真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年纪念日
下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年纪念日
浏览次数:1507 更新时间:2024-4-26

Sufferings on Account of Mixed Marriages.


 The Body of the Church. — Labors of the Harvest.



Sunday, February 6th, Gospel of the Sowers. — " I saw three gardens or territories: the first was covered with rocks, mountains, and stones ; the second, with brushes, brambles, and weeds, here and there flower-beds ; the third, which was the largest and best cultivated, was full of seas, lakes, and islands ; everything flourished for it was fertile ground. I was in the middle one.

2 月 6 日主日,撒种的福音。 ——我看到了三个园圃或领地:第一个覆盖着岩石、山脉和石头;第二个遍布灌木、荆棘和野草,到处都有些花坛;第三个面积最大,耕种得最好, 到处都是海洋、湖泊和岛屿,万物繁茂,欣欣向荣,那是一片沃土。我在第二个园圃里。

First I went, or rather, I gazed into the rocky garden which at the first glance looked like a mere scrap of land, but when considered attentively, turned out like all such pictures to be indeed a little world. Here and there, sprang up good grain among the stones, and the people wanted to transplant it to a bed.


But a man came along, saying they should not do so, because without the support afforded the plantlets by the thorns they would fall to the ground. The best land was in the garden on the island. The grain there flourished and produced a hundred-fold, but in some places the plants were entirely rooted up.


The seed was in good condition, the little fields fenced in. I recognized in this garden other parts of the world and islands in which I so often see Christianity spreading. In the central garden, the one in which I was, I saw by the weeds, by its neglected condition that its gardeners were slothful. It had everything to make it productive, but it was neglected, choked with weeds, briars, and thistles.

种子长得很好,小块田地被围护起来。我在这个园中认出了世界其他地方和岛屿,在这里我经常看到天主教的传播。在我所在的中央花园里,我看到杂草丛生由花园被忽视的状况中我看到了园丁们的懒惰。 花园拥有一切使它出产丰富的条件,但被忽视了,被杂草、荆棘和蓟窒息

I saw in it the state of all the parishes in Europe, and the garden of the Pope was not among the best. In the part symbolical of my own country, I saw a lord filling a deep pit with money, the produce of all the fields. Over the pit sat the devil.


I saw, to my amazement, and it made me laugh, a half-dozen sly, nimble little fellows cutting underground passages to the pit and dragging off with the greatest ease all the produce that had been so laboriously stowed away from above.


At last, the master spied one stealing off with a sack full of gold. He gazed  down into the treasure-pit over which the devil watched so well, and expressed his surprise at seeing it almost empty; but his servants told him that the fields produced no more, that they were badly cultivated, insufficiently manured, etc.

最后,主人发现一个人偷走了满满一袋金子。 他低头凝视着被魔鬼仔细看守的宝藏坑,看到它几乎已空了,他感到很惊奇。但他的仆人告诉他,田地不再出产了,而且耕作不好,施肥不足等等。

In the garden in which I live, I saw many fields attended by gardeners and workmen whom I know and many beds in charge of under-gardeners; but very few of them sowed and cultivated even tolerably well. I saw it all overgrown with weeds, dry, and parched. I went from bed to bed, recognized all, and understood their condition.


I saw people in perilous positions, running on the edge of a black abyss, others sleeping, others wasting their labor over crops of empty ears of corn, and among them some men going around like masters, giving orders, etc., although they really had no business there. The poor creatures worked hard, digging and manuring, but with little success. Suddenly they dragged in a child stealthily. The place was shown me as the city of Miinster, for I recognized most of the people. There was something repulsive, something that inspired horror about the child.


I saw that it was illegitimate ; it knew not its father, and its mother had sinned with many. At first it only played around, but it soon showed itself in all its ugliness. It looked old, sick, pale, pock-marked; it was bold, proud, scornful, and servile. It never went to church, but ridiculed everything, dragging itself along laden with books and manuscripts. One ecclesiastic sent it to another. It insinuated itself everywhere, and I saw, to my surprise, some French priests whom I knew letting themselves be cajoled by it. Few opposed it, for it could perform wonders ; it was so insinuating, it understood everything, spoke all languages.


I saw it aiming chiefly at schoolmasters. The mistresses it either passed by or ridiculed, but it avoided me altogether. I feared it would do much harm, for wherever it went the garden was still more neglected, bearing rank weeds, but no fruit.


I saw that the pious schoolmaster (Overberg) would have nothing to do with it ; the stern Superior (Droste) let it go its way; another amused himself talking to it ; but the Dean gave it a particularly flattering reception, even wanting it to lodge in his house. The child worried me the whole day. It introduced itself so readily everywhere, so quickly extended its influence, that it seemed to me a real pest.


