真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天神—天上的耶路撒冷
下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天神—天上的耶路撒冷
浏览次数:1336 更新时间:2024-5-8

On the morning of October 25th, the Pilgrim found her greatly distressed and terrified. " Last night,' she said, "I had a frightful vision which still haunts me. As I was praying for the dying, I was taken to the home of a wealthy lady who I saw was about to be damned.

10 月 25 日上午,朝圣者发现艾曼丽修女极度痛苦和恐惧。「昨晚,」艾曼丽修女说,「我有一个可怕的神视,至今仍困扰着我。当我要为临终者祈祷时,我被带到一位富有女士的家中,我看到她即将被诅咒。

I struggled with Satan by her bedside, but in vain ; he pushed me back— it was too late ! I cannot express my grief on seeing him carry off the poor soul, leaving the body a distorted, frightful carcass, for so it looked to me. I could not approach it. With the angels I could only gaze upon it from on high.


She had a husband and children. She passed for a worthy person according to the world ; but she had maintained illicit communications with a priest, and this sin of long standing she had never confessed. She had received the last Sacraments. All praised her edifying preparation and resignation ; and yet she was in mental agony on account of her concealment in confession.


Then the devil sent to her one of her friends, a miserable old woman, to whom she expressed her anxiety ; but she urged her to banish such thoughts and beware of giving scandal. The old woman told her not to worry over the past, that she had received the Sacraments to the great edification of her friends, and that she must not now excite suspicion by sending again for the priest, but go in peace to God.


After this harangue, the old woman left the room and gave orders that the dying woman should not be disturbed. The unhappy woman, so near her end, still dwelt with pleasure on the thought of the priest, the accomplice of her guilt. As I drew near I found Satan under the form of this priest praying by her.


She herself prayed not, for she was dying full of bad thoughts. The accursed one prayed in the words of the Psalms : ‘Let Israel hope in the Lord, for in Him is mercy and plentiful redemption,’ etc., etc. He was furious with me. I told him to make a cross over her mouth, which I knew he could not do;  but all my efforts were useless — it was too late, no one could reach her, and so she died ! It was horrible, Satan carrying off her soul ! I wept and cried. — The miserable old woman returned, consoled the relatives, and spoke of her beautiful death.


As I was crossing the bridge on my way from the city, I met some people going to see the dead woman. I thought : ‘Ah! had you seen what I did, you would fly far from her!’ — I am still quite sick, l am trembling in every limb." Scarcely had she finished the above when she begged to be left alone. — They were calling her, she said, she saw something, she must pray — and the Pilgrim, seeing in her countenance that look of abstraction he so well knew, drew the curtain in front of her bed and left her.

我从城里出来过桥的时候,我遇到了一些要去见死去的女人的人。 我心想:『啊!如果你们看到我所看到的,你们就会远远地离开她!』——我仍然病得很重,我四肢都在颤抖。」艾曼丽修女几乎没有讲完上面的事件,她就求让她一个人待会儿。艾曼丽修女说,他们在叫她,她看到了一些事情,必须祈祷。朝圣者从艾曼丽修女脸上看到熟悉的那种出神的表情,遂拉上艾曼丽修女床前的帘子,离开了她。

That afternoon, she related what follows : — “This morning when I asked to be left alone, I saw a dying nun who could not receive Holy Viaticum as the sacristy key was lost. She was in a suppressed convent in which some members of the community still remained, but in secular dress. The others lodged in the neighboring town which had a mixed population of Catholics and Protestants.


They often visited their former companions and gossiped and drank coffee at the bedside of the sick one, who now lay at the point of death and longing for the Blessed Sacrament. Divine service was still held in the church of the convent and the Blessed Sacrament kept there. At the time of which I speak, some careless nun had mislaid the key of the sacristy.


The priest came to administer to the dying sister, but there was no admittance ! The whole house was thrown into confusion, a general search was instituted, the nuns ran talking here and there, and at last the priest went away. I saw it all, and I also saw that the nun was absolutely dying though none knew it.


My guide ordered me to pray, and I remember not how, but the key was immediately found in a crevice near the fireplace where a sister had laid and forgotten it. The priest was recalled, the Sacraments administered, and the nun died. I did not know the religious, nor do I now remember where it all took place.


 “In the same city in which the unhappy lady died, I attended the deathbed of an author. The good man had written some things against his conscience, but of which he had quite lost sight. He had confessed and received all the last Sacraments, and was now left alone by the advice of some individuals inspired by the enemy of souls.


