真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
浏览次数:1209 更新时间:2024-5-30


Visions of St. Augustine, St. Francis de Sales and

St. Jane Frances de Chantal.



Among the relics sent to Sister Emmerich by Dean Overberg, was one of St. Augustine, St. Francis de Sales, and St. Jane Frances respectively, all which Sister Emmerich had indeed recognized, but which the Pilgrim had

inadvertently changed, marking St. Augustine's as St. Francis de Sales's, and vice versa. One he took away with him, leaving the one marked as St. Augustine's with the invalid.


More than once she declared that she felt the presence of St. Francis de Sales. She said : “I saw a holy Bishop and a saintly woman. Their relics must be here, for the apparitions descended and ascended by me. Whenever I see the apparition of a saint whose relic is by me, a light issues from the latter and unites with that surrounding the former; but when I have no relic, both the light and the apparition come from above.”


On hearing the above, the Pilgrim thought he would return her the little parcel in which was the relic marked by him St. Francis de Sales. She was at the moment in ecstasy, but seizing the package she pressed it joyously and smilingly to her heart, exclaiming : "O I have my dear Father Augustine by me !" — and afterward she related the following: "I saw the saint in his episcopal robes, at his feet his name in angular characters.


译注: 朝圣者把圣奥斯定和圣方济.沙雷氏的标记弄反了。


What seemed strange to me was that I thought I saw his holy relics in a curiously twisted house, like a snail's shell. I could not imagine what it meant, when, suddenly, I saw the house under a more beautiful form, polished like marble ; inside lay the relic." — St. Augustine's relic, of which Sister Emmerich here speaks, was inclosed in a box of mother-of-pearl ! The visions of his life run as follows : —


"I saw the saint, a boy in his father's house, not far from a tolerably large city. It was built in the Roman style with a courtyard and colonnade, around it other buildings with gardens and fields ; it looked to me like a villa. The father was a tall, vigorous man with something morose and severe about him. He must have had many orders to give, for I saw him speaking earnestly to people who looked like his inferiors.

我看到圣人,在他父亲的家里是个男孩子,离一座相当大的城市不远。城市以罗马风格建造,有庭院和柱廊,周围还有其他带花园和田野的建筑;在我看来,它就像一栋别墅 …… 父亲是位身材高大、精力充沛的人,带着几分忧郁和严历,他一定有很多命令要下达,因为我看到他对那些看起来像是他下级的人说话很严肃。

I saw others kneeling before him as if presenting petitions ; they may have been servants or peasants. In little Augustine's presence he was more affable and gracious toward Monica, his wife, as if he were fond of the boy ; he did not seem to have much to do with him, however, for Augustine was generally with his mother and two men.


Monica was a little woman already advanced in years, slightly stooped in her carriage, and of very dark complexion. She was exceedingly gentle and God-fearing and in constant dread and anxiety on Augustine's account. She followed him everywhere, for he was restless and mischievous.


I saw him climbing perilous heights and scampering recklessly around on the very edge of the flat roof. Of the two men, one seemed to be his preceptor, the other his servant ; the former used to take him to a school in the neighboring city which many little boys a tended, and bring him home again. Augustine was at all sorts of tricks when out of school.


I saw him beating animals, throwing stones at them, quarrelling with other boys, running into people's houses, ransacking cupboards, and eating the good things. Still, there was something very generous in him, for he always divided what he found with his companions ; sometimes he even threw it away. There lived also in his father's house a female who was, perhaps, a nurse, or servant of some kind.


Later on, I saw Augustine placed at school in a larger and more distant city, to which he went in a low chariot on small heavy wheels, drawn by two beasts. He was always accompanied by two persons. Then I saw him in school with many other boys. He slept with several of them in a large hall, their beds separated by a reed, or light wooden partition.


The school-room was larger than the sleeping-hall. It had stone benches all around the wall. On these the scholars sat holding little brown boards on their knees for writing, rolls of parchment and pencils in their hands. The master stood in a little pulpit raised about two steps, behind which was a larger board on which he drew numerous figures.



He called his pupils, now this one, now that one into the middle of the floor, where they stood facing each other and reading from their parchment rolls, gesticulating, at the same time, as if they were preaching, and again as if disputing. In school Augustine was well-behaved and almost always stood first; but out-doors he carried on all sorts of pranks with the other boys, damaging and destroying whatever fell in his way.