It is always before me with its old, insolent, unchildlike ways. I know that it signifies the new school-system (rationalistic). I have had a frightful vision of persecution. I was in the hands of a masked enemy who tried to drag me away secretly. I was already out of the house and was abandoning myself to the will of God, when a dove flew around screaming so that it attracted a crowd of other birds.

这孩子总是以它那古老的、傲慢的、非孩子气的方式出现在我面前。 我知道这意味着新的学校制度(理性主义)。我对迫害有一个可怕的神视。我落入一个蒙面的敌人手中,他想偷偷把我拖走。我已经走出屋子,正将自己交给天主的旨意,一只鸽子飞来飞去,尖叫着吸引了一群其他的鸟。


They kept up such a noise that my enemies hurried me back into the house. It was a perfect tumult. I recognized the birds as my old friends : a lark that my confessor had taken away from me in order to mortify me ; a pigeon which I used to feed at my window in the convent; and some finches and redbreasts that used to light upon my head and shoulders in the cloister garden."


Sister Emmerich's frightful visions were repeated in proportion to the encouragement given to the illegitimate boy in the diocese of Minister ; for, as the representative of its spiritual interests now so seriously endangered, she had to endure the wrong offered to the diocese by the ecclesiastical patrons of the boy. She saw, also, her enemies forming a project to get possession of her as soon as fresh effusions of blood should furnish them a pretext to remove her from Diilmen (at Dean Rensing's instigation), and for this to arm themselves with the authorization of Ecclesiastical Superiors.


The sight filled her with such compassion for her persecutors that, although in ecstasy, she sprang up on her knees to say a Rosary for them and, being in a profuse perspiration, she suffered for several days from frequent and violent spells of coughing.


Again it seemed to her that she was lying unprotected in a field and set upon by dogs, whilst twenty-four children whom she had clothed since Christmas stood around her, keeping them at bay. St. Benedict also came to her aid and helped her wonderfully.


"I had,” she exclaimed, “to endure so much that, if it had not been for St. Benedict, I should surely have died. The saint appeared to me, promised me relief, but warned me not to be too discouraged if it were not accorded at once. Then I had a vision in which I saw myself under the form of another, seated on a stool and resting against the wall in a dying state unable to speak or move.


Around stood priests and laymen conversing ostentatiously of this, that, and the other thing, but taking no notice whatever of me, that is of the person who represented me. As I gazed on the scene I was filled with pity for the poor creature, when suddenly I saw St. Benedict indignantly making his way toward her through the throng of ecclesiastics (1), and, as he spoke to her, I became conscious that she was none other than myself.


(1) The apparition of St. Benedict, the great teacher of the West, is connected with Sister Emmerich's sufferings on account of the young schoolboy.

(1) 西方伟大的圣师圣本笃的出现与艾曼丽修女因教会学校的小学生受苦有关。

He said he would send me Holy Communion. He introduced to me a gentle-looking young priest and martyr in alb and stole, who gave me the Holy Eucharist. Benedict said : ' Be not surprised at the presence of this youth. He is a priest and martyr, my pupil Placidus.' — I felt, I tasted the Blessed Sacrament, and I was saved. The gentlemen seemed to notice by my attitude what had happened, and they became more reserved.


A stranger appeared wrapped in a mantle ; he addressed them sternly and put them to shame. Benedict said: 'Behold these priests! They strive after offices, but pass by the needy, saying: I have not time, or: It is not my duty, it is not customary, I have received no order to attend to it.’ Placidus showed me the parable of the Samaritan and how it applied to me — priest and Levite pass by, a stranger comes to my aid.''



: 据说圣普拉西杜斯 (Placidus )被墨西拿的海盗或戴克里先皇帝的统治下殉道。他是圣本笃的追随者。传说他于 541 年前往意大利,并在墨西拿建立了一座修道院,他曾担任该修道院的院长,据说他曾与三十名同伴一起殉道。

Saint Placidus   (Placitus), along with Saints Eutychius (Euticius), Victorinus and their   sister Flavia, Donatus, Firmatus the deacon, Faustus, and thirty others, have   been venerated as Christian martyrs. They were said to be martyred either by   pirates at Messina or under the Emperor Diocletian.

From Quinquagesima Sunday the pains in her wounds were so violent as frequently to deprive her of consciousness, but she received in vision many sweet consolations.


