真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦难的灵魂受苦
下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦难的灵魂受苦
浏览次数:1163 更新时间:2024-11-22

The most humiliating of these assumed states was that of the gluttonous. In it she experienced sudden and devouring hunger which gave way to the most intense disgust, as soon as satisfied. The Pilgrim wrote in 1823 : — "She is sick all the time, without consolation, overwhelmed with pains, and struggling against the temptations and attacks of the enemy. We hear only coughing, vomiting, and sighing to eat, and yet she is unable to take food. Hunger suddenly seizes upon her and she faints.


— She eats and vomits. She craves all sorts of coarse, unsuitable food, and then moans and weeps for having eaten against her will. — All this refers to the state of an old companion, Sr. M…… who is at the point of death and for whom she is praying and suffering. Sr. M — is afflicted with dropsy of the chest and in this her last illness she is, as Dr. Wesener says, still a victim to her capital fault, gourmandizing."


In this state of substitution, Sister Emmerich endured in turn the various symptoms and sufferings of dropsy, rheumatism, consumption, internal diseases, etc., as well as the desolation, weariness, impatience, and temptations of the poor dying one. All this suffering for individuals added to that which she underwent for the Church in general, rendered her condition truly pitiable.


From her words dropped in ecstasy, the Pilgrim recognized the elevated spiritual character of her various maladies, but he would have wished for more precise information : for instance, he would have desired a special explanation as to what particular faults were expiated by each particular pain. But in this he proposed to himself an unattainable end. He resembled a physician who sympathizes with his patient only in proportion as the latter describes minutely the symptoms of his disease.


He is thus enabled to observe more perfectly a particularly interesting case, the study of which is likely to enrich his pathological knowledge and experience. In December, 1821, he writes : — “The last three days have been one succession of fearful pains which ended in death-like prostration. They did not, however, interfere with her visions. Sometimes she declares calmly and confidently: ‘I must suffer this. I have taken it upon myself. I must endure it!— but soon comes a temptation to impatience, and thus she alternates between war and peace.


One becomes so accustomed to these exterior sufferings as to appear almost barbarous to a spectator who witnesses them for the first time. Thus did those around her appear to the Pilgrim during the early days of his sojourn in Diilmen.


But when something of their interior signification is known, they excite the greatest astonishment, they afford a solution to the strangest enigma of life, of Christianity, although their study is rendered impossible by a thousand trifles of every day occurrence. . . ." “Though her sufferings are closely linked with spiritual labors and she herself knows it well, she speaks of the fact only superficially and without attaching due importance to it. She esteems another's calm, deep reflection on it a want of sympathy."

但是,当人们了解了受苦内在意义时,他们会感到极大的惊讶,因为他们为生活中最奇怪的谜团,即基督教提供了一个解决方案,尽管每天发生的成千上万的琐事使他们的研究变得不可能…… 虽然艾曼丽修女的苦难与属灵的劳苦息息相关,而且她自己也很清楚这一点,但她只是表面地谈论这个事实,而没有给予应有的重视。她认为别人对这一事实的冷静、深刻的思考,是缺乏同情心的表现。

January, 1822. — “Her maladies would be most instructive were she ordered to explain their end and design, for she always has as their forerunner a vision so much the more remarkable as it is wonderfully allegorical. It is like a deeply significant parable. What she will have to suffer and the end for which she suffers are generally shown her in visons of gardening and agriculture : first, a general view of existing evils, under the symbol of crumbling churches, flocks with their shepherds, etc. ; next she has to run, carry, dig, warn, etc. ; or again, she makes painful journeys to bring souls back to their duties and prevent sin. In all these various tasks she is assisted by the saints of the day.

1822 年1月——如果艾曼丽修女被命令解释这些痛苦的目的和设计,她的疾病将是最有启发性的,因为她的病症总是以一种奇妙的寓意为先导从而更加引人注目。它就像一个意味深长的寓言。她将要遭受的苦难和她受苦的目的,通常在园艺和农业的异象中向她展示:首先,以摇摇欲坠的教堂、羊群和牧羊人等为象征,让她对现有的罪恶有一个总体的看法;接下来,她必须奔跑、搬运、挖掘、警告等;或者,她再次进行痛苦的旅程,以使灵魂重新履行他们的职责,并防止犯罪。在所有这些不同的任务中,她都得到了圣人庆节那一天的圣人的帮助。  

But all this is lost to the writer! Nothing remains but the signs of the temptations to which the fiend subjects her during her task. Her sufferings render her, it is true, an object of compassion ; but, being inundated with graces and visions so real and fruitful, she is, after all, more deserving of envy than pity. Her negligence in communicating them, the endless histories she retails after her periods of actual ecstasy, make one rather inclined to sympathize with posterity than to pity her.


