真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省的罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省的罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦
浏览次数:1337 更新时间:2024-5-12


Prayer and Sufferings for Pope Pius VII, for the Ecclesiastical Province of the Upper Rhine for the Conversion of Sinners, and for the Dying. — Tableaux of Feasts.


为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省的罪人的悔改、为临终者祈祷和受苦。 ——瞻礼的画面。


1. Pius VII.

1. 庇护七世

The last five years of Pius VII. 's pontificate were a time of trial not less severe than that of former years ; viz., his arrest by Napoleon's minions, his imprisonment, and the ill-treatment attending it. We may reasonably conclude that captivity was far less painful to the august and magnanimous sufferer than the network of deceit, treason, and artifice spread by his enemies around the Holy See, to prevent the discharge of his duties as Supreme Pastor toward the Church in Germany.


During these two periods of his pontificate, fraught with anxiety and suffering, Sister Emmerich was, perhaps, the most remarkable of the hidden instruments destined by Almighty God to serve the Pope against his adversaries. As at a later period Gregory XVI. and Pius IX. found their faithful auxiliary in Maria von Moerl, so did Sister Emmerich during the whole reign of Pius VII. faithfully typify the apostolic community at Jerusalem earnestly supplicating for Peter imprisoned by Herod (1). The very small part she was able to communicate is quite sufficient to convince us both of the truth of her visions and the vast extent of her mission.

在他担任教宗的这两个时期,充满焦虑和痛苦,艾曼丽修女也许是全能天主指定的,要为教宗服务以对抗他的对手的最出色的隐藏工具。就像后来的额我略十六和庇护九世找到了玛丽亚·冯·莫尔(Maria von Moerl)作为他们忠实的助手一样,在庇护七世的整个统治期间,艾曼丽修女也充当了这个助手,忠实地代表耶路撒冷的宗徒团体为被黑落德囚禁的伯多禄恳切祈求(1)。她能够叙述的很小一部分就足以让我们相信她的异象的真实性和她的使命的广泛性。

 (1) Acts, xxii. 5.


Nov. 15, 1819. — “I had to go to Rome, for the Pope is too yielding to his enemies in weighty affairs. There is a black man in Rome who knows how to attain his ends by flattery and promises. He hid behind some Cardinals. The Pope in the hope of obtaining a certain advantage has consented to something which will turn out to the prejudice of the Church. I saw it under the form of conferences and an exchange of writings.

 1819 年 11 月 15 日——我不得不去罗马,因为教宗在重大事务上过于让步他的敌人。罗马有一个黑人知道如何通过奉承和许诺来达到他的目的。他躲在一些枢机主教身后。教宗为了获得某种利益而同意了一些最终会损害教会的事情。我是在会议和书信交流的形式下看到的。

Then I saw the black man proudly boasting to his party : ‘Now, I have it ! Now, we'll soon see where the rock is upon which the Church is built ! ' — But he was too quick with his boasting. I had to go to the Pope who was kneeling in prayer. I seemed to hover over him. — It was very strange! I repeated earnestly the message entrusted to me for him, but there seemed to be something between us, and he spoke not.


Suddenly he arose, touched a bell, and sent for a Cardinal whom he commissioned to recall the concession that had been granted. The Cardinal looked thunder-struck, and asked whence came this change. The Pope answered that he would give no explanation. ‘Let it suffice,' said he, ‘that it must be so,' and the Cardinal went away stupefied. I saw many people in Rome deeply saddened by the intrigues of the black man, who looks like a Jew.


 “I went afterward to Minister to the Vicar-General. He was seated at a table, reading a book. I was charged to tell him that he spoils things by his severity, that he ought to attend more seriously to the particular needs of his flock, and remain at home more for such as wished to see him. It seemed to him that he found in his book a passage suggestive of these thoughts, and he began to feel dissatisfied with himself.  I went also to Dean Overberg, whom I found as usual calm and recollected, advising and consoling women and girls of all classes, and quietly praying in his heart all the time."


January 12, 1820. — "My guide told me I must go to the Pope and stir him up in prayer, and that I should be told all I had to do. I arrived in Rome and, singular thing ! — I passed through the walls and stood on high in a corner looking down upon the people below. When I thought of this afterward during the day, it seemed to me very strange, though I am often thus placed with regard to others.

 1820 年 1 月 12 日——护守天神告诉我,我必须去见教宗,在祈祷中唤醒他,并且我会必须做的一切。我到了罗马,而且,奇怪的是!——我穿墙而过,站在墙角的高处,俯视下面的人。事后,当我在白天想起来这件事,我觉得很奇怪,虽然我经常为了别人这样被安置。

I was told to say to the Pope in prayer that he should be more attentive, as the affair then being so artfully negotiated was one of great moment, that he ought to use his pallium more frequently, for then he would be more abundantly endued with strength and grace from the Holy Spirit. There is some connection between this little mantle and the ornament worn by the High Priest of the Old Law when he prophesied. It is thought that the Pope ought to wear it only on certain days, but necessity knows no certain days.


He must also solemnly convene the Cardinals oftener. He manages his affairs too quietly, too privately; consequently, he is often deceived, the enemy daily becomes more cunning. There is now some question of Protestants sharing in the government of the Catholic clergy. I had to tell the Pope to invoke the Holy Ghost for three days and then he would act right. Many of those around him are good for nothing. He ought to convict them openly of their want of uprightness and then they would, perhaps, amend. "


January 13th — “I was still in Rome with the Pope, who is now firmly resolved to sign nothing. But his adversaries are resorting to more artful measures, and once more I saw the movements of the cringing, cunning black man, They often appear to resign what they are sure of gaining later." Sister Emmerich's labor for the Holy Father was accompanied by great sufferings of which the Pilgrim speaks, as follows:

1 月 13 日——我还在罗马,和教宗在一起,教宗现在下定决心不签署任何协议。但他的对手正在采取更巧妙的手段,我又一次看到了那个奉承、狡猾的黑人的行动,人们似乎常常放弃他们以后肯定会获得的东西。艾曼丽修女为教宗所做的工作伴随着巨大的痛苦,朝圣者对此说如下:

" Sister Emmerich is full of courage. She seems to be always in a state of expectancy, eagerly awaiting the moment to give assistance. Once she exclaimed that she saw the two deceased nuns approaching her, and immediately began those tortures she has now endured for a week. Her arms are suddenly jerked up as if by an invisible power, and present the appearance of being fastened to a cross by cords; her feet are closely crossed one over the other ; and the tension of the whole body becomes so great that one watches nervously to see it snap asunder.


Her feet quiver violently from the pain, her teeth are clenched, and stifled groans escape her. Every member trembles convulsively. Her bones are heard to creak ; the upper part of her body is raised ; her hands drawn back ; her muscles distended. — She is stiff as a wooden statue and light as a hollow paste-board figure. That her state is altogether involuntary that she is acted upon by some external force, is perfectly evident.

