真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
030.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第26章 从复活节到圣神降临节
030.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第26章 从复活节到圣神降临节
浏览次数:1798 更新时间:2024-4-6


From Easter to Pentecost, 1813.


从复活节到圣神降临节,1813 年。

After the Vicar-General's third visit, Dean   Rensing had commissioned Sister Emmerich to pray for a certain intention   which he did not designate. On May 2d, he found her greatly consoled by an   apparition of Mary and the Infant Jesus the preceding night. She said :    “I invoked Mary for the intention prescribed ; but I have not been heard.   I prayed for it three times. I said to Mary :  ‘I must pray for it,   because it has been given to me in obedience ;' but I received no answer, and   I was so full of joy on seeing the Infant Jesus that I forgot to ask again. I   still hope, however, to be heard. I do not pray for myself. I am so often   heard when I pray for others, but for myself never, excepting when I ask for   sufferings."

在副主教第三次访问之后,伦辛总铎委托艾曼丽修女为他没有指明的某个意向祈祷。 5 月 2 日,他发现艾曼丽前一天晚上因看到圣母玛利亚和圣婴耶稣的显现而使她深受安慰。艾曼丽说:「我为规定的意向求助于圣母玛利亚;但我(的請求)没被俯听。我为这意向祈祷了三遍。我对圣母说:『我必须为这意向祈祷,因为是在服从中交给我的;』但我没有得到任何答复,由于看到婴儿耶稣,我充满了喜乐,以至于忘记再问。然而,我仍然希望我的祈求被俯听。我不为自己祈祷。当我为别人祈祷时,我的祈求经常被俯听,但为我自己祈祷,我的祈求从来没有被俯听,除非我祈求受苦。」

Without knowing it, she had this time   prayed for herself, Dean Rensing's intention being that the investigation might   be speedily concluded. Everyone connected with it had almost a greater desire   for it than the poor sufferer herself. She often had to tranquillize those   from whom she should have received comfort and support. But the suspicions   cast upon the good old Abbe Lambert afflicted her more sensibly than her own   pains ( 1 ). Father Limberg, her confessor, had known her too short a time to   be exposed to unjust remarks ; yet he knew the exact state of her soul and,   in spite of his naturally distrustful disposition, he doubted not the truth   of her stigmata.


He was a very timid man and easily   disconcerted. He trembled in the presence of an illustrious personage such as   the Vicar-General; consequently, it is not surprising that he frequantly drew   upon himself the reproach “of imprudence.” Had it been in his power or that   of the Abbe Lambert, the wounds would have disappeared as soon as produced,   particularly as such a result would have been most conformable to Sister   Emmerich's own desires. Both he and the Abbe regarded them as an unavoidable   misfortune to be borne as best it could. They utterly rejected the idea that   it was the work of God, a distinction granted to few, and the ecclesiastical   inquiry with the publicity attending it was annoying in the extreme. All this   combined to make the poor sufferer dread losing patience if not soon allowed   to return to that life of seclusion and recollection to which she had been   accustomed. It was this hope that led her to accede so willingly to Dean   Rensing's proposal of a medical surveillance of eight days, and the same hope   of freeing herself from further annoyance made her look forward to it with   ever-increasing desire.



 (1) Dr. Wesener's Journal, Jan. 26, 1815:—   "I was bandaging to-day, in Sister Em-merich's room, an ulcer on the arm   of Mrs. Roter's little boy, a child of ten years. The Abbe Lambert, who was   present, was so overcome at the sight that he turned his eyes away and began   to moan over the little fellow. I expressed my surprise to Sister Emmerich at   the old priest's extreme sensibility. She replied : “You see now what he Is !   tender-hearted as a child. And yet they say he made my wounds "

(1) 韦塞纳医生的日记,1815 年 1 月 26 日:「今天,我在艾曼丽修女的房间里包扎罗特太太的小男孩的手臂上的溃疡,他是一个十岁的孩子。在场的兰伯特神父被这景象吓坏了,他把目光移开,开始为这小家伙哀叹。我对艾曼丽修女说我对老神父的极端敏感而惊讶。她回答说:「你现在认识他了。是!像个孩子一样心地善良。然而他们卻说是他伪造出我的伤口!」

