真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世的异象
下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世的异象
浏览次数:1169 更新时间:2024-11-20

Visions Foreshadowing Sister Emmerich's Death



February 28, 1820. — " Four sufferings have been announced to me," said the invalid, "one of which and the most painful of all will arise from a misunderstanding between the Pilgrim and his brother. I had also another vision which tormented me. I was in the greatest distress, I felt as if about to swoon, and I wanted some water; but it was so muddy that I could not drink it.

1820  2  28 日——天主已经向我宣布了四种痛苦,病人说,其中最痛苦的是来自于朝圣者和他兄弟之间的一场误解。我还看到另一个折磨我的神视 ……我处于极度的痛苦之中,感觉快要昏厥过去,我想喝水;但是水太浑浊,我无法饮用。

Then appeared two men. One wanted to relieve me by giving me cherries from a tree that stood in shifting, marshy soil in which it swayed two and fro with its fruit on the extremities of the lower branches ; there were no cherries high up. He climbed the tree with difficulty to get the fruit because the water was bad. Then the other began to reproach him, to quarrel with him about the trouble he was giving himself.


He would fatigue himself, he said, he should have done so and so, etc.; and they disputed the point so warmly that the first came down from the tree and both went off in opposite directions, leaving me there in my great need abandoned and alone. I have been thinking all day of that distressing scene, and I feared it might mean the Pilgrim and his brother."


— The cherries produced by the tree growing in marshy ground, denote good intentions, benevolent assistance, springing not from motives of faith, but from human considerations and preconceived opinions, none of which were based on very reliable foundations (1). The marshy water signifies water flowing not from the pure source of divine love, but rendered turbid by self-love and an obstinate attachment to one's own views, which cannot furnish a just appreciation of the invalid's state nor afford real refreshment.


March 4th — The Pilgrim writes : " Sister Emmerich did not, at first, want to relate what she had seen, but after awhile she yielded — trouble with the Pilgrim ! It has been shown her now for the third time. — 'I saw myself,’ she says, ' laid by my confessor and the Pilgrim in a wheatfield in which the ears were ripe. I wanted to rest there awhile ; but no, they hurried me off into a gloomy dark room. The Pilgrim was very angry with me, although I had done nothing. — We were widely separated.

3 月4日——朝圣者写道:起初,艾曼丽修女不想讲述她所看到的异象,但过了一会儿,她让步了——朝圣者给她带来了麻烦!这已经是第三次向她展示了。——我看见我自己,她说,我的告解神师和朝圣者把我放在一片麦田里,那里的麦穗已经成熟了。我想在那儿休息一会儿;但是不行,他们把我赶到了一间阴暗的房间里。朝圣者对我非常生气,虽然我什么也没做。——我们被远远地分开了。 

(1) January 10, 1820, Sister Emmerich remarked to the Pilgrim: " I have had a vision relating to your brother. He will cause disturbance here. He has false ideas of my case, and I saw the Abbe Lambert much annoyed by him. I thank God for showing me this, for preparing me for it. I shall bear it all for my humiliation.”

(1) 1820  1  10 日,艾曼丽修女对朝圣者说:我有一个关于你兄弟的神视。他会在这里引起骚乱。他对我的情况有错误的想法,我看到兰伯特神父被他惹恼了。我感谢天主让我看到这一点,让我为此做好准备。我将忍受这一切的屈辱。

When he spoke to me so harshly, I saw the devil behind him with one hand on his shoulder. It seemed as if the Stations of the Cross passed before me, at each of which I found my-self still further from the Pilgrim. Behind the Crucifixion, I saw the devil about to attack me. I drove him away and continued to gaze after the Pilgrim, who at last began to return. I resolved to receive him more kindly than ever."


Sister Emmerich's humility led her to take all the blame upon herself and to redouble her kindness and patience to-ward the Pilgrim. She hoped thus to finish the task undertaken with his assistance. His withdrawal from her in proportion as she followed the Stations of the Cross signifies his ever-increasing discontent and coldness with the vexatious consequences resulting therefrom.


Like new and sorrowful stations, they strewed the pathway of her life. But he would not understand her admonition. In his journal we find the following note : “She has become ridiculously faint-hearted and self-reproachful, as if seeking to annoy her hearer ! She weeps and torments herself about faults she may possibly commit, and she cannot arise from her pitiable state of discouragement."


Shortly after we find the following record of Sister Emmerich's words : “My Heavenly Spouse has told me not to torment myself. He will not impute the fault to me. I must follow the middle course,' words which, though carrying with them a most striking signification, the Pilgrim declares incomprehensible. The invalid was placed between her confessor and the Pilgrim. She had to maintain peace between them, exhorting the former to forbearance and the latter to the restraint of his fiery, impetuous nature. It was with good reason she responds to his impatient strictures : “The Pilgrim has not understood me since Christmas. He is against me !"