她的双脚因疼痛而剧烈颤抖,她咬紧牙关,嘴里发出窒息的呻吟。每个肢体都在抽搐地颤抖。可以听到她的骨头嘎吱嘎吱作响;她的上半身抬起;她的手被拉到背后;她的肌肉肿胀了。——她的身体僵硬得像一尊木雕,轻飘飘的像一个空心的纸板人。 她的状态完全是不由自主的,她受到某种外力的作用,这是十分明显的。

Her body makes all the movements of a person extended on a cross. This lasted for about ten minutes when the arms suddenly fell; she swooned away and passing into a state of contemplation, she began to say that three unknown persons had bound her to a cross. Then she saw mounting a ladder numbers of holy souls just released through her mediation and who thanked her as they passed.


And now her torture recommenced: she was scourged, bound to a cross, and subjected to a repetition of the same cruel sufferings which lasted, like the first, for about ten minutes, the perspiration streaming down her face. She begged the Pilgrim to replace her hands and feet in their natural position, which he did, putting at the same time some relics in her hand.


This struggle was endured for all that were then dying unprepared or without the Sacraments, of whom she saw about fifty, most of them young persons and priests. They were all helped in various ways. She never beheld children among those to whom she was called upon to render such services. According to her own prediction, one more such crisis was in store for her to be endured for the Church. It came, in fact, that same day with all the circumstances attendant on the preceding. The imposition of her confessor's hands afforded relief.


But when she recovered consciousness, it was found that she could not speak, her tongue having fallen back paralyzed. The confessor's blessing in the name of Jesus restored her its use. She lay perfectly exhausted, though with the placid, satisfied expression of one who had finished a painful but meritorious task. With childlike simplicity she exclaimed :


 “I shall have another weary night all alone ! I will be thankful if a soul comes to me ; but, in either case, I must be satisfied. “


Next morning the Pilgrim found her all bruised, her limbs still trembling from the terrible tension put upon them. Being now able to speak, she explained that the suffering of the preceding day had been announced to her for the morning, but that she had begged a respite until the evening instead of enduring it three hours after mid-day, the time specified by her guide.


She had been a passive victim during it. Three unknown persons had bound her to a cross and scourged her with rods and whips, but the sight of the miseries for which she suffered rendered all things sweet and aroused in her a thirst for still greater pains. She had seen that night that the Holy Father yielded not to the wicked and artful proposals made him. She saw almost all the Bishops sunk in the sleep of indifference.


Soon a new Pope would arise (about 1840-1850), one who would be more energetic. She saw the future pontiff in a city to the south of Rome. He was not clothed like a monk, though he wore something like a religious badge. The state of the Church she described as extraordinarily distressing ; her enemies subtle and active, her clergy timid and indolent. They neglected the power they held from God, they even aimed at the tiara which, however, they were never to attain. During her martyrdom, she seemed to be lying in a horizontal position, on a mountain, the Mountain of the Prophets far away in the distance.

不久一个新的教宗就会出现(大约 1840-1850 年),他会更有活力。艾曼丽修女在罗马南部的一座城市见到了未来的教宗。他的衣着不像隐修士,虽然他戴着像修会徽章的标志。艾曼丽修女描述教会的状况非常令人痛苦;教会的敌人狡猾而活跃,教会的神职人员胆怯懒散。神职人员忽略了他们从天主那里获得的能力,教会的敌人甚至觊觎了教宗三重冠,然而,他们永远无法获得。在艾曼丽殉难期间,她似乎以水平姿势平躺在一座山上,远处是先知山。

 “I still feel," she added, “the sharp pressure of last night's cords. Once I fell, and the cords around my body cut deep into my waist. I felt as if my every vein and nerve had snapped. The first time that I endured such sufferings for my neighbor was after my Confirmation, for before that I had only such as were self-imposed. All my singular accidents and maladies were of the same nature, especially those that befell me in the convent."


February 22, 1820. — " I was in a city beyond Frankfort, in a country of vineyards, and I saw in one of the churches, great disorder occasioned by bad priests. I had to console one old priest who had been misrepresented to his Bishop by his wicked assistants, because he had with the aid of the two sacristans driven them from the confessional and the church which they had presumed to enter after having spent the whole night in carousing. The affair caused great excitement. The old priest said Mass himself, otherwise there would have been no divine service ; but he still lies under the accusation. No one will help him but God,"

1820 年 2 月 22 日——我在法兰克福以外的一个城市里,在一个葡萄园遍布的国家,我在其中一个教堂里看到,由坏司铎引起的极大混乱。我不得不安慰一位老司铎,他的那些邪恶的助理司铎向主教诬告了他,因为他的助理司铎在狂欢了整夜后才冒冒失失地进入教堂,老司铎在两个管理圣堂的圣职人员的帮助下,将他们赶出圣堂和告解室。这件事引起了极大的轰动。老司铎自己亲自举行弥撒,否则这里就没有神圣仪式了;但他仍然受到指控。除了天主,没人能帮他。



2. St. Mary of the Rotunda and the Chapel of the Protestant Embassy, at Rome.


May 13, 1820. — "Last night, from eleven to three, I had a most wonderful vision of two churches and two Popes and a variety of things, ancient and modern. I shall relate, as well as I can, all that I remember of it. My angel-guardian came and told me that I must go to Rome and take two things to the Pope, but I cannot now recall what they were  perhaps it is the will of God that I should forget them.

1820 年 5 月 13 日——昨晚,从 11 点到 3 点,我看到了两座教堂和两位教宗以及各种古代和现代事物的最美妙的异象。我将尽我所能讲述我所了解的一切。护守天神来告诉我,我必须去罗马,带两件东西给教宗,但我现在想不起它们是什么——也许是天主的旨意,让我忘记它们。

I asked my angel how I could make so long a journey, sick as I was. But when I was told that I should make it without difficulty, I no longer objected. — An odd-looking vehicle appeared before me, flat and slight, with only two wheels, the flooring red with white edges. I saw no horses. I was gently lifted and laid on it and, at the same instant, a snow-white, luminous child flew toward me and seated himself at my feet.


He reminded me of the Patience-child in green, so sweet, so lovely, and perfectly transparent. He was to be my companion, he was to console and take care of me. The wagon was so light and smooth that at first I was afraid of slipping off; but it began to move very gently of Itself without horses, and I saw a shining human figure going on ahead. The journey did not seem long, although we crossed countries, mountains, and great waters.


I knew Rome the instant we reached it, and I was soon in the presence of the Pope. I know not now whether he was sleeping or praying, but I had to say two things to him, or give him two things, and I shall have to go to him once again to announce a third. — Then I had a wonderful vision. Rome suddenly appeared as in the early ages, and I saw a Pope (Boniface IV.) and an emperor whose name I knew not (Phocas). I could not find my way in the city, all was so different, even the sacred ceremonies; but yet I recognized them as Catholic.