May 9th, Dean Overberg came for the fourth   time to Dulmen on the part of the Vicar-General. “I went over what she had   before recounted to me,” he says, “to assure myself that I had understood and   noted it down correctly. She gave me to understand that this examination into   her past life not a little increased her sufferings ; for it might be thought   that she was something, but she herself knew better. I found her cheerful,   although she had suffered much the night before and her wounds had bled   profusely. “

5 月 9 日,奥弗伯格总铎以副主教的名义第四次来到杜尔门。他说,「我仔细回顾了艾曼丽之前向我讲述的内容,以确保我已经理解并准确记录下来。她让我明白,对她过去生活的这种审查,让她的痛苦增加了不少;因为人们可能会认为她是了不起的人,但她自己知道的更清楚。我发现她很高兴,尽管她前一天晚上受了很多苦,而且伤口流了很多血。」

On   the second day of his visit, Dean Overberg writes : — “Sister Emmerich was   again very prostrate this morning and her sister informed me that she had   passed an agonizing night, often starting from sleep in dread of a new   examination. She shed tears through her fear of yielding to impatience if not   allowed a little rest, and complained that the investigation had almost   entirely deprived her of recollection. I was not able, nor did I desire to   converse long with her as she was so weak ; however, she again confirmed her   former statements to me. She was a little better in the afternoon. She   insists upon the eight days' surveillance by physicians and other responsible   persons, that her annoyances may come to an end."


Dean Overberg, Dean Rensing, and Dr.   Wesener united with Sister Emmerich in asking for the surveillance. “She told   me with tears, “ writes Dr. Wesener, " how ardently she sighs for peace.   ‘Ah ! ' she said, ' I am willing to do anything to serve my neighbor. I would   allow myself to be cut to pieces and put together again to save one soul ;   but I cannot exhibit myself as a spectacle to the curious. I think if they   watch me for eight days, they will be satisfied about me. It is not for my   own sake that I want the truth to be known, but for that of my friends, that   they may not on my account be wrongfully accused.’"


After Dean Overberg's departure, Dr. von   Druffel came to Diilmen. Of his visit he writes : " Nothing new   discloses itself. The impression produced on me by the invalid is the same.   The state of her wounds, the mark in her side, and the cross on her breast   presented no change." Dean Overberg promised on leaving to gain the   Vicar-General's consent to the proposed surveillance and to interest himself   in its prompt execution. He succeeded in the first part of his mission, but   failed in the second, as we may glean from his communication to Dean Rensing   : —


 “’Man proposes and God disposes !’   Behold a fresh proof ! We cannot find suitable persons to guard our dear   Sister Emmerich. The physicians will not be free before the Pentecost   holidays, on account of the lectures, and they are desirous that she be   removed as soon as possible to a more convenient lodging. Be so good as to   console her on the news of this delay, as distasteful to us as to her, and   remember me to her." A few days after this letter, there arrived for her   bed a leather covering which the good Dean had had made, and with it the   following lines : “Dr. Krauthausen told me that our poor sufferer ought to   have a leather cover on her mattress, as it is cool and prevents bedsores. I   looked for something of the kind and I have been so fortunate as to find one   of chamois. I waited several days for an opportunity to send it ; but as none   presented itself, I express it today that she may have it as soon as   possible. Have the kindness to see that it is placed on her bed."

