真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
044.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第40章 艾曼丽修女圣伤上掉下来的结痂的神奇效果
044.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第40章 艾曼丽修女圣伤上掉下来的结痂的神奇效果
浏览次数:1107 更新时间:2023-10-10


Miraculous Effects of the Crusts that fell from Sister Emmerich's Stigmata. December 28, 1818 (1),


艾曼丽修女圣伤上掉下来的结痂的神奇效果。 1818 年 12 月 28 日(1),

On the evening of Dec. 15th ? as Sister Emmerich lay in ecstasy, the Pilgrim placed on her breast a little parcel, containing a relic, previously designated by her as belonging to St. Ludger, and the crusts that had fallen from her own wounds. She was instantly aware of his action and, with-out awaking from ecstasy, she exclaimed: " Ah ! what a good shepherd ! He has come over the broad waters ! His body lies in the old church in my country. It is he from whom they took the finger yesterday. But there is another person ! I have not seen her for a long time.

12月15日晚上?艾曼丽修女沉浸在神魂超拔中,朝圣者在她的胸前放了一个小包裹,里面装着她以前认定为圣卢杰的圣髑,以及她自己伤口上掉下来的结痂。 艾曼丽修女立刻意识到了朝圣者的举动,还没有从神魂超拔中惊醒,就叫道:「啊!多么好的牧人!他已经渡过了广阔的水域!他的尸体躺在我国家的古老教堂里。他们昨天就是拿到了他的手指。但是还有另一个人!我已经很久没有见到她了。






St. Ludger 圣卢杰

本笃会主教,德国明斯特的创始人,在乌得勒支接受圣额我略的训练。785年,他遇到了查理曼大帝,并被任命负责五省的神修导师。 在 804 年成为明斯特的开国主教。


Strange! There is something in it I cannot understand ! She has the stigmata, she is an Augustinian ! She is clothed as I used to be and as I still am, partly as a little nun. It is singular ! She must be still alive, she is hidden in some corner I cannot understand it ! How much she has suffered ! I can take her for a model, for all my sufferings are nothing to hers ! And, strange to say, she is outwardly joyous ! No one knows what she endures. It would seem almost as if she knew it not herself!

奇怪了! 这里面有我无法理解的东西! 她有五伤,她是奥斯定会的! 她穿的会服和我以前的一样,也和我现在穿的会服一样,有点像个小修女。修会的衣服部分像一个小修女穿的会服。 这是奇特的! 她一定还活着,她藏在某个我不明白的角落! 她受了多少苦啊! 我可以拿她当榜样,因为我所有的痛苦与她比起都不算什么! 而且,说起来很奇怪,她表面上很快乐! 没有人知道她承受着什么。 好像她自己都不知道似的!

" I see by her so many poor people and children. I think I know them. Some one must have hidden this person from me. My friends and acquaintances must know her. Ah ! how her heart is wounded ! It is encircled by a crown of thorns full of sharp points. She has very curious surroundings and how many people are secretly spying and calumniating her ! How bright and joyous she is under it ! She bounds along like a deer ! She is truly an example for me. Now I see clearly how miserable I am"

「我通过她看到了这么多穷人和孩子。我想我认识他们。一定是有人把这个人藏起来了。我的朋友和熟人一定认识她。啊!她的心多么受伤害!这心被一顶满是尖刺的茨冠环绕着。她的周围有很多好奇的人,有很多人在暗中窥探和诽谤她!她在这处境下是多么的光明和快乐!她像鹿一样奔跑!她真是我的榜样。现在我清楚看到我自己是多么悲惨! 」

 (1) Thus the Pilgrim headed his notes of Dec. 15, 16, 17, 1819. The author retains 'It, as he considers the fact of Sister Emmerich's having this remarkable vision just at the close of the terrible sufferings of this period, most significant.

注:(1) 朝圣者在 1819 年 12 月 15 日、16 日、17 日的笔记中这样作了开头。作者保留了这些,因为他认为艾曼丽修女在这一时期可怕的苦难即将结束时有这个非凡的神视, 有很重要的意义。

After these words, the Pilgrim retired leaving the crusts in the parcel! Next morning, she related the following : “I had last night a most wonderful vision which I cannot understand.. There must be a person hidden here who is frequently placed in circumstances similar to mine.

She had the stigmata, too, but she has now lost them. I watched her all night in her pains. She must have lived in our convent, for I saw around her all the nuns excepting myself.

