真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
浏览次数:1129 更新时间:2024-5-26


Relics belonging to Churches in Munster sent by

Dean Overberg.



Dean Overberg had sent to Miinster at various times packages of relics, some encased and labelled, others without either label or wrapping. Sister Emmerich had first a general vision of them and afterward, as the feasts of the different saints occurred, she received more particular information concerning each. She says : " When I received those relics from Dean Overberg, I saw in vision with what solemnity they had been brought from Rome to Miinster, mostly by Bishops, and with what veneration they had been received and distributed.


I saw devout women assembling together to fold and ornament them, and I saw the priests who divided them. To be allowed to share this labor, one had to be most pure and holy. The relics were glued, surrounded by embroidery and flowers, and arranged in pyramids. The first time they were exposed for veneration was a grand festival ; the whole city rejoiced.


I saw that many sacred relics were put into the altars of the Ueberwasser church. I saw devout Canons of the Cathedral who, whenever they heard of a saint, or holy person, tried to get a relic of the same. This they honored as a great treasure. When the church was rebuilt, the relics of the different altars were mixed and the members of several of the holy bodies were scattered; thus it was that the remains of the holy maiden of whom I have a bone were discovered. The great blessings diffused around by relics I saw withdrawn when they are treated with neglect.


It was not by chance that these bones fell into Dean Overberg's hands. Without knowing to whom they belong, he gave them the honor due them." — “How wonderful are the ways of God !”remarks the Pilgrim. "He willed that these relics should be scattered that they might fall under the supernaturally enlightened eyes of her who knows so well their value."


One day having taken up the box of relics, her church as she called it, the Apostle St. Thomas appeared to her, and she had a full vision of his journeys and apostolic labors in the Indies. He went from kingdom to kingdom, wrought many miracles, and uttered many prophecies. He set up a stone at a great distance from the sea, made a mark on it ; and said : ‘When the sea flows this far ; another will come to propagate the knowledge of Jesus! '


I saw that he referred to St. Francis Xavier. St. Thomas was pierced with a lance, buried, and afterward disinterred. I think Matthias and Barsabas are among those relics, for I had a short vision of their election to the Apostleship. Matthias, though more delicately constituted, had more strength of soul, and he was, therefore, preferred by God to Barsabas who was young and vigorous.


I saw many things concerning the latter. I had also a vision of St. Simeon, a blood-relative of Jesus. He became Bishop of Jerusalem after St. James, and suffered martyrdom when over a hundred years old. There must be a relic of him here. — " Next day St. Thomas's relic was pointed out to her in vision. She labelled it and wrapped it in paper. —


 “I had visions of his journeys. I saw them as if on a map, and the bones of Simon and Jude Thaddeus, his brother, were shown me. Then I saw the whole family of St. Anne. She had three husbands. Joachim died before the birth of Christ. After his death Anne married twice and had two daughters. I was greatly astonished to hear of these marriages, but I was told the reason of her contracting them.

我看到了圣多默的旅行的情景。我仿佛在地图上看到了这旅程,我还看到了圣西满和他的兄弟犹大·达徒的尸骨。(玛10:3) 然后我看到了圣亚纳全家人。她有三个丈夫。约雅敬在基督诞生之前就去世了。他死后,亚纳结了两次婚,育有两个女儿。我听到这两桩婚事,感到非常惊讶,但有人告诉我她缔结这些婚姻的原因。

Then I thought of Anna whom I at once saw, as well as all the lodgings of the widows and virgins in the Temple. St. Anne's first daughter was Mary Alpheus who at the birth of the Most Holy Virgin had a tolerably large daughter, Mary, afterward the wife of Cleophas by whom she had four sons, James the Less, Simon, Jude Thaddeus, and Joseph Barsabas. I have bones of the last three. In the presence of their relics I felt that they were united to Jesus by consanguinity.


I had also a vision of Jude's going to Abgarus, in Edessa. He carried a writing in his hand which Thomas had given him. As he entered I saw a radiant apparition of the Saviour at his side, before which the sick king inclined, taking no notice of the Apostle, whom he saw not. But the latter laid his hand upon him and cured him. After this he preached in the city and converted all the inhabitants.


“l have again had visions of different saints. I saw the martyrdom of one St. Evodius who, with Hermogenes, his brother, and a sister, suffered in Sicily. I saw also many pictures of a holy white-robed nun, the Cistercian, Catherine of Parcum. I saw her still a Jewess, reading from rolls of parchment things relating to Jesus which deeply affected her. Some Christian children told her of the Child Jesus, of Mary and the Crib, to which they took her secretly, and she was still more drawn to Jesus.


