真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
浏览次数:1150 更新时间:2024-6-1

St. Cecilia.



November 22, 1819-' 20.— "I saw the saint sitting in a very plain four-cornered room, on her knees a flat triangular box, about an inch high, over which were stretched strings which she touched with both hands. Her face was upturned and over her hovered bright, shining spirits like angels or blessed children. Cecilia seemed conscious of their presence.


I often beheld her in this posture. — There was also a youth standing by her, of singularly pure and delicate appearence; he was taller than she, and full of deference for her. He seemed to obey her orders. I think it was Valerian, for I afterward saw him bound with another to a stake, struck with rods, and then beheaded. But this did not happen in the great circular martyr- place ; it was in a more remote, a more solitary spot.


St. Cecilia's house was square with a roof almost flat, around which one could walk. On the four corners were stone globes, and in the centre there was something like a figure. Before the house lay a circular courtyard, the scene of Cecilia's own execution. Here burned a fire under an immense cauldron in which sat Cecilia, full of joy, clothed in a shining white robe, her arms outstretched ; one angel, surrounded by a rosy light, held out to her his hand, whilst another held a crown of flowers above her head.


 — I have an indistinct remembrance of having seen a horned animal, like a wild cow, though not such as we have, led in by the gate and through the court to a dark recess. Cecilia was then removed from the cauldron and struck three times on the neck with a short, broad sword. I did not witness this scene, but I saw the sword. I also saw Cecilia wounded, but still alive, conversing with an old priest whom I had formerly seen in her house.


I afterward saw that same house changed into a church and divine service celebrated in it. Many relics were there preserved, among them Cecilia's body, from the side of which some portions had been removed. This is what I recollect just now of my many visions of Cecilia's life."


November 22, 1820. — “Cecilia's paternal home stood on one side of Rome and like Agnes's house, it had courts, colonnades, and fountains. I rarely saw her parents. Cecilia was very beautiful, gentle though active, with rosy cheeks and a countenance almost as lovely as Mary's.

1820 11 22 日——则济利亚父亲的家位于罗马的一边,像依搦斯的房子一样,它有庭院、柱廊和喷泉。我很少见到她的父母。则济利亚非常美丽,温柔而活泼,脸颊红润,面容几乎和圣母玛利亚一样可爱。

I saw her playing in the court with other children and almost always by her side an angel under the form of a lovely boy. He conversed with her and she saw him, although he was invisible to others to whom he forbade her to speak of him. I often saw him withdraw when the other children gathered around her. Cecilia was then about seven years old.


I saw her again sitting alone in her chamber, and the angel standing by her teaching her how to play on a musical instrument. He laid her fingers on the right strings and held a sheet of music before her. At times she rested on her knees something like a box over which strings were stretched, whilst the angel floated before her with a paper to which she occasionally raised her eyes ; or again she supported against her neck an instrument like a violin, the chords of which she touched with her right hand, whilst at the same time she sang into the mouth-piece which was covered with skin.


It produced a very sweet sound. I often saw a little boy [Valerian) by her, along with his elder brother and a man in a long white mantle who lived not far off and who seemed to be their preceptor. Valerian played with her; it seemed as if they were being reared together, as if destined for each other. Cecilia had a Christian servant through whom she became acquainted with Pope Urban.


I often saw Cecilia and her playmates filling their dresses with fruit and all kinds of provisions. Then hooking them up at the sides like pockets and wrapping their mantles around them, they slipped stealthily with their loads to a gate of the city. The angel was always at Cecilia's side. It was a charming sight !


I saw the children hurrying along the high-road to a building made up of heavy towers, walls, and fortifications. Poor people dwelt in the walls. In the underground caves and vaults were Christians; whether imprisoned or only concealed there, I do not know, but the poor creatures nearest the entrance seemed to be always on their guard against discovery.


Here it was that the children secretly distributed their alms. Cecilia used to fasten her robe around her feet with a cord and then roll down a steep bank. She passed into the vaults, and thence through a round opening into a cave where a man led her to St. Urban ; who instructed her from rolls of parchment. Some of these rolls she brought to him concealed in her garments. She took others back home with her.