Then Satan suggested to him all kinds of thoughts calculated to drive him to despair, filling his imagination with images of people who reproached him with the harm done by his writings. He fell into an agony of despair, and so was about to die abandoned by all. Then it was that my guide took me to him.


I had by my prayers to disquiet his confessor and make him hurry back to the dying man. The latter recognized him, but begged not to be disturbed, as he had business with the people present. The priest seeing that he was delirious, sprinkled him with holy water and made him kiss something that he wore around his neck.


The dying man recovered his senses and told the priest the mental anguish that had so suddenly come upon him. This time the accursed one was caught in his own net ; for, had he not driven the man to despair, he never would have recalled what now troubled him. He had his papers hunted up, the priest put them in order before witnesses, and the man died in peace. — I have had also to assist at the deathbed of many young people who had gone astray through love of dancing. They died happily."


On September 21st, a notorious drunkard died suddenly at Diilmen in a state of intoxication. Sister Emmerich saw his horrible state all night, the devils lying around him, suckling him under the form of young dogs.

9 月 21 日,一名臭名昭著的酒鬼在杜尔门因醉酒而突然地死去。艾曼丽修女整晚都看到了他可怕的状态,恶魔们躺在他周围,以幼犬的形式吸吮他。

October 28, 1821. — “Last night, I saw the holy maiden Ermelinda, a most innocent child, who in her twelfth year was introduced to a youth whom her parents intended she should marry. She was noble and rich, and resided in an elegant mansion. One day as she ran to the door to meet the youth, Jesus appeared to her, saying ; ' Dost thou not love me more than him, Ermelinda ?’

1821 年 10 月 28 日——「昨晚,我看到了圣洁的少女艾梅琳达,她是一个极纯真的孩子,她在十二岁时被介绍给一个年轻人,她父母打算把她嫁给那年轻人。艾梅琳达高贵而富有,住在一座致雅的宅邸里。一天,当她跑到门口去见那青年时,耶稣向她显现,对她说:『你不是爱我胜过爱他吗,艾梅琳达?』


— In transports of joy, she exclaimed : ‘Yes, my Lord Jesus !' — Then Jesus led her back into her room and gave her a ring with which He espoused her. Ermelinda at once cut off her beautiful hair, and informed her parents and the youth that she had pledged her troth to God. — I begged the saint to take me to the dying and to the poor souls, and I think I travelled with her through Holland, a most tiresome journey, over water, marshes, bogs, and ditches.


I went to poor people who could get no priest, so far over the water did they live, I consoled them, prayed for them, assisted them in various ways, and went on further toward the north. I cannot say exactly where purgatory lies. But when going there I generally journey northward for awhile when leaving the earth by a gloomy, difficult road of water, snow, briars, swamps, etc., I descend by dark, aerial paths as if far under the earth to dismal places of different degrees of cold, fog, and obscurity.


I go around among souls in higher or lower positions, of more or less difficult access. Last night I went among them all, consoling them and receiving their commissions for various labors. I had to say right off the Litany of the Saints and the Seven Penitential Psalms. My guide warned me to guard carefully against impatience and to offer every vexation for the poor souls.


The other morning I almost forgot his admonition and was on the point of yielding to impatience, but I repressed it. I am very glad I did so, and I thank my good angel for helping me. No words can say what immense consolation the poor souls receive from a little sacrifice, a trifling self-victory."


November 2, 1821. — For fourteen days, Sister Emmerich had been constantly occupied with the poor souls, offering for them prayers, mortifications, alms, and spiritual labors, and arranging numerous things to be given away on the Feast of All-Souls. She related the following : — " I went again with the saints to purgatory.

1821 年 11 月 2 日——十四天来,艾曼丽修女一直在为这些可怜的炼灵做补赎,为他们献上祈祷、克己、施舍和属灵工作,并在诸圣瞻礼上安排了要分发的东西。她说:——「我又和圣人们一起去了炼狱。

The prisons of the souls are not all in the same place, they are far apart and very different. The road to them often lies over ice-bergs, snow, and clouds ; sometimes it winds all around the earth. The saints float lightly by me on luminous clouds of various colors, according to the different kinds of help and consolation their good works entitle them to bestow.


I had to travel painful, rugged paths, praying the while and offering it all for the souls. I reminded the saints of their own sufferings, and offered them to God in union with the merits of Jesus Christ for the same intention. The abodes of the souls differ according to each one's state, yet they all struck me as being round like globes.


I can compare them only to those places which I call gardens and in which I see certain graces preserved like fruits ; so, too, are these sojourns of the souls like gardens, storehouses, worlds full of disagreeable things, privations, torments, miseries, anguish, etc., etc., and some are much smaller than others.