The continual danger of death which, however, never occurs, tends to reassure the beholder with regard to her frightful, unaccountable maladies. One grows used to them, looks upon them with a sort of compassion, it is true, a kind of endurance, neither improving nor elevating, but which begets a species of policy, a secret desire to extricate one's self from the whole affair."


February 1, 1822. — “Although Sister Emmerich relates less and less every day ; although she consumes much time in describing her maladies and pains, which are very obscure, on account of her silence as to their interior cause; yet she remarks : ' Since the beginning of my pains last Christmas, I have suffered much from the Pilgrim's dissatisfaction at my not communicating every thing to suit him.

1822 年2月1日。——虽然艾曼丽修女每天都越来越少地讲述神视异象;尽管她花了很多时间来描述她的病痛,由于她对这些痛苦的内在原因保持沉默,这些疾病和痛苦是令人费解的;但是她说:自从去年圣诞节我开始感到痛苦以来,我一直因朝圣者的不满而遭受了很多痛苦,因为我没有按照他的要求把每个神视传达给他。

My heart has been well-nigh crushed with sorrow. I would willingly have satisfied him, but I could not. I have often been so depressed by his appearance as to be unable to speak. I have made special devotions to know what I should do, but I have received no answer. I hoped God would take me in this last illness, that I might have nothing more to communicate. The Pilgrim will one day understand how willingly I would have made all known to him, were it in my power,’ This she said with a good intention. Such prayers for release from the duty of relating her visions are usual to her ; but the only answer she receives is a formal order to communicate everything."


February 23, 1822.—"The Pilgrim found her sick unto death, and the confessor told him that she had been insensible all the morning from excess of pain. She had abandoned herself wholly into the hands of the Mother of God, and had taken upon herself sufferings for the conversion of souls given to impurity. Later she said that she had been troubled at the thought of the Pilgrim's having left all and settled in Diilmen on her account ; and yet, she could now be of no service to him. The Pilgrim consoled her. Would that she always looked upon her communications as a serious rather than a light and painful task !"


“She received the Pilgrim quite graciously to-day, though her words showed that she is wholly incapable of appreciating her celestial favors at their just value. She thought that during his absence of three days, she had been a little more composed, had had a little rest !' — as if his presence could disturb her peace ! But such words signify nothing — they are the expression of merely stereotyped ideas !"



Two months before her death, Sister Emmerich uttered these earnest words to her confessor : " The Pilgrim will one day see that he had no reason to boast his patience over mine. I have had as much patience with him as with my sister!"


April 3, 1823. — " Sister Emmerich is suffering a share of her neighbor, Mrs. B — ‘s pains, who is at the point of death from dropsy of the chest. Sister Emmerich is suffocating and in constant agitation. The sick lady is relieved, she calmly begins to pray."

1823  4  3 日——艾曼丽修女正在分担邻居 B 夫人的痛苦,B夫人因胸腔水肿濒临死亡艾曼丽修女憋得喘不过气来,焦躁不安。患病的夫人得到了缓解,艾曼丽修女平静地开始祈祷。

April 5th. — “She, Sister Emmerich, complains of confusion in her ideas, and she has a feeling of not having made her Easter. The oppression on her chest increases."

4  5 日。 ——艾曼丽修女,她抱怨自己的想法很混乱,她有一种没有完成复活节的感觉。她胸口的压迫感增强了。

April 7th — "Sister Emmerich's sufferings increase as the good lady's end draws near. She bears a whole half of her pains and her state is precisely similar ; though, as a general thing, Mrs. B — is easier when Sister Emmerich suffers most. The Pilgrim verified this by daily comparison. He found that the feeling Sister Emmerich had of not having made her Easter, proceeds from the dying woman's own state ; for she, in effect, has not made hers. Sister Emmerich has engaged her confessor to go again and remind the family of it."

4  7 日 —随着这位好夫人的临终逼近,艾曼丽修女的痛苦也在增加。她承担了这夫人整整一半的痛苦,而夫人的状态也恰恰和她相似;不过,总的来说,B夫人——在艾曼丽修女受苦最多的时候,倒是比较轻松。朝圣者通过每天的比较验证了这一点。他发现,艾曼丽修女自己没有过复活节的感觉,这种感觉是来自这位垂死的女人本身的状态;因为这女人实际上自己没有过复活节。艾曼丽修女已经请她的告解神师再去一趟,提醒B夫人的家人关于过复活节这一件事。

April 9th and 10th. — "All the symptoms and pains of a person dying of dropsy were still seen in our invalid this morning, and during the night she struggled in death agony; but the restless, agonizing lady has grown calm and resigned to death, much to the consolation of her family. Toward noon the Pilgrim found Sister Emmerich deathly weak, scarcely able to give a sign of life ; whilst Madam B — slumbered sweetly, repeating at intervals the pious little prayers of her youth. At half- past three, Sister Emmerich grew suddenly strong, sat up in bed, and recited in a low voice the Litanies of the Passion.