I saw him, out of pure mischief, beating and stoning to death certain long-necked birds, the domestic fowl of that country, and then carrying away the dead bodies with tears of pity. I saw him running and wrestling with other boys in the shady walks of a circular garden, and stealing, injuring, wasting many things.


 “I saw him return home from this school and give himself up to all kinds of mad pranks and disorders. One night I saw him robbing an orchard with companions like himself, and afterward throwing away a whole mantleful of the fruit. I saw Monica incessantly remonstrating with him, praying and shedding many tears.


Then I saw him crossing a bridge over a broad river, on his way to the great city in which Perpetua was martyred. I soon recognized it. On one side arose rocks with walls and towers jutting out into the sea where lay many ships. A smaller city stood at no great distance from the large one. There were many great buildings as in ancient Rome, and also a large Christian church.


I had numerous visions of Augustine's follies committed here with other young people. He dwelt alone in a house and held constant disputations with other young men. I used to see him going by himself to visit a certain female ; but he did not remain long in any one place, he was constantly on the go.


I often saw him at public shows, in my eyes, truly diabolical. They were held in a great round building. On one side seats arose, one above the other, like steps and below were numerous entrances opening on the stairways which led to the seats. The building had no roof, only a tent-like covering. The place was crowded, and opposite the spectators, on an elevated platform, were enacted abominable scenes.


In the background were all sorts of pictures which, at certain times, suddenly disappeared, as if swallowed up by the earth. Once there unfolded a large beautiful place in a great city ; and yet, the whole scene occupied in reality but a very small space. Then men and women appeared, two by two, talking together and behaving wantonly.


It was all horrible to me ! The actors had frightful, colored faces with huge mouths ; they wore on their feet broad-soled socks with pointed toes, red, yellow, and other colors. Below these were whole troops, talking and singing alternately with those above.


I saw boys, eight or twelve years old, who played on straight and twisted flutes and also upon stringed instruments. Once several of them precipitated themselves head foremost from on high with outspread limbs. They must certainly have been fastened to something; but it looked very frightful. Then, again, there was a wrestling match in which one of the combatants received two cuts across his face, which a surgeon came and bandaged.


I cannot describe the horrors, the confusion of the scene. The women among the actors were men in disguise. Augustine himself used to appear in public, though not in such performances as these. He entered with zest into all sorts of amusements, indulged in all sorts of sins.


He was the leader everywhere, a distinction which he seemed to seek out of pure ostentation, for it gave him no real satisfaction ; he was always sad and discontented when alone. I saw also that the woman with whom he lived brought a child to his house, which circumstance, however, did not seem to disconcert him in the least.


I most frequently beheld him in halls and public places, disputing with others, speaking or listening, unfolding and reading rolls of parchment, etc. I saw his mother visit him in Carthage. She spoke to him earnestly and shed many tears, but she did not stay with him whilst in the city. —

我经常看到他在大厅和公共场所与人争辩,或说或听,或展开和阅读羊皮纸书卷等等。我看到他的母亲去迦太基探望他很恳切地跟他讲话,流了许多眼泪,但母亲在城里没有和他呆在一起。 —

I never saw in Monica's house either cross or holy picture. There were all kinds of pagan statues, but neither she nor her husband took any notice of them. I constantly saw her in some secluded corner of the house or garden, bent in two praying and weeping ; and yet, with all this, I saw that she was not without her own faults.

我从来没有在莫尼加家里看到过十字架或圣像。家中却有各种各样的异教雕像,但她和她的丈夫都没有注意到它们。我经常在房子或花园的某个僻静角落看到莫妮加,弯着腰祈祷和哭泣; 然而,通过这一切,我看到她并非没有自己的错误。

Whilst lamenting her son's thefts of sweetmeats, etc., she herself loved dainties ; it was from her that he had inherited his inclination. Whenever she went to the cellar to draw wine for her husband, she used to sip a little herself from the cask and eat good things ; but she greatly regretted this inclination and struggled against it.


Then many of her pious customs were shown me : for instance, at certain seasons she used to take baskets of bread and other provisions to the cemetery which was surrounded by strong walls. She laid the food on the tombstones with a pious intention ; the poor afterward came and took it away.