在这里,孩子们偷偷地分发了他们的施舍。 则济利亚过去常用绳子把她的长袍系在脚上,然后滚下一条陡峭的山坡。 从那里她走进地窖,然后通过一个圆形的开口进入一个山洞,一个男人将她带到了乌尔班那里。乌尔班用羊皮纸卷中的话指导她。其中一些书卷是则济利亚藏在衣服里给乌尔班带来的。然后则济利亚带着其他人回家了。

I have an indistinct remembrance of her being baptized there. Once I saw the youth Valerian and his preceptor with the little girls as they were at play. Valerian tried to throw his arms around Cecilia, but she pushed him off. He complained of it to his preceptor, who reported the affair to her parents. I do not know what they said to Cecilia, but she was punished by being confined to her own room.


There I saw the angel always with her teaching her to sing and play. Valerian was often allowed to visit and remain with her; at such times, she invariably began to play and sing. Whenever he wanted to press her in a loving embrace, the angel instantly flung around her a glittering, white garment of light. This had the effect of gaining Valerian over to Cecilia's way of thinking. After that he often remained in her room alone, whilst she went to St. Urban ; her parents, meanwhile, imagining them together.


Lastly, I had a vision of their betrothal. I saw the parents of both and a numerous company of people young and old in a hall magnificently adorned with statues; in the centre stood a table laden with dainties. Cecilia and Valerian wore festive suits of many colors and crowns and garlands of flowers. They were led to each other by their parents who presented them, one after the other, with a glass of thick red wine, or something of the kind. Some words were pronounced, some passages read from manuscripts, something was written, and then all partook of the refreshments standing.

最后,我看到了他们订婚的异象。我看到了他们的父母和众多的男女老少聚集在一座装饰华丽、摆满雕像的大厅里;大厅中间放着一张桌子,上面摆满美味佳肴。则济利亚和华肋廉身着彩色的节日套装,戴着花冠和花环。他们在父母的带领下走向对方,父母向他们一 一敬上一怀浓郁的红葡萄酒,或者类似的酒。证婚人宣读了一些话,读了几段手稿,写下些什么,然后大家一起站着享用茶点。

I saw the angel ever at his post between Cecilia and her bridegroom. Then they went in festal procession to the back of the house where, in an open court, stood a round building supported by columns ; high up in the centre were two figures embracing each other. In the procession little girls, two by two, carried a long chain of flowers suspended on white drapery.


As the betrothed stood before the statues in the temple, I saw the figure of a boy which seemed to be inflated with air, flying down, moved by some kind of machinery, first to Valerian's lips, then to Cecilia's, to receive from each a kiss ; but, when it flew to Cecilia, the angel laid his hand over her lips. Then Cecilia and Valerian were entwined in the flower-chain by the little girls so that the two ends should meet around and enclose both ; but the angel still stood between them, thus preventing Valerian's reaching Cecilia, or the chain's being closed.


Cecilia said some words to Valerian like these : Did he see nothing ? She had another friend and he, Valerian, should not touch her ! Then Valerian grew very grave, and asked if she loved any other of the youths present. To this Cecilia only answered that, if he touched her, her friend would strike him with leprosy. Valerian replied that, if she loved another, he would kill them both. All this passed between them in a low tone, one would have thought it only modesty on Cecilia's part. She told Valerian that she would explain herself later.

则济利亚对华肋廉说了一些这样的话:难道华肋廉什么都没看见吗?她还有另一个朋友,而他,华肋廉,不应该碰她!然后华肋廉变得非常严肃,问她是否喜欢在场的其他年轻人。对此,则济利亚只回答说,如果他碰她一下,她的朋友就会让他得麻风病。 华肋廉回答说,如果她爱上别人,他会把他们俩都杀了。所有这些话都是在他们之间低声传递的,让人以为这只是则济利亚的谦虚。她告诉华肋廉,她以后会向他解释的。

— Then I saw them alone together in an apartment. Cecilia told him that she had an angel by her. Valerian insisted on seeing him too. She replied that he could not do so until he was baptized, and she sent him to St. Urban. At this time Valerian and Cecilia were married and in their own home."

