真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天神—天上的耶路撒冷
下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天神—天上的耶路撒冷
浏览次数:1500 更新时间:2024-9-27


The Souls in Purgatory

·       The Angels.

·       The Heavenly Jerusalem





·      众天神 

·      天上的耶路撒冷



We have already spoken of Sister Emmerich's compassion for the souls in purgatory, her unremitting prayers and sacrifices for them. We shall here give those visions which refer to them particularly, as also the various good works undertaken by her for their relief.


The first Feast of All-Souls that the Pilgrim spent in Diilmen, the invalid noticed in him that general indifference toward the dead, that comforting assurance with which the living look upon their deceased relations and friends as no longer in need of special assistance ; consequently, she often repeated with a sigh : "It is truly sad to think how few help the poor souls in purgatory. Their misery is so great !


They cannot help themselves, though they may be so easily relieved by prayers, alms, and suffering offered for them! O how joyful they then are! — as happy as a thirsty man to whom a cool drink is given.”


When she saw that her words produced a deep impression, she went on to say how powerful are meritorious works offered for the poor souls ; for example, acts of self-abnegation and mortification of self-will, victories gained over evil inclinations, acts of patience, meekness, humility, forgiveness of injuries, etc.


— “Ah ! how many poor souls are left to suffer in consequence of lukewarmness, want of zeal for God's glory and the salvation of the neighbor ! What can help them except satisfactory works, acts of those virtues which they themselves neglected most on earth ? The saints in heaven can no longer do penance, they cannot satisfy for them.


— Help can come only from the children of the Church Militant. And how the souls long for it ! They know that no good thought, no earnest desire to help them is lost; and yet, how few trouble themselves about them ! A priest who says his breviary devoutly with the intention of supplying for the failings the poor souls have still to expiate, can procure for them incredible consolation ; yes, the power of the sacerdotal benediction penetrates even into purgatory and, like a celestial dew, refreshes the souls to whom it is sent in the spirit of faith. One who could see all this as I see it, would certainly try to relieve them as far as he is able."


Above all, did Sister Emmerich pity the poor souls whose friends send them to heaven at once in reward for natural good qualities, or those to whom relatives bear so soft and foolish an affection as not to be able to endure the idea of their needing the purifying flames of purgatory before their admittance to the enjoyment of God. Such souls she always saw among the most suffering and abandoned. “Immoderate praise," she used to say, “is a theft committed to the prejudice of those upon whom it is lavished.”


One day, after a conversation with her on the relations existing between the survivors and the deceased, the Pilgrim wrote down the following, which embodies the most salient points of their discourse: —"All that man thinks, says, or does, has in it a living principle for good or evil. He who sins should hasten to efface his faults by the Sacrament of Penance, otherwise he will not be able to prevent the full or partial consequence of his crime.

一天,在与艾曼丽修女讨论了生者和亡者之间的关系后,朝圣者写下了以下内容,这体现了他们话语中最突出的观点: ——「人的思想、言语和行为,都有一个区分善恶的鲜明原则。犯了罪的人应该尽快通过告解圣事来赦免他的过错,否则他将无法避免其所犯罪行的全部或部分后果。

I have often seen such consequence even in the physical sickness and sufferings of many individuals and in the curse attached to certain places. I am always told that a crime unpardoned, unexpiated, entails an infinity of evils. I have seen such chastisements extending to posterity as a natural and necessary consequence ; for instance, the curse attached to ill-gotten goods, and I have felt involuntary horror in places where great crimes were once perpetrated.


This is as natural, as necessary as that a benediction should bless and what is holy, sanctify. I have always had an intuitive perception of what is sacred arid of what is profane, of what is holy and what unholy ; the former attracts me, the latter repels, disquiets, and terrifies me, forcing me to resist it by faith and prayer. This impression is especially keen near human remains, nay more, near the smallest atoms of a body once animated by a soul.


The feeling is so strong that I have always thought there exists a certain relation between soul and body even after death, for I have felt the most opposite emotions near graves and tombs. Near some I have had a sensation of light, of superabundant benediction and salvation; by others a sentiment of poverty and indigence, and I felt that the dead implored prayers, fasts, and alms; by many others I have been struck with dread and horror.


When I had to pray at night in the cemetery, I have felt that there brooded around such graves as the last named a darkness, deeper, blacker than night itself, just as a hole in black cloth makes the blackness still deeper. Over them I sometimes saw a black vapor rising which made me shudder.


It also happened sometimes that when my desire to render assistance urged me to penetrate into the darkness, I felt something repulsing my proffered aid. The lively conviction of God's most holy justice was then for me like an angel leading me out from the horrors of such a grave.


Over some, I saw a column of gray vapor, brighter or darker ; over others, one of light more or less brilliant ; and over many others, I beheld nothing at all. These last made me very sad, for I had an interior conviction that the vapor, more or less brilliant, issuing from the graves, was the means by which the poor souls made known their needs, and that they who could give no sign were in the lowest part of purgatory, forgotten by everybody, deprived of all power of acting or communicating with the body of the Church.


When I knelt in prayer over such graves, I often heard a hollow, smothered voice, as if calling to me from a deep abyss : ‘Help me out!’ and I felt most keenly in my own soul the anguish of the helpless sufferer. I pray for these abandoned, forgotten ones with greater ardor and perseverance than for the others.


I have often seen a gray vapor slowly rising over their empty, silent tombs which by the help of continued prayer grew brighter and brighter. The graves over which I saw columns of vapor more or less bright, were shown me as those of such as are not entirely forgotten, not entirely bound, who by their own expiatory sufferings, or the help of their friends, are more or less consoled.


