真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
浏览次数:1144 更新时间:2024-5-24

On July 31st, whilst rapt in contemplation, Sister Emmerich took her little box of relics and, from among more than one hundred, chose out one particle which she said belonged to St. Ignatius of Loyola. On returning to wakefulness, she began again to hunt up fragments belonging to one another, and in about five minutes she had made up six separate piles. Of one of them she said: " I ought to have ten pieces." She counted again, but found only nine. “There ought to be ten," she repeated. At last, she found the tenth.

7  31 日,艾曼丽修女正沉浸在默观中,她拿出一小盒圣髑,从一百多件圣髑中挑选出了一件,她说这是圣依纳爵. 罗耀拉的骸骨。从默观中清醒过来后,她又开始寻找属于彼此的碎片,大约五分钟后,她已经组成了六堆不同的碎片。她对其中一堆说:「我应该有十件。她又数了一遍,但只发现有九件。应该有十件,她重复道。最后,她找到了那第十件。

She fell back exhausted, saying : “I can do no more. I can see no more! " — After a pause, she exclaimed: “I felt irresistibly drawn to look for these relics. They attracted me, and I sighed for them ! It is easy to recognize them at such times, for they shine with a different light. I see little pictures like the faces of the saints to whom they belong, toward which rays of light dart from the particles.

她筋疲力尽地倒在枕头上,说:我不能再多做了。我不能再看了!—— 停了一下, 她感叹道:我情不自禁地想去寻找这些圣髑。他们吸引着我,我为他们而叹息!在这种时候很容易认出他们,因为每一件圣髑散发出不同的光芒,我看到光束从圣人所属的圣髑微粒中,投射出圣人面容的图像

I cannot express it ! It was a wonderful state ! It is as if one felt something confined in one's breast that strives to get free. The effort fatigues, exhausts." Opening a paper, she remarked : " Here is a little stone," and she picked it out from among many others precisely similar. She had no need of light for this occupation ; indeed, she often performed it by night.


— The Vicar Hilgenberg, having arranged some relics very elegantly, brought them to show the invalid. She was delighted with them. She said : “I see some of them surrounded by an aureola of various colors, They shine with light, they are perfectly transparent. On looking more closely, I see a tiny figure which gradually increases in size until I behold the form, the clothing, demeanor, life, history, and name of the saint.


The names are always under the feet for men, at the right side for women. Only the first syllable is written, the rest I perceive interiorly (1). The letters are surrounded by an aureola of the same colors as the relics of the saints to whom they belong. It seems as if the names were something essential, something substantial ; there is a mystery in them.


When I see the saints in a general way, without reference to my recognizing them, they appear to be in hierarchies and choirs, clothed according to their rank in the costume of the Church Triumphant, and not in that of the time in which they lived. Popes, Bishops, kings, all the anointed, the martyrs, the virgins, etc., are in heavenly garments surrounded by glory.


(1) Whenever Sister Emmerich, in compliance with Brentano's request, tried to trace the names of the relics as shown her in vision, she invariably wrote only the- first syllable and that in Roman characters.

(1) 每当艾曼丽修女应布伦塔诺(朝圣者)的要求,试图追查她在异象中看到的圣髑的名称时,她总是只写第一个音节,而且是用罗马字写的。

The sexes are not separated. The virgins have an entirely distinct, mystical rank. They were either voluntary virgins, or chaste married women, or martyrs to whom the executioners offered violence. I see Magdalen in a high rank, but not among the virgins. She was tall, beautiful, and so attractive that, had she not been converted to Jesus, she would have become a female monster. She gained a great victory !


 “Sometimes I see only the saints' heads, sometimes the whole bust radiant with colored light. The glory of virgins and those who have led a tranquil life, whose combats have been only those of patience in daily trials, in domestic troubles, is white as snow, and it is the same for youths whom I often see with lilies in their hands.


They who were martyred by secret sufferings for the honor of Jesus shine with a pale red light. The martyrs have bright red aureolas and palms in their hands. The confessors and doctors are yellow and green, like a rainbow, and they bear green branches. The martyrs are in different colored glory, according to the various degrees of torments they endured. Among my relics I see some saints who became martyrs by the interior martyrdom of the soul without the shedding of blood.