说完这些话,朝圣者退了出去,把痂皮留在包裹里! 第二天早上,艾曼丽修女讲述了以下内容:「我昨晚看到了一个我无法理解的奇妙神视。这里一定隐藏着一个人,她经常被置于与我相似的环境中。 她也有圣伤,但现在她已经失去了这些圣伤。 我整夜看着她的痛苦。 她一定住在我们的修道院里,因为我看到她周围除了我以外,我们修院的所有的修女都在那儿。

No one ever guessed the terrible secret suffering that oppressed her, as she was always so cheerful. I cannot imagine what it all means. I have never had such graces or such sufferings, and I could not help feeling very much ashamed at my own cowardice. Perhaps, before my time, such a person lived in our convent ; but the circumstances are so like unto my own that it puzzles me. I cannot understand it, it is all very strange!”

谁也猜不出她心里隐藏着多么可怕的痛苦,因为她总是那么快乐。 我无法想象这一切意味着什么。 我从未有过这样的恩宠,也从来没有遭受过这样的痛苦,我不禁为自己的懦弱感到非常惭愧。 也许,在我之前,我们的修道院里就住着这样一个人; 但情况与我现在的情况是如此相似,以至于让我感到迷惑不解。 我看不懂,这一切都很奇怪! 」

The Pilgrim here remarked : “Perhaps, it was a picture of yourself, of how you would have supported your sufferings, were you perfect ; and you may also have seen graces received of which you may have been unconscious or forgetful."

She thought that this might possibly be the case and, at the Pilgrim's request, she continued the recital of this vision of herself.

这里朝圣者评论说:「也许,这是一幅你自己的图像,是你怎样完美的忍受了你的痛苦的图像; 你也许已经看到了你没有意识到或忘记的恩典。 」


" I saw a religious who had been very ill even before her entrance, forced to leave her convent. From the very beginning of her novitiate, she was a prey to indescribable secret sufferings. Once I saw her heart surrounded by roses which changed suddenly to thorns and tore it cruelly, whilst sharp points and darts entered her breast.


People far and near suspected her, calumniated her in the most odious manner. All their thoughts against her, though not passing into deeds, flew toward her like steel- pointed arrows and wounded her on all sides. Plots hatched afar entered her flesh like sharp darts, and once I saw her heart literally cut to pieces.

远近的人都怀疑她,用最可恶的方式诽谤她。 他们对她的所有想法,虽然没有化为行动,却像钢箭一样向她飞来,从四面八方射伤了她。 远处酝酿的阴谋像锋利的飞镖一样射进了她的肉体,有一次我看到她的心真的被切割成碎片。

Still was she cheerful, kind toward all as if unconscious of her wrongs. My compassion for her was so great that I felt her pains in my own breast. Her soul was perfectly transparent and, when fresh sufferings assailed her, I saw in her fiery red rays and wounds, especially in her breast and heart.

她仍然是愉快的,对所有人都很友善,好像没有意识到自己的不幸。 我对她的同情是如此之大,以至于我从心底感受到她的痛苦。 她的灵魂是完全透明的,当新的痛苦袭击她时,我从她那火红的光芒和伤口,特别是胸膛和心脏,看到这些痛苦。

Around her head was a crown of thorns of three different kinds of branches; one of small white flowers with yellow stamens; the second with flowers like the first, but longer leaves ; the third of roses and buds. She often pressed it down on her head, and then the thorns penetrated more deeply.

在她的头上,戴着一顶由三种不同的荆棘枝条组成的茨冠; 一种是开着黄色花蕊的小白花; 第二种花和第一种一样,只是叶子长一些;第三种是玫瑰和花蕾。 她常常把茨冠在头上压下,这样荆棘刺得更深了。

 “I saw her at work in the convent, going here and there, the birds lighting familiarly upon her shoulders. Sometimes she stood perfectly rigid or lay prostrate on the ground, when a man often came and bore her to her cell. I could never see into her cell, he seemed to put her in through the wall.

「我看到她在修道院里工作,四处走动,鸟儿亲昵地在她的肩上飞舞。 有时她完全僵硬地站着,或者俯伏在地上,这时经常会有一个男人过来把她抱到她的房间里。 我从未看到她是怎样进入她的房间的,他似乎把她从墙放进去的。

A protecting spirit was ever by her, whilst the devil constantly prowled around, stirred up minds against her, raised loud noises in her room, and even assaulted her person ; but she seemed to be always abstracted, her mind elsewhere. I saw her sometimes in the church, mounting in the most extraordinary manner upon the altar, clambering up the walls and windows where she had any cleaning to do. She was raised and upheld by spirits in places where another could not possibly stand.


