真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
浏览次数:1178 更新时间:2024-5-24


Sister Emmerich's Gift of Recognizing Relics and

Blessed Objects.




P1046-1058 Page Thumbnails (394-406 Book Page)

With the gift of prophecy, Sister Emmerich had also received the power of discerning holy objects, even by the senses. Blessed bells had for her a melody all their own, a sound essentially different from every other that struck her ear; her taste detected the blessing imparted to holy water as readily as others can distinguish water from wine ; her sense of smell aided her sight and touch in recognizing the relics of saints; and she had as lively a perception of the sacerdotal benediction sent her from afar as when given in her actual vicinity.


Whether in ecstasy or the state of consciousness, she would involuntarily follow the consecrated fingers of a priest as if deriving from their influence strength and benediction. This keen perception of all that was holy, of virtues, of spiritual properties, was not conveyed to her senses by previous knowledge received in vision. It was perfectly independent of the activity of the mind and as involuntary as is the transmission of ideas to it through the medium of the senses.


This faculty of realizing what the senses could not perceive had, like the gift of prophecy, its very foundation in the grace of Baptism and infused faith. Her angel once said to her : " Thou perceivest the light from the bones of the saints by the same power thou dost possess of realizing the communion of the faithful ; but faith is the condition on which depends the power of receiving holy influences."


Sister Emmerich saw all that was holy radiant with light, " I sometimes see,” she said, “when lying fully awake, a resplendent form hovering in the air, toward which rise thousands of brilliant rays, until the two lights unite. If one of these rays should happen to break, it falls back, as it were, and darkness takes its place." This is an image of the spiritual communion of the faithful by prayer and good works.


She felt the influence of this light as of something that relieved and strengthened her, something that filled her with joy and powerfully attracted her to itself; whilst, on the contrary, she turned suddenly and involuntarily, filled with horror and disgust, from whatever was unholy, from whatever was tainted with sin.


 “It is very difficult to explain this clearly," she once said to the Pilgrim. I see the blessing and the blessed object endowed with a healing and helping power. I see them luminous and radiating light ; evil, crime and malediction appear before me as darkness radiating darkness and working destruction. I see light and darkness as living things enlightening or obscuring. For a long time I have had a perception of the authenticity of relics and, as I abhor the veneration of false ones, I have buried many such.


My guide tells me that it is a great abuse to distribute as genuine relics objects that have only touched relics. One day whilst I was baking hosts in the convent, I felt suddenly attracted toward a certain cupboard, indeed, I was violently drawn to it. In it I found a round box containing relics, and I had no peace until I gave them a more honorable resting-place."

护守天神告诉我,把只碰触过圣髑的物品当作真正的圣髑而进行分发是一种极大的滥用。有一天,当我在修院里烤制祭饼时,我突然被某个橱柜吸引住了,说实在的,我被它深深地吸引住了。 我在里面发现了一个装着圣髑的圆盒子,在我给圣髑一个更体面的安息之处之前,我一直不得安宁。

On July 19, 1820, she spoke as follows : “I have been told that the gift of recognizing relics has never been bestowed upon any one in the same degree as God has given it to me, and this on account of their being so sadly neglected and because their veneration is to be revived.” These last words are fully explained by Sister Emmerich's communications on the Feast of the Holy Relics, 1819-1820. On the first Sunday of July, 1819, she related what follows: “I had to go with my guide into all parts of our country where lay buried the bones of the saints (1).

1820  7  19 日,她这样说:「我被告知,辨认圣髑的恩赐,从来没有像天主赐予我的那样被赋予任何人,这是由于圣髑被如此可悲的忽视,也因为圣髑的敬重将因天主赐给我的恩赐而被恢复。艾曼丽修女在 1819-1820 年的神圣圣髑瞻礼上,充分解释了这些最后的话。1819  7 月的第一个主日,她讲述了以下内容:我必须和护守天神一起前往我们国家所有埋葬圣人骨的地方(1)。

 (1) " This vision appeared to me all the more remarkable,” writes Brentano, ''when I discovered that the Feast of Holy Relics is celebrated at present In the diocese of Minister, a fact wholly unknown to Sister Emmerich . Her obligation to satisfy for the negligence committed in the Church is indeed wonderful !"