 “I see the angels without aureolas. They appear to me, indeed, under a human form with faces and hair, but they are more delicate, more noble, more beautiful than men. They are immaterial, perfectly luminous and transparent, but in different degrees. I see blessed souls surrounded by a material light, rather white than resplendent, and around them a many- colored glory, an aureola whose tints correspond to their kind of purification.


I see neither angels nor saints moving their feet, excepting in the historic scenes of their life upon earth, as men among men. I never see these apparitions in their real state speaking to one another with the mouth; they turn to one another, interpenetrate one another."


So, too, the garments worn by Magdalen before her conversion shine less than the others. The members lost by a saint before his second birth are relics, since all mankind, even before the coming of Jesus, were redeemed through Him. The relics, the holy bones of pure, chaste, courageous souls are firmer, more solid than those of persons agitated by passions ; consequently, the bones belonging to the simple old times are firmer and more attractive than those of a later period."  


The Pilgrim brought her a little box containing about fifty fragments of relics all lying together. As the invalid was at the moment perfectly conscious, in the waking state, he remarked that it would be a good time to sort and arrange them. Sister Emmerich assented and set to work earnestly, putting the particles of the same body by themselves, and even designating to what members they belonged.


“These," she said, picking up some scraps, "were once in fire. I now see people hunting for them in the ashes. These were in the city church, and I see how they cleaned and prepared them. Those there are very brilliant, these less so; and there is one," pointing to it, “that sheds around a particularly beautiful golden red light." Here she fell into contemplation from which she soon returned with the words:


“I see an old palsied man, lying on a bed in an open square. — A Bishop, with a crosier resting on his arm, is leaning over him, his head upon his shoulder, whilst his attendants stand around with lighted torches,” and she pointed out the relic with the beautiful light as connected with this scene, naming it Servulus. She also named St. Quirinus in connection with one of these relics.


The Pilgrim brought her a small package of relics belonging to the Castle of Diilmen. It contained eight scraps of old stuff which she laid aside with the words : "It was once worn by a saint. It is a piece of a stole, a vestment which touched a holy thing." When asked how she knew that, she answered that ever since the package entered her room, she had seen four saints by her clothed in this stuff.


They had cut and touched it, and again they appeared to her as she was picking out the shreds. The Pilgrim inquired if she did not see St. Thecla whose relic lay by her. "Yes," was the answer, “I see her, now here, now there, in a vision, as if on the watch near the prison in which St. Paul is confined. Sometimes I see her gliding along by a wall, sometimes under an arch, like a person anxiously seeking something."


Picking up a splinter of brown wood wrapped in blue, she said : “This is a piece of the wood of which the cross Mary had at Ephesus was made. It is cedar-wood, and the scrap of blue silk belonged to a mantle that once clothed an image of Mary. It is very old."


On November 6, 1821, Sister Emmerich found among her relics a scrap of wood which she gave the Pilgrim, saying : “This was brought from the Holy Land long ago by a pilgrim. It was taken from a tree which stood in the little garden of an Essenian. Jesus was carried up over it by the tempter at the close of His forty days' fast,“

 1821 年11月6日,艾曼丽修女在她的圣髑中发现了一块木头,她把木头送给了朝圣者,说:这是很久以前一个朝圣者从圣地带来的。它取自艾塞尼人小花园里的一棵树。耶稣在四十天禁食结束时被试探者举到这颗树上。

Then she handed another package to him: "Here,” she said, "is some earth from Mt. Sinai. I see the mountain by it." Taking up a bone, she said: " It belongs to a saint of July; his name begins with E. I saw him in prison with two others whom starvation forced to suck the bones of the dead. When led forth to martyrdom, he was, on account of his wonderful discourse on God, looked upon as a fool, and they wanted to free him.

然后她又把另一个包裹递给朝圣者:这里,她说,是一些来自西乃山的泥土。我在它旁边看到了一座山。她拿起一根骨头,说:这是一位名叫七月的圣人的;他的名字是以 E 开头的。我看到他和另外两个人在监狱里因饥饿而啃死人的骨头。当他被带去殉道时,由于他对天主的精彩演讲,他被看成是一个傻瓜,他们想要释放他。

But one of the soldiers cried out : ‘Let us see if he can call his God down from heaven ! He is as worthy of martyrdom as the others!' and the blasphemous wretch was immediately struck by lightning. Then I saw the saint celebrating divine service in a church, after which he was martyred."


History of a Reliquary.



