真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
037.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第33章 试图将艾曼丽修女转移到明斯特;她年迈的母亲之死
037.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第33章 试图将艾曼丽修女转移到明斯特;她年迈的母亲之死
浏览次数:1931 更新时间:2024-4-10


Attempts to Remove Sister Emmerich to Munster. Death of Her Aged Mother.


试图将艾曼丽修女转移到明斯特。 她年迈的母亲之死。

In June, 1815, Dean Overberg passed several days in Dulmen. “Not having seen Sister Emmerich for sometime,” he wrote," I visited her to-day, June 8th. She expressed her joy at seeing me, and we spoke almost an hour and a half on her affairs. I determined to remain with her as long as possible. Next morning, at half-past seven, I took her Holy Communion. I stayed by her from the end of her thanksgiving till noon, when I withdrew and again returned at four o'clock. She was weak and tremulous. I asked her the cause and she answered : ' It is from the pain in my wounds, but this pain is sweet.' She says that, even if she lies awake all night, it never seems long to her. She has received the last Sacraments twice since my visit in January.

1815 年 6 月,奥弗伯格总铎在杜尔门度过了几天。 他写道:「有段时间没有见到艾曼丽修女了,今天, 6 月 8 日,我去看望了她。她表示很高兴见到我,我们就她的事情谈了将近一个半小时。我决定尽可能长久地和她在一起。第二天早上七点半,我给她送了圣体。从她谢圣体结束,我陪在她身边直到中午才离开,四点钟又返回她处。她很虚弱且发抖,我问她原因,她回答说:『这是因为我的伤口疼痛,但这种疼痛是甜蜜的。』她说,即使她整夜睡不着,她也不会觉得时间太长。自从我在一月份访问以来,她已经接受了两次终傅圣事。

Her attendants thought her dying. She lay without pulse or respiration, her lips livid, her features drawn, her whole appearance more like a corpse than a living being ; but as soon as she had received Holy Communion, life and strength returned. It was her desire for the Eucharist that had reduced her on both occasions to such a state. If through obedience she abstains from communicating, though her desires may be just as ardent, she is able to support the privation ; but, if it is through her own fault, she falls into a death like state.


" On Friday afternoon, I beheld her in ecstasy. When I stretched out my hand to her, she took the forefinger and thumb, the consecrated fingers, and held them firmly ; after a short time I withdrew them and presented the middle one, when she instantly drew back as if frightened. Then she clasped the thumb and forefinger again, saying : ' These are the fingers that feed me "


The Dean made use of his stay in Didmen to persuade her to allow herself to be removed to Munster for a time to undergo a new investigation by reliable persons, not to convince her Ecclesiastical Superiors of the truth of her case, but only for the silencing of infidel scoffers, for it Was thought by many that the first investigation had been too easy, that another was absolutely necessary for the satisfaction of the public. Let her come to Munster, they said, let her submit to a careful medical examination to prove the reality of her stigmata and testify to the conclusions drawn from the first investigation. Dean Overberg was himself convinced that no one could look with an unprejudiced eye upon the invalid without being assured of the truth. On Friday, June 9th, when her wounds began to bleed, he involuntarily exclaimed. "No! no one could produce such an effect artificially, and she less than any one !

奥弗伯格总铎利用他在杜尔门的逗留的机会说服她暂时搬到明斯特,由可靠的人进行一次新的调查,这并不是为了让教会长上相信她案子的真实情况,而是为了使那些异教徒闭嘴,因为许多人认为第一次调查太简单了,为了让公众满意,绝对有必要再进行一次严格的调查。他们说,让她来明斯特,让她接受详细的医学检查,以证明她的圣伤是真实的,并为第一次调查得出的结论作证。奥弗伯格总铎本人也深信,如果没有事实真相的依据,没有人可以不带偏见的看待这位病人。6 月 9 日瞻礼六(周五),当她的伤口开始流血时,奥弗伯格总铎不由自主地惊呼起来。「不!没有人能制造出这样的圣伤。不!没有人能够人为地产生这样的效果,她比任何人更不可能做到这样的效果!

