真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
018.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第14章 肉体的痛苦(下)
018.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第14章 肉体的痛苦(下)
浏览次数:2346 更新时间:2024-5-1



圣师希尔德加德  圣师加大利纳 圣女李维娜  真福安纳加大利纳艾曼麗

1最左.   圣师希尔德加德St. Hildegard 1098 – 1179 0917

中左.  圣师加大利纳St. Catherine of Siena 1347 0325 – 1380 0429

中右.  圣女李维娜St. Lidwina of Schiedam  1380 04xx  – 1433  xxxx

最右.  真福安纳加大利纳艾曼麗Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich  1774 0909 – 1824 0209


If Anne Catherine's corporal sufferings did not seem so violent, so frightful as Lidwina's, yet they were by no means less excruciating. Sometimes she saw them as if endured by another, when she would cry out in compassion: "Ah! I see a poor little nun whose heart is torn to pieces! She must belong to our own time, but she suffers more than I! I must not complain! "

如果说安纳.加大利纳.艾曼丽的肉体痛苦不像李维娜那么剧烈、那么可怕,但也绝不逊色于李维娜的痛苦。有时,她看到这些痛苦就像看到另一个人在忍受一样,她会怜悯地喊道:「啊!...... "啊!我看到一个可怜的小修女,她的心被撕得粉碎!她一定属于我们这个时代,但她比我更痛苦!我不能抱怨......」

As the blood flows to and from the heart, so Sister Emmerich's pains taking their rise in this source, spread through her whole person and returned to their point of departure, as if to gather fresh strength to continue their work of expiation. The heart is the seat of love. It is into the heart that the Holy Spirit is poured there to form that sacred bond which unites all the members of the Church into one body.


Never was love so much vaunted as at this period when both love and faith were well-nigh dead, when the practice of Christian piety and the observance of the evangelical precepts seemed to have totally died out. It was at this time that the most baneful and hypocritical sect that has ever risen up swept as a devastating torrent over the vineyard of the Church — the malicious sect of Jansenism with its so-called lights. Aided and abetted by the secret societies, whose most zealous disciples were seated even in the ecclesiastical councils, it sought in its blind hatred of the Blessed Virgin and the Sovereign Pontiff, to separate irremediably her faithful children from the heart of the Church by the introduction of those heterodox elements which, under the cloak of "love and reform," attacked the very principles of faith and abolished those devout practices, those pious customs by whose extinction the most fatal wounds were inflicted upon Christianity.


All things combined to further the cause of this diabolical sect: the Church was oppressed by secular power, her property pillaged, bishoprics vacant, religious orders suppressed, and the Pope fettered by Napoleon, whom Sister Emmerich often saw in her visions as an oppressor of the Church.


"Once," she said," as I was praying before the Blessed Sacrament for the wants of the Church, I was transported into a large and magnificent temple, where I saw the Pope, the Vicar of Jesus Christ, anointing a king, a little yellow man of sinister aspect. It was a great solemnity, but it filled me with sorrow and dismay. I felt that the Pope should have firmly refused to perform the ceremony. I saw what harm this man would do the Holy Father and of what frightful bloodshed he would be the cause.


I spoke to Abbe Lambert of this vision and of the fears it awoke in my heart, but he treated it lightly. When, however, we heard the news of Napoleon's coronation, by Pius VII., he said: ' Sister, we must pray and be silent. ‘"


译注:◇ 在拿破仑加冕仪式上,拿破仑根本没有向教宗庇护七世低头的意思,反而从庇护七世手里接过王冠,自己给自己带上,然后再从教宗手里接过皇后的王冠加冕给约瑟芬 图为雅克·路易·大卫油画《拿破仑加冕》局部


Such was the epoch in which Anne Catherine bare the Church's sorrows imposed upon her, not as an undefined malady, but according to a certain order, as tasks which it was hers to fulfil perfectly one after another. They were shown her separately under symbolical forms that her acceptance might be for her a meritorious act of love; she was called to labor daily in the vineyard, whilst the father of the family sent the workmen there but seldom. She received the order in vision and executed it without interfering with the regular routine of daily life, being perfectly alive to the hidden signification of her sufferings and their connection with the Church ; but her outer life contrasted so rudely with her inner that it was often more painful to her than the weight of spiritual sufferings that oppressed her.