On several occasions, I saw her in two places at once : in the church before the Blessed Sacrament and, at the same time, either up stairs in her cell, in the kitchen, or elsewhere, and once I saw evil spirits maltreating her most cruelly. She used to be surrounded by the saints, and sometimes she held the Infant Jesus in her arms for hours together. When with her sister-religious, He was always at her side.

有好几次,我同时在两个地方看到她:在教堂的圣体龛前,同时在楼上她的房间、厨房或其他地方,有一次我看到邪灵最残忍地虐待她。 她经常被圣徒环绕着,有时她怀抱婴孩耶稣好几个小时。当与其他修女在一起的时候,圣婴耶稣总是在她身边。

Once I saw her at table and weapons of all kinds being hurled at her ; but she was shielded by the blessed who crowded around her. I saw her at another time making hosts, although quite ill, and a blessed spirit aiding her. Once, when she lay sick and neglected, I saw two of the deceased religious making up her bed and carrying her here and there. They lifted her from her bed and placed her in the middle of the room where she lay on her back without support in the air ; some one entered the room unexpectedly and she fell heavily to the floor.

有一次我看到她坐在餐桌旁,各种武器都向她投掷过来; 但她被围在身边簇拥的圣者保护着。 另一次我看到她在制作圣饼,虽然她病得很重,而且有一个圣灵魂在帮助她。 有一次,当她生病和被忽视的时候,我看到两个已故的修女整理她的床,把她挪到这里和那里。 她们把她从床上抬起来,放在房间中央,她仰面躺在空中,没有支撑。 突然有人进了房间,她重重地掉在了地板上。

I saw her very often reduced to extremity by the use of natural remedies, and then I saw the apparitions with which she was favored : a beautiful woman all resplendent with light, or a youth like my Celestial Spouse who brought her remedies in little phials, or herbs, or morsels of something which they put on a little shelf at the head of her bed.

我经常看到她因使用自然疗法而濒临绝境,然后我看到了她蒙恩看到的显现:一个美丽的女子,光芒四射,或者像我的天堂净配那样的年轻人,带给她装在小药瓶里的药, 或是药草,或是一些他们放在她床头一个小架子上的东西。

Once, as she knelt by her table, rigid in ecstasy, she received from an apparition a little statue of Mary; and at another time, her Heavenly Affianced placed on her finger a ring containing a precious stone on which was carved a figure of His Blessed Mother. After some time her Affianced returned and took it away from her.

有一次,当她在桌旁跪下来祈祷,陷入神魂超拔中时,她从一次显现中得到了一个圣母玛利亚的小雕像。 还有一次,她的天堂新郎将一枚戒指戴在了她的手指上,戒指上镶嵌着一颗宝石,宝石上面刻着圣母像。 过了一段时间,她的新郎回来了,把戒指取走了。

I often saw blessed spirits laying pictures and all sorts of things on her breast when she was ill, and taking them away when she got better ; and I often beheld her miraculously protected from imminent and serious danger. One day she stood by the trap-door of the drying-loft, helping to raise a basket of wet linen, whilst another sister worked the rope below.


When the basket had almost reached the top, she made an effort to draw it toward her with one hand, the other grasping the rope. Just then the devil raised a frightful din in the court-yard. The sister below turned her head and slackened her hold on the rope to the imminent peril of the one above who was nearly precipitated, basket and all, upon her companion.


Had not God protected her and allowed some one to seize the rope, she would certainly have been killed ; as it was, she dislocated her hip from which accident she afterward endured terrible tortures. I saw her wonderfully protected by her angel on many other occasions and under circumstances perilous to both soul and body, and I beheld her driven almost to despair by her persecutors.

如果不是天主保护她,让天使抓住绳子,她肯定会被砸死; 事实上,她的臀部脱臼了,后来她承受了可怕的折磨。 我看到她在许多其他场合,在灵魂和身体都受以威胁的危险的情况下,受到她的天使的奇妙保护,我看到迫害她的人把她逼得几乎绝望。

Once, when sick unto death, she was borne away from her convent by two persons who would never have succeeded in preserving her life during the short journey, had not some more powerful beings come to their aid.


“I saw her when out of her convent dressed as I was at that time, a prey to secret sufferings, but favored by the same graces as before. She was often without assistance and sick unto death.

「我看到她从修道院出来的时候,穿着和当时的我一样的会服,成了隐秘苦难的牺牲品,但却被待以昔日同样的恩惠。 她常常得不到帮助,病得奄奄一息。

" Again, I saw her at the hermitage where she fainted. She was brought home to her lodgings by a friend who discovered the cross on her breast. And again, I saw her in two places at one and the same time, lying in bed and walking around her room, several persons keeping watch at the door.