4  9 日和 10 日。 ——今天上午,在我们的病人身上还可以看到一个死于水肿的人的所有症状和痛苦,晚上她在死亡的痛苦中挣扎;但是那位焦躁不安、痛苦不堪的女士已经变得平静,顺从于死亡,这让她的家人感到非常的欣慰。快到中午时,朝圣者发现艾曼丽修女虚弱得快要死了,几乎没有一丝生命的迹象;而B夫人却甜美的睡着了,不时诵念着她年轻时虔诚的短诵。三点半的时候,艾曼丽修女突然变得强壮起来,她从床上坐了起来,低声诵念《苦难祷文》。

At the same instant, Madam B — expired sweetly as a child falling asleep. Sister Emmerich's oppression instantly ceased, all symptoms of dropsy disappeared, and she again breathed freely. But her clear-sighted compassion allowed her no repose. Her malady suddenly assumed the character of inflammation of the chest and fever as indicated by her pulse. Another sick person, a Madam S — with whom Sister Emmerich was only slightly acquainted, took the place of Madam B — She suffered intensely for her until the following day, when she died.


And now another poor creature in the last stage of consumption, the wife of W — , the basket-maker, claimed her aid. Sister Emmerich suffered incredibly for this poor woman, to whom she sent all sorts of comforts, drinks, and nourishment. The poor thing, who had been very harshly treated by her husband and relatives, was thus preserved from resentment and despair.

现在,又有一个处于肺痨晚期的可怜人,编制篮子匠 W 的妻子要求她的帮助。艾曼丽修女为这位可怜的女人承受了难以置信的痛苦,艾曼丽给她送去了各种安慰、饮料和营养品。她的丈夫和亲戚对这个可怜的女人非常苛刻,但她临终时却因艾曼丽修女的帮助而免于怨恨和绝望。

She prepared for death in sentiments of charity and forgiveness. Sister Emmerich often deplored the spiritual abandonment in which such persons are left. ' They are,’ she said, ' for the most part, uninstructed. In a long illness they are bereft of all consolation ; they are left to their miseries, deprived of proper assistance, and seldom receive the visit of a priest.' "


 “On the 20th, the Pilgrim found Sister Emmerich very much troubled, her countenance gloomy. She was a prey to interior anguish and chagrin against certain priests who were neglectful of their charge and sparing of their consolations. This was also a phase in the poor, sick woman's state. After a long absence, the priest had, at last, visited her ; but he could not give her strength and courage, as her mind wandered a little.

4  20 日,朝圣者发现艾曼丽修女非常烦恼,她的脸色阴沉。她是内心痛苦和懊恼的牺牲品,因为某些神父忽视了自己的职责,不给这些在精神上被遗弃的病人安慰。这也是这位可怜的病妇状态的一个阶段。等了很久,神父终于来看病妇。但神父无法给病妇力量和勇气,因为她的状态有些恍惚。

He left her more agitated than he found her, and she was seized with so violent an aversion for him that she would not again hear of a priest. 'What a priest!' she cried. 'I will not see him!’— Such was the change wrought in the sentiments of the poor dying woman, once so gentle and submissive. Sister Emmerich took upon herself the poor woman's struggles. She endured them all day Sunday ; she experienced intense resentment against a certain negligent priest. On the evening of the 20th, the poor woman's family thought her dying.

神父离开时,病妇的情绪比神父来时更加焦虑不安,她对这位神父产生了如此强烈的厌恶感,她喊道: 我再也不想见到他!』——这就是这位可怜的垂死妇女的情感变化,她曾经是如此温柔顺从。艾曼丽修女承担起了这个可怜女人的挣扎。主日一整天,她都在忍受着这些挣扎;她对某个玩忽职守的神父产生了强烈的怨恨。20日傍晚,这个可怜女人的家人以为她快要死了。

But Sister Emmerich prayed all night that God would keep her alive until she had regained her peace of soul. The morning of the 21st found her, indeed, still alive, sweetly pardoning every one and welcoming death. Toward noon Sister Emmerich appeared to be in her agony, and the Pilgrim recited with her several litanies for the sick. In this state she remained with various alternations of suffering until the following morning at half after eight, when she experienced relief — but her patient was dead !

但艾曼丽修女整夜都在祈祷,希望天主能让这位可怜女人活下去,直到她恢复心灵的平静。21 日早晨,病妇果然还活着,亲切地宽恕了每一个人,迎接了死亡。临近中午的时候,艾曼丽修女似乎陷入了痛苦之中,朝圣者和她一起诵念了几首为病人祈祷的祷文艾曼丽修女就这样一直忍受着各种各样的痛苦,直到第二天早上八点半,艾曼丽修女的痛苦才有所缓解——但她的病人已经死了!