(1) 布伦塔诺写道: 当我看到明斯特教区正在庆祝神圣圣髑瞻礼时,这个异象在我看来更加非凡,而艾曼丽修女完全不知道这个事实。她为教会对圣髑的疏忽做了补赎,这真是了不起!

I saw entire bodies over which buildings had been erected and places upon which convents and churches had once stood. Here lay whole rows of bodies, among them those of some saints. In Diilmen, I saw sacred relics reposing between the church and the school-house, and the saints to whom they belonged appeared to me, saying: ' That is one of my bones!’—


I saw that these neglected treasures confer blessings wherever they lie and ward off Satan's influence. I have seen certain places preserved from serious calamities by them whilst others of recent date suffered severely, because possessing nothing of the kind. I cannot say in how many strange, out-of-the-way places, under walls, houses, and corners I have been where the richest treasures of relics lie unhonored, covered up by rubbish.


I venerated them all and begged the dear saints not to withdraw their love from the poor people. I went also to the place of martyrdom in Rome and saw the multitudes of saints who there suffered death. My Heavenly Bridegroom there appeared to me under the form in which I am so accustomed to see Him ; viz. ; in His twelfth year. The saints seemed to me innumerable ; they were divided into choirs headed respectively by him who had instructed and encouraged them. They wore long white mantles with crosses and caps, from either side of which hung long flaps down to the shoulders.


I went with them into underground caves full of passages, chambers, round apartments like chapels, into which several others opened, and in the centre of which stood a pillar supporting the roof. Many of these pillars were ornamented with beautiful figures. In the walls were deep, quadrangular excavations in which reposed the bones of the dead.


As we passed along, sometimes one of my guides, sometimes another would say : ‘See, here we lived in time of persecution, here we taught and celebrated the mysteries of Redemption!’— They showed me long stone altars projecting from the wall, and others round and beautifully sculptured upon which the Holy Sacrifice had been offered. ' See,’ they said, 'we lived here for a time in poverty and obscurity, but the light and strength of faith were ours!’ and after those words, the different leaders disappeared with their choir.


Sometimes we came to daylight, but only again to plunge into the caves. I saw gardens, walls, and palaces overhead and I could not understand how the people up there knew nothing of what was going on below, how all these things had been brought down into the caves, how it was all done ! At last, there remained with me of all the saints only one old man and a youth.


We entered a spacious apartment whose form I could not determine, as I could not see its limits. It was supported by numerous pillars with sculptured capitals, and beautiful statues larger than life lay around on the ground. At one end the hall converged to a point where, standing out from the wall, was an altar and behind it other statues. The walls were full of tombs in which rested bones, but they were not luminous. In the corners lay numberless rolls, some short and thick, others as long as one's arm, like rolls of linen. I thought they were writings.


When I saw everything so well preserved, the hall so neat and cheerful, I thought it would be very nice to stay awhile, to examine and arrange things, and I wondered that the people overhead guessed not of its existence. Then I had an assurance that all would come to light some day through a great catastrophe. Were I present at the time, I should try to bring it about without injuring anything. Nothing was said to me in this place ; I had but to gaze. Why ? I know not. And now the old man disappeared. He wore a cap like the others with lappets on the shoulders, and a long beard. Then the youth took me back home. "





Feast of Holy Relics, 1820.

1820 年,神圣圣髑瞻礼。

 “I again visited innumerable places where lie relics under buildings buried and forgotten. I went through cellars in mud and dust ; into old church crypts, sacristies, tombs, and I venerated the holy things lying there, scattered and unknown. I saw how they once shone with light, how they shed around a benediction, but their veneration ceased with the decline of the Church.