November 8, 1819.— When the Pilgrim visited Sister Emmerich on this day, he brought with him in his breast-pocket an old cross containing relics which she had never seen. As he approached her bed, she cried out : “O here comes a whole procession !" and she extended her hand toward the cross which he had not yet removed from his pocket, He handed it to her.

1819 年11月8日这一天,当朝圣者去拜访艾曼丽修女时,他在胸前的口袋里装了一个旧十字架圣髑匣,里面装着艾曼丽修女从未见过的圣髑。当朝圣者走近她的床时,她喊道:啊,来了一整支游行队伍!她把手伸向朝圣者还没有从口袋里拿出来的十字架圣髑匣,朝圣者把十字架圣髑匣递给了她。

Opening it eagerly, she exclaimed : “Here they all are, and one old man as up- right as the Swiss hermit !" The Pilgrim left the cross with her, and next day she related the following history : —


" As this reliquary approached I saw in the order in which the relics lie, the saints hovering in the air in the form of a cross. Below lay a wild, woody country with a mass of dense underwood. I saw also some people among whom was one old man like the old Swiss hermit. Then I had a vision referring to the cross. In a woody valley among mountains near the sea, I saw a hermitage of six female recluses, and I beheld their whole way of life.


They were all young enough to help themselves; they were very silent, retired, and poor, keeping by them no provisions whatever, but depending wholly upon alms. They lived under a superior and recited the Canonical Hours. They wore a coarse, brown habit with a cowl. In front of their cells were neat little gardens which they cultivated themselves ; each had its own entrance and contained orange trees. Here I saw the recluses.


I saw them occupied also in some labor new to me. On a machine like a loom were stretched cords which they wove into various colored carpets, coarse but very neat ; they also did beautiful basket-work out of fine white straw. They slept on the ground, on a plank with two coverlets and a poor pillow, and they ate scarcely anything cooked. They took their meals together off a table in which holes were hollowed out to serve for plates ; on either side swung leaves which could be raised to cover these stationary plates.   


I saw them eating a brownish-looking stew of vegetables. The greatest simplicity reigned also in the chapel. Whatever there was beautiful in it was of plaited straw. I thought : ' Here are golden prayers and straw ornaments ; but we have prayers of straw and gilded ornaments!’ The stone altar was covered with a beautiful straw matting, scalloped on either side and falling at the ends. In the centre stood a small tabernacle on which was that same cross that the Pilgrim has.

我看到她们在吃一种看上去呈褐色的炖菜。小教堂也极为简朴。里面所有美丽的东西,都是用稻草编织而成的。我心想:她们有金色的祈祷词和稻草装饰品;但我们有稻草祈祷词和金色装饰品!石头祭台上铺着漂亮的草席, 两边呈扇形,末端垂下来。祭台中央有一个小圣体龛,上面放着朝圣者带来的十字架圣髑匣。

Two wooden candlesticks and a pair of wooden vases, with bouquets very symmetrically arranged in the form of a monstrance, stood on either side. The little convent was a square, stone building with a shingle roof. The rooms were partitioned off by a box-wood wicker-work, the openings about as large as one's hand, and they were of various heights. In the chapel they were higher than a man, though they did not reach the roof ; but in the cells they were lower, the recluses could see over them.


They were woven on rods fixed in the walls. The entrance, which faced the sea, led into the kitchen which opened into the refectory with its singular table ; behind was the chapel. To the right and left were three cells before which lay the little gardens. The doors leading into them from the cells were in the form of an arch, low and narrow, and the windows were over the doors, so that the inmates could not look out.


Before the windows were straw mats that could be raised on sticks like screens. The straw stools had no backs, only a wooden handle to raise them. The chapel was covered with the coarse striped carpet which the recluses made themselves. They did not have Mass every Sunday, but a hermit came , from time to time to say it for them and give them Holy Communion. They kept the Blessed Sacrament, however, in their little chapel.


I saw them one evening at prayer in their chapel when they were attacked by pirates. They had short, broad swords, wore turbans on their head, and they spoke a strange tongue ; they often carried off people into slavery. They were very savage, almost like beasts. Their vessel was large and lay at some distance from the shore to which they came in a small boat. They destroyed the hermitage and dragged off the recluses, but without offering them insult.


