真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦
下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦
浏览次数:1316 更新时间:2024-5-3

June 27, 1822 — "I had a painful labor to perform in a church in which, through fear of profanation, they had walled up the Blessed Sacrament in a pillar. Mass was said secretly in a cave below the sacristy. I cannot say where this was, but the church was very old and I was in dread of the Blessed Sacrament's being exposed to danger.

1822 年 6 月 27 日——我要在一座圣堂里做一个痛苦的补赎,由于害怕被亵渎,人们将圣体砌在一根柱子里。弥撒是在圣器储藏室下面的一个山洞里秘密进行的。我不知道这圣堂在哪里,但它很古老,我很担心,圣体正暴露在危险之中。

Then my guide exhorted me to pray and to ask prayers of all my acquaintances for the conversion of sinners and, above all, for faith and perseverance for the clergy. — ' For terrible times are approaching, non-Catholics will use every artifice to oppress the Church and snatch from her possessions. The troubles will ever increase. ' "

然后,护守天神劝我祈祷,并请我所有的亲朋好友为罪人的皈依祈祷,最重要的是,为神职人员的信德和刚毅祈祷。 ——因为可怕的时代即将来临,非天主教徒将使用各种手段来压迫教会,并夺走教会的财产。患难会越来越多。』」

— For several subsequent days Sister Emmerich experienced intense pains in her stigmata. She exhibited all the symptoms of dropsy, the malady of a poor woman living in France and which Sister Emmerich had taken upon herself. During it she was occupied in a labor of prayer that had been imposed upon her.


The following is her account : “I was taken by my guide up an immensely high stair-case and I saw people in prayer coming from all directions, drawn, as it were, by threads. I was on the top of the stair-case, but still about five feet below a great, dazzlingly bright city, or rather a world. An immense blue curtain was drawn aside to allow me to gaze into the magnificent scene.


Rows of palaces and flower-gardens ran toward the centre where all was so brilliant that one could not look upon it. Wherever I turned my eyes, I beheld hierarchies of saints and angels whose intercession I implored. The virgins and martyrs were the first to present their petitions before the throne of God, and they were followed by the other choirs.


The Most Holy Trinity appeared to draw near to them like the sun breaking through the clouds. The angelic choirs were composed of small, delicate forms swimming in light. The cherubim and seraphim were winged spirits, their wings formed of sparkling rays, and I saw the choirs of angels and guardian- angels.


Among the holy virgins I saw souls who had lived in the married state, St. Anne and others of early times, St. Cunegundes and other chaste spouses, but not Magdalen. There were no birds or animals in the gardens. When I looked down from the steps on which I stood all was gray to right and left — it was blue only behind the curtain. I saw islands, cities, fields, and gardens, earthly regions which appeared in proportion as my thoughts wandered toward them.


I saw all sorts of people praying, their prayers mounting like pennants, like written scrolls to the hearts of the blessed from whose countenance they shot in dazzling rays to the throne of God. I saw some of these scrolls turning black and falling down again to earth, and some unfinished ones taken up and offered by others. It was like an exchange between men and between the saints and angels.


There was great movement among the latter as they bore aid to the needy and miserable : for instance, to ships in distress. Last night, though very sick, I was carried away by my guide. It was strange how curious I was to know what was behind the blue curtain ! — I thought the Mountain of the Prophets lay to the left as I ascended." On July 1st, she added the following : —


 7 月 1 日,她补充了以下内容:——

 “I think my wounds of the Crown must have bled during my great vision on the intercession of the saints, for I saw so much of the Dolorous Passion ! Whilst the saints in turn offered before the throne of God their share of compassion for sinners, I saw all Christ's sufferings and the sympathy they excited, all the thorns of the Crown, and other things relating to the Passion."


Toward the close of August, 1820, Sister Emmerich suffered inexpressibly from the continual sight of the tepidity and indifference of both priests and laics toward the Most Blessed Sacrament, and, side by side with the latter, she beheld honest pagans aspiring after salvation.  “I saw,” she said, “in all places priests surrounded by the graces of the Church, the treasure of Jesus Christ's merits as well as those of the saints ; but they were tepid, they were dead.

