真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
浏览次数:972 更新时间:2024-5-24

December 21st, St. Thomas's Day. — The Pilgrim, on entering to pay his accustomed visit, found Sister Emmerich busily engaged with her box of relics, her church, as she playfully called it. Among them she had discovered several very ancient ones. The Pilgrim was surprised to see in what beautiful order she had arranged them during the previous night.

12  21 日,圣多默瞻礼。——朝圣者按惯例进行探访时,发现艾曼丽修女正忙着整理她的一箱圣髑,她开玩笑地称这是她的教堂。她在其中发现了几个非常古老的圣髑。朝圣者很惊讶地看到她在昨天晚上把圣髑整理得井然有序。

Although in a state of contemplation, she had lined the box with silk as neatly as if she had been wide awake. The five relics of St. James the Less, St. Simon the Chananean, St. Joseph of Arimathea, St. Denis the Areopagite, and a disciple of St. John, whom she called Eliud she had folded separately.


" I had," she exclaimed, " a very bright night ! I found out the names of all the bones by me and I saw all the journeys of St. Thomas, as also those of all the Apostles and disciples whose relics I have. I had a vision of a great festival and of how all these relics came to Miinster. They were collected by a foreign Bishop at a very remote period, and they afterward fell into the hands of a Bishop of Miinster.


— I saw all with the dates and names, and I trust in God it will not be lost ! …....I received permission, also, to reveal to my confessor the name of the relic that the friend brought me that he may note it down ; but I must not tell the friend himself."


The friend, however, would not understand these words so indicative of Sister Emmerich's bond with the Church and the supernatural origin of her marvellous gift ; and she, seeing his ideas still unchanged, felt a lively desire to make known to him the secret name. She says most ingenuously : " Ah ! I thought, if I could only tell him the name of that relic ! and I had the word on my tongue when all at once a shining white hand was stretched forth from the closet there and laid on my lips to prevent my uttering it. It came so suddenly, so unexpectedly that I almost laughed out ! "


This scene was repeated under almost similar circumstances a few days later when she was again seized with desire to gratify the friend's curiosity on the score of the relic he had given her. "I was again tempted to name the saint whose relic had caused me so much annoyance ; but just as I was about to pronounce it, I heard a rapping in the closet which checked me, and I dared not, I could not say it.


More than once I have had the word on my tongue, but I could not speak it, although I wanted to do so." Her confessor and the friend had likewise heard the rapping in the closet and were unable to account for it. But when the former exclaimed : “The evil one shall play us no tricks ! "— Sister Emmerich quietly took the v relic from the closet, saying : " It is the saint the Pilgrim's friend brought."


We shall here subjoin some facts which clearly show the power of the priest over this chosen soul. On January 18, 1821, Father Limberg placed by Sister Emmerich a little sealed package, saying to the Pilgrim as he did so : “I do not know what it contains ; but when she notices it, I shall tell her where I got it." Then, turning to the invalid he asked : “What is this ? Is it good ? Tell me what it is."

我们将在这里补充一些事实,清楚地显示出司铎对这个被选中的灵魂的权柄。1821  1  18 日,林堡神父把一个密封的小包裹放在艾曼丽修女身边一边放一边对朝圣者说:我不知道里面装的是什么;不过如果她注意到这小包裹,我会告诉她我从哪里得到的。然后,他转向病人问道:这小包裹里装的是什么啊?是食物吗?好吃吗?告诉我是什么。

Although interrupted in her vision, Sister Emmerich answered after a short pause: “It belongs to a pious man in the seminary at Paris. He brought it from Jerusalem and Rome. It contains various things : some hair belonging to a Pope ; a particle of the body of a new saint who died in a convent in the Holy Land ; a small stone from the Holy Sepulchre ; some earth from the spot on which Our Lord's Body lay ; and some hair belonging to another person." The Pilgrim remarked to Father Limberg : " You found it, I presume, among the Abbe Lambert's effects, for he received similar objects from Paris.” — “Yes," replied Father Limberg. "In arranging his papers, I found the little parcel," and with these words he left the room.


 “Who is that miserable little nun ?" exclaimed the invalid. “The Father said nothing to me about her ! He ought to go see her. She is much worse off than I ; she is lying in the midst of thorns !" Sister Emmerich saw herself under this figure, because the sealed parcel contained some of her own hair which the old Abbe intended to send to his friend.


One day she recognized a relic as belonging to a holy Pope whose name, however, she failed to recall. The Pilgrim begged the confessor to present it to her once more. He did so, and she held it but a few seconds when she exclaimed confidently : “It is a relic of Pope Boniface I."


August 9, 1821. — Sister Emmerich said : “I was busy all last night with the sacred bones. I saw all the saints, and I was told to say as many Our Fathers as there are relics, for the souls of all resting here in our cemetery."