He hoped that a new investigation would be decisive. He could not understand why Sister Emmerich did not encourage the idea of her removal to Munster, a course so necessary, as he thought, to the general good. Very far from encouraging it, she declared that only on an order from Superiors would she undertake a journey physically impossible for her. But the Dean would not give such an order. Her removal must depend wholly upon herself ; consequently, he would not allow Father Limberg to interpose his authority, lie did not, however, relinquish the hope of one day realizing the project, and he tried to win over Dr. Wesener to his way of thinking. The doctor, he thought could gain the Abbe Lambert, and all would turn out as he desired. We read in the doctor's journal :


 “Dean Overberg honored me with a visit for the purpose of explaining how necessary it was for the invalid to go to Minister and submit to a rigorous investigation. His arguments were so forcible that, at last, I began to share his opinion. That evening I spoke to the Abbe, who offered no objection. He only said : ' Well, so be it ! If she freely consents to the arrangement, let it be for the sake of the good that may result from it, but I fear my anxiety and her absence will cause my death ! If she does not consent, I shall defend her to my last breath against any violence that may be used to force her to do so. I am ready to make any sacrifice for the good cause, but why persecute her so cruelly in mind and body ! Take a shorter and easier way ! I will leave Diilmen for as long as may be deemed expedient, and then let them examine her as rigorously as possible.' The good old man was so overcome by emotion that the tears sprang to his eyes, and he could only add :  ‘I know not what good can come from it. It is a frightful thing thus to persecute the poor child !'


 “Next day Dean Overberg and myself being together in her room, she herself turned the conversation upon the point in question, and I explained my reasons. After listening quietly for some time, to my great surprise she announced her firm determination never to consent to her removal from Diilmen. ‘Dean Overberg,' she said, 'is so good and kind that he is often imposed upon. He is ready to sacrifice me, as he told me himself, to prove to some good people that the phenomena in my person are not the work of human hands. But how can they, his spiritual children, have so little faith in his word ? He is himself convinced of the truth, and he can at any moment bring forward fresh proofs of the same. Could they find a surer, a more reliable witness?’


When I remonstrated that some-thing still more formal was necessary to prove her state she replied : ‘If five thousand people do not credit ten of acknowledged veracity, twenty millions will not believe the words of hundreds.' I asked if she would not be willing to sacrifice her life for the salvation of one soul ? She answered : ‘Certainly ! But how am I to know whether such can or will result from my removal, since it has not been ordered by the interior voice which has always guided me, and when, besides, my whole soul revolts from the step!  I would like to say more, but it is not yet the time. If, in spite of my interior conviction, I undertook the journey and died on the way, would it not be to the prejudice of my soul, would it not be frustrating God's designs over me! And who can assure me that this would not happen, if the interior voice does not Truly, as soon as my guide says: " You must go !" — I shall be ready to set out on the instant.

当我提出反驳说,还需要更正式的调查来证明她身上的伤痕时,她回答说:『如果五千人不相信十个人公认的事实,那么两千万人不会相信几百人的话。』我问她是否愿意为了拯救一个灵魂而牺牲自己的生命?她回答说:『当然!但是,我怎么知道我的搬迁是否会导致这种结果呢,因为这不是一直引导我的内心的声音所命令的,而且,我的整个灵魂都拒绝这样的安排!我还想多说一些,但现在还不是时候。如果不顾我内心的信念,踏上旅程,却在途中死去,这岂不是损害我的灵魂吗岂不是让天主对我的计划落空如果内心的声音不给我保证的话,谁能向我保证这种情况不会发生?真的,只要护守天神对我说:你必须去! ——我就会立即出发。

Dean Overberg says that I ought to go for Professor von Druffel’s sake, whose reputation has been attacked on my account. I would do anything in the world for him or any one else unjustly attacked, provided I could do it lawfully. I wish most heartily that he had published nothing relating to me or my wounds. How often have I not begged you yourself not to publish anything during my lifetime ! But why should I risk my life and even more than life to secure to any man a little worldly honor ? Where are his humility, his patience, his Christian charity ? And, after all, the greater number would not be convinced ; for sloth, distrust, self-love, incredulity, avarice, and with many the fear of exchanging their own opinion for even a better one, render men blind to truths as clear as day.