She received instructions privately and, in consequence of an apparition of Mary, fled to a convent. I saw many other touching things concerning her, especially her longing to be despised." — This saint's relic was firmly sewed in red velvet, and when Sister Emmerich took it to label and wrap, she saw, being in contemplation, that it contained a scrap of stuff that touched the Saviour's Crib, some splinters of the same, and a ticket on which all was marked.


This relic of the Crib was the one that had belonged to St. Catherine herself and had been particularly honored by her, for she had seen in a vision the Infant Saviour lying in His Crib, and she often had the honor of holding Him in her arms. All the above Sister Emmerich related to the Pilgrim before opening the little package.


Judge of his satisfaction, then, when on removing the covering, he found just what she had described, some scraps of word, wrapped in a piece of brown stuff, with the inscription : " De praesepio Christi" Sister Emmerich had fallen into ecstasy and, when the Pilgrim offered her the scraps of word, she took them smilingly, saying: " Ah ! these belong to the Crib of Our Lord. The little nun used to venerate them !"


— The Pilgrim, seized with a feeling of veneration for the favored being before him, made a movement as if to kiss her hand ; but she suddenly withdrew it with the words : “Kiss St. Clare's relic. That is no longer of this earth ! This," raising her hand, " is still earthly." At these words he was still more astonished, for he had in his breast-pocket a relic of St. Clare which he had not yet shown her. He now presented it to her ; she kissed it, exclaiming: “O there is Clare beside me!"


When returned to consciousness, she said: "I had a little vision of St. Clare. War was raging round her convent and, although she was ill she had herself borne to the gate. She carried in her hands the Blessed Sacrament in an ivory box lined with silver. Here she knelt with all her nuns invoking God, when she heard an interior voice bidding her not to fear, and I saw the enemy departing from the city."


One day, the Pilgrim drew near her bed with a relic from the casket which she had not yet seen. " Afra !" she exclaimed joyously. “Have we St. Afra? I see her bound hand and foot to a stake ! O how the flames dance around her ! She turns her head to look" — and with these words Sister Emmerich seized the relic, which she kissed and venerated as belonging to St. Afra.

一天,朝圣者从圣髑匣里拿出一件她从末见过的圣髑,走到她的床边。 亚勿拉!她高兴地叫道。我们有圣亚勿拉吗?我看见她的手脚被绑在木桩上!哦,火焰如何在她周围飞舞!她转过头去看——说完这些话,艾曼丽修女边说边抓起这件圣髑,她亲吻并恭敬她,认为她属于圣亚勿拉。

Toward dusk that same day, the Pilgrim opened another of the little parcels on which were inscribed the words : " From the clothing of a saint" and which contained also a bone and a label. It was almost dark and the objects were so very small that he did not imagine Sister Emmerich noticed his action. To his surprise, she called to him : " Take care of the label! The relic shines : it is authentic !"


He handed her the particle of bone, when she instantly fell into contemplation. On returning to herself she said : “I have been far away to Bethany, Jerusalem, and France. The bone belongs to Martha ; the clothing, to Magdalen. It is blue with yellow flowers and green leaves, the remnants of her vanity, which she wore under a mourning mantle, in Bethania, at the raising of Lazarus.

朝圣者把那块骨头递给她,她顿时陷入了出神中,她回过神来后说: 我去了遥远的伯达尼、耶路撒冷和法国。这块骨头属于玛尔大;衣服是玛达肋纳的,它是蓝色的,衣服上印有黄色的花朵和绿色的叶子,是她虚荣心的残余,她在伯达尼,在拉匝禄复活时,把这件衣服穿在一件丧服下。

This dress remained in Lazarus's house when he and his sisters went to France, and pious friends took it as a memento. Some pilgrims when visiting their tomb in France, wrapped this relic in a part of the dress, thinking both belonged to Magdalen ; but only the clothing is hers, the relic is Martha's." When the Pilgrim closely examined the inscription, he, indeed, found : " Sancta Maria Magdalena"


Among these relics of Dean Overberg's, Sister Emmerich recognized "a bone of Pope Sixtus VIII. and another of the third Pope after Peter." She appeared pleased at having been able to decipher the numbers; but next day she said: “When I again saw the saints to whom the relics belong, it was said to me : ‘Not the third, but the thirteenth ! His name signifies Saviour.'" — "How wonderful!" exclaims the Pilgrim. "The thirteenth Pope is Soter, the Greek for Saviour !"