Easter of 1820 brought Sister Emmerich the last joyful Paschal solemnity she was to have on earth. The Pilgrim thus describes it : “On Easter morn, I found the invalid, who only the day before was a picture of woe, truly resuscitated. She was beaming with peace and joy ; her words, her whole demeanor breathed fervor and the inward sentiment of the Redeemer's resurrection.


The sentiments of her soul imparted an indescribably noble air to her every look and gesture. She had heard the songs of the parishioners as ; toward one in the morning, they marched through the streets of Dulmen. They were headed by the burgomaster, who bore the crucifix which had lain in the church on Good-Friday and which the pastor had placed in his hands for the nocturnal procession by virtue of an ancient privilege.


Those canticles of joy were repeated by thousands of peasants and their children, many of whom from Good-Friday had neither eaten nor drunk, and who after their hard day's work had spent most of the night in making the ‘Way of the Cross.' These sounds had reached her bed of pain, and in vision she had followed the praying and chanting multitude. She afterward explained with deep emotion this custom of olden times.


It seems that an epidemic having once carried off all the priests, the burgomaster on this sacred night took the crucifix from the Holy Sepulchre and bore it processionally around the city followed by the citizens. The pestilence ceased. From that time the privilege of carrying the crucifix belonged by right to that functionary. It is also the custom on Holy Saturday when the new fire is blessed, for the sacristan to light little fagots at it and distribute them to the people.


The Pilgrim, having brought one home with him, placed it on the invalid's bed as she lay in vision. In a moment or two, she exclaimed : ‘How came that charred wood on my bed?’ and then, holding her hand over it as if warming herself, she said: ‘That is holy fire, just kindled in the Church. She has a new light to-day, a new fire, though many, alas! are not warmed by it !"


A few days later, we find recorded in the ever-faithful journal the following instruction given her by her angel :  “I was very sick, and I laid before God my distress and desire to be freed from household cares and visitors : for instance, the Abbe had yesterday six guests to dinner, some priests who are visiting him and my brother's children. But my guide reproved me, saying that I should remain on my cross, for Jesus came not down from His. The less I worry about such things, the more surely shall I receive assistance. I had a long instruction on this point. " Shortly after follows some intimation of the old Abbe's state : —


 “The Abbe Lambert daily grows worse and needs many attentions. Sister Emmerich regards his state as critical and looks forward to the worst. She has had a vision of his interment. She saw a corpse borne out with lighted candles. She ran to see where it would be laid and found it to be in the neighboring cemetery. At the entrance two souls clothed in white stopped her ; they extended before her a white veil through which she could not pass.


Then she begged to be allowed to take upon her the Abbe's pains. She was fully aware of their nature and grievousness; the good old priest being threatened with inflammation of the bowels. She spoke of the debt of gratitude she owed him. The Pilgrim and his brother found her very miserable, the noise of the ninepin-alley under her window distressing her greatly. Christian Brentano thought she ought to be moved to another house. He is convinced that all might be satisfactorily arranged by earnest remonstrances."


April 24th — "The Abbe is better; he is more cheerful and his foot less swollen. ‘I must,’ says Sister Emmerich, 'leave the rest to God. I cannot free him entirely from suffering. When he came weeping and afflicted at the prospect of moving I saw that if mortification set in, he could not live more than four days ; so I begged God to send me his sufferings, that he might not die unresignedly.

4  24 日——神父好多了;他更开朗了,他的脚也没有那么肿了。我必须,艾曼丽修女说,把剩下的交给天主。我不能使神父完全摆脱痛苦。当老神父一想到要搬迁,就痛苦流涕时,我明白,如果痛苦的临终开始,他最多只能活四天;所以我恳求天主把他的痛苦赐给我,让他死而无憾。

Instantly my pains increased and the Abbe was relieved. I hope he will soon be able to say Mass again.’ — But she herself has scarcely strength to speak. When the Pilgrim told her that a decree had been issued at Berlin forbidding the professors of Minister to lecture, because the Vicar-General had prohibted the students from frequenting Bonn, she was deeply distressed.


She said : ' Not what I now hear afflicts me most, but the far worse things in store for the future ! I see them in vision, but I cannot describe them. I have earnestly prayed for this affair, for I have been expecting it ; but it will yet be worse !' — And falling into contemplation, she exclaimed : ‘Liborius defends me at Paderborn where they are abusing me !' "


April 25th — “The Pilgrim asked the invalid if she would not consent to a change of lodgings and separate from her sister Gertrude ; but her only answer was that she could not. He would not accept her excuse, feeling convinced that, were she so disposed, the change might be easily effected." Sister Emmerich was, on this occasion, very much dejected by the pertinacity of the Pilgrim and his brother so anxious to carry out what they looked upon as benevolent intentions in her regard.