If so much importance is attached to the verifying of what takes place in me, those people who are in good health can come to me. I cannot with impunity go to them. I consent to all experiments not against my conscience. If others want to be convinced, let them do what those who already believe have done, let them take their place by my bed-side and watch me. I cannot at the expense of my own conscience spare the curious the cost and trouble of coming to me. Let those who are able to travel come to see me. If I went to them they might attribute it to vanity presumption, or even something worse, since it is impossible for me to make the shortest journey without risk. I surely cannot exhibit myself a spectacle to the curious!


Let them send prudent men whom the people esteem. I am ready to obey their orders in all that is not prejudicial to my soul ; for the rest, I want nothing. I am nothing but a poor, sinful creature, and I ask for nothing but a little quiet, so that forgotten by all, I may pray in peace, suffer for my own sins, and for the salvation of souls. The Vicar- General has just returned from Rome. Did he speak of me to the Holy Father ? Thank God, he leaves me now in peace ! O be patient, all ye who are good and faithful ! The Lord will show forth His works to you. If it be from Him, it will endure ; if from man, it will vanish!’


 “She uttered the above in a firm, animated voice. Her confessor entered at the moment, but took no part one way or the other. When she made allusion to some words of the New Testament, he remarked : ‘She is thinking of what Gamaliel said.' "


[经文〈宗徒大事录5: 38-39〉:现今的事,我奉劝你们:不要管这些人,由他们去罢!因为,若是这计划或工作是由人来的,必要消散;但若是从天主来的,你们不但不能消灭他们,恐怕你们反而成了与天主作对的人。]

Dr. Wesener recounted the above to Dean Overberg who could not but approve Sister Emmerich's reasoning ; consequently, he refrained from pushing the question further. However, eighteen months later, when Prof. B — published his calumnies accusing her of imposture and treating the ecclesiastical investigation as a lame affair, the Dean again yielded to his friends' solicitations, and expressed a desire for her removal, although he saw that her weakness would render it impossible for her to go to Miinster.

韦塞纳医生向奥弗伯格总铎讲述了上述情况,奥弗伯格总铎不得不同意艾曼丽修女的推理;因此,他没有再继续这个议题。然而,十八个月后,当 B 教授发表诽谤文章,指责艾曼丽修女欺骗和将教会调查当作一件站不住脚的事情时,奥弗伯格总铎再次屈服于他的朋友的请求,并表示希望将艾曼丽修女迁移,尽管他看到了艾曼丽身体的虚弱没有可能前往明斯特。

Meanwhile, regardless of her remonstrances to the contrary, Dean Rensing publicly refuted the Professor's attacks, an attempt which ended as she had predicted., Prof. B — not only repeated his assertions, but even multiplied them; but with all who were not obstinately oblivious to the truth, they bore no weight. Dean Rensing felt hurt that the invalid did not second his efforts in her defence, and from that moment treated her with marked coldness. Although many were of opinion that she ought to submit to a new investigation for the sake of establishing the truth of the first, yet none of her Superiors undertook to give her a formal command to that effect, as they feared the pain and anxiety consequent on it would cause her death. Such was the state of affairs when, in the fall of 1818, Bishop Michael Sailer arrived in Miinster and expressed his desire to visit Diilmen.

与此同时,伦辛总铎不顾艾曼丽修女的反对,公开驳斥了B教授的攻击,结果正如艾曼丽所预料的那样:B 教授不仅重复了他的主张,而且还成倍地重复他的主张;但对那些并非顽固不化地无视事实真相的人来说,这些话毫无分量。伦辛总铎感到很受伤,因为艾曼丽修女没有支持他为艾曼丽辩护的努力,从那一刻起,他就对艾曼丽修女采取了明显的冷漠态度。尽管许多人认为艾曼丽修女应该接受新的调查以查明第一次调查的真相,但没有一个长上同意给她一个正式的命令,因为他们担心随之而来的痛苦和焦虑会导致她的死亡。 1818 年秋天,迈克尔.赛勒主教抵达明斯特并表达了他访问杜尔门的愿望,这就是当时的情况。

