真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦难的灵魂受苦
下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦难的灵魂受苦
浏览次数:1171 更新时间:2024-11-20


Sister Emmerich is taken to a New Abode. — Sufferings for Souls in Temptation, for the Agonizing, etc.


艾曼丽修女被带到了一个新居所 —— 为受诱惑的灵魂和苦难中的灵魂受苦。

After the Abbe Lambert's death, in February, 1821, Sister Emmerich received from Chancellor Diepenbrock, of the Chamber of Finances, father of Cardinal Melchior Diepenbrock, a kind invitation to come to Bocholt and spend the rest of her life in the bosom of his family. That she might not be deprived of his spiritual assistance, the position of almoner was offered to Father Limberg. Both the invalid and her confessor received this mark of benevolent sympathy with sentiments of liveliest gratitude.

1821  2 月,兰伯特神父去世后,艾曼丽修女收到了迪彭布罗克总理、财政大臣、枢机主教梅尔基奥·迪彭布罗克的父亲的盛情邀请,邀请她到博霍尔特来,在他家人的怀抱中度过余生。为了不让她失去属灵的帮助,林堡神父被任命为监管人。病人和她的告解神师都怀着诚挚的感激之情接受了这一善意的同情之举。

The Sister declared after reading the letter : — " Years ago when, in extreme distress, I cried out to God that I could not preserve my soul pure in the midst of my continued embarrassments, He told me to persevere to the end ; that when abandoned and despised by even my best friends, He would help me, I should have a short period of peace. I have always looked forward to this help."


These words expressed a certain degree of willingness to accept the invitation. To her glance of inquiry, Father Limberg answered : "We will pray to know the will of God." Some weeks later Mr. Diepenbrock renewed his offer through his daughter Apollonia who had come to Diilmen to visit Sister Emmerich, accompanied by Miss Louise Hensel. In former years these ladies had spent some time with the invalid, Both were of the small number of intimate friends with whom she was ever spiritually united, interesting herself in their soul's affairs and following them with her prayers through all the paths of life.


That Sister Emmerich made no attempt to conceal her joyful emotions at the generous offers made her ; that she should frequently and earnestly repeat words of gratitude ; that she should dwell with pleasure upon the thought of the cordial reception she would meet, was perfectly natural ; nor did such words militate against her settled conviction, her interior assurance that in the designs of God she would never quit Dulmen to end her days in a more agreeable or tranquil position.


This conviction she succeeded in insinuating into Father Limberg's mind, though the Pilgrim and his brother were slow to relinquish the idea that her removal to Bocholt would be the greatest benefit to her. It would free her, as they so much desired, from those endless annoyances which opposed their own designs. Firmly persuaded that they were furthering her spiritual and temporal interests, these high-toned men, following the impulse of poetic and scientific tastes rather than a solid vocation to a more elevated life, perfectly ignored the fact that her departure for Bocholt could be a step more serious than a change of inns to a traveller.


The Pilgrim says in his journal : " In the midst of the confusion that surrounds her (1) and the phenomena wrought in her, phenomena which demand absolute retirement and the care of intelligent friends, her inveterate condescension leads her to entertain all sorts of people. They are good without doubt, but perfectly incapable of understanding her case.


(1) Her exterior situation such as it appeared to him.

(1) 艾曼丽修女的外在情况在朝圣者眼中看来就是那样的。

They are scandalized that others (the Pilgrim and his brother) should interest themselves in ameliorating her condition ; they stir up enmity and vain talk, whilst the invalid herself attributes all such annoyances to those who assist without troubling her. If she is not entirely sequestered ; if worldly affairs are not wholly retrenched ; if she dies not perfectly to the outer world, and ceases not to give long, private interviews, the disorder will never be remedied. The Pilgrim told her lately that she often speaks confusedly. She took his words v


In July, Dean Overberg came to Diilmen and Sister Emmerich laid before him the whole state of affairs. She gave him an account of conscience, and received in return consolation and advice. She said: “He has taken all my scruples on himself, and nothing more has been said of a change of lodgings." — Some days after she repeated several times : " The devil tries to hinder what God demands of me. I see before me a large cross which seems to be constantly increasing……..


I saw myself dying on a heath which I was crossing in a vehicle. To Bocholt I will go only in spirit……. They want to seize me and carry me off…… " On the first of August, she exclaimed : "I feel such dread. I feel as if great suffering were coming upon me……. " But the Pilgrim remarks after the above : " These are only the pictures of a fevered imagination. They are of no account whatever....." and again : "She has been in a miserable state all day, a prey to feverish delirium."