The churches erected over them are dark and desolate, the saints under them are no longer honored. I saw that their veneration and that of their relics had decreased in the same measure as the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and then I was shown how evil a thing it is to receive the Holy Eucharist through mere habit. Grievous sufferings were imposed upon me for this contempt. In the spiritual Church I saw the value and efficacy of the holy relics now so little regarded on earth.


“I saw an octangular church arising like a lily from a stalk and surrounded by a vine. It had no altar; but in the centre, on a many-branched candlestick, reposed the richest treasures of the Church like bunches of opening flowers. I saw the holy things collected and honorably placed by the saints on this candlestick, this ornamental stand, which seemed constantly to increase in size.


Whilst thus engaged, the saints very often saw their own relics brought in by those who lived after them. I saw the disciples of St. John bringing in his head and other relics of him and the Blessed Virgin with little crystal phials of the Blood of Jesus. In one of them the Blood was still clear and shining. All were in the costly reliquaries in which the Church preserves them.


I saw saintly men and women of Mary's time depositing in precious vases, holy things that once belonged to her ; they were given the place of honor on the right. There was a crystal vase shaped like a breast in which was some of her milk, also pieces of her clothing, and another vase with some of her hair. I saw a tree before the church, and I was shown how it had fallen and been fashioned into the Saviour's cross.


I saw it now in the form in which I always see it, brought in by a woman wearing a crown. It hovered in the air over Mary's relics. The three nails were stuck in it, the little foot-ledge was in its place, as also the inscription, and, skilfully arranged around, were the instruments of the Passion ; the ladder, the lance, the sponge, the rods, the whips, the crowbars, the pillar, the cords, the hammers, etc., whilst the Crown of Thorns hung from the centre.


As the sacred objects were brought in and arranged, I had successive visions of the places in which these relics of the Passion were found, and I felt certain that of all I saw some particles are still preserved and honored. There must be many relics of the Crown of Thorns in different places. I discovered that my particle of the lance is from the haft.


I saw in all directions, on altars, in chambers, churches, vaults, in walls, in rubbish, under the earth and on the earth, portions of the relics and bones which were brought into the church. Many consecrated Hosts in chalices and ciboriums were brought thither by Bishops and corporals stained with the Precious Blood. They were placed on high over the cross. Then came the relics of the Apostles and the early martyrs followed by those of whole bands of martyrs. Popes, priests, confessors, hermits, virgins, religious, etc.


They were deposited at the foot of the cross, in costly vases, ornamented caskets, towers, and shrines wonderfully wrought in precious metal. A mountain of treasures arose under the cross which gradually ascended as the mound increased and, finally, rested upon what might be termed a transfigured Calvary. The relics were brought by those who had themselves honored them and exposed them to the veneration of the faithful ; they were, for the most part, holy personages whose own relics are now held in benediction.


All the saints whose relics were present ranged in choirs, according to their rank and profession ; the church became more and more crowded ; the heavens opened and the splendor of glory gleamed around.  It was like the Heavenly Jerusalem! The relics were surrounded by the aureolas of the saints to whom they belonged, whilst the saints themselves sent forth rays of the same colors, thus establishing a visible and marvellous connection between them and their remains.


 “After this I saw multitudes of well-dressed people thronging around the church with marks of deep veneration. They wore the various costumes of their times ; of the present day, I saw but few. They were people who honored the saints and their relics as they ought to be honored, as members of the Body of Jesus Christ, as holy vessels of divine grace through Jesus, in Jesus. On them I saw falling like a celestial dew the beneficent influence of those saints ; prosperity crowned all their undertakings.


I rejoiced to see here and there, in these our days, some good souls (some of whom I know) still honoring relics in all simplicity. They belong chiefly to the peasantry. They salute simply and earnestly the relics in the church as they enter. To my great joy, I saw my brother among them. As he enters the church, he devoutly invokes the holy relics it contains, and I see that the saints give fertility to his fields.