The Dean was highly gratified, as he looked upon the Bishop as a competent judge in such cases. He procured a permit for him and suggested to Father Limberg that his penitent should give a detailed account of her conscience to him, which suggestion Sister Emmerich most willingly obeyed. Bishop Sailer declared her right in refusing to make the journey as it would endanger her life, and he also thought a repetition of the investigation unjustifiable since that of 1813 had been rigorous enough to satisfy all reasonable minds. The poor invalid was grateful for his decision, and clung to it all the rest of her life. She often said that the Bishop's visit had been productive of happy results for her, inasmuch as it had removed her confessor's fears and given him courage to approve the course she pursued with regard to her removal. She was never after annoyed on this subject.

奥弗伯格总铎非常满意,因为他认为主教是处理这类事情的称职法官。他为主教办理了探访许可证,并建议林堡神父让他的忏悔者向主教详细说明她的良心,艾曼丽修女非常乐意地服从了这个建议。塞勒主教宣布艾曼丽修女拒绝搬迁是正确的,因为这会危及她的生命,他还认为,重复调查是不合理的,因为 1813 年的调查已经足够严谨,足以让所有理性的人满意了。可怜的病人很感激塞勒主教的决定,并在她的余生中一直坚持着这个不迁移的决定。她经常说,主教的访问给她带来了幸福的结果,因为这消除了她的告解神师的恐惧,并让神师有勇气支持她在迁移这事上所做的决定。此后,她再也没有对迁移这事烦恼过。

Sister Emmerich's mother had died by her child's bed-side, March 12, 1817. aged eighty years. After the suppression of Agnetenberg, she had visited her daughter only once, when the report of the ecclesiastical investigation reached Flamske ; but, when she felt death approaching, she wished to meet it near her favored child. She was taken to Diilmen, Jan. 3, 1817, and her bed of death placed near her daughter's couch of pain. Sister Emmerich had never forgotten her old mother's spiritual interests.

1817 年 3 月 12 日,艾曼丽修女的母亲在她孩子艾曼丽的床边去世。享年八十岁。 在阿涅腾伯格被镇压后,她只去看过女儿一次,那是当教会调查的报告传到弗拉姆斯克时;但当她感到死亡临近时,她希望在她心爱的孩子身边迎接死亡。 1817 年 1 月 3 日,她被带到杜尔门,弥留之际,她的临终床被安置在她女儿受痛苦的病榻旁。艾曼丽修女从忘记老母亲给她心灵带来的慰藉。

She had asked to be allowed to render her in her last moments all that filial love suggests, her only anxiety being lest her own state of suffering would prove an obstacle to the accomplishment of her heart's desire. Almighty God gratified His servant. She had the consolation of her mother's presence and of doing all that lay in her power toward soothing her dying moments. On December 28, 1817, the doctor to his great surprise found his patient sitting up in bed. On asking for an explanation, he received from Father Limberg the following :

艾曼丽修女曾向天主祈求,在母亲生命的最后时刻,让她尽孝道。她唯一的担忧是害怕自己的病痛会成为她实现尽孝心愿的障碍。全能的天主满足了祂仆人的愿望。她从陪伴母亲的过程中得到了安慰,并尽她所能安抚了母亲的临终弥留之际。 1817 年 12 月 28 日,医生惊讶地发现他的病人在床上坐了起来。在询问原因后,韦塞纳医生从林堡神父那里得到以下答复:

 “Last evening after an ecstasy of two hours, she returned to consciousness without a command and asked me, in an animated tone, if she might get up. I answered in the affirmative, when she sat up so briskly that I was frightened. She remained in that position without support until I ordered her to lie down again. She said : ' My guide took me to a place where I saw the massacre of the Holy Innocents and I beheld how magnificently God recompensed those youthful victims, although they did not and could not actively confess the holy name of Jesus. I admired their immense reward and asked for what I might hope, I who had so long patiently suffered pains and opprobrium for the love of my Saviour.