And yet, the former was the necessary complement of the latter; it formed a part of the task assigned which could be looked upon as fully accomplished only inasmuch as it was fulfilled in the midst of exterior contradictions and interruptions. It was in the patient endurance of tribulations from without and sorrow from within that her merit lay, this was the perfume she exhaled to God in an odor of sweetness. If we close our eyes to the economy of Divine Providence in the conduct of souls, her whole existence becomes to us an inexplicable enigma, an unmeaning fact.


Many were touched on seeing her purity of soul, her superior supernatural intelligence, who, at the same time, were offended at her poverty and lowliness. They were scandalized at her surroundings, at the crowds of poor that thronged about her, at her helpless and abandoned condition. They understood not that the victim should not fare better than the Church whose wounds she bore, the Church tossed to and from on the waves of persecution.


She would not have been able to support the trials of her holy Mother did she not also share in her supernatural life. A pilgrim upon earth and, at the same time, the companion of the blessed in heaven, the Church struggles under the pressure of present tribulations whilst bearing in her bosom the salvation of ages. Mourning the departure of her Divine Spouse to His Father, she daily unites herself to Him by the closest union ; and so, too, Anne Catherine, whilst weeping with that holy Mother, arose with her by contemplation above the vicissitudes of time and the bounds of space. The cycle of feasts was ever present to her, ever unveiled and instinct with life, and she perfectly entered into the daily celebration of the mysteries of faith and the truths of religion, which were more intelligible to the eye of her mind than was the exterior world to that of her body.


She received from her Divine Spouse with the tasks regulated according to the ecclesiasticial calendar, the strength of soul necessary to fulfil them courageously. Whilst in vision, she was able to understand the connection between her various sufferings and her task of expiation; but, in her waking state, she could not explain it intelligibly. She dared not mention the subject before either the physician or her Sisters, for they would have deemed her delirious, if not quite demented; consequently she submitted silently to all prescriptions, to all attempts of science to cure those sufferings which she well knew to be the very object of her existence.


"Both in and out of the convent,” she once remarked, “I suffered intensely from the means employed for my cure, and I was often in danger of death from too violent remedies. I knew the effect they would have, but I took them in obedience. If through forgetfulness I failed to do so, my attendants thought I did it purposely and that my sickness was feigned. The medicines were expensive. A phial which cost a great deal was only half- empty sometimes when another was ordered, and all was charged to my account, I had to pay for all.


I cannot understand where I got so much money. True, I sewed a good deal, but I used to give all the proceeds to the convent which toward the end paid half my expenses. I was often so miserable that I could not render myself any service; but if my Sisters forgot me, God helped me. One day I was lying prostrate with weakness and bathed in perspiration, when two female religious appeared, made up my bed, and replaced me gently to my great relief.


Shortly after, the Reverend Mother entered with a Sister, and asked me in astonishment who had arranged my bed so comfortably. I thought they themselves had done it, and I thanked them for their kindness; but they assured me that neither they nor any other Sister had entered my cell, and they looked upon what I told them of the two religious as all a dream ; however, my bed had actually been made, and I felt better. I found out afterward that the two good nuns, who often rendered me kind and consoling services, were blessed souls who had once lived in our convent."


Clara Soentgen deposed to the above before ecclesiastical authority: — “Sister Emmerich was very ill and I went one morning to her cell to see how she was. I asked who had made up her bed so early, or if she had had the strength to do it herself. She answered that Reverend Mother and I had come together to see her and that we had arranged her bed so nicely and expeditiously. Now, neither of us had yet been in her cell."


" At another time," says Anne Catherine, " whilst in the same state, I was again lifted gently out of my bed and laid in the middle of the cell by two religious. At the same moment one of the sisters entered suddenly. Seeing me lying unsupported in the air, she uttered a sharp cry which frightened me so that I fell heavily to the floor. This gave rise to much talk among the sisters, and one of the old religious tormented me for a long time with questions as to how I could lie thus in the air, but I could give her no explanation. I paid no attention to such things, they all seemed perfectly natural to me."