When I arrive I can clearly distinguish their round form and perhaps a ray of light falling upon some point, or twilight on the horizon. Some are a little better than others, but in none can the blue sky be seen, all are more or less dark and obscure. In some the souls are near one another and in great agony ; some are deeper down, others higher and clearer.


The places in which souls are separately confined are also of various forms : for instance, some are shaped like ovens. They who were united on earth are together in purgatory only when they have need of the same degree of purification. In many places the light is colored, that is fiery, or of a dull red. There are other abodes in which evil spirits persecute, frighten, and torment the souls, and these are the most horrible.


One would take them for hell, did not the inexpressibly touching patience of the souls proclaim the contrary. Words cannot describe their consolation and joy when one among them is delivered. There are also places for penitential works, as those in which I once saw them raising and storming ramparts, the women on the islands cultivating the fruits which were taken away on rafts, etc.


These souls are in a less suffering state ; they can do something for others worse off than themselves. It may be symbolical, but it is symbolical of truth. The vegetation is scanty and stunted, the fruits the same; yet they afford relief to those still more needy. Kings and princes are often thrown with those whom they once oppressed and whom they now serve in humble suffering.


I have seen in purgatory Protestants who were pious in their ignorance ; they are very desolate, for no prayers are offered for them. I saw souls passing from a lower to a higher grade to fill up the vacancies left by some who had finished their purgation. Some can go around giving and receiving consolation. It is a great grace to be able to appear and beg help and prayers.


I have also seen the places in which some souls canonized on earth were purified ; their sanctity had not reached its perfection in their lifetime. I went to many priests and churches and ordered Masses and devotions for the souls. I was at Rome in St. Peter's, near noble ecclesiastics, Cardinals, I think, who had to say seven Masses for certain souls. I know not why they had omitted doing so.


Whilst they were being said, I saw the neglected souls, dark and sad, gathered around the altar ; they exclaimed, as if hungry : ' We have not been fed for so long, so long !' — I think it was foundation Masses that had been neglected. The confiscation of foundations for Masses for the dead is, as I see, unspeakable cruelty and a theft committed against the poorest of the poor.


On my route I saw few if any of the living, but I met souls, angels, and saints, and I saw many of the effects of prayer. During these days, I have had to drag to the confessional and to church many people who otherwise would never have gone."


Sister Emmerich spent the whole day in prayer for the souls and recited for them the Office of the Dead. The wounds in her breast and side bled so copiously that her garments were saturated. When the Pilgrim visited her in the evening, he found her in ecstatic prayer. About half an hour after, her confessor entered the room.


Sister Emmerich suddenly left her bed, walked with a sure, firm step to the astonished Father and, prostrating at his feet, attempted to kiss them. Father Limberg drew back in confusion but, at last, yielded to her desires ; then kneeling, she begged his blessing for herself and the souls with her.


She remained thus in prayer several moments, again asked a blessing for the souls, and rising returned quickly to her bed. Her forehead was bathed in perspiration, but her countenance glowed with joy. She was in ecstasy. The next day when the Pilgrim related to her the scene of the preceding evening, she could scarcely credit what she heard, although she distinctly remembered that some souls, former penitents of Father Limberg, had begged her to kiss his feet and ask him for his benediction.


“It was very painful to me," she said, “that he showed so much reluctance and did not rightly understand me;  besides, as he did not give the blessing with firm faith, I still had something to do last night for the souls."

艾曼丽修女说,「神父表现出如此不情愿,没有真正理解我,这使我非常痛苦;此外,由于他没有以坚定的信德给予祝福,我昨晚需要为炼灵做补赎 。」

Nov. 2, 1822. — “Last night I had much to do in purgatory. I went northward and, as it seemed, around the pole of the globe. I saw the icebergs above me ; and yet, purgatory does not appear to be at the centre, for I can see the moon. In going around among the prisons, I tried to make an opening that a little light might enter.

1822 年 11 月 2 日——昨晚我在炼狱中有很多事情要做。我向北走,来到了北极,那是地球的最北端。我看到了上面的冰山;然而,炼狱似乎不在冰山的中心,因为我能看见月亮。我在炼狱里转来转去,想挖一个洞,让光线可以进来。

The outside looks like a shining black wall in the form of a crescent ; inside are innumerable chambers and passages, high and low, ascending and descending. Near the entrance it is not so bad, the souls are free to move around ; but further on they are more strictly imprisoned. Here lies one stretched as it were in a hole, a ditch, there several are together in different positions, higher and lower ; sometimes, one is seen seated on high as if on a rock.