——然后我看到他们单独在一间公寓里。则济利亚告诉他,她身边有个天神。华肋廉坚持要见这位天神。 她回答说,在他领洗之前他看不到,则济利亚把华肋廉送到了圣乌尔班那里。 此时,华肋廉和则济利亚结婚了,住在他们自己的家里。


St. Catherine


 “St. Catherine's father was named Costa. He belonged to a royal race and was a descendant of Hazael whom Elias, by God's command, anointed king of Syria. I saw the prophet with the box of ointment, crossing the Jordan and anointing Hazael, with whom after that all went well.

圣加大利纳的父亲名叫科斯塔。他属于王族,是哈匝耳的后裔,厄里亚奉上主的命令,给哈匝耳傅油,立为阿兰王(列王纪上1519)。 我看见先知带着一盒圣油,渡过约旦河,给哈匝耳傅了油,之后一切顺利。

Costa's immediate ancestors emigrated to Cyprus with the Persians or Medes, and there obtained possessions. They were like Costa himself star and fire-worshippers, and held also to the Syro-Phoenician worship of idols. Catherine, on her mother's side, was descended from the family of the pagan priestess Mercuria, who had been converted by Jesus at Salamis.


She had after her conversion emigrated to the Holy Land, received in Baptism the name of Famula and, in the persecution that broke out after the stoning of Stephen, she had gained the martyr's crown. There had long existed in her family the oft-told prediction that a great prophet would come from Judea to change all things, to overturn the idols, to announce the true God, and that he would come in contact with this family.


When Mercuria fled to Palestine with her two daughters, she left behind in Cyprus an illegitimate son whose father was then the Roman Consul. He had been baptized as early as the time of Jesus, and he afterward left the island with Paul and Barnaby. This son married his mother's youngest sister, from which union was born Catherine's mother.


Catherine was Costa's only daughter. Like her mother, she had yellow hair, was very sprightly and fearless, and had always to suffer and to struggle. She had a nurse and, at an early age, she was provided with male preceptors. I saw her making toys out of the inner bark of trees and giving them to poor children. As she grew older, she wrote a great deal upon tablets and parchment which she gave to other maidens to copy.

加大利纳是科斯塔唯一的女儿。 像她妈妈一样,她有一头黄头发,非常活泼无所畏惧,总愿意受苦受难。 她有一个保姆,而且在她很小的时候,她就有了男性导师。我看到她用树皮制作玩具,然后送给可怜的孩子们。 随着年龄的增长,她在石板和羊皮纸上写下了大量的文字,并交给其他少女抄写。

She was well acquainted with the nurse of St. Barbara, who was a Christian in secret. She possessed in a high degree the prophetic spirit of her maternal ancestors, and the prediction of the great prophet was shown her in vision when she was scarcely six years old. At the mid-day repast, she related it to her parents to whom Mercuria's history was not unknown ; but her father, a very cold, stern man, shut her up, as a punishment, in a dark vault.

她和圣芭芭拉的保姆很熟,保姆私下里是个基督徒。 她拥有母系祖先高度的预言精神,在加大利纳还不到六岁的时候,伟大先知的预言就在异象中显现给她。 中午吃饭的时候,她把这件事告诉了她的父母,她的父母对摩科瑞亚的历史并不陌生。 但是加大利纳的父亲,一个非常冷酷、严厉的男人,把她关在一个黑暗的地下室里作为惩罚。

There I saw her, a bright light shining around her and the mice and other little creatures playing tamely by her. Catherine sighed earnestly after that promised Redeemer of mankind ; she begged Him to come to her, and she had numerous lights and visions. From that time she conceived deep hatred toward the idols. She broke, she hid, she buried all she could lay her hands on. For this reason, as also for her singular and deeply-significant words against the gods, she was often imprisoned by her father.


