Emmerich is not guilty of imposture, although I refrain from honoring as miraculous the singular manifestations I behold in her. As to explaining her case naturally, my limited knowledge of nature's forces is inadequate to such an undertaking, as is also what I have read and heard on the subject from scientists. No report of any professor has as yet thrown light upon the case ; consequently, I can make nothing more out of it than thoughtful Christians do of the explanations given by commentators on the miracles mentioned in the Bible."


On May 29th, the Dean addressed a long letter to the Vicar-General in which he expressed himself, as follows : “I have been for the last three years and I am still of the opinion that Miss Emmerich is not an impostor. Trifling circumstances did, at times, shake my conviction a little ; but after having submitted them to a severe investigation by the surest rules of criticism, the passing doubt ever served to convince more strongly of the truth."

5 月 29 日,伦辛总铎在给副主教的一封长信中表达了自己的观点:「这三年里,我一直是这样认为的,艾曼丽小姐不是欺骗者。有时,一些微不足道的情况会稍稍动摇我的信念;但是,按照最可靠的批评规则对此事进行了严格调查之后,一时的怀疑反而使我更加确信事实的真相。」

Landrath von Bcenninghausen, however, knew how to raise a bridge by which the timid Dean might pass from the defensive to the aggressive, and thus escape the dreaded blame of the new authorities and the disagreeable reproach of credulity ; this bridge was that of flattery. He was lavish of his praises. "I must here make honorable mention," he said, “of Dean Rensing, a man in every way worthy of respect, but who, on account of a former literary dispute with Prof. Bodde, has sometimes appeared in a disadvantageous light. From the first he endeavored to persuade Sister Emmerich to submit to the investigation, and afterward he did all in his power to further its ends." This public eulogium, which classed him among the partisans of the commission, was at first most disagreeable to the Dean ; he sought to justify himself with the invalid personally. But this was the last visit he paid her, and from that time he shunned even the appearance of communication with her.


Still more, in March, 1821, some weeks after the Abbe. Lambert's death, he wrote a dissertation under the title, “Critical Review of the Singular History of A. C. Emmerich, Religious of the Suppressed Convent of Augustinians, of Diilmen" in which referring to the Landrath Boenninghausen, he actually sought to prove the stigmatisee an impostor (1), All that he had witnessed seven year before, her virtue displayed in the investigation directed by himself, the innumerable testimonies he had collected and forwarded to his superiors together with his own observations — all were of little weight compared with the fear of incurring disgrace with the new government officials. “At present," he says, “the signs of a skilful fraud discovered by the director of the commission, strengthen the suspicion that all may not be exactly as the Sister states ; they have, also, shaken the Dean's faith in her sincerity and truth. He can no longer resist the desire of diving into the mystery, bearing in his hand the torch of criticism. "

更重要的是,在 1821 年 3 月,也就是在兰伯特神父去世后几周,伦辛总铎写了一篇论文,题目是「对杜尔门被镇压的奥斯定修院的A.C.艾曼丽修女奇异经历的批判性回顾」,在这篇论文中提到了兰德拉斯.博宁豪森,他实际上试图证明印五伤者是骗子 (1)。七年前伦辛总铎亲眼目睹的一切,在他亲自指挥的调查中,艾曼丽修女展现出的美德,他收集并向上级递交的无数证词以及他自己的观察-----所有这些与害怕在新政府官员面前丢脸相比,都显得微不足道。「目前,」伦辛总铎说,「委员会主任发现的巧妙欺诈的迹象,增强了人们的怀疑,即一切可能并不完全像修女所说的那样;这些迹象也动摇了总铎对艾曼丽修女的真诚和真实的信心。他再也按捺不住自己的欲望,手持批评的火炬,一头扎进了深入调查这个谜团的欲望之中。」  

(1) The author would have been silent on this much-to-be-regretted act of the Dean, If after the publication of the first volume of this work, remonstrances had not been addressed to him from Westphalia. After the severe condemnation pronounced by Dean Overberg and Mr. Katerkamp upon his " Critical Review," Dean Reusing kept it shut up in his secretary until his death, 1826. Ten years ago, Dean Krabbe sent the author a literal transcription made under his own supervision. Dean Krabbe, who had known Dean Reusing well, remarked several times to the author that he could not account for the “Critical Review," excepting by attributing it to the Influence of Mr. Boenninghausen's persuasive powers which were very great. He was certain, however, that the Dean had recognized his error and had, consequently, never made his writing public. That this opinion is well-founded we may infer from the fact that three weeks after the invalid’s death, Sunday, Feb. 29, 1824, he made in the Pilgrim's presence and of his own accord the following declaration: “The deceased Sister Emmerich was truly one of the most wonderful personages of this century .'"