「『谋事在人,成事在天!』看,这是一个新的证据!我们找不到合适的人来保护我们亲爱的艾曼丽修女。由于讲习会,医生们在圣神降临节假期之前不会有空,他们希望艾曼丽尽快被转移到更方便的住所。这个如此安慰她的消息延迟了,让我们和她都很不愉快,代我向她问好。」这封信几天后,在她的床上铺了一张好心的总铎制作的皮质床罩 ,并附有以下几行:「克劳特豪森医生告诉我,我们可怜的病人应该在床垫上放一个皮床罩,因为它很凉爽,可以防止褥疮。我一直在寻找这类东西,我很幸运的找到了一只麂皮。我等了好几天才有机会寄出它;但不知何时能收到,我寄望今天她能收到并尽快使用它。劳驾您亲自监督将床罩铺在她的床上 。」

The delay of the surveillance was more   grievous to Sister Emmerich than anything she had hitherto endured. She read   therein the withering assurance that her hopes were vain, that there was no   probability of her ever being able to hide from the public gaze, and escape   the manifold annoyances of her present position. She had dared to count on   the Feast of the Ascension as the day on which she would recover the only   earthly goods she craved, peace and solitude — but now, alas ! her   expectations were blighted. The Abbe Lambert often heard her sighing : “I am   the Lord's instrument ! I know not what is in store for me, I only long for   rest ! "  She could not hide from herself   the fact that this longed-for rest would never more be hers on earth.   Almighty God exacted of her this great sacrifice and she made it   unreservedly, but at the cost of complete prostration and great increase of   pain.


Dean Rensing's notes. May 17th — " She   complained of having had the night before pains so acute that she was forced   to beg God to lessen them. She was heard, and strength was given her to suffer patiently. She added : 'Then I said the Te Deum laudamus all through. I had begun it several times but had never been able to finish on   account of my pain.' The next night she suffered still more. She said to Dean   Rensing : — ' I have often begged God for pain and suffering, but now I am   tempted to say : " Lord, enough ! no more, no more ! " The pain in   my head was so violent that I feared I should lose patience. At daybreak, I   laid on it the particle of the True Cross which Dean Overberg had given me   and I begged God to help me. I was instantly relieved. Still greater than my   bodily pains are those of my soul, dryness, bitterness, and anguish ; but I   have twice been restored to peace and sweet consolation after receiving Holy   Communion. ‘ "

伦辛总铎5 月 17 日的笔记。「她抱怨前一天晚上疼痛如此剧烈,不得不乞求天主减轻疼痛。她的祈求被俯听了,并且天主赐给了她耐心忍受痛苦的力量。她补充道:『然后,我整个晚上颂念《谢恩经》。我已经开始念了好几次,但由于疼痛一直没能念完。』第二天晚上,她遭受了更大的痛苦。她对伦辛总铎说:『我经常乞求天主赐予我痛苦和磨难,但现在我却想说:"主啊,够了!不要再给我了,不要再给了!"我头部的疼痛如此剧烈,我担心自己会失去耐心。天亮后,我将奥弗伯格总铎给我的真十字架的碎片放在头上,恳求天主帮助我。我的疼痛立刻得到了缓解。比我身体上的痛苦更大的是我灵魂上的痛苦,干涸、苦涩;但我在两次领圣体后,恢复了平静,得到了甘饴的安慰。

As her interior was so little understood by   those around her, no attention was paid to her mental sufferings, and they   often complained before her of her vain expectations. This made her feel more   keenly her want of spiritual assistance, and she fell into such a state of   anguish that she seemed to lose all strength and fortitude. On May 19th, Dean   Rensing found her so prostrate and dejected that he had not the courage to   address her. When he returned in the evening, he saw that the cross on her   breast had been bleeding profusely ; her garments were saturated with blood.   Strength had returned sufficiently for her to tell him that the evil one,   taking advantage of her helplessness, had troubled her with frightful   apparitions on the preceding night: —

由于艾曼丽的内心世界不为周围的人所了解,她精神上的痛苦也就没有人关注,他们常常在她面前抱怨她的期望落空了。这使她更加强烈地感觉到自己缺乏精神上的帮助,她陷入了极度的痛苦之中,似乎失去了所有的力量和勇气。5 月 19 日,伦辛总铎发现她是如此沮丧和忧闷,以至于伦辛总铎没有勇气对她说话。当他晚上回来的时候,他看到她胸前的十字架(圣伤)血流如注,她的衣服已经被血浸透。她已恢复了足够的体力可以告诉伦辛总铎,邪恶者利用她的无助,在前一天晚上用可怕的幻影来困扰她:

