真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
浏览次数:1068 更新时间:2024-6-6


St. Ursula.


 “Ursula and her companions were massacred by the Huns, about the year 450, near Cologne and in other places. Ursula was raised up by God to preserve the maidens and widows of her time from seduction and dishonor, and to enrol them in the celestial army of crowned martyrs. She accomplished her mission with extraordinary energy and constancy. The archangel Raphael was given her as a guide.


He announced to her   task, saying that the mercy of God willed not that, at this frightful epoch of destruction, so many virgins and widows left defenceless and deprived of protectors by the bloody wars should fall a prey to the savage Huns ; rather should they die as innocent children than live to fall into sin.


Ursula was not exactly beautiful ; she was tall and strong, resolute and energetic, of a very grave countenance and masculine bearing. She was, at the time of her martyrdom, thirty-three years old. I saw her as a little girl in the house of her parents, Deonotus and Geruma, in a city of England.


The house stood on a broad street ; it had steps before the door, and a metal railing with yellow knobs. It looked like the paternal house of St. Benedict, in Italy, which too had brass railings surmounting a low wall. Ursula had ten playmates who joined her every morning and evening in an inclosed field where, divided into two bands, they exercised in running, wrestling, and even in the use of the lance.


They were not all Christians, though Ursula and her parents were. Ursula was the instructress of her companions, and she exercised them thus by order of her angel. Her parents often watched their games well-pleased. Maximian, a pagan, was then lord over England, and I am not now sure that he was not the husband of Ursula's eldest sister, Ottilia. Ursula had vowed herself to God.


A warrior, powerful and renowned, requested of her father the privilege of witnessing the exercises of the maidens of whom he had heard so much. Though embarrassed by the request, Ursula's father dared not refuse. He tried, at first, to put him off; but the man insisted until he gained his point. He was charmed with Ursula's skill and beauty and at once, asked her in marriage, saying that her young companions should espouse his officers in a country beyond the sea not yet peopled.


I thought of Bonaparte, who made matches for his officers. I saw the father's deep affliction and the daughter's fright when apprised of this offer which could not be declined. Ursula went by night to the play-ground and besought God in earnest prayer.


The archangel Raphael appeared to her, consoled her, and instructed her to request that each of her companions might be allowed to choose ten other maidens, and to demand a delay of three years in which to practise all sorts of naval combats and manoeuvres. He exhorted her to confidence in God, who would not permit her vow of virginity to be violated.


In these three years she was, with God's help, to convert her companions to Christianity. Ursula delivered these conditions to her father who, in turn, proposed them to the suitor. He accepted them. Ursula and her ten companions chose respectively ten other maidens, who became their pupils. The father had five small vessels fitted out for them, upon each of which were about twenty girls and also a few sailors to teach them how to manage the sails and fight at sea.


And now I saw them exercising daily, first in a river, then along the sea-shore. They sailed along quietly, gave one another chase, separated, leaped from ship to ship, etc. I often saw a crowd on the shore watching them, especially the father and suitor, the latter rejoicing in the prospect of soon having so valorous and skilful a wife ; for he thought with such a one by his side, he would be able to overcome every obstacle.


After awhile I saw the maidens practising alone without the sailors, Bertrand, the confessor, and two other ecclesiastics being upon the vessels. Ursula had, by this time, converted all her maidens, among whom were some only twelve years old. They were baptized by the priests. Ursula's courage and confidence in God increased every day.


I saw them landing on small islands and practising their naval exercises, all accompanied with prayer and the chanting of the psalms, all performed with great freedom and boldness. Ursula's wonderful earnestness and courage are quite indescribable.


The maidens wore short dresses, descending a little below the knee ; they were quite plain on the hips and had close-fitting bodies. Their feet were laced. Some had their hair uncovered and braided around the head, whilst others wore a sort of headdress with ends hanging behind. In their exercises they used light, blunt spears.