(1) 如果不是在本书第一卷出版后,威斯特伐利亚没有向作者提出抗议,作者会对伦辛总铎这一深感遗憾的行为保持沉默。在奥弗伯格总铎和卡特坎普先生对他的《批判性回顾》发表严厉谴责之后,伦辛总铎将其封存在自己的秘书室里,直到 1826 年去世。十年前,克拉布院长向作者发送了一份由他自己监督的文字抄本。与伦辛总铎熟识的克拉布院长,多次向作者评论说,他无法解释《批判性回顾》,除非将其归因于兰德拉斯.博宁豪森先生强大的说服力。然而他很确定,伦辛总铎已经认识到他的错误,因此从未再公开他的写作。这个观点是有根据的,我们可以从这样一个事实中推断出来:在病人去世三周后,即 1824 年 2 月 29 日,星期日,伦辛总铎当着朝圣者的面主动发表了如下声明:「已故的艾曼丽修女确实是本世纪最奇妙的人物之一。」

And it was thus that he dicovered, “that at a very early age she was inflamed with an extraordinary love of corporal penance, self-inflicted torture, and voluntary suffering. Now, this strong inclination for exterior penance and mortification affords room for the conjecture of many, who seek the truth with impartial views, that the phenomena exhibited in her person owe their origin rather to a skilful hand than to imagination. Although her piety, her uninterrupted efforts from childhood to lead a life agreeable in the sight of God, and the fact that she has never been unfaithful to her principles, may indeed exonerate her from the charge of a premeditated design to acquire fame, yet we may believe that, either at the suggestion or with the approbation of her French director, she may have allowed those wounds to be made upon her, in order to render the Passion of Our Saviour ever present by the sight of her own bodily marks ; and that, desiring to make these signs efficacious for the good of devout souls, she added thereto her abstinence from food, her mysterious cataleptic state, and her imaginary revelations.


Having satisfied her conscience by such specious reasons, she decided to play this fanatical part. As she was convinced by her good intentions that she was doing a meritorious work, it was easy to persuade her of the necessity of the most rigorous silence. To this she bound herself by the most frightful oath not to betray her accomplices or her own share in the affair (1), and not to draw contempt upon the religion she aimed at serving. In all this, of course, there would be a detestable abuse of so sacred a thing as an oath, but such an abuse is not unprecedented among fanatics. We know how far certain devout souls can be drawn. Fascinated by their confidence in religious zeal and the superior intelligence of their counsellors, they come, at length, to despise as vain scruples all reproaches of conscience when there is question of co-operating in a work whose end appears to them holy."


 (1) Nevertheless, Dean Renslng, ln this same dissertation, characterized her accomplice, the venerable Abby Lambert, as a priest esteemed by all, on account of his great piety.

(1) 尽管如此,伦辛总铎在同一篇论文中将艾曼丽修女的同伙、可敬的兰伯特神父描述为一位受人尊敬的神父,因为他伟大的虔诚。

Dean Rensing, however, had been a witness of Sister Emmerich's docility in submitting to the attempts made for her cure by order of the Vicar-General. He had often been deeply touched at the sight of her sufferings and those bloody effusions surpassing anything of the kind that could be produced in a purely natural manner. And yet, with “the torch of the critic,” he went on to discover a new explanation, “the action of the demon." — -"Let no one here ask," says he, “how Almighty God could permit a person endeavoring to please Him by a life of virtue from her very childhood, to be so frightfully deceived by the devil. ' God's thoughts are not our thoughts, nor our ways His.' If we refuse to accord to the devil such an agency over men, we subscribe (although unwillingly) to the unbelieving spirit of the age, we spread the reign of the world and of the prince of darkness even whilst protesting most warmly against his power.