4  25 日——朝圣者问病人能不能换个地方与她的妹妹格特鲁德分开; 但她的回答是不能。朝圣者不愿接受她的借口,他深信,只要病人愿意,改变是很容易的。这一次,艾曼丽修女感到非常沮丧,因为朝圣者和他的兄弟总是固执已见,急于实施他们认为对她是善意的计划。

She had the following vision on the subject: “Quantities of flowers lay scattered around me. With them I had to twine a garland. I had already advanced far in my task when there arose around me a green thorn hedge, the thorns turned outward as if to form a barrier of protection. It was covered with numbers of tiny flowers on pedicles as fine as linen thread ; they were sky-blue with red centres.


They had five stamens like a silver hammer on which rested dew of marvellous sweetness. The flowers grew among other plants and I wanted to gather them. But the Pilgrim and his brother opposed it. They said that it was not worth the trouble; however, I snapped off a thorn from the hedge and drew some of the flowers out with it." — The tiny blue flowers signified the little virtues of patience and meekness which she was then practising in the midst of her friends and her domestic cares.


Of their merit she would be deprived if, in accordance with the Pilgrim's advice, she changed her abode and manner of life. The thorn-hedge, the living barrier around her, symbolized the prohibition of her angelic guide and the sufferings of her daily life. The Pilgrim, however, was unwilling to comprehend the lovely vision in this way.


He objected that the flowers signified her complaints under trifling sufferings to which she ought not to be so sensitive. His remarks greatly troubled the poor invalid who, as the journal informs us, “wept bitterly, calling God and His Holy Mother to witness her affliction, since she knew not how to help herself, how to rise above her misery. They might, she said, represent her faults to her without disguise."


That the Pilgrim understood not the drift of this prayer, his journal testifies in these words : "She was quite overcome by sadness and desolation, though seemingly without cause. It was only a temptation, which, alas! she bore so impatiently that the Pilgrim was a little tried with her."


On May 1st — Sister Emmerich related the following : " Again I saw the little flowers, but they were all trodden down and destroyed by the Pilgrim and his brother. I wept at the sight. I stuck among them the cross of my gray robe, and, to my great joy, up sprang a thick sod all around. I had also a vision of a fire in the Abbe Lambert's room ; it burned over him in his bed. It was formed of many tongues of flame which suddenly uniting rushed down the kitchen toward the staircase.

5  1 日 — 艾曼丽修女讲述了以下内容:我又一次看到了那些小花,但它们都被朝圣者和他的兄弟踩倒并摧毁了。我看到这一幕时哭了起来。我把灰色长袍上的十字架插在小花中间,令我欣喜的是,周围出现了一片厚厚的草皮。我还看到兰伯特神父的房间里有一堆火,在他的床上燃烧着。它是由许多火舌组成的,这些火舌突然结合在一起,从厨房冲下楼梯。

I saw, too, many things connected with him, different people and details which however I no longer remember. I was so alarmed that I awoke. There flew out of the fire upon me a cloud of little crosses that quite covered my gray robe; that, too, frightened me greatly. But two blessed spirits like the Apostles appeared and told me not to be alarmed, that I had already consumed the most of these crosses ; and indeed, they were perfectly black and only a few were left. I awoke from this vision in fright."


May 2d — “Sister Emmerich changed her room to-day for another further removed from the noise of the carpenters. Into it her canary had previously been taken. For three years she had raised the little creature in a nest on her bed. It had become so tame, so fond of its mistress, that it never left her. Whenever she was sick, its whole body swelled up and it fell down by her side as if dead.

5  2 日——艾曼丽修女今天换了一间房间,以便远离木匠们的噪音。她的金丝雀之前就被带进了这个房间。三年来,她一直把这个小家伙养在她床上的鸟窝里。小鸟变得如此温顺,如此喜爱它的女主人,以至于它从未离开过她。每当她生病的时候,金丝雀的整个身体就会肿胀起来,像死了一样倒在她的身边。

When it saw her enter the new room, its excitement was something remarkable ; it hopped joyfully over the bed and gave every sign of satisfaction. But when it perceived her suffering state down it fell on its side ; one would have thought it dying. After some moments Sister Emmerich made a sign with her hand for it to enter its cage. Its liveliness returned, it pecked at its feathers for joy, and swung itself in its ring.