到1820 年 8 月末,艾曼丽修女不断地看到神父和教友对至圣圣体圣事的不冷不热和漠不关心,她感到难以言喻的痛苦。在至圣圣体旁边,她看到了一些渴望获得救恩的诚实的异教徒。我看到,她说,在所有地方,司铎都被教会的恩宠,耶稣基督和圣人的功劳宝藏所围绕;但司铎们不温不火,他们已经死了。

They taught, they preached, and offered the Holy Sacrifice most slothfully. — Then a pagan was shown me standing on a pillar and addressing a multitude below. He spoke so feelingly of the new God of all the gods, the God of a strange people, that his hearers were seized with the same enthusiasm as himself.


— I am assailed day and night by these visions, I cannot get rid of them. Present misery and decadence are always shown me side by side with past good, and I have to pray unceasingly. Mass badly celebrated is an enormous evil. Ah ! it is not a matter of indifference how it is said !......


I have had a great vision on the mystery of Holy Mass and I have seen that whatever good has existed since creation is owing to it. I saw the A and the O, and how all is contained in the O(1). I understood the signification of the circle in the spherical form of the earth and the heavenly bodies, the aureola of apparitions, and the Sacred Host.

我有一个伟大的异象,关于神圣弥撒的奥秘,我看到自创世以来存在的一切美善都是归功于弥撒。我看到了A“Ω”,以及如何所有的一切都包含在“Ω”(1) 中。我理解了地球和天体的球形形式,圣人显现的光环,和神圣的圣体的意义


 (1) The Alpha and Omega.

(注:1) 阿尔法和欧米茄。

The connection between the mysteries of the Incarnation, the Redemption, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was also shown me, and I saw how Mary compassed what the heavens themselves could not contain. These pictures extended through the whole of the Old Testament. I saw the first sacrifice offered and the marvellous significance of holy relics when placed in the altar on which Mass is said.


I saw Adam's bones reposing in a cavern under Mt. Calvary deep down, almost to water level and in a straight line beneath the spot on which Jesus Christ was crucified. I looked in and saw Adam's skeleton entire with the exception of the right arm and foot and a part of the right side. Through the latter I could see the ribs of the left side. In the right side lay Eve's skull exactly in the spot whence the Lord had drawn it, I was told that Adam and Eve's resting-place has been a point of dispute, but they have always lain just where I saw them.

我看见亚当的尸骨安葬在加尔瓦略山下的一个深的洞穴里,几乎到地下水位线,并与耶稣基督被钉十字架的地方呈一条直线。 我往里看了看,发现亚当的骨骼是完整的,除了右臂和右足,还有右侧的一部分。通过右肋,我可以看到左侧的肋骨。在右边,厄娃的头盖骨正好放在天主取出亚当肋骨的地方。我被告知亚当和厄娃的安息之地一直存在争论,但他们一直躺在我看到的地方。

There was no mountain on this spot before the Deluge ; only in consequence of that event did one appear. The tomb was untouched by the waters. Noe had in the Ark a portion of their remains which he laid on the altar when offering his first sacrifice. Abraham did the same at a later period, the bones of Adam having come down to him through Sem.


The bloody sacrifice of Jesus upon Calvary over the bones of Adam was a foreshadowing of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass over relics placed under the altar-stone. For it the sacrifices of the patriarchs were but a preparation. They, too, possessed sacred relics by which they reminded God of His promises. The five openings in the Ark were typical of the Saviour and His Church.


At the time of the Deluge fearful disorders reigned over the earth and mankind was steeped in vice. They plundered and carried off whatever they pleased, laying waste their neighbor's houses and lands, and dishonoring the matrons and maidens. This passage of Scripture : 'The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair,' signifies that the pure stock, 'born of God, not of the flesh, nor of blood, nor of the will of men (1),' mingled with impure races, gave birth to a powerful people in an earthly human sense, and so sullied the line from which the Messiah was to spring.  


(1) John 1. 13.

