真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
浏览次数:935 更新时间:2024-5-29


Sts. Paschal and Cyprian.



" As I took my church to arrange and venerate the holy relics, I recognized a splinter of an arm-bone as belonging to the holy martyr Paschal (1). He had been paralytic from childhood, though otherwise healthy. His father suffered in a persecution of the Christians, and young Paschal and his sister found a home with their elder brother who had a son, a priest also named Cyprian.


I used to see the latter saying Mass underground, for the Christians all dwelt at that period in caves, ruined walls, and even in tombs. Cyprian was full of love and compassion for the poor cripple, who had not the use of his limbs; he was so deformed that his knees and chin met. When sixteen years old, Paschal begged to be taken to the tomb of a martyr ; and about twenty persons, among them Cyprian, bore him on a litter to a place of martyrdom.

我曾经看到西庇廉在地下秘密做弥撒,因为那个时期的基督徒都住在地窟里、被毁坏的墙壁里,甚至住在坟墓里。西庇廉对这位可怜的残疾人充满了爱和同情。 他畸形得下巴碰到了膝盖。 十六岁时,帕斯查尔请求带他去殉道者墓地; 大约有二十个人,西庇廉是其中之一,用担架把他抬到殉难的地方。

They proceeded silently along by the prisons to a spot on which a saint had either been martyred or buried, I do not now remember which, and here they prayed. Paschal was in a kind of litter that could be raised or lowered at pleasure, and he prayed most fervently. Suddenly he sprang up, cast away his crutches, and joyfully thanked God for his perfect cure, which he had confidently expected in this place.


I saw his friends eagerly embracing him ; he returned with them perfectly cured. Then I saw in a series of pictures how pious and charitable he was, and how zealously he aided Cyprian, his brother's son, in the care of the sick and poor, carrying on his shoulders those who could not walk. His elder brother died, and I saw them burying him secretly And now there broke out a great persecution, I think under the Emperor Nero.


 (1) Sister Emmerich had this vision on Feb. 26, 1821; consequently, she looked upon this day as the anniversary of the martyrdom, or the miraculous discovery of the sacred remains of these two saints. According to the Acta Sanctorum, they were presented Feb. 26, 1646, by Cardinal Altieri. to the Jesuit College of Antwerp. St, Cyprian's body was given at later period to the College of Mechlin.

 (1) 艾曼丽修女在 1821 2 26 日有了这个异象; 因此,她将这一天视为殉道纪念日,或者是奇迹般地发现这两位圣人的圣髑的记念日。 根据《诸圣传记》记载,这些圣髑于 1646 2 26 日由枢机主教阿尔铁里赠送给安特卫普耶稣会学院。 圣西庇廉的遗体后来被交给了梅赫林学院。

Multitudes of Christians, men, women, and maidens, were gathered together in a certain quarter of the city and, after a short examination, martyred in many different ways. Trees opposite one another were bent down, and the martyrs bound to them by a leg or an arm. When the trees were allowed to resume their upright position, the Christians were torn asunder.


I saw maidens hung up by the feet, their head almost touching the ground, their hands tied behind their back Whilst in this posture spotted animals, which looked like great cats, devoured the breasts of their still living body. Paschal’s sister fled with many other Christians; but Paschal and Cyprian courageously repaired to the place of execution, to console and encourage their friends.

我看见一些少女双脚悬吊,她们的头几乎碰到了地面,她们的手被绑在背后,在这种姿势下,豹在她们身体还活着的时候吞噬了她们的乳房。帕斯查尔的妹妹和许多其他基督徒一起逃亡; 但帕斯查尔和西庇廉勇敢地回到了行刑地点,去安慰和鼓励他们的朋友。

They were, at first, driven off; but, having declared themselves Christians, they too were interrogated and martyred. The Christians were sometimes condemned to be crushed between immense stone plates which covered the whole body, with the exception of the arms and feet, which projected beyond them.

起初,他们被赶走了。但在宣布自己是基督徒之后,他们也被审讯并殉道了。 基督徒有时被判,要被巨大的石板压死,这些石板覆盖他们全身,只剩下伸出石板的胳膊和脚。

Sometimes two were laid, one upon another, face to face, and crushed together. Paschal and Cyprian thus suffered, but side by side. Then my vision changed to a later period, one in which the Christians enjoyed more liberty, one in which they could visit and honor the tombs of the saints.