She was instructed in all knowledge, and I saw her during her walks scribbling in the sand and on the walls of the castle, her playmates copying what she wrote. When she was about eight years old, her father took her to Alexandria, where she became acquainted with him who was one day to aspire to her hand. After some time she returned with her father to Cyprus.

加大利纳被传授了所有知识,我看到她散步时在沙地上和城堡的墙壁上涂鸦,她的玩伴们抄写着她写的东西。 当她大约八岁时,她的父亲带她去了亚历山大,在那里她结识了将来有一天渴望与她相知相守一辈子的男人。过了一段时间,她和父亲一起回到了塞浦路斯。

There were no longer any Jews on the island, only here and there a few in slavery, and only a small number of Christians, who practised their faith in secret. Catherine was instructed by God Himself; she prayed and sighed for holy Baptism, which was given her in her tenth year. The Bishop of Diospolis sent three priests secretly to Cyprus to encourage and strengthen the Christians, and on an interior admonition, he also allowed the child to be baptized. She was, at the time, again in prison, her jailer being a Christian in secret.


He took her by night to the secret meeting place of the Christians outside the city in a subterranean cave, whither she often went for instructions to the priests by whom she was finally baptized. She received with the Sacrament of Baptism the gift of extraordinary wisdom. The priest, in performing the ceremony, poured water over the neophytes out of a bowl.


Catherine gave utterance to many wonderful things, though like all the other Christians she still kept her religion secret. But her father, though fondly attached to his beautiful and intelligent little girl, was unable longer to endure her persistent aversion to idolatry, her discourses, and her prophecies. He took her to Paphos and left her there in confinement, hoping thus to cut off all communication between her and her co-religionists.


Her servants, both male and female, were by his orders frequently changed, as many among them were found to be Christians in secret. Catherine had already had at this time an apparition of Jesus as her Heavenly Affianced. He was always present to her, and she would hear of no other spouse. She returned home from Paphos. Her father now wanted to marry her to a youth of Alexandria, named Maximin, a descendant of an ancient royal house and nephew to the governor of Alexandria who, being childless, had adopted him as his heir.


But Catherine would not listen to such a thing. She smilingly but fearlessly repelled all their advances, warded off every temptation. So great were her wisdom and learning that few could be found who were not forced to acknowledge her superiority. Before these marriage-proposals, she had, at the age of twelve years, seen her mother die in her arms.


Catherine told her mother that she was a Christian, instructed her, and prevailed upon her to receive Baptism. I saw her with a little green sprig, sprinkling water from a golden bowl on her mother's head, forehead, mouth, and breast.


 “There was always frequent intercourse between Cyprus and Alexandria. Catherine's father took her to a relative in that city, hoping she would at last yield to his wishes concerning her marriage. She was then thirteen. Her suitor went out in a vessel to meet her and, again, I heard her uttering admirable, profound, and Christian sentiments. She inveighed against the idols, whereupon the suitor playfully struck her several times on the mouth.


Catherine laughed, and spoke more enthusiastically than before. On disembarking, he took her to his father's house, in which everything breathed of the world and its delights. All hoped that Catherine's feelings would soon change ; but here, too, she showed herself fearless and dignified, though affable as before. Her suitor, who lived in another wing of the house, was as if mad from love and disappointment ; for Catherine spoke incessantly of her other Affianced. Every means was taken to change her, learned men were sent to argue with her and turn her from the Christian faith ; but she confounded them all, put them all to shame.