We see by the above that whatever was requisite for her support was supplied by her Spouse from the Garden of Eden, whose products possess the power of dissipating pain and sorrow. Anne Catherine communicated these secrets before her death, either by order of her guide or her confessor. They are, doubtless, short and incomplete, though quite sufficient to prove that she received divine favors similar to those of Lidwina.


"The only remedies that afforded me any relief,” she said, “were supernatural. The physician's only increased my languor, yet I had to take them and pay dear for them too. But God always gave me the money, as well as all that I needed in the convent, and I also received much for the house. After I left it the same things often happened to me. and once I was given quite a large sum of which I made use. I mentioned it to Dean Rensing, who told me that the next time this happened I must show him the money ; but from that day I got no more.


" During the second investigation, I gave the nurse two thalers to go on a pilgrimage to Telgten for my intention and to get two Masses for the same. The servant-girl of the house lent me the money, and shortly after I found two thalers lying on my bed. I wondered what it meant and I made the nurse show me the money I had given her. I recognized it at once, and felt convinced that God had repeated the favor I had often received in the past in order that I might pay off my debt to the girl.


"Supernatural remedies were often given me by my angel, by Mary, or the dear saints and even by my Affianced Himself. Sometimes they were in the form of liquids in brilliant phials, or flowers, herbs, or little morsels of food. At the head of my bed was a wooden shelf on which I used to find these marvellous remedies during my visions, or even in my waking moments.


Sometimes I found tiny bunches of herbs of exquisite beauty and delicious fragrance laid on my bed or placed in my hand when I awoke from vision; and by pinching the tender young leaves I knew what use to make of them. Their fragrance at times was sufficient to strengthen me; and sometimes I ate them or drank the water in which they were steeped. After such nourishment I was again ready for my task.


“I also received pictures, statues, and stones from apparitions with directions how to use them; they were either put into my hand or laid on my breast, and they always relieved me. Some I kept a long time and made use of to cure others, either applying them myself or giving them to those in need; but I never said where I got them. They were all real, but I cannot explain how it was. These incidents did actually take place, and I used the remedies in honor of Him whose goodness had sent them to me.


 “Whilst in the novitiate, I was one day kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament, my arms extended, when I felt something slipped into my hand. It was a beautiful little picture of St. Catherine painted on parchment. I kept it a long time and then gave it to a good girl who asked me for a souvenir. She had a great desire to become a religious, but she died before accomplishing her design. The little picture was placed at her own request on the poor child's breast as she lay in her coffin.


“Once my Heavenly Affianced gave me a polished transparent stone shaped like a heart and larger than a thaler, in which there was, as if formed there by nature, a picture of Mary with the Infant Jesus in red, blue, and gold. The picture was exquisitely beautiful; the mere sight of it cured me, for I was ill at the time. I made a little leathern bag for it and wore it a long time when, at last, it was taken from me by the same power that had bestowed it. Again, my Betrothed placed on my finger a ring in which was a precious stone with a picture of His Blessed Mother engraven on it. I kept that also for a time, when He Himself withdrew it from my finger.


 “I received a similar gift from the holy patron of my Order. It was near the hour for Holy Communion. No one dreamed of my being able to rise, but I thought I heard them calling me. I dragged myself to the choir and received the Most Holy Sacrament with the others. Returned to my cell, I fell on the floor fainting. I know not how or by whom, but I was laid just as I was in my habit on the bed. Then St. Augustine appeared and gave me a sparkling stone shaped like a bean, from which arose a crimson heart surmounted by a little cross. I was told that the heart would become as transparent as the stone. When I awoke to consciousness, I found it in my hand. I put it into my tumbler, drank the water off it, and was cured. After awhile it was taken from me.


“There was another gift which I was permitted to retain for seven months during a severe illness. The infirmarian brought me food every day, but I could not touch it. I could take no kind of nourishment and the sisters wondered how I lived. I had, however, received another sort of aliment from the Mother of God. She appeared to me in vision and when I awoke, I found in my hand a large host of dazzling whiteness, thicker and softer than those of the altar, with a picture of Mary and some written characters impressed upon it. I was seized with profound respect, as if before relics or holy things. It was fragrant and, at night, luminous. I kept it by me, hidden in my bed, and every day for seven months I ate a little particle of it, which gave me strength. Then it disappeared to my great disquietude, for I feared I had lost this heavenly manna through my own fault. It had a sweet taste, but not like the Blessed Sacrament.