A lark, which had been tamed in the same way, unfortunately met its death one day in the kitchen fire. It used to sing its song on Sister Emmerich's bed ; and hop from side to side; even if chased in that direction, it would not fly toward the window. If any one spoke unkindly to its mistress, it would pursue the unlucky individual to the door, screaming around his head. Sister Emmerich often spoke feelingly of the bird's wonderful attachment."


May 6th — "I have had a vision of the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist and I saw several scenes illustrative of his relations with the Lord. He asked me : ‘If the Lord were now to visit thee and wanted to eat with thee, what wouldst thou set before Him, for thou hast nothing?’ I answered : 'I would give Him myself, I have nothing else.’  And then, indeed, the Lord did come to me and my whole soul melted into sweetness. Next morning, when I received Holy Communion, with ardent desires I offered myself to Him in sacrifice !"

5  6 日——我看到圣洗者若翰殉道的异象,我看到了几个场景说明了他与主的关系。他问我:如果主现在要拜访你并想和你一起吃饭 ,你将什么摆在祂面前,因为你一无所有?我回答说:我将自己给祂,我没有别的东西。然后,主真的来到了我身边,我的整个灵魂都融化在甜蜜中。第二天早上,当我领圣体时,我怀着强烈的愿望将自己献给主!

May 17th — " I have had a short vision of St. Paschal. I saw that he had a vehement love for the Blessed Sacrament which he went to adore whenever he possibly could. He was deprived of It for a time as a trial, from which privation he suffered much, although he received spiritually in his cell. This vision was vouchsafed me for my own consolation, since Dean Overberg gave me little hope of permission to communicate daily.

5  17 日——我对圣巴斯加有一个短暂的神视。我看到他对圣体有着强烈的爱,只要有机会,他就会去朝拜圣体。有一段时间,他被剥夺了朝拜圣体的权利,这是对他的一种考验,尽管他在房间里领受到神领圣体的安慰,但他还是为此饱受煎熬这个神视赐予了我,为安慰自己,因为奥弗伯格院长不允许我每天领圣体。

 I would often languish, did I not receive spiritually. Once, when my unworthiness prevented my approaching the Holy Table, I saw St. Gereon, in his military dress, going to church on Christmas day. He had intended to communicate; but beholding over the altar an apparition of Jesus on the cross, the Blood from His Side dripping into the chalice, he was filled with fear at his own unworthiness, and-dared not receive the Holy Sacrament.


I saw that for a long time he dared not communicate ; at last, Mary appeared to him. She told him that, if he allowed himself to be deterred by the vision he had seen, if he waited until he became worthy, it would be very difficult for him to resume his Communions. Who is worthy to receive so great a favor ? Gereon communicated the very next day."


 “The hunger that she experiences for the Holy Eucharist,’ adds the Pilgrim, " is often intolerable ; she even swoons away from it. She weeps at being deprived of daily Communion, although at the time of the first investigation she had been promised the privilege of Mass in her room.


Formerly, when she received more frequently, her preparation and thanksgiving so occupied her mind that many petty annoyances were allowed to pass unheeded ; but now, all is changed, and she is obliged to support herself on her own strength. She had had a presentiment that she would one day have to endure this privation of the Holy Eucharist, but neither the Dean nor her confessor would listen to it."


The next day the Pilgrim found Sister Emmerich in tears at the announcement of some expected visits. She was a prey also to sufferings so intense as to render her quite unable to make any communications to him ; consequently, instead of visions we find the following entry in his journal: "All that takes place in this house connected with outside affairs, is carried on without plan, order, or foresight. — It is absolutely unreasonable, absurd, shocking ! But on account of the indifference of all around, the absence of direction, the false ideas concerning things, one can remedy nothing.)


 Her sufferings are almost intolerable to-day, violent shootings in the wound of her side, pains all through her body, general debility and languishing for Jesus! " — The Pilgrim's vexation did not escape the invalid and, on his return that evening, she tried to banish it with these words : " I saw how dissatisfied you were this morning, because I was not able to relate anything. — You sang, and that is a sure sign !


I had a long talk about you with my confessor." Then she laid before him many reasons why he should overcome his impatience, treat Father Limberg with greater consideration, and try to suit himself to her position, as it was not in her power to change it. He assured her that she mistook the cause of his chagrin ; that it was the confusion and disorder that distressed him ; that he had indeed hummed an air, but only to repress his vexation, etc.


 “Nevertheless," he continues, "she would have the last word and ended by bursting into tears. She has thought the Pilgrim unreasonable all this Lent, whilst he is only distressed that the most magnificent visions are not recorded. If the confessor is worried by him, it is all his own fault. He is incessantly repeating that the Pilgrim and his brother are too learned for him, that they judge too severely, etc. It is all his own distrustful spirit, his unwillingness to accept advice !”