They have still the power to give a sign of their participation in the Communion of Saints, they are increasing in light and beatitude, they implore that help they cannot render themselves, and what we do for them they offer to Our Lord Jesus Christ for us. They remind me of poor prisoners who can still excite the pity of their fellow-men by a cry, a petition, an outstretched hand.


A cemetery, such as I have described, with its apparitions, its different degrees of light and darkness, always seemed to me like a garden all parts of which are not equally cultivated, but some allowed to run to waste. When I earnestly prayed and labored and urged others to the same, it seemed as if the plants began to revive, as if the ground were dug and renewed, as if the seed sprang forth under the beneficent influence of the rain and dew.


Ah ! if all men saw this as I see it, they would surely labor in this garden with far more diligence than I ! Such cemeteries speak as plainly to me of the Christian zeal and charity of a parish, as do the gardens and meadows around a village proclaim the industry of its inhabitants.


— God has often allowed me to see souls mounting joyously from purgatory to Paradise. But as nothing is accomplished without pain and trouble, so too when praying for the dead, I was frequently terrified and maltreated by lost spirits even by the demon himself. Loud noises and frightful spectres surrounded me, I was pushed off the graves, tossed from side to side, and sometimes an invisible power tried to force me out of the cemetery.


But God strengthened me against fear. I never recoiled one hair's breadth before the enemy, and when thus interrupted, I redoubled my prayers. how many thanks I have received from the poor, dear souls ! Ah ! if all men would share this joy with me ! What a superabundance of grace is upon earth, but forgotten, despised, whilst the poor souls languish for it !


In their manifold sufferings they are full of anguish and longing, they sigh after help and deliverance ; yet, how great soever their distress, they still praise Our Lord and Saviour, and all that we can do for them is a source of unending bliss."



All-Saints and All-Souls (1819)


“I made a great journey with my guide, how I know not. At such times I neither know who I am nor how I exist. I follow unquestioningly, I look, and I am satisfied. If I happen to put a question and receive an answer, well and good ; but if not, still I am satisfied.


— We went over the city of martyrs (Rome), then across the sea, and through a wilderness to a place where once stood the house of Anne and Mary, and here I left the earth. I saw innumerable cohorts of saints of endless variety, and yet in my soul, in my interior, they were all only one, all living and reveling in a life of joy, all interpenetrating and reflecting one another.


The place was like a boundless dome full of thrones, gardens, palaces, arches, flower-gardens, and trees, with pathways sparkling like gold and precious stones. On high, in the centre, in infinite splendor was the throne of the Godhead. — The saints were grouped according to their spiritual relationship : the religious in their Orders higher or lower, according to their individual merits ; the martyrs, according to their victories ; and laics of all classes, according to their progress in the spiritual life, the efforts they had made to sanctify themselves.

这地方就像一个无边无际的穹顶,上面有宝座、花园、宫殿、拱门、和树木。在花园里,小路像金子和宝石一样闪闪发光。在高处,在中央,在无限的辉煌中,是天主的宝座。— 圣人们是根据他们的属灵关系来分组的:修道者在他们的修会中按照他们的个人功德分为高阶或低阶;殉道圣人们,根据他们的战绩分组;各个阶层的平信徒,根据他们在灵性生活上的进步、以及他们为使自己成圣所做的努力分组。

All were ranged in admirable order in the palaces and gardens which were inexpressibly brilliant and lovely. I saw trees with little yellow luminous fruits. They who were associated by similar efforts to sanctify themselves had aureolas of the same form, like a supernatural spiritual habit, and they were otherwise distinguished by emblems of victory, crowns and garlands and palms, and they were of all classes and nations.


Among them I saw a priest of my acquaintance who said to me : ‘Thy task is not yet finished !’ I saw, too, legions of soldiers in Roman costume, and many people whom I knew, all singing together. I joined in a sweet song with them. I looked down on the earth which lay like a speck of land amid the waters ; but, where I was, all was immense. Ah ! life is so short, the end soon comes ! One can gain so much — I must not be sad ! Willingly and joyfully shall I accept all sufferings from my God !"


November 2d — “I went with my guide into a gloomy prison for souls, where I consoled on all sides, The souls were buried in darkness, all more or less so ; some to the neck, others to the waist. They were in separate, though adjoining dungeons, some tortured with thirst, others by cold, others by heat, unable to help themselves, sighing in uninterrupted torments.

11 月 2 日——我跟着护守天神走进了一个阴暗的灵魂监狱,在那里我安慰了四周的灵魂,那里的灵魂或多或少都被埋葬在黑暗中;有的埋到脖子,有的埋到腰。他们被分开关押在毗邻的地牢里,有的被口渴折磨着,有的被寒冷折磨着,有的被炎热折磨着,他们无法自拔,在不间断的折磨中痛苦地叹息。

I saw numbers delivered, and their joy was inexpressible. They went forth as gray figures. They received for their short passage to a higher region the costume and distinctive marks of their state upon earth. They assembled in a vast place above purgatory enclosed as with a thorn-hedge. I saw many physicians received by a procession of physicians like themselves and conducted on high.


I saw numbers of soldiers liberated, and the sight made me rejoice with the poor men slaughtered in war. I saw few female religious, still fewer judges ; but led out by blessed nuns were numbers of virginal souls who had wanted only an opportunity to consecrate themselves to the religious life.