                                              我们一到达,我就知道那是罗马。很快我就见到了教宗。我现在不知道他是在睡觉还是在祈祷,但我必须对他说两件事,或者给他两件东西,我还得再去向他宣布第三件事。——然后我有了一个奇妙的异象。罗马突然像早期教会一样出现了,我看到了一位教宗(博尼法斯四世),和一位我不知道名字的皇帝(福卡斯)。我在城里找不到路,一切都很不一样,连神圣的礼仪也不例外 ; 但我认出他们是天主教徒。

I saw a great round building like a cupola — it was a pagan temple full of beautiful idols. It had no windows, but in the dome was an opening with a contrivance for keeping out the rain. It seemed as if all the idols that ever existed were gathered together therein every conceivable posture. Many of them were very beautiful, and others exceedingly odd; there were even some of geese which received divine honor. In the centre of the building stood a very high pyramid formed entirely of those images.


I saw no idolatrous worship at the time of which I speak, although the idols were still carefully preserved. I saw messengers from Pope Boniface going to the emperor and petitioning for the temple to be changed into a Christian church, I heard the latter declaring distinctly that the Pope should allow the ancient statues to remain, though he might erect therein the cross to which the highest honors should be paid. This proposal, as it seemed to me, was made not wickedly, but in good faith.


I saw the messengers return with the answer and Boniface reflecting as to how he might in some measure conform to the emperor's will. Whilst he was thus deliberating, I saw a good, pious priest in prayer before the crucifix. He wore a long white robe with a train, and an angel hovered by his side. Suddenly he arose, went straight to Boniface, and told him that he should by no means accede to the emperor's proposal.


Messengers were then despatched to the emperor, who now consented to the temple's being entirely cleared. Then I saw his people come and take numbers of the statues to the imperial city ; but still many remained in Rome. Then I saw the consecration of the temple, at which ceremony the holy martyrs assisted with Mary at their head. The altar was not in the centre of the building, but against the wall.


I saw more than thirty wagon-loads of sacred relics brought into the church. Many of them were enclosed in the walls and others could be seen through round openings covered with something like glass. When I had witnessed this vision even in the smallest details, I saw again the present Pope and the dark church of his time in Rome, It seemed to be a large, old house like a town-hall with columns in front.


I saw no altar in it, but only benches, and in the middle of it something like a pulpit. They had preaching and singing, but nothing else, and only very few attended it. And lo, a most singular sight ! — Each member of the congregation drew an idol from his breasts, set it up before him, and prayed to it. It was as if each man drew forth his secret thoughts or passions under the appearance of a dark cloud which, once outside, took some definite form.


They were precisely such figures as I had seen around the neck of the illicit bride in the Nuptial House, figures of men and animals. The god of one was short and broad with a crisp head and numerous, outstretched arms ready to seize and devour all in its reach ; that of another was quite small with miserable, shrunken limbs ; another had merely a block of wood upon which he gazed with rolling eyes ; this one had a horrible animal; that one, a long pole.


The most singular part of it was that the idols filled the place ; the church, although the worshippers were so few, was crowded with idols. When the service was over, every one's god re-entered into his breast. The whole church was draped in black, and all that took place in it was shrouded in gloom.


— Then I saw the connection between the two Popes and the two temples. I am sorry that I have forgotten the numbers, but I was shown how weak the one had been in adherents and human support, but how strong in courage to overturn so many gods (I knew the number) and to unite so many different forms of worship into one ; and, on the contrary, how strong in numbers and yet how irresolute in action was the other since, in authorizing the erection of false temples, he had allowed the only true God, the only true religion to be lost among so many false gods and false religions.


It was also shown me that those pagans humbly adored gods other than themselves, and that they would have been willing to admit in all simplicity the only God, the Most Holy Trinity. Their worship was preferable to that of those who adore themselves in a thousand idols to the total exclusion of Our Lord. The picture was favorable to the early ages, for in them idolatry was on the decrease, whilst in our days it is just the contrary.


I saw the fatal consequences of this counterfeit church ; I saw it increase ; I saw heretics of all kinds flocking to the city (1). I saw the ever-increasing tepidity of the clergy, the circle of darkness ever widening. — And now the vision became more extended. I saw in all places Catholics oppressed, annoyed, restricted, and deprived of liberty, churches were closed, and great misery prevailed everywhere with war and bloodshed.


I saw rude, ignorant people offering violent resistance, but this state of things lasted not long. Again I saw in vision St. Peter's undermined according to a plan devised by the secret sect whilst, at the same time, it was damaged by storms ; but it was delivered at the moment of greatest distress. Again I saw the Blessed Virgin extending her mantle over it.


In this last scene, I saw no longer the reigning Pope, but one of his successors, a mild, but very resolute man who knew how to attach his priests to himself and who drove far from him the bad. I saw all things renewed and a church which reached from earth to heaven. I saw one of the twelve new Apostles in the person of the young priest whom the unchaste bride wanted to marry.


 (1) November 17, 1822.—"I saw something very laughable In the black church. One of its mighty patrons wanted to do something extraordinarily grand, so he sent word to the preacher that he would give him a white surplice to wear in the pulpit. Then came the preacher, a tall, handsome man with a beautiful tie under his chin. The patron put the surplice on him and sent him into the pulpit. I thought : ‘The patron is raising a great, great tree ; it will fall into a great, great pool ; and there will be a great, great splash!’ But it turned out otherwise. The preacher sat in state, carefully showing off his surplice; the congregation waited and waited, but not a word did he utter. And lo! when they looked more closely, they found that their preacher had no head. The surplice covered only a great, great bundle of straw. Many broke out into a laugh, others mocked, but as for the patron— he was perfectly furious."

(1) 1822 年 11 月 17 日——我在黑人教堂里看到了一件非常可笑的事。教堂的一位大赞助商想做一件特别隆重的事,于是他捎信给传道士,说要给他一件白色长袍,让他在讲坛上穿。传教士来了,他高大英俊,下巴上系着一条漂亮的领带。赞助人给他穿上白长袍,让他进入讲坛。我心想:『赞助人正在举起一棵参天大树,它将掉进一个巨大的水池里,溅起巨大的水花!』。但结果并非如此。传道人端坐着,小心翼翼地展示着他的长袍;会众们等了又等,但他一句话也没说。当他们仔细看时,发现传道人没有头。白长袍只遮住了一大捆稻草。许多人大笑起来,还有人嘲笑但至于道士他完全怒不可遏

It was a very comprehensive vision and portrayed anew all that had been previously shown me regarding the Church's destiny. On another occasion, I had a vision of the Vicar-General’s stanch resistance to secular power in behalf of the interests of the Church. The affair covered him with glory (1), though upon some other points he was to blame. I was told that I should have to go again to the Pope ; but when all this will take place I cannot say."


(1) An allusion to his vigorous resistance to the Prussian government in the affair of mixed marriages, after he had been raised to the Archbishopric of Cologne.

(注:1) 提到他在被提拔为科隆大主教之后,在通婚事件中对普鲁士政府的强烈抵抗。



A New Church under the Influence of Planetary Spirits.