加大利纳笑了,说话比以前更热情了。一下船,求婚者就带加大利纳到他父亲家里去,那里的一切都散发着世俗和欢乐的气息。 所有人都希望加大利纳的感情能很快改变;但在这里,她也表现得无所畏惧和庄严,尽管和以前一样的和蔼可亲。她的求婚者住在房子的另一侧,彷佛被爱和失望弄得发狂似的;因为加大利纳不停地谈论她的另一位未婚夫。人们想尽一切办法改变她,派了一些有学问的人去和她争论,使她脱离天主教的信仰;但她却把他们全都驳倒了,使他们全都蒙羞。

" At this time, the Patriarch Theonas was in Alexandria. He had obtained by his great sweetness that the poor Christians should not be persecuted by the pagans ; but still they were greatly oppressed, they had to keep very quiet, and carefully repress every word against idolatry. From this state of affairs resulted very dangerous communications with the pagans and great lukewarmness among the Christians, for which reason God ordained that Catherine, by her superior intelligence and burning zeal, should rouse them to renewed fervor in His service.


I saw Theonas give her the Holy Eucharist, which she carried home on her breast in a golden pyx; but she did not receive the Precious Blood. I saw at that time in Alexandria, many poor men, apparently hermits, and who were now prisoners. They were frightfully treated, forced to labor at buildings, draw heavy stones, and carry great burdens. I think they were converted Jews who had established themselves on Mt. Sinai, but who had been forcibly dragged into the city.


They wore brown robes woven of cords almost as thick as one's finger, and a cowl of the same color, which fell on the shoulders. I saw that the Blessed Sacrament was also secretly administered to them. Catherine's suitor set out on a journey to Persia and she herself returned to Cyprus, hoping now to be left in peace ; but her father was greatly displeased at not seeing her married.


Again did he send her to Alexandria, and again was she the victim of new attacks. Later on she joined her father at Salamis, where, she was triumphantly received by the young pagan girls, who loaded her with attentions and prepared all sorts of diversions for her ; but all to no purpose. Then she was taken back to Alexandria to be the object of redoubled importunities.


Here I saw a great pagan festival at which Catherine was compelled by her relatives to assist. But though forced to appear in the temple, nothing could induce her to offer sacrifice ; yet more, as the idolatrous ceremony was being performed with great pomp, Catherine inflamed with zeal, stepped up to the priests, overthrew the altar of incense with the vessels, and exclaimed aloud against the abominations of idolatry, A tumult arose.


Catherine was seized as mad and examined in the court-yard, but she only spoke more vehemently than before ; whereupon she was led away to prison. On the way thither, she adjured the followers of Jesus Christ to join her and give their blood for Him who had given His for their Redemption.


She was imprisoned, beaten with scorpions, and exposed to the beasts. Here the thought struck me : ' It is not lawful thus to provoke martyrdom!’— but there are exceptions to every rule, and God has His own instruments. Violence had always been employed to force Catherine into idolatry and a marriage abhorrent to her. Immediately after her mother's death, her father frequently took her to the abominable festivals of Venus, in Salamis, at which, however, she constantly kept her eyes closed.


At Alexandria, Christian faith lay dormant. The pagans were well pleased that Theonas should console their ill-treated Christian slaves and exhort them to serve their barbarous masters faithfully. They were so friendly toward him that many weak Christians thought paganism not so bad, perhaps, after all ; therefore did God raise up this fearless, intrepid, enlightened virgin to convert by word and example, above all by her admirable martyrdom, many who would not otherwise have been saved.


She made so little concealment of her faith that she went among the Christian slaves and laborers in the public squares, consoling and exhorting them to remain firm in their religion ; for she knew that many of them had grown tepid and fallen off, owing to the general toleration. She had seen some of these apostates in the temple, taking part in the sacrifices, and hence her holy indignation.


The beasts to which she was exposed after her scourging, licked her wounds, which were miraculously healed when she was taken back to prison. Here her suitor attempted to offer her violence, but he was put to shame and withdrew utterly powerless.


Her father returned from Salamis. Once more was Catherine taken from her prison to the house of her lover, and all possible means employed to make her apostatize; but the young pagan girls sent to persuade her were converted by her to Christ, and even the philosophers who came to dispute with her were won over. Her father was mad with rage; he called the whole affair sorcery, and had Catherine beaten and imprisoned again.


The wife of the tyrant visited her in prison and she, too, was converted as also one of her officers. As she approached Catherine, I saw an angel holding a crown over her and another presenting her with a palm-branch ; but I cannot say whether the lady saw it or not.