My guide answered : " Much has been dissipated in thy case, and thou hast allowed many things to go to waste ; but persevere, be vigilant, for great will be thy reward. " — This gave me courage, and I inquired if I would recover the use of my limbs and be able to take food again. — “Thy desires will be gratified,” he answered, " thou wilt even be able to eat, but be patient !" — " How !" I exclaimed, " may I get up now?" — " Sit up at the word of thy confessor," he replied, "and wait for the rest. What thou sufferest is not for thyself, but for many others and for Dulmen." Then I awoke and was able to sit up.' "

护守天神回答说:『关于你圣伤的案子许多事件都已经消散了你已让很多的争论者白费了精力,你会得到巨大的赏报,但要坚持下去,保持警惕。』这给了我勇气,我询问是否能恢复四肢的功能,是否能重新进食。 『你的愿望会得到满足,』他回答说,『你甚至可以吃东西,但要有耐心!』『如何可能 !』我惊呼:『我现在可以起床了吗?』 『在你的神师的命令下你可以坐起来,』他回答道,『然后等待其他的指示。你受苦的不是为你自己,而是许多人和杜尔门。』 然后我醒了,可以坐起来了。」

She continued to improve for a week, as Dr. Wesener's journal records : —

“She can sit up alone, she has even been able to leave her bed once and dress without assistance. I am resolved to make her take some nourishment. When I told her so, I added : ‘What will Prof. B — say when he hears that you can sit up and eat? ?’ She answered: 'I know not what is in store for me. I care not for the approbation of men. I am indifferent to their opinion, although I pity their blindness. Shall I suffer insults ? I am satisfied, provided it glorify God. If, as His unworthy instrument, I am to show forth something, the Lord will confirm it. May His name be praised ! ' — She still refused to take food without her confessor's order."


「她可以自已坐起来,甚至有一次可以自已下床,自已穿衣服。我决定让她吃点东西。当我这么告诉她时,我又补充道:『当B 教授听说你可以坐起来吃东西时,他会说什么?』她回答说:『我不知道将有什么发生在我身上。我不在乎别人的认可。我对他们的意见漠不关心,虽然我同情他们的盲目。我应该忍受侮辱吗?我非常乐意,只要能光荣天主。作为祂不配的工具,如果要我展示一些东西,天主会亲自证实它。愿祂的名受到赞美!』没有神师的命令,她仍然拒绝进食。」

On January 16th, he again writes: “She takes daily without bad effects some spoonfuls of milk and water, equal parts. I think she would now be still more improved, did she not devote herself so exclusively to her sick mother. She rejoices that God in His mercy enables her to make some return for the tender care lavished upon her by that good parent. On Friday, Jan. 1 7, her wounds not having bled, she began to hope that they would disappear entirely ; but her hope was not to be realized. — Toward the close of January, she was able to take at several different times a little thin broth.

1 月 16 日,韦塞纳医生再次写道:「艾曼丽修女每天服用几勺等量的牛奶和水,没有不良影响。我想,如果艾曼丽修女不是全身心地照顾她生病的母亲的话,她现在还会好得多呢。她很高兴,天主的仁慈使她能够报答好母亲对她的养育之恩。 1 月 17 日,瞻礼六,她的伤口没有流血,她开始希望圣伤会完全消失;但她的希望并没有实现。临近 一月底,她可以在不同的时间喝一点稀汤了。

 “February 14th — -She continues bright and cheerful, although she suffers day and night from the sight of her dying mother whose pains she shares.

" February 21st — She is not so well to-day. Her share in her mother's sufferings appears to be the cause of her languor.

"March 12th — Her mother died this evening. Sister Emmerich is much affected. The thought of not having done enough for her good mother distresses her.

“March 20th — She is in as weak and miserable a state as ever, but she expresses the most touching gratitude to God whose merciful hand supported her during her mother's last illness."

「2 月 14 日——尽管她日日夜夜看守并分担母亲临终前的痛苦,但她仍然保持着开朗和快乐。

「2 月 21 日——她今天身体不太好。她分担了母亲的痛苦,这似乎是她疲倦的原因。




上一篇:036.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第32章 威廉·韦森纳医生 — 催眠术
下一篇: 038.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第34章 克莱门特.布伦塔诺 — 艾曼丽修女对他信仰生活的影响


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