(原注1) 若望福音1:13。

Noe's own relations were corrupt, all save his wife, his sons and their wives, who dwelt in his immediate vicinity. They used to build in those early times great stone buildings, and erect around them tents or huts of osier. The further Noe's family removed from him, the worse they became, the more corrupt in their morals ; they even robbed him and revolted against him.


It was not that they were rude or savage, for they lived quite commodiously in well-arranged households; but it was because they were given up to vice, to the most abominable idolatry. They made idols for themselves out of whatever pleased them best.


 “I saw Noe, an artless old man, in a long white robe. He was walking in an orchard pruning the trees with a crooked bone knife. Suddenly a cloud hovered over him, in it a human figure. Noe knelt and received the commission to build an ark, as God was about to destroy the world by a flood.


The news saddened him very much, and I saw him praying that the punishment might be averted. He deferred compliance with the order. The Lord again appeared to him, repeated His command, and told him to begin the work at once unless he wanted to perish with the rest of mankind.


Then I saw him leaving his home with his family and going to an uninhabited district where there was plenty of wood. He took a great many persons with him, and they all established themselves in tents. They had an altar on which to offer sacrifice and before which they daily prayed at the beginning and close of their labor.


A long time elapsed before the work was completed, as Noe frequently discontinued it for years at a time, hoping that Almighty God would relent. Three times did God warn him to go on with it ; each time Noe engaged more workmen, but again discontinued it.


 “I was told that in the Ark, as afterward in the cross, there were four kinds of wood : palm, olive, cedar, and cypress. I saw them felling the trees and fashioning them on the spot. Noe himself carried all the wood on his shoulders to the place of building, just as Jesus afterward carried His cross. The place chosen for the construction of the Ark was a hill surrounded by a valley.


First they built the keel of the vessel which was rounded in the back; it was like a trough and was smeared with pitch. There were three stories. The two upper were supported by hollow posts formed from the rough trunks of trees and covered with large leaves, and another kind of wood was used for the light planks. I saw them punching the pith out with some kind of an instrument When Noe had carried and prepared all the materials, the building was commenced.


The bottom was put in and smeared with pitch, then holes made and filled with pitch into which the posts were firmly placed. On these was laid the second floor with another row of posts all around ; and, lastly, the third floor with the roof. The spaces between the posts were inclosed by brown and yellow laths placed crosswise, the holes and chinks filled up with a sort of wool and white moss which grew very abundantly around certain trees.


Then the whale was covered with pitch. The roof of the Ark was also rounded. The door was in the middle of one side, a little more than half-way up, with a window on either side, and in the centre of the roof there was likewise a square opening. When the Ark was entirely covered with pitch, it shone like a mirror in the sun.


Noe continued to work a long time alone on the compartments for the animals, for all had separate places. There were two passages through the middle of the Ark. Back in the oval part was a wooden altar concealed by hangings, and a little in front of the altar was a pan of coals ; to the right and left were spaces partitioned off for sleeping apartments.


All kinds of utensils and chests were taken into it, and seeds, plants, and shrubs put into earth around the walls which were soon covered with verdure. I saw vines laden with large, yellow grapes, the bunches as long as one's arm. No words could express what Noe endured from the malice and ill-will of the workmen during the whole time of the building. He paid them well in cattle, but that did not prevent them from cursing, insulting, and abusing him in every way. They even called him a fool, for none knew why he was constructing such a vessel.


But he only thanked God, who appeared to him when it was finished. He told him to take a reed pipe and call all the animals from the four corners of the globe. The nearer the day of chastisement approached, the darker grew the heavens. The fear over the earth became very great, the sun no longer showed his face, and the thunder's roar was constantly heard, I saw Noe going a short distance north, south, east, and west and blowing his pipe.


Then the animals ranged two by two, male and female, entered the Ark by a plank laid from the door. As soon as all were in, which was not for several days, the plank was removed. The large animals, white elephants and camels, went in first ; they were restless as on the approach of a storm. The birds flew in through the skylight and perched under the roof, some of them in cages, and the waterfowl went to the lower part of the vessel.