All that day she spent in great dejection, for she saw a new labor approaching. In the evening the Pilgrim found her condition quite changed; she had pains in her limbs and a cold, empty feeling in her stomach, etc. She was now assisting the pious wife of poor H — , the tailor. She had said : "When I shall have finished with the basket-maker's wife, I must pray for her. These people are so pious and humble, perhaps the wife may still recover. She has no medicine and only very poor nourishment.’

这一天,她在极度沮丧中度过,因为她看到新的痛苦补赎即将来临。傍晚时分,朝圣者发现她的病况发生了很大的变化;她四肢疼痛,胃里有一种冰冷、空虚的感觉,等等。她现在正在帮助可怜的裁缝 H 的虔诚的妻子。她曾说:『等我照顾完篮子匠的妻子,我一定要为裁缝 H的妻子祈祷。这些人是如此虔诚和谦卑,也许她还能康复。她没有药品,营养也很差。』

— The Pilgrim did not know the family, but he hunted them up to give them alms, and found the wife's sufferings precisely similar to those of Sister Emmerich. He had heard the latter say : ‘Some days ago, this woman appeared before me. I thought I should have to pray for her, as soon as the basket-maker's wife dies.'


— The sick woman remarked, to the great surprise of the Pilgrim : ‘Ah ! I dreamed some days ago that I was standing at the door, when Sister Emmerich approached me from the Coesfeld gate. She gave me her hand, saying, Well, Gertrude, how are you? You must get well ! — I saw her distinctly.’— The Pilgrim asked Sister Emmerich if she remembered this walk in vision. She answered : 'No, I cannot recall it, but I have often been near her lately and I have seen all she did. I do not remember anything particular in this instance, for I go to so many places.' "

——令朝圣者大吃一惊的是,那个病妇说:啊!几天前,我梦见自已站在门口,这时艾曼丽修女从科斯菲尔德大门向我走来。她拉着我的手说,格特鲁德,你好吗?你一定要好起来!——我清楚地看到了她。——朝圣者问艾曼丽修女是否记得在异象中走了这一趟。 她回答说:不,我记不起来了,但我最近经常在她附近,我看到了她所做的一切。我不记得在这次有什么特别之处,因为我去过很多地方。

April 25th — “Sister Emmerich is miserable and dejected. Every night since the death of the basket-maker's wife, she has had visions in which she had to wheel heavy loads of corn for her on a barrow, a labor in which the poor creature had constantly been engaged. These were loads that she had wheeled unwillingly and angrily ; or had, perhaps, altogether neglected. Sister Emmerich declared herself unable to continue the work longer, and told the Pilgrim to have a Mass said instead of it. He did so, and thus ended her wheeling of corn."




Deliverance from Danger


One day in August, 1821, the confessor informed the Pilgrim at the invalid's bedside that, since the preceding evening, she had had headache so violent as to render her delirious. She insisted that she had been shot in the head, and she begged to have it bandaged. Soon after she related the following facts : —

1821  8 月的一天,告解神师在病人床边告诉朝圣者,从昨天晚上开始,艾曼丽修女头痛得厉害,以致于神志不清。她坚持说自己的头部中弹,并请求包扎。不久之后,她讲述了以下事实:——

 “Last night I offered my pains for the deliverance of souls in danger. As I started on my accustomed journey to the Nuptial House, my guide took me to a high mountain, where I found a learned scholar who, whilst clambering over the rocks, a tablet in his hand, had fallen down a steep precipice. As he fell, he invoked Almighty God. I appeared, and carried him on my back to a wagon that was following him. I suffered much from that labor.


— Then I saw people with poles in their hands and hooks on their shoes, climbing the cliffs and firing at a flock of birds. A bullet went whizzing straight toward the head of one of the hunters. I threw myself before it and received the whole charge right in my head. The pain was terrible. My head felt as if it were cleft in twain and I saw, at the close of the vision, that the bullets were pure pearls (merits). I thought, ‘If the Prussians take me now, they will soon extract them,’ though I know not how such an idea came into my mind. My broken head made me cry."

——然后,我看到有人手里拿着杆子,鞋子上挂着钩子,爬上悬崖,向一群鸟射击。一颗子弹嗖地直射其中一个猎人的脑袋。我扑到子弹面前,并用我的头挡住了整个子弹。我疼的厉害。我的头感觉就像被劈成了两半,在神视结束时,我看到那些子弹是纯珍珠的(功绩)。 我想,如果普鲁士人现在把我带走,他们很快就会把子弹取出来』,虽然我不知道自已怎么会有这样的想法。我的脑袋破了,我哭了。


上一篇:下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦难的灵魂受苦
下一篇:下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦难的灵魂受苦


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