“One night, I was kneeling before the table in my cell, praying to the Blessed Virgin, when a female resplendent with light entered through the closed door, advanced to the other side of the table, and knelt down opposite to me as if to pray. I was frightened, but I went on praying. Then she placed before me a statue of the Mother of God, about a hand high and dazzlingly white, and laid her open hand on the table for a moment behind the statue. I drew back in fear, when she gently pushed the statue toward me.


I venerated it interiorly and the apparition vanished leaving the little image, a mother standing with her child in her arms. It was exquisitely beautiful and, I think, made of ivory. I carried it about with me most respectfully for a long time, when I was interiorly instructed to give it to a strange priest from whom it was withdrawn at the hour of death.


"Once, Mary gave me a marvellous flower which expanded in water. When closed it resembled a rosebud, but when open it displayed leaves of delicate colors which bore a relation to the different spiritual effects it was to produce in me. Its scent was delicious. For more than a month I drank the water in which it was steeped. At last, I was wondering what I should do with this health-giving flower that it might not be profaned, when I was told in vision to have a new crown made for the Mother of God in our chapel and to put the bud into it. I told the confessor and Superioress, who ordered me to save up my money and wait awhile. But I was again commanded in a vision not to delay having the crown made, in consequence of which my confessor gave permission. It was made at the Clares, in Munster, and I myself put the flower in. As the sisters were not very careful of the ornaments, I saw to the crown myself. The little flower was in it up to the suppression of the convent, when it disappeared and I was shown in a vision where it had been taken.


“My guide once gave me a little flask of whitish balm like thick oil. I used it on a hurt I had received from a basket of wet linen, and with it cured many sick. The flask was pear-shaped with a long narrow neck, about the size of a medicine phial, perfectly clear and transparent. I kept it for some time in my press. Again, some morsels of sweet food were given me which I used and also gave some to the poor to cure their maladies. The Superioress found it one day and reprimanded me for not saying how I had come by it."


In October, 1805, Sister Emmerich was appointed to assist one of the sisters in carrying the linen from the wash up to the drying-loft. She stood above at the trap-door to receive the rising basket. The Sister below slackened the rope just as Sister Emmerich was about swinging the load over to the floor. The angel seized the rope and saved her from falling with the weight, too great for her strength, on the sister below. The effort Sister Emmerich made dashed her to the floor, the basket of linen falling heavily on her left hip, crushing the bone in several places and inflicting other injuries which would certainly have been attended with fatal results, had not God miraculously preserved her life.

1805 年 10 月,艾曼丽修女被指派协助其中一位修女将洗好的亚麻布搬到晾衣阁。艾曼丽站在楼上的活板门处接过升起的篮子。就在艾曼丽修女准备把篮子放到地板上时下面的修女突然松开了绳子。天使立即抓住了松脱的绳子,救了艾曼丽,免得艾曼丽修女因拉不住过重的篮子而使篮子摔落到下面的修女身上。但艾曼丽修女当时因用力抓住篮子而被摔倒在地板上,一篮子亚麻布重重地砸在她的左臀上,压碎了多处骨头,并造成了其他伤害,如果不是天主奇迹般地保住了她的性命,这些伤害肯定会带来致命的后果。

It was soon evident that this accident was destined by God to play as important a part in Sister Emmerich's life as did Lidwina's fall on the ice in her painful career. It increased her expiatory sufferings and afforded her continual and painful humiliations. It now became very difficult for her to ring the convent-bell, her duty in quality of assistant-sacristan, and sometimes she was quite unable to do so, a circumstance which drew upon her the accusation of pride and laziness. But, in truth, it was a real privation to her not to be able to ring the bell; for she made of it so earnest a prayer that, whilst thus engaged, she seemed to forget her cruel pains.