All the poor old people to whom she had given alms in her youth passed before her one after another, displaying the gifts they had received from her ; even in the midst of her intense pains she could not restrain a smile at the sight of the multifarious articles produced for her amusement.


The old people themselves seemed to be rejuvenated whilst the clothes, food, and other alms she had once bestowed upon them, bore no trace of time ; indeed they, too, presented an improved appearance. Here was an aged woman of Coesfeld, for whose sake she had years ago in a retired corner in broad daylight, deprived herself of a skirt.


There was a poor sick man to whom she had sent clothes, a package of the best tobacco, and some cracknels (bretzeln), since, being sick herself, she had nothing else in her cup-board. The sight of the cracknels amused her much, for they were over twenty years old. Instead of the tobacco, the old man laid on the table a fragrant bouquet (symbol of sufferings). Then came an old woman, now rejuvenated, of whom Sister Emmerich said : "I had almost forgotten her.


She had a daughter who turned out badly and whom, as she told me, she could not reclaim. She had vowed, if God would convert her daughter from her sinful life, to make the Way of the Cross on her knees ; but it was quite impossible for her to do so, as she was old and weak. It would have taken three hours to perform the devotion, which would certainly have been too much for her.


She told me of her vow and her great anxiety at not being able to fulfil it. I comforted her and promised to make satisfaction for her through the intervention of others. I went on my knees by night several times around a cross in a neighboring field for her intention.


 I went to the Holy Land and saw Our Lord on the banks of the Jordan. He said, ‘Now the time approaches for me to save My sheep. The lambs must be led up the mountain, and the sheep ranged around them ; and seeing Him so careful of His flock, I thought of my persecutors who were instantly shown me running through a wilderness.

我到了圣地,看见我们的主在约旦河畔。主说,现在我拯救羊的时候近了。羔羊必须被领上山去,羊群应在羔羊周围牧放; 见到主如此爱惜祂的羊,我想起那些迫害我的人,我立刻看到他们在旷野中奔跑的身影

Then the Good Shepherd said: ' When I approach them, they injure Me, they maltreat Me, ‘ and I began to pray for them with all my heart ; whereupon, I obtained the gift of prayer and I hope it will do some good. I saw that by means of my enemies, I had advanced in the spiritual life. As I prayed for them, I saw, to my great surprise, the Dean engaging in a plot against me (1)……


(1) The Pilgrim added these words : "This seems a little exaggerated.”— But from the fact of Dean Reising's subsequent attempt to brand her as an impostor, we know that Sister Emmerich saw the truth.

(1) 朝圣者补充说:这似乎有点夸张。——但从伦辛总铎后来企图将她贴上诈骗者的标签的事实来看,我们知道艾曼丽修女看到了真相。

I had to carry many sick, lame, and crippled to a church in which all was in good order. Among them was Rave whom I saved from drowning; the Landrath whom I bore over a swamp ; and Roseri whom I found lying all bruised as if from a fall ; he gave me much trouble……


I found myself in vision near a wheat and rye field which lay very high. Around it were ditches, swamps, and deserts, full of wild beasts which lay in wait to tear travellers to pieces, and which had to be fed, in order to keep them out of the fields. For every one of them I had to procure, at the cost of great fatigue and amidst their incessant assaults, a different kind of food, plants, and berries.


I had, besides, to carry and feed cats, tigers, swine, and a savage dog. The perspiration poured off of me. These animals signified the passions of the men who tried to get possession of me. I have imposed upon myself a heavy task. I have undertaken to obtain by my prayers this Lent the conversion of my enemies and the liquidation of their debts. I have already obtained this much that they will not be punished for what they have hitherto done against me, if they only enter into themselves. I know what it is to bear sins and expiate by sufferings. . . .

此外,我还要照管和喂养猫、老虎、猪和野狗。我汗流浃背,这些动物象征着那些试图占有我的人的欲望。我给自己强加了一项繁重的任务。我已承诺通过我的祈祷在这个大斋期获得我的敌人的皈依和补赎他们的罪。我通过祈祷已经得到了这样的成果:只要他们愿意改过自新,就不会因为他们迄今为止对我所做的一切而受到惩罚。我知道什么是承担罪孽,什么是受苦赎罪。. . .

 I have averted many dangers by prayer. I received a special instruction on this point, and I saw how much I am indebted to the protection of holy relics, for it is to the saints that I owe the failures of the project formed against me. I was not deceived. I saw for a certainty that it originated with the Dean. Again I was to have been carried off by six men, among them two ecclesiastics, and subjected to anew investigation ; but the Vicar-General would not give his consent."