I saw her once, her son having now attained the age of man-hood, journeying on foot with a servant, who carried a small package. She was going to visit a Bishop who spoke to her a long time and encouraged her on the score of her son. She shed abundant tears, but he said something to her that calmed her.


Again, I saw Augustine returned from Carthage after his father's death, and teaching in the little city, where his life was as restless and disorderly as ever. I saw him at the bedside of a sick friend who, shortly before death, received Baptism, at which Augustine hooted, although deeply afflicted at his friend's death. Then I saw him again at Carthage, living as before."


The Pilgrim now saw the mistake he had made in marking the relics, and the invalid promised to look in " her church " for those of St, Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal. On May 29, 1820, he record, as follows : "This afternoon, I found Sister Emmerich in ecstasy. I offered her the box of relics, which she took and pressed to the bosom, her features, drawn by pain, immediately becoming serene.


I asked if St. Francis de Sales were not in " the church?” She answered with an effort, as if speaking from a great height : ‘There they are !’ pointing meanwhile to the shelf before her closet. Surprised, I hunted for the relic, but in vain ; when she, tearing, so to speak, her right hand from its ecstatic rigidity, removed quickly and in the greatest order, the books from the shelf.


With anxious curiosity, I glanced at the empty shelf, whilst that wonderfully endowed hand went groping between the shelf and the panel, until it grasped the missing treasure, a particle of bone wrapped in green silk. She pressed it reverently to her lips, and handed it to me as the relic of St. Francis de Sales. I must not neglect to state that during this search she, with the exception of the right hand and arm, remained perfectly rigid, her head immovable, her eyes closed, her left hand firmly pressing the box of relics to her breast.


Whilst I wrapped and labelled the relic, she replaced in the same mechanical way all that she had removed from the shelf and then opening her eyes, she glanced into the box of relics, and allowed her hand to rest some moments on a tiny parcel which she afterward presented to me as the relic of St. Jane de Chantal.


I asked her how it was that these relics had got mixed up with those of the early Roman martyrs. She answered : “Long ago, repairs were made in the Church of Ueberwasser, Minister, when all the relics of the different altars and shrines were thrown together indiscriminately. "


Sister Emmerich afrerward saw at various times the following symbolical figures of St. Francis de Sales's apostolic ministry : “I saw," she said, “a young ecclesiastic of high rank, zealously laboring in a mountainous country between France and Italy, and I accompanied him in his numerous journeys.


I saw him in his youth an earnest student. One day with a firebrand he put a shameless woman to flight. Then I saw him going from village to village with a burning torch enkindling a fire everywhere ; the flames leaped from one to the other and finally reached a large city on a lake. When the fire ceased to burn, there fell a gentle rain which lay on the ground like pearls and sparkling stones. The people gathered them up and took them into their houses.


Wherever they were carried, prosperity followed, all became bright. I was amazed to see St. Francis so indescribably gentle and, at the same time, so zealous in his undertakings, so vigorous in pushing things forward. He went everywhere himself, climbing over snow and ice.


I saw him with the king in France, with the Pope, and then at another court between the two. Day and night did he journey on foot from place to place, teaching and doing good, often passing the nights in a wood. Through him I was introduced to a noble lady, Frances de Chantal, who took me over all his journeys, showing me all he did.


I travelled with her here and there, and spoke much with her. She was a widow and had children ; once I saw them with her. I received an account of something concerning her and all the sorrow it caused her, and I saw many scenes of the same. A little frivolous lady of distinction, seemingly penitent, was introduced by her to the Bishop; but she constantly relapsed into her evil ways.


Frances said that this lady had caused her much trouble; indeed, she thought she had been bewitched by her. Later on, the Bishop founded a convent in concert with Frances, and the bad person ; who seemed to have corrected, did penance in a small house near by. I remember Frances's showing me the present state of this person in a dark place.


 “I saw the Bishop saying Mass in a place in which many of the inhabitants doubted the real change wrought in the Blessed Sacrament. During his Mass he saw in vision a woman who had come to the church merely to please her husband ; she believed not in transubstantiation and she had a piece of bread in her pocket.