On August 6th, however, it became evident that her agonizing presentiment was only too well founded. A carriage drew up before her abode with the Pilgrim and his brother to convey her to Bocholt. We find the incident recorded in the journal, as follows : " Madam Hirn and Dr. von Druffel arrived at noon (1). There was much talk of the measures taken with His Excellency, the Prince-Bishop of Miinster, and the Dean. Every obstacle to the journey seemed removed, and various plans were proposed.

然而,在 8  6 日,她那痛苦的预感显然是有根据的。一辆马车停在她的住所前,载着朝圣者和他的兄弟,要将她送到博霍尔特。我们在日记中发现了这一事件的记录如下:希尔恩夫人和冯.德鲁菲尔医生于中午 (1) 到达。他们与主教阁下、明斯特亲王和院长就采取的措施进行了很多讨论。旅途中的每一个障碍似乎都被清除了,并且提出了各种计划。

 (1) on Brentano's invitation.

(1) 应布伦塔诺的邀请。


The invalid became worse ; whereupon the confessor, contrary to expectation, opposed her being borne to the carriage. In his excitement, he had recourse to the strangest subterfuges. Dr. von Druffel and Madam Hirn represented to him that they had a written authorization from the Bishop for the invalid's removal. But even after it was produced, he would not yield. Dr. von Druffel retired in disgust. Madam Hirn imprudently mentioned to the invalid's simple brother that his sister was going away and he, naturally averse to such a step, repeated it to the perverse Gertrude — an explosion followed and the whole plan was frustrated !"

病人的病情加重了,这时,告解神师出乎意料地反对将她抱上马车。 他在激动中使出了最奇怪的伎俩。冯.德鲁菲尔医生和希尔恩夫人向他表示,他们得到了主教的书面授权,可以将病人转移。但是,即使他们出示了授权书,林堡神父也不肯让步。冯.德鲁菲尔医生厌恶地离开了。希恩夫人冒失地向病人单纯的弟弟说,他的姐姐要走了,他自然不愿意这样做,于是又对乖戾的格特鲁德重复了一遍——随后发生了纷争,整个计划都落空了!

Sister Emmerich was greatly distressed at beholding such discord on her account. To prevent further dissensions, she resolved to accede to the wishes of the two brothers as far as she could in accordance with the divine direction. Father Limberg, too, influenced by the fact of the Prince- Bishop's having lent his authority to a change of domicile, at last declared, in the name of God, that his penitent might remove to another lodging and dismiss her sister Gertrude. Sister Emmerich, wishing to have the approbation of her former Superioress in religion, Mother Hackebram, sent for her to this effect; but she being absent from Diilmen at the time, Sister Neuhaus, the Mistress of Novices, responded to the call.

艾曼丽修女看到这种不和,感到非常难过。为了防止进一步的纷争,她决定按照天主的指示,尽可能地顺从兄弟二人的愿望。林堡神父也受到了主教、亲王授权改变住所这一事实的影响,最后以天主之名宣布,他的告解者可以搬到另一处住所,并辞退她的妹妹格特鲁德。 艾曼丽修女希望得到她以前的修会院长哈克布拉姆嬷嬷的同意为此派人捎信给她。但当时她不在杜尔门,初学姆姆纽豪斯修女回应了这一召唤。

In her presence and that of her confessor, the Sister declared to the two brothers that she was now ready to obey any command laid up-on her. Let us listen to the Pilgrim's account of the interview : — " That silly old Sister Neuhaus stormed at the Pilgrim's brother and would not let the invalid be removed. But he soon silenced her. The invalid said not a word to relieve his embarrassment, never hinted that it was her own wish to be moved. Such weakness and dissimulation wounded him, confirmed him in his bad opinion of her.


Then the mistress of the house joined her reproaches to those of Sister Neuhaus. She declared that the Pilgrim was a constant annoyance to the invalid, etc. Here, again, the latter ventured not a dissenting word, which second evidence of dissimulation hurt the Pilgrim's brother still more deeply. Then came the sister and the child to swell the chorus. Madam Hirn declared that she would not leave the house until the invalid had been removed (1).

然后,房子的女主人和纽豪斯修女一起责备朝圣者弟兄。她宣称,朝圣者对病人来说是一种持续的烦恼,等等。在这一点上,朝圣者再一次不敢说一句反对的话,这掩盖事实的第二个证据使朝圣者的兄弟更加伤心。然后妹妹和孩子也来添油加醋。希尔恩夫人宣布除非病人搬离,否则她不会离开这所房子 (1)

At last, on the evening of the 6th, Sister Emmerich was taken from this abode of confusion (2). Although wholly unconscious, she inclined profoundly to the Blessed Sacrament when passing the church, and next day she said that she thought she had been carried through it. This fact is most impressive, and to the unbeliever instructive. When installed in her new abode on the first floor, the Pilgrim and his brother reproached her with not having seconded their efforts in her behalf.

