真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦难的灵魂受苦
下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦难的灵魂受苦
浏览次数:1086 更新时间:2024-6-13

On the evening of this day, Dr. Lutterbeck came to Diilmen and received from the Pilgrim, though not in her presence or hearing, a full account of the invalid's state. She cried out of her ecstasy : " How can you tread among my flowers ! You are trampling down my beautiful flowers ! " She had seen him who revealed her secret tortures under the symbol of one carelessly crushing the flower-beds of her garden.

这天傍晚,卢特贝克医生来到杜尔门,从朝圣者那里谛听了一份关于病人状况的详细报告,尽管艾曼丽修女没有在场,也没有听见朝圣者说的话 但她在神魂超拔中喊道:你怎么在我的花丛中踩踏!你踩坏了美丽的花朵!她见朝圣者粗心大意地咂碎花园里的花坛为寓示,揭示了她所遭受不为人知的痛苦折磨。

The next day the pains in her abdomen were so intense that Father Limberg in pity gave her some blessed oil, and commanded them in the name of Jesus to leave her. She was instantaneously and entirely relieved. The words : “Will not to-morrow do?" were then verified. During this sickness Sister Emmerich made the following declaration :


 “The sufferings of the impatient are far harder for me to bear than those of others ; for with them I experience an irresistible inclination to impatience, and I have to struggle hard against it. Through the whole course of this illness, I have been wonderfully sustained. Almost all night and frequently by day, I see a table white like marble floating near me full of vessels of juices and dishes of herbs.

我比别人更难忍受急躁之人的痛苦,因为和他们在一起,我有一种不可抗拒的急躁倾向,我必须努力与之抗争。 在整个患病过程中,我的身体一直维持得很好。几乎整个晚上和白天,我都能看到一张像大理石一样的白色桌子漂浮在我身边,上面摆满了盛着果汁和草药的器皿。

Now one saint or martyr, now another, male or female, approaches and prepares medicine for me, sometimes a compound weighed in golden scales, but oftener the juices of herbs. Sometimes tiny bunches of flowers are presented for me to smell or taste. They often relieve my pains, though more frequently they increase my strength to bear the more extraordinary and complicated sufferings that immediately follow. I see all this going on so clearly and orderly that I sometimes fear my confessor, in passing in and out, will overturn the heavenly dispensatory."


This table suddenly vanished one day, when, by an unguarded word, Sister Emmerich afforded some one a chance to praise her. She was giving the person in question advice upon the best way to lead a retired life, and she happened to conclude with the words : " It was thus I acted in my youth and I derived benefit from it." Some words of commendation were uttered in reply, and the table disappeared.

有一天,艾曼丽修女不经意说了一句话,给了某人赞美她的机会,那张桌子突然消失了。 她当时正在向那个人建议度隐修生活的最佳方法,最后,她恰巧用了这样一句话做结束语:我年轻时就是这样做的,我从中受益匪浅。那个人回应了几句赞扬的话,那张桌子上的东西就不见了。

Suffering for Penitents


" When I see people going to confession, I often have frightful visions of the necessity of praying for them : for instance, I sometimes see the penitent spitting out a serpent and taking it back again, often indeed, even before Communion. They who hide sins appear with a hideous countenance and near them a horrible beast seizing their breast with its claws. I often see a figure whispering into the ear of those who live in criminal connections. He urges them to say nothing about it. "


I behold others pressing to their hearts whilst they confess a figure like a dragon. I have always understood that disgusting things, such as worms and certain insects, rise from sin and are images of sin. Near such as conceal secret sins, but who are exteriorly modest and pious, I see horrible things either at their side, or on their clothing, or often covered up and secretly caressed and fed. I have often seen such things so distinctly near certain persons that I tried to remove them, and desisted only when I perceived their amazement at my efforts. The cricket is an image of sin, restless, greedy, shrill, noisy. It moves all its hairs, cleans itself, and flaps its wings when it chirps, as do they who cherish such sins as those that it symbolizes. "


One day, Sister Emmerich related the following : — ”I was praying, at his own request, for a certain priest's penitents and I had a very painful labor to perform. I saw two boats about to sink. In one were men, in the other women, the latter the more numerous. Their confessor was on the shore, trying to draw the boats to land, first one, then the other. The men's boat was easily managed. But many, or rather almost all the women had, in disobedince to their confessor and partly unknown to him, cats hidden under their kerchiefs which were the cause of the boat's sinking.