Sister Emmerich having remarked that she had seen many things which her weak state and domestic affairs forbade her communicating, as for instance, a long vision on the Magnificat and the ancestors of Mary, her words fell like burning coals upon the Pilgrim. He exclaims bitterly : “Yes, those people torment her, beset her, smother her like wool sacks ! And thus are lost things more wonderful than were ever before revealed ! Those miserable trifles for which all is sacrificed drive one to desperation !"


June 19, 1820. — “The invalid received the following instructions from her angelic guide : " 'Be not distressed, if thou now seest fewer details on the relics of the saints. Thou hast now another task before thee. It will be enough for thee to recognize them in a short vision; thou canst no longer spend so much time in it. There is something else now to be done. Relate thy visions as before, Hold for truth what thou seest, and repeat all to thy confessor, whether he be inclined to listen or not.’

1820  6  19 日——病人从护守天神那里得到了以下的指示:如果你现在看到的关于圣人圣髑的细节减少了,不要难过。你现在有另一项任务摆在你面前。你会在一个短暂的神视中认出圣髑,这对你来说已经足够了;你不能再花这么多时间在其中。现在还有其他事情要做。像以前一样讲述你的异象,坚持您所看到的真相,并向你的告解神师重复所有内容,无论他是否愿意听。

— My angel spoke to me in words like the above. They consoled me, and I think I shall not die yet." It soon became evident that her angel's words referred to the communication of her visions on the ‘Life of Christ,’ her last and most painful task.


She had had all her life the clearest intuition of the earthly career of her Divine Spouse, she had imitated Him most faithfully, conformed her every action most closely to His ; but now, she was to contemplate Him, no longer for herself alone, but that she might make to her contemporaries a recital which by its fidelity to life, its unadorned simplicity, its perfect concordance with the holy Apostles and Doctors, would lead numbers of souls to the knowledge of the truth, and increase in others the fervor of piety.


As this Divine Life has already appeared in German and French, mention will be made in the following pages of only the circumstances attendant on its recital. Her task began toward the latter part of July, 1820, and by the end of August, the Pilgrim rejoiced over the rich harvest he had been able to gather. September brought with it increased sufferings and domestic cares, to the infinite disgust of her amanuensis, and we again find his journal teeming with such words as the following: "She thinks her pains have caused her to forget everything, she has nothing to communicate; but the real cause is anxiety about her nephew who has been enrolled for military service. — All these vexations fall upon her.


He was here last evening and this morning and, as she interests herself in his affairs, woeful disorder necessarily follows. This is the reason of her inability to relate her visions. When the Pilgrim expressed his regret, she was troubled. If he very naturally feels impatience at her waste of time and strength on such things ; she is ever ready to tax him with injustice; and yet, his only motives are those of duty and charity."


Some days later, three of her fellow- religious visited the invalid. The journal remarks : “By their empty talk they made her forget her visions." — And again : “The Pilgrim is very sad at being able to gather so little in the celestial garden opened by God in this soul, but which is carelessly, stupidly, ignorantly allowed to go to waste. how heavy is the heart of him who records this ! And yet, it must be done ! Where lies the fault, the Pilgrim knows not. Of one thing, however, he is certain : the confessor could remedy much, yes, all of it — but he cares not ! The Pilgrim complained to him of the disorder around Sister Emmerich's sick-bed ; but he soon saw that his words gave offence."


From these records we may easily form some idea of the difficulties the poor invalid had to contend against in her communications with her impetuous, but highly appreciative friend. Whilst sympathizing largely with her, we cannot wholly ignore the fact that Brentano, also, held a most unenviable position near her. It must certainly have been most grievous to him to witness what he terms the loss of treasures so rich.


We feel inclined to forgive his chagrin and impatience in consideration of the motives from which they spring. In September, the confessor found it necessary for the sake of peace to withdraw the permission accorded the invalid to recount her visions. The result of his prohibition was the following touching picture which deeply affected the Pilgrim :



The Dying Nightingale



"I saw a shining table on which lay a number of groschens in a semi-circle. Just below the empty space I stood with my guide. Behind the table was a row of magnificent flowers. The flowers were mine, the table was mine, the treasure, the groschens, were mine ; but, where I stood, there was nothing.

(在神视中)我看到一张闪亮的桌子,上面放着许多摆成半圆形的金币 (德国的10便士镍币)。我和护守天神就站在桌下的空间。桌子后面有一排绚丽的花朵。花是我的,桌子也是我的,宝藏,金币,是我的;但是,在我站着的地方,什么都没有。

I could touch neither the table, the flowers, nor the money. Then my guide stepped before me, a dying nightingale in his hand, and said : 'Thou shalt no longer have these flowers, these pictures, these treasures, since the means of making them known (for which end alone they were given thee) have been withdrawn.