1821  8  9 日。——艾曼丽修女说:我昨晚一整晚都在忙于那些圣髑。我看到了所有的圣人,他们告诉我,为所有安息在我们公墓里的灵魂,念和圣髑数同样多的天主经。

The following fact will show in a most striking manner the powerful impression made upon Sister Emmerich by profane, as well as by holy objects. The Pilgrim records under date of May 9, 1820 :

以下事实将以最引人注目的方式显示,异教俗物和圣物给艾曼丽修女留下强烈的印象。1820  5  9 日朝圣者记录:

“Dr. Wesener, whilst excavating a pagan tomb, found a vase of ashes with which were mingled some fragments of a human skull. The Pilgrim placed one on Sister Emmerich's couch as she lay absorbed in ecstatic prayer ; but she who was so powerfully attracted by the relics of the saints, as to move her head, her hands, her whole person trembling in every muscle after them, let this bone lie unnoticed on the coverlet near the fingers of her left hand.


The Pilgrim thought it an object of indifference to her, when she suddenly exclaimed : " What does that old Rebecca want with me?" and when he moved the bone a little nearer, she hid her hands under the coverlet, crying out that a swarthy old savage woman was running around the room followed by children naked like frogs. She could not look at her.


she was afraid ; she had seen such dark, wild people in Egypt, but she knew not what this old woman wanted with her, etc. Then catching up her box of relics, she pressed it to her bosom with both hands saying, though still in ecstasy : " Now she cannot hurt me ! " and she slipped under the coverlet.


The Pilgrim put the bone in his pocket and stepped to the side of her bed toward which her face was turned ; but instantly she changed her posture. He returned to the opposite side, and again she as quickly averted her head ; at last, he removed the unholy object from her presence, when she exclaimed with a sigh of relief that the saints had preserved her.


During this scene, her confessor held out to her his consecrated finger toward which she moved her head so quickly as to seize it with her lips and press it eagerly. " What is that ? " he demanded. Instantly came the astonishing answer : “It is more than thou dost comprehend ! " Then he withdrew his finger and laid his hand on the foot of the bed where, too, she tried to follow.


Rigid in ecstasy and still clasping her box, she arose to a sitting posture and endeavored to reach the consecrated fingers with her lips. Then the Pilgrim laid near the hand that clasped the box of relics, a fragment of the fossil remains of some animal which the doctor had found in the Lippe.


Sister Emmerich willingly received it, saying : " Ah ! this is all right ! There is nothing hurtful about this. It is a good animal ; it never committed sin!” Then she exhorted the Pilgrim not to meddle with heathen bones ; not to bring them to her mixed up with the bones of the saints. " Go, throw that old women away! Take care, she might hurt you !" she exclaimed earnestly at intervals.

艾曼丽修女很乐意地接了过来,说:「啊!这没什么!这没什么不好的。它是一种好动物;它不会像人一样犯罪!译者注: 动物不会犯罪,你不能说一只猫有罪,因为它的行为只是出于自然本能,它内心没有良心道德这样的观念。然后她告诫朝圣者不要去碰异教徒的骨头;不要把它们和圣人的圣髑混在一起。去吧,把那些老妇人的骨头扔掉!当心,她会伤害你的!她恳切地喊道。

Some days after when the Pilgrim alluded to the incidents just related, Sister Emmerich severely represented to him how improper, how dangerous it was for him to make such experiments upon her, to mingle thus the sacred with the profane, and to expose her to unbecoming impressions.


“Pagan bones repel me, fill me with disgust and loathing ! I cannot say that I actually felt that the woman is damned; but I perceived around her something sinister, something that turns away from God ; that spreads around darkness, or rather that is darkness itself, quite contrary to the luminous, attractive, beneficent bones of the saints.


The old woman glanced around furtively, as if in connection with the powers of evil, as if she herself could harm. All round her, forest and  , lay in darkness; not in the darkness of night, but in spiritual darkness, the darkness of wicked doctrines, in the darkness of separation from the light of the world, in the covenant of darkness.


I saw only the woman and her children, but there were miserable huts of various forms scattered here and there, sunk in the earth, surmounted, some by round sod roofs, others by square reed ones, and some again by conical ones ; between most of these huts were underground passages. The unholy, heathenish influence of such remains may produce much evil if made use of for unlawful superstitious practices.


They who so use them become thereby, though unknown to themselves, participators in their influence ; they establish a communication with them, just as the veneration of holy relics imparts a share in the benediction, the sanctifying influence of what is redeemed and regenerated."



It was not only in vision, but also in the natural state of consciousness that Sister Emmerich felt the attractive influence of holy relics, saw them shining, and knew their names; a fact to which the Pilgrim testifies in his journal of Dec. 30, 1818: "Sister Neuhaus," he says, “Sister Emmerich's former Mistress of Novices, came to see her bringing with her a small package.