有时,两个人面对面地躺在一起被碾压。 帕斯查尔和西庇廉就这样并肩受刑。 后来我的异象转向了一个较晚的时期,在这个时期,基督徒享有更多的自由,他们可以参观和纪念圣人坟墓。

I saw a father and mother carrying a lame boy about seven years old across a field in which many martyrs were interred. Monuments and little chapels stood here and there over the graves. At the end of the cemetery, which was named after Pope Calixtus, the parents halted with their afflicted children on a spot covered only with grass ; for here, the boy said, lay two holy martyrs who would help him. They prayed.

我看到一对父母抱着一个七岁左右的瘸腿男孩穿过一片埋葬了许多殉道者的田野。墓碑和小教堂在坟墓周围随处可见。在以教宗嘉里命名的墓地尽头,父母和他们受苦的孩子停在一个只有草覆盖的地方。 因为这个男孩说,这里躺着帕斯查尔和西庇廉两位圣洁的致命圣人,他们将会帮助他。于是父母及小孩祈祷。

I think the child invoked them by name, and up he arose perfectly cured. Then I saw the mother and child kneeling to thank God, and the father running back to the city to proclaim the miracle, He returned with some men, among them priests, who carefully dug around, until they came to the bodies of the two saints.

我想这孩子呼求了他们的名字,然后他就完全痊愈了。 然后我看到母子跪着感谢天主,父亲跑回城里去宣布这个奇迹。他带着一些人回来了,其中包括司铎,他们小心地在周围挖掘,直到挖出两位圣人的遗骸。

They lay arm in arm, well-preserved, perfectly white and dry. The tomb was quadrangular and, at the spot in which the saints' arms locked there was a break in the low wall of partition between the bodies. They were not entirely disinterred at this time, but a festival was celebrated on the spot, the tomb was beautifully repaired, and a writing deposited in it. It was then closed, a roof supported by four or six columns raised over it, and the whole sodded.

两位圣人的遗骸手挽手地躺着,保存完好,洁白而干爽。坟墓是四边形的,在两名圣人双臂交叉的地方,尸体之间隔开的低矮墙上有一道缺口。 此时他们并没有完全被挖掘出来,但在那里举行了一个节庆,墓穴被修复得很漂亮,并在里面存放了一段文字说明。 然后关闭了墓穴,四到六根柱子撑起了一个屋顶罩住整个坟墓,上面铺满了草皮。

I saw various kinds of plants on it, one with very large leaves, a thick tuft like the house-leek. Under the roof was a stone before which was raised an altar with an opening on top which could be closed at pleasure. On the vertical stone was an inscription. I saw the Holy Mass celebrated and Holy Communion given, the communicants holding under the chin a plate and white cloth. The sacred remains still lay buried there, though the little edifice over their grave was destroyed at a later period.


—Then I had a vision of many graves in this cemetery being opened and the holy remains removed, among them those of Paschal and Cyprian, now mere skeletons, but still lying in good condition, Then I saw them in two little four-cornered caskets, in possession of the Jesuits of Antwerp, who with many solemn ceremonies and in grand procession richly encased the relics and laid them in beautiful shrines."




Sts. Perpetua and Felicity.



On February 27, 1820, Sister Emmerich related the following: "Last night, as I began to bemoan before God my pitiable state, I received this just reproach : ' How canst thou complain, surrounded as thou art by so rich a treasure of relics for which others had to journey so far ? Thou hast the privilege of living with these holy personages, of seeing all they did, of knowing all they were!’


1820 2 27 日,艾曼丽修女讲述了以下内容:昨天晚上,当我开始在天主面前哀叹我可怜的状况时,我受到了公正的责备:你怎么能抱怨呢?你被如此丰富的圣髑宝藏所包围,而其他人要长途跋涉才能看到这些圣髑。你有特权与这些圣洁的人生活在一起,看到他们所做的一切,知道他们的一切!

I felt then how wrong it was in me to repine, and I saw a whole troop of saints whose relics are here by me. In the life of St. Perpetua, I saw many scenes. Even as a child, she had visions of her future martyrdom. — It reminded me of a dream I had had in my childhood in which I thought I was to have nothing but black bread and water. I thought this signified that I was to be a beggar ; but now I think Walburga's black bread which I received explains the dream.