The veneration paid the saints and their relics in the present day, I saw symbolized by a ruined church in which they lay scattered, neglected, covered with dust, yes, even thrown among filth and dirt; and yet they still shed light around, still draw down a blessing. The church itself was in as pitiable a state as the relics. The faithful still frequented it, but they looked like grim shadows ; only occasionally was a simple, devout soul to be seen who was clear and luminous.


The worst of all were the priests themselves who seemed to be buried in mist, unable to take one step forward. They would not have been able to find the church door were it not that, in spite of their neglect, a few fine rays from the forgotten relics still reached them through the mist. Then I had distinct visions of the origin of the veneration of relics.


I saw altars erected over the remains of the saints which, by the blessing of God, afterward became chapels and churches, but which were now in ruins owing to the neglect of their sacred treasures. I saw in the time in which all was misty and dark, the beautiful reliquaries broken up to make money and their contents scattered around, which latter desecration gave rise to greater evils than did even the selling of the caskets.


The churches in which these sacrileges happened have fallen to decay, and many have even wholly disappeared. I have been to Rome, Cologne, and Aix-la-Chapelle, where I saw treasures of relics to which certain honors are paid.”


In consequence of the dismantling of churches and the suppression of convents, innumerable sacred relics had been scattered and profaned and had finally fallen into irreverent hands. This was a source of deep sorrow to Sister Emmerich, who sought every opportunity to revive veneration toward these holy objects.


People soon discovered that they could not give the poor invalid greater pleasure than by bringing her something of the kind, or asking her advice on the subject. In this way she accumulated quite a treasure of holy things (1). More than three hundred genuine relics, with whose whole history she was perfectly familiar, were in her possession at the time of her death. She had received them principally from Dean Overberg, Father Limberg, the Pilgrim, and others, who knew of her ability to recognize such things.


(1) One day Clara Soentgen brought her a little package of relics. Sister Emmerich took it, saying: “ O this is a great treasure ! Here are relics of St. Peter, his step-daughter Petronilla, Lazarus, Martha, and Magdalen. It was brought from Rome long ago. This is the way the saints’ bones lie around when they pass from the Church into private hands. This reliquary was first bequeathed as an inheritance, then given away among old worthless things, and at last it fell by chance into Clara Soentgen's possession. I must have the relics honored.”

(1) 有一天,克拉拉·索恩根给她带来了一小包圣髑。艾曼丽修女接过它,说:啊,这是一件伟大的宝藏!这里是圣伯多禄和他的继女彼得罗尼拉,以及拉匝禄,玛尔大和玛达肋纳的圣髑。这是很久以前从罗马带来的。这就是圣人的骨头从教会传到私人手中的方式。这个圣物箱最初是作为遗产遗赠的,后来被丢弃在旧的毫无价值的东西中一起送人了,最后它偶然落入了克拉拉·索恩根的手中。我必须让这些圣髑受到恭敬。

On another occasion, a Jewess found among some old clothing she had purchased a reliquary which she forcibly opened ; but, terrified at her own act, she hurried with the relics to Sister Emmerich who had witnessed the whole affair in vision. She could not help smiling at the woman's fright.


If she found any spurious among those presented to her, she had them buried in consecrated ground. The others constituted her spiritual treasure upon which she had at various times lights more or less clear, as God ordained that the gift He had bestowed upon His servant should tend to the restoration of the honor due His saints.


Sister Emmerich's recognition of relics was a grace which, in accordance with the designs of God, was intimately connected with the mission of her life ; and it was for this reason that her angelic guide guarded it so jealously against the caprice, vain curiosity, or love of the marvellous, which might actuate those who submitted it to the test of trial.