我看到圣方济主教在一个地方举行弥撒,那里的许多居民都怀疑面饼是否真的变成圣体。在他的弥撒中,主教在异象中看到一名妇女来到教堂只是为了讨她的丈夫得欢心。她不相信在圣体圣事中,(圣神的德能) 祭饼转化为耶稣基督的圣体。她的口袋里有一片面包。

In his sermon the Bishop remarked that the Lord could as truly change the bread of the Holy Sacrifice into His Body as he could change bread in the pocket of an unbeliever into stone. On leaving the church, the woman found the bread in her pocket turned into stone.


The holy Bishop was always neatly and properly dressed. I saw him surrounded by enemies, and I also saw him concealed in a hut to which about twenty persons came by night for instruction. His life was sought and snares were laid for him in the forest to which he had fled.— I went with the lady (St. Frances) to a large city where, as she told me, the Bishop had disputed with a heretic, who in his arguments never kept to the points under discussion.


The saint, without losing sight of the truth, had followed him in all his windings in order to bring him back to the right road ; but the man would not be saved. The lady and I had to cross a large square in this city. It was crowded with citizens and peasants who were being drilled in separate troops. I was dreadfully afraid of their attacking us and, besides, the good lady said she could not possibly remain longer without food ; she would faint from hunger.


I looked around and saw a man eating bread and meat from a paper. I begged him for just one mouthful, and he gave me some bread and a piece of chicken. When the lady had eaten it, she was able to proceed to her convent.


— With regard to those visions in which I exercise some act of charity toward the apparition of a saint, I have from my childhood been interiorly instructed that they are works which the saints demand of us with the design of turning them over to others ; they are good works which they cause to be performed for themselves, but which are, in reality, for the benefit of others. ‘We do for the Lord what we do for the neighbor,’ is here reversed ; for here we do for the neighbor what we do for the saints.


— I went to the convent which the lady had founded in concert with the Bishop. I went all through it. It was a singular old building ; I saw every nook of it. In many of the rooms were large stores of various kinds of fruits and grains, quantities of clothing, and odd-looking caps. The religious must have given away much to the poor.


I put everything in order. A saucy young nun continually followed me, reproaching me and accusing me of trying to steal. She said I was avaricious; for, though declaring money to be mire, yet I turned over every penny ; that I mixed myself up unnecessarily in worldly affairs ; that I wanted to accomplish so many things, and yet never finished any, etc. She kept at my back, not having the courage to face me.


I told her to stand out before me, if she could. But she was, in fact, the tempter who tormented me greatly during those days. Away off in a remote corner of the convent I found a nun with a pair of scales. She had been placed there by the Foundress. On a plate by her side were heaps of mixed pease, little yellow seeds, of what kind I know not, pearls, and dust — all which she was to pick out and clean.


Then she was to carry half the good seed to the front of the convent for seed-corn. But she would not do it ; she refused to obey. Then came another in her place, but she was no better than the first ; and, at last, I undertook to sort and separate the mixture.


It signified that from the spiritual harvest of this monastery clean, fresh seed-corn would be taken to the front of the house: that is, that the end and blessing of the saint's institution were to be renewed by the merits proceeding from the good discipline of former times ; that what was injured by the faults of the last superioresses was to be repaired."


At a later period Sister Emmerich was given to see the entire life of St. Francis de Sales from his infancy to his death, but she had neither the strength nor opportunity to relate even a few of its details. St. Jane Frances again appeared to her at different times, claiming her prayers and sufferings for the renewal of her Order.


On July 2d, 1821, she related the following : “Last night I was at Annecy, in the convent of the daughters of the holy Lady de Chantal. I lay very sick in bed, and saw all the preparations for the Feast of the Visitation. I seemed to be in a choir from which I could look down on the altar which was being dressed for the feast, I was very sick and about to swoon, when St. Francis de Sales came to me quickly with something that relieved me. He wore a long, yellow festal robe corded. St. Chantal also was by me."

1821年 7 月 2 日,艾曼丽讲述了以下内容:昨晚我在安纳西,在圣洁的德尚尔夫人的女修道院里。我病得很重,躺在床上,看到了为圣母访亲瞻礼所做的准备工作。我仿佛置身于一个歌咏团里,从那里我可以俯视正在为瞻礼布置的祭台,我病得很重,快要昏倒了,这时圣方济沙雷氏迅速来到我身边,给了我一些东西,缓解了我的病痛。他穿着一件黄色的瞻礼长袍。圣尚尔也在我身边。



St. Justina and St. Cyprian.