September 12, 1820. — "I saw a fantastic, odd-looking church being built. The choir was in three parts, each raised some steps above the last ; and under it was a deep vault full of fog. On the first platform of the choir was a seat ; on the second, a basin of water ; on the third, a table. I saw no angel helping in the construction, but numbers of the most violent planetary spirits dragging all sorts of things into the vault where persons in little ecclesiastical mantles received them and deposited them in their various places.

1820 年 9 月 12 日——我看到一座荒唐的、外观奇怪的教堂正在建造中。合唱团分为三组,每组都比前一组高出几级台阶;在合唱团下面是一个充满雾气的深地窖。在合唱团第一个平台上有一个座位;第二个平台上有一盆水;第三个平台上有一张桌子。我没有看到天神在帮忙建筑,而是看到一群最狂暴的行星灵将各种各样的东西拖进了地窖,穿着小小的教会斗篷的人在那里接受了这些东西,并将它们存放在不同的地方

Nothing was brought from above ; all came from the earth and the dark regions, all was built up by the planetary spirits. The water alone seemed to have something holy about it. I saw an enormous number of instruments brought into the church, and many persons, even children, had different tools, as if trying to make something ; but all was obscure, absurd, dead ! Division and destruction reigned everywhere.


— Near by, I saw another church, shining and rich with graces from on high, angels ascending and descending. In it were life and increase, tepidity and dissipation ; and yet it was like a tree full of sap compared with the other which was like a chest of lifeless institutions. The former was like a bird on the wing ; the latter, like a paper dragon, its tail adorned with ribands and writings, dragging over a stubble-field.


I saw that many of the instruments in the new church, such as spears and darts, were meant to be used against the living Church. Every one dragged in something different, clubs, rods, pumps, cudgels, puppets, mirrors, trumpets, horns, bellows — all sorts of things. In the cave below (the sacristy) some people kneaded bread, but nothing came of it ; it would not rise. The men in the little mantles brought wood to the steps of the pulpit to make a fire.


They puffed and blew and labored hard, but the fire would not burn ; all they produced was smoke and fumes. Then they broke a hole in the roof and ran up a pipe, but the smoke would not rise, and the whole place became black and suffocating. Some blew the horns so violently that the tears streamed from their eyes. All in this church belonged to the earth, returned to the earth; all was dead, the work of human skill, a church of the latest style, a church of man's invention like the new heterodox church in Rome."


November 12, 1820. — “I passed over a dark, cold country to a large city, and I saw again the great, odd-looking church with nothing holy about it and innumerable planetary spirits laboring at it. I saw it in the same way that I see a Catholic institution being erected, angels, saints, and Christians all laboring in common ; only here the concurrence of the laborers was shown under forms more mechanical. The planetary spirits ascended and descended and shot down rays upon the workmen ; but all was done in accordance with human reason.

1820 年 11 月 12 日——我经过一个黑暗、寒冷的国家,来到一座大城市,我再次看到了这座巨大的、外表古怪的大教堂教堂里没有任何圣洁的东西,无数的行星在为它工作。我以同样的方式看到一个天主教机构正在建立,天神、圣人和基督徒都在共同工作;只有在这古怪教堂里,工人的合作才以更机械的形式表现出来。行星灵升腾降下,向工人射下光线;但一切都是按照人类的理性进行的

I saw a spirit on high drawing lines and tracing figures, and down below the de sign, the plan immediately carried out. I saw the in fluence of the proud, planetary spirits in their relation with the building extending to even the most distant places. All the steps deemed necessary or useful to the construction and maintenance of the church were taken in the most remote countries, and men and things, doctrines and opinions contributed thereto. The whole picture was colored with intense selfishness, presumption, and violence.


I saw not a single angel or saint helping in the work. It was an immense vision. Far away in the back ground, I saw the throne of a savage nation, the people armed with boar-spears and a figure saying in mocking terms: ' Build it as solidly as you please, we shall overturn it !' — I went also into a large hall in the city in which a hideous ceremony, a horrible, deceitful comedy was being enacted. The hall was draped in black, and a man wearing a star on his breast was put into a coffin and taken out again. It seemed to be a threat of what would happen to him. In the midst of it all I saw the devil under a thousand forms. — All was dark as night. It was horrible !"

我没有看到一个天神或圣人在帮助这项工作。这是一个巨大的象。处,我看到了一个野蛮民族的王座,人们手持野猪长矛,有一个身影用嘲讽的语言说:「你们想把它建得多坚固就建多坚固,我们会把它推翻的!」——我还走进了城里的一个大厅,里面正在上演一场可怕的仪式,一场恐怖的骗人的滑稽剧。大厅里黑压压一片,一个胸前戴星的男子被放入棺材中,然后又被抬出来。这似乎是在威胁他,将要临到身上的事。这一切之中,我看到了奇形怪状的魔鬼。——一切都漆黑如夜。太恐怖了 !


3. St. Henry, Emperor at St. Mary-Major

3. 圣亨利皇帝在(罗马)圣母大殿



July 12, 1820. — "I have had a vision of the Emperor Henry. I saw him last night in a beautiful church kneeling alone before the main altar. I know the church ; there is a beautiful chapel of the Holy Crib in it, I saw it once before on the Feast of Our Lady of the Snow. As he knelt and prayed, a light shone above the altar and the Blessed Virgin appeared alone. She wore a robe of bluish white which shot forth rays, and she carried something in her hand. She covered the altar with a red cloth over which she spread a white one, and deposited upon it a magnificent luminous book set with precious stones. Then she lighted the candles from the sanctuary-lamp.

1820 年 7 月 12 日——我看到了亨利皇帝的异象。昨晚我看见他在一座美丽的教堂里,独自跪在主的祭前。我知道这座堂;里面有一座美丽的圣婴小教堂,我以前在庆祝圣母白雪大教堂的瞻礼上见过一次,当他跪下祈祷时,祭台上方有一道光照耀着,圣母独自显现,她穿着一件散发着光芒的蓝白色长袍,手里拿着一件东西,她在祭台上盖了一块红布,又在红布上面铺了一块白布,并在上面放了一本镶嵌着宝石的华丽的发光书,然后,圣母点燃了圣殿的蜡烛。

Many other lights in the form of a pyramid burned at the same time. Then she took her stand at the right of the altar. Now came the Saviour Himself in sacerdotal vestments, bearing the chalice and veil. Two angels served Him as acolytes, and two others accompanied Him. Our Lord's head was uncovered. The chasuble was a large, heavy, red and white mantle shining with light and precious stones. The ministering angels were white. There was no little bell, but there were cruets.


The wine was as red as blood and there was also some water. The Mass was shorter than with us and there was no Gospel of St. John at the end. I saw the Offertory and Elevation ; the Host was like ours. The angel read the Gospel and carried the book to Mary to kiss, and then, on a sign from Jesus, to Henry that he might do the same. At first, he dared not obey, but at length gained courage to do so. At the end of the Mass, Mary went to Henry and gave him her right hand, saying that she honored thus his chastity and exhorted him not to grow remiss.