那时我觉得我抱怨是不对的,我看到一整支圣人的队伍,他们的圣髑就在我身边。在圣伯尔都亚的生平中,我看到了很多场景。甚至在她还是个孩子的时候,她就对自己未来的殉道有了憧憬。——这让我想起了我小时候做的一个梦,在梦中我以为我除了黑面包和水以外什么也得不到。 我认为这意味着我要成为一个乞丐; 但现在我想我收到沃尔布加的黑面包解释了这个梦。

— I saw all the sufferings of Perpetua, Felicity, and others, martyred with and after them in the same country. They were hunted by beasts and put to the sword." At these words, Sister Emmerich took one of the relics, kissed it, laid it upon her heart, and said : "Perpetua is there by me !" then, taking another little particle, she exclaimed : "This is very precious. It is the bone of a little boy who courageously suffered martyrdom with his father, mother, and two sisters.

——我目睹了伯尔都亚、斐莉丝和其他人在同一个国家里和他们在一起或在他们之后殉道的所有痛苦。 他们被野兽追杀,被刀剑所杀。说到这里,艾曼丽修女拿起其中一个圣髑,吻了吻,放在胸口,说:圣伯尔都亚就在我身边!接着,她又拿起一个小碎块 ,感叹道:这是非常珍贵的。 这是一个小男孩的骨头,他勇敢地与他的父亲、母亲和两个姐妹一起殉道。

He was imprisoned with Perpetua and he suffered by fire. There were little eminences in an enclosed place and on them stakes, or seats, on which the martyrs were placed, the fire being lighted all around them. The bone shines with wonderful brilliancy, a glory of the finest blue with golden rays, such as surrounded the child-martyr. The light is so wonderfully invigorating that no words can express it.- -I thought at first that Perpetua and Felicity were martyred in Rome, because I saw them executed in a building similar to the one in that city ; but now I know that it was in a place far distant."


March 2d — “I had St. Perpetua's relic and I saw many pictures of her captivity and martyrdom ; but all will be more clear on her feast-day. I saw the captive Christians in a round, subterranean prison under an old building, They were separated from one another by gratings through which they could talk, and even pass the hand. It was very dark, excepting around the captives, where I saw a faint light glimmering. The only egress was by a trap-door in the roof, besides which there were four gratings to admit air.

3 2 日——我有圣伯尔都亚的圣髑,我看到了很多关于她被囚禁和殉道的画面;但到了她的瞻礼,一切都变得更加明朗了。我看到被囚禁的基督徒被关在一栋古老建筑下面的一个圆形地下监狱里,他们被栅栏隔开,他们可以通过栅栏交谈,甚至握手。监狱里很黑,除了俘虏,我看到周围一丝微弱的灯光在闪烁。唯一的出口是屋顶上的一扇活板门,除此之外,还有四个通风的栅栏。

I saw four men imprisoned with Felicity and Perpetua, the latter of whom was suckling her child. Felicity, who had not yet given birth to hers, was in the adjoining cell. Perpetua was tall, robust, well-proportioned, and very dignified in all her actions. Felicity was much shorter, more delicate, more beautiful; both had black hair. Perpetua's confident, energetic words kept up the courage of all her companions.

我看到有四个男人同斐莉丝和伯尔都亚囚禁在一起,伯尔都亚正在给她的孩子喂奶。斐莉丝还没有生下她的孩子,就在隔壁的牢房里。伯尔都亚身材高大,体格健壮,身材匀称,举止端庄。斐莉丝要矮的多,更娇嫩,更美丽; 两人都有一头黑发。伯尔都亚自信而充满活力的话语鼓舞了所有同伴的勇气。

At some distance were many other prisoners. The courageous little boy-martyr was with his father in one cell, and the mother with her two little girls in another. They were separated by a wall through which their friends conversed with them. Before the grating of Perpetua's cell, I saw a disconsolate old man tearing his hair and weeping bitterly. He was not a Christian. I think it was her father.

不远处还有许多其他囚犯。这位勇敢的殉道小男孩和他的父亲在一间牢房里,母亲和她的两个小女儿在另一间牢房里。 他们被一堵墙隔开,他们的朋友通过墙和他们交谈。在伯尔都亚牢房的铁栅栏前,我看到一郁郁寡欢的老人撕扯着头发,伤心地哭着。他不是基督徒。我想是伯尔都亚的父亲。

There was a kind officer among the guards who often brought bread or other things to Perpetua, who divided the provisions among her companions. She kept carefully hidden by her a roll of parchment. All wore the long, narrow prison-costume ; the women's of coarse white wool, the men's brown. The prison of the latter was near the entrance, that of the women further back.