One of the religious, still young and robust, took the reliquary from the altar as a protection, fervently imploring God's assistance. Before the robbers reached the shore, they quarrelled over their prey and, during their struggle, the young girl crept into a thicket, vowing to serve God in the wilderness if He would deliver her. The pirates sought her long, but in vain.


At daybreak she saw them embark. Kneeling before the cross, she thanked God. The wilderness lay in a narrow, deep valley, snow-capped mountains on either side, far away from any road ; no people, no hunters ever came there. The recluse sought long for a suitable place, and found deep in the forest a little clearing surrounded by trees and thorn-bushes. It was sufficiently large for a small house. The trees almost entirely hid it overhead, and their roots spread over the ground.


Here she resolved to serve God far away from mankind, destitute of both spiritual and human assistance. She built an altar of stones, placed upon it the cross, her only treasure, and arranged a little place wherein to take repose. She had no fire ; she needed none, for it burned in her own heart. For nearly thirty years she never saw bread. High up in the mountains were animals like goats leaping among the crags, and around the dwelling of the hermitess were white hares and birds of the size of a chicken.


At last, a hunter in the service of a lord whose castle was some miles off, came with his hounds into the neighborhood. (The castle was destroyed at a later period, only part of a moss-covered tower now stands). The hunter wore a tight gray jacket, an embroidered belt as wide as one's hand, and a small round cap ; he carried a spear in one hand and a cross-bow under his arm. His dogs pressed barking into the thicket in which the hunter saw something shining as he came up.


It was the cross. Entering the enclosure, he began to call aloud but the solitary had hidden. She hoped to remain undiscovered ; but finally, having no alternative, she made her appearance, bidding him not to be frightened at seeing one who no longer bore the semblance of a human being. As we looked at her, the hunter and I, we saw her surrounded by a bright light. She was tall, had a cincture round her waist, and her long gray hair hung over her breast and back ; her feet were rough, her arms quite brown, and she walked bent down by years.


In spite of her singular exterior, there was something very noble and imposing about her. She seemed, at first, unwilling to disclose her story ; but seeing in the hunter a good, pious man, she said : ' I see that thou art a servant of God.’ and then explained to him how she had come there. She refused to go with him, but begged hi

尽管她的外表古怪,但她身上却有一种非常高贵和威严的气质。起初,她似乎不愿意透露她的故事。但看到猎人是一位善良、虔诚的人,就说:我看出你是天主的仆人。然后向他解释了她是怎么来到这儿的。她拒绝和他一起出去,而是请求他在一年内带一位司铎回到这里,请这位司铎给她送圣体。 —

At the time specified, I saw the hunter return with a hermit, a priest, who gave her Holy Communion, after which she asked to be left alone for awhile. When they returned, she was dead. They tried to bear away her body, but they could by no means move it; so they interred her on the spot. The hunter secretly took the cross as a memento of the affair. Later on, a chapel was erected over her grave in honor of a saint whom she particularly venerated and whom she had named ; on all sides of it were doors.


This virgin had lived a life of extreme poverty and entirely hidden in God. Before the pirates' attack she had had a dream in which she saw herself dragged into the water. In her dream, she made a vow to Our Lady of the Hermits to keep perpetual fast in solitude, if she were saved. Then she suddenly found herself in a canal or sewer, along which she crept until she reached the wilderness in which she afterward really lived, and where she was told she should remain.


When she asked on what she should subsist, figs and chestnuts fell from the trees. As she gathered them, they turned to precious stones, the fruits of her penance and mortification. As she related this prophetic dream to the hunter, I saw every circumstance of it. She was a Swiss by birth, and she had been just thirty years in the wilderness when the hunter discovered her. She told him that she was from Switzerland, as he might find on inquiry, and she named her birthplace.


She had always had great confidence in Our Lady of the Hermits, and from her childhood she had heard a voice, urging her to leave her home and serve God in solitude. To this, however, she had paid little attention. At last, a youth appeared to her saying : ' What ! still here ? Not yet set out !' and he led her away. She thought it all a dream ; but on awaking, she found herself in another country, far from her home.


She entered the little convent of recluses among whom she was well received. The hunter kept the cross devoutly for some time, and then gave it to a man who lived in a town across the mountains. He too prized it very highly and always prayed before it. He attributed to it his own preservation and that of his property during a tempest that destroyed the whole town. At his death it passed to his heirs and, at last, fell into the hands of a peasant who sold it with other effects ; but misfortune followed this transaction, for the man lost all that he possessed.


