真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世的异象
下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世的异象
浏览次数:1173 更新时间:2024-6-8

January 21st
  -" Lambert's improved condition continues, whilst Sister Emmerich evidently grows worse. She had herself carried to his room and, in spite of her cough, had a long talk with him. St. Agnes appeared to her, consoled and exhorted her to suffer, for no pain is lost."

1 月21日——兰伯特的病情继续好转,而艾曼丽修女的情况明显恶化了。她叫人把自己抬到神父的房间里,尽管咳嗽着,还是同他谈了很久。圣女依搦斯显现在艾曼丽修女面前,安慰和劝勉她忍受痛苦,因为痛苦是不会离开她的。

January 24th — " Sister Emmerich's cough and oppression have so increased that she cannot speak ; she seems to be strangling. The confessor prayed over her. He laid his folded stole on her throat and breast, when she instantly fell into ecstasy, her face beaming and luminous, full of devotion, and innocent as a little child's. As often as the confessor made the sign of the cross over her, she took the posture of a devout worshipper in church, crossing himself at the blessing.


Though perfectly rigid, she assumed this attitude each time the sign of the cross was made. When an action ceases in this state, the hand often remains immovable where the act ended ; for example, if making the sign of the cross, the hand sometimes remains resting on the right shoulder, but if the devotion continues, then the hands are laid one in the other, the fingers never clasped. When the blessing ended, she fell back gently on her bed, obeying in that movement a spiritual rather than a physical law. Attracted by the stole and the priest's hands, she moved toward the latter, until some one replaced her in her proper position when she became calmer and easier."





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Although Sister Emmerich, in the midst of her trials and sufferings, interrupted not the recital of her visions, yet we still find such words as the following in the Pilgrim's journal : “The greater part of these immense graces is going to waste, no importance is attached to them, etc.! It was to some such exclamation, we may imagine, that the invalid quietly replied : " Yes, that is what my Spouse told me last night when I complained to Him of my wants and misery, of my seeing so many unintelligible things, etc.


He replied: 'I give thee visions, but not for thyself. Thou must communicate them that they may be committed to writing.' He added that this is not the time for miracles ; therefore He gives visions, to prove that He is with His Church till the consummation of ages. But visions save no one. Charity, patience, and the other virtues insure salvation ! Then He showed me a whole row of saints who had had visions of different kinds, but who attained beatitude only by the good use they made of them.' "


February 6th — “She is in a pitiable state, her suffering and inquietude increasing with the increasing weakness of the Abbe, She wanted to be taken to his room this evening, but she was not gratified. The Pilgrim found her almost unable to speak from weakness."


February 7th, 1821. — " Lambert died this morning at a quarter after ten" Such are the words that record the death of this faithful friend of Sister Emmerich, and we cannot but regret their brevity on an occasion so painful to her. The obsequies of the Abbe Lambert were performed on the morning of February 9th.

1821 年2月7日——兰伯特神父于今天上午十点一刻逝世这简短的文字记录了艾曼丽修女忠实朋友的死讯,在她如此痛苦的时刻我们不得不为如此简短的讣告感到遗憾。兰伯特神父的葬礼于2月9日上午举行。

The former Superioress of the Augustinians, Mother Hackebram, purposed remaining with Sister Emmerich during the ceremony. She it was who had received the good Abbe as chaplain to the convent, thus giving rise to the spiritual tie which afterward bound him so closely to their common child, the favored stigmatisee, who ever regarded the good lady as her revered Superioress and Mother. The journal tells us : —


 “Whilst the funeral of the Abbe was taking place, the Pilgrim found the former Superioress by Sister Emmerich's bedside. Fearing her presence might incommode the invalid, he persuaded her to withdraw to the adjoining room, where he sat and entertained her. She is a good, simple- hearted person. Through the open doorway he could see the invalid.


As he gazed, she suddenly became rigid, her hands joined, her face expressive of fervent piety, the blood trickling from under her forehead-binder. ' It comes from the plain chant!’ she exclaimed. 'We are sitting as we used to do, facing choir and choir.' — And later, she said : ‘I had made the Way of the Cross, and I met the funeral near the churchyard. I saw many souls accompanying the procession, one of whom had a lighted taper.