看守中有一位好心的军官,经常给伯尔都亚带来面包或其他东西,她把食物分给她的同伴们。她小心地把一卷羊皮纸藏在身边。所有人都穿着又长又窄的囚服;女服是粗白羊毛的,男服是棕色的。 男囚犯的监狱在入口附近,女囚犯的监狱在更后面。

I saw a young man die here and his body taken and buried by his friends. One evening I saw Perpetua conversing with a man. That night as she lay on her side asleep, she had a wonderful vision. The whole prison was lighted up, and I saw all its inmates either asleep or in prayer. In this light I beheld a marvellous ladder reaching up to the sky, leading, as it were, into the heavenly gardens ; at the foot of it lay right and left, two dragons, with outstretched heads.

我看到一个年轻人死在这里,他的尸体被他的朋友带走埋葬了。 一天晚上,我看到伯尔都亚和一个男人交谈。那天晚上,当她侧卧躺在床上睡着的时候,她看到了一个美妙的异象。 整个监狱灯火通明,我看到所有的囚犯不是睡着了就是在祈祷。在这样的光线中,我看到了一个神奇的梯子,直插云霄,仿佛是通向天堂上的花园。 在梯子的脚下,左右躺着两条伸出头来的龙。

The ladder was only a pole, far too slender, one would say, considering its great height. I wondered it did not snap. The rounds stood out on either side, long and short alternately. Where a short one jutted out to the left, to the right was a long one bristling with hatchets, spears, and other sharp instruments of torture, and so on all the way up. How any one could mount was perfectly incomprehensible ; and yet, I saw a figure ascending on one side and descending on the other, as if to help some one up.

那梯子只是一根杆子,考虑到它的高度,有人会说,它实在太细了。 我奇怪它没有因细长而折断。 阶梯两边都伸出长短交替的突出的园棍。短的伸向左边,长的伸向右边,上面布满了斧头、长矛和其他锋利的刑具,以此类推。 梯子上有这些刑具,一个人怎么能爬上去这是完全不能理解的。可是,我看到一个人从一边上来,又从另一边降下,似乎是在帮助某人爬上去。

Then I saw Perpetua, who lay there asleep, stepping over the head of the dragon which meekly bent its neck. She mounted the ladder followed by others, and entered the garden where several blessed spirits awaited to encourage and strengthen them. Again, I saw by the sleeping Perpetua a vision of her little deceased brother. I saw a large, dark abode and in it a boy seemingly very miserable ; he was parching with thirst.

然后,我看到躺在那里熟睡的伯尔都亚,(她的灵魂)从巨龙的头上跨过,巨龙温顺地弯下了脖子。她爬上梯子,其他人紧随其后,进入了天国花园,那里有几位蒙福的灵魂等待着鼓励和坚强他们。 我又一次在熟睡的伯尔都亚旁边,看到了她已故弟弟的异象。 我看到一间又大又黑的房子,里面有一个男孩,看起来很可怜; 他口渴得要命。 

He stood by a vessel of water from which, however, he could not drink as it was beyond his reach. When Perpetua had the vision of the ladder, I saw by the light that filled the prison that Felicity, her neighbor, had not yet been delivered. Suddenly I saw all the captives prostrating on the ground in prayer; and soon after I saw a little child lying on Felicity's lap. A woman in tears, in great trouble, took the child, which the young mother joyfully resigned to her.

他站在一瓶水旁边,然而,他无法喝水,因为水在他够不到的地方。 当伯尔都亚看到梯子的异象时,我从监狱里的亮光中看到,她的邻居斐莉丝还没有生产, 突然间,我看到所有的俘虏都俯伏在地祈祷;不久之后,我看到一个婴儿躺在斐莉丝的腿上。 一个泪流满面的女人在极大的困难中抱起了孩子,年轻的母亲高兴地把孩子交给了她。

" And now I saw the martyrs led to death. They left the prison between two files of soldiers who cruelly pushed them from side to side on their way to the place of execution. This place consisted of several communicating enclosures not exactly like that of Rome. Twice on the way did persons approach the procession and hold up Perpetua’s child for her to see : first, at the gate where a halt was made and a contest arose between the soldiers and their prisoners about something which the latter refused to do ; and secondly, at a cross-road where they ran to meet her.


All the other Christian -captives had been brought out merely to witness the martyrdom, for only Perpetua, Felicity, and three men suffered at this time. I cannot say how unspeakably noble these martyrs appeared ! The two women looked perfectly glorious, whilst the men boldly exhorted the spectators. They were forced to pass slowly between two files of executioners who struck them on the back with whips.