Then I saw an angel approach and grasp him by the right side as had been done to Jacob. Henry showed signs of intense pain, and afterward limped a little. During the whole of this ceremony, there were numerous angels in adoration, their eyes fixed upon the altar. "



4. Feast of the Scapular

4. 圣肩衣瞻礼


July 15, 1820. — "I was on Mt. Carmel where I saw two hermits who dwelt far apart. One was very aged and never left his cell, the other, a Frenchman named Peter, visited the old man occasionally and brought him something ; but long intervals sometimes elapsed between his visits. I saw him taking journeys to Jerusalem, Rome, and to our own country, whence he returned with bands of warriors wearing crosses on their clothing.

1820 年 7 月 15 日——我在加尔默罗山上看到两位隐修士,他们俩住的相隔甚远。其中一个年纪很大,从来没有离开过他的小屋,另一个是法国人伯多禄,他偶尔来拜访这位老人,给他带点东西来; 但是,他间隔很长时间才访问一次。我看到他旅行到耶路撒冷、罗马和我们的祖国(德国),从那里回来时,法国人伯多禄带着成群结队的战士,他们的衣服上配戴着十字架。

I saw Berthold with him. He was at that time a soldier. Later on, I saw the younger hermit take Berthold to the old man on Mt. Carmel. Berthold had then become a hermit. He was afterward the Superior of the hermits whom he formed into communities, and for whom he erected convents. Then I had another vision. I saw after the hermits began to live in community, a monk on his knees in his cell.


The Mother of God appeared to him with the Infant Jesus on her arm. She looked just like the statue that I had seen by the spring on the mountain. She gave him an article of dress in which was a square opening for the head to pass through. It fell in front over the breast. It was shining with light, the colors red and white intermingling, as in the vestment of the High-Priest that Zacharias showed to St. Joseph.


On the straps that went over the shoulders were letters inscribed. Mary spoke long to the monk. When she vanished and he returned to himself, he was filled with emotion on seeing himself clothed with the scapular. I saw him assemble his brethren and show it to them. — Then I had a vision of a Church festival on Mt. Carmel. I saw in the choirs of the Church Triumphant as the first of the ancient hermits, and yet separated from them, Elias. Under his feet were the words : ' Elias, Prophet.'


— I did not see these pictures one after another, and I felt that a great number of years lay between them, especially between the vision of the reception of the scapular and the feast, for the latter seemed to belong to our own day. Over the spring where once stood Mary’s statue, now arose a convent and its church. The spring was in the middle of the latter and above the altar was the Mother of God with the Infant Jesus just as she had appeared to the hermit, living and moving in dazzling splendor.


Innumerable little silken pictures hung at her sides attached in pairs by two cords and glancing like the leaves of a tree in the sunshine, in the splendor which radiated from Mary. The holy Virgin was surrounded by the angelic choirs and at her feet, above the tabernacle wherein reposed the Blessed Sacrament, hung the large scapular she had given the hermit in vision.


On all sides were ranged choirs of holy Carmelites, men and women, the most ancient in white and brown striped habits, the others in such as are now worn. I saw, too, the Carmelite Order, monks and nuns of the present day celebrating the feast in their several convents, either in choir or elsewhere, but all upon earth."



5. Vision of the Feast of the Indulgence of Portiuncula.

5. 宝尊大赦瞻礼的异象

[译注:Portiuncula ( L. )宝尊小圣堂;博俊古拉小圣堂:十三世纪初,本笃会赠与圣方济的小圣堂,为圣方济创会后的第一座圣堂。后在其四周另建一大圣殿,称为天神之后大殿,将此小圣堂包在殿内,该圣殿在意大利亚西西 Assisi 。每年八月一日中午至八月二日午夜,教友在此圣堂,只要诵念指定之经文,即可得全大赦,称之为宝尊大赦或博俊古拉(音译)大赦 Portiuncula Indulgence]

August 1, 1820. — “I had a vision of a feast, but I know not clearly what it signified; however, this is what I can recall : — I saw a great aureola of saints looking like an immense wreath in which they sat, each distinguished by different emblems, such as palms, churches, etc. Below them floated innumerable relics and sacred objects in precious vases; they seemed to belong to the saints above. In the middle of the wreath floated a little church and over it the Lamb of God with His standard.

1820 年 8 月 1 日——我有一个瞻礼的异象,但我不清楚它意味着什么;然而,这是我能回忆起来的:——我看到一个由圣人组成的巨大花环,圣人们坐在光环中,每个人都有不同的标志,比如棕榈树、教堂等。在圣人们的下面,漂浮着无数装在珍贵的花瓶里的圣物和圣髑;圣髑似乎属于上面的这些圣人。在花环的中间,漂浮着一座小教堂,教堂上面是天主的羔羊和祂的旗帜

Throned above the altar were the Lord Jesus and His Mother surrounded by myriads of angels. An angel flew into the circle and led St. Francis to Jesus and Mary in the little church, and it seemed as if the saint petitioned for some favor by virtue of the treasure of Christ's merits and those of His holy martyrs, viz., an Indulgence for the little church. — Then I saw Francis go to the Pope, but not in Rome, petitioning for something, an Indulgence, the same that I had seen in the vision.


— I saw that the Pope would not grant it at first; but suddenly a light shone upon him, a writing floated before him, and he was inspired to grant what the saint demanded. I saw the saint returned from the Pope, praying that night on his knees. The devil approached him under the form of a very beautiful youth, and reproved him for his penances. The saint recognized the temptation, fled from his cell, cast off his garments, and rolled in the thorns until he was all covered with blood, when an angel appeared and healed his wounds. This is all I can remember."



6. Our Lady of the Snow.

6. 雪中圣母



"I saw a noble couple in a grand mansion praying at night in their room before a picture of Mary on the wall. It was coarsely embroidered or woven, the robe in some places striped with red and blue and tapering off round the feet. Mary was crowned. She held the infant Jesus in her arms, His little hands clasping the orb of the world. Two lamps burned on either side of the little picture. The narrow kneeling-bench on which the spouses knelt side by side, could be turned up before the picture ; it then looked like a wardrobe, and above it hung a curtain which could be lowered to hide the picture.


I have seen in olden times many such woven pictures of Mary. They could be rolled up to take on journeys and hung wherever the owner wished to pray.


 “As the couple knelt there, I saw the Blessed Virgin as represented in the picture, but shining with light. She hovered before the picture, between it and the couple, and enjoined upon them to erect a church in her honor at Rome upon a hill which they would find covered with snow. The next morning they related the affair to the Pope, and went with several ecclesiastics to the hill upon whose summit, the site of the future edifice, lay snow of extraordinary brilliancy.


I saw them driving stakes as landmarks, when the snow at once disappeared. — Then I had another vision. I saw the church built and Mass being celebrated in it by a Pope named Martin. Just at the moment of communicating a certain great personage, the Pope was to be assassinated by a man stationed near for that purpose. The assassin had been chosen and instructed for the crime by the nobleman about to receive Holy Communion, and all in obedience to the orders of the Emperor Constantius. I saw the murderer enter the crowded church, but he was instantly struck blind. He ran here and there, stumbling against the pillars and uttering cries. A great tumult was raised.