When the three years agreed upon drew to a close, I saw that the maidens were one heart and one soul. When, having already taken leave of their parents, they were about to embark to go to their future husbands, I saw Ursula in prayer. A luminous figure stood before her bidding her trust all to God, the Lord, who would give them the martyr's crown as His own brides, pure virgins ; that she herself should propagate Christianity wherever the Lord would lead her; and that many virgins should through her be saved from dishonor and enter heaven adorned with the crown of martyrdom.


The angel ordered her also to proceed to Rome with part of her virgins. Ursula confided all this to her ten assistants whom it greatly encouraged. But as many of the others murmured against her because, having started for their nuptials as they thought, she now wanted them to be brides of Christ, Ursula went from ship to ship, reminding them of Abraham, of the sacrifice of his son and of the miraculous help he had received from God.


She told them that they, too, should receive similar strength to offer Him a pure and perfect sacrifice. Then she ordered the cowardly to leave the vessels and return home ; but all were encouraged by her words to remain faithful. As they sailed from England under pretence of joining their destined husbands, a great storm arose which separated their vessels from those of their attendants, and drove them toward the Netherlands.


They could make use of neither sails nor oars, and the sea miraculously arose as they neared the land. As soon as they disembarked, their dangers began. A savage nation tried to oppose their progress ; but at Ursula's words, the maidens were allowed to return unmolested to their ships. A city lay at the point at which they quitted the open sea to sail up the Rhine, and here they encountered great troubles ; but Ursula spoke for all, answered all.


When violent hands were about to be laid on the virgins, they boldly flew to arms and received supernatural assistance which paralyzed their aggressors, rendered them powerless to harm them. Many maidens, as also widows and their children joined them on their journey. Before reaching Cologne, they were more than once challenged, interrogated, and threatened by the barbarous tribes along the shores.


It was Ursula who always responded, and who urged her companions to ply their oars. They arrived safe at Cologne where they found a Christian community and a little church. Here they sojourned for a time. The widows who had joined them on the journey and many young girls remained behind when Ursula proceeded further on her way.


Before setting out, however, she earnestly exhorted them to martyrdom as Christian matrons and virgins, rather than suffer violence from the pagan barbarians. They scattered throughout the surrounding district, spreading everywhere the teachings and heroic spirit of Ursula, who had departed with five vessels. On reaching Basle, some of her little company remained therewith the ships whilst she herself set out for Rome with about forty of her maidens, accompanied by the priests and guides.


They went processionally like pilgrims, through wildernesses and mountainous districts, praying and chanting psalms. Wherever they halted, Ursula spoke of the espousals with Jesus and of the pure, immaculate death of virgins. Everywhere were they joined by recruits, whilst some of their number remained behind to diffuse their own spirit among the people.


" At Rome they visited the tombs of the martyrs and the different places sanctified by their death. As they were informed that their short dresses and freedom of demeanor attracted attention, they procured mantles. The Pope, Leo the Great, sent for Ursula who disclosed to him the secret of her mission, related her visions, and received his advice with humility and submission.


He gave her his benediction and presented her with some relics. On their departure, they were joined by Bishop Cyriacus and two priests, one Peter of Egypt, and the other from St. Augustine's birth-place, a nephew of the one who had bestowed lands on the saint for his monastery. Reverence for the holy relics was their chief motive in following Ursula.


She took with her to Cologne a relic of St. Peter which is still venerated as such, though none know whence it came ; one of St. Paul ; some hair of St, John the Evangelist, and a scrap of the garment he wore when cast into the boiling oil. On the return of the pilgrims to Basle, they were joined by so many recruits that eleven vessels were necessary to convey them to Cologne.

乌苏拉带着一件圣伯多禄的圣髑来到科隆,这圣髑至今仍受人尊敬,只是没有人知道圣髑是从哪里来的。还有圣保禄的圣髑; 圣史若望的一些头发,以及若望扔进沸腾的油锅时穿的衣服的一小片。当这些朝圣者返回巴塞尔时,有很多新兵加入,需要11艘船只才能将她们运送到科隆。

Meantime, the Huns had made an irruption into the country, bringing with them misery and confusion. At some distance from the city, the angel Raphael appeared to Ursula in a vision, made known the approach of her martyr's crown, and told her all that she was to do ; among other things, that she was to oppose resistance until her little army had been duly prepared and baptized.