The “critic's torch" could not, however, preserve so clear-sighted a man from adopting the senseless and revolting opinion that a soul, upright, pious, and faithful to God from her very infancy, could be possessed by the devil and employed by him in his diabolical works. And the light of this torch failed to make him perceive that, in expressing himself thus, he blasphemed as much against God and wounded not less the integrity of the faith than did that spirit of the world against which he disclaimed.


We must not omit saying here that this persecution, although stifled in the germ, did not escape the divinely-illuminated intelligence of the invalid, nor must we fail to mention the means employed by an ever-watchful Providence to preserve her from the ulterior consequence of so outrageous a calumny. We read in the Pilgrim's journal; Jan. 24, 1822 : “She thanks God for her great sufferings; she rejoices at the thought of the numerous labors she has performed (for the Church) and for what is marked out for her to do this new year, of which task she has already accomplished much. She undertook a new labor last night ; she had a vision of plums which, at first, tormented her greatly.

在此,我们不能不说,这种迫害虽然被扼杀在萌芽之中,但却没有逃过这位病人在圣神光照下的智慧,我们也不能不提到,时刻警惕的天主上智为了保护这位病人,使她免遭这种无耻的诽谤所带来的不可告人的后果而采取的措施。我们在1822 年 1 月 24 日的《朝圣者日记》中读到:「艾曼丽修女为自己所受的巨大的痛苦而感谢天主;想到她(为教会)所做的大量工作,以及她在新的一年里要做的事,她就很高兴。而在这些工作中,她已经完成了很多工作,她昨晚进行了一项新的工作;她脑海中浮现出一个李子的异象,起初,这让她非常痛苦。 

'I was sitting near a fountain,’ she said, ' in the midst of a vast field of wheat where the ears shed their grains in abundance. My confessor ran into the field and saved much of the wheat, he reaped a large part of it. I held his hat, for there were yet many places for him to reap. At every moment, black clouds charged with hail passed over me. I thought they would fall and crush me, but only some few drops fell on me. I saw also a sack full of small plums, which are here called wichter, and which I thought were intended for me. They had been gathered and put into the sack for me by people of consideration. They, were injurious fruits, beautiful in appearance but full of falsehood and deceit. There flowed from the tree that bore them a great quantity of gum well enough to look at, but which corroded the tree. The sack was above a ditch, lying half upon heretical ground. I beheld those who busied themselves with it. I knew them, but I do not want to know them (that is, I want to forget their names, to be silent about them). The sack signified the many wicked designs and calumnies that one of them had formed against me. This made me anxious, and I was ashamed of the plums.


But I was reprimanded by the soul of a poor woman who had died long before ; she had been employed in the convent and she now came to me, because I had something to do for her. She told me that formerly I would not have paid so much attention to fine large plums as I now did to this miserable fruit that I was dying to eat! Then the sack was covered with a white cloth by the priest that I might not see it any longer. I saw there Dean Overberg, Mr. Katerkamp, Father Limberg, and others whom I knew ; but I forgot who had prepared these sufferings for me, I felt no resentment toward them. The Father's labors in the field had relation to the care he had taken of souls at Fischbeck and of his spiritual children dispersed in other parishes who had come to consult him. I kept his hat as a pledge that he would not leave the field, for I always begged him not to refuse to hear the people even when he was fatigued. The season, the condition of the fields, all was as when Dean Overberg was here."

但我却被一个早已死去的可怜女人的灵魂斥责了;她曾在修道院工作,现在她来找我,因为我要为她做点事。她告诉我,以前我不会像现在这么关注漂亮的大李子,现在我已经迫不及待地想吃这个可怜的水果了!然后神父用白布盖住了麻袋,不让我再看到它。我在那里看到了奥弗伯格总铎、卡特坎普先生、林堡神父和我认识的其他人;但我忘了是谁为我准备了这些苦难,我对他们没有丝毫怨恨。神父在田里的工作,与他在菲施贝克照顾灵魂,以及照顾分散在其它教区来咨询的属灵孩子有关。我保留了神父的帽子,以保证他不会离开田间,因为我总是恳求他即使在疲倦时也不要拒绝倾听人们的声音。田里的季节和状况,一切都和奥弗伯总铎在这里时一样。 」  

"Strange thing !" adds the Pilgrim in his recital, "the vision of the plums has reference to a fact which is, as yet, perfectly unknown to her. The Dean, when he went to Minister, circulated a pamphlet in which he declared that he had changed his opinion of her on reading Mr. Bcenninghausen's intelligent report and that he attributed all the blame of the affair to the deceased Abbe Lambert. But by this he, the Dean, only drew upon himself contempt. Dean Overberg, Mr. Katerkamp, and others have pronounced against him. Sister Emmerich knew nothing of all that.