I saw her very ill in bed, her whole person rigid, her arms extended, her color brilliant as a rose. A resplendent cross descended from on high toward the right of the bed. On it was the Saviour from whose Wounds

shot luminous red rays piercing her hands, feet, and side.

我看到她病得很重,躺在床上,整个人僵硬,双臂张开,面色灿烂如玫瑰。 一个光芒四射的十字架从高处向着床的右侧落下。 十字架上是救世主,祂的伤口射出红色的光芒,穿透她的手、脚和肋旁。

From each wound darted three rays fine as the finest thread, which united in a point as they entered her body. The three from the Wound of the Side were larger and further apart than the others and terminated in a point like a lance. At the instant of contact, I saw drops of bloods spurting from her hands, feet, and right side. When the circumstance became known, the whole town was in excitement, but soon the affair was hushed up and kept secret.

每一道伤口都射出三道光线,光线细的如丝线,汇合于一点,进入她的身体。主肋旁圣伤的三缕光比其他的更大,射得更远,末端像长矛一样。就在接触的瞬间,我看到血从她的手、脚、右侧肋旁喷射出来。 当这件事被人知道的时候,全城的人都为之兴奋,但很快这件事就被掩盖并被保密起来了。

I saw her confessor ever true to her, but timid, scrupulous, and suspicious, submitting her to endless trials. An Ecclesiastical Commission was deputed to examine into her case. It was conducted most rigorously, and I rejoiced to see the members soon convinced of her truth I saw her afterward undergoing the surveillance of some citizens during which she was, as usual, supported by supernatural beings, her angel ever by her side. Later, I saw near her a man writing in secret ; but he was not an ecclesiastic.

我看到她的告解神父一直真诚对待她,但是胆小、谨慎、多疑,让她接受无休止的考验。一个教会委员会被委托调查她的案件,这件事进行得非常严格,我很高兴看到成员们很快相信了她的真相。我看到她后来接受了一些公民的监视,在此期间,她像往常一样得到超自然生命的支持,她的天使一直在她身边。 后来,我看到她身边有个男人在秘密写字, 但他不是神职。

“I saw her subjected to another investigation which began with every appearance of good faith and kindness, but the devil was at the bottom of it. She was often in danger of death during it, but she was supported and strengthened by heavenly apparitions. Her persecutors did not want to allow her to return to her friends and there were others expecting her, desiring to have her in other places.

「我看到她接受了另一次调查,一开始看上去一片真诚和善良,但实际上是魔鬼在操作,在此期间,她经常处于死亡的危险之中,但她得到了天上圣灵魂的支持和帮助。 她的迫害者不想让她回到她的朋友身边,还有其他人在等着她,希望她在其他地方受调查。

She was betrayed and ill-treated. Her heart was torn by men's malice, but she was throughout the whole affair, cheerful, even gay, so much so that even the nurse guessed nothing of what she endured interiorly. I saw her, thanks to supernatural intervention, restored to her own home. I saw

her afterward in still greater danger, her enemies assembled for the purpose of carrying her off by force ; but they disputed among themselves and gave up their design.

她被出卖和虐待。 她的心被人的恶意撕裂了,但在整个事件中,她始终是乐观的,甚至是快乐的,以至于连护士都猜不透她内心所承受的一切。 由于超自然的干预,我看到她回到了自己的家中。 后来我看到她处于更大的危险中,她的敌人聚集在一起,目的是用武力把她带走; 但他们彼此争论并放弃了他们的计划。

I saw her chief persecutor entering her presence in a rage as if about to attack her, when suddenly, by some interior movement, he became calm and withdrew. Meanwhile her sister, whose hidden malice and perversity were quite incomprehensible, caused her great anxiety. I saw her spiritual relations with certain ecclesiastics.


"She excited my pity. I felt her sufferings in my own breast, and I wanted to ask her how she could bear so many afflictions. I inquired of my guide if I might question her, if I might speak familiarly with her, and he said I might. Then I asked how she could support her secret sufferings so uncomplainingly, to which she answered in these few words : ' As you do!’ — which greatly astonished me. I saw once that the Mother of God also endured incomprehensible sufferings in secret.