Then I saw the precious cross thrown aside with all sorts of things among people who thought little of the fear of God. A stranger, with no fixed principles of faith, purchased it from them not through piety, but through pure curiosity. He knew not the treasure he acquired, and yet it brought him great good."


Here the Pilgrim makes the following remark in his journal : — “This last incident refers to the Pilgrim himself who, at a time in which he lived in deplorable blindness, purchased the reliquary at Landshut from an old-clothes' dealer. Sister Emmerich knew nothing of this by human means; therefore, if her last remark is beyond questioning, why should we hesitate to receive as authentic all that refers to this singular story?” Then, as if deeply impressed by the invalid's supernatural knowledge, he exclaimed : —

在这里朝圣者在他的日记中写下了以下的话:最后这一事件是指朝圣者本人,在他悲惨的失去信仰的那段盲目的时期,他从兰茨胡特一个卖旧衣服的商人那里买下了圣髑匣。艾曼丽修女对这件事一无所知。因此,如果她的最后一句话(十字架给他带来了巨大的好处)是毋庸置疑的话,那我们又何必迟疑接受这故事的真实性呢?接着,他仿佛被病人的超自然知识深深打动了似的,喊道: ——

" How wonderfully are all things preserved in the treasury of God ! Nothing is lost, nothing annihilated, nothing comes to pass without design ! All is eternal in the mind of God ! Now do I understand why God must punish every idle word ! The thought of my sins saddens me. Does this evil exist eternally ? Are a man's sins visible after penance, after repentance ? "


And Sister Emmerich answers : " No, Jesus Christ atones for them ; they no longer exist ! I never see them, unless when they are intended to serve as an example ; for instance, the sin of David. But sins that have never been expiated, sins that a man carries around with him shut up in his heart, I clearly see. The expiated are like foot-prints in the sand, which the next step, the step of repentance, effaces. The contrite confession of sin blots out sin ! "





An Infant-Martyr of Sachsenhausen.


The Pilgrim presented a relic to Sister Emmerich which she had already designated as belonging to a hermit. After a few days, she related the following vision of a child, a relative of the old hermit, who had been martyred by the Jews. “I have had an apparition of a child about four years old, surrounded by the martyrs’ rosy aureola. There was something wonderfully attractive about him ; his words were few, but full of wisdom.


I went a long journey with him, and I was deeply impressed on seeing the little boy so brilliant with light, so grave, and so wise ! We passed over a city, and I was instantly conscious of its state, I felt that its pious souls were few. The child led me over a bridge and showed me the house in which he was born, a tolerably large, old-fashioned dwelling. All was still within. On our approach, the inmates thought of the little boy, a faint remembrance of their history recurred to them, and I was told that the sudden remembrance of the dead often arises from their proximity.


The child showed me that, as the union between the soul and the body never ceases, not even after death, so the influence of a holy soul never ceases to be exerted over all belonging to it by ties of blood. A saint continues his influence over his family and, in proportion to their faith and piety, do they profit by it.


He told me also of the salutary influence he had exercised over his relatives, and that he had attained by martyrdom to that perfection to which he would have arrived, if his life had not been cut short by man's wickedness ; yet more, his relatives had profited spiritually by the influence he would have exercised had he lived, instead of being snatched away in his fourth year.


Evil happens not by the will of God, but only by His permission, and the accomplishment of good, prevented by another's sin, is not wholly frustrated ; it is effected most surely, but in a different way. Crime in its essential consequences attacks its author only. As to its innocent victims, martyrdom leads them all the more speedily to perfection.


Though sin against another be an act directly opposed to the law of God, yet the designs of God are never frustrated, since all that the victim would have achieved during life, he accomplishes spiritually and with the same freedom of will.


— Then I saw the history of the martyred child. His parents were very pious people who lived about three hundred years ago, at Sachsenhausen, near Frankfort. They had a near relative in Egypt, an anchoret, whom they regarded with great affection and veneration. They frequently remarked, as they looked on their child, how happy they would be if he, too, would one day lead a holy life and serve God in solitude. Surely, parents who could form such a desire for an only child, still in his first year, must have been persons of more than ordinary piety !