"January 31, 1822. Her nephew has come from Minister where the report has spread that she is dangerously ill. He spoke of the Dean's pamphlet against her. She talked with him about it coolly and without bitterness, saying that the reports made by one of her old companions of the convent had given rise to something in it. Sister Soentgen reads to every one Dean Rensing's letters in defence of his pamphlet."

「1822 年 1 月 31 日。艾曼丽修女的侄子从明斯特那里来了那里传出艾曼丽修女病危的消息。他谈到了伦辛总铎反对她的小册子。艾曼丽修女和他冷静地谈论这件事,没有丝毫怨言她说是她的一位修院的老朋友所做的报告,引起了这件事。索恩根修女给每个遇到的人读辛总绎的信,为他的小册子辩护。”

In this conversation with her nephew, Sister Emmerich related what follows of the time of her captivity : " When I sent word to the Dean to come and hear my confession, he came, but refused to allow me to confess. I fell into a state of contemplation and, wishing to touch a priest's hand, I begged him to give me his. In Landrath Bcenninghausen's presence he extended to me one finger, I took the whole hand, saying to him : ‘Do you refuse me your hand?’ He answered : ‘You have never yet had it !' I let it go and said, ‘I know what will be exacted of this hand.’ Then he spoke in a low voice with the Landrath, as the nurse told me afterward."


Sister Soentgen was the chief cause of the susceptible Dean's conceiving an aversion which culminated in the most frightful suspicions of the good and pious Abbe Lambert and even of the invalid herself. After the investigation of 1813, she had repeated to him all that the Abbe, Dr. Wesener, and later the Pilgrim had said, or were supposed to have said. She had laid before him with particular care, "her anxiety and scruples on the invalid's imperfections and her surroundings,”  whenever she felt herself disposed to complain of tither one or all of the above-mentioned personages. It is true the Abbe's welcome of Sister Soentgen to the invalid's bedside was not the most cordial since her indiscreet circulation of the wonders wrought in Sister Emmerich ; he looked upon her as the primary cause of all their troubles, nor was he slow in expressing his sentiments. Sister Soentgen, on the other hand, had become quite an important personage.

索恩根修女是导致敏感的伦辛总铎对兰伯特神父产生反感的原因,这种反感最终使他对善良虔诚的兰伯特神父,甚至病人本人产生了最可怕的怀疑。在1813 年的调查之后,索恩根修女向伦辛总铎复述了兰伯特神父、韦塞纳医生和后来的朝圣者说过的,或应该说的话。每当索恩根修女想要抱怨其中一个或所有的人的时候,她就小心翼翼地向伦辛总铎陈诉「她对病人的缺点和周围环境的焦虑及顾虑」。这是事实,兰伯特神父不太欢迎索恩根修女到病人的床边,因为她轻率地把艾曼丽的奇迹传了出去;兰伯特神父把索恩根修女视为他们所有麻烦的主要原因,兰伯特神父也毫不迟疑地表达了自己的情绪。另一方面,索恩根修女已成为一个相当重要的人物。 

The Vicar-General had communicated with her during the first investigation, and received from her, by his own order, secret reports. This and other circumstances of the kind had placed her in a position which she was unwilling to relinquish when her services were no longer required. After the investigation she wrote to the Vicar-General : “I still have something to say in confidence to Your Grace, but I am unwilling to commit it to writing," to which she received the command to forward it by letter without more ado. She replied : " I shall state my reason for wishing to speak privately to Your Grace. For some time I have remarked in Sister Emmerich little imperfections that give me uneasiness, though it would not do to remind her of them. I often thought that I was wrong in observing silence, above all when I heard various interpretations put upon her surroundings. The idea haunts me, and I fear that it may be an obstacle to her perfection. The Dean has remarked the same ; he says he would certainly call her attention to it, were he her confessor" Some months later, she wrote again : “Your Grace will forgive me for again intruding. It is too true that Sister Emmerich has still her daily weaknesses like other people ; but you know, too, her surroundings .... and who can say why God permits that she should not perceive the danger herself, or have sufficient courage to free herself from it ? The Dean, I see, keeps aloof, he rarely visits her. “