Sister Emmerich was so confident of her prayer's being heard that she did not hesitate to announce to Dean Rensing the fact of her wounds having bled on the 9th of March. The Pilgrim's notes on this occasion are as follows : “On the evening of March 9th, all her wounds bled, those of her head the most copiously. But she is perfectly calm, in spite of the uneasiness of those around her as to whether or not, or when or how this fact of her bleeding again would be repeated. She lay immersed in contemplation.

艾曼丽修女深信她的祈祷一定会被俯听,所以她毫不犹豫地向伦辛院长宣布了她的伤口将在 3 月 9 日流血的事实。朝圣者的笔记如下:3 月 9 日晚上,她所有的伤口都在流血,头部的伤口流血最多。尽管她周围的人都很不安,不知道她流血的事情是否会再发生,什么时候发生,怎样发生。但她非常平静,沉浸在默观中。

She knew all that was being done or said about her in different houses even at a distance. Finally, she became ecstatic and looked fresh and young without a trace of age or pain. Her countenance wore a peculiarly bright expression, and she smiled with mingled devotion and gravity.


 On the night of March 9-10, her wounds again bled, and next morning she sent word to the Dean by her confessor. She believed that she had thus discharged her obligation to the Landrath Boenninghausen…… The bleeding lasted till three P. M., and yet the Dean came not to verify the fact. She had to engage her confessor to inform either the Vicar-General or the Landrath of it."

在3 月 9 日至 10 日的晚上,她的伤口又流血了,第二天早上,她通过她的告解神师告诉伦辛总铎。她相信这样自已就履行了对兰德拉特伯恩宁豪森的义务…… 流血一直持续到下午三点,但是伦辛总铎没有来证实这一事实。她不得不请她的告解神师去通知副主教或兰德拉斯。

Good-Friday, March 30th — " Her sufferings up to this time have been steadily on the increase and, although in almost continual contemplation, she has to receive the visits of her friends. But this increase of pain and the terrible violence she endures in the transformation by which she renders testimony to the death of the Man-God, combine to diminish the effects of exterior distractions, and she is entirely absorbed by her task of expiation.”

3 月 30 日,圣周五,救主受难日,——到目前为止,她所受的痛苦一直在不断地增加,尽管她几乎一直在默观,但她不得不接受朋友们的探访。但是,这种痛苦的加剧,和她在为天主子的圣死作证的过程中所遭受的可怕的暴力,结合在一起,共同减少了外界干扰的影响,她完全专注于她的赎罪任务。

 At ten that morning the Pilgrim found her forehead, hands, and feet bleeding. He tried to remove the blood, but with little success, on account of the intense pain any such attempt produced. She was also in dread of some new investigation. She hid the effusions as best she could from both the doctor and Abbe Lambert, fearful of the effect the fact might have upon the latter, himself sick and weak.


Dean Rensing was again informed of her state ; but he paid as little attention to the second announcement as to the first, merely sending her word not to trouble herself about the Landrath, that he, the Dean, would take all upon himself (1).


(1) And yet, before a year had passed, Dean Reusing accused Sister Emmerich of imposture !

原注:(1) 然而,还没过一年,伦辛总铎就指责艾曼丽修女欺诈!

She endured intolerable agony up to six P. M., although, as she remarked, Jesus gave up the ghost at about one o'clock. When contemplating the descent from the cross and Mary holding the Body of her Son in her arms, the thought occurred to her : “How strong she is ! she has not fainted Once!” — whereupon, she heard her angel's voice, saying : " Well then, do thou feel what she felt !" — and on the instant she fainted away from the violence of her grief, for Mary's sword had pierced her soul.

她忍受着难以忍受的痛苦,直到下午六点,尽管,正如她所说,耶稣在大约 1 点钟的时候就交付了灵魂。当看到从十字架上卸下耶稣圣尸,圣母抱着她圣子的圣尸时,艾曼丽修女想到:「圣母是多么坚强啊她没有晕倒一次!」——这时,她听到天使的声音说:「那么,你感受到圣母的感受了吗?」 ——就在这一瞬间,她因悲伤过度而晕倒了,因为刺透圣母圣心的剑也刺穿了她的灵魂。

The Pilgrim had placed under her feet some relics wrapped in linen which soon received a few drops of blood from her wounds. That evening he applied the little parcel to her shoulder, from which she was suffering acutely.


She exclaimed, though in ecstasy : “How strange ! here I see my Spouse alive surrounded by thousands of saints in the Heavenly Jerusalem, and yonder I see Him lying dead in the tomb ! — And what is this! Among the saints I see a person, a nun, whose hands, feet, side, and head are all bleeding, and the saints standing near her hands and feet, her side and shoulder !"