 “Catherine was next taken to the circus and seated on a high platform between two broad wheels, stuck full of sharp iron points like a ploughshare. When the executioners attempted to turn the wheels, they were shivered by a thunderbolt and hurled among the pagan crowd, about thirty of whom were wounded or killed. A terrible hail-storm followed ; but Catherine remained quietly seated with outstretched arms amid the shattered wheels. She was reconducted to her prison where she remained for several days.

加大利纳随后被带到圆形竞技场,坐在两个宽大的轮子之间的高台上,轮子像犁头一样插满了锋利的铁尖。当刽子手试图转动轮子时,他们被一道惊天霹雳震得发抖,被抛进异教徒的人群中,其中大约有三十人受伤或被雷击死。一场可怕的冰雹随之而来; 但加大利纳仍然安静地坐在被击碎的车轮中间伸展双臂祈祷。她被重新押回监狱,在那里待了几天。

More than one pagan tried to offer her violence, but she drove them back with her hand, and they stood spell-bound, motionless as statues. When others attempted similar violence, she pointed to those victims of her power, and thus averted further attacks. All this was regarded as sorcery, and Catherine was again led to the place of execution. She knelt before the block, laid her head on it sideways, and was beheaded with a piece of the iron from the broken wheels.


An extraordinary quantity of blood flowed from the wound, spouting up into the air in one continuous jet until, at last, the flow became colorless as water. The head had been completely severed. The body was thrown upon a burning pile; but the flames turned against the executioners, leaving the holy remains enveloped in a cloud of smoke. It was then taken from the pile and thrown to the ravenous beasts which, however, would not touch it.


Next day it was cast into a filthy ditch and covered over with elder- branches. But that night I saw two angels, in priestly vestments, wrapping the luminous body in bark and flying away with it.— Catherine was sixteen years old at the time of her martyrdom, A. D. 299. Of the crowd of maidens who had followed her in tears to the place of execution, some fell away ; but the tyrant's wife and the officer bravely suffered martyrdom.

第二天,遗体被扔进了一条肮脏的沟里,上面覆盖着接骨木树枝。但是那天晚上,我看到两位天神,穿着司铎的祭衣,用树皮包裹着发光的遗体,带着遗体飞走了。——公元 299 年,加大利纳殉道时只有 16 岁。在泪流满面地跟随她前往行刑处的一群少女中,有些人逃走了;但暴君的妻子和军官却勇敢地殉道了。

— The two angels bore the virgin's body to an inaccessible peak on Mt. Sinai, on which was a level space sufficiently large for a small house. The peak was a mass of colored stone which bore the imprint of entire plants. Here they placed the remains the face downward. The stone seemed to be soft like wax, for the body left its impress on it as if in a mould.


I could see the distinct imprint of the backs of the hands. Then they placed a shining cover over the whole. It arose a little above the surface of the rock. Here the saint's body lay concealed for hundreds of years, until God showed it in a vision to a hermit of Mt. Horeb, who lived with many others on the mountain under the conduct of an abbot. The hermit related the vision, which he had several times, to his Superior and found that another of the brethren had had a similar one.


The abbot ordered them in obedience to remove the holy body. This was an undertaking not to be accomplished by natural means, for the peak was absolutely inaccessible, overhanging and craggy on all sides. But I saw the hermets set out and, in one night, make a journey which, under ordinary circumstances, would have required many days ; they were, however, in a supernatural state. The night was cloudy and dark, but brightness shone around them.


An angel carried each in his arms up the steep peak. The angels opened the tomb and one of the hermits took the head, the other the light, shrunken body with its winding-sheet in his arras, and both were borne down again by the angels. At the foot of Mt. Sinai I saw the chapel, supported by twelve columns, where-in rests the holy body. The monks seemed to be Greeks ; they wear coarse habits made by themselves.