The further we penetrate, the more frightful it becomes, for demons there exercise their power. It is a temporary hell in which souls are tormented by horrible spectres and hideous forms that wander around, persecuting and terrifying their victims.


 “I see also in purgatory a place of devotion, a sort of church in which the souls at times receive consolation. They turn their eyes wistfully toward it as we do to our churches. The souls are not helped directly from heaven. They receive relief only from earth from the living, who can discharge their debts by prayers, good works, acts of mortification and self-renunciation ; but, above all, by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered to the Judge.


Leaving this place, I went northward over the ice to where the earth's circumference decreases (1), and I saw purgatory as one sees the sun or moon very low in the horizon. Then we passed over a cylinder, a street, a ring," (she could not find the right word) " and came to another part of purgatory semi-circular in shape. Some distance to the left is the mill ; to the right are works and intrenchments.

离开这个地方,我向北越过冰层,来到地球园周变小的地方(1),我看到了炼狱,就像一个人看到太阳或月亮刚刚露出在地平线一样。 然后我们经过一个圆柱,一条街道,一个圆环,(她找不到合适的词),来到了炼狱半圆形的另一部分。左边一段距离是磨坊;右边是工程和壕沟。

1 July 15, 1820 — I saw the earth in darkness, and more like an egg than a globe. Toward the north the descent is the steepest ; it seems longest toward the east. The perpendicular descent is always toward the north."

(原注1) 1820 年 7 月 15 日——我看到黑暗中的大地,与其说地球是(园的),倒不如说像一个鸡蛋(椭圆的)。向北下降的斜坡是最陡峭的;向东的下坡似乎是最长的。垂直下降总是朝向北方。

I never see any visitor in purgatory, excepting my guide ; but away off on the earth, I behold here and there anchorets, religious, and poor devout people, praying, doing penance, and laboring for the dear souls. This part of purgatory belongs to the Catholic Church. The sects are separated here as on earth, and they suffer much more, since they have no members praying for them and no Holy Sacrifice.


 The souls of males may be distinguished from those of females only on close examination. One sees figures, some darker, some brighter, the features drawn with pain, but at the same time full of patience. The sight of them is inexpressibly touching. Nothing is more consoling than their gentle endurance, their joy at the deliverance of their fellow- sufferers, their sympathy in one another's pain and for all newcomers. I have seen children there, too.


 “Most of the souls are expiating their levity, their so-called small sins, their neglect of trifling acts of condescension, of kindness, and of little self-victories. The connection of the souls with earth is something very sensitive, inasmuch as they experience great relief from even an ardent desire formed by the living to soothe and lighten their pains. O how charitable is he, how much good does he not do who constantly overcomes self for them, who longs ever to help them !"


During this holy season, day and night, was Sister Emmerich consumed by thirst, but never did she try to allay the fever that parched her with its withering blast — all for the poor souls, all for the dear souls !


November 3d — " I have been in a region before purgatory, in the ice country near the mill in which princes, kings, and rulers have to grind as formerly they made men and horses do. They have to grind ice and all sorts of choice food and precious objects which women bring to the mill, and which when ground are thrown to the dogs.

11 月 3 日——「我曾在去炼狱之前到过一个地区,在冰原国家附近的磨坊里,王子、国王和统治者不得不推磨,就像以前他们命令人和马那样做一样。他们必须磨冰、磨各种各类的食物和贵重的物品,这些东西是由妇女带到磨坊的,他们磨碎后就扔给狗吃。

Their former servants are now their task-masters." Sister Emmerich spoke of the road by which she went to purgatory and the countries through which she passed. She seems to have travelled through Asia toward the north pole, passing through the ancient land of Oshemschids into another in which rises a lofty mountain full of monkeys large and small. When it is too cold for them on one side of the mountain, they run to the other.


She afterwards came “to a land whose inhabitants are clothed in skins. They are an ugly, long-haired race who live miserably and are drawn by dogs whose instincts are so sharp that they may be intrusted with whole sledges of merchandise which they convey in safety to their destination without a driver. There are both whites and blacks here, but the latter are not natives.


The inhabitants hunt small, long-bodied animals for the sake of their fur. These animals have long ears and short legs and are not so pretty as these at the foot of the Mountain of the Prophets. They are found still further north. There is here a region of marshes and deserts, which is a little warmer, as if the morning sun sometimes shone upon it. I saw some of the animals I have just mentioned running around, and here and there miserable looking little people with flat noses. The vegetation is scanty."