As a proof of what I say restore life to this bird with the breath of thy mouth.’ — He held the bird to my lips and I breathed into its beak. Life and strength and song returned, after which my guide took it away. Then all vanished, all became dead and mute. I saw nothing more."


And now the journal laments : “Her memory is almost entirely gone; she can relate nothing ! Things seem to her as if they happened long ago. ‘Because,’ she says, ‘my misery increases and they leave me no peace to recount the holy things shown me as I should, God has withdrawn them from me. When peace returns, my visions also will return.'


She begged the Pilgrim with tears not to render her sufferings intolerable : ‘You think not of the pain you inflict ! God alone knows it, to Him alone can I complain! I have constantly before me the dread of some new suffering. ‘  — -She speaks incessantly of her unknown sufferings. Her expressions are fretful, she is captious and easily wounded. The Pilgrim ascribes it to the loss of her sublime visions and consolations,"— so runs the journal. As on similar occasions, Sister Emmerich now had recourse to her spiritual director, Dean Overberg (1).

她流着泪恳求朝圣者不要让她的痛苦变得难以忍受:你不想想你造成的痛苦!只有天主知道,我只能向天主诉苦我总是担心会遭受某种新的痛苦。——她不断地谈论她未知的痛苦。她的表情很焦躁,很不安,容易受伤。朝圣者将其归因于她失去了崇高的愿景和慰藉,——日记是如此报道的,就像类似的情景,艾曼丽修女现在求助于她的属灵导师奥弗伯格院长 (1)

 (1) When the noble old man heard of the Abbe's Illness, he at once offered assistance " See," he writes to Sister Emmerich “that the Abbe Lambert wants for nothing that could strengthen, relieve, or recreate him in his sickness. I shall be responsible for all extra expenses."

(1) 当这位高贵的老人听说兰伯特神父生病的消息后,立即表示愿意提供帮助。「你看,奥弗伯格院长在写信给艾曼丽修女的信中说:兰伯特神父不想要任何可以加强、缓解或使他恢复健康的东西。我将负责所有额外费用。

She wrote to him and deputed Fr. Niesing, the chaplain, to describe to him her situation and receive advice ; for, as she declared to the Pilgrim, it was only in obedience that she found the strength necessary for the task of communicating her visions. She took this step with Father Limberg's approbation. “Dean Overberg,’ she said, “was the first to tell me to communicate all to the Pilgrim, and he often reiterated the injunction. But the permission was given some time ago ; it must be renewed to be effective."


The Pilgrim could not hide from himself the gravity of the affair. He writes : “She is still deprived of her high contemplations, still without memory, very suffering, and apparently very anxious about some impending evil. What it is, one cannot imagine, and it is useless to torment one's self about it."


He went himself to Minister to demand of the Dean a renewal of his powers which the latter granted, exhorting him, at the same time, to patience in the midst of the incessant and exceedingly vexatious interruptions of which he so bitterly complained. Father Limberg likewise withdrew his interdict, and Sister Emmerich could again relate her visions. Some days before, being in ecstasy, she exclaimed ; “I see a heavenly garden full of magnificent fruits, but it is closed to me. My guide says I am not now able to bear the fruit."


 “I have had a vision of my death, I saw myself dying, not here but out in the fields. I fell from swoon to swoon. St. Teresa was by me, as also the holy little nuns who are always with me. It seemed to me that I was again able to walk. All thought I was getting better, though, in reality, I was about to die. The Pilgrim was near, but he could not approach me, as I was not where I ought to be. I often glanced toward him. It was the third and last time that my death seemed inevitable, but I was full of courage.


My guide asked me if, having suffered so much, I wanted still to live. I thought yes, if I could be of any use, although I saw much work before me." — Soon after this, a great task was announced to her: "I saw," she said, " Ignatius and Augustine, who both said to me : ‘Arise, console thy friend and prepare for him a white robe that he may only pass through purgatory.’ — I arose. I had a blue apron over my jacket My feet were bare, and I feared to step in the mud. I went to the Abbe Lambert and encouraged him to meet death ; he became joyous, even anxious to die."


 “I lay consumed by inward fever, I was in great pain, and I had a vision of a white man who threw on a little funeral pile all kinds of fuel, fruits, branches, twigs, tendrils, all purely symbolical (1). I stood by. He lit it on the four sides, and threw me on it. Whilst being burned alive, I saw the whole transformed into a little heap of snow- white ashes which the man scattered over the fields, and they became fertile."