「她激起了我的怜悯。我在自己的胸中感受到了她的痛苦,我想问她,她怎么能忍受这么多的痛苦。我问我的向导是否可以问她,是否可以和她熟悉的交谈,他说我可以。然后我问她怎么能如此无怨无悔地支持着她的隐密痛苦,她用这几句话回答说:『就像你一样! 』这让我非常惊讶。我曾经看到天主之母也隐秘地忍受着难以理解的痛苦。

" Then I saw that this person once lived with a mantua-maker, a good though strict women. I saw her once take off a garment in the street and bestow it upon a poor beggar. The devil laid snares for her ; he did not approach her himself, but he sent wicked men, among them a married man ; but she understood not the drift of their intentions. Three different times I saw the evil one attempting her life. Twice he tried to hurl her down the ladder which led to the garret in which she slept.  She used to rise by night to pray, and twice I beheld a horrible black figure push her to the edge of the landing; but her angel interposed and saved her.


On another occasion, as she was making the Way of the Cross in a lonely place near the river, I saw the enemy trying to cast her into a deep pit near the citadel; but again her angel rescued her. I saw her conversing frequently and lovingly with her dear Celestial Affianced, to whom one day she pledged her troth, though I cannot say whether there was an exchange of rings or not. Their interviews were full of childlike simplicity.

又有一次,当她在河边一个僻静的地方拜苦路时,我看到敌人试图把她扔到城堡附近的一个深坑里,但她的天使再次救了她。 我看到她经常和她亲爱的天堂净配亲切交谈,有一天她向净配发誓,虽然我不能说他们是否交换了戒指。 他们的对谈充满童趣。

Once I saw her at mid-day absorbed in prayer, languishing with divine love, in the Jesuits' church, Clara Soentgen by her side. — A resplendent youth, her Affianced, issued from the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle and presented her two crowns, one of roses, the other of thorns. She chose the latter. He placed it on her head and she pressed it down to her own great pain.

有一次,我看到她在正午的时候,在耶稣会教堂里全神贯注地祈祷,在神圣的爱中受苦,克拉拉·索恩根在她身边。 一位光彩夺目的青年,她的郎君,从圣体龛的圣体中出来,并展示给她的两顶王冠,一顶是玫瑰,另一顶是荆棘。 她选择了荆棘。 主把茨冠放在她的头上,她在她自己的巨大痛苦中把茨冠紧紧压在头上。

She was so absorbed as not to perceive that the sacristan was rattling his keys to attract her attention. Clara Soentgen may have seen something strange in her exterior, but the interior signification was unknown to her. She herself was unconscious of her blood having flowed until one of her companions remarked to her that her binder was stained with iron-mould (1).

她全神贯注地看着,竟没有察觉到教堂看守人正在把钥匙弄得格格作响以引起她的注意,催促她们离开。克拉拉.索恩根可能在她的外表上看到了些异样,但她不知道内在深刻的含意。 直到一位同伴对她说她头上的绷带渗血了,她才意识到自己的血已经流淌出来(1)。

 (1) " Binder," a pointed covering for the forehead, worn by peasants.


She hid these effusions of blood until after she entered the convent when they became known to one of the sisters. I saw her at Clara Soentgen's, where she gladly gave all that she earned to maintain the household in peace.

她掩盖这些渗出的血,直到她进入修道院后,被其中一位修女看到渗血。 我见到她在克拉拉.索恩根的家,她很乐意捐出所有她赚来的钱来维持家庭的安宁。

“Again, I beheld her working in the fields. So great was her desire to enter a convent that she fell sick. She firmly resolved to go. She had constant vomitings and went about so sad that her mother anxiously questioned her as to the cause; on learning it she expressed disapprobation, saying that such a project was not feasible on account of her daughter's poverty and delicate health.

「再一次,我看到她在田里干活。 她想进入修道院的愿望如此强烈,以至于她病倒了。 她下定决心要去修院。 她不停地呕吐,伤心地四处走动,以至于她的母亲焦急地问她是什么原因。 得知后,她母亲表示不赞成,说考虑到女儿的贫困和健康状况,这样的计划是不可行的。

When she informed her father of it, he also disapproved and reprimanded her severely. But she told her parents that God was rich, He would help her. She fell ill, and I saw her confined to her bed. About noon, one day, when no one was home but her mother, I saw her lying, as I thought, asleep, the sun shining through her little window.

当她告诉她父亲这件事时,他也很不赞成,并严厉地训斥了她。 但她告诉她的父母,天主是富有的,祂会帮助她。 她病倒了,我看见她卧病在床 一天中午,除了她妈妈,没有人在家,我看到她躺着,我想,她睡着了,阳光透过她的小窗户照进来。

A man and two female religious radiant with light entered her room. They approached her bed bearing a large book written upon parchment in letters of red and gold, and bound in yellow with clasps. The frontispiece was a picture of a man, and there were several other pictures in it. They

presented it to her, saying, if she would study it, she would learn all that a religious ought to know.