艾曼丽修女不仅在异象里,而且在自然的意识状态下,都能感受到神圣圣髑的吸引力,看到了圣髑闪闪发光,知道他们的名字;朝圣者在 1818  12  30 日的日记中证实了这一个事实:纽豪斯修女,他说,「是艾曼丽修女的前初学嬷嬷带着一个小包裹来看她。

As she entered the room, the invalid experienced, as she herself said, a thrill of joy and an interior conviction that the package contained relics. ‘Ah !' she exclaimed, ‘you bring the treasure from your room and you keep there the dust!’ and when Sister Neuhaus laid the parcel on the table near her, so great was her emotion that she feared every moment she would be ravished in ecstasy.


It was with the greatest effort that she could entertain her visitor, her attention being powerfully drawn to the relics. Sister Neuhaus asked if she were unusually sick. ‘Not perfectly well,’ was the answer, and then she spoke of indifferent subjects, hoping to divert her mind from its all-absorbing object. An interior voice seemed to be calling out to her : ‘There is Ludger ! There he is!’ —

她尽力招待来访者,但她的注意力被牢牢地吸引到了那些圣髑上。纽豪斯修女问她是不是身体不适。不太好她回答,然后她谈了些无关紧要的话题,希望能转移她的注意力。内心深处的有一个声音在呼唤她:圣卢杰在那里! 他就在那儿!——

After the sister left, the invalid said : ‘I saw the whole time over the relic a glimmering of light, white as milk and brighter than the day ; and, when a particle fell on the floor, I saw, as it were, a bright spark drop under the box (1). As the Pilgrim looked over the relics, I was almost ravished and I heard a voice, exclaiming: "There is Ludger! That is his bone !" and instantly I beheld the holy Bishop with mitre and crosier in the assembly of the saints.



 (1) " There I looked, poor blind man that I am, and found it !"— Brentano.


Then others were shown me, one by one: first, Scholastica above a troop of nuns, and her relic on the table; then Afra surrounded by nuns, and her relic on the table ; Benedict over a crowd of monks, and his relic on the table; Walburga with her nuns, and her relic below by the Pilgrim. Among the nuns one was pointed out as Emerentiana, and I heard these words : ‘That is Emerentiana, and there is her bone !" I was surprised, for I had never heard that name before.


Then I saw a maiden with a crown of double roses round her brow, holding in one hand a lovely garland of roses, in the other a bouquet, and I heard these words : ‘That is  Rosalie who did so much for the poor. She now holds the flower garland as she once did her pious gifts, and there lies her relic !'


Then I saw a nun in a shining troop, and I was told : ‘That  is Ludovica, and there is her relic. See, how she scatters her gifts!’— and I saw that she had her apron full of loaves which she distributed to the poor. Then I saw a Bishop and heard the words : ' He lived in Ludger's time. They knew each other ; they labored together,’ and yet, I saw them far apart.


 And now, among other blessed maidens, I saw a very young secular clothed in a spiritual garment of the style of the Middle Ages, Her body had been found incorrupt and entire. Her sanctity had thus been recognized, and one of her bones was placed among other relics. At the same time, I saw her open tomb.


Then I saw a delicate youth of the early ages and near him six others and a woman. The name Felicitas was pronounced and, immediately, a round place enclosed by walls and arches was shown me, and I was told that in the dens on one side were the wild beasts, and in the prisons opposite the martyrs in chains waiting to be torn to pieces.


I saw also people digging by night and carrying off bones, and it was said to me : ‘They do this secretly. They are the martyrs' friends. In this way their relics are carried to Rome and distributed.' I saw Felicitas near seven youths.”

我还看到有人在夜间挖掘,把殉道者的遗骸运走,有人对我说:他们秘密地做。他们是殉道者的朋友。就这样,他们的圣髑被带到罗马并分发出去。 我在七个年轻人附近看到了费利西塔斯。

A week later, the Pilgrim presented Sister Emmerich with the rest of the relics in Sister Neuhaus's package. “I gave her seven parcels,” he says, “all of which she recognized as belonging to St. Elizabeth of Thuringia. ‘I see Elizabeth,’ she exclaimed, ‘a crown in one hand, in the other a little basket from which fall golden roses, large and small, on a poor beggar below.’ Here she pointed to a relic, saying, ' That is Barbara ! I see her with a crown on her head and in her hand a chalice with the Blessed Sacrament.’


Then turning to another little paper, she said : ' These are from the place of martyrdom in Rome.' " With these words she fell into ecstasy and described the places she saw and the sufferings of the martyrs whilst, at the same time,  she named the relics and presented them to the Pilgrim to fold and label. He was amazed at the rapidity of her speech and movements.