一天,艾曼丽修女讲述了以下内容:——我在某位神父自己的请求下为他的告解者祈祷,我有一非常痛苦的工作要做。我看到两艘船即将沉没。一船上是男人,另一船上是女人,后者人更多。 他们的告解神父在岸上,试图把船拉上岸,先是一艘,然后是另一艘。 男人的船很容易就被拖上岸。但是,许多女人,或者说几乎所有的女人,不服从她们的告解神父,她们有一部分罪不让神父知道,在她们的头巾下藏着猫,这就是船沉没的原因。

The cats held fast; they would not let go ; they clawed right and left. I rowed out on a plank to the boat, and urged the women to throw the cats overboard. They obeyed very reluctantly, and began to quarrel with me. The confessor pulled with all his might, though not always in the right way. I had to call out to him to pull in the opposite direction."


Sister Emmerich, though eating absolutely nothing, was subject at intervals, for two days at a time, to violent spells of retching. These efforts reduced her to such weakness that she frequently swooned, unconsciously uttering the words : “Sins must be cast out; they must be confessed!" which bore evidence to the fact that she was expiating sacrilegious confessions.


She had a special devotion to St. Anthony of Padua. On his feast and during the octave she received the commission to urge sinners to repentance. On such days she lay a victim to rapidly changing maladies, convulsions, interior anguish, and spiritual abandonment. One day she related what follows: — " The saint St. Anthony) showed me some people whom I was to urge to make a general confession, which they actually did to Dean Overberg and Father Limberg. I did not know them except in vision.


Such atfairs are carried on as if the saint sent a message, or an order to my guide who said to me : — ' Arise ! Follow me, if thou dost wish to aid such or such a one’ Then comes a tiresome journey full of difficulties, typical of the spiritual obstacles in the souls of penitents; perverse ideas, passions, and struggles against a sincere and contrite confession.


Some of these souls seem very small, very far off ; others appear to be nearer, and this signifies their dispositions for confession. Some who are really near me seem to be very small, and far away ; whilst others, who are actually at a distance, appear large and spiritually near. To reach some who are near me, I have to climb rugged mountains down which I incessantly stumble. When by the help of God's grace and the saint's (St. Anthony's) assistance I succeed in crossing it, I find their heart changed."


On November 29, 1822, six fierce outlaws condemned to imprisonment passed through Diilrrien. They spent the night in the city jail. This was shown Sister Emmerich in vision, and she immediately set to work to pray for the miserable wretches. Next morning she said : “I visited the prisoners for whom I was praying and, as I drew near the prison I found it surrounded by thorns which grew even over the walls. I got my hands all torn by them.

1822  11  29 日,六名凶悍的歹徒被判处监禁,经过杜尔门。 他们在城市监狱里过了一夜。艾曼丽修女在神视中看到了这一切,她立即着手为这些可怜的恶棍祈祷。第二天早上,她说:我拜访了我为他们祈祷的囚犯,当我走近监狱时,我发现监狱被荆棘包围着,甚至连墙上都长出了荆棘。我的手被荆棘扯破了。

The enclosure had no roof and I descended ; but I could not reach the prisoners. They seemed to be in holes and windings with beams and rafters over and in front of them. All was dark and desolate, as if turned to stone. I labored hard, but reached none of them ; they were perfectly hardened. Then came N — , the police officer, and I hurried away for fear, if he saw me, he might think I wanted to set the prisoners free."

监狱围墙没有屋顶,我可以下到里面;但我无法接触到囚犯。他们似乎被关在洞里或迂回曲折的地方前面和后面都有横梁和椽子。 一切都是黑暗而荒凉的,他们彷佛变成了石头。我费了九牛二虎之力,但一个也够不到;他们的身体已经完全僵硬了。这时,警察N来了,我赶紧离开生怕警察看到我,以为我想释放囚犯。

April, 1820. — Sister Emmerich was suddenly seized with violent pains in her left side. She could lie only on her right, she could not speak ; she frequently swooned and she thought surely she was going to die. But she said calmly: “This is the remains of Lent. I burdened myself too heavily. I thought it would come ! I took it upon myself for a stranger who wanted to make his Easter confession here. I saw him at the confessional in bad dispositions ; he was not sincere, and so he became more culpable. 18204 -