Again, I saw Pope Gregory celebrating High Mass in the church. The Mother of God appeared surrounded by angels, answered Et cum spiritu tuo, and served him at the altar. Lastly, I saw in the same church a feast celebrated in our own days. The Mother of God appeared under the same form as she had done to its founders. This is the church in which I lately saw the holy Emperor Henry praying whilst Christ Himself said the Mass. There is a chapel of the Holy Crib in it."



7. From August to the close of October, 1820.

7. 从1820年8月到10月底

Sister Emmerich's labors at this time were constantly directed to the welfare of the Church which, as usual, she beheld typified by St. Peter's, at Rome. The secret society, with its world-wide ramifications engaged in ceaseless war against the Bride of Christ, was shown her as the empire of Antichrist symbolized by the beast in the Apocalypse rising out of the sea and fomenting attacks upon the flock of Christ.


译注:我看见从海里上来一只兽,它有十只角和七个头,角上有十个王冠,头上有亵圣的名号。我所看见的那兽,相似豹子,它的脚像熊脚,它的口像狮子口;那龙遂把自己的能力、宝座和大权交给了它。我看见那兽的头中,有一个似乎受了致死的伤,但它那致死的伤却治好了;故此全地的人都惊奇,而跟随了那兽。( 13:0~3)

In relating this vision, the Pilgrim makes the following remarks : “It is, indeed, full of breaks, for the invalid saw it under allegorical representations difficult for her to describe. What is most astonishing, is that it touches upon many points of the Apocalypse of St. John, of which humanly speaking she must have been wholly ignorant, as she has very little knowledge of the Holy Scriptures or of any other book. If, at times, she seems to read, it is with a mind deeply absorbed in contemplation and she sees very different things from those discussed in the volume before her.


The vision is, as follows: 'I see new martyrs, not of the present but of the future, though even now they are oppressed. I saw the secret society undermining the great church (St Peter's) and near them a horrible beast that arose out of the sea. It had a tail like a fish, claws like a lion, and numberless heads that lay like a crown around one large head ; its jaws were large and red, its body spotted like a tiger. It was very familiar wit h the demolishers, lying near them whilst they worked, and, again, concealing itself in a cave.


Here and there throughout the whole world I saw many good, pious people, especially ecclesiastics, harrassed, imprisoned, and oppressed, and I felt that at some future day, they would be martyred. When the church was well-nigh overturned, the choir and altar alone remaining untouched, I saw the demolishers thronging into it accompanied by the beast. But they encountered a tall, majestic female who seemed to be with child for she walked very slowly. The wretches were filled with affright on seeing her and the beast lay paralysed, furiously darting its head toward her, as if to devour her ; but she turned and fell prostrate on her face.


Then I saw the beast fleeing to the sea, the enemy hurrying off in disorder, and immense circles of combatants surrounding the church, some on the earth, others high in the air. The first circle was composed of youths and maidens ; the second, of married persons of all classes from royalty down; the third, of religious; the fourth, of warriors, led by a rider on a white horse ; and the fifth and last was made up of citizens and peasants, many of whom were marked on the forehead with a red cross.

然后,我看到那兽逃向大海,敌人慌忙逃散,一大群战士在教堂周围围了数圈 有的在地上,有的在空中。第一圈是青年和少女;第二圈是已婚人士,上至皇室,下至平民;第三圈是修道人士;第四圈是勇士,由一名骑着白马的骑士带领;第五圈,也是最后一圈,由市民和农民组成,其中许多人的额头上都有一个红色的十字标记。

As this army drew near, the captives and oppressed were delivered and swelled the ranks, whilst the demolishers and conspirators were put to flight on all sides. They were, without knowing how, gathered together into one confused mass in the midst of a dense fog ; they knew neither what they did nor what they ought to do ; and they ran pell-mell against one another, as I so often see them.


Then I saw the church speedily rebuilt and more magnificent than before, for its defenders brought stones from all parts of the earth. When the most distant circles drew near, the nearest withdrew to make way for them. The former appeared to represent the various labors of prayer ; the latter, the soldiers, the deeds of war. I saw among these last friends and enemies of all nations, simply soldiers like our own and dressed like them. They did not form a perfect circle, but a crescent opening toward the north into an immense dark abyss like a chasm, a precipice, like a descent into darkness, like that to which Adam was driven from Paradise.


I felt that a region of darkness lay beyond. I saw that some out of these circles remained behind. They would not advance, but stood gloomily huddled together. I saw some also who would one day be martyred for Jesus ; but there were many wicked people among them, and another separation was to take place. — The church was completely restored.


Above it on a mountain, was the Lamb of God surrounded by a troop of virgins with palm-branches, and five circles of celestial cohorts corresponding to the five circles below. They all arrived together, and all acted in concert. Around the Lamb stood the four mysterious beasts of the Apocalypse."


On the Feast of the Purification, 1822, Sister Emmerichrelated the following : “I saw during the last few days marvellous things connected with the Church. St. Peter's was almost entirely destroyed by the sect, but their labors were, in turn, rendered fruitless and all that belonged to them, their aprons and tools, burned by the executioners on the public place of infamy. They were made of horse-leather, and the stench from them was so offensive that it made me quite sick. In this vision I saw the Mother of God laboring so earnestly for the Church that my devotion to her greatly increased."

在 1822 年的圣母取洁瞻礼上,艾曼丽修女讲述了以下内容:「在过去的几天里,我看到了与教会有关的奇妙事情。圣伯多禄大殿几乎被该教派(共济会)完全摧毁,但该教派从中却一无所获,属于他们的一切,包括工作围兜和工具,都被刽子手烧毁在声名狼藉的公共场所。围兜是用马皮做的,散发的恶臭令我作呕。在这异象中,我看到圣母玛利亚如此辛勤地为教会工作,我对她的敬虔大大增加了。


August 10, 1822. — "I see the Holy Father in great distress. He lives in another palace and receives only a few to his presence. If the wicked party knew their own great strength, they would even now have made an attack. I fear the Holy Father will suffer many tribulations before his death, for I see the black counterfeit church gaining ground, I see its fatal influence on the public. The distress of the Holy Father and of the Church is really so great that one ought to pray to God day and night. I have been told to pray much for the Church and the Pope……

1822 年 8 月 10 日——我看到教宗陷入了巨大的痛苦。他住在另一个宫殿里,只接见少数几个人。如果邪恶的一方知道自己强大的力量,他们现在就会发动攻击。我担心教宗临死前会遭受很多苦难,因为我看到黑色的假教会崛起,我看到假教会对公众的致命影响。教宗和教会的痛苦实在太大了,人们应该日夜向天主祈祷。我已经被告知要为教会和教宗多多祈祷……

Last night I was taken to Rome where the Holy Father, plunged in affliction, is still concealed in order to elude dangerous exigencies. He is very feeble, quite worn out by distress, anxiety, and prayer. His chief reason for lying concealed is because he can now trust so few. But he has by him a very simple-hearted, pious old priest, his true friend, whom his enemies on account of his simplicity think it not worth while to remove.