The four-footed beasts were in the middle story. Of such animals as are slaughtered for food there were seven couples. Then Noe invoking the mercy of God, entered with his wife, his three sons, and their wives. The plank was drawn in and the door closed shutting out all the rest of mankind, even their nearest relations and their little children. Then burst forth a fearful storm, the lightning played in fiery columns, the rain fell in torrents, and soon the hill on which the Ark stood became an island.


The misery was so great that I hope it was itself the cause of many a man's salvation. I saw a black devil of hideous form hurrying to and fro through the tempest and tempting men to despair. The reptiles and serpents sought here and there a hiding-place in the Ark. Of gnats and vermin I saw none; they were sent later to torment man.


"I saw Noe offering incense in the Ark on an altar covered with red and white. Whenever he offered sacrifice he laid upon it Adam's bones which, at a later period, fell into Abraham's hands. I saw the latter lay them on the altar of Melchisedech, of whom he knew and whom he ardently sighed to meet. I saw, also, the sacrifice of Isaac upon Mount Calvary. The back of the altar was to the north. The Patriarchs always placed their altars so, because evil-comes from the north.


 “I saw, also, Moses praying before an altar on which he had laid the bones of Jacob which he generally carried round him in a box. As he poured out something on the altar, there arose a flame into which he cast incense ; he invoked God by the promise made to those bones. He prayed until he sank down exhausted. In this morning he arose again to pray. Jacob's bones were afterwards placed in the Ark of the Covenant.


Moses prayed with arms outstretched in the form of a cross. God resists not such a prayer, for it was thus that His own Son faithfully prayed until death. I saw, also, Josua praying like Moses when the sun stood still at his command……


" I saw the pool of Bethsaida, its five entrances betokening the Five Wounds, and I had many pictures of it at various times. I saw a hill some distance from the first Temple where in time of danger a pit had been dug where-in to hide the sacred vessels, candlesticks, and censers. I saw several of the last named with two handles. In the centre of the pit was placed the sacred fire of the altar, and over the top were laid all kinds of beams; the whole was then covered with earth so that the spot was not noticeable.


The beam which formed the trunk of the holy cross was found here. It had formerly been a tree by the brook Cedron. Its lower branches shot out over the water and came, at last, to be used as a bridge. After the hill had been levelled, it was used for various purposes. I saw Nehemiah, when returned from captivity, making excavations around the pit in which the sacred fire had been buried. He found a mass of black mud formed by the swampy earth, from which he removed the vessels. When he smeared the sacrificial wood with it, it immediately burst into flame.”


Sister Emmerich's visions now changed from the Mosaic to the Christian era, and she saw men clothed with the highest spiritual and worldly dignity vieing with one another in honoring the Most Blessed Sacrament.


" I saw the holy Pope Zephyrinus who, on account of his zeal for the dignity of the priesthood, suffered much both from Catholics and heretics. He was very strict in the admission of candidates whom he closely examined and of whom he rejected many. Once out of an immense number he chose only five.


I often saw him disputing with heretics who unrolled parchments, spoke angrily, and even snatched his writings from him. Zephyrinus exacted obedience from priests, sending them here and there, and silencing them if they would not obey. I saw him send a man, not yet ordained, to Africa, I think, where he became a Bishop and a great saint. He was a friend of Zephyrinus and a very celebrated man.


I saw the Pope exhorting the faithful to bring him their silver-plate, when he replaced the wooden chalices of the churches by silver ones. The cruets were of clear glass. Zephyrinus retained the wooden vessels for his own use; but as some were scandalized at it, he had them partly gilded, and all the rest he gave to the poor.


I saw him contracting debts for the relief of a poor family, whereupon one of his female relatives reproached him for running into debt for strangers rather than for his own poor relations. He replied that he had done it for Jesus Christ, at which she indignantly withdrew. Now, God had allowed him to see that, if he did anything for this woman, she would be perverted.


— I saw that he caused candidates for the priesthood to be examined and ordained in presence of the faithful. He drew up strict rules for their observance when Bishops celebrated, assigning to each his own rank. He also ordained that Christians of a certain age should receive the Blessed Sacrament at Easter in the church. He no longer permitted them to carry It to their homes suspended from their necks in a box, since It was often taken into improper places where feasting and dancing were going on.