1820  4 月——艾曼丽修女突然感到左肋一阵剧痛。 她只能用右侧躺着,不能说话;她经常昏过去,她认为自己肯定要死了。 但她平静地说:这是四旬期残留的任务。 我给自己的负担太重了。 我以为他会来! 我为一个想在这里做复活节告解的陌生人承担了责任。我在告解亭看到他性情恶劣;他不真诚,所以他的罪恶更大了。

I begged Our Lord to let me suffer for him, to satisfy Divine Justice, and to change his heart. Then this intense pain came on, but l can scarcely bear it !" The Abbe Lambert prayed over her and she was, for the time, somewhat relieved; but when he left her, the pain returned so violently that she swooned away, the cold perspiration rolling in great drops down her forehead. Her confessor was sent for. He came, blessed her, and commanded the pain to depart in the name of Jesus, when she instantly fell into a gentle sleep.

我恳求我们的主让我为这陌生人受苦,以赔补天主的公义,并改变他的心。 然后,剧烈的疼痛袭来,我几乎无法忍受!兰伯特神父为艾曼丽修女祈祷,她的痛苦暂时得到了缓解;但是当神父离开她时,疼痛又剧烈地袭来,她昏了过去,冷汗大滴的从她的额头上滚落下来。她的告解神师被请来了,为她祝福,并奉耶稣的圣名命令疼痛离开,这时她立刻进入了温柔的梦乡

Easter-tide, 1823, — "I had to drag a man by force into the church and up to the Communion rail. He resisted and almost threw me to the ground. I suffered fearfully and received so severe blows on my heart that I felt as if it were being crushed." Such was the invalid's task at this time and the foregoing scene was frequently renewed until the week before Pentecost, when she said one day to her confessor : “I am worn out on that same man's account !" — Soon the very individual of whom she spoke presented himself, begging the Father to hear his general confession. Father Limberg received him most kindly and introduced him, at his own request, to Sister Emmerich. He begged her pardon with tears for having calumniated her.

1823 年复活期我不得不强行把一个人拖进教堂,拉到圣体栏杆前。他反抗,差点把我摔倒在地。我遭受了可怕的痛苦,我的心受到了如此严重的打击,以至于我感到心脏好像被压碎了一样。这就是病人此时的任务,上述场景经常重复,直到圣神降临节前一周,有一天她对她的告解神师说:我因那个人而筋疲力尽了!——很快,她说的那个人就出现了,请求林堡神父聆听他的总告解。林堡神父非常友好地接待了那个人,并应那个人自己的要求将他介绍给了艾曼丽修女。他流着泪恳求艾曼丽修女原谅,因为他诽谤了修女。

The carnival was annually for Sister Emmerich a time of excruciating suffering, because of the excesses then committed. " I have to behold all the abominations of the dissolute : the thoughts, the inward wickedness of hearts ; the snares of the devil ; the sloth, the wavering, the wandering of souls ; and lastly, their unhappy fall. I see Satan everywhere, and I have to run, to fly, to suffer and exhort, to beseech God and deliver myself over to chastisement. I see at the same time the injury these insensates offer their Redeemer, my Saviour, whom I behold all covered with spittle, torn, and bloody.

每年的狂欢节对于艾曼丽修女来说都是一个痛苦不堪的日子,因为那时人们的行为太过放纵。我不得不目睹放荡者的一切可憎之事:犯罪的思想、内心的邪恶、魔鬼的陷阱、懒惰、摇摆不定、徘徊的灵魂;最后,他们不幸的堕落。我看到撒殚无处不在,我必须奔跑,飞翔,受苦和劝勉,恳求天主,把自己交给天主公义的惩罚。同时,我也看到这些麻木不仁的罪人给他们的救主,我的救赎主带来的伤害,我看到浑身是唾沫,伤痕累累 ,鲜血淋漓。

The so-called innocent amusements I see in their frightful nakedness, in their deplorable consequences ! I am seized with horror and compassion. I pass from martrydom to martyrdom to obtain for this or that sinner time and grace. I see this among laics and priests ; but the latter make me suffer more. At last, I was so exhausted that I could do no more, and I asked my angel and the other guardian-angels to take my place for some poor creatures whose state touched me deeply. " — She was at this time so utterly prostrate as to be unable to move, her very breathing was agonizing; yet she lay sweet and calm and patient as ever. The evil one assaults her day and night.