我因体内的发烧而卧床不起,我非常痛苦,我看到一个白衣人将各种燃料、水果、树枝、树叉、藤曼扔在一个小小的葬礼堆上,所有这些都纯粹是象征性的(1)。 我站在一旁。白衣人点燃了它的四个侧面,然后把我扔在葬礼堆上面。当我被活活烧死的时候,我看到整个人变成了一小堆雪白的灰烬,那人将灰烬撒在田野上,田野变成肥沃的良田。


(l) This very significant vision refers to purgatory. It is explained in St. Paul, I, Cor., ill. 18.

(l) 这个非常重要的异象是指炼狱。它在圣保禄宗徒《格林多前书》三章12-18节中进行了解释。

November 19, 1820. — Sister Emmerich labored and prayed all night for the Abbe Lambert, who had an abscess in his side. She had a vision of his death and received from her Spouse the consoling assurance that his sufferings and her compassion would all be accounted in his behalf at the supreme hour. St. Elizabeth of Thuringia appeared to her, as she tells us :

1820  11  19 日——艾曼丽修女整夜为兰伯特神父祈祷,因为他的肋部有脓肿。艾曼丽修女看到了他死亡的情景,并从她的净配那里得到了令人安慰的保证,即神父所受的痛苦和她的同情都将在这个关健的时刻为神父有用。图林根的圣伊丽莎白向艾曼丽修女显现,她告诉我们:

 “Whilst I sewed at the children's caps, I suddenly saw her standing by me with the Child Jesus by the hand. I was going to stop my Work and turn to her. But she put her hand on me and told me to go on sewing, for my labor was more useful than veneration ; it was serving the Infant Jesus. Then she showed me a scene from her own life, the Infant Jesus sitting on her robe one day whilst she was working for the poor. He did not say a word until she had finished. She helped me."


Dec. 5, 1820. — I have had a sad vision. I saw that after the Abbe's death, my enemies tried to steal me away and shut me up ; but they were prevented by some unforeseen obstacles. I was in great fear on seeing them around me again. — Then, in another vision, I saw that I shall be moved by my friends, the Pilgrim insisting on one place, his brother on another. I suffered much from their discord." (This vision was literally fulfilled on the day of the Abbe's interment).

1820  12  5 日——我看到了一个悲伤的神视。我看到,兰伯特神父死后,我的敌人企图把我拐走,把我关起来,让我闭嘴;但他们被一些意想不到的障碍阻止了。看到他们再次出现在我身边时,我感到非常害怕。——然后,在另一个神视中,我看到我会被我的朋友们搬迁,朝圣者坚持一个地方,他的兄弟坚持另一个地方。他们的不和使我很痛苦。(这个神视在兰伯特神父安葬的那天应验了)。

December 9th — " Last night I gave the Mother of God no rest. I sat by her busily sewing on a cap. I showed it to her, telling her it was for her Child, and that she must give some relief to the Abbe Lambert. I gave her no peace ! It was very hard, but I kept on saying: ‘You must! You must!’— I only begged for him to suffer patiently, that nothing might prejudice his soul, only a little relief!

12  9 日——昨晚我没有让圣母休息。我坐在她旁边忙着缝帽子。我把帽子拿给她看,告诉她这是为她的孩子做的,让她给兰伯特神父一些安慰 ……我没有给她安宁!这很艰难,但我不停地说:你必须!你必须!——我只求兰伯特神父能耐心地忍受痛苦,这样就不会损害他的灵魂,并会让他稍稍松一口气!

But I had to take much upon myself, for I was answered : 'Sufferings must be endured !’ As I thus pleaded, I saw all at once numbers of sick throughout the world. Again I was told : ' This one thou must help and that one,’ and they passed before me in succession. Thus I spent the greater part of the night in prayer, labor, and visiting the sick ; but at noon, when the Abbe sent me his greetings, saying that he felt better, that he had eaten with appetite, I was truly rejoiced."


December 10th — " Again did Mary speak to me in confidence. She told-me that her pregnancy had not been burdensome to her ; that she had felt, at times, interiorly elevated, transported out of herself. She encompassed God and man, and He whom she bore carried her. I must make Him a little crib. Mary told me to recite daily nine Aves in honor of the nine months she bore the Saviour under her heart."

12 月10日——「圣玛利亚再次悄悄地对我说。她告诉我,她的怀孕并没有给她带来负担;她感到内心升华,超越了自我。她包含了天主和人,而她所怀的天主也承载着她。我必须给小耶稣做一个婴儿摇篮。圣玛利亚让我每天念九遍《圣母经》,以纪念她在心底孕育救主的九个月。

December 14th — “The Pilgrim found the invalid preparing bandages for the Abbe. She had seen in vision that he had had a profuse hemorrhage; in fact, when he attempted to rise this morning, blood gushed from his mouth, and he was obliged to remain in bed. She wants to get a man to sit up with him, but he is not willing for it. She herself lay all night in frightful convulsions with none to assist her.”