This vision Ursula communicated to her assistants, and all turned their thoughts to God. As they approached Cologne, they were saluted by the shouts and darts of the Huns ; but they rowed vigorously and passed the city. They would not have disembarked at all in its vicinity, were it not that so many of their party were there awaiting their arrival.


They landed, therefore, about a league and a half above Cologne and halted in a field between two thickets where they pitched a sort of camp. Here I saw those that had remained behind hurrying to join them with their recruits. Ursula and the priests addressed the different bands and prepared them for the struggle. The Huns approached and their leaders accosted Ursula ; they insisted on being allowed to choose among the maidens.


The latter, however, courageously prepared to defend themselves, whilst some of the inhabitants of the city and the country around who had suffered from the Huns, and others who had become acquainted with the virgins that had remained in Cologne, joined the pious little army armed with poles, clubs, and whatever else they could find.


This was what had been commanded Ursula by the angel, that time might be gained until all were prepared for martyrdom. During the engagement, I saw Ursula running hither and thither, zealously exhorting the bands in the rear and ardently praying. The priests were everywhere busily baptizing, for numbers of pagan women and girls had come over to them.


By the time all were prepared for death, the Huns had surrounded them on all sides. They now ceased defending themselves and gave themselves up to martyrdom, singing the praises of God. Then the Huns fell upon them and slew them with axe and spear. I saw a whole row of virgins fall at one time under the darts of the barbarians ; among them was one named Editha, of whom we have a relic.


Ursula herself fell pierced by a lance. Among the bodies that strewed the field of martyrdom there were, besides the British virgins, great numbers of those that had joined them at various places, also the priests from Rome, some other men, and some of their enemies. Many more were massacred on board the ships.


Cordula was not among those who had accompanied Ursula to Rome. She remained at Cologne where many joined her. When the slaughter began, she hid at first through fear ; but she afterward gave herself up with all her companions, requesting to be put to death. The Huns were eager to spare them ; but they offered so sturdy a resistance that, after a long delay, they were placed in a line, bound together by the arms, and shot with arrows.


They went joyfully singing and dancing to martyrdom as if to a marriage-feast. Later on many others gave themselves up and were put to death in different parts of the country. Shortly after, the Huns withdrew from the district. The bodies of the virgins and other martyrs were soon after interred in an enclosed field near Cologne. Deep pits were dug and walled in, and there the bodies were devoutly laid in rows.


" The ships of the virgins were open, beautiful, and very light, with galleries around them from which floated little standards ; they had masts and projecting sides. By the oars ran benches used both for seats and births. I have never seen vessels so well ordered. About the time that Ursula left England, the saintly Bishops, Germain and Lupus, lived in France ; the former visited St. Genevieve, in Paris.


She was then about twelve years old. When he crossed over to England with Lupus to combat the heretics, he consoled the parents of Ursula and those of the other maidens. — The Huns mostly went bare-legged ; they had leathern thongs hanging around the lower part of their body, and wore wide jackets and long mantles. These last they often rolled up and carried on their shoulders."



St. Hubert


  “As I took up his relics, I saw the holy Bishop. He said: ‘That is my bone. I am Hubert !' — Then I had visions of his life, and I saw him as a boy in a solitary old castle surrounded by a moat. He wore a close-fitting suit and roamed with his cross-bow in forest and field shooting birds, which he afterward gave to the sick around the castle.


I often saw him cautiously crossing the moat on a floating plank to distribute his alms. — Then I saw him a young married man in a distant country, joining with many others in a great hunt. He wore a leathern cap ; on his breast hung a bent tube, over his shoulder a cross-bow, and in his hand he carried a light spear. The huntsmen all had little tawny dogs.