一个男人和两个虔诚的修女,神彩奕奕地走进了她的房间。 他们走到她的床前,手里拿着一本大书,上面用羊皮纸写着红色和金色的字,用带环扣的黄色的线装订成。 卷首是一幅男人的图像,里面还有几张其他的圣像。 他们把书呈现给她,说,如果她愿意学习,她就会学到一个修道士应该知道的一切。

She replied that she would be only too glad to do so, and she took it on her knees. It was in Latin, but she understood it all and read it eagerly. She took this same book with her to the convent and often studied it earnestly ; whenever she had perused a certain portion of it, it was withdrawn from her.

她回答说她会很高兴这样学习它,她跪着接过书。 书是拉丁文的,但她完全理解并热切地阅读。 她带着这本书进了修院,经常认真地学习。 每当她细读了其中的某个部分时,书就会从她手中被收回。

Once I saw it lying on her table whence some of the religious tried to steal it away, but they could not remove it. I saw her in another part of the convent when the priest found her in prayer perfectly unconscious of all around, as if paralyzed. I saw Our Lord appear to her on the Feast of

St. Augustine, make the sign of the cross on her breast, and then give her a cross which she pressed to her heart before returning it to Him.

有一次,我看到书躺在她的桌子上,一些修女试图把它偷走,但她们无法拿走这书。 我在修道院的另一处看到她,当时神父发现她在祈祷,完全没有意识到周围的一切,好像失去了知觉。 我看到我们的主在圣奥斯定瞻礼上向她显现,在她的胸前画了一个十字圣号,然后给了她一个十字架,她接过十字架并紧紧拥抱在心上,然后她把十字架还给了主。

It was white and soft like wax. After this she was sick unto death till Christmas, and she received all the Sacraments. She dreamed that she saw Mary sitting under a tree at Bethlehem ; she conversed with her and ardently longed to die and remain with Our Lady, But Mary told her that she, too, had longed to die with her Divine Son, but she had to live and suffer many years after His death. Then she awoke.

十字架像蜡一样白而柔软。在此之后,她病得要死,直到圣诞节,她领受了所有的圣事。 她梦见她看到玛利亚坐在白冷的一棵树下; 她与圣母交谈并热切地渴望死去而能与圣母在一起,但玛利亚告诉她,她也渴望与她的圣子一起死去,但她必须在主死后生活和受苦多年。 然后她醒了。

“I saw the luminous cross descending toward her and her reception of the stigmata. I saw her during the investigation and I understood that she was far advanced in the reading of her book. I saw her afterward in the house in which I now am and in Mersmann’s house where, too, she had the book. She was often in danger of death from which, however, she was always supernaturally saved.

「我看到发光的十字架朝着她降下来,她领受了圣伤。 我看到她在调查期间,我知道她远远超前地阅读了她的书。 后来,我在我现在所在的房子里和默斯曼的房子里见到了她,书也在哪里。 她经常处于死亡的危险之中,然而,她总是被超自然地拯救出来。

Lastly, I saw her future. There was an ecclesiastical inquiry, and they seemed to be drawing up papers concerning her. (1)”

June 15, 1821. — On this day Sister Emmerich had a vision of St. Ludgarde. She saw a series of pictures drawn from her own life.

最后,我看到了她的未来。 有一个教会调查,他们似乎正在起草有关她的文件。 (1)”

1821 年 6 月 15 日——这一天,艾曼丽修女看到了圣卢德加德的景象。 她看到了一系列 取材于她自己生活的图像。

 (1) The Pilgrim was so astonished at her words that he wrote In his journal : " Ah ! If we had not these hateful interruptions ! If we could only get her whole history from her own lips, what a treasure should we possess ! What a faithful portrait of this admirable soul !"

 (1) 朝圣者对她的话感到非常惊讶,以至于他在日记中写道:「啊!如果我们没有这些可恶的干扰!如果我们能从她的口中了解她的全部历史,我们应该拥有多么宝贵的财富!这是一幅忠信的画像,多么令人钦佩的灵魂啊! 」

"I had also visions of the life of a person who, as I afterward discovered, was none other than myself. Sometimes they were presented in union with those of St. Ludgarde's life that I might note the points of resemblance in God's gifts to each and the manner of their bestowal. From her infancy this person was persecuted by the evil one.