Zephyrinus bore deep veneration for the Mother of God, and he had many visions of her life and death. He arranged a bed for himself just like the couch on which she had died. He always kept it concealed by a curtain, and with fervent devotion he used to lie down to rest in the same position in which he had seen her die. He also wore secretly under his robe another of sky-blue in honor of Mary's sky-blue mantle.


— I saw him receiving again, after their canonical penance, sinners who had been separated from the faithful for adultery and impurity. He had disputes on this point with a learned priest(Tertullian) who was too rigid and who afterward fell into heresy.


" It was shown me how St. Louis of France at the age of seven prepared by a rigorous fast for his First Communion. He told this to his mother. She had accompanied him to the church to implore the Mother of God for light as to whether her son should receive Holy Communion or not. Mary appeared to her and said that her son must prepare for seven days and then communicate, that she should receive at the same time and offer her boy to her (Mary) and she would ever be his protectress.


I saw that all took place as was directed, and I learned that religious instruction at that period was both given and received in a different and more earnest manner than in our day. In all his expeditions Louis had the Blessed Sacrament with him and, wherever he encamped, the Holy Sacrifice was offered.


— I saw him on the Crusade. Once during a violent tempest the crew of his own vessel and those of the other ships, cried to him for help, begging him to intercede with God for their delivery from danger. As the Blessed Sacrament was not on board, the saintly king took up a new-born, baptized infant, went on deck, and held it up in the storm, begging God to show pity for its sake.


Then, turning slowly around, he gave benediction with the child and the storm instantly ceased. He afterward exhorted his grateful people to an increase of devotion toward the Blessed Sacrament, telling them that, if God had wrought so great a miracle for the sake of an innocent baptized child, what would He not do for the sake of His only Son!”

然后,他慢慢转过身来,带着婴儿降福船只,风暴瞬间停止了。 之后,他告诫感恩的人们增加对圣体的虔敬,告诉他们,如果天主为一个无辜的受洗婴儿行了如此伟大的奇迹,那么祂为了祂的独生子还有什么不会做呢? 

Side by side with such scenes as the above, Sister Emmerich beheld others of a different nature intended to animate her to renewed zeal in her task of prayer and expiation. — ' In a certain city I saw over a gay party of ecclesiastics and seculars, men and women who were feasting and jesting, a heavy black fog stretching off into a region of darkness.


In it sat Satan under a hideous form, and around him as many devils as there were guests in the assembly below, all busily engaged in inciting the latter to sin, whispering to them and inflaming their passions. They were in a dangerous state of excitement and they freely conversed in a light and wanton strain.


The ecclesiastics belonged to the number of those whose motto is, 'Live and let live !’— who argue thus : ‘In our day one must not be singular, one must not play the misanthrope ; rather let us, Rejoice with those that rejoice.’ — And in such dispositions they daily celebrate Holy Mass.

神职人员属于那些座右铭是我不在乎他们做什么! 的人。他们这样主张:「在我们的时代,人不能独善其身,我们不应该扮演厌世者的角色,相反,让我们与那乐的人一同乐。——他们每天都以这种心态举行弥撒。

I saw but one young girl in the party still perfectly innocent, and that was owing to her devotion to her patron, a saint whose name is well known and whom she was in the habit of invoking. I saw how they bantered her and tried to lead her astray.


But over her appeared a break in the darkness through which her patron shed light upon her and kept the evil spirits aloof. Then Satan from his dark circle called out to the saint, asking what he wanted and how he dared encroach upon his rights ; he boasted with a contemptuous smile that all the priests below were his, since in their present state they said Mass daily, thereby plunging deeper into his meshes.


The saint bade him retire, telling him that, through the merits of Jesus Christ, he had no right over the girl whom he could not even approach. Satan boastingly retorted that he would yet catch her, that he would make use of a stranger who had once made an impression upon her, and who would soon do the work.


— Satan's figure was horrible: short arms with claws, long feet and knees turned outward so that he could not kneel even if he wished ; his face was human, but cold, wicked, fearful, and he had certain appendages like wings. He was black and obscure, spreading darkness wherever he went.