Then the two men were stationed opposite the cage of a wild beast which looked like an enormous spotted cat. It sprang forth furiously but did not harm them much ; after this they were set upon by a bear. A wild boar was let loose upon the third ; but it turned upon the executioner, whom I saw borne off covered with blood."

然后,这两个女人就站在一头野兽的笼子对面,这只野兽看起来像一只豹。 它猛烈地跳了出来,但并没有对他们造成太大伤害;在这之后,他们被一只熊袭击了。第三次放出了一只野猪;但野猪转向了刽子手,我看到刽子手被咬得满身是血地被抬走了。

March 3d — "Perpetua and Felicity came and gave me a drink, and then I had a vision of their youth. I saw them with other little girls playing in a circular garden enclosed by a wall. In it were numbers of slender trees higher than a man and to close together that their top branches interlaced In the centre stood a round summer house, on the roof of which was a walk protected by a railing. In the centre stood a white statue, the size of a child, one hand raised, the other lowered, and holding something between the two.

3 3 日——伯尔都亚和斐莉丝来给我喝了些水,然后我看到了她们年轻时的情景。我看到她们和其他小女孩在一个被墙围起来的圆形花园里玩耍。院子里有许多比人还高的细长的树,树顶的树枝紧紧地挨在一起,交错在一起。院子中央有一座园形的凉亭,屋顶上有一条由栏杆护着的小径,中央立着一座有一尊儿童大小的白色雕像,一只手举起 ,另一只手放下,两只手之间夹着什么东西。

Near by played a fountain which was surrounded by a railing stuck with sharp points, to prevent the children from climbing it. By means of an opening, they could make the water flow into a shallow stone basin like a shell in which they played. Here they amused themselves with puppets on wires and little wooden animals.

附近有一个喷泉,喷泉周围有一个栏杆,栏杆上有尖锐的尖头,以防止孩子们爬上去。 通过一个开口,她们可以让水流入一个浅浅的石盆,就像她们玩耍的贝壳一样。 在这里,她们玩的是用线绳控制的木偶和木制小动物来自娱自乐。

I often saw the two saints withdrawing from the other children and tenderly embracing each other, by which I knew that their love began in childhood. I was told that they had promised never to separate. They often played that they were Christians and were being martyred ; but even then they would not be separated. St. Monica (of whom I had a relic) told me that the city is called Carthage."

我经常看到两位圣人远离其他孩子,彼此温柔地拥抱,由此我知道她们的爱始于童年。我被告知,她们承诺永远不会分开。 她们经常装扮自己是基督徒,正在殉道; 但即便如此,她们也不会分开。 圣莫尼加(我有她的圣髑)告诉我,这座城市叫迦太基。

March 6th — "I was until two o'clock with Perpetua and Felicity, and I saw successive pictures of their youth up to the time of their imprisonment. They did not reside in the place in which they were imprisoned and martyred, but about half a league distant, in the suburbs where the houses stood far apart. It was connected with the city by a road running between two low walls and several high archways.

3 6 日——我一直和伯尔都亚和斐莉丝在一起待到两点钟,我看到了她们从青年时代到入狱前的一张张画面。她们并不是居住在她们被监禁和殉道的地方,而是住在大约半里远的郊区,那里的房屋相距甚远。在两条矮墙和几座高拱门之间有一条路把郊区和城市连接起来。

Perpetua's home stood by itself. It was tolerably large, and her parents seemed to be people of distinction. It had an enclosed court and inner colonnade, though not exactly like that of Agnes's house in Rome, and there were statues in the walks. In front was an open space, and behind, though at some distance, the circular garden I lately saw.

伯尔都亚的家是独立的。房子相当大,伯尔都亚的父母似乎都是有名望的人。 房子有一个封闭的庭院和内部的柱廊,虽然与罗马的依搦斯的房子不太一样,而且人行道上有雕像。房屋前面是一片开阔的空地,后面是我最近看到的圆形花园,虽然有一段距离。

Perpetua's mother was a Christian, but in secret, and she knew that her children were the same. The father alone was a pagan. I saw some young men in the house. — Felicity was younger than Perpetua. She was the child of very poor people who lived in another part of the city, in a miserable little house built in the city-wall. The mother was a stout, active, dark-complexioned woman ; the father was already old at the time of the martyrdom.