12  14 日——朝圣者发现病人在为兰伯特神父准备绷带。艾曼丽在神视中看到兰伯特神父大出血。事实上,当神父今天早上试图起床时,血从他嘴里喷涌而出,神父不得不躺在床上。病人想找一个男人陪神父熬夜,但神父不愿意。艾曼丽陷入了可怕的痉挛发作之中,整夜躺在床上,没有人来帮助她。

“It is astonishing that, in her miserable state, she can remember anything. In the midst of the cruel sufferings which she shares with the sick Abbe, she was besieged by visitors and in the afternoon she took so much trouble with the newly -washed linen that her cramps returned."


 “She is so taken up with the Abbe that she forgets all else ; she related very little to-day. The thought of all these wonderful visions on the mystery of Redemption, so badly preserved, so lightly esteemed, breaks one's heart! Jesus was, indeed, sold for thirty pieces of silver !"


December 16th — "She has been sewing for the sick Abbe and her countenance wears an expression of suffering and annoyance. Her cheeks are wet with tears, her head aches violently, she vomits blood, her side bleeds, and again does she endure the pains of retention.


When asked if these are not some of the Abbe's pains, she does not deny that they are. Advent is for her ordinarily the most joyous season of the year. Last year she was in constant contemplation, singing canticles of praise in Mary's honor; but now sufferings and annoyances overwhelm her. She communicates only fragmentary visions."


December 17th — “The Pilgrim found her to-day very much affected, the Abbe Lambert having dragged himself on his crutches to see her for the last time, to bid her adieu. The poor old man wept, and said he would never see her again. Father Limberg looked on with compassion. l Sister Emmerich,' he remarked, ‘will never again find so faithful a friend,’ and he begged God not to let her survive him long."

12  17 日——朝圣者今天发现她受到了很大的影响,兰伯特神父拖着拐杖最后一次来见她,向她告别。可怜的老人哭了,说他再也见不到艾曼丽了。林堡神父同情地看着他。艾曼丽修女,兰伯特神父说,再也找不到像她这么忠实的朋友了,他恳求天主不要让她活的太久。

December 19th — " She was very much exhausted to-day. She spent it in attending to the linen of the Abbe. At night she takes his sufferings upon herself as they are generally worse then. She has been accustomed to do this from her earliest childhood, curing ulcers by sucking them, etc. Compassion urges her thereto.

12  19 日——她今天累极了。她把所有的时间都花在给兰伯特神父洗床单上了。到了晚上,她把神父的痛苦担负在自己身上,因为那时的痛苦通常更严重。她早在童年时就习惯这样做,通过吮吸来治愈溃疡等。同情心促使她这样做。

She once cured her mother of erysipelas by her prayers and simple remedies. Her confessor sometimes dissuades her from such things, telling her that all is purely natural, that only ordinary remedies ought to be applied."


December 20th — “Sufferings, annoyances, graces, and great patience. She is- worn out by her labors of last night. ‘I was,’ she said, ‘in the garden of the Nuptial House where all that is beneficial to mankind may be found. Five roads lead thereto from all parts of the world ; in the midst of it stands a building with many gates from which are distributed all kinds of good and salutary things.

12  20 日——苦难、烦恼、恩宠和极大的忍耐。她被昨晚的劳作弄得筋疲力尽。她说,我在婚房的花园里,可以找到所有对人类有益的东西。有五条路从世界各地通向这里;在婚房的花园中间耸立着一幢建筑,有许多门,从那里分发各种各样的善行和有益的东西。

I saw many people there, among whom I recognized the three young girls and the four men who labor with me. There was also a Crib with pictures of the Holy Innocents and of Herod's punishment for having tried to frustrate the coming of the Saviour I was told how they apply to the present; viz., to those who seek to destroy in the world the fruit of His coming.


I had to pray for all who are preparing to celebrate the Holy Feast of Christmas, that they may cast out the old leaven and with Christ become new men in the Church. I saw all around in the distance numbers of men whom I had to take up and carry ; they were all hindered, opposed in various ways.


I had to carry and drag many ecclesiastics and heavy people. I would have been willing to carry the old Abbe, but I was told that he must creep along by himself. I had to carry the Pilgrim, though I could not see why he was unable to get along; he was on a very smooth road. Then the vision changed into a church and a magnificent festival ; but I cannot describe it, I am worn out ! The scenes followed one another in rapid succession. "



上一篇:下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝圣者的笔记—神父的职责—兰伯特神父的去世
下一篇:下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父在七周后去世了


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