Sister Emmerich went on to describe the country, but not as inhabited — all is dark and foggy in the black distance. Passing over the metal street or ring, as she calls it, she loaches purgatory under which is hell, deep down toward the centre of the earth, “On such journeys,” she says, " the moon appears to me very large and full of cavities and volcanoes ; but all on it is stony, like coral trees. It both attracts and discharges quantities of vapor, as if absorbing fluids to pour them forth again. I never saw people like ourselves on the moon, or in any of the stars, of which many are like dead, burnt-out bodies. I saw souls and spirits in them, but no beings like men."


November 4th — " I know not where I have been, nor why I had the following vision : I was taken into a beautiful mansion in which a lady showed me exquisite pagan statuary belonging to her husband. We descended, passing through doorways so low that we were obliged almost to creep through them. The statues grew uglier and uglier as we descended, becoming at last quite horrible.

11 月 4 日——我不知道自己去了哪里,也不知道为什么会有这样的异象:我被带进一座美丽的宅邸,一位女士向我展示了她丈夫精美的异教雕像。我们下了楼,穿过那些低矮的门道,我们几乎不得不匍匐过去。我们越往下走,雕像变得越来越丑陋,最后变得非常可怕。

Then came a gentleman who took me through galleries of the most lovely pictures, each more beautiful than the last. I often thought : ' Ah ! If the Pilgrim could only see this!’ The longer we stood gazing at them the more exquisite their loveliness became. At last we left the place, and I had another vision.


I saw a Protestant with his Catholic wife going through room after room filled with works of art. He pointed out the vaulted halls with their treasures of paintings and curiosities in which he took the greatest delight. I heard the wife say that he practised idolatry toward all these things, that he should rather think upon God and His Church. The husband replied that it was his opinion that God loves every honest man, religion is but a secondary consideration.


The wife replied that it is not so, adding that when near him she felt her faith weakened, but that one lesson of her youth (here she named it) she had ever carefully practised. Then I saw her take him into a vault in which his ancestors were entombed. The hollow, but powerful voice of one of them now sounded from a tomb containing but mould and dust, and for a long time addressed the husband in broken words.


It was in the gentleman's power, he said, to make good what he himself had neglected in life, he had the means, nothing prevented him. Then he spoke of the domain he had forcibly wrested from its rightful owner, of his falling off from the Church, of the numbers who followed his example, and of the misery and confusion it had entailed.


Balls, amusements, the fine arts were not the things for his descendants ; his people would be given over to the wolves which would tear them to pieces and fatten on their substance ; therefore, he should hearken to his commands, restore the true faith, and give back to the Church what belonged to her. If he delayed this work of restitution, he would lose all his wealth and nothing would remain to him but the dust of the tomb.


 “During this long discourse, in which the whole family history was set forth, the gentleman swooned repeatedly and more than once tried to make his escape ; but his wife held him tenderly in her arms, encouraging him to remain and hear all. I have forgotten what followed and I know not what fruit the exhortation produced.


The father of the gentleman, who I think already had two children, was still alive, but imbecile. This son was soon to take entire charge of the family estate. He was fondly attached to his wife, who had great influence over him. I had this vision in the morning and when I was perfectly awake."




Suffering Souls of the Crucified Fanatics, of Wilden Bucher near Zurich


October 19, 1823. — "I have been to purgatory where I saw several members of Mme. Krudener's sect, some of the late martyrs. They were not in the purgatory of Catholics, but in places like ditches below or around it, some at the bottom, others nearer the top. They had been led into error by ignorance.

1823 年 10 月 19 日——「我去了炼狱,在那里我看到了克鲁德纳夫人教派的几名成员,其中一些是殉道者。他们不是在天主教徒的炼狱中,而是在它下面或周围的沟渠里,有些在最底层,有些靠近顶部。他们因无知而误入歧途。

They could speak to the poor Catholic souls whom they earnestly implored to warn their friends on earth of their errors, that thereby they might return to the Church. But the souls replied that they could do nothing, that only the living can pray and work and have Masses said." — (Sister Emmerich seemed to be charged with their deliverance, for she enjoined upon all to whom she gave alms to hear Holy Mass, and she also procured Masses to be said).


"I was told how the devil had urged on these people to those frightful murders and crucifixions. He rendered them insensible to pain. I saw that many of them are eternally lost. I learned, also, that a still more subtle sect is about to be formed." (That of Honnhoefer). "I saw that some of the demons whom Christ chained on his descent into hell have been let loose and that this sect was raised up by them. I saw that some are let loose every second generation."