The Vicar- General wished not to understand these insinuations, or to remove the "surroundings" viz., the Abbe Lambert ; so Sister Soentgen, six months later again renewed her communications, though in a different strain: “For a long time I have been urged to write to Your Grace. Truly I am daily charmed by the sight of the sufferings of my dear fellow-religious and at seeing her soul becoming perfect. What a pity she has not the strength to converse!” And again : “The absence of self-will in Sister Emmerich is now much more noticeable than in the past. Many interesting things took place after the Rev. Dean began to absent himself. I often regret his lack of interest in the good cause ; but, even in this circumstance, there may be something which will one day contribute to the glory of God. As I continue to visit her daily, I have a chance of remarking many little things, particularly her interior peace, her progress in perfection. Dr. Wegener has been a little imprudent in reading to her a medical journal in which there was an article about herself. He should not have done it ; it only embarrasses the interested party.  The Rev. Dean is not aware of my writing.” But the Vicar- General desired no further information, and so the matter ended.

副主教不想理睬这些含沙射影的说法,也不愿意把 "周围的人",也就是兰伯特神父赶走于是,索恩根修女在六个月后再次写信,尽管语气有所不同:「很长一段时间以来,我一直被敦促写信给阁下。确实,我每天都被我亲爱的修道同伴的苦难所吸引,看到她的灵魂日臻完善,我真的每天都心潮澎湃。可惜她没有力气交谈了!」再说一遍:「艾曼丽修女意志力不足,现在比过去明显得多。在伦辛总铎神父开始离去之后,发生了很多有趣的事情。我常常为伦辛总铎对美好事业缺乏兴趣而感到遗憾;但是,即使在这种情况下,他也可能有一天会为天主的光荣做出贡献。当我每天继续探访艾曼丽时,我有机会注意到许多小事,尤其是她内心的平静,她在完美方面的进步。韦塞纳医生给她读了一本医学杂志,其中有一篇关于她自己的文章,这有点不谨慎。韦塞纳医生不应该这样做;只会让感兴趣的人难堪。总铎神父不知道我写的信。」但副主教并不想进一步了解,这件事就这样结束了。 

Of not less interest to Sister Soentgen were the visits Sister Emmerich received from distinguished individuals. She failed not to be in attendance on such occasions ; and, although as little mindful of the poor invalid as the other religious, yet she alway introduced herself as her intimate friend through whose intervention the convent doors had been opened to her. This gave her access to the most distinguished families. But the "surroundings" saw through it quite clearly, as the following incident proves : " Sister Soentgen” says Dr. Wesener, “received from different quarters some little presents for the invalid which she exhibited to her with all kinds of indirect remarks and objections, and ended by keeping them for herself. Sister Emmerich does not want to accept presents for fear of giving rise to remarks, so I told her to get them from Sister Soentgen and send them back to the donors. — ' Ah, ‘  she said, ' I cannot be so hard on one who is so intimate with me!’ ‘Certainly, ‘ chimed in the Abbe, ‘she knows very well that Sister Soentgen has done wrong, but she will listen to nothing against her ! ‘  Then Sister Emmerich begged me to say nothing more about it. “


The Abbe and Dr. Wesener always yielded to Sister Emmerich's entreaties not to disturb the peace by their remarks, but not so with the Pilgrim. He thought it an heroic act if, on meeting Sister Soentgen or some other nun in the invalid's room, he managed to keep silence ; but the displeasure depicted in his countenance, the angry glance of his rolling eyes as speedily showed such visitors the door as the plainest words or actions would have done, and this to the deep annoyance of the invalid.


Soon after her deliverance from captivity, Sister Emmerich received the following consoling letter from Dean Overberg : " What personal evils have come upon you of which you can complainI address this question to a soul that longs for nothing so much as to become daily more like unto her Heavenly Spouse. Have you not been much better treated than He ? Ought you not to rejoice in spirit that they have helped you to become more comformable to and, consequently, more agreeable to Him ? You have, indeed, had much to suffer with Jesus Christ, but the opprobrium was comparatively little. To the thorny crown were still wanting the purple mantle and the white robe of derision, nor did the cry, ‘Let Him be crucified !’ resound. I doubt not that these are your sentiments.”