St. Lutgarde of Aywières 1182—1246比利时,瞻礼日6月16日


卢特加德12 岁时,她的父母将她交给比利时列日附近的圣加大利纳修道院的本笃会姐妹照顾。 修道院允许访客,年轻男子前来向美丽的年轻女子求爱。 有一次,当一个热心的人和卢特加德谈话时,基督向她显现。基督打开他的衣服,向卢特加德展示了祂肋旁流血的伤口,好像刚刚裂开一样,主对她说:「不要再寻求不合宜的爱抚。在这里思考你应该爱什么以及为什么你应该爱它。在这里,我向你保证,全然纯洁的喜悦将随之而来。 」

圣卢特加德在神修生活方面取得了异常迅速的进步。她在祈祷中完全向基督开放自己,而主以亲近的临在来宠爱她。主给了她治愈和理解修道院拉丁祈祷的恩赐。但她要求主把这些恩赐收回,因为两者都让她无法专注于爱主。然后主对她说:「你想要什么?」「我想要你的心,」她说。 「不,我要的是你的心,」主回答。 「那就这样吧,主啊,」卢特加德说,「只要你的心与我的爱融为一体,我的心在你里面。因为有你作为我的盾牌,我的心永远是安全的。」

她连续七年禁食共3次,只靠面包和液体维生。圣人将每一次禁食都为了主的意向献上:一次是为艾维耶尔的卢特加德归化异端,第二次是为了拯救罪人,最后一次是为了威胁教会的腓特烈二世皇帝。在她去世之前,她预言了腓特烈二世的灭亡,这发生在 1250 年。

She used to pray in the fields in places in which she instinctively felt the influence of a malediction, the presence of the powers of darkness. The devil at such times raged around the child, struck her, and hurled her to the ground ; at first she ran away in terror but soon returned, animating her courage by faith and confidence in God.

她过去常常在田野里祈祷,在这些地方,她本能地感受到诅咒的影响,黑暗力量的存在。 魔鬼在这种时候在孩子周围肆虐,打她,把她摔倒在地; 起初她害怕地逃跑,但很快又回来了,她因对天主的信仰和信心而鼓起勇气。

‘How canst thou chase me away, miserable wretch ! There is nothing in common between us. Thou hast never had any power over me, neither shalt thou have it in this place ! ' — and kneeling down again in the same spot, she continued her prayer until Satan withdrew. Unable to make her relax her fervor, he urged her to weaken and destroy her health by excessive austerities, but the child defied him and redoubled her mortifications.

「你怎么能把我赶走,可怜的坏蛋! 我们之间没有任何共同之处。 你从来没有对我有过任何权力,在这里你也不会有!」——她又跪在原地,继续祈祷,直到撒旦撤退。撒旦无法让她放松她的热情,撒旦敦促她通过过度的苦行来削弱和破坏她的健康,但孩子抗拒了撒旦,并加倍了她的苦修。

One day, her mother left her alone, charging her to mind the house, and the demon sent an old woman from the neighborhood to tempt her. Having some bad object in view, the old woman said to the child: ‘Go get some ripe pears from my garden ! Be quick before your mother comes back !' — Off she ran in all haste. A plough half-hidden under the straw lay in her path.

一天,她的母亲让她一个人在家看家,魔鬼从附近派了一位老妇人来引诱她。 老妇人有了一个坏主意,就对孩子说:「去我的花园里摘些成熟的梨子来! 在你妈妈回来之前,快点儿! 她急忙跑了出去。 一堆半藏在稻草下的梨横卧在她的路上。

She Stumbled and struck her breast so violently against it that she fell senseless to the ground. Her mother returning home, found the child in this condition and brought her to her senses by a sound correction. But the child long felt the effects of the accident.

她一个踉跄,她的胸口猛烈地撞到梨上,她倒在了地上,失去了知觉。 她的母亲回到家中,发现孩子处于这种状态,并大声呼唤使她清醒过来。 但孩子长久地感受到了事故的影响。

" I saw how Satan misled the mother. For a long time she had erroneous ideas of her child, and often punished her undeservedly ; but the little girl bore all patiently, offered it to God, and so overcame the enemy. " I saw her praying at night and the devil inciting a boy to distract her in an unseemly manner ; but she drove him off and continued her prayer.


「我看到撒旦是如何误导母亲的,长期以来,她对自己的孩子抱有错误的观念,经常对她施加不当的惩罚;但小女孩却忍耐着一切,把这些献给了天主,从而战胜了敌人。 」我看到了她晚上祈祷,魔鬼煽动一个男孩以不合时宜的方式分散她的注意力; 但她把他赶走了,继续她的祈祷。

“I saw the devil cast the child down from a high ladder, but her angel protected her ; and once, as she crept along the narrow edge of a deep ditch, to avoid treading on the wheat he tried to push her in, but again she escaped the danger.— Once Satan threw her into a pond about twelve feet deep and thrust her to the bottom three times, but her angel brought her each time to the surface.