 我被告知,魔鬼是如何怂恿这些人去进行那些可怕的谋杀和钉人十字架上。魔鬼使他们对痛苦失去了知觉。我看到他们中的许多人永远丧失了灵魂。我还了解到,一个更狡猾的教派即将形成。」(Honnhoefer)。 「我看到基督在下阴府时捆绑的一些恶魔已经被释放了,这个教派是由牠们兴起的。我看到每隔二代就有一些恶魔被释放。」



Habitations of the Heavenly Jerusalem


On January 8, 1820, Dean Overberg had sent to Sister Emmerich by Father Niesing a reliquary in the shape of a tower, which the reverend gentleman carried under his arm from Minister to Diilmen. Sister Emmerich knew nothing of the precious present destined for her, and yet she beheld Father Niesing journeying with a white flame under his arm.

1820 年 1 月 8 日,奥弗伯格院长通过聂辛神父送给艾曼丽修女一个塔形的圣髑盒,这位可敬的绅士将它夹在他的胳膊下,从明斯特一直带到杜尔门。艾曼丽修女对这份要送给她的珍贵礼物一无所知,但她却看见聂辛神父腋下夹带着一团白色的火焰,一路前行。

 “I was surprised.” she said, " that it did not burn him and I could scarcely restrain a laugh at seeing him so perfectly unconscious of the many-colored flames like the rainbow that he was carrying with him. At first I saw only the colored light ; but, as he drew near, I saw the vase also. He carried it past my lodgings and all through the town.


I could not understand it, and it made me sad when I thought he was going to carry it away by the other gate. The relics it contained attracted my attention. I felt that there were some very ancient ones and some of a more recent period which, at the time of the Anabaptists, had been removed from their shrines."


[译注:再洗礼派the Anabaptists,新教改革的一个派别。]

The next day, Father Niesing delivered the reliquary to Sister Emmerich. She received it with expressions of joy and gratitude and, on the 12th of January, related the following vision respecting one of the relics it contained : " I saw the soul of a youth approaching me under a luminous form and in a robe something like my guide.

次日,聂辛神父将圣髑盒交给了艾曼丽修女。她带着喜悦和感激的心情接受了它,并在 1 月 12 日讲述了关于其中一件圣髑的以下异象:「我看到一发光的年轻人的灵魂,穿着一件类似我的护守天神那样的长袍,显现给我。

A white aureola surrounded him and he told me that he had gained heaven by chastity and victories over nature. It had even been a help to him to refrain from gathering roses which he very much loved. — Then I had a vision in which I saw this youth as a boy of thirteen, playing with his companions in a beautiful large garden. He wore a plaited hat, a tight yellow jacket, open in front, the sleeves trimmed around the wrist.


His small-clothes and stockings were all in one and laced tightly up the side with another color; he wore knee-buckles and shoes strapped with ribands. The garden-hedges were neatly trimmed and there were scattered around many rustic ornaments and summer-houses, square outside and round within.


There were also orchards and at work in them men clothed very much in the way I used to dress up the shepherds for our Christmas Crib in the convent. The garden belonged to distinguished people of the neighboring city, and was open to the public. The boys went gaily along gathering red and white roses from the numerous rose-hedges ; but the youth, of whom I speak, overcame his desire to do the same.


His companions teased him by holding their great, great bouquets under his nose. Here the blessed spirit said to me : ‘I was prepared for this little victory over self by one much greater— -I had a playmate, a beautiful little girl, one of our neighbors, whom I dearly loved with an innocent affection. My pious parents often took me to hear a sermon and once the preacher warned his hearers against such intimacies. I did violence to my feelings, shunned the company of the little girl, and from this victory I gained strength to renounce the roses.'


As he spoke, I saw the little maiden, delicate and blooming as a rose, walking in the city. I also saw the handsome house of the youth's parents situated in a large business-square, in which was a fountain enclosed by a beautiful iron railing artistically wrought in life-size figures. From the centre of the basin arose a figure from which spouted the water.


At the four corners of the square were little buildings like sentry-boxes. The city lay in a fertile region bounded on one side by a ditch and on the other by a tolerably large river. I cannot say exactly where it was, but it looked like a German city. It had about seven churches, but no remarkable steeple. The roofs of the houses were slanting, the fronts square with covered archways. The youth's father was a rich cloth and wine merchant.


Before his house stood wagons laden with merchandise. I entered and saw the father, the mother, and several children, a pious Christian household The father, a tall, stout man, was elegantly dressed and wore a leathern purse at his side. The mother, a stately lady above the middle height, was dressed in red and brown with a rich, though odd-looking head-dress. Her hair was rolled above her forehead and fastened by a silver clasp ; on the back of her head was a pointed cap of broad lace from which hung wide ribands. The youth was the eldest of the children.