" I saw Justina, a child in the court-yard of her father's residence, which was only a square from the pagan temple of which he was a priest. She was with her nurse. She went down into a cistern where she stood on a stone in the middle of the water. Underneath were numerous holes in which different kinds of serpents and horrible-looking creatures lurked. They were kept and fed there.


I saw Justina coolly take up a large serpent in one hand and several smaller ones in the other. She held them by the tail and amused herself watching them straightening themselves up like tapers, their head moving from side to side. They did not hurt her ; they were quite at home with her.


Among them were some about a foot long, like those we call chubs (salamanders) ; they were used in the worship of the idols. Justina once heard in a Christian church a sermon on the Fall of Man and the Redemption. She was so impressed by it that she received Baptism and converted her mother. The latter informed her husband who, having been very much troubled by an apparition, was baptized also with his wife, and they afterward lived most piously and happily.







One scene struck me especially. Justina had a lovely round face and the most beautiful yellow hair that shone like gold. It was wound round her head in exquisite silken braids, or fell on her shoulders in luxuriant curls. I saw her standing at table by her father and mother, eating little loaves. The father, glancing with admiration at her hair, said: ‘I fear, my child, you will not be able to pass through the world. Like Absalom, you will remain hanging in it by your hair.’


Justina had never thought of her hair, and these words made her very grave. She withdrew, and I know not what she did to her beautiful hair, but she completely disfigured it as well as her eyebrows. They looked as if she had singed them. In this trim she went through the city to her father, who scarcely recognized her.


I saw a youth in love with her. He was about to carry her off by force, as he could not hope to win her. He waited for her with armed companions in a lonely road between walls ; but when he seized her, she repulsed him with both hands, commanding him to remain standing where he was. And there he stood until she was out of danger. Then I saw the same youth engaging the assistance of the magician Cyprian, who confidently promised him success.


 “This Cyprian, though naturally noble and generous, was entirely given up to necromancy. In his youth he had been instructed in sorcery. He had journeyed afar in pursuit of knowledge ; and had finally settled with great

renown in Antioch where Justina and her parents had been converted. He was a bitter pagan. He had gone so far as often to revile Jesus in the Christian churches and to chase the people out by his sorcery.


I used to see him calling to the demon. He had in his house a semi-subterranean vaulted cellar which was lighted from above. Around the walls stood hideous idols in the form of animals and serpents. In one corner was a hollow statue the size of a man, the open jaws resting on the edge of a round altar on which was a pan of live coals.


When Cyprian invoked the demon he put on a particular costume, lighted the fire on the altar, read certain names from a roll of parchment, mounted upon the altar, and pronounced the same in the jaws of the idol. Instantly the spirit stood in human form beside him, under the appearance of a servant. There was something sinister and frightful, like a bad conscience, in the features of these apparitions.


The spirit twice attempted to seduce Justina under the form of a youth, waylaying her in the courtyard ; but she put him to flight by the sign of the cross and escaped his influence by the crosses she erected in the corners of her room. — Then I saw her in a secret vault of her house, kneeling in prayer before a niche in which were a cross and a little white Infant. The latter seemed to be in a case, the upper part of the body free, its tiny hands crossed.


Whilst Justina thus knelt, a youth approached her from behind with evil intentions; when suddenly I saw the apparition of a lady, as if coming out of the wall, and the youth sank to the earth even before Justina had perceived his presence. She turned and fled.


— I saw her completely destroy her beauty with ointment. I saw Cypprian gliding around and sprinkling Justina's house, at an unguarded moment for her when she was not in prayer. She became violently agitated, ran around the house, and at last fled to her chamber, where before the crosses she had herself set up, she knelt in prayer until the charm was broken.


When Cyprian made his third attempt, the enemy appeared under the form of a pious young girl who conversed with Justina on the subject of chastity. The latter was at first very much pleased; but when her companion began to speak of Adam, Eve, and marriage, Justina recognized the tempter and fled to her crosses. Cyprian saw all this in spirit, and became a Christian.