It was only at the close of those investigations which so closely scrutinized Sister Emmerich's whole life, both interior and exterior, that God provided occasions for the manifestation of the extraordinary gifts of His servant. He willed the perfection of her virtue to prove the reality of her supernatural gifts, rather than that the latter should be made the touchstone of her holiness. The first trial made with false relics and condemned by her angel, is thus recorded by the Pilgrim under date of August 30, 1820 : —

只有对艾曼丽修女的一生,包括内在和外在,进行了如此仔细的调查之后,天主才提供各种机会,让祂的仆人展现出非凡的超自然的识别圣物的超性恩宠。天主希望艾曼丽的圣德达到完美,以证明她超性恩宠的真实性,而不是让她超性的恩宠成为她圣德的试金石。因此,朝圣者在 1820  8  30 日记录了假圣髑带来了第一次考验,艾曼丽受到护守天神的谴责:-

“The parish-priest of N — had sent to Sister Emmerich three small packages of bones by Christian Brentano, the Pilgrim's brother. At the Pilgrim's request one of them was laid by her. The next day she related the following : “saw far away dark, desolate tombs full of black bones, and I did not feel that they were holy. I saw the Father take some of them, and then I found myself up high in a dark chapel around which all was cold and bleak and foggy.


My guide left me, and I saw a stately figure approaching me with a most gracious air. At first I thought it was an angel, but soon I trembled with fright. I asked: “Who art thou?”— The answer came in two unknown words. I thought of them all the morning, but now I cannot recall them They signified ; "Corrupter of Babylon, Seducer of Juda."


Then the figure said : “I am the spirit that reared Semiramis of Babylon and built up her empire ! I am he who brought about thy Redemption, for I made Judas seize Him!"— (he named not Christ) — and this he said with an important air as if wishing to impress me with the greatness of his exploits.


I made the sign of the cross on my forehead, whereupon he grew horrible to behold. He began to rage furiously against me for having once snatched a young girl from him, and then he disappeared uttering fearful threats. As he pronounced the first of the unknown words, I saw Semiramis as a little girl under some beautiful trees, the same spirit standing before her and offering her all kinds of fruits.


The child looked up at him unshrinkingly and, although she was very beautiful, there was something repulsive about her ; she seemed to be full of thorns, full of talons. The spirit nourished her, and gave her all sorts of gewgaws. The country around was lovely ; it was covered with tents, green meadows, whole herds of elephants and other animals with their keepers.


It was shown me also how Semiramis raged against God's people, how she drove Melchisedech from her realm and committed many other abominations; and yet, she was almost adored! — At the second word the spirit pronounced, I had a vision of Christ on Mount Olivet, the treason of Judas, and the whole of the bitter Passion.


I do not understand why this spirit appeared to me; perhaps these are pagan bones and, consequently, the enemy has power to approach me. My guide has strictly forbidden me ever to take such bones again. “I tell thee,” he said, “in the Name of Jesus, it is a dangerous experiment ! There is treachery in it. Thou mightest be seriously injured by it. We must not cast pearls before swine ; that is, before the unbelieving, for pearls should be set in gold. Attend to such relics only as come to thee by the direction of God !"' "


In September following, some relics were sent to her by a priest who had visited her in Diilmen. Sister Emmerich remarked : “I have had no particular vision concerning these relics. But I saw that the priest who sent them is a good man, although there are in his parish certain souls inclining to pietism not in accordance with the spirit of the Church. He cannot detect them, he thinks them very devout ; but I have seen them spreading darkness all around.



They make little account of the ceremonies of our holy- Church. They have not openly declared themselves as yet; the evil is ; however, in them. Then I heard a voice repeating near me : ‘Thou forgettest me ! Thou forgettest me !' It was a warning from the other relics, and I was again told not to accept any more unknown relics to recognize even if brought me by the holiest priest in the world, for serious harm might result to me from it. I must arrange what I have first. "


Very little notice, however, was paid to the prohibition so earnestly repeated by the poor invalid. Curiosity triumphed over other considerations. The Pilgrim not long after presented her, whilst in ecstasy, a little package of relics from two Rhenish convents. They had been sent him by a friend.


Sister Emmerich took them unsuspectingly, thinking them her own ; but the next day she said : “My guide has severely reprimanded me for taking those relics contrary to his orders and, consequently, I have quite forgotten all that I saw. He again repeated that it is not the time to recognize unknown relics and my too ready acceptance of them might entirely mislead me.