她虽然在神魂超拔中,却惊呼道真奇怪在这里,我看到我的净配在天上的耶路撒冷被成千上万的圣人环绕,而在远处,我看到祂在坟墓里 ——这又是什么在众圣人中,我看到一个人,一个修女,她的手、脚、肋旁和头部都在流血,而圣人们站在她的手脚、肋旁和肩膀附近!」

The following year, 1821, she was told: " Take note, thou wilt shed thy blood with thy Lord not on the ecclesiastical, but on the real anniversary of His death.” Good-Friday of this year fell on April 20th. The Pilgrim records : —

第二年,即 1821 年,她被告知:「请注意,你与你的主一起流血的日子,不是在教会礼仪日中,而是在主去世的真正周年纪念日。而今年教会的圣周五耶稣受难日是 4 月 20 日。朝圣者记录:-

What has never before happened since Sister Emmerich has had the stigmata, occurred to-day. Her wounds bled not, although it is Good-Friday, and for the last few days they have even wholly disappeared, a circumstance for which she cannot account. She lay, however, in ecstatic contemplation of the Passion when, at the instant of the Saviour's Crucifixion, the burgomaster suddenly entered her room, gazed sharply around, asked a few questions, and took his departure as unceremoniously as he had come. Strange sight ! the poor, ignorant man and the helpless ecstatica face to face ! He had come, as he said, 'by orders of Superiors.’ "

自从艾曼丽修女被印圣伤以来,从来没有发生过的事,今天发生了。她的伤口并没有流血,虽然今天是教会的圣周五耶稣受难日,最近几天,伤口甚至完全消失了,这是她无法解释的。然而,她正躺着那里,在神魂超拔中,注视着救主受难的情景,就在救主被钉十架的那一刻,市长突然走进她的房间,严厉地环顾四周,问了几个问题,然后如同来的时候一样,毫不礼貌地离开了。多么奇怪的景象!可怜又无知的人却和无助的神魂超拔者面对面!正如他所说,他是“奉上级之命” 而来的。

The Pilgrim's journal of March 30, 1821, explains the above phenomenon respecting the date of her bloody effusions : — “Sister Emmerich celebrates Good-Friday to-day. At ten this morning her face was covered with blood and her whole person bore the marks of the cruel scourging. About two P. M., the blood gushed from her hands and feet, but she was then in ecstasy, unconscious of the outer world, dreading not discovery, wholly absorbed in the contemplation of the work of Redemption."

1821 年 3 月 30 日的《朝圣者日记》,已经解释了上述关于她流血日期的现象: 艾曼丽修女今天 30 日)庆祝耶稣受难。今天早上十点,她满脸都是血,整个人都有被残酷鞭打的痕迹。下午两点左右,鲜血从她的双手和双脚涌出,但她当时正处于神魂超拔之中,对外面的世界毫无知觉,也不惧怕被人发现,完全沉浸于对救赎工程的默观中。

译注:[很明显的耶稣去世的真正周年纪念日在1821年是 30 日,而教会礼仪1821年历上的圣周五受难日是 30 日,所以,在 30 日那天,艾曼丽的五伤真的没有流血。

Sufferings on Account of Mixed Marriages.



I saw many churches of this country in a sad state as if betokening their future decay, and young ecclesiastics hurrying through their duties negligently. Entire parishes seemed dying out. I saw the Nuptial House of Miinster. The old woman and her daughter were absent ; but there was an old man in it, a diplomatist, a pettifogger, whom the devil seemed to have raised up, so smooth, so cunning was he.


A sort of council was being held, and I saw the stern Superior and Overberg earnestly acting together on some question of marriage. It made me sad to see only five others, one a very aged person, standing up for the right with these two men; the rest were all against them.


The gathering was numerous and, to my great alarm, they began to dispute and quarrel. The Superior's party at once withdrew, leaving the others to side with the Lutherans. But the saddest part of it was that some secretly joined the wicked party again, for instance R……. , to the great chagrin of Droste and Overberg…… "


 I went again to the Nuptial House which I found crowded with people of two different parties. Down-stairs were the good around Droste and Overberg and with them the youth in blue uniform who seemed about to be converted. But he no longer wore his uniform, and seemed to be in high favor with the above-named gentlemen ; they trusted him, he was all in all to them.


Tables stood around with chalices on them. The young people were sent out, as if on messages, but affairs did not go well. To the upper story they had built an outside staircase up which people were crowding, men and women, ecclesiastics and seculars, Catholics and Protestants. All up there was motion, activity, but the people were entirely separated from the Church, quite antagonistic to her.