St. Cyprian.



I saw him lying prostrate in a church, even allowing himself to be trodden under foot as a fool. He was deeply penitent, and he burned all his books on magic. He afterward became a Bishop and placed Justina among the deaconesses. She dwelt next the the church. She made and embroidered grand church vestments. — Later I saw both Cyprian and Justina martyred. They were hung by one hand to a tree and torn with hooks."



St. Dionysius, the Areopagite (1).


"I saw this saint in his boyhood. He was the child of pagan parents, and of an inquiring turn of mind. He always recommended himself to the Supreme God who enlightened him by visions in sleep. I saw his parents reproving him for his neglect of the gods and placing him under the charge of a stern preceptor ; but an apparition came to him by night and bade him flee whilst his preceptor slept.


(1)  This was the saint whose name she was not permitted to mention when the Pilgrim's friend tested her miraculous faculty.


(1) 当朝圣者的朋友在测试艾曼丽修女神奇的能力时,艾曼丽被禁止提及狄奥尼修斯的名字。

He obeyed, and I saw him traversing Palestine and listening eagerly to whatever he could hear concerning Jesus. Again I saw him in Egypt where he studied astronomy in the place in which the Holy Family had sojourned. Here I saw him, standing with several others before the school, observing the sun's eclipse at the death of Jesus.


He said : 'This is not in accordance with nature's laws. Either a God is dying, or the world is coming to an end !' — I saw the preceptor himself, a man of upright intentions, warned to seek his scholar. He did so, found him, and went with him to Heliopolis. It was long before Dionysius could reconcile himself to the idea of a crucified God. After his conversion, he often travelled with Paul.


St. Dionysius



He journeyed with him to Ephesus to see Mary. Pope Clement sent him to Paris where I saw his martyrdom. He took his head in his hands, crossed them on his breast, and walked around the mountain, a great light shining forth from him. The executioners fled at the sight, and a woman gave him sepulture. He was then very old. He had had many celestial visions besides which, Paul had revealed to him what he himself had seen. He wrote magnificent works of which many are still extant . His book on the Sacraments was not finished by himself, but by another."




A Relic of St. Luke.


On March 11, 1821, Sister Emmerich said : " For some time past, I have frequently seen near me a beautiful white particle of Luke's skull. I see it distinctly ; but, as I would not believe it in vision, I was punished when awake by forgetting it. Last night I saw its whole history. Gregory the Great brought from Constantinople to Rome the skull of St. Luke and an arm of St. Andrew, which drew down upon him so many blessings that he made large gifts to the poor.

1821 年 3 月 11 日,艾曼丽修女说:在过去的一段时间里,我经常在我附近看到一个美丽的白色颗粒,那是圣路加头骨上的圣髑。我看得很清楚;但是,由于我在异象中不相信这是真的,我受到了惩罚,醒来时就忘记了它。昨晚我看到了圣髑的全部历史。教宗大国瑞从君士坦丁堡将圣路加的头骨和圣安德肋的手臂带到罗马,这为他带来了如此多的祝福,以至于他向穷人赠送了大量礼物。

The holy relics were placed in his monastery of St. Andrew. Afterward Cologne also was enriched with a portion of them, to the great joy of its Bishop. Later on, Mayence, Paderborn, and Munster received part of these relics, and now they are both with me. The relic of St. Andrew is encased, and that of St. Luke must be in a corner under some pieces. Just now I know not exactly where. "


The next day, the Pilgrim begged her to look for the above-mentioned relics ; and, though in ecstasy, she complied with his request. She found that of St. Luke, a small, three-cornered fragment of skull, hidden under a heap of scraps in a corner of her press. She said : “I again saw that this body was found in a ruined church of Constantinople, and its authenticity proved by its being applied to the sick. The bones were washed and the water given to a leper who drank of it and was cured.


I saw many things of St. Gregory, how highly he esteemed relics, and how many cures he effected by them; the first was that of an insane woman, the second a young girl possessed of an unclean spirit. He laid the relics on their head. I saw how some of the relics were brought to Cologne by a holy Bishop then to Treves, Mayence, Paderborn, and finally, to Munster, I think under a Bishop Furstenberg."



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