最后,在 6 号的晚上,艾曼丽修女被带离了这个混乱的住所(2)。 虽然她完全失去了知觉,但当她经过教堂时她向圣体深深地致敬,第二天她说她认为她是被抬着穿过教堂的。这一事实给人留下很深的印象,并且对不信的人带来了启发。当她住在一楼的新居时,朝圣者和他的兄弟责备她没有支持他们为她所做的努力。

The latter told her in plain terms what he thought of her moral state (3) ; whereupon she fell into trouble and doubt and told all to her confessor, who likewise became monstrously uneasy ! — And so her misery recommenced and ended in renewed hemorrhages. But the expression of her countenance denotes the highest peace of soul."



(1) This good lady never had had any special relations with Sister Emmerich. That she should assume such authority over her is an additional proof of the way in which all believed themselves authorized to control this chosen soul.

 (1) 这位善良的希尔恩夫人与艾曼丽修女从来没有任何特殊的关系。希尔恩夫人对艾曼丽修女拥有这样的权威,就进一步证明了所有人都相信自己有权控制这个被选中的灵魂。


(2) And yet in this so called abode of confusion, Sister Emmerich was so loved and venerated that up to the year 1859, the owner, Clement Limber, kept the two small rooms she had occupied in the same condition as she had left them. After the publication of the first volume of her biography he sent to the author a written statement of his reminiscences of her which he retained unimpaired to an advanced age.

 (2) 然而,在这个所谓的混乱居所里,艾曼丽修女却深受爱戴和尊敬,直到 1859 年,房主克莱门特·林堡仍将她所居住过的两间小房间保持在她离开时一样的原样 。在她的传记的第一卷出版后,他寄给作者一份关于他对艾曼丽修女回忆的书面陈述,他将这些回忆完好保存,直到晚年。

 (3) For a layman but lately returned to the practice of his religion, to pass so severe a judgment upon one who had ever been scrupulously faithful to her religious vows and to the direction of enlightened guides, was revolting injustice. Sister Emmerich's silence, so odious to Christian Brentano, was dictated by her sense of truth. She could no more contradict the statements of her friends respecting the annoyance to which the Pilgrim's exactions subjected her, than she could declare a forced assent to her removal for the sake of peace to be her own free will and desire. (3)

 (3) 对一个刚刚恢复宗教信仰的平信徒来说,一个一直忠于修道誓言、听从神师指导的修女做出如此严厉的评判,这是令人反感的不公正。艾曼丽修女的沉默克里斯蒂安·布伦塔诺深恶痛绝,但这是她的真理意识使然。她不能反驳她的朋友们关于朝圣者的苛求给她带来烦恼的说法,正如她无法宣称为了和平而被迫同意搬家是她自己的自由意志和愿望一样。

August 9th — "Sister Emmerich is extremely troubled by what the Pilgrim's brother said to her. Very probably, she does not fully understand the nature of his remarks, for she calls upon God and His justice. Still she is at times unspeakably calm, a very picture of peace."

 9  — 艾曼丽修女对朝圣者的兄弟对她说的话感到非常不安。很可能她并没有完全理解他话语的本意,因为她呼求天主和天主的公义。尽管如此,她有时仍然平静得难以容,简直就是一幅静的画面。」

August 10th —"To-day she was very sick;  she was covered with a copious sweat of blood and water. She is, consequently, unable either to speak or to move. But her countenance is indescribably peaceful, bespeaking the sweetest tranquility and purity of soul. No words can say how gentle she is in her utter prostration ! Once she murmured : ' I am better now. I am always better when I am sick. Ignatius had ordered me to ask God for the true spirit of peace and understanding. I often received consolation through him, but we can never know how we stand with God."


Sister Emmerich's deep and solid humility made her ever accept as true and deserved the accusations brought against her. She looked upon herself as the real cause of the “discord and irritation going on around her," as Mr. Christian Brentano expressed it. Just at this time, Almighty God recompensed her by the consoling view of her own manner of contemplation, as mentioned in Vol I., Chap. VIII, in the vision beginning with these words : “When I saw these annoyances arise, etc."