I saw some kings of the olden times, some members of royal families, a large number of ecclesiastics, and many peasants, among whom I saw some of my acquaintance and others who, by their costume, seemed to belong to foreign lands. Each class was led on high and in different directions by souls of their own condition in life and, as they ascended, they were divested of their earthly insignia and clothed in a luminous robe peculiar to the blessed.


I recognized, in purgatory not only my own acquaintances, but also their relatives whom, perhaps, I had never before seen. I saw in the greatest abandonment those poor, dear souls who have no one to think of them. Among those who forget them are so many of their brethren in the faith who neglect prayer ! It is for such souls that I pray the most.


— Now began another vision. All at once, I found myself a little peasant-girl just as in my childhood, a band on my forehead, a cap on my head. My guide took me to a luminous troop of blessed spirits coming down from heaven, shining forms with crowns on their heads.


Above them hovered the Saviour holding a white Staff surmounted by a cross and banner. There were about one hundred spirits, most of them maidens, only one-third of them youths, all in royal robes sparkling with the various colors of their aureolas, and presenting a most lovely spectacle.


Among them were some conspicuous by their wounds which shone with a rosy light. I was greatly abashed when my guide led me to them, for I, poor little peasant-girl, knew not how to act before kings and queens. But my guide said : ‘Thou canst be like them,’ and then, instead of my peasant dress, I was clothed in the white habit of a religious.


I saw all around those who had assisted at my clothing in the convent, especially the deceased members of my own community. Then I saw many of the poor souls whom I had known in life, with whom I had had dealings, looking wistfully after me from purgatory, and I understood the difference between true and false sympathy. They followed me with sad eyes, repenting of many things now that I was forced to leave them. — They were citizens of the little city."



Feast of the Guardian- Angels (1820)


"I saw a church on earth and in it many whom I knew. Above were several other churches, higher and higher, like different stories, filled with the angelic choirs ; and higher still was the Blessed Virgin surrounded by the highest order, before the throne of the Most Holy Trinity. Here reigned indescribable order and activity; but below in the earthly church, all was drowsy and negligent to a degree.


And this was the more remarkable as it was the feast of the angels who bear up to God with incredible swiftness every word pronounced carelessly and distractedly by the priest in the Holy Mass, and who repair all defects in the service offered to God. At the same time, I saw the guardian-angels discharging their duties with surprising activity, chasing evil spirits from men, suggesting good thoughts, and presenting before them holy imaginations.


They long for God's commands, and the prayers of their clients render them still more zealous. I have seen that every man receives at his birth two spirits, one good, the other evil. The good one is heavenly by nature and belongs to the lowest hierarchy; the evil one is not a devil, not yet in torments, though deprived of the vision of God.


I always see in a certain circle around the earth nine bodies or spheres like far-off stars. They are inhabited by spirits of different natures, from whom descend beams of light, every ray falling upon some determinate point on the earth with which I have always thought they must have some communication.


These nine worlds form three sections, above each of which I saw a great angel enthroned; the first holds a sceptre ; the second, a rod ; the third a sword. They wear crowns and long robes, and their breast is decorated with ribands. In these spheres dwell the bad spirits who at each man's birth are associated to him by an intimate relation which I clearly understand, which excites my wonder, but which I cannot now explain.


They are not lovely and transparent like the angels. They shine it is true, but by an external, unsteady light, as if by reflection. They are either slothful, indolentfanciful, melancholy, or passionate, violent, obstinate, stubborn, or frivolous, etc., a personification of the different passions.


Among them I have remarked the same colors that I see among men in their sufferings and interior struggles and in the aureolas of the martyrs, whose passions purified by torments have been changed into colors of triumph. These spirits have something sharp, violent, and penetrating in their countenance.


They attach themselves with extraordinary tenacity to the human soul as insects to certain odors and plants, rousing in them all kinds of thoughts and desires. They are full of stings ; of rays, of seductive charms. They themselves produce no act, no sin, but they withdraw man from the divine influence, lay him open to the world, intoxicate him with self, bind him, attach him to the earth in many ways.


If he yields, he plunges into darkness, the devil draws near and marks him with his seal ; — now some act, some sin, and his separation from God is effected. I have clearly seen that mortification and fasting weaken the influence of these spirits and facilitate that of the angels, whilst Holy Communion is the most effectual means of resisting them.


I have seen that certain inclinations and aversions, certain involuntary antipathies, and especially the disgust we have for certain things, such as insects, reptiles, vermin, etc., have a mysterious signification, since these creatures are images of those sins and passions to which, through their connection with these spirits, we are the most exposed.


I was told that when one feels disgust for such things, he should recall his sins and evil propensities symbolized by them. I have seen such spirits presenting to people in church all sorts of toys and trinkets, filling their heads with all sorts of thoughts and desires, whilst their angels are busy recalling them to better things.


I cannot relate these multiplied pictures. The great ones of the earth are attended by the most powerful both of the good and bad spirits. I have often seen a man receive a higher and more powerful guardian when called to great things. — I myself have had on more than one occasion a different guide.


I have seen the angels that protect the fruits of the earth spreading something over the trees and plants and over cities and countries. I have seen angels hovering over them, guarding and defending them, and sometimes abandoning them. I cannot say what myriads of bad spirits I have seen.


— Had they bodies, the air would be darkened. Wherever they have most influence, I always see mist and darkness. — I had on my journey a glimpse of Switzerland where I saw the devil laboring in many ways against the Church."