And yet I saw among them several priests whom I knew, siding with the Protestant party against those down-stairs. I saw also several who carried on both shoulders. They ran up and down the whole time betraying the good party. But what alarmed me most was to see that the young man who gave himself out for a convert, whom the Catholic party so implicitly trusted, was an infamous traitor who secretly revealed up-stairs all that went on below.


I wept, I wanted to press through the crowd and disclose his treachery, but my guide restrained me, saying : ' It is not yet time. Wait, let him betray himself!' — This spectacle lasted a long while, when something happened up-stairs and the Protestant party were all cast out together. All that had mounted by the outside staircase, that had not entered the sheepfold by the right door, were ignominiously expelled and took to flight.


I saw in the garden a flower-bed out of which arose a narrow ladder which reached to heaven. They who had been driven out were not allowed to mount it. I saw people ascending and descending to help upothers. I saw some apparently very distinguished people turned away, whilst others mounted the ladder which hung down from heaven. It was guarded by a youth with a drawn sword who repulsed the unworthy. "


The preceding vision referred to mixed marriages, from which Sister Emmerich endured lifelong torments. She used to lie for whole days a prey to violent cramps of the bowels, her arms extended in the form of a cross. She saw again in the Nuptial House the Lutheran cook and her project of marrying her illegitimate daughter to the young schoolboy who was now of age.


She beheld the clergy open to all sorts of attacks on the score of such marriages now so numerous, and she exerted herself to enlist the prayers of others in behalf of their members vacillating between right and wrong ; — all this she saw in pictures back as far as the Mosaic period, since the Church has never countenanced such unions excepting in cases of absolute necessity. She saw how detrimental they are to the Church, how they weaken her influence.


" I saw Moses before reaching Mt. Sinai, separating entirely from the people and sending away some of the degenerate Israelites who had married among the pagans. They had chosen wives from among the Madianites, I think, and so lost their nationality. Their descendants had mingled with the Samaritans and these again with the Assyrians, and finally, had became heretics and idolators.


I saw such marriages contracted out of necessity during the Babylonian Captivity; but they teemed with fatal consequences. I saw such unions tolerated in the infancy of the Church, on account of the state of the times and for the propagation of the faith. But never has the Church consented that the offspring should be reared out of her own fold, an event which happens only by violence.


As soon as she was solidly established, the Church positively prohibited such marriages. I have seen whole countries from which the orthodox faith has entirely disappeared in consequence of them ; still more, I have seen that, if the new system of marriage and education succeeds, in less than a century affairs will be in a bad state in our own land."


July, 1821. — “For the last week she has writhed on her bed from the intensity of her sufferings, groaning and finding relief in no position. She is, however, always in contemplation and spiritual action, occupied day and night with the ecclesiastical affairs of Germany whose miseries she sees far and near. She says it is difficult to converse with those around her as she is always absent in spirit ;—

1821 年 7 月——在上周,艾曼丽因剧烈的痛苦而在床上辗转反侧,呻吟着,找不到任何姿势来缓解。然而,她总是在默观和超性活动中,日日夜夜忙于德国的教会事务,她看到了德国教会未来和近期的不幸。她说很难与周围的人交谈,因为她总是在出神的状态中;

 I have to go,’ she says, ‘from place to place, to pastors and statesmen, sometimes individually, sometimes collectively, to suggest such or such things to them ; the whole day is often spent in this manner. On entering their council-halls, I see, perhaps, one of the members advocating or subscribing to something useless or prejudicial, and I urge him to desist, not to violate justice.


I constantly have visions of schools. I see great boys oppressed by infants yet unborn (but whom I know), and grown girls ruled by little ones. They are pictures of the new systems which spring from the unlawful union of pride and false illumination. All this is purely symbolical, but I generally recognize the fathers of such children, or systems."


One morning the Pilgrim found her in a high fever and convulsed with pain, though in contemplation and utterly unconscious of all around. Whilst he stood regarding her compassionately, Gertrude announced a beggar. The Pilgrim sent her about half a franc in Sister Emmerich's name and unseen by her.


Scarcely had the woman received the alms than Sister Emmerich began to smack her lips as if she had just tasted something, murmuring : “How sweet ! how sweet ! Whence came that morsel you gave me ? “— then, although unable to move an instant before, she sat up in her bed and said with a smile, but still in ecstasy : “See, how you have strengthened me with that sweet morsel ! " It was fruit plucked from a heavenly tree that you gave me ! " 


 The Pilgrim amazed at the incident, recorded the following words in his journal : “How close is the union of this soul with Christ, since the words of the Gospel are so plainly verified in her : What you do to the least of My brethren, you do unto Me! "




The Essence of Rationalism.