She was so strengthened and comforted by this sight that the Pilgrim remarks : " I found her this morning in vision softly singing canticles in Mary's praise. On awaking, she said : ‘I have been in a procession……,’ and her countenance wore an expression of happy, peaceful gravity. This proves how detrimental it is to her soul to meddle in exterior affairs."


Although Gertrude had been banished from the invalid's new abode and all the Pilgrim's plans seemed to succeed, yet she was not sufficiently isolated, he thought, as long as her little niece remained under her care. “The Pilgrim asked her quite innocently," he writes, "if she did not intend the child to return to its parents — whereupon she complained that even the child would not be allowed to remain near her.


Then he said jestingly : 'I know you so well that I venture to say, if you could, you would take your sister back again,’ at which she began to weep." He was not, however, deceived in counting upon her submission ; for Gertrude was not recalled, and the little niece was sent home to her parents.


"The child's return home," he writes, "gives the invalid so much anxiety that her visions are laid aside for the sake of a couple of linen caps; and so, once more, all is lost ! Since she has had perfect repose her communications have, in general, become dull and languid — a most singular thing since her confessor instead of opposing obstacles to them, seems now even anxious to encourage them." — Again, we read : "She is exhausted, but calm. Her communications are very unconnected, on account of the great effort it costs her to make them.


This inability seems to have increased since her removal to her present peaceful abode…… She had beautiful visions of the angelic host, but their communication was postponed for some domestic trifle, the wash, perhaps ; and others very important have also been passed over in consequence of a very useless conversation with the Chaplain Niesing." In complaints such as the above closes the month of August which, however, had given an unusually rich harvest to her amanuensis.

自从她搬到现在这个安宁的居所后,这种无能为力似乎有增无减……看到了天神的美好异象,但对其叙述被推迟了,因为一些家庭琐事,也许是洗涮;还有一些非常重要的事,也因为与辛神父的一次毫无意义的谈话而被搁置了。在诸如上述的抱怨中, 8 月份结束了,然而,艾曼丽修女给她的速记员带来了一个异常丰富的收获。

Sister Emmerich's almost passive submission to the Pilgrim's demands may, at first sight, seem inexplicable to the reader as it did to the writer of these pages ; but serious reflection upon the way followed by this favored soul presents her conduct under a different aspect. All that she endured from the communications of her visions had been ordained by God, even the petty annoyances springing from the Pilgrim's eagerness to record everything she saw and his impatience at trivial interruptions.

艾曼丽修女几乎是被动地顺从朝圣者的要求,乍一看,读者对这几页内容可能会感到费解,作者也有同感; 但是,认真思考这个受宠的灵魂所遵循的方式,就会发现她的行为呈现出不同的面貌。她从叙述她的异象中所忍受的一切都是天主所指定的,甚至连朝圣者急于记录她所看到的一切而引起的小麻烦,以及朝圣者对琐碎干扰的不耐烦,都是天主允许的。 

Never did she receive from her angelic guide an injunction to dismiss him, or to offer positive resistance to his plans. In previous visions she had, it is true, been prepared for what was in store for her through his intervention, not that she might escape those trials, but that she might virtuously triumph over them. Once she remarked : " I have had, in vision, to busy myself more than usual with the Pilgrim. He had to show me his journal.

她从来没有从她的护守天神那里得到解雇朝圣者或者对朝圣者的计划提出积极的抵制的命令。的确,在之前的神视中,她已经为朝圣者的介入所带来的一切做好了准备,不是为了她能逃避这些考验,而是为了让她以圣德战胜这些考验。有一次她说:在神视中,我比平时更多地忙着处理朝圣者的事。他不得不给我看他的日记。 I could not conceive how he arrogated to himself so many rights over me and took so many liberties ; yet I was ordered to tell him everything. It seemed strange and I wondered at it since, after all, the Pilgrim is not a priest!" She was, then, convinced that, in bearing with the Pilgrim, she was obeying the will of Divine Providence. If there are any facts which prove to our limited understanding how far removed are the ways of God from those of human calculations, they are precisely those daily events in the lives of souls favored with extraordinary graces and who have arrived at high sanctity.


Our miserable shortsightedness would have their outer in perfect conformity with their inner life ; but there lies the great mistake, and into it the Pilgrim fell. He wished not to recognize the fact that Sister Emmerich's sublime gifts were not the end of her existence. He failed to understand that they were only the recompense of her fidelity in little things ; of her daily, hourly practices of virtue, of her self-victories ; her acts of humility and perfect charity which, though hidden in the depths of her own heart, glorified God more than public miracles and wonders.



上一篇:下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世的异象
下一篇:下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦难的灵魂受苦


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