I saw them as they carried fruit and vegetables to the market in baskets, and I often saw Perpetua going to visit them. As a little girl, she was very much attached to Felicity, with whom she and her brothers and other little boys used to play together most innocently. I often saw them in the garden. In their childish games, Perpetua and Felicity were always Christians and martyrs ; the former was wonderfully courageous even from childhood, boldly promoting good and the Christian faith, on which account she often ran great risks.

我看到斐莉丝他们用篮子提着水果和蔬菜去市场,我经常看到伯尔都亚去看望他们。 作为一个小女孩,她非常喜欢斐莉丝,她和她的兄弟们以及其他小男孩过去常常和斐莉丝一起天真地玩耍。 我经常在花园里看到他们。在他们幼稚的游戏中,伯尔都亚和斐莉丝始终是基督徒和殉道者; 伯尔都亚从小就非常勇敢,大胆地宣扬仁爱和基督教信仰,为此她经常冒很大的风险。

Felicity was pretty and delicate, and altogether more beautiful than Perpetua. The features of the latter were more strongly marked ; her manners rather independent and masculine. Both were dark, like all the people of that country, and they had black hair. I saw Perpetua when a young girl often going to Felicity's home ; and once I saw their future husbands, good, pious men, Christians in secret.


Perpetua had seen in vision that, if she married, she would attain martyrdom more speedily. In the same vision, she had also seen her father's displeasure and the greater part of her own sufferings. After her own marriage she forwarded that of Felicity and assisted her in her poverty. Perpetua's husband seemed to me to be far beneath her in station; she accepted him only through respect for his virtue.


When she left the house of her father, who was greatly dissatisfied with his daughter's marriage, her friends neglected her, and she lived a retired life with her husband. Felicity's husband was also a pious Christian, but very poor. I used to see them going by night to a distant, retired place, like a large under-ground cave, supported on square pillars. It lay beyond the walls under a ruined building. Here about thirty Christians met quietly, closed all the entrances, lighted flambeaux, and ranged in groups. I saw no divine service, but only instructions."

当她离开父亲家时,父亲对女儿的婚姻极为不满,她的朋友们都疏远了她,她和丈夫过着隐居的生活。 斐莉丝的丈夫也是一位虔诚的基督徒,但非常贫穷。 我曾经看到他们在晚上去一个遥远的、隐蔽的地方,就像一个巨大的地下洞穴,洞口有方柱支撑。 它位于城墙外,在一栋破败的建筑物下。大约三十名基督徒在这里悄悄地聚会,聚会时他们关闭所有入口,点燃火炬,并排成一排。 我没有看到神圣弥撒,只看见教导。

March 7th — “I saw two holy men approach my bed on one side, and three holy women on the other. They were the two husbands, and Perpetua, Felicity, and Perpetua's mother-in-law, a dark-complexioned old woman. Perpetua and Felicity took me up and laid me in a bed with blue curtains bound with red, and the mother-in-law moved a round table up to it on which she laid all sorts of marvellous food.

3 7 日——我看到两个圣洁的男人走近我床的一边,另一边是三个圣妇。 他们是两个丈夫,还有伯尔都亚、斐莉丝和伯尔都亚的婆婆,一个肤色黝黑的老妇人。伯尔都亚和斐莉丝把我抱起来放在一张蓝帐红边的床上,婆婆把一张圆桌移到上面,上面放了各种美味的食物。

It seemed as if she did it in Perpetua's name. The table stood in the air near my bed without any support. Then the two holy women passed into another and larger apartment and, as I fancied that their silent departure betokened some trouble for me, I became sad. The mother-in-law followed them and the two men, likewise, disappeared. Then I perceived that my hands and feet were bleeding.

似乎她是以伯尔都亚的名义做的。桌子悬在我床边的空中,没有任何支撑。 然后这两位圣妇走进另一间更大的公寓,我以为她们的悄然离去意味着我遇到了什么麻烦,于是我感到难过起来。 婆婆跟在她们后面,两个男人也同样消失了。 然后我发现我的手和脚都在流血。

Suddenly several men lushed toward me, crying out : ' Ah ! Ah ! she is eating!’ and the alarm was soon spread. The saints returned. The mother-in-law told me that I should have had a cruel persecution to endure on account of the bleeding of my wounds, if the prayers of the saints had not averted or mitigated it; that the three children whom I had clothed for Communion would by their prayers ward off many trials from me; and that, instead of a new persecution, I should endure a painful illness.