艾曼丽修女从囚禁中获释后不久,就收到了奥弗伯格总铎的一封安慰信:「你个人有什么可以抱怨的不幸遭遇我想问这样一个问题,一个每天渴望变得更像她的天国净配的灵魂,难道你的境遇不比主耶稣好得多吗? 你难道不应该为他们帮助你变得更像耶稣,从而更讨天主的欢心而感到高兴吗?你确实与耶稣基督一起承受了许多苦难,但所受的责难却相对较少。除了荆棘的冠冕,你还缺少紫色的幔子和嘲笑的白袍,『钉祂在十字架上!』的喊声还没有响起。我不怀疑这些是你热切渴望的。」   

As soon as his health permitted, he and Dr. von Druffel came to Diilmen. The latter desired to assure himself of the condition of her wounds. The day after their arrival, Dean Overberg took her Holy Communion and spent the morning with her.


“She opened to him her whole heart," wrote the Pilgrim, “and received the consolation that a holy man can impart, even though he says nothing more, nothing different from others who are acquainted with all the details of her life." The Pilgrim did not yet comprehend that the priestly character lent secret unction to the old Dean's words.


 “She confided to him all that troubled her, she spoke of the Pilgrim and again received an injunction to tell him everything ; she asked his advice with regard to her sister, and although he gave no decided answer, yet she was consoled and encouraged. He spoke earnestly in her confessor's presence of her gift of recognizing relics and upon the importance he attached to the Pilgrim's recording everything. — Dr. Wesener gave the Dean a detailed account of her state just after the investigation. Before his departure, she related to him many details of her visions to which he listened with emotion and gave her three little sealed packages of relics which she gratefully received."


Dean Overberg sent to the Vicar-General an account of the ill-treatment to which the invalid had been subjected during her imprisonment ; whereupon, the latter ordered her to “demand of Mr. Boenninghausen a copy of the report of the commission”, and in the event of a refusal to carry her case before the supreme court. But Mr. von Boenninghausen knew how to forestall such a claim by declaring in the preface to his pamphlet : “Geschichte und Vorlaufige Resultate, tec." ; “All acts reduced to writing during the investigation were sent to the Chief-President and by him forwarded to the Royal Minister " (1).


 (1) Mr. Krabbe, the Dean of the Chapter, and Mr. Aulike, the Director, put themselves to the greatest trouble to search up the documents relating to the commission, as well at Muster as at Berlin, but without success ; no trace of them could be found. On May 13, 1860, Mr. Aulike wrote to the author at Berlin : “I have searched In every place where there was a probability of finding such papers, for the documents relating to the official proceedings toward A. C. Emmerich. I have not only asked for them as a favor, but I have, as my duty authorized, demanded them officially. On all sides I am told that these acts are not to be found. The oldest archivist attached to the department to which such affairs belong, a respectable old man worthy of belief, remembers very well that these acts were once in existence. " But they assure me," says he, “that they were lost at the house of a high functionary now dead for thirty years." (he mentioned his name) “they could not be found among his paper."

(1) 分会院长克拉贝先生和主任奥利克先生费尽周折,在明斯特和柏林搜寻,与委员会有关的文件,但找不到任何蛛丝马迹。 1860 年 5 月 13 日,奥里克先生在柏林写信给作者(兰德拉斯):「我在每一个有可能找到此类文件的地方,都全力搜索与艾曼丽的官方诉讼有关的文件。我不仅向他们索要这些文件,而且还根据我的职责正式要求他们提供这些文件。各方都告诉我找不到这些文件。隶属于此类事务的部门的最年长的档案管理员,一位值得信赖的受人尊敬的老人,非常清楚地记得这些文件曾经存在过。『但他们向我保证,』奥里克说,『有关的文件在一位已经去世三十年的高级官员的家里丢失了。(奥里克提到了他的名字),但在他的文件中找不到它们。』 

The inhabitants of Diilmen manifested in various ways their respect and sympathy for the poor sufferer. On the Feast of St. Lawrence they organized a pilgrimage to the Chapel of the Cross, to ask for her speedy deliverance, and on the day of her return home, Mr. von Schilgen announced it in the daily papers :