I assisted at the services and joined with great effort in the Office. I now see the Abbe in a celestial garden with other priests and souls like himself. In it are things corresponding to the pure root, to the spirit of their inclinations here below, without earthly admixture or deformity. I saw by him at his last hour St. Martin and St. Barbara, whose assistance I had invoked."


Thus did Sister Emmerich perfectly fulfil the task announced to her by Sts. Augustine and Ignatius, thus had she prepared her worthy friend for a peaceful, blessed death ! How admirable are the ways of God ! The Abbe Lambert had been called from the heart of France to be the guardian of the soul who, perhaps, more than any other of her age, struggled and suffered for the most precious treasure of mankind, the Christian faith.


Who was more worthy to stand by her side than the generous confessor who preferred exile and poverty to the betrayal of the Church ? From the very first, he had divined the mystery of Sister Emmerich's life and hence his great desire to conceal its treasures as well from herself as from the world at large. What must not the noble old man have suffered when he beheld her suspected, maltreated, branded as an impostor ?


What must have been his feelings to hear himself denounced as the author of those mysterious marks, declared guilty by the Illuminati " of having made her wounds by artificial means, of having bound his victim to lifelong secrecy by most terrible oaths?”  Did his enemies believe their own calumnies? This will be known only on the Judgment Day. Of one thing we are certain, the names of Lambert and Limberg will be pronounced with respect as long as the memory of Sister Emmerich shall be held in love and veneration by the faithful.


On February 8th, Friday before Sexagesima, Sister Emmerich was shown in vision her task for the coming Lent. "My Celestial Spouse has clothed me in a new black garment all strewn with little crosses. He presented the in one by one, asking me so sweetly if I would accept them. 'For,’ said He, 'there are so few willing to suffer; and yet, so much sin to expiate, so many souls to be saved !’ — Then I silently took all the crosses. I was told that I should wear the robe for ten weeks and that it would become a help to me. I was also told that the want of intelligence in those around me respecting my state, is alone sufficient to cause my death; but I must suffer all patiently."

2 月8日,四旬期前第二主日之前的星期五,艾曼丽修女在异象中看到了她即将到来的四旬期的任务。我天上的净配给我穿上了一件新的黑衣,上面布满了小小的十字架。祂一个一个地递给我,亲切地问我愿不愿意接受。因为,祂说,愿意受苦的人太少了;然而,要赎的罪这么多,要拯救的灵魂这么多!——然后我默默地接过了所有的十字架。有人告诉我,我应该穿这件黑衣十周,它会对我有帮助。我还被告知,我周围的人对我的病况缺乏了解,这一点足以导致我的死亡;但我必须耐心地承受这一切。

The fulfilment of the preceding vision was not long delayed. Hardly was the Abbe buried when Sister Emmerich was amazed by the demand of Christian Brentano to change her lodgings and dismiss her sister Gertrude. The Abbe being no more, Christian Brentano thought the chief, if not the only obstacle to his cherished scheme was now removed.


He and the Pilgrim were so sure of success that the latter enters into his journal the following lines : "Everything is arranged for the invalid's removal, a lodging hired at the house of the school-master, and measures agreed upon with Dean Rensing and the burgomaster. All is ready !" — But now arose opposition in another quarter as we see by the words : " The confessor will come to no decision, although he can give no good reason for thwarting the plan.


At last, he resolves to apply to Dean Overberg, wants to go himself to Minister to take advice where never yet has advice been given. Sister Emmerich declares her inability to act without her confessor's cooperation. Things are in horrible confusion! The whole affair is tiresome, perplexing, incomprehensible !"


Sister Emmerich seeing the storm gathering around her felt the necessity of coming to some decision and, on Sexagesima Sunday, having received strength in Holy Communion, she resolved to have an explanation with the two brothers, Christian and Clement Brentano, the latter of whom reports : “She has communicated ; she is strengthened and full of serenity.