I saw St. Catherine's bones in a small coffin, the snow white skull and one entire arm, but nothing more. All things around this spot have fallen to decay. Near the sacristy is a little vault hollowed in the rock; in it are excavations containing holy bones, most of them wrapped in wool or silk and well preserved. There are among them some bones of the prophets who once lived on the mountain.


They were venerated even by the Essenians in their caves. I saw the bones of Jacob, and those of Joseph and his family which the Israelites brought with them from Egypt. These sacred objects seemed to be unknown, venerated only by the devout monks. The chapel is built on the side of the mountain facing Arabia."



The StigmatisEes Madeline of Hadamar, and

colomba schanolt of bamberg.


January 19, 1820. — The Pilgrim presented Sister Emmerich a scrap of cloth stained with blood from the wounded side of Madeline of Hadamar. She was in ecstasy at the time, but she instantly exclaimed: "What shall I do with this long garment ? I cannot go to the nun ; it is too far away ! They tormented her so that she could not finish her task ; she died before it was fully accomplished."

1820 1 19 日——朝圣者向艾曼丽修女赠送了一块布,上面沾有哈达玛的玛德琳肋旁印伤的血迹。 艾曼丽修女当时正在神魂超拔,但她立刻惊呼道:我该拿这件长袍怎么办?我不能去到修女那里,太远了他们折磨她,使她无法完成任务,她还没完成任务就去世了。

These words were incomprehensible to the Pilgrim ; but the following more extended vision which she had later on, explained all. “I have seen little Madeline to whom the garment once belonged. But I saw her only at a distance: she could not come to me.

这些话对朝圣者来说是无法理解的; 但她后来看到更广阔的异象解释了一切。我远远地看见了小玛德琳,这衣服原来是她的,她不能到我身边来。

I saw her in the cemetery of her convent. In one corner stands a little ossuary with the Station of Our Saviour carrying the Cross. Near by, on the churchyard wall there is another Station of the Via Crucis. An elder-tree and a nut-hedge make it a shady, retired spot. All around lay piles of unfinished work, sewing, etc., which I was to arrange and finish.

我看到她在修道院的墓地里。 在一个角落里有一个小藏骨堂,上面刻着我们救主背负十字架的一处苦路站。 附近,在教堂墓地的墙上另一处有十字路口”的苦路站。 一棵接骨木树和一棵坚果树篱使墓地成为一个阴凉的隐蔽处。 周围堆着一堆堆未完工的缝纫等,我要整理和完成它们。我在修道院的墓地里见到了小玛德琳

I fell earnestly to work, making, mending, and, at the same time, saying my breviary, until I began to perspire profusely and feel violent pains in my hair. Every hair seemed to have its own peculiar pain. The good little Madeline had indulged her devotion too much in this pleasant nook, so well suited to prayer ; consequently, she had neglected much work begun for the poor.


When, at last, I had levelled the mountain, I found myself standing before a cupboard in a small house. Madeline came forward joyously thanking me as if she had not seen any one for a long time. She opened the cupboard, and there I saw stowed away all the morsels of which she had deprived herself for the poor. As she thanked me for arranging and finishing her work, she said:


 ‘In life we can do in one hour what we can, by no means, make amends for in the other world, if left undone here!' — and she promised me some pieces for my poor children. She told me that through kind heartedness, she had undertaken more than she could accomplish ; and that order and discretion are very essential in time of suffering, else confusion- arises. Madeline was not tall ; she was very thin, though her face was full and rosy. She showed me her parents' house and even the door through which she had left it on going to the convent.


I saw then many scenes of her cloistered life. She was exceedingly kind and obliging, doing the work of others whenever she could. I saw her also sick in bed, suddenly attacked by different maladies and just as suddenly cured. I saw her wounds bleeding, and I saw the supernatural relief she received in her sufferings. When the prioress or any other nun stood by her, I beheld on the opposite side of the bed the forms of angels or deceased religious, floating down to her, consoling her, supporting her, or giving her a drink.