As Sister Emmerich finished the relation of the above, she was suddenly ravished in ecstasy. After a short time, she exclaimed with a sigh: “It is so far away! so far! Those cruel, obstinate, violent spirits there descending, come from an immense distance !" Returned to consciousness, she said : “I was carried up to a great height and from the most distant of the nine spheres, I saw a multitude of those violent, obstinate spirits descending toward a country to which strife and war are approaching.


They surround the rulers, making approach to them almost impossible. But I saw, too, a whole army of angelic spirits sent down to earth by the Blessed Virgin; they were led by a great angel burning with zeal and bearing a flaming sword. They will fight against the perverse spirits.


 “There are, also, souls neither in heaven, purgatory, nor hell, but wandering the earth in trouble and anguish, aiming at something they are bound to perform. They haunt deserted places, ruins, tombs, and the scenes of their past misdeeds. They are specters."


Some hours after she cried out in ecstasy : “who ever saw the like ! A great, flaming angel swept from the throne of God down to the city of Palermo where an insurrection rages. He spoke words of chastisement in a voice that pierced through the marrow of my bones, and people fell dead in the city below!”


On another occasion, she said : “I have often understood, in my childhood and later, that three whole choirs of angelic spirits higher than the archangels, fell, but all were not cast into hell ; some, experiencing a sort of repentance, escaped for a time. They are the planetary spirits that come upon earth to tempt men.


At the last day they will be judged and condemned. I have always seen that the devils can never leave hell. I have seen, too, that many of the damned go not directly to hell, but suffer in lonely places on earth.


" If men make progress in the spiritual life, they receive guardian-angels of a higher order such as kings and princes have. The four-winged angels, the Elohim, who distribute God's graces, are Raphiel, Etophiel, Salathiel, and Emmanuel.


There is much greater Order even among the bad spirits and demons than there is on earth. Whenever an angel withdraws, a devil steps instantly into his place and begins his own work. Great order reigns also among the planetary spirits, who are fallen spirits, but not devils.


They are very, very different from devils. They go to and from between the earth and the nine spheres. one of these spheres they are sad and melancholy; in another, impetuous and violent ; in a third, light and giddy ; in a fourth, stingy, parsimonious, miserly, etc.


They exert an influence over the whole earth, over every man from his birth, and they form certain orders and associations. In the planets I saw forms resembling plants and trees, but light and unsubstantial, like mushrooms.



There are, also, waters on them, some clear as crystal, others muddy and poisonous; and it seemed to me that each planet contains a metal. The spirits make use of fruits adapted to their own nature. Some are an occasion of good, inasmuch as man himself directs their influence to good.


Not all the heavenly bodies are inhabited; some are only gardens or storehouses for certain fruits and influences, I see places in which are souls who, although not Christian, yet led good lives on earth. They are now in uncertainty, feeling that some day or other their lot will change ; they are without joy or pain. Like the others, they feed upon certain fruits.


 The moon is chilly and rocky ; full of high mountains, deep cavities, and valleys. She both attracts and repels the earth. Her waters are constantly rising and falling, drawing up masses of vapor from the earth which like great clouds fill up the hollow places ; again they appear to overflow and gravitate so powerfully upon the earth that men become melancholy.


I see in her many human figures flying from light into darkness as if hiding their shame, as if their conscience were in a bad state. This I see more frequently in the centre of the moon. In other parts are fields and thickets in which animals roam. I never saw any worship offered to God on the moon.


The soil is yellow and stony ; the vegetation like pith, fungi, or mushrooms. The moon exerts a wonderful influence over the earth and all nature. Men regard her so wistfully, because one naturally turns to what belongs to him.


I often see descending from her huge clouds like masses of poison which generally hang over the sea ; but the good spirits, the angels, scatter them and render them harmless. Certain low districts on the earth are cursed on account of sin there committed, and over them I see falling poison, darkness, fog. The noblest races live in the most highly favored regions.


" The souls that I see hiding in darkness seem to be without suffering or joy, as if imprisoned till the Day of Judgment. — The moon's light is dull, of a bluish white, and the farther from the moon, the brighter it becomes.


" Comets are full of baneful influences ; they are like birds of passage. — Were there not between them and the earth so great tempests and other influences exercised by the spirits, they might easily do the latter much harm. They are the abodes of the passionate spirits. Their tail, that is their influence, follows as smoke from fire.


" The Milky Way is formed of watery globules like crystals. It seems as if the good spirits bathe therein. They plunge in and pour forth all kinds of dew and blessings like a Baptism.— The sun follows an oval path. It is a beneficent body peopled by holy spirits. It has no heat in itself ; light and heat are generated only around it. It is white and lovely and full of beautiful colors.


" Many of the heavenly bodies are still uninhabited. They are beautiful regions awaiting a future population, gardens and storehouses of certain fruits. One can understand it only by representing to one's self a state perfectly well-regulated, a city, or a great, wonderful household in which nothing is wanting.


Of all these bodies none has the grandeur or the internal force of the earth. The others possess certain special properties, but the earth comprises them all. The sin of Eve made us fall, but we can now become conquerors, for the poorest saint has a higher rank than the highest angel."


Sister Emmerich related the above with the simplicity of a child describing its garden. “When a little girl," she continued, “I used to kneel out in the fields at night in the snow, and look up joyously at the beautiful stars. I said to God : ‘Thou art my true Father, and Thou hast so lovely things in Thy house — now, then, show them to me!’— And He took me by the hand, and showed me everything — it all seemed perfectly natural. Full of joy I gazed at everything. I cared for nothing else."