“When ringing the blessed bell, she said, “I was full of joy, as if I were spreading around its benediction and calling on all who heard it to praise God. I united my prayers to each stroke to dispel all evil from their hearts and to excite them to glorify the dear God. I would have loved to ring out much longer than the prescribed time." The furious unbelief of this epoch had proscribed the use of church-bells — and who does not see in this poor nun's tender devotion in the midst of her pains an atonement to God for violence so ignoble?


She could now only with great difficulty, and sometimes not at all, perform her accustomed duties of washing and ironing the church-linen and of working in the garden. God only knew the efforts she had to make; but the following fact shows how her zeal was recompensed. One day, a hot iron fell from her hand on one of the albs. With an invocation to God, she snatched it up and set it on the floor, where it burned a hole, but neither the alb nor her hand was hurt. Those poor hands of hers were so emaciated by their constant sufferings that once she remarked :


“I suffered much from my hands whilst in the convent. If I held them up to the sun the rays pierced them like arrows, they were so thin." The baking of the altar-bread was also very fatiguing for her, on account of the weight of the irons. She looked upon it as a sacred duty, to be performed prayerfully and respectfully.


Once, fresh hosts were wanting, and Sister Emmerich lay on her poor bed ill and very sad at not being able to make them. She betook herself to prayer, arose from her bed, dragged herself to the chapel and there implored strength from Our Lord to prepare the hosts. Suddenly she was bathed in perspiration, and strength was, indeed, given her for the work, in which her angel assisted her; but scarcely was it over when she became sick as before, and only with difficulty regained her cell.


After the accident from the linen, she kept her bed till January, 1806. In the spring she had violent pains in her stomach which brought on frequent vomitings of blood. Even whilst at work, her hemorrhages were so copious that the sisters feared they would prove fatal. But, at last, having seen her quickly recover from such attacks and also from her fainting-spells, so that she could soon return to her duties, they came to the conclusion that they were not very serious after all, and so she received very little attention in her sickness.

在亚麻布那件意外的事件后,她一直卧床直到 1806 年 1 月。到了春天,她胃部剧痛,还经常吐血。即使在工作时,她也会大量出血,修女们担心这会致命但最后,修女们看到她很快从这样的发作和昏厥中恢复过来,很快就回到她的工作岗位上,于是她们得出结论,这病毕竟不是很严重,因此她在病中很少受到同会修女的关注

They rarely thought of her when she was too ill to be among them, and in winter it often happened that the straw of her poor bed froze to the damp wall of her cell, or that, consumed with fever, she sighed in vain for a mouthful of water. A kind-hearted person in Diilmen heard of her distressing condition, and made it known to the Duke von Croy, who immediately caused an infirmary to be fitted up in the convent, furnished it with a stove, and had Sister Emmerich removed to it.


In 1813, the physician made the following deposition: “The care bestowed by the religious upon Sister Emmerich in her sickness was not always what it should have been. I found her once after a profuse flow of perspiration, trembling in her bed with cold. She had no change of linen, her gown and bed-clothes were frozen stiff. The Sisters complained of the expense of her frequent spells of sickness, and by their murmuring they sometimes turned the Reverend Mother, the infirmarian, and other Sisters against her, although these latter were in general favorably disposed toward her.

1813 年,医生作如下证词:「在艾曼丽修女生病时,修会的人们并不总是给予她应有的照顾。我有一次发现她在大汗淋漓之后,在她的床上冻得瑟瑟发抖。她的床单没有更换,她的睡袍和被子都冻僵硬了。修女们抱怨她经常生病很费钱,有时她们嘟嘟囔囔的抱怨,使院长嬷嬷、医务人员和其他的修女们都反对她,虽然院长和医务人员通常都对她有好感。

"In the beginning of March, 1810, she was seized with a violent nervous fever. She suffered cruelly during this heavy illness, more than two months of which she spent in a cold cell. Profuse sweats, fainting-spells, convulsions, and violent pains succeeded one another more or less frequently the whole time. ''

「1810 年 3 月上旬,她突发神经性高烧译注:神经性发热是指神经中枢体温调节功能障碍而出现的发热现象),她在这场大病中受尽折磨,在寒冷的小室中度过了两个多月。在整个过程中,大量的出汗、昏厥、抽搐和剧烈的疼痛或多或少地接憧而至。

When Sister Emmerich was called upon by her Superiors to give an account of how she had been cared for in the convent, she spoke as follows : — "What struck me on my entrance into the convent was the little care bestowed upon the sick. There was not even an infirmary to receive them. The Duke von Croy, hearing that the sick had to remain in their cell without a fire in the winter season, interested himself in having a suitable room prepared for them and gave a stove for it.