She was well treated by her fellow-sisters ; but her state became too public and she had to endure much from visits and false veneration. Her case was imprudently exaggerated, and this caused her great vexation, as she told me herself. Her confessor published an account of her state, rather expressive of his own admiration than a faithful record of facts. After the suppression of her convent, she was subjected to an inquiry in which both ecclesiastics and surgeons took part ; but the former were indifferent and left everything to the physicians.


I saw nothing improper, but these men were very rude and coarse, though far less false and crafty than those with whom I had to deal. They tormented her exceedingly, trying above all to make her eat. Such attempts always brought on vomiting. Even as a child, Madeline had been accustomed to privation, her parents being very poor, though very good people.


Her mother particularly used often to say to her child at meals : ‘Now, one bite less, one mouthful less for the poor, for the suffering souls!’ — There were many wonderful things about Madeline, but she had become too public. She died before her time. She fretted and kept her sorrows to herself, consequently her life was shortened. I saw her death, not the ceremonies nor the obsequies, but the soul departing from her body."


When the Pilgrim again approached Sister Emmerich with the stained linen, she cried out : " Why, there thou art, little darling ! O she is so active and kind, so obliging and charitable!" — Then, after a long silence, she asked in a quick, animated tone : " Why did Jesus say to Magdalen, ‘Woman, why weepest thou ?’— I know, my Affianced told me why He thus spoke ! Magdalen had sought Him so eagerly and impetuously that, when she did meet Him, she took Him for a gardener. Then said He : ' Woman, why weepest thou?’ — But when she exclaimed: ‘Master !’ and recognized Him, He said to her : ' Mary !’— As we seek, so we find !



 “I saw all this by little Madeline. I saw her lying in a small, dark room into which many persons entered ; they were going to examine her case. They were rough, but not wicked like those who examined into mine. They spoke of an enema at which Madeline showed too great unwillingness. She began to complain ; but, when she resigned herself to their treatment, her vexation vanished. It was at this moment that I had the vision of the garden before her window. Perhaps she had had the same herself, since she despaired of finding her Affianced, although He was at her side. Madeline still owes me the pieces she- promised me.

我从小玛德琳那里看到了这一切。 我看见她躺在一间昏暗的小房间里,许多人走进来了。他们要检查她的病例 他们很粗鲁,但不像那些检查我的那样邪恶。他们说要给玛德琳灌肠,玛德琳非常不愿意,她开始抱怨,但当她弃绝自己而接受他们的治疗时,她的烦恼就烟消云散了。就在这时,我有了她窗前的花园的异象。也许她自己也有过同样的经历,因为她对找到自己的夫君感到绝望,尽管祂就在她身边。玛德琳还欠我她承诺给我的东西。

 “I saw also the Dominicaness, Colomba Schanolt of Bamberg. She was inexpressibly humble, simple-hearted, and unaffected; and, notwithstanding her stigmata, she was ever active and laborious. I saw her in her cell, praying prostrate on the ground as if dead. Again, I saw her in bed, her hands bleeding and blood flowing down from under her veil. I saw her receiving the Holy Eucharist, the form of a little luminous Child escaping to her from the hand of the priest ; and I, also, saw the visions she had had. They passed before her in pictures as she lay in her bed, or knelt in prayer. They were scenes from the life of Our Lord, or others for her own direction and consolation.


She wore a haircloth and round her waist a chain until forbidden to do so. Colomba was very well off in her convent, much less importuned than Madeline. She was consequently further advanced in the interior life, more simple, more recollected. I saw her also occupying a higher rank in the other world. But the way in which one sees such things cannot be explained. The clearest manner of expressing it is, that she travelled farther. "

她戴着一块头巾,腰间系着一条链子,直到被禁止这样做为止 科隆巴在修道院里生活得很平安,不像玛德琳那样被人纠缠。因此,她的内修生活进步更大,更专注,更加善于默想。我看到她在另一个世界也占据了更高的位置。但是人们看到这些事情的方式是无法解释的。最明确的表达方式是,科隆巴走得更远。


上一篇:下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑和圣物的恩赐
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