As I was surprised to hear him speaking of his rights, I was told that he really did acquire a positive right over every baptized person who, though endued with the power of Jesus Christ to resist him, yet freely and voluntarily delivers himself up to sin. — This vision was most impressive and affecting. I knew the people as well as the girl protected by her patron.


 “I went to several dying persons, and one case touched me deeply. A worldly, dissipated woman lay on her death-bed. She would not be converted ; she had no faith, she disdained the Sacraments. I made the Stations for her with some souls. Then we prostrated before the crucifix of Coesfeld and prayed so perseveringly that the Saviour detached His hands from the cross and descended.


Instantly I found myself again by the dying one before whom stood the Saviour clothed in a mantle which He opened to show His Wounds. The woman was seized with fright, entered into herself, made a contrite confession, and died. . . .


" I went with my guardian-angel into seven churches to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, and to offer the Passion of Jesus Christ in atonement for the injuries and affronts, committed against It by bad priests. The patron of each of the churches was present, and joined in the devotion with my angel. The prayers we said were like litanies. Two of these churches were in distant lands over the great waters; I think the people were English."


On Sunday, August 28th, the Pilgrim found her toward noon still in ecstasy, praying with her arms extended. When returned to consciousness, she was unable at first to recall her surroundings or the hour of the day ; but after some time she related the following : — " This morning I had to say prayers enjoined upon me last night.

8 月 28 日星期日,朝圣者发现艾曼丽修女在接近中午时仍处于神魂超拔之中,她张开双臂祈祷。当她恢复意识后,起初她记不起周围的环境和当天的时间,但过了一段时间,她讲述了以下内容:今天早上,我必须做昨晚的祈祷。

First, I heard a Mass here in our own church, after which I saw the Pilgrim communicate, and this was followed by several other Masses. I saw all the faults and negligence of both priests and seculars, and endured all kinds of sufferings on their account. I offered up all for them, presenting to God in reparation His Crucified Son at each elevation of the Host.


I did this not only here, but in all the churches, perhaps a thousand, to which I was transported most wonderfully and rapidly, for I went into all I had ever visited in Europe or elsewhere. What I saw could not be told in two large volumes. I saw here and there, even in our own country some deeply pious people ; but, for the most part, tepidity reigns.


I saw piety in the Low-Countries, in a district bordering on the sea. In Switzerland I saw some good parishes in the midst of bad ones ; and, again, in the north of Germany and the Polish district, where there are  priests whom I often see. In Italy I saw many zealously serving God in the old, holy way, and others thoroughly bad and insolent.


At the close of this manifold labor of prayer, I had toward noon a picture of St. Peter's which seemed to be floating above the earth in the air. Crowds, great and small, priests and laics, women and children, yes, even old cripples, ran to support it. I was in an agony lest the church would crush them all, for the foundations and the lower part seemed to be crumbling away ; but the people put their shoulders under it and held it up.


In so doing, they all became of the same height and every one was in his right place, the priests under the altars, laymen under the pillars, and the women under the entrance. Still I feared that its weight would be too much for the supporters, when I saw the heavens open above it and the

saints sustaining it by their prayers and helping those below.


I was hovering and flying in the air between the two. Then I saw the church borne forward a short distance, and a whole row of houses and palaces in front of it sank into the earth like a wheat-field trodden under foot. The church was deposited in their place. Then I had another picture.


I saw the Blessed Virgin over the church surrounded by Apostles and Bishops, and below a grand procession and solemn ceremonies. I saw all the bad Bishops who thought they were able to act by themselves, who received not for their labors the strength of Christ through the intercession of their saintly predecessors, driven out and replaced by others.


I saw immense blessings descending from heaven and many changes effected. The Pope regulated everything. I saw numbers of poor, simple-hearted men arise, many of them quite young. I saw many aged Church dignitaries who had entered the service of bad Bishops and neglected the interests of the Church, now on crutches as if lame and paralyzed, led by two persons to receive pardon."