「我看到魔鬼把孩子从高高的梯子上摔下来,但是她的天使保护着她; 有一次,当她沿着一条深沟的狭窄边缘爬行时,为了避免踩到小麦,魔鬼试图把她推进沟去,但她又一次逃脱了危险。有一次,撒旦把她扔进了一个大约十二英尺深的池塘里,并三次把她压到池塘底部,但她的天使每次都将她带回水面上。

" I saw the child, on another occasion, about stepping into her little bed, her heart raised to God in prayer, when the evil one from under the bed seized her by the ankles with icy-cold hands and tumbled her over on the floor. I remember very well that she was neither terrified nor did she cry aloud ; she remained quite still and, though no one had ever taught her to do so, she redoubled her prayers and conquered her enemy.

「在另一个场合,我看到孩子走进她的小床,她举心向上向天主祈祷,当时邪恶者从床底下用冰冷的手抓住她的脚踝,把她摔倒在地板上 . 我记得很清楚,她既没有害怕,也没有大声叫喊;她一动不动地呆在那里,尽管从来没有人教过她这样做,她还是加倍祈祷,战胜了她的敌人。

 “She was always surrounded by suffering souls who were visible to her ; she prayed for them earnestly, not withstanding the devil's attacks. Last night, during this vision, the soul of a peasant-woman came to me and thanked for her deliverance.

「她总是被她看得见的受苦灵魂包围; 她恳切地为他们祈祷,不顾魔鬼的攻击。 昨晚,在这个神视中,一个农妇的灵魂来到我身边,为她的得救来感谢。

“I saw the child, now arrived at girlhood, attacked by a young man instigated thereto by the devil ; but she was protected by the ministry of two angels. “ I saw her praying in the cemetery of Coesfeid. The devil dashed her from side to side and, as she returned home, he cast her into a tan-pit.

「我看到这个孩子,现在已经到了少女时代,被一个受魔鬼唆使的年轻人袭击了; 但她受到两位天使的保护。 」我看到她在科斯菲尔德的墓地里祈祷。 魔鬼把她从一边冲到另一边,当她回到家时,魔鬼把她扔进了一个棕褐色的坑里。

" I beheld all the attacks, all the persecutions levelled against her in the convent. I saw Satan cast her down the trap-door where she remained hanging by both hands in a most wonderful manner. I never saw him rouse in her the least temptation contrary to purity, indeed he never even attempted to do so.


I saw the investigation to which she was subjected and Satan taking an active part in the whole affair. I should not have comprehended how she could have endured so much, had I not seen angels and saints constantly by her. I saw, too, the interior dispositions of all the assistants, their continual touching of her wounds, and I heard their discourse.

我看到她受到的调查和撒旦在整个事件中的积极参与。 如果我不是经常在她身边看到天使和圣人,我不会理解她怎么能忍受这么多。 我也看到了所有助手的内心意向,他们不断地触摸着她的伤口,我听到了他们的谈话。

They gave her repose neither by day nor by night, for they were continually approaching her with a light. I saw their rage when they could discover nothing. When the Landrath said to her : ‘I have caught Lambert, he has confessed all! You also must now do the same ! ' — he was truly frightful to behold.

无论白天还是黑夜,他们都没有让她休息,因为他们一直带着一盏灯靠近她。 当他们一无所获时,我看到了他们的愤怒。 当兰德拉特对她说:「我抓住了兰伯特,他已经坦白了一切! 你现在也必须这样做! 」兰德拉特看起来真的很可怕。

He was furious and, at the same time, so pressing, so insinuating, that he was on the point of drawing from her a word that might have served her enemies' purposes ; but I saw a spirit on such occasions laying his hand on her lips. I saw the Abbe Lambert sad unto death, but trying to overcome himself to the great advantage of his soul. I saw that his time of life will be short. I saw the Pilgrim's book from which many things were taken for publication."

兰德拉特怒不可遏,同时又咄咄逼人,如此含沙射影的,他正要从她嘴里套出一句话来,以致于能达到他的目的。 但我在这种场合看到一个灵魂把手放在她的嘴唇上。 我看到兰伯特神父悲伤得要死,但他努力克服自己,以使他的灵魂获得极大的益处。 我看到他的生命将是短暂的。 我看到了朝圣者的书,其中有很多东西被拿来出版。」

上一篇:046.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第41章 1819年将临期和圣诞节 (下)
下一篇:045.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第41章 1819年将临期和圣诞节(上)


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