September 2 ; 1822, she related the following: "I went up steep heights to an aerial garden. I saw on the north eastern horizon, rising like a sun, the figure of a man with a long, pale face, his head covered with a pointed cap. He was strapped with ribands and had a shield on his breast whose inscription, however, I have forgotten.

1822 年 9 月 2 日,她叙述如下:「我登上陡峭的高地,来到一个空中花园。我看到在东北方的地平线上,有一个人的身影像太阳一样升起,他的脸又长又苍白,头上戴着一顶尖尖的帽子。他身披绶带,胸前有一面盾牌,但我已经忘记了上面的铭文。

He bore a sword laced with many-colored ribands. He rose slowly and floated gently over the earth. He waved his sword from right to left and cast the ribands, which interlaced like nets, over some sleeping cities. Upon Russia, Italy, and Spain he scattered pustules and boils, laid a red noose around Berlin, and from there came on to us. The sword was naked. Blood-red streamers like the intestines of animals floated from the hilt, and blood dripped over our land. The figure flew in a zigzag course."


September 11th. — “Off in the southeast rises an angel. In one hand he bears a naked sword, in the other a scabbard full of blood which he pours out on the countries over which he flies. He comes here, too, and pours blood over the cathedral- place in Miinster."

9 月 11 日。 ——「东南方升起一位天神。 他一只手拿着一把赤裸的剑,另一只手握着一个盛鲜血的剑鞘,他将血洒在他所飞过国家。他也来到这里,把血倾倒在明斯特大教堂的上方。」




St. Michael, the Archangel


September 29, 1820. — “I had many wonderful visions of the feasts and apparitions of the Archangel, St. Michael. I was in many parts of the world, and I saw his church in France on a rock in the sea. I saw him as the patron of that country.

1820 年 9 月 29 日——我有许多关于圣弥额尔总领天神的瞻礼和显现的奇妙神视。我在世界的许多地方看到教会庆祝他的瞻礼,我在海中的岩石上看到了他在法国的圣堂。我把他看作法国的主保

I saw how he helped the pious King Louis to gain a victory. On a command from the Mother of God, Louis had invoked Michael and placed his picture on his standard. He also founded an Order of Chevaliers in his honor. I saw St. Michael take the tabernacle from his church and carry it away, and I also saw an apparition of him in Constantinople and many other places, all of which I cannot now recall.


I saw the miracle of the church on Mount Gargano. A great feast was being celebrated. It was attended by a great concourse of pilgrims, their robes tucked up and knobs on their staves. The angel served at the altar with the others." Here Sister Emmerich recounted the miracle of Mount Gargano pretty much as related elsewhere, adding that the site of the church had been designated by a figure traced on the rock with a chalice in his hand. She continues : —


 “Then I went with the Archangel to Rome where there is a church commemorative of one of his apparitions. I think it was built under Pope Boniface and upon a revelation from the Mother of God. I followed him everywhere as he floated above me, grand and majestic, holding a sword and girt round with cords.


A dispute was going on in his church. Numbers were engaged in it, most of them Catholics, though not of much account ; the rest were Protestant sectarians. It seemed as if they were arguing some point of divine worship. But the angel descended and scattered the crowd with his sword, leaving only about forty persons who went on with the service very simply.


When all was over, St. Michael took up the tabernacle with the Most Holy Sacrament and flew away. My guide ordered me to follow. I did so, flying just below the angel toward the east, until we reached the Ganges, when we turned more to the north. On one side lay the Mountain of the Prophets, and there our road began to descend, becoming colder, darker, wilder, until we arrived at a vast ice-plain.


I was seized with terror in this solitude; but some souls appeared to encourage me, among them my mother, Antrienchen, old Soentgen and others. — We came to an immense mill through which we had to pass, and here the souls of my friends left me. The ice kept constantly cracking, the water foamed ; and again I was seized with fear; but my guide gave me his hand and reassured me.


The water that turned the mill ran under the ice, and it was warm. The mill was full of great lords and rulers of all nations and periods who were condemned to grind without intermission toads, serpents, and other disgusting and venomous reptiles, as well as gold, silver and all kinds of costly objects which, when thus deprived of their baneful properties, fell into the water and were borne away to shore.


The lords took turn about and worked like servants. They had constantly to sweep the horrid things under the millstone ; otherwise they would have been much annoyed. The mill appeared to me to be a place of penance for such princes as had involved the affairs of their own and of other states, and had introduced institutions whose pernicious consequences are still felt.


Their souls cannot attain beatitude whilst such consequences exist. These consequences now come to them under the form of hideous reptiles whose destruction will prevent their propagation. The warm water in which all was ground flowed back into the world, carrying with it nothing hurtful.


— As we passed through, one of the souls approached us and quickly swept the reptiles under the millstone, that we might not tread on them. The soul spoke to me, explained the nature of the place, and expressed his own and his companions' satisfaction at our coming that way, as our footsteps loosened a little of the enormous mass of ice ; for, until the whole disappeared, would they have to grind.


We left them, crossing the ice-sea through a deep furrow, (it had such cracks here and there) and then for a time ascended an iceberg, glad to leave behind us a tolerably long track for the poor grinders.


" As we mounted I beheld the Archangel Michael floating above me. The sky became clearer and of a more beautiful blue, and I saw the sun and the other heavenly bodies as I had seen them before in a vision. We went around the whole earth and through all the celestial worlds, in which I saw innumerable gardens with their fruits and signification.