 “The picture changed, and I saw the youth sent to study in a solitary convent about twelve leagues from the city on a mountain covered with vineyards. He was very industrious and so full of confidence in the Mother of God that, when he found something too difficult in his books, he turned earnestly to his picture of Mary ; ' Thou didst teach thy Son,’ he would say, ' thou art my mother also. then, teach me, too !' — and Mary used to appear and help him out of his difficulty.

「画面变了,我看见这个年轻人被送到离城大约十二法里的一座偏僻的修道院里学习,山上长满了葡萄树。他非常勤奋,对圣母充满信心,当他发现书中的课程太难时,他就诚恳地转向圣母玛利亚圣像;『您教导过您的儿子,』他说,『您也是我的母亲。那你也教教我吧!』 ——圣母玛利亚常常显现,帮助他摆脱困境。

He was full of simplicity and confidence. His piety won for him the esteem of all who knew him, but his great humility would not allow him to enter the priesthood. After three years in the convent, the last of which was passed on a sickbed, he died and was buried among the deceased religious.


He was only in his twenty-third year. Among his acquaintances was a man about thirty years old, who often fell into sin from the violence of passion. He had great confidence in the deceased and, several years after, he came to pray at his grave. The youth appeared to him, exhorted him to good, and told him to look on his corpse for a certain mark which he gave him as a sign that he had really appeared to him.


— The mark was on his finger in the form of a ring which he had received at his betrothal to Jesus and Mary. The friend reported what had happened, the body was disinterred, the mark found, and the finger taken off to be preserved as a relic. The youth has never been canonized. He reminded me very much of St. Aloysius Gonzaga in his ways.


" The youth took me to a place like the Heavenly Jerusalem, for it was all shining and transparent. We went to a great circular place surrounded by beautiful, sparkling palaces. In the centre stood a large table covered with dishes perfectly indescribable. From four of the palaces stretched arches of flowers which united above the table in a magnificent crown around which sparkled the holy names of Jesus and Mary.


It was not a production of art, it was all alive and growing, each part producing fruit according to its kind, the arches formed of most varied flowers, fruits, and shining figures. I knew the signification of each and everyone, not only symbolically but as a substance, an essence which penetrated and enlightened the mind like sunbeams — but I can-not express it in words.


On one side, a little beyond the palaces, stood two octagonal churches; one was Mary's, the other the Christ-Child's. As I approached, there floated from all parts of the shining palaces, even through the walls innumerable souls of deceased children who came to bid me welcome. They appeared at first in the usual spiritual form ; but afterward they were shown me as they were during life.


I recognized several of my play-fellows long since dead. Among them was little Caspar, Diericke's little brother, a frolicsome, though not a bad child, who had died in his eleventh year after a long and very painful illness. He showed me all around and explained everything. I wondered to see naughty little Caspar now so fine and beautiful.


I expressed my surprise at being there, when he said : ' Yes, thy feet have not brought thee here ; it was thy good life!' — and this gave me great joy. As I did not recognize him right away, he said: ‘Don't you remember how I sharpened your knife once ? I overcame myself in that, and it turned out to my own good. Your mother had given you something to cut, but your knife was too dull ; you cried, for you were afraid your mother would scold.


I was looking on, and my first thought was : Now, let's see what her mother will do to her ! But my second thought was : I’ll sharpen the poor little thing's knife. I did it. I helped you, and all for the good of my own soul. Do you remember the day when the children were playing so naughtily ? You said it was a wicked game, they must not play it, and then you went and sat down by the ditch and cried. I went to you, and asked why you would not play with us.


You answered that some one had led you away by the arm. I thought over it and resolved not to play such games anymore ; and that, too, was for my own good. And do you remember the day we all went together to gather fallen apples ? You said we ought not to do it, but I replied that, if we did not take them, others would. Then you said that we must never give any one a subject for scandal, and you would not touch them. I remarked that also and drew a lesson from it.


— One day, I threw a bone at you, but something drew you suddenly aside from the stroke, and that went to my heart,’ — -and so, little Caspar went on recalling all sorts of incidents by which I saw that we receive for every self-victory, for every good action, a special reward, a certain kind of food which we eat in this sense that we have the full perception of it. It shines in us — but it is inexpressible !


We did not sit down at the table ; we floated from one end to the other, tasting a particular enjoyment for every act of self-renunciation. A voice was heard proclaiming : ' Only he can comprehend this nourishment who partakes of it.’   — The food consisted for the most part of marvellous flowers, fruits, sparkling stones, figures, and herbs of quite another, of a more spiritual substance than those here below.