当艾曼丽修女被她的长上要求讲述她在修道院里受到照顾的情况时,她说了如下一段话 : 一进修道院,我就被这里对病人的鲜有照顾所震惊。甚至连接待病人的医务室都没有。冯.克罗伊公爵听说艾曼丽在冬天不得不呆在没有火的房子里,就想为他们准备一个合适的房间,并给他们准备了一个火炉。

In two attacks I was nursed by Sister Soentgen when she was free from her music lessons, and when these prevented, Sister Neuhaus kindly attended to me. As long as these two Sisters extended to me their charity, I had nothing of which to complain; but their attention to me drew upon them the disapprobation of some others who were not so kindly disposed toward me. Then Sister E — was named infirmarian. She was full of caprice and neglected her duty.

有两次病发时,索恩根修女在上音乐课之余照顾我,而当她不能上课时,纽豪斯修女就会好心地照顾我。只要这两位修女对我施以援手,我就没有什么可抱怨的;但是她们对我的关注引起了其他一些对我不那么友好的人的反对。然后 E 修女被任命为医务人员。她反复无常,玩忽职守。

When she might have attended to me, she preferred being in her cell. She used to leave me so long in the morning without any regard to my wants that I trembled with cold in my night-clothes soaked with perspiration; being unable to wait on myself, I endured thirst and many other painful inconveniences. Sometimes I told Reverend Mother not only of Sister E.'s conduct, but of the want of even necessary things. My confessor told me to do so;


but it did very little good, for Reverend Mother did not care much for me. At times she listened patiently, and again she would tell me the convent was too poor to procure what was necessary for the sick, and that I was never satisfied. I must say, however, in her justification, that she never thought me as ill as I really was. I will add, too, that she took more care of the sick than her predecessors did, as the aged religious testified; and, on this account, she had to put up with the discontent of many."


The infirmarian mentioned above was the one to whom Sister Emmerich had rendered the most loving services when attacked by a disgusting disease and shunned by all, on account of her cross-grained temper. It was a welcome opportunity to Sister Emmerich to return kindness for neglect and to support fresh trials from the crabbed nun.


The only thing she craved when able to leave her bed, was a little tea or weak coffee. She says in her deposition before Dean Rensing: — “I often passed several consecutive nights without sleep. Very rarely did I sleep soundly, my rest was usually a light doze often interrupted; consequently, and especially when I had had heavy night-sweats, I was so weak and sick in the morning that I could not rise for Matins. But, as soon as I had taken a little coffee and had heard Mass, I could attend to my duties. The Sisters did not understand this; they said my sickness was all put on, or at least greatly exaggerated,"


It was customary for each religious to provide her own breakfast. But as poor Sister Emmerich had neither coffee nor money, she used to take her coffee-pot to the kitchen every morning and gather up the grounds thrown away by the other Sisters, from which she made her own little cup which she drank without sugar. Clara Soentgen, who gives us these details, sometimes compassionately shared her breakfast with her, but not often; for as she ingenuously tells us, she allowed herself to be too greatly influenced by the remarks of the sisters. Assistance, at last, came from another quarter.


One day, on Sister Emmerich's return from the choir to her cell, which she had left locked, she found two thalers on the window-sill. She took them at once to the Superioress, who permitted her to buy a small quantity of coffee with them, which lasted her a long time.


Clara Soentgen, in her deposition of 1813, gives the following instance of the same nature: “I always remarked in Anne Catherine Emmerich the greatest satisfaction when she had it in her power to give something to the poor. Both before and after her entrance into the convent, she gave away all she had. I asked her once why she did not supply her own needs. ‘Ah !’ she answered, ' I always receive far more than I give!”  — and indeed I often saw to my astonishment that what she said was true.