" I was at the Nuptial House and I saw a large, boisterous wedding- party arriving in coaches. The bride had around her a crowd of attendants. She was a tall, insolent, extravagantly dressed person, a crown on her head, jewels on her breast. Around her neck hung three tinsel chains and lockets with numberless trinkets shaped like crabs, toads, frogs, locusts, cornucopias, rings, whistles, etc.


She was dressed in scarlet, and on her shoulders wriggled an owl whispering first into one ear, then into the other. It seemed her familiar spirit. The woman pompously entered the Nuptial House with her suite and baggage, driving out all whom she had found therein. The old gentlemen and the ecclesiastics had scarcely time to gather their books and papers together, for all had to depart.


Some went with disgust, others betraying a little interest in the courtesan (1), They either betook themselves to the church, or scattered around in groops, sauntering here and there. The woman upset everything in the house, even the table with the goblets on it ; only the Bridal Chamber and the apartment dedicated to the Mother of God remained undisturbed.


 (1) " Once I saw this woman's mother in the Nuptial House, preparing from a rank herb with yellow leaves a pottage for the learned who were to increase with the same rapidity as does the herb itself. They often came and ate heartily of it.”

(1)有一次,我在婚房里看到这个女人的母亲用一种黄色叶子的草本植物做成一锅粥,给那些博学的人他们吃了之后就会像草本植物一样快速增长。他们经常来,吃得津津有味 。」

Among her followers was that cunning hypocrite whom I had lately seen serving two masters ; he was all-powerful with her. The learned boy was her son; he had now grown up and he boldly pushed himself in everywhere. One thing was very remarkable : the woman, her baggage, her books, all swarmed with shining worms, and she bore around her the fetid odor of those sparkling beetles that one recognizes by their smell.


The women with her were mesmeric prophetesses who prophesied and supported her. It is well there are such people. They pursue their wickedness until they go too far, when they are discovered and the good are separated from the bad.


After upsetting the whole house, she went out into the garden and trampled it under foot ; wherever she passed, the flowers faded and died, all turned to worms and infection. But this ignoble bride wanted to marry, and no one would suit her but a pious, intelligent young priest, one of the twelve, I think, whom I so often see doing great things under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


He was among those who had fled from the house on her entrance, but she enticed him back with the sweetest words. When he returned, she showed him everything and wanted to place him over all. He hesitated a little, when she threw off all reserve and used every imaginable artifice to induce him to marry her.


The young priest became indignant, solemnly cursed her and her arts as those of an infamous courtesan, and quickly withdrew. Then I saw all her attendants trying to escape, swooning, dying, turning black. The whole house grew dark and swarmed with worms that ate into everything, and the woman herself sank worm-eaten to the ground, all dried up like tinder.


I crushed some of the worms lying there dead and shining, and found that they, too, were all dried up, burned to ashes. When everything had fallen to dust and silence reigned around, the young priest returned with two others, one an old man who looked like a Roman legate.


He carried a cross which he set up in front of the charred Nuptial House. After having drawn something from the cross, he entered the house and threw open the doors and windows, whilst his companions outside prayed, consecrated, and exorcised. Then a furious storm arose. The wind blew through the house, driving out before it a black vapor which floated toward a great city and hung over it in heavy clouds.


The Nuptial House, thus purified, was again occupied by people selected from among the former occupants, and some of the retinue of the unchaste bride, who were now converted, were installed in it. All began again to prosper, and the garden once more flourished.”




The Body of the Church. — Labors of the Harvest.


June, 1820. — ”I was in the church of the Nuptial House, where a ceremony was being performed, as if preparatory to the setting out of harvesters. I saw the Lord Jesus as a Shepherd, the Apostles and disciples with the saints and blessed in an upper choir, whilst in the nave of the church were crowds of priests and laymen still alive, many of whom I know.

1820 年 6 月——我在婚房的教堂里,那里正在举行仪式,好像在为收割人员的出发做准备。我看到主耶稣是个牧人的形象宗徒和门徒与圣人们及真福灵魂一起在上层圣咏团中,而在教堂的正厅里是一群神父和平信徒,有许多还活着,其中的许多人我认识。

The ceremony seemed intended to invoke a blessing on the harvest,; to bring laborers to it. Jesus seemed to be inviting them in these words : ‘The harvest is great, but the laborers are few ; pray, therefore, the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest.' — Then He sent the Apostles and disciples forth with blessings and prayers, just as He had done whilst on earth.