在奥弗伯格院长的这些圣髑中,艾曼丽修女认出了教宗西斯都八世的骨头,以及继伯多禄之后的第三位教宗的骨头」。(注:这里不知道什么原因艾曼丽修女说的和历史记载不符,因为史载教宗Sixtus 最多只到五世,即Sixtus V 思道五世15851590。而继圣伯多禄之后的第三位教宗史载是圣克雷St.Anacletus(Cletus)7688她似乎很高兴能够辨认这些数字。但第二天她说:当我再次看到圣髑所属的圣人时,我被告知:不是第三位,而是第十三位!他的名字象征着救主。』」 多么美妙!朝圣者惊呼。第十三任教宗是沙德,希腊文是救世主!(注:史载圣沙德是第十二任教宗 St.Soter 166175,第十三任教宗是St.Eleutherus 圣义禄 175189

Father Limberg presented her a little package marked : “St. Clement" asking if it really was a relic of Pope St. Clement. Sister Emmerich laid it by her and next day answered, no, it was not St. Clement's, but one of St. Marcella, widow. The confessor asked for more precise details. After some days, the invalid gave the following :

林堡神父递给她一个小包裹,上面写着:圣克勉,」神师问这是否真的是教宗圣克勉的圣髑。艾曼丽修女把它放在她身边,第二天回答说,不,不是圣克勉的,而是圣玛塞拉寡妇的圣髑之一。告解神父要求更准确的细节。 过了几天,病人给出了以下信息:

"I have again seen the life of St. Marcella. I saw her as a widow living very retired in a beautiful large house built in Roman style, like St. Cecilia's : around it were gardens, courtyards, and fountains. I often saw St. Jerome with her opening rolls of writings. Marcella gave all she had to the poor and to prisoners whom she used to visit by night, the

prison doors opening of themselves to admit her.


She was so deeply impressed on reading the life of St. Antony that she put on a veil and the monastic dress, and influenced young maidens to do the same. I saw a strange people enter and pillage Rome. They tried to extort money from Marcella by blows ; but she had given all to the poor. This is all I remember. The first time I saw her, she encouraged me respecting my visions on the Holy Scriptures and told me something for my confessor. But I have entirely forgotten it."


Another relic she recognized as belonging to St. Marcellus of whom she related the following : " I had a vision of the saint. He used to go with his companions by night to hunt up the bodies of the martyrs and give them Christian burial, inscribing their names over their resting places.


I often saw him going around by night with bones in his mantle. He carried also many holy bodies into the catacombs, laid rolls of writings by them, principally the acts of their martyrdom, and marked them. I think it was he who brought many of the things into the great vault in which I once saw so many relics preserved.


I remarked again that we have many precious relics here, for many belong to bodies that Marcellus labelled. — I have seen the holy widow Lucina. She begged him to bury two martyrs who had long before perished of hunger in prison. During the night he and Lucina bore the remains of a man and a woman to the place where Lawrence lay buried; but, as they attempted to lay them by him, the bones of St. Lawrence recoiled, as if unwilling to have them near him, and so they buried them elsewhere.


— I saw Marcellus led before the emperor. On his refusal to offer sacrifice, he was scourged to blood and sent to take charge of a large stable. The stable was circular, built around a court, and there were in it not only beasts of burden, but also cages for the beasts intended to be let loose upon the martyrs.


These Marcellus had to feed, but they were tame and gentle with him. Here, too, he found means to assist his brethren in secret. Through the intervention of Lucina, who bribed the jailers, he often left the prison by night to bury the dead and encourage the faithful. I saw, too, that he received the Blessed Sacrament from other priests and distributed It by night.


He was, at last, liberated, again imprisoned, and again liberated for having cured the wife of a great personage. After this he lived retired in the house of Lucina which he secretly converted into a church, and wherein he practised, as usual, his works of mercy. But his enemies again attacked him, turned the house into a stable, and condemned him to serve in it.


As he still persevered in his spiritual labors for souls, they had him horribly scourged with the whips used for the beasts of burden. He died in a corner of the stable, on the ground, and the Christians gave him burial.


— After this I had visions of Ambrose, Liborius, and of St. Gregory's pontificate. They referred chiefly to the communications of these saints with holy women, which had given rise to many calumnies. Gregory established numerous convents of nuns. On the ancient pagan festivals, public prayers were offered and penances performed by hundreds of their members clothed as penitents, to repair the scandals then committed. A threat deal of good was thus effected and the number of festivals consecrated to the demon and sin was thereby diminished; but St. Gregory had much to suffer from it......