我看到了巨大祝福从天降临,许多变化发生了。教宗规范管理着一切。我看到许多心地善良的穷人崛起,其中许多人还很年轻。 我看到许多年迈的教会要人,他们为坏主教服务,忽视了教会的利益,现在拄着拐杖,好像瘸子和瘫痪了一样,由两个人领着去接受赦免。

At the close of this labor undertaken that the Unbloody Sacrifice might be offered in a becoming manner, Sister Emmerich had another very comprehensive vision. In it was shown her the Holy Mass as the line of demarcation between men both in time and in eternity ; and she saw also its cessation at the time of Antichrist.


"I had,” she says, "a great picture of the Church, but I can no longer give the details in order. I saw St. Peter's surrounded by fields, gardens, countries, and forests; and I saw multitudes from all parts of the world, many of whom I knew naturally or by my visions. Some of them were entering the church and others passing it indifferently.


A great ceremony was going on. Over the church floated a luminous cloud from which came out the Apostles and holy Bishops and formed into choirs above the altar. Among them were Augustine, Ambrose, and all who had labored for the exaltation of the Church. It was a grand solemnity and Mass was being celebrated. In the middle of the church on a desk lay a great open book with three seals hanging from one side and two from the other.


I saw the Evangelist John, and I was told that the book contained the revelations he had had at Patraos. Before it was opened something happened which I have forgotten, and it is a pity there is a break here ! The Pope was not present, he was concealed somewhere. I think the people knew not where he was, and I do not r


All present, the laics as well as the clergy, had to lay their hand on a certain passage of the Gospels. Upon many of them descended as a sign a light from the holy Apostles and Bishops, but for many others the ceremony was only an empty form. Outside the church I saw numbers of Jews who wanted to enter, but could not as yet.


At the close of the ceremony there came a great crowd, an innumerable multitude ; but the great book was suddenly shut as if by an invisible power. It reminded me of the evening in the convent when the devil blew out my candle and shut my book. All around in the distance I saw a terrible,  bloody combat, and off toward the north a great battle going on. The whole picture was grand and imposing. I am sorry I have forgotten the passage in the book on which they had to put their finger."




圣库内贡德斯皇后(立陶宛的主保)瞻礼 - 3  3 

库内贡德斯的父亲是第一任卢森堡伯国的伯爵,名叫西格弗里德(Sigfrid)。在接受了虔诚的教育后,她嫁给了巴伐利亚公爵圣亨利,后者在奥托三世皇帝去世后被选为罗马人的国王。 圣库内贡德斯于 1002 年在帕德博恩加冕。1014 年,她与丈夫一起前往罗马并成为皇后,并与他一起从教宗本笃八世手中接过了王冠。虽然已婚,但她生活在禁欲中,因为她经丈夫同意,她在婚前立誓守贞。诽谤者指责她的行为是可耻的,但她的清白得到了天主上智的明确证明,因为她在没有受伤的情况下走过燃烧的铁块,让帝皇大为喜悦。她的丈夫亨利二世于 1024 年去世,留下他的遗孀。皇后很贫穷,因为她几乎将所有财富都捐给了慈善事业。 1025 年,在他逝世的周年纪念日,以及她在卡芬根为本笃会修女建造的一座修道院的奉献之际,她穿上了一件本笃会衣,戴上了她从主教手中接过的面纱。并进入了同一个修道院。她的修道包括祈祷、阅读和体力劳动,这样她度过了生命的最后十五年。她于 1040 年去世,她的遗体被运到班贝格,安放在她丈夫圣亨利的遗体附近。

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圣宰斐琳(St.  Zephyrinus)教宗殉道




圣路易是法国(France)的国王,1214年4月25日出生。父亲路易八世(Louis VIII),祖父斐理伯二世。斐理伯二世驾崩,路易八世登基,那时候,圣路易还只有8岁。圣路易的母亲白兰士(Blanche of Castille),是一位贤良的慈母,圣路易能修务杰出的圣德,一部分应归功于白兰士的教导有方。路易幼年时,白兰士常对他说:“我全心爱你,可是我宁愿看见你死,不愿意看见你犯一个大罪。”

上一篇:下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦
下一篇:下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天神—天上的耶路撒冷


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