He expressed his astonishment in these words : “I must acknowledge, to my shame, that of such things I know almost nothing ! Fancy to yourself this poor peasant-girl gazing on ancient Rome, describing its manners and customs ! She understands all that she sees, even the moral state of the martyrs ; and yet, her inexperience is such that, for the most part, she knows not how to name the objects, the localities, the instruments that fall under her eyes!”


At the close of her vision, she asked her guide how these relics had come where they were, and why they had not received the honor due them ? He answered that they had been exhumed long ago, had passed from place to place, and had at last reached Minister. Here they had been put aside to make way for other things.


 “I was in a strange, wonderful city," she says. "I stood on top of the round building enclosing the circular place. Over the entrance, right and left, ran an inside staircase to where I was. On one side were prisons opening into the enclosure ; on the other, the cages of the wild beasts. Behind these were nooks into which the executioners slipped when they released the animals.


Facing the entrance against the wall, was a stone seat up to which steps led on either side. Here sat the wife of the wicked emperor with two tyrants. Just back of this seat, upon the platform, sat a man who appeared to superintend affairs, for he made gestures right and left as if commanding something. And now the door of one of the cages was thrown open, and out dashed a spotted animal like a huge cat.


The executioners stood behind the door, slipped into the nook for safety, and then mounted the steps to the platform. Meanwhile, two other executioners had dragged a maiden from the prison opposite and removed her white tunic. Like all the martyrs she shone with light. She stood calmly in the middle of the arena with raised eyes and hands crossed on her breast; she showed no sign of fear.


The beast did her no harm but, crouching before her, sprang upon the slaves who were urging it on with spears and cries. As it would not attack her, they got it back into its cage, I know not how. The maiden was then led to another place of execution around which there were only railings. She was fastened to a stone by a stake, her hands bound behind her, and beheaded.


I saw her put her hands behind her back herself. Her hair was braided round her head ; she was lovely, and she showed no fear. Then a man was led out into the arena ; his mantle was removed, and only an under- garment left that reached to his knees. The beasts did him no harm, and he, too, was beheaded. He was, like the maiden, pushed from side to side and pricked with sharp iron rods.


These grievous tortures were borne with such joy that the looker-on can but regret not sharing them. Sometimes the executioners themselves are so wonderfully affected by the sublime spectacle that they boldly join the martyrs, confess Jesus Christ, and suffer with them.


— I see a martyr in the arena. A lioness pounces upon him, drags him from side to side, and tears him to pieces. I see others burned alive, and one from whom the flames turn away and seize upon the executioners of whom numbers perish. A priest who secretly consoled the sufferers has his limbs cut off one by one and presented to him in the hope of making him abjure his faith ; but the mutilated body, full of joy, praises

God until the head is struck off.


I went, also, into the catacombs. I saw men and women kneeling in prayer before a table on which were lights. One priest recited prayers, and another burned incense in a vase. All seemed to offer something in a dish placed on the table. The prayers were like a preparation for martyrdom.


Then I saw a noble lady with three daughters, from sixteen to twenty years of age, led into the arena. The judge seated on high was not the same that I had last seen. Several beasts were let loose upon the Christians, but they harmed them not ; they even fawned upon the youngest. The martyrs were now led before the judge, and then to the other place of execution nearby.


The eldest was first burned with black torches on the cheeks and breasts and under the arms, and pincers applied to her whole body ; after which she was conducted back before the judge. She noticed him not, however, for she was intent upon her sister whom they were now torturing. The same happened to all four, and then they were beheaded. The mother was reserved for the last, her sufferings intensified by the sight of her daughters' torments. —


I saw a holy Pope betrayed, dragged from the catacombs, and martyred, whilst one of the most furious of the Romans, suddenly touched with repentance, rushed among the martyrs and perished with them. I longed so for the same favor that I cried out; but a voice said to me : ‘Every one goes his own way ! We suffered martyrdom but once, but thou art constantly martyred. We had one enemy, thou hast many!’ "


On another occasion, the Pilgrim offered the invalid some relics which she took, pressed to her heart, arranged in order, again pressed to her heart, and regarded attentively. Then she gave them back separately, removing one from the lot as spurious and exclaiming : “They are grand! No words can describe their beauty !'' To the question as to what she experienced from the sacred bones, she answered : ' I see, I feel the light ! It is like a ray that pierces me, ravishes me.


I feel its connection with the glorified spirit, with the whole world of light. I see pictures from the life of the saint, and his place in the Church Triumphant. There is a wonderful connection between body and soul, a connection which ceases not with death ; consequently, the blessed soul can continue its influence over the faithful through particles of its earthly remains. It will be very easy for the angels to separate the good from the bad at the last day, for all will be either light or dark."




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