" This morning, August 29th, a little after ten o'clock, the invalid was carried back to her own home by a servant of Mr. Mersmann. The joy of those that sympathize with her was unbounded. All feel that, if this long investigation of twenty-two days had resulted to Sister Emmerich's disadvantage, had proved her either an impostor or the victim of impostors, she never would have been set at liberty. "

「今天(8 月 29 日)上午十点多,默斯曼先生的仆人将这位病人抬回了艾曼丽自己的家。那些同情她的人们无不欢欣鼓舞。大家都觉得,为期二十二天的漫长调查如果证实了艾曼丽修女不利,证明她是骗子,或者证明她是骗子的受害者,她将永远不会被释放。」

Not only in Diilmen, but throughout the whole country of Miinster, was the publication of the so-called investigation eagerly awaited. Dr. Theodore Lutterbeck, of Miinster, a man of great independence of character, boldly called for it, expressing at the same time the indignation of the community at large at the unheard-of treatment offered an irreproachable female. “It has been undeniably proved that Anne Catherine Emmerich, now forty-four years old, has led from her infancy a life pure, innocent, peaceable, and retired, nor has she ever drawn, or desired to draw the least emolument from her extraordinary state. "

不仅在杜尔门,而且在整个明斯特,人们都在翘首期盼所谓调查报告的公布。明斯特的西奥多.鲁特贝克医生是一位性格非常独立的人,他大胆地呼吁公布调查报告,同时表达了整个社区对一位无可指责的女性所遭受的前所未闻的待遇的愤慨。「不可否认的是,现年 44 岁的安纳.加大利纳.艾曼丽从小就过着纯洁、天真、安宁和隐居的生活,她从来没有,也不想从她的非凡状況中得到一丁点报酬。」 

Rev. Mr. Cramer, Archpriest of Holland, says in his pamphlet : “Considerable sums have frequently been offered her which she has always refused. She never made a spectacle of herself; on the contrary, she withdrew as much as she could from the gaze of the curious. This being the case, it is incomprehensible that government officials could consider themselves authorized to declare this timid, suffering dove, who interfered not in public affairs, deprived of her lawful right to live in peace, and condemned to imprisonment and an investigation of three weeks such as might have been exacted of an open violator of the laws.


We may remark here that all citizens, whether interested in the affair or not, feel their domiciliary rights attacked by such proceedings. According to the ancient laws of Miinster, the courts of justice would have deemed such an imprisonment by order of police officials, an encroachment upon their rights, and would have inveighed against such a commission. When in our own times, some German Vicars wished to submit certain individuals under their jurisdiction to a far less rigorous inquiry (which they had every right to do) what denouncements were not uttered, what measures taken by civil authorities to oppose them !


Much less then should secular tribunals busy themselves with a religious living in absolute retirement, asking and expecting nothing from the world ; much less should they trouble themselves about the wonders wrought in her person, wonders whose truth had already been sufficiently proved by men of probity, such as Dean Rensing, Count von Stolberg,  Dr. von Druffel, Dr. Wesener, and a host of others, some of them citizens of Dulmen, others strangers from a distance. But, as some persisted in suspecting Sister Emmerich's friends of a pious fraud and as suspicion fell principally on Father Limberg and the Abbe Lambert, two most worthy ecclesiastics, it was thought desirable to separate the invalid from her personal and local surroundings, and submit her to a legal investigation.


Now, as there was question of inquiring into the culpability or innocence of ecclesiastics, it was, doubtless, in the right and power of the Vicar-General von Droste, by virtue of his high spiritual authority, to demand for such an undertaking representatives chosen and authorized by himself, and not by the head of the police ; in a word, a mixed commission alone would have been in accordance with right and justice, whilst the one in question was but a commission of police, not a judicial one entitled to fidem publicam : i. e., to the credit of the public. Whatever it may be called, however, the public demand the results obtained; they hereby call upon it to publish its observations. “


As the above was accompanied by Mrs. Wiltner’s deposition to which she declared herself ready to attest on oath,  Landrath von Boenninghausen could no longer maintain silence. The Chief-President ordered him to reply. This gave rise to the pamphlet, " written from memory,” but which was followed by no official report. The impression produced by this pamphlet, entitled “Preliminary Results" may be gathered from the words of Dr. Lutterbeck, who hesitated not to meet the Landrath's publication with the following words : " He who openly accuses Sister Emmerich of imposture without supporting his assertion by proof, may (and the enlightened public will agree with me) put me in the same category with her. I appeal to the honest opinion of the public at large.  “