艾曼丽修女看到周围的风暴正在聚集,她觉得有必要做出决定,在四旬期第二主日,她在圣体圣事中获得了力量,她决定对克里斯蒂安和克里斯蒂安-布伦塔诺两兄弟解释自已的观点,朝圣者如此写道 :她已经领过圣体; 她变得坚强,充满了宁静。

Past sufferings seem to her as nothing ; for, however miserable her physical condition may be, she is all day long in ecstasy. Her increase of strength to-day is a magical effect of Christ's presence within her ! My brother Christian visited her in the afternoon ; the Pilgrim followed him later. She was full of peace, mild, and kind. She made some remarks about certain things which she had to endure and of which complaints have already been made to her. But they were mere trifles, things for which we could make no satisfaction, as they were wholly without foundation.


She said, for instance : ‘When the Pilgrim is here, he sends visitors away under the pretext that I am asleep, and many are vexed by it. My own relations complain that he prevents their seeing me, and even my good brother says he was sent away by him. The Abbe Lambert told the confessor how hard it was to put up with the Pilgrim. He is like a spy, he watches everything that goes on.' This must have been one of Lambert's last temptations !


It was, however, very humiliating to the Pilgrim to hear such things. Unfortunately, he cannot with truth promise amendment, though the invalid thinks all might be easily rectified. The confessor also had a word to say to the same effect, but he was very friendly, very kind and affable." The Pilgrim, however, despite the gentle remonstrance of the invalid and her confessor, seems to have insisted on a change of residence, as we may glean from the following entry in his journal: —


 “She has been ill, all night in convulsions. The Pilgrim found her in a pitiable state, though her soul is calm. She said to him : ‘My confessor bade me tell you that I am willing to change my abode ; but last night I received very clear and repeated warnings against it. The Abbe Lambert appeared and told me earnestly and decidedly that, if I did so, I would die before my time, after enduring unspeakable misery from the weakness of those around me. He chided me severely for having consented to the change.


When about to excuse myself and speak to him as I used to do, he said shortly : ‘Be silent and obey! We judge of things differently where I am.' Then falling into ecstasy, she said in a clear, firm voice which seemed to proceed from another, a very resolute person: ‘God must help me ; or I shall die! Since I put on the black robe, I have been pierced through and through. I have seen all, I have heard all that, up to the present, has been said about my moving, as well as the sentiments of the individuals concerned. It is a terrible sight for me ! The wrath excited on my account and for which I really am not responsible, is for me a hell ! It may cause my death! "


 “The next day the Pilgrim did, indeed, find her perfectly disfigured in countenance and apparently at the point of death. All night she had had hemorrhages and during the day chills and fever. Once she held up her burning hands to her confessor, exclaiming : ‘Take away these hands ! They are not mine ; they belong to Francis!’ She became so much worse toward evening that, persuaded she was going to die, she sent, notwithstanding the late hour, for the Pilgrim's brother."


February 14th — " Next morning she was deathly weak, but calm and peaceful. She could speak only in a whisper. ‘I am still alive,’ she said, ' by the mercy of God ! Last night I saw above me two choirs of saints and angels, reaching to one another flowers, fruits, and writings. It seemed as if some wanted my death, whilst others were for my living longer. I thought myself that my hour had come. I was no longer in the body. I saw it lying here, whilst I was gently raised above it. I still had strength enough to confess and send for your brother, who has been displeased with me.

2  14 日——第二天早上,她虚弱得像死一般,但却平静安详。她只能低声说话。她说,『『我还活着,靠着天主的怜悯!昨天晚上,我看到我上方有两位圣人和天使的歌咏团,他们互相递来鲜花、水果和文字。似乎有些人希望我死,而另一些人则希望我活得更久。我想我的时辰到了。我的身体已经不在了。当我被轻轻地举到我身体上面时,我看到我的身体躺在这里。我仍然有力气办告解并派人去找你的弟弟,他一直对我不满意。

After speaking to him, I had nothing more to trouble me, though what I said, I cannot now recall. It was nothing of my own ; my guide stood by me suggesting the words (1). I was raised up and I saw myself surrounded by saints, some praying that I might die, others that I might live, and they presented to me their prayers and merits. One of them showed me a man dying in Minister, his soul in a bad state. The saint told me to kneel and pray for him. I bestowed upon the dying man the prayers the saints had made for me; but, as I did not know whether my confessor would allow me to pray kneeling, since he often forbids it in the daytime, I sent the saint to ask him. He returned with the permission. I knelt and prayed, and saw a priest go to the dying man.' "



(1) Christian Brentano afterward told his brother that Sister Emmerich had spoken to him very beautifully after her confession ; that, if things were as she said, they were of great importance ; but that he was resolved not to be hasty in changing his opinion. And, in truth, though now reconciled to her, he did not change his preconceived ideas of her case- -(Brentano’s Notes).