It was in view of this that I had received the nourishment of fruits and flowers and fine bread on the golden plates with blue inscriptions. The holy woman, the mother-in-law, stayed by me and told me many things. She was surrounded by a white aureola which dissolved into gray. She told me that she was the mother of Perpetua's husband and that she had lived near them.

正因为如此,我才得到了印有蓝色铭文的金色盘子里的水果、鲜花和精美面包的滋养。那圣洁的妇女,那个婆婆,留在了我身边,告诉我很多事情。 她被一圈白色的光环包围着,光环又化为灰色。 她告诉我,她是伯尔都亚丈夫的母亲,她住在他们附近。

She had neither been imprisoned nor martyred with them, but she now enjoyed their companionship because, like so many others during the persecution, she had died of grief and want in her place of concealment. This circumstance God rewarded as martyrdom. Perpetua and Felicity could have escaped very easily, but the former longed for martyrdom.


She had openly declared herself a Christian when the persecution broke out. She told me also that Perpetua had married in consequence of a vision she had had, and also that she might more easily leave her father's house.

迫害爆发时,她公开宣称自己是基督徒。 伯尔都亚还告诉我,她结婚是因为她有一个异象,而且这样她能更容易离开她父亲的家。

I saw the father, a short, stout old man ; he was seldom at home. When I saw him, he was standing in the second story of his house, in an apartment next his wife's. He could see all she did, for there was only a light wicker partition between the rooms, at the upper part of which was an opening with a slide. Although he busied himself but little with her, yet he seemed to regard her with suspicion, as she was a Christian.

我看见了这个父亲,一个矮矮胖胖的老人; 他很少在家。 当我看到他时,他正站在他家的二楼,在他妻子隔壁的一个房间里。 他可以看到妻子所做的一切,因为两间房屋之间只有一个轻质的柳条隔板,隔板的上部有一个带滑轨的开口,可以滑开隔板。他虽然很少和她在一起,但他似乎对她持怀疑态度,因为她是一基督徒。

I often saw her in this room. She was rather stout, not very active, and she generally sat or reclined in her oratory, doing some kind of coarse knitting with wooden needles. The walls of the room, like those of the houses in Rome, were colored, but not so delicately. When the father was at home, the whole house was silent and restrained ; but, when he was away, the mother was bright and cheerful among her children.


Besides Perpetua, I saw two youths in the family. When the former was about seventeen, I saw her in a room nursing and bandaging a sick boy of seven years. He had a horrible ulcer in his face, and he was not very patient in his sickness. His parents came not near him. I saw him die in Perpetual arms. She wrapped the body in linen and concealed it. The father and mother saw him no more.


 “Felicity was a servant in the same house as one of her fellow-martyrs, but she often went to her parent's house to spend the night. Perpetua frequently carried thither at dusk something in a little basket or under her mantle, which they either used themselves, or took to the Christians in concealment. Many of the latter died of hunger. All these goings and comings went on before my eyes.


— Perpetua was not beautiful in face. Her nose was rather short and flat ; her cheek-bones high ; her lips a little too full, like those of the people of her country ; her long black hair was braided around her head. Her dress was in the Roman style, though not quite so simple, being scalloped round the neck and skirt, the upper garment laced. Her figure was tall and imposing; her whole air fearless and confident.

——伯尔都亚的脸并不漂亮。 她的鼻子又短又平; 她的颧骨很高; 她的嘴唇很厚,就像她的国家的人一样; 她长长的黑发盘在头上。 她的裙子是罗马风格的,但并不那么简易,颈部和裙子周围是扇形的,上衣系着花边。 她身材高大,威风凛凛; 她的整个气质是无所畏惧和充满自信的。

— I saw in Perpetuas house the two husbands taking leave of their wives before their flight from persecution. When they had gone, I saw Perpetua and Felicity tenderly embracing each other as if they were now right joyful. Perpetua’s home was plainer than that of her parents. It was only one story high, the yard enclosed by a wooden paling. At daybreak next morning the house was attacked by a troop of soldiers who had already taken two young men into custody.

——我在伯尔都亚家看到两位丈夫在逃离迫害前与他们的妻子告别。他们走后,我看到伯尔都亚和斐莉丝温柔地拥抱在一起,好像她们现在很快乐似的。 伯尔都亚的家比她父母的家更朴素。 房子只有一层楼高,院子被木栅栏围起来。 第二天拂晓,房子就遭到一群士兵的袭击,他们已经把两个年轻人抓起来了。

Perpetua and Felicity were led away full of joy ; the mother-in-law had the child, and no one molested her. The four were now dragged with many cruel blows and much ill-usage, not by the ordinary way along the walls and under the arches, but by another route across the fields to a distant part of the city, where they entered a miserable old building that stood by itself, like a temporary fortress. Here they were to stay until taken to the ordinary prison.