" I endured an agony. My sister was   sound asleep, the lamp was burning, and I was lying awake in bed, when I   heard a slight noise in the room. I looked and saw a hideous figure covered   with filthy rags slowly approaching. It stood at the foot of my bed. It drew   aside the curtain, and I saw it was a frightful-looking woman with an   enormously large head. The longer she looked at me, the more horrible she   grew. Then she leaned over me, opening her huge mouth as if to swallow me. At   first I was calm, but soon I became greatly alarmed and began to invoke the   holy names of Jesus and Mary, when the horrible apparition disappeared."


Father Limberg delivered her at last from   her state of desolation. He reproved her a little sharply for complaining,   telling her she must calmly await a decision and meditate more attentively on   the words: " Lord, may Thy will be done!" Dr. Wesener, who was   present at this little scene, made a note of it as follows: — “Sister   Emmerich instantly submitted with the best grace in the world, and no more   complaints were heard. Father Limberg told me that he thought it his duty to   speak to her a little severely, as he knew from experience that the least   imperfection was highly prejudicial to her."


Dean Rensing's journal of the following day   runs thus: —  “I asked her if she had had a vision or apparition the   preceding night. 'No,’ she answered,  ’I was too much afflicted for   having been impatient and discontented on account of so many annoyances. I   ought to be like clay in the potter's hand, no self-will, no complaints,   patiently receiving whatever God sends. That is hard for me, because I still   think more of my own peace than of God's will, which tries me; but He knows   what is best for me.' In the same way she accused herself before Dr. Wesener   of her impatience. ‘My attempt to disabuse her of this idea,’ he remarked, '   was without effect.' "


God rewarded her humble obedience by   sending her fresh consolation. On May 21st, Dean Rensing found her exhausted   from suffering and loss of blood. Her wounds had bled so copiously that her   head dress and chemise were stiff; but she had tasted great consolation in   the midst of her pains, and particularly after Holy Communion.

天主通过给艾曼丽新的安慰来奖励她谦卑的服从。5 月 21 日,伦辛总铎发现艾曼丽因痛苦和失血而精疲力竭。她的伤口流血过多,以至于她的头饰和衬衣都因凝固的血液而僵硬了。但在痛苦中,尤其是在领圣体之后,她尝到了极大的安慰。

"One thing gave me great joy,” she   said. "After Holy Communion, I saw two angels holding a beautiful   garland of white roses with long sharp thorns which pricked me when I tried   to detach a rose. ‘O that these thorns were not here !’— I thought. And then   came the answer : ‘ If you want to have roses, you must suffer the pricks of   the thorns.' I shall have to endure much before I attain to joy unmingled   with pain."


A short time after she had a similar vision: " I was taken into a beautiful garden in which I beheld roses of   extraordinary size and beauty, but their thorns were so long and sharp that   one could not pluck a rose without being scratched by them. ‘I don't like   that, ‘I said. My angel replied : ‘He who will not suffer shall not enjoy !'   “Joys without suffering were also shown her, but she was given to understand   that they were to be hers only at death :


 " I saw myself lying in the tomb, and   no words can express my joy. It seemed as if I were told at the same time   that I should have much to suffer before my death, but that I must abandon   myself to God and remain firm. Then I saw Mary with the Child, and it was   unspeakable joy for me when that good Mother placed Him in my arms. When I   gave Him back, I asked Mary for three gifts which would render me pleasing to   her and her Son : charity, humility, and patience."


Her fortitude began to increase from that   day, and on May 26th, eve of the Ascension, she said to the Dean : " O   how I should love to go to heaven with the dear Saviour ! but my time has not   yet come. My sufferings increase, I must still be tried, purified more and   more. God's will be done ! May He grant me the grace to persevere to the end   in patience and abandonment to His good pleasure ! "


On the Feast of the Ascension when she   received Holy Communion, she heard these words : — " Wouldst thou rather   die than suffer longer  " to which she answered : "   I will still suffer longer, O Lord, if such be Thy good pleasure." She   added, when repeating this incident to Dean Rensing : ” My desire is   fulfilled, but in the sense that I now suffer more intensely than   before."