I hope some time to be allowed to enter, for I want to get medicines and recipes to cure pious sick people. I saw the choirs of the blessed and sometimes, here and there, a saint standing in his sphere with his own distinctive insignia. Still soaring upward, we arrived at a world of unspeakably wonderful magnificence.


It was shaped like a dome, like an azure disc, surrounded by a ring of light above which were nine other rings on every one of which rested a throne. These circles were full of angels. From the thrones arose many-colored arches filled with fruits, precious stones, and costly gifts of God, which met in a dome surmounted by three angelic thrones.


The middle one was St. Michael's. Thither he flew and placed the tabernacle on top of the dome. Each of the three angels, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael stood severally over a part of the dome formed by three of the nine angelic choirs, and four great, luminous angels, veiled with their wings, moved constantly around them.


They are the Elohim : Raphiel, Etophiel, Emmanuel, and Salathiel, the administrators and distributors of God's superabundant graces, which they receive from the three archangels and scatter throughout the Church, to the four points of the compass. — Gabriel and Raphael were in long, white robes like a priest's.



Michael wore a helmet with a crest of rays, and his body seemed encased in armor and girt with cords, his robe descending to the knees like a fringed apron. In one hand he held along staff surmounted by a cross under which floated the standard of the Lamb ; in the other was a flaming sword. His feet also were laced.


 “Above the dome lay a still higher world in which I saw the Most Blessed Trinity represented by three figures: the Father, an old man like a high-priest, presenting to His Son on His right the orb of the world ; the Son who held a cross in one hand ; and to the left of the Father stood a luminous winged figure. Around them sat the twenty-four ancients in a circle. The cherubim and seraphim with many other spirits stood around the throne of God hymning incessant praise.


 “In the centre above Michael, stood Mary surrounded by innumerable circles of luminous souls, angels, and virgins. The grace of Jesus flows through Mary to the three archangels, each of whom radiates three kinds of gifts upon three of the nine inferior choirs, These in their turn, pour them forth upon all nature and the whole human race.


“As the tabernacle reposed there, I saw it, by the influx of grace descending upon it from Mary and the co-operation of the whole heavenly court, increase in size until it became first a church and then a great shining city which slowly sank to the earth.


— I know not how it was, but I saw multitudes of living beings, first only their heads and then the whole figure, as if the earth on which they stood were drawing near to me and, at last, they were suddenly landed in the new Jerusalem, the new city which had descended upon the old Jerusalem, and which had now come upon earth. And here the vision ended. I plunged again into the darkness and directed my way homeward


"I had a picture of an immense battle. The whole plain was a mass of dense smoke, and the bushes were full of soldiers who kept up an incessant fire. The place lay low, and there were great cities in the distance. When all seemed lost, St. Michael at the invocation of one of the leaders, swept down with a legion of angels and the victory was instantly gained.


Sister Emmerich knew not the time of this battle, although she said it would happen in Italy, not far from Rome, where many ancient things would be destroyed and many holy things, unknown till then, would come to light. She related what follows : —


 “As I was once very much disgusted and discouraged, on account of the miseries around me and my own personal pains and troubles, I sighed : ‘O that God would grant me even one single day of peace, for I live as if in hell!’— and then came a severe reprimand from my guide: ‘That thou mayest no more compare thy state to hell, I shall show thee hell.' and he led me toward the north by the side on which the earth makes a steep declivity.

「有一次,当我对周围的悲惨和我个人的痛苦与烦恼感到非常厌恶和气馁时,我叹息道:『哦,但愿天主会赐予我哪怕一天的安宁,因为我就像活在地狱里一样 。』这时,护守天神严厉地训斥道:『为了不让你再把你的处境比作地狱,我就带你看看地狱吧!』于是,他带我从地势陡峭的一侧向北走去。

First we mounted high in the air.— I felt that the Mountain of the Prophets was on my right to the east, above which still further eastward I saw Paradise. I was carried northward over steep paths of ice until we reached a horrible region. I felt that we had gone all round the earth, to the steep descents on the north. The way down to hell was wild, dark, and ice-bound.


When I reached the abode of terror, I felt as if I had come to a lower world. I saw a disc, a section of a sphere, and when I think of what I there beheld, I tremble in every limb. I saw everything in confusion : here, a fire, there smoke, everywhere pitchy darkness — a land of unending torments."


September 24, 1820. — "I have had some rough work in the Nuptial House, but I could not finish. With a stiff broom quite unfit for the work, I had to sweep away a quantity of trash ; but I could not succeed. Then my mother came and helped me, as also the soul of her to whom I gave the picture of St. Catherine which I had received in a supernatural manner (1).

1820 年 9 月 24 日——「我在婚房做了一些艰苦的工作,但没能完成。我拿着一把不适合干这活的硬扫帚,想要清扫那一大堆垃圾,但扫帚不合适,我扫不动。这时,我母亲的灵魂出现在我的面前,她来帮助我,我把圣加大利纳的画像交给了她,这幅画是我以超自然的方式得到的。 (1)。

(1)See vol- 1-, chap XII-


She wore a little picture on her breast and conversed with me a long time. They are not yet in heaven but in a very pleasant place where Abraham and good Lazarus were — a charming place, mild and sweet like dew and honey. Its light is like that of the moon, yet white, more like milk. The vision of poor Lazarus was there given me merely that I might know where I was.