When the child had attained his first year, one of his parents died. The other married again, and still in the new family continued to speak of the hermit and of the child's following his example. The little fellow was often entertained with this plan for his future. At last his only surviving parent died, and the little boy was now an orphan.


The hermit continued to be spoken of in the family and the child, now four years old, earnestly longed to see him. (He told me that he was a beautiful child, but by no means so beautiful as I now beheld him, and that, had he lived, he would have been very good, perhaps a hermit.) His step-parents, who saw in him an heir of the family, were nothing loath to get rid of him.


They secretly encouraged him in his desire to walk in his pious relative's footsteps; and, when not quite four years old, they intrusted him to some foreign Jews who were journeying to Egypt. This they did to make away with him ; the plea of sending him to his relative was only a cloak for their treachery. Although this step led to his martyrdom, yet the child ever loved his family and country.


— A feast was going on in the old-fashioned house. I thought it was a wedding, but the child told me that it was a local festival. I saw numbers of brilliantly lighted apartments filled with elegantly dressed people dancing and feasting...... ‘Thus they make merry,’ said the child, ‘over the bones of their ancestor who, by his piety, laid the foundation of their affluence.’

——在那座老式的房子里正举行着一场宴会。我以为这是一场婚礼,但孩子告诉我,这是当地的一个节日。我看到许多灯火通明的公寓,里面挤满了衣着考究的人在载歌载舞和宴乐...... ......这个节日是在庆祝他们祖先的骸骨孩子说,他们祖先对天主的虔诚,为他们的富裕打下了基础。

Then he took me to a walled-up vault where lay a white, well-preserved skeleton on a neatly arranged couch in a double coffin ; the inner one of lead, the outer of some kind of dark wood. This was the progenitor of the family and a near relative of the child. He had been a very pious man, and had amassed great wealth, without detriment to his piety. When the church in which he had been interred was destroyed.

his children deposited his body in this vault, where he now lay wholly forgotten. I went through the whole house. —In this city I saw numbers of sacred bones in vaults over which had once stood convents and churches, but whose sites were now occupied by dwellings. The child told me that the city would soon decline, for it had now reached the summit of pride. Then he left me.


I travelled far across the sea into a hot sandy country where he again joined me in a ruined city whose houses seemed to be toppling down on one another. In a cave under a hill, he showed me the place of his martyrdom : it looked like a slaughter-house. In the walls were iron hooks from which the Jews had hung the child, as from a cross, and slowly-bled him to death.


On the ground yet lay the bones of many other martyred children, shining like sparks. It seemed as if no one knew of this place, and the martyrdom of the child had never been discovered or punished. There were no Christians there, only a few hermits who lived in the desert and occasionally visited the city.


Then I went into the desert and again met the child-martyr under the palm-trees by the hermit's grave, in the same spot in which he had lived. He had died before his young relative had left Frankfort. His remains were luminous. Several others were buried in this desert, and around in the white sand lay pieces of some kind of black stuff, like broken pottery.


译注: 法兰克福是德国的重要城市,位于德国西部的黑森州境内,处在莱茵河中部支流美因河的下游。

Here the child again left me, and I was taken over the sea to another place, to a hill near the city which contains the martyr-place (Rome). On one side stand houses with grape-vines here and there, and under it is a spacious vault upheld by columns. The entrance is closed, no one knows of its existence.


As I entered, the child-martyr again appeared to me and I found a rich treasure of holy bones ; the whole cave was lighted up by them. There were entire bodies in coffins standing against the walls and numberless bones in smaller caskets. I set to work to dust and open them. In one of them I found a body whose winding-sheet was perfect wherever it had touched the holy remains, whilst all the rest was fallen to dust ; and in others the bodies were thoroughly dried up and as white as snow.


I saw by my visions of the life of these saints that most of them belonged to the early ages. Some had been martyred for making offerings to Christian priests and, I think, they were denounced by their pagan relatives. I saw them going along with little birds under their arms. I saw multitudes who had become religious by the vow of chastity, and married couples who, for the love of Jesus, had lived in continence.


I turned to a square shallow casket to which I was irresistibly attracted. I felt as if it belonged to me for there I found all my own saints, all whose relics I have here. I wanted to bring it away with me, but the child said no, it must stay where it was, and so I covered it with a blue veil. The relics were all arranged on little cushions. The child told me that they had lain there concealed since the early ages and that there they were to stay. But the time will come when they will be brought to light. "



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