克拉拉.索恩根在 1813 年的证词中给出了以下相同性质的例子:「我总是察觉安纳.加大利纳.艾曼丽,当她有能力给穷人一些东西时,她感到极大的满足。在她进入修道院之前和之后,她把自已所有的东西都捐出去了。有一次我问她为什么不先满足自己的需要。她回答说,啊!我得到的总比付出的多!」 ——的确,我经常惊讶地发现,她说的都是真的。

“One morning she had neither breakfast nor money. She locked her cell door, as usual, and went to the choir; on her return, she found some money lying on the windowsill, at which she was so astonished that she came running to tell me and I had to go back with her to see it. This happened more than once. She had no greater joy than that of rendering charitable service to her neighbor. One might ask her for anything she had ; she gladly gave away even the most necessary articles and, above all, was she kind toward those who cared little for her."


One year, on her feast day, a friend gave her two pounds of coffee. During a whole year she used it for breakfast without diminishing the little stock, a circumstance which rejoiced her heart. But being attacked by a long illness during which she received supernatural remedies, this earthly aliment was withdrawn.


"One day,” she tells us, "the old Count von Galen insisted on my taking two gold pieces to give to the poor in his name. I got them changed and had clothes and shoes made which I distributed to those in need. God blessed the money, for as soon as all the small pieces were gone, I found the two large ones again in my pocket. I immediately had them changed and used them as before. This went on for a year, and I was thus enabled to help many poor people. The miraculous assistance ceased during an illness, two months of which I lay immovable and most of the time unconscious. This was commonly the case with such favors; for, as others had free access to my cell, God withdrew what might have proved a subject of scandal to them."


By a special dispensation of Divine Providence, all classes of people sought Sister Emmerich's assistance during her stay in the convent, the most abandoned receiving from her the greatest sympathy and relief. Although it was most frequently the poor who applied for help from the sick nun, yet her Sisters in religion also knew with what charity they would be received whenever they were willing to make known to her their wants.


The excess of her own sufferings seemed but to increase her tender sympathy for others ; the prospect of doing a kind turn for her neighbor seemed to impart fresh vigor and energy to her wasted frame ; and she who received so little care and attention herself, could put no bounds to her zeal were there question of relieving another.


She possessed a quick perception of what remedies to apply; her prayers and the touch of her gentle hand attracted a blessing upon those for whom she prescribed. She was so patient, so serene, so ingenious in providing relief even when treating with the impatient and irritable, that they lost sight of the fact that she herself was not an instant without intense suffering. Her kindness was irresistible, and she knew so well how to overcome the whims and prejudices of the sick that the physician often sent for her when his own persuasion proved ineffectual.


Among the boarders was a weak-minded girl named K —, a native of M —, who had an abscess in the back of her neck. When the doctor was about applying a bandage, she escaped from his hands and refused to allow him to do anything for her. The Superioress sent for Sister Emmerich, whose presence wrought a magical effect upon the child, who readily took from her hand the medicine prescribed and allowed her wound to be dressed. When the abscess broke, Sister Emmerich sucked it gently, and it soon healed leaving no scar.


A servant-girl had an abscess under her arm. She stole to Sister Emmerich's bedside one night, begging her for the love of God to relieve her. The same charitable service was rendered her and she was cured. There was a young girl from Amsterdam in the house as a boarder. She had an insupportable temper which burst forth on all occasions. Sister Emmerich was the only one who could calm her, she even won her affections, to the amazement of all.


Speaking of a similar case, she says: "The physician of the convent was a little abrupt; one day he scolded a poor woman soundly, because she had neglected to show him her finger which was very sore. The inflammation extended all the way up to the arm which was perfectly black. When he said that he would have to amputate it, the poor creature came running to me, pale with fright, begging me to help her. I began to pray when suddenly the proper way of treating it flashed upon my mind.