Dr. Wesener declares how numerous and   varied were her pains and how much they were increased by all around her. On   May 25th, he writes : " I found her this evening very restless and quite   beside herself with pain. Her back is covered with sores. Her sister had   bathed it with brandy, and she had fainted from pain. She writhed on her bed,   moaning : ‘Why did you do that ? I am willing to suffer, but you ought not to   do such things thoughtlessly.' Her face was inflamed, her eyes full of tears,   and her pulse had not varied ; but when Father Limberg ordered her to be   quiet, she lay still instantly and said no more."

韦塞纳医生宣称,艾曼丽身上有多种不同的疼痛,而她周围的人又使她的疼痛加剧。5 月 25 日,他写道:「今晚我发现她烦躁不安,非常痛苦。她的背上长满了疮。她的妹妹用白兰地(酒)清洗它们,使她痛得晕了过去。她在床上扭动着身体,呻吟道:『你为什么要那样做?我愿意受苦,但你不应该轻率地做这样的事。』她的脸发炎红肿,眼里满是泪水,脉搏微弱;但是当林堡神父命令她安静时,她立刻静静地躺着,不再说话了。」

Soon again she had to undergo a similar,   though much greater torment: I   found," says Dr. Wesener, " her sister by her bedside with a plate   of salad swimming in vinegar-sauce. I asked if the patient had tasted it, and   was told that she had taken a little of the sauce and a piece of cheese. She   lay in a stupor and quite unconscious. I soon discovered the cause. Her   sister had wanted to bathe her back again with brandy ; and, as the invalid   refused, she had left the vessel of liquor by the bed. Its fumes stupefied   her and when that stupid, self-willed sister of hers presented the food, she   had not the strength to resist. She fell into a pitiable state of nausea,   convulsive vomiting, and choking. I feared she would strangle. It was not   until nine o'clock that evening that she threw off the food and got some   relief. She regretted having taken it, though at the time she knew not what   she was doing."


Experience like the above did not, however,   disabuse Sister Emmerich's friends nor prevent their ill-advised efforts to   relieve her. They still had recourse to brandy as a remedy. Some years after,   Mr. Clement Brentano had an opportunity of testing this fact. " I often   saw Sister Emmerich, "he says, " reduced to a frightful state by   the absurd mania for bathing her bed-sores with brandy. She groaned at the   thought of such an operation and refused to submit to it, for the mere smell   of the abominable stuff was sufficient to deprive her of consciousness ; but   she had not the strength to resist. The use of brandy as a curative is a   fixed idea among the lower classes of Minister, and poor Sister Emmerich was   forced to endure it. Ah ! the poor thing was often treated more like an   inanimate object than a human being !"


One of the chief reasons that awoke Sister   Emmerich's longing for a retired life was the crowd of visitors that now   began to press around her bed of pain. The disorder it caused afflicted her   less than the mental sufferings resulting from it. “She complains," says   Dr. Wesener, “of so many visitors. They annoy her exceedingly. She has also   other sufferings that she cannot indicate."


What these sufferings were, we may judge   from -the past. They sprang from her gift of reading hearts and her keen   sense of the moral state of her neighbor. She saw with grief the sins of   those who visited her ; their passions, the intentions that actuated them   pierced her like arrows. This truly terrible gift had been one of her   greatest sufferings. But now that she lay unprotected, as it were, on the   public highway, for the ecclesiastical prohibitions were daily losing force,   it was her greatest torment. She was overwhelmed by crowds of the curious,   who gazed upon her and her priestly guardians with injurious suspicions and   haughty contempt.  Of what grace, then, had   she not need to insure her against despair, when before her arose the   certitude : " It will ever be thus till the hour of my death !"


上一篇:029.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第25章 伦辛院长的证词
下一篇:031.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第27章 副主教第四次访问杜尔门


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