所谓的无伤大雅的娱乐,我看到了它们可怕的赤裸祼和可悲的后果!我感到既恐惧又同情。 我一次又一次地殉难,为这个或那个罪人争取尽快悔改的恩宠我在教友和神父中看到了这些罪;但神父让我更痛苦。最后,我筋疲力尽,再也无能为力了,我请我的护守天神和其他守护天神代替我去帮助那些深深触动我的那些可怜的人。——此时,她完全瘫倒在地,动弹不得,连呼吸都让她感到痛苦,但她却一如既往地甜美、平静、耐心地躺着。恶魔日夜攻击她。

Ash- Wednesday, March, 1821. -" The Pilgrim found her this morning bruised, pale, and exhausted, her countenance peaceful, her soul calm ; she was all kindness and charity. She said : — “I think I had last night all the pains and tortures a human being can possibly endure. I found some relief for my intense ear-ache from a little blessed oil on cotton.'

——1821  3 月圣灰礼仪——朝圣者发现了她今天早上身体瘀青,面色苍白,疲惫不堪,但是她的面容平静,心灵安详;她满面慈祥、和善。艾曼丽修女说:——我想,昨晚我已经忍受了一个人可能忍受的所有痛苦和折磨。我用棉花沾了一点圣油,使我剧烈疼痛的耳朵得到了一些缓解。

 — Then suddenly exclaiming: ‘Now, there's a dance!’ she writhed on her bed, her feet quivering with pain, whilst in terror and as if defending herself she cried out : ‘They have set a furious cur on me !’ — Later on she explained as follows : ' I was sent to a village in which the peasants were dancing again to-day. I had to reprove them for their levity. They became enraged, and it seemed as if they let a mad dog loose against me. I was, at first, terrified, but then came the thought: Thou art not here in body, so he cannot bite thee ! –

——然后,她突然惊叫道:现在,有舞会!她在床上挣扎着,双脚因疼痛而颤抖,她惊恐万分,像是在为自己辩护,她喊道:他们对我下了毒手!——后来她解释说:今天我被送到一个村子,那里的农民又在跳舞了。 我不得不责备他们的轻浮。他们被激怒了,好像放了一条疯狗来对付我。 起初,我很害怕,但转念一想,我的身体不在这里,所以疯狗咬不到我!

— and I squeezed into a little corner and discovered that the dog was the devil. He had horrible claws and fiery eyes. Just at that moment, a saint reached me from above a large iron club which seemed to be hollow, it was so light. He said : ‘Here, I often drubbed Satan with this ‘  — I took it and held it out to the dog. He bit it and tugged at it until, at last, he ran off with it. Then I was able to execute my commission and the dance was broken up. ‘”

——我被逼进一个小角落里,才发现那条狗是魔鬼。牠有可怕的爪子和火红的眼睛。就在这时,一圣人从上面向我递过来一根大铁棍这根棍子好像是空心的非常轻他说:给你,我经常用这个来揍撒殚!——我把铁棒拿过来打向狗。牠又咬又拽直到最后,牠带着铁棒跑掉了。 然后我就可以执行我被委托的任务了,舞会也就解散了。」』

April, 1822. — “The invalid is in a most pitiable state, though singularly patient, even joyous in her pains which seem ever to increase. To her cough, vomiting, and retention, are added sharp pains in her face and swelling of the lips which are covered with white blisters ; she can neither speak nor drink. The doctor prescribed external applications, but the only relief she experiences is from St Walburga's oil. Her angelic guide told her to leave herself to God, as she was expiating sins of the tongue. This state lasted about seven days, during which, at her angels' bidding, she recited long vocal prayers almost all night, a hundred Our Fathers, Hail Maries, and Litanies.”

1822 年4月。——病人处于最可怜的状态,尽管她非常有耐心,至在痛苦中还很快乐,但痛苦似乎还在加剧。除了咳嗽、呕吐和胃胀之外,她的脸上还伴有剧痛,嘴唇肿胀,上面满嘴白色的水泡; 她既不能说话也不能喝水。医生给她开了外用药,但唯一能缓解她疼痛的药是圣沃尔布加的圣油。护守天神告诉她要把自己交托给天主,因为她正在为口舌之罪做补赎。 这种状态持续了大约7天,在此期间,在护守天神的吩咐下,她几乎整夜都在祈祷,一百遍天主经、圣母经和连祷文。


上一篇:下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦难的灵魂受苦
下一篇:下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日子和去世


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