Now, this good old priest is full of God's grace. He sees, he remarks many things which he faithfully communicates to the Holy Father. More than once I have had to point out to him in prayer traitors and evil-minded men among the Pope's high, confidential officers, that he might give him notice of them. In this way he has been warned against one who was all-influential up to the present ; but who will be so no more. The Pope is so feeble that he can no longer walk alone."


August 25. — "I know not now how I went to Rome last night, but I found myself near the church of St. Mary- Major. Around it I saw crowds of poor, pious souls, in great' distress and anxiety on account of the Pope's disappearance and the agitation and alarming reports throughout the city. Led by one common impulse, they had come to invoke the Mother of God. They did not expect to find the church open, they intended only to pray outside. But I was inside, I opened the door and they entered, astounded at the door's opening of itself.

8 月 25 日——我现在不知道昨晚是怎么到罗马去的,但我发现自己在圣母大殿附近。在大殿周围,我看到成群结队的可怜而虔诚的人们,由于教宗的失踪,以及整个城市的骚动和令人震惊的报道,他们非常悲痛和焦虑。在一个共同的感动驱使下,他们来到这里祈求圣母玛利亚他们以为教堂锁门了,就只打算在外面祈祷。但我从里面开门,他们走进来,惊讶门自开了。

I was standing aloof where they could not see me. There was no service, only the chancel-lamps were burning, and the people knelt in quiet prayer. Then the Mother of God appeared. She said that great tribulations were at hand ; that the people must pray earnestly with extended arms, if only for the length of three Our Fathers, for it was thus that her Son had prayed for them upon the cross ; that they should rise at midnight to pray thus ; that they should continue to come to her church which they would always find open ; and that they should, above all, pray for the extirpation of the dark church.


She said also that the soldiers who were approaching the city would be of no assistance ; they would bring only misery and devastation in their train, since the war had been undertaken without prayer or the ministry of priests. She added many other things. She said what is most painful to me to repeat that, if only one priest offered the Unbloody Sacrifice as worthily and with the same sentiments as the Apostles, he could ward off all calamities from the Church.


I know not whether the people saw the apparition or not, but they must have been impressed by something supernatural for, when the Blessed Virgin said they should pray to God with extended arms, all lifted up their arms. They were good and pious, but they knew not where to turn for counsel and assistance. There was no traitor, no enemy among them, and yet they were anxious and distrustful of one another ; by this we may judge of their situation. It seemed to be an association of prayer."


From this time Sister Emmerich assisted nightly at the pious exercises in St. Mary-Major's. On August 31st, she remarked : “Prayer is now general and continual, pious souls are everywhere kneeling at the tombs of the saints and imploring their aid. I have seen the saints whom they especially revere, and I have again seen the Pope — he is in much trouble. I have had great anxiety on his account and I have redoubled my prayers…… Cardinal Consalvi's last petition was rejected by the Holy Father ; he did not approve it, and it has been withdrawn. This man's influence is at an end for the present."

从那时起,艾曼丽修女每晚都在圣母大殿里参加虔诚的祈祷活动。 8 月 31 日,她说:「祈祷现在是普遍和持续的,虔诚的灵魂到处跪在圣人的坟墓前,恳求他们的帮助。我见过他们特别恭敬的圣人,我又看见了教宗——他有很多麻烦。我为他的事而焦虑,我加倍祈祷…… 康萨尔维枢机最后的请愿书被教宗拒绝了;教宗没有批准它,请愿已被撤回。这个人的影响力暂时告一段落。

Sept. 10th — "I saw St. Peter's utterly demolished, all excepting the choir and main altar. St. Michael, girt and armed, descended into the church and with his sword repulsed several bad pastors who were trying to enter. He drove them into a corner where they sat looking at one another. The part of the church that had been demolished in a few instants was surrounded by light wicker-work so that divine service could be perfectly celebrated. Then from all parts of the world came priests and laics, who built up the walls of stone, for the enemy had not been able to shake the firm foundation."

9 月 10 日——我看到圣伯多禄大殿被彻底摧毁,除了圣咏团和主祭台。圣弥额尔束着腰,全副武装,下降到教堂,用他的剑击退了几个试图进入圣伯多禄大殿的坏神父。圣弥额尔把他们赶到一个角落里,他们坐在那里面面相觑。一部分被拆毁了的教堂,在几分钟内就用轻薄的柳条制品围了起来,这样就可以完美地庆祝神圣弥撒了。然后,司铎和平信徒从四面八方来,他们用石头筑墙,因为仇敌不能摇动教会坚固的根基。

Sister Emmerich at this time passed whole nights praying with her arms in the form of a cross and frequently subjected to the assaults of the devil. The first night he rushed upon her three times to strangle her. “He reproached me,” she said ; “with all the faults of my youth, but I turned a deaf car to him. I gathered up my relics and opposed him with them ; and, at last, I sat up in bed and made the sign of the cross all around with my relic of the True Cross, when he left me in peace.”  The following night she struggled with the enemy so victoriously that she sang the Te Deum several times. She had constant visions on the state of different dioceses, as we glean from the following entry in the Pilgrim's journal :


September 27th. —”To-day at noon, the invalid entered the state of contemplation in a singularly touching and animated manner. Her eyes were open, she gesticulated and described what she saw, as if in conversation :  ‘What are they doing in that great, beautiful church ? It is the cathedral ( of Minister), and everything has been carried back into the chapel where the silver ship once stood, where Bernard von Galen is interred ! All goes there, all the graces, all, all ! how beautiful, how wonderful it is !

9 月 27 日。——今天中午,病人进入了观状态,她的神情异常生动。她睁着眼睛,比划着,描述着她所看到的一切,仿佛在交谈:『他们在那座伟大而美丽的教堂里做什么?这是(明斯特的)主教座堂,所有的东西都被运回主教座堂里面的小圣堂,那是银色的船曾经停靠的地方,是伯纳德·冯·盖伦(Bernard von Galen)埋葬的地方!所有的东西都在小圣堂那里,所有的恩宠,所有的一切!小圣堂是多么美丽,多么美妙!

There stands an empty chalice, and from it issues a ray which rises up to heaven in a great cross of light. On the left of the chalice is a beautiful bride with a church in her hand, and on the right of it, a wonderfully handsome youth who is to be her bridegroom ; they are betrothed. But see ! Outside the church, up in the air, is the Mother of God with the Infant Jesus from whose hands issues a magnificent vine which spreads over all the chapel.