Paradise which I again saw, as well as the Mountain of the Prophets, is more joyous, more delightful than Abraham's bosom and full of magnificent creatures. My mother took me to the abodes of the souls. I remember, in particular, a mountain out of which issued a spirit shining with a copper-colored light and bound by a chain.


He stood before me. He had been confined here a long time destitute of all assistance, for no one thought of him, no one helped or prayed for him. He uttered but few words, and yet I learned his whole history of which I still remember a part. During the reign of an English king who waged war upon France, he had commanded an English army in the latter country which he frightfully and cruelly laid waste.


He had been badly reared through his mother's fault, as I saw; but he had always cherished a secret veneration for Mary. Among other acts of violence, he was accustomed to destroy all the pictures he came across. One day passing a most beautiful statue of the Mother of God, he was about to treat it in like manner when he was seized by a certain emotion that restrained him.


He was soon after attacked by a violent fever. He wanted to confess, but he became unconscious and died. His lively repentance obtained for him mercy at the Judgment Seat. He was in a state to receive assistance, but his friends completely forgot him. He told me that he wanted Masses more than all else and that, for a long time past, a very slight assistance would have freed him.


He was not in purgatory, for in purgatory proper souls are not tormented by devils. He was in another place of torment and surrounded by dogs, barking at him and tearing him, because he had during life subjected others to the same cruelty. Sometimes he was bound to a block in different positions and drenched with seething blood which ran through all his veins. The hope of deliverance was his only consolation.


When he had told me the above he disappeared in the mountain, leaving the grass around him scorched and burnt. This was the third time I had seen him.


I was afterward transported with several souls whom the Lord had delivered at my petition, into a Franciscan convent in which a lay-brother was struggling in fearful death-agony. The convent was situated in a mountainous district ; it had not a large community and there were some seculars among them. The dying man had lived there three years.


译者注: 6世纪的《本笃会会规》,有四种修士,第一种为修院修士,第二种为隐修士,第三种为在俗修士,第四种为游修士。

After a misspent life, he had entered the Order to do penance. It was night when I arrived. I found a troop of evil spirits raising a horrible din around the house. It was swept by a tempest. The tiles were flying from the roof, the trees beating up against the windows, and demons, under the form of crows, other sinister birds, and frightful figures, were dashing around the place and even into the cell of the dying man.


Among the assistants at his deathbed, was a holy old monk around whom I saw many souls who had been delivered from purgatory by his prayers. The tumult increased and the monks fled in terror. But the good old man went to the window and adjured the evil spirits in the name of Jesus to say what they wanted.


Then I heard a voice demanding why he wished to deprive them of a soul that had served them for thirty years. But the old monk, all the souls, and I myself resisted the enemy until we forced him to withdraw. He vowed that he would enter into a woman with whom the dying man had long sinned, and torment her till her death. I saw the evil one depart and the sick man die in peace."


September 27, 1820. — " Last night I prayed much for the poor souls. I saw many wonderful things concerning their punishments and the incomprehensible mercy of God. Again I saw the unhappy English captain, and I prayed for him. I saw that the mercy and justice of God are boundless, and that nothing of the good still left in man is ever lost ; for the virtues and vices of a man's ancestors contribute to his salvation or ruin according to his own will and co-operation.

1820 年 9 月 27 日——「昨晚,我为那些可怜的灵魂祈祷了很多。我看到了许多关于灵魂的惩罚和天主难以理解的慈悲的奇妙的事情。我又看到那位不幸的英国船长,我为他祈祷。我看到天主的仁慈和公义是无限的,人身上遗留的美好品质永远不会丧失;因为一个人的祖先的美德和恶行,会根据他自己的意愿和配合,来决定他是得救还是毁灭。

I saw souls receiving by wonderful ways assistance from the treasures of the Church and the charity of her members — all was a real reparation, a full compensation for sin. Mercy and justice, though infinite in God, do not neutralize each other. I saw many states of purification and especially the chastisement of those indolent, easy-going priests who are wont to say : ' I’ll be satisfied with a low place in heaven. I pray, I say Mass, I hear confessions, etc.'


— They have to endure unspeakable torments and they sigh after works of zeal and charity. All the souls that once claimed their assistance now pass in review before them whilst they have to sit idle, though consumed by devouring desires to help those in need. Their sloth has become their spiritual torment, their repose is turned into impatience, their inactivity is now a chain which binds them fast. — These chastisements are not imaginary ; they spring clearly and wonderfully from past offences as disease from a germ.


" I saw the soul of a woman deceased some twenty or thirty years. She was not in purgatory, but in a place of more rigorous punishment. She was not only imprisoned, but also punished in inexpressible pain and affliction. In her arms was a dark-skinned child which she incessantly killed, but which always came to life again. The mother was condemned to wash it white with her tears. Souls can shed tears, otherwise they could not weep in the body.


The poor creature begged my prayers and related to me her fault, or rather I saw it all in a succession of pictures. She belonged to a Polish city and was the wife of an honest man who kept an inn for the accommodation of ecclesiastics and others of retired life. The wife was thoroughly good and pious and had a very holy relative, a missionary in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.


Her husband being obliged to absent himself from home for a short time, there came to lodge at the inn a stranger, a wicked wretch, who, using violence, forced her into sin. This drove her almost mad. She repulsed the miserable man, but he refused to leave the house even when her husband's return drew near. Her agony of mind became frightful.


The fiend suggested to her to poison her seducer, which she actually did, when remorse well-nigh drove her to despair; and, yielding again to the evil one's whisper, she later on destroyed the fruit of her womb. In her misery, she sought a strange priest to whom she might confess. A vagabond disguised as a priest presented himself at the inn. She made her confession to him with unspeakable grief and torrents of tears.