 (1) 克里斯蒂安·布伦塔诺事后告诉他的兄弟,艾曼丽修女在她告解后对他了非常动人的话;如果事情真如她所说的那样,那就非常重要的;但他决心不仓促改变自己的看法。事实上,虽然他现在与艾曼丽和解了,但他并没有改变他对艾曼丽案件的先入为主的看法——(布伦塔诺的注释)。


Father Limberg spoke of this night of agony, as follows : “Sister Emmerich had all the symptoms of approaching dissolution. After her confession, she sent for Mr. Christian Brentano, with whom she spoke in a low tone, after which he knelt down near her bed and prayed. I was in the adjoining room thinking: God grant that she may give me some sign by which I may know whether to administer to her the Last Sacraments! — when she suddenly arose on her knees, extended her arms, said an Our Father in aloud voice, and spoke of some man who bad just died in Minister.


She seemed not to touch the bed. She told me that the Abbe Lambert would have had to suffer ten weeks longer, had she not averted it by her prayers ; but she now had to supply for him, and another short period of life had been granted her."


February 17th, Quinquagesima Sunday.  " I have had a frightful night ! Three times did Satan attack and horribly maltreat me ! He stood at the left side of the bed, a dark figure full of rage, and assailed me with horrible menaces ; but I drove him off by prayer, though not until after he had struck me and dragged me around cruelly. — Again he appeared, beat me, and dashed me about ; but again I overcame him by calling on God for aid.

2 月17日,四旬期主日。——我度过了一个可怕的夜晚!撒殚三次来攻击我,虐待我!魔鬼站在床的左边,一个充满愤怒的黑影,用可怕的威胁来攻击我;但我用祈祷把牠赶走了,虽然这是在牠残忍地把我拖来拖去并殴打我之后。——魔鬼又出现了,把我打得东倒西歪的;但我再次呼求天主的帮助,战胜了魔鬼。

When he disappeared, I lay a long time trembling with pain. — Toward morning, he came again for the third time and beat me, as if he wanted to break all my bones. Wherever his hot, fiery blows fell, my bones cracked. I grasped my relics and the particle of the True Cross. At last, Satan retired. Then my Heavenly Spouse appeared and said : Thou art my bride ! and I became calm. When day dawned, I saw


Satan's attacks were renewed the following night. “The evil one appeared to me under different forms ; he seized me by the shoulders, and loaded me with angry reproaches He often assumes a grand and imposing air as if he were very important, as if he had orders to give ; or, again, he puts on a sanctified demeanor and gravely represents to me as a great fault that I have assisted some soul in purgatory, or prevented the commission of some sin, etc., — as if such things were great crimes !


Sometimes he appears in a frightful form, dwarfish and foxy with a broad, horrible face and twisted limbs. He abuses me ; pinches me, pulls me about, and occasionally he tries flattery. I often see him running around with a little horn on his head, very short arms without elbows, and legs with the knees turned backward."


The mental and physical sufferings which overwhelmed Sister Emmerich just after the decease of her good old friend, the Abbe, reduced her to such a state that it became exceedingly difficult for her to satisfy the Pilgrim with respect to the communication of her much-prized visions. He writes : " We hear now only of her misery, her torments, her vexations, of all she has done, etc., until one feels inclined to accuse himself of having caused her annoyance.


Then in come a couple of old women or the master of the house, or some old maid — all insignificant people, by whom, however, she permits herself to be annoyed, She never rids herself of such people ; and so, these old nobodies repeat visits which she looks upon as the greatest torment, and which cause her to forget her visions. Those precious graces, for which the Pilgrim is sacrificing a most important period of his life, are stifled, so to say, neath the filth of a few common flies, for it is nothing more nor less than that !"



上一篇:下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世的异象
下一篇:下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦难的灵魂受苦


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