由于上述内容附有威尔特纳夫人的证词,而且她表示愿意宣誓作证, 兰德拉斯·冯·博宁豪森再也不能保持沉默了。首席总监命令他作出答复。于是就有了这本“凭记忆写成”的小册子,但随后没有任何官方报告。这本题为“初步结果”的小册子给人留下的印象,我们可以从鲁特贝克医生的一段话中看出「谁公开指责艾曼丽修女是个骗子,而又没有提供证据支持他的断言,他可能(开明的公众会同意我的看法)把我与艾曼丽修女归为同一类。我呼吁广大公众发表诚实的意见。」 

The Pilgrim notes in his journal, Nov. 14, 1819 : " I found the invalid to-day unusually cheerful. She had read the Landrath's publication, she was perfectly reassured.”

朝圣者在 1819 年 11 月 14 日的日记中写道:「今天我发现病人异常高兴。她读过兰德拉斯的出版物,她完全放心了。」

Dr. Wesener's journal furnishes an account of Sister Emmerich's physical condition after her inprisonment. He visited her August 29th, just after the Landrath’s departure — “The sight of the invalid alarmed me. She looked like a skeleton, her eyes dull, her face emaciated and deathly pale ; but her mind was calm and energetic. In speaking of what she had lately gone through, she alluded to some things that astonished and distressed me.”

韦塞纳医生的日记记录了艾曼丽修女监禁后的身体状况。8 月 29 日,就在兰德拉斯离开后,韦塞纳医生去看望了艾曼丽修女,「看到这个病人,我感到很震惊。她看上去就像一具骷髅,目光呆滞,面容憔悴,脸色苍白得像死人;但她的头脑平静而充满活力。在谈到她最近的经历时,她提到了一些令我惊讶和痛苦的事情。 」 

 “Sept. 2d — She is still surprisingly bright, but her pulse is weak, her hands and feet cold as death ; she is very much reduced. “

" Sept. 3d — I was called to her last night, and I was sure she was dying although Father Liraberg, who arrived fifteen minutes before me, said that she had rallied a little. When he first saw her, he thought her dead. At intervals she vomited a liquid of an offensive odor. I made a poultice of wine and camomile flowers and applied it to her stomach ; it seemed to relieve her. Before leaving I asked her if she forgave every one, and she answered by a sweet smile. I left her fully convinced that she would soon breathe her last. Father Limberg remained to administer Extreme Unction."


「 9 月 3 日——昨晚有人叫我去看她,我确信她已经奄奄一息了,虽然林堡神父比我早到十五分钟,他说她已经恢复了一些,我还是断定她快死了。当林堡神父第一次看到她时,还以为她死了。她时不时地呕吐出一种气味难闻的液体。我用酒和甘菊花调成糊状,敷在她的肚子上,似乎有所缓解。临走前,我问她是否原谅了每一个人,她用甜美的微笑回答说是。我离开她时,以为她只剩最后一口气了。林堡神父留下来给她施行了终傅圣事。」   

“Sept. 4th — The invalid has rallied slightly, and the vomiting has ceased."

" Sept. 5th — She communicated to-day and regained her strength wonderfully. I began this morning to write an account of her sufferings during the last investigation.”

The vomiting mentioned in the doctor's journal was the rejection of the decoctions the commissioners had forced her to swallow in spite of the bad effects that always followed (1)”

「9月 4日——病人病情稍有好转,呕吐也停止了。」

「9 月 5 日——她今天领了圣体,并且奇妙地恢复了体力。我今天早上开始写她在上次调查期间所受的痛苦。」


 (1) Von Boenningbausen wrote on this subject, Oct. 14th : " The vomiting may have arisen from Sister Emmerich's having given up the coarse diet to which she was accustomed."

(1)冯.博宁豪森在 10 月 14 日就这个主题写道:「呕吐可能是因为艾曼丽修女放弃了她习惯的粗糙饮食引起的。」

上一篇:041.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第37章 副主教采取的措施
下一篇:043.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第39章 教会礼仪年的结束


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