Shortly after she died, but God, in His mercy, was mindful of her bitter repentance ; and, although unabsolved and without the Sacraments, yet He condemned her to the place of punishment wherein I found her. She must by her own satisfaction complete the years God had destined for her child, before which it cannot attain to light.


Such children have a growth in the other world. Five years after her death she appeared to her relative, the priest, during the Holy Mass. I knew the pious old man ; he prayed in union with me.

这样的孩子会在另一个世界成长。在她去世五年后,她在举行神圣弥撒期间显现给她的亲戚—— 一位神父。我认识这位虔诚的老人;他和我一起祈祷。

" On this occasion I saw many things concerning purgatory, and particularly the state of children put to death before or after their birth ; but I cannot relate it clearly, I will pass it over. Of one thing I have always been certain and that is, that all good in soul or body tends to light just as sin if not expiated tends to darkness.


Justice and mercy are perfections in God ; the first is satisfied by the second, by the inexhaustible merits of Jesus Christ and the saints, and by the works of faith, hope, and love performed by the members of His spiritual Body. Nothing done in the Church in union with Jesus is lost.


Every pious desire, every good thought, every charitable work inspired by the love of Jesus, contributes to the perfection of the whole body of the faithful. A person who does nothing more than lovingly pray to God for his brethren, participates in the great work of saving souls."


April 12, 1820. — A young peasant-girl having fallen into sin and dreading her parents' anger, had secretly given birth to a child which died shortly after in consequence of the mother's imprudence. She hid the body away, but it was soon discovered. The affair was deeply afflicting to Sister Emmerich; she suffered and prayed incessantly for the guilty one's repentance.

1820 年 4 月 12 日——一个年轻的农家女孩堕落犯罪,并害怕父母知道后生气,她偷偷生下了一个孩子,但由于母亲的粗心大意,孩子不久就死了。她把孩子的尸体藏了起来,但很快就被发现了。这件事让艾曼丽修女深感痛苦。她为此事受苦,不住地祈求罪人的悔改。

She said : “I know the girl. She came to see me about a year ago, and since Christmas I have often seen her in vision covered up in a mantle. I always had a secret dread of its concealing something bad. I saw her last at the time for her confession, but she was not in good dispositions. I prayed for her and warned her confessor to pay particular attention to her — but she went not near him !


Last night I was occupied with her and greatly distressed at her state. Although she is rather simple, she is not altogether innocent of the child's death. I saw the whole affair and prayed much for her. — Then I remembered the two ex-Jesuits to whom I had gone to confession in my youth, and I thought, 'How piously they lived ! How much good they did ! Nothing like this ever happened in their time!’


— but whilst these thoughts were passing through my mind, the two holy men appeared to me, both in a very good state. One of them led me to his sister with whom he had formerly lived and whom I knew. She was in a very singular place, walled up as it were in a narrow, dark, four-cornered hole in which she could only stand upright ; but she was quite content and patient.


She had many companions in the same position. Soon I saw her pass to a more roomy prison in front of the other. I could never have imagined that so pious a person would have anything to expiate ! She begged me to come oftener to see her. I spoke for some time with the holy old priests and asked them something……


" For a long while I have had interior lights on the state of children dying without Baptism, and I have seen the unspeakable blessings, the treasures they lose when deprived of this Sacrament I cannot express what I feel on beholding their loss ! I am so grieved to hear of such a death that I offer to God my prayers and sufferings in satisfaction for the neglect, that the want of charity in some may be compensated for by the body of the faithful, by myself as one of its members ; therefore it was that I was so distressed about the child of the unhappy girl. I offered myself to God in satisfaction."


April 10, 1820. — " Last night I had a painful vision, a difficult task. Suddenly there stood beside me the shining soul of a good wife of Coesfeld. She had been deeply devoted to her husband who seemed to be a good, pious man, I had not thought of that couple for a long time. The wife died and the husband married again, but I knew not the second wife.

1820 年 4 月 10 日——昨晚。我看到了一个痛苦的神视,一项艰巨的任务。突然间,科斯菲尔德一位好妻子的灵魂闪闪发光站在我的身边。她一直深深地忠于她的丈夫,她丈夫似乎是一个善良虔诚的好人,我已经很久没有想起这对夫妇了。妻子去世后,丈夫又结了婚,但我不认识他的第二位妻子。

The soul said to me : ' At last I have been permitted by God to come to you. My state is a happy one, but my husband's gives me pain. During my last sickness he had with his present wife very sinful intercourse, and now in marriage he does not live with her in a Christian manner. I fear for his soul and that of his wife.’ On hearing this I wondered, for I had always thought him so good.


She told me much more and begged me to warn her husband, who was coming to see me. — I went with her to Coesfeld. I could see distinctly over the whole road, for she shone like a sun. This greatly rejoiced me. I recognized every turn of the road and found many places changed. She led me into her husband's house in which I had often been before ; in it, also, I found changes.


We approached the bed of the married pair who lay asleep. The wife seemed to perceive us, for she sat up. I spoke to her a long time, bidding her reflect on her state and lead her husband to do the same. She promised everything. I think the husband will come to see me and, since the soul has so earnestly begged me to pray for him and give him advice, I feel a little anxious as to how I shall introduce the subject if he does not begin it himself."


上一篇:下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦
下一篇:下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天神—天上的耶路撒冷


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