I spoke of it to Reverend Mother, who permitted me to dress the arm in Abbe Lambert's room. I boiled sage, myrrh, and some of Our Lady's herb in wine and water; to this I added a few drops of holy water and made a poultice which I bound on the woman's arm. It was surely God Himself who had inspired the remedy, for next morning the swelling had entirely disappeared, though the finger was very sore. I made her bathe it in lye and oil. When it opened, I extracted from it a great thorn after which it soon healed. ''



译注: 鼠尾草因为其花穗如同鼠尾而得名。传说圣母玛利亚手抱着耶稣,一路躲避希律王的追兵,最危难时鼠尾草伸出援手,将圣母母子掩护起来。从此鼠尾草又叫“圣母草”,受到圣母祝福。鼠尾草的拉丁学名是Salvia,源自拉丁文Salvare,为“拯救”之意。其性平、味辛、苦。属活血化瘀药。主治疮疡疖肿、跌打损伤。

Upon the nature of the compassion she felt for the sick and the poor, she says: “I can never grieve for a person who dies resignedly, nor for a child suffering patiently; for patient suffering is the most enviable state of man. Our compassion is rarely altogether pure; it is most frequently mixed with a certain sentiment of softness and selfishness springing from the horror we ourselves feel for suffering, for all that can wound self. Our Lord's compassion alone is pure, perfectly pure, and no human compassion possesses this quality unless it is united to His. I only pity sinners, poor blind souls, or souls in despair. But alas! I often pity myself too much!”


The following facts will show the blessing attached to her prayers and exertions in behalf of the sick: "A poor peasant-woman of my acquaintance," she said, "always had very painful and dangerous accouchements. She loved me and told me her trials. I prayed for her earnestly. A parchment band with written characters on it was given to me supernaturally, and I was told that the woman was to wear it on her person. She did so and was delivered without pain. When dying she requested the band to be buried with her. Such requests are customary among our peasants.


 “Once there was great mortality among the cattle. The peasants had to take them to a certain place for treatment, but numbers of them died. A poor mother of a family came to me in tears, begging prayers for herself and the other sufferers. Then I had a vision of the stables belonging to these people. I saw both the healthy animals and those affected by the distemper, as also the cause of the evil and the effect of prayer upon it. I saw that many were attacked as a chastisement from God, on account of the pride and false security of their owners who recognized not that God can give and take away, and that their loss was a punishment for their sins. Then I begged Almighty God to take some other means of bringing them into the right path.


Some of these animals were affected by the curse of envious people; they belonged chiefly to men who failed to give thanks to God for His benefits and to beg His blessing on His own gifts. The cattle appeared to me to be shrouded in darkness through which sinister-looking figures passed to and fro. Blessings not only attract the grace of God, but also dispel the evil influence of a malediction. The cattle saved by prayer seemed separated from the others by something luminous. I saw a black vapor escaping from those that were cured and a faint light hovering over others blessed from afar by prayer. The scourge was suddenly arrested, and the cattle belonging to the mother of the family escaped untouched."


Anne Catherine's ill-health prevented her holding any charge in the convent; she was always given as an aid first to one, then to another sister. She never held authority over any one, but as Clara Soentgen says: " She was the servant of all, but a servant who loved her lowly state. She had the general good at heart, rendered great service to the community, and was always most laborious.


Toward the servant-girls and laborers she was not only kind and discreet, but she gave them good advice and instruction." The Reverend Mother, in 1813, also deposed: — “In whatever obedience enjoined, Anne Catherine always gave satisfaction. When she had the care of the garden and out-buildings, she labored zealously, every one praised her. She was kind to the servants (as her Mistress testifies), although she exacted from them their duty. She was compassionate toward the poor and was accustomed to make caps for poor children out of the old church things."

对女仆和工人,她不仅友善和谨慎,而且还给了他们很好的建议和指导。」 1813 年,院长姆姆也作证:「无论服从什么样的命令,安纳.加大利纳总是令人满意。当她照顾花园和外屋时,她热心工作,每个人都称赞她。她对仆人很友善(正如她的女主人所证明的那样),尽管她要求她们履行职责。她对穷人有同情心,她习惯用教堂的旧物品给贫穷的孩子们制作帽子。」  


上一篇:017.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第14章 肉体的痛苦(上)
下一篇:019.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第15章 艾曼丽修女的神魂超拔和祈祷


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