我经常看到他小心地越过护城河,在一块漂浮的木板上分发救济品 ——然后我看到他在一个遥远的国度,成为一个年轻的已婚男子,和许多人一起参加了一场大狩猎。他戴着一顶皮帽;胸前挂着一根弯曲的管子,肩上挂着一副十字弓,手里拿着一根轻矛。猎人们都养着一些小黄犬。

I saw a large one at Hubert's side ; he also had a sort of barrow between two asses on which to take home the game. The hunters crossed a vast, wild district to the scene of action, a broad plain near a running stream. Hubert and his dogs followed a small yellow stag for a long time; but, when the dogs had nearly overtaken it, they ran back to their master whining as if to tell him something.


The stag paused, looked at Hubert, started on again pursued by the dogs until the latter, as before, ran back to their master. This they repeated several times. At last, Hubert set the hounds of his fellow- sportsmen on it; but they, too, came running back whining. Hubert's eagerness increased, and he noticed now that the stag grew larger and larger. He renewed the chase more ardently than before until he was far ahead of his companions, following the stag, which still seemed to increase in size.

雄鹿停了下来,看着休伯特,又开始被狗追赶,直到猎狗像以前一样跑回主人身边。猎狗这样重复了好几次。 最后,休伯特用他的狩猎伙伴们的猎犬去追这只小雄鹿。但这些猎犬也一样跑回来呜呜叫着。休伯特猎捕的兴致越来越高,他现在注意到雄鹿变得越来越大了。他比以前更加卖力地追赶,直到远远领先于他的同伴,跟随那只似乎还在变大的雄鹿。

He pursued it to a dense thicket. Here he thought it would entangle its horns and be unable to proceed but, to his surprise, the animal pressed through without difficulty whilst he himself, accustomed to clear all sorts of hedges, followed only with effort. And now the stag paused. There he stood large and beautiful, in color like a yellow horse, with long silken hair on his neck.


Hubert stood on his right, his spear raised to strike, when suddenly the animal cast upon him a glance full of gentleness, and behold, right between its antlers, shone a dazzling crucifix ! Hubert sank on his knees and sounded his horn. When his companions came up, they found him unconscious. The apparition was still visible ; but soon the crucifix vanished, the stag resumed its original size and disappeared.


Then I saw Hubert borne back to the house on the barrow between the asses. He was a Christian. His father seemed to be an impoverished duke for his castle was greatly out of repair. When a boy Hubert had had in a wilderness an apparition of a youth who invited him to follow Him alone ; but the happy impression then produced had been dispelled by his love for the chase.

然后,我看到休伯特被两个驴子拉着的手推车拖回了家。他是一名基督徒。 他的父亲似乎是一个贫穷的公爵,因为他的城堡已经年久失修。休伯特小时候曾在荒野中遇到过一个神奇的现象,一位年轻人邀请他单独跟随他;但是,他对追捕的热爱驱散了当时产生的愉快印象。

On another occasion he pursued a lamb until the little creature took shelter in a thornbush. Hubert built a fire around it;  but the flames and smoke turned upon himself, leaving the lamb unharmed. — Hubert was taken back so ill that it was thought he would die. He was deeply contrite and he promised, if God would prolong his life, he would hereafter serve Him faithfully. He recovered, his wife died, and I saw him clothed in a hermit's garb.


He was favored with a vision in which he received as a reward for his self-victory that all the ardor and energy of his baneful passions should be changed into the gift of healing. By the imposition of hands he cured both soul and body of all maladies engendered by wrath, fury, or thirst for blood; he even cured brute animals. He laid his girdle in the jaws of mad dogs, and they were instantly cured.


I saw him baking and blessing little loaves, round for men, oblong for brutes, with which he cured madness. I saw, as a certain fact, that whoever confidently invokes this saint will be protected by his merits and healing power against the attacks of rage and madness. — I saw Hubert also in Rome, and the Pope, in consequence of a vision, consecrating him Bishop."