——在这之后,我看到了圣安博罗削、圣利博里修和圣额我略教宗的异象。他们被提到主要是关于这些圣人与圣洁妇女的交往,这引起了许多诽谤。额我略为修女建了许多女修道院。在古老的异教节日中,她们会公开祈祷,并由数百名天主教徒穿着悔改者的衣服进行公开祈祷和痛悔,以弥补在异教节日中犯下的丑。 这样一来,大量的善行产生了影响,献给恶魔和罪恶的节日数量也因此减少了; 但是圣额我略却因此遭受了很多痛苦……

I saw also a picture of a certain deacon Cyriacus, who suffered unspeakably. Once he lay hidden and almost starving in the catacombs not far from where St. Peter's now stands. He was, later on, martyred. I remember that the deacon Cyriacus received Orders from Marcellus, and that, with two Christians, Largus and Smaragdus, he assisted the faithful condemned to labor at the public-works. He was himself afterward condemned to do the same. He delivered the daughter of his persecuter from the power of the devil.


 “I recognized the bones of Placidus and Donatus, the former of whom was as elegant in appearance as St. Francis de Sales. He was martyred in Sicily with his brothers. I saw many scenes of his life, particularly- of his infancy. He was the youngest of five children, three brothers and one sister older than himself. Even as a child, he was looked upon as a saint.


I saw him, an infant in his mother's arms, seize a roll of writings and joyously lay his tiny hands upon the names of Jesus and Mary. He was universally loved. Often whole families gathered round him on his mother's knee. Then I saw him as a boy in the garden with his pious tutor, where he amused himself tracing crosses in the sand, or weaving them of flowers and leaves, the birds hopping familiarly about him.


When older he was taken to another place to make his studies, and afterward to the convent of St. Benedict which still had a few scholars. He was slender, handsome, and rapidly developing into a most distinguished-looking youth. — At the same time, I had a vision of another saint of very low condition in life, reared as a herdsman, but who afterward became Pope. I saw the life of each side by side. — I spoke with Placidus and he again promised me help, telling me that I had only to invoke him when I wanted him and he would surely come."


One day the Pilgrim drew Sister Emmerich's attention to the fact that St. Teresa's Feast was at hand, adding : “We have a relic of her here, also one of Catherine of Sienna. There they lie among several others," where- upon she began and named in their order the saints whose relics hung in a cross at the foot of her bed.

有一天,朝圣者提醒艾曼丽修女注意圣大德兰瞻礼即将来到,并补充说:我们这里有她的圣髑,还有西耶纳的加大利纳的圣髑。她们的圣髑躺在其他几个圣髑中 ,艾曼丽修女从那里开始并按照圣髑的顺序依次念出圣人的名字,并把她们的圣髑挂在她床脚的十字架上。

 “I see their names, either at their feet or by their side, and I see, too, their attributes. There is Ediltrudis with the crown she resigned, and there are Teresa, Radegonda, Genevieve, Catherine, Phocas, and Mary Cleophas. The last named is taller than Mary, but dressed in the same style ; she is the daughter of Mary's eldest sister. And there I see Ambrose, Urban, and Silvanus."


— The Pilgrim asked : “Where is Pelagia?” and she answered : " She is not by me any more, she is there," pointing to the Pilgrim's breast-pocket, where indeed, the relic really was, he having taken it to fold and label as one already recognized. The same was the case with another which he still had about him for a similar purpose. As he approached her she cried out : " I see Engelbert! Have we his relics too!”


— The Pilgrim handed her the relics and next day she said : “I recognized that relic. It belongs to Engelbert of Cologne. Last night I saw many incidents of his life. He was very influential at court, where he was occupied with important diplomatic affairs. He led an upright, fervent life ; but on account of his position, he was not so much given to interior things as other saints. His devotion to Mary was very great.


I saw him busy in the Cathedral, arranging in caskets precious relics no longer known and burying them altogether under the altars. But that was not proper. I saw his death. — He was attacked whilst on a journey and horribly maltreated by a relative whom he had once been obliged to punish. I counted over seventy wounds on his body. He was sanctified by his earnest preparation for death, for he had shortly before made a fervent general confession.


The unspeakable patience with which he endured his slow murder also contributed thereto, for he never ceased praying for his assassins. The Mother of God was with him visibly consoling and encouraging him to suffer and die patiently ; he was indebted to her for his holy death. I have also recognized the relic of St. Cunibert of Cologne. I saw him as a boy sleeping near King Dagobert."




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