The gift of recognizing such things is not a privilege to be called into play at every moment. It is a special grace. The time will soon come for me to use it, but not now. My guide also bade me remember the Cure N — - and his package, the thoughtless remarks he had made somewhere about myself and my relics, and that such remarks might do much harm. I must for the future refuse such things and meddle with none but my own."

辨认圣髑的恩赐并不是每时每刻都被召叫使用。这是一种特殊的圣宠。我使用它的时间很快就会到来,但不是现在。护守天神还让我记住副本堂神父N —— 和他的包裹,他在某处对我和我的圣髑发表过轻率言论,这些言论可能会造成很大的伤害。我以后必须拒绝这样的事情,除了自己已经拥有的圣髑,我不再去接受其他的遗物。

The same warning was again repeated, and she was told that the Pilgrim's friend, an enthusiastic supporter of the theory of mesmerism, was merely trying experiments on her which might have very serious consequences, as her gifts were not what he thought. They were not subject to her own good pleasure, not a natural faculty to be employed at the discretion of the curious. The Pilgrim submitted, but not so his friend, who still found excuses for testing her wonderful powers.


On the 12th of December, she again declared : “Your friend's judgment of me and of what he sees in me is false ! Consequently, I have been expressly forbidden by my guide to receive even a saint's relic from him. He only wants to make experiments which may prove very injurious to me ; and besides, he speaks of them publicly and in a manner quite opposed to the real state of the case. My gifts, my means of knowing, are not what he imagines ! I see the drift of his thoughts when he speaks with me. He is all wrong concerning me. I was long ago warned of it in vision."

12  12 日,艾曼丽修女再次声明:你的朋友对我的判断和他在我身上看到的,都是错误的!因此,护守天神明确禁止我从他那里接受任何东西,即使是圣人的圣髑。这个人只想为证实他的想法而对我做有害的实验;此外,他在公开场合谈论他的实验,其谈论的内容与真实情况完全相反。我识别圣物的恩宠,我的认知方式,不是他想象的那样!当他和我说话时,我能看出他在想什么。他对我的看法完全错了。很久以前,我就在异象中得到过警告。

On December 16th, Sister Emmerich said : “I have had a wonderfully clear vision on the subject of relics, which I saw all around me and in many churches on the banks of the Rhine. I saw a coach attacked by robbers, and a little box of relics thrown from it into a field on the roadside. The owner returned to seek it, but in vain ; it was found by another person who kept it for some time.

12  16 日,艾曼丽修女说:我对圣髑这个主题有一个非常清晰的异象,我在我周围和莱茵河畔的许多教堂中都看到了这一异象。我看到一辆马车被劫匪袭击,车上的一小盒圣髑被扔到路边的田地里。主人回去找它,但没找到;被另一个人发现并保存了一段时间。

In it I saw the bone, brought here by the friend, but I must not name it. The friend must wait until his heart is changed. He is still surpassingly high and broad in his views. — Faith, also, is high and broad ; but it must often pass through a key -hole ! The friend is obstinate in his erroneous opinion of me and my mission, his ideas on this point are strange and unreasonable ; therefore, have I received positive commands to have nothing to do with relics coming from him. His views are false, he publishes them unnecessarily, and he may thereby bring trouble upon me. My time is not yet come.”

我从这位朋友带来的骨头中看到了那一小盒圣髑,但我不能说出他的名字。必须等到这位朋友改变了心意。他的观点仍然高瞻远瞩 ——信仰也是崇而宽广的;但它必须经常穿过一个钥匙孔!这位朋友顽固地认为我和我的使命是错误的,他在这一点上的想法是奇怪而不合理的;因此,我收到了护守天神明确的命令,不要与来自他的遗物有任何关系。他的观点是错误的,他没有必要发表这些观点,他可能会因此给我带来麻烦,而我识别圣物的时机末到。


上一篇:下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
下一篇:下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐


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