St. Nicostratus


“The bone marked N, belongs to Nicostratus, a Greek, who, when a child, was led captive to Rome along with his mother and other Christians. The mother with many others was martyred, and the child was reared in paganism. He was a sculptor, I saw him at work with three companions. The sculptors used to dwell in a certain quarter of the city where lay numerous blocks of marble, and they worked in upper halls into which the light entered from above. They wore hoods, apparently of brown leather, to protect the face from the scraps of stone and splinters flying around.

这根标记有"N " 的骨头属于希腊人尼科斯特拉图斯,他还是个孩子的时候,就与母亲和其他基督徒一起被俘虏到罗马。母亲和其他许多人都殉道了,孩子在异教中长大。他是一位雕塑家,我看到他和三个同伴一起工作。雕塑家们过去住在城市的某个地方,那里有许多大理石块,他们在楼上的大厅里工作,光线从上面射进来。他们戴着头罩头罩看上去是棕色皮革制成的,以保护脸部免受四处飞的石屑和碎片的伤害。

I saw Nicostratus and his companions getting marble from the quarries in which the Christians lived concealed. In this way they became acquainted with the old priest Cyril, who was full of cordiality and good-humor. There was something about Cyril that reminded me of Dean Overberg, affable, kind toward every one, even jocose, yet at the same time full of dignity.

我看到尼科斯特拉图斯和他的同伴们从基督徒藏身的采石场里采取大理石。 就这样,他们结识了亲切而幽默的老神父西里尔,他为人诚恳,性情开朗。 西里尔神父身上的某些东西让我想起了奥弗伯格院长,他和蔼可亲,对每个人都很友善,甚至还爱开玩笑,但同时又充满尊严。

He converted numbers by his winning manners. Nicostratus and his fellow-workmen had heard from Cvril and other Christians the history of Jesus and Mary ; so they made a most beautiful statue — a veiled lady in long robes, who seemed to be sorrowfully seeking something. It was exquisitely lovely ! Nicostratus and Symphorian put it upon a wagon drawn by an ass, and took it to Cyril.


' Here.’ said they, smiling, ‘here is the Mother of your God seeking her Son,' and they set down the statue before him. Cyril was charmed with its beauty. He thanked them adding words to this effect that he would pray that she would also seek and find them ; then their joking would be changed to seriousness. This he said with his kindly smile, and the youths took it, as usual, in jest.


But, as they returned home a strange fear and emotion took possession of both, of which however they said nothing to each other. Some time after, they set to work on a statue of Venus when, by a miracle which I do not now recollect, they made instead of a Venus an inconceivably beautiful and modest statue of a female martyr.


In consequence of this four of the young sculptors received instructions and Baptism from Cyril. After this they made no more idols, though they still continued their occupation as sculptors. Actuated by faith and piety, they marked all the stone before using it with a cross, which wonderfully facilitated the success of their labors.


I saw a statue of a holy youth bound to a column and pierced with arrows ; a virgin kneeling before a block, her throat pierced by a sword ; and a stone coffin in which lay the remains of a holy martyr who had been crushed to death under a marble slab. I saw a fifth sculptor, still a pagan, Simplicius by name, who said to them: 'I adjure you by the sun, how is it that your work succeeds so well?' — They told him of Jesus and how they always marked their stone with the sign of the cross ; whereupon, Simplicius, also, asked for instruction and Baptism.  



The Emperor Diocletian highly prized the skill of these workmen but, when it became noised around that they were Christians, he ordered them to make an idol of Aesculapius. On their refusal to do so, he commanded their arrest. They were taken before the judge and martyred. Their bodies were enclosed in leaden cases and sunk in the river.


But after some days they were miraculously found by a pious man and buried, an inscription with their names being interred with them.


These leaden cases did not sink near the shore, for fine holes were bored in them that the water might enter only gradually. A clay mould, about the size of a man, was put into a hole and a thin layer of molten lead poured around it. The mould was then withdrawn and in its stead the holy martyrs were put into the hot case and covered up, the holes were pierced, and it was thrown into the water.