I, too, went out to the harvest with some of the priests and laics still alive. Some excused themselves and would not go, when immediately their places were filled by the saints and blessed spirits. Then I saw the harvest-field near the Nuptial House and in it a body rising up toward the sky. It was horribly mutilated, the hands and feet cut off, and large holes in many parts of it. Some of the wounds were fresh and bleeding, others covered with decayed flesh, and others were swollen and gristly.


The whole of one side was black and worm-eaten. My guide explained to me that it represented the body of the Church, as also the body of all mankind. He showed me in what way each wound referred to some part of the world, and I saw at a glance far distant nations and individuals who had been cut from it. I felt the pain of the amputation of these members as acutely as if they had been cut from my own person.


 Should not one member sigh after another, suffer for another ? Should it not aim at being healed and again united to the body ? Should not one suffer for the welfare of another?’ said my guide. ' The nearest, the most painful amputations are those made from the breast around the heart.’—


I thought, in my simplicity, that this must mean brothers and sisters, near relations, and Gertrude came to my mind. But then it was said to me : ‘Who are My brethren ? They who keep My Father's commandments are My brethren. Blood-relations are not the nearest to the heart. Christ's blood-relations are they who were once of the same mind, Catholics who have fallen away from the faith.’


 Then I saw how quickly the side of the body was healed. The proud flesh in the wounds are heretics, and dissenters form the gangrened part. I saw every member, every wound, and its signification. The body reached to heaven; it was the Body of Christ. The sight made me forget my pains, and I began to work with all my strength to cut, to bind, and carry the sheaves to the Nuptial House.


I saw the saints helping from on high and the twelve future Apostles taking part successively in the labor. I saw also some living laborers, but they were few and at great distances apart. I was almost worn out, my fingers ached from binding, and I was drenched with perspiration. I had just one sheaf more of good wheat, but the ears pricked me, I was quite overcome.


Suddenly a polished fop with very insinuating manners stepped up to me saying that I must cease working, it was too much for me, and that, after all, it did not concern me. At first, I did not recognize him ; but, when he began to make love and promise me a fine time, I discovered that it was the devil and I repulsed him indignantly. He instantly disappeared.


I saw the harvest-field surrounded by an immense vine, and the new Apostles working vigorously at it and calling upon others to do the same. They stood, at first, widely apart. When the harvest was over, the laborers all joined in celebrating a great feast of thanksgiving."




Consoling Symbol of the Effect of Prayer.



" I am still much fatigued from my work, every limb aching. From the harvest-field I went into a large empty barn and found some poor people famishing in a corner. I began to think how I could assist them, when in came crowds of ecclesiastics and laics of all ages and callings, rich and poor, from far and near, known and unknown, all seeking help.

工作到现在而感到非常疲劳,四肢酸痛。 从收割地出来,我走进一个空荡荡的大谷仓,看到一些穷人正在角落里挨饿。我开始思考如何帮助他们,这时,一群群不同年龄、不同召叫的神职人员和平信徒,富人和穷人,从很远的地方来,认识的和不认识的,都来寻求帮助。

My guide told me that I could supply the wants of all, if I worked hard. I expressed my readiness, when he took me over a heath to a large field of wheat and rye, where I set all the people to work at the harvest, binding the sheaves and carrying them away. I directed all. I set the most distinguished to oversee the others.


But they were, for the most part, both lazy and awkward ; their sheaves would not stand. I had to put one in the centre and lean the others up against it. They carried the wheat to the barn where it was threshed and divided. In the upper story a quantity was stored for the Pope, some for a very pious Bishop whom I did not know, and some for the Vicar-General and our own country. I saw the different parishes and priests receiving their share, some much, others little.


The good received most, and the best, more wheat than rye; the bad got nothing at all. Very little came here : the pastor of H — got a very large share ; the confessor, a very small portion, and what remained was distributed to any who wanted it. Sometimes a simple vicar received a portion whilst the pastor got nothing. My guide made the division of it. I am so worn out by this work that I cannot get rested. . . …”

好人得到的最多,最好的人得到的小麦比黑麦多;坏人什么也得不到。来这里的人很少:H的本堂——得到了很大的份额;告解神师,只得到一小部分,剩下的分发给想要的人。有时,一个单純的教区神父也能分到一份而本堂神父却什么也得不到。我的护守天神谷仓进行了划分。这项工作使我心力交瘁,无法休息 ……。」

上一篇:下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
下一篇:下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦


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