伯尔都亚和斐莉丝满心欢喜地被带走了; 婆婆带着孩子,没有人来骚扰她。 这四个人现在遭受了许多残酷的打击和许多虐待,他们不是沿着城墙和拱门下的通常的路线走,而是从另一条穿过田野的路,来到城市的一个遥远的地方,在那里,他们进入了一座孤零零的破旧的老房子,就像一座临时的堡垒。 他们将留在这里,直到被带到普通监狱。

I saw a young man rapping at the prison gate. The soldiers let him in and put him with the other captives. Perpetua's father followed her here, praying, beseeching, conjuring her to renounce her faith ; he even struck her in the face, but she answered in a few earnest words and bore all patiently. Then I saw the prisoners conducted through a section of the city and along many walls to an underground prison where there were already many captives.


Here I again saw Perpetua' s vision of the ladder. She ascended to the top, received strength, and then descended, in doing which she glanced to one side, caught her dress below the waist on one of the spears, and tore it. It was exactly the same spot that was afterward torn when she was tossed by the cow. I saw her lying on the ground, and then suddenly rising to arrange her dress. This was what the torn dress of the vision signified.

在这里,我又看到了伯尔都亚关于天梯的异象。 她爬上了天梯,上达梯顶,获得力量,然后下降,她朝一边看了一眼,她的衣服在腰部以下被一支长矛钩住了,把它撕破了。 这正是她后来她被牛抛来抛去,衣服被撕碎的地方。 我看见她躺在地上,突然起身整理她的衣服。 这就是撕裂的衣服的异象所代表的意义。

I often saw her whilst in prison, speaking undauntedly to the guards, defending her companions, and gaining for herself universal  esteem. During her torture, when being tossed by the cow, she seemed to be in vision, utterly unconscious of pain. She was dragged horribly from side to side and hurled up into the air in a frightful manner ; on falling she arranged her dress and seemed, for an instant, to have some consciousness of her position.


As they were leading her across to another court, I heard her asking if she would soon be martyred now. She was in continual contemplation, conscious of nothing. In the middle of this second court, were little seats to which the martyrs were dragged and their throats pierced. Perpetua’s death was horrible to behold ! she could not die ! The executioner pierced her through the ribs and then through the right shoulder to the neck, she herself guiding his hand ; and, when lying on the ground apparently dead, she still stretched forth one hand.

当他们把她带到另一个法庭时,我听到她在问她现在是否很快就要殉道了。 她一直在默观中,什么都没有意识到。在第二个法庭的中间,有几个小座位,殉道者们被拖到那里,他们的喉咙被刺穿了。 伯尔都亚的死令人毛骨悚然! 她不能立即死去!刽子手刺穿了她的肋骨,然后刺穿她的右肩膀,一直刺到脖子上,她亲自引导刑役的手;而且,当她躺在地看上去已经死了的时候,她仍然伸出一只手。

She was the last to die and only after a long and hard agony. The two women had been stripped and put into a net and, owing to the tossing and scourging, their whole body was covered with blood. Their remains were taken away secretly and buried by the people of Carthage. I saw that many were converted by Perpetua's heroic behavior, and the prison was soon filled again. "

她是最后一个死去的,而且是在经历了漫长而艰难的痛苦之后才死的。 两个女人被剥光了,被套在网里,被翻来覆去的鞭打,她们全身都是血。 她们的遗体被迦太基人秘密带走埋葬。我看到许多人因伯尔都亚的英勇行为而皈依,监狱很快又被填满了。

March 8th — "I had the relics of Perpetua and Felicity by me all night: but, to my great surprise, I saw nothing of the two saints ! I had hoped for some pictures of their life, but I got not even a glance ; therefore, I see that such visions are very special, one cannot have them at pleasure. "

3 8 日——伯尔都亚和斐莉丝的圣髑整夜都在我身边:但令我惊讶的是,我没有看见这两位圣人的生平!我本来希望能看到她们生平的一些画面,但我连一眼也没瞥见到; 所以,我认为上述的异象是非常特殊的,人们不要等闲视之。




上一篇:下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
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