I saw the feast of these martyrs to-day (Nov. 8, 1821), but I think the 7th is the real anniversary of their martyrdom. "

今天(1821 11 8 日)我看到了这些殉道者的瞻礼,但我认为 7 日才是他们真正的殉道纪念日。




" Whilst on my way to the Holy Land, I saw the life of this holy virgin, hitherto perfectly unknown to me. She belonged to the Isle of Lesbos. Before the city of her birth arose a chapel of the Mother of God in which was a statue of Mary without the Infant Jesus ; it had been chiselled from her portrait by St. Luke. The sculptor was a holy confessor of the faith belonging to Jerusalem, who afterward lost both his arms and legs in one of the persecutions.


Around the chapel were cells in which dwelt pious women who followed a Rule founded on the life of Mary and the holy women at Ephesus. They had erected on the mountain a " Way of the Cross,”  like that planned by Mary at Ephesus. They reared and instructed little girls and, as their Rule ordained, examined their inclinations and dispositions, in order to choose for them a state of life.


Theoctista had been with them from child-hood and her only desire was to remain with them. Her parents were dead. The chapel and convent being destroyed in war ; Theoctista entered another community on the same island. The religious dwelt in caves on a mountain under the Rule of a holy woman who, in consequence of a vision, recognized the chain of St. Peter ; but I have forgotten her name.


Here Theoctista remained until her twenty-fifth year, when she went to visit her sister who lived at a distance. But the ship on which she was fell into the hands of Arab pirates when sailing from the Isle of Crete, and the whole crew was dragged into captivity. The pirates landed on the Isle of Paros, which contained many marble quarries. Whilst they were disputing over the ransom for their captives, Theoctista made her escape  and hid in the quarries.


Here she lived as a hermitess for fifteen years without human aid, until discovered one day by a hunter. She related to him her history and implored him to return with the Holy Eucharist in a pyx. This was permitted to laics at that time, as the Christians were often scattered and priests were few. At the end of a year, he returned with the Blessed Sacrament which she received as Viaticum.


She died the same day. The hunter buried her, after first removing one of her hands and a piece of her clothing which he carried away with him. Through that blessed hand he happily accomplished his voyage home, in spite of the imminent risks he ran from pirates. When he related the affair to his Bishop, the latter reproached him for not having brought away the whole body of the saint."




St. Gertrude


 “I saw that Gertrude's mother had a prophetic dream before her child's birth. It appeared to her that she brought forth a little daughter who held in her hand the crosier of an abbess from which sprang a vine. The mother dwelt in an old castle, and once she and all her neighbors were greatly annoyed by mice which destroyed the crops and provisions. She had a great horror of these pests.


译注:  啮齿目动物传播疾病,毁坏庄稼,常被当作害虫对待.

Once I saw her in tears, recounting to her little Gertrude the ravages they had made. Gertrude instantly knelt down and fervently begged God for deliverance from the plague. Instantly, I saw all the mice scampering out of the castle and drowning in the waters of the moat. Gertrude by her childlike faith obtained great power against these and other noxious animals.


She had some pet mice which she fed and which obeyed her call ; she had also birds and hares. She was asked in marriage, but she rejected the proposal, and exhorted her suitor to choose the Church for his spouse, that is to become a priest. He did so in effect, but only after having seen the other maidens whom he sought die suddenly.


I saw Gertrud s as a religious, her mother as abbess ; later on, she herself held that office. At the instant the crosier was presented her, there sprang from its top a vine-branch with a bunch on which were nineteen grapes, which she gave to her mother and her eighteen religious. Two mice ran around the crosier, as if paying homage to her authority. Thus was the mother's prophetic dream realized."

我看到格特鲁德成为一名修女,她的母亲是修道院院长; 后来,她自己也担任了这一职务。就在牧杖递给她的那一刻,一根葡萄枝从枝头上面冒出来,枝上挂着一串葡萄,一共有十九颗,她把这些葡萄送给了她的母亲和她的十八修女。两只老鼠在牧杖周围跑来跑去,仿佛在向她的权威致敬。母亲的预言就这样实现了。

上一篇:下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
下一篇:下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐


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