They were served in glittering, transparent dishes of indescribable beauty, and they furnished wonderful strength to those who, by such or such an act of renunciation performed on earth, were brought into a certain relation with one or other of them. The table was covered with little crystal, pear-shaped glasses, like those in which I used to receive health-giving beverages, out of which we drank.


One of the first dishes was marvellously prepared myrrh. On a golden plate stood a small covered cup on which was a knob surmounted by a delicate little crucifix. Around the rim of the plate were violet-blue letters which I could not make out, but I will understand them after awhile. From the plate grew the most lovely bunches of myrrh, yellow and green, in the form of pyramids, reaching to the top of the cup.


There were tiny crisp leaves with blossoms like carnations of uncommon beauty, above which was a red bud surrounded by the most exquisite violet-blue flowers. The bitterness of the myrrh was changed for the spirit into a wonderful aromatic and strengthening sweetness. I shared in this dish, because of the bitterness of heart I had silently borne all my life.


For the fallen apples that I would not touch, I now received a whole branch of apples glittering with light, and I had a dish also for the quantities of dry bread I had distributed to the poor, It looked like sparkling colored crystals shaped like loaves of bread. The plate, likewise, was of crystal. For shunning the improper game, I received a white robe.


Little Caspar explained everything to me as we went around the table. I saw intended for me a little stone on a plate which I had once received in the convent, and I was told that before my death I should receive a white robe and a stone on which would be inscribed a name which only I could read. At the end of the table, the love of one's neighbor received its reward, white robes, white fruits, great white roses, and all kinds of wonderful dishes and objects of dazzling whiteness. I cannot describe them.


Then little Caspar said : ' Now, you must see here what we have in the shape of cribs, for you always loved to play with them,’ and we all went to the churches, first into that of the Mother of God in which the sweetest singing was constantly going on. In it was an altar upon which all the scenes from Mary's life were incessantly succeeding one another, and all around, row above row, were crowds of worshippers.


We had to pass through this church to reach the little crib which was in the other church, the church of the Christ-Child. In it, also, was an altar upon which was a representation of His Birth and successive scenes of His life up to the institution of the Blessed Sacrament, as I always see them in vision."


Here Sister Emmerich interrupted her narrative to exhort the Pilgrim to labor more ardently at his salvation, to do what he can to-day, not to put off till to-morrow, for life is so short and judgment rigorous! She continued: “From the church I mounted to a higher region, to a garden full of magnificent fruits, richly ornamented tables, and cases of elegant gifts. On all sides I saw souls floating who, by their studies and writings, had been useful to others.


They were dispersed throughout the garden singly and in groups, and they paused at the different tables to receive their respective rewards. In the centre of the garden arose a semicircular structure in tiers. It was laden with the most exquisite objects, and from the front and sides extended arms holding books.


The garden opened by a beautiful gate on to a road along which came a superb procession. All the souls crowded over to that side of the garden and ranged in two rows to welcome the new-comers, a troop of souls escorting the lately deceased Count von Stolberg. They advanced in regular order with banners and garlands. Four bore upon their shoulders (but without weight) a litter of state in which the Count half reclined.


They who went to meet the procession also had flowers and crowns. Stolberg wore a crown formed principally of white roses. sparkling gems, and stars; it rested not on his head but hovered just over it. The souls all appeared at first under similar forms, like those I saw lower down in the children's heaven ; but afterward each assumed the garb that distinguished him on earth.


I saw that they were only such as had by their labors and teaching led others to salvation. Stolberg descended from the litter, which then disappeared, and advanced toward the gifts prepared for him. I saw an angel standing behind the semicircular tiers, to whom the surrounding spirits gave books one after another. After he had erased something from them or written something in them, he laid them on two stands at his side.


Then he gave to the spirits writings, great and small, which they passed on from one to another. On one side I saw an extraordinary number of little pamphlets circulated by Stolberg. It seemed to be a continuation in heaven of the earthly labors of those souls. Then Stolberg received a large, transparent plate in the centre of which stood a beautiful golden chalice.


Around it were grapes, little loaves, precious stones, and tiny crystal flasks. The chalice was not stationary as upon the plate of myrrh. The souls drank from it, as also from the flasks, and they partook of the other things for Stolberg passed them around.


In their communication, I often saw the souls giving their hand to one another. Then all went up on high to give thanks. After this vision my guide told me that I must go to Rome, to excite the Pope to greater ardor in prayer, and he explained to me all that I should have to do. "


上一篇:下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天神—天上的耶路撒冷
下一篇:下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省的罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦


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