Its grapes hang down and discharge their juice into the chalice. Right and left, shoot out beautiful flowers of light and magnificent ears of golden, luminous wheat filling the whole place with splendor. And all the bushes are covered with flowers and marvellous little shining fruits. All is light and beauty ! All is gathered in and preserved there. And behold! there stands, high, high up, a holy Bishop of olden times — it is Ludger ! He guards, he takes care of all ! And now, what is that? O see, from the whole church, excepting the chapel, shoot forth wild, fiery flames, and in several parts of the city whole rows of houses are destroyed ! There in the castle things go badly ! But this must be understood only in a spiritual sense. The great church stands intact. Exterior things go on as usual, but the graces are all stowed away in the chapel.”


As Sister Emmerich recounted the above, she pointed now here, now there, as if her hearers saw what was being unfolded before her own mental gaze. Next day she related what follows : “I have seen yesterday's vision of Galen's chapel all over again. An entirely new church floated in the air above the old one and drew into itself all the beautiful things from Galen's chapel.


The church below seemed to grow black and sink into the earth. I thought how nice it would be if the church in the air would only descend just as the other disappeared. This vision was very detailed, but I have forgotten some of it. — I followed a path running back of the cathedral, and found in a field, half-meadow, half-heath, a homeless wandering boy, his feet torn and bleeding from the furze.


I wanted to take him to the flower meadow. I told him there were beautiful flowers in it from which he could suck the honey,for I knew not what to do to relieve him. But he told me that it was his destiny, he must suffer and bleed until he had found an asylum. I thought of the youth who espoused the Church yesterday in the Galen chapel."


Sister Emmerich saw, also, at this time a distant diocese falling to decay. It was shown her under the symbol of a desecrated church. “I saw heart-rending misery, playing, drinking, gossiping, even courting going on in the church. All sorts of abominations were committed in it; they had even set up a ninepin alley in the middle of it. The priests let things go their way and said Mass very irreverently ; only a few of them were still a little intelligent and pious.


I saw Jews standing around the doorways. All this grieved me deeply. Then my Heavenly Spouse bound me as He Himself had been bound to the pillar, and He said: ‘So will the Church yet be bound. She will be tightly bound before she shall again arise.' "


September 30th — After a night spent in praying with extended arms for the Church, Sister Emmerich vomited blood and endured great pains in the breast. ‘ St. Michael has prescribed for me a seven days' devotion with alms," she said, “I shall now be sick for seven days,” and indeed, the following night verified the prediction. She was attacked by sharp pains, her whole body consumed, as it were, by an internal fire, to allay which she placed her relic of St. Cosmas on her breast and invoked his name aloud.

9 月 30 日——艾曼丽修女在为教会伸开双臂祈祷了一夜之后,开始吐血,忍受着巨大的胸痛。圣弥额尔指定给我一个七日补赎和施舍艾曼丽修女说,我将生病七天,果然,第二天晚上就证实了这个预言。她被剧烈的疼痛袭击了,她的整个身体仿佛被一股内在的火焰吞噬着,为了减轻疼痛,她将圣科斯玛斯的圣髑放在胸前,并大声呼唤他的名字。

Scarcely had she done so when she fell into a sweet sleep. On awaking, she beheld the saint before her clothed in a long, white mantle resplendent with light. In his hand was a green branch covered with white flowers, and playing around him was a brilliant red aureola which dissolved into a beautiful blue. His younger brother Leontius stood at a little distance, and farther back was Damian, the shortest of the three, Cosmas being the tallest.


All Sister Emmerich's pains had disappeared. She lay calm and serene, unable to express the marvellous character of her cure which was as sudden and as marked as those previously bestowed through the intervention of St. Ignatius and St. Augustine.


On the evening of October 1st, the Pilgrim found her exhausted and bathed in perspiration from her heavy spiritual labors. She repeated that St. Michael, besides the seven days' task, had prescribed certain alms, pointing out what children were to be assisted and what each one was to receive. "The Church,” she groaned, “is in great danger. I must ask every one who comes to see me to say an Our Father for that intention.

在10 月 1 日的晚上,朝圣者发现她筋疲力尽,因沉重的属灵工作而汗水淋漓。艾曼丽修女重复说,圣弥额尔除了 7 天的任务外,还规定了一些施舍,指出要帮助孩子们,以及每个孩子要接受什么。她呻吟道教会正处于极大的危险之中。我必须要求每一个来见我的人都为这个意向念一遍《天主经》。

We must pray that the Pope may not leave Rome, for unheard-of evils would result from such a step. We must pray the Holy Ghost to enlighten him, for they are even now trying to exact something of him. The Protestant doctrine, as also that of the Greeks, is spreading everywhere. Two men live at this time who long to ruin the Church, but they have lost one who used to help them with his pen. He was killed by a young man about a year ago, and one of the two men of whom I speak left Germany at the same time.


They have their employees everywhere. The little black man in Rome, whom I see so often, has many working for him without their clearly knowing for what end. He has his agents in the new black church also. If the Pope leaves Rome, the enemies of the Church will get the upper hand. I see the little black man in his own country committing many thefts and falsifying things generally. Religion is there so skilfully undermined and stifled that there are scarcely one hundred faithful priests. I cannot say how it is, but I see fog and darkness increasing.


There are, however, three churches that they cannot seize : St. Peter's, St. Mary-Major's and St. Michael's. Although they are constantly trying to undermine then, they will not succeed. I help not. All must be rebuilt soon for every one, even ecclesiastics are laboring to destroy — ruin is at hand. The two enemies of the Church who have lost their accomplice are firmly resolved to destroy the pious and learned men that stand in their way."


When the Pilgrim visited Sister Emmerich on October 4th, he found her perfectly worn out by the exertions of the preceding night. That St. Michael's commands were being fulfilled, was very evident, “I have had combats more terrible," she said, “than any I have ever endured, and I am almost dead. I cannot say how fearfully I have suffered. This struggle was shown me long ago under the symbol of a person buffeted by demons, and now I know it was myself.

当朝圣者在10 月 4 日探访艾曼丽修女时,他发现艾曼丽修女由于前一天晚上的劳累而疲惫不堪。圣弥额尔的命令正在执行,这是非常明显的,艾曼丽修女说:我经历了一场比以往任何一次战斗都更可怕的战斗,现在我几乎要死了。我说不出我遭受了多么可怕的痛苦。这场斗争很久以前就在一个被恶魔袭击的人的象征下显示给我看,现在我知道那个被袭击的人就是我自己。

I fought against a whole legion of devils who excite minds against me and do all they can to harass me. I have also undertaken too many prayers. They want to install bad Bishops. In one place they want to turn a Catholic church into a Lutheran meeting-house. I must pray, suffer, and struggle against this, for such is my present task. If the saints did not assist me, I could not endure it. I should be overcome, and that would be most grievous to me ! I see the devil using every artifice to put me to shame. — He is continually sending all sorts of people to visit me, to torment and wear me out (1).


 (1) The day before, owing to Gertrude's carelessness, a French milliner unceremoniously entered the invalid's little room and spread out her goods on the bed. It was only with the greatest difficulty that Sister Emmerich could rid herself of her importunate visitor, whose loquacity annoyed her so that she could scarcely relate her visions to the Pilgrim, who arrived soon after.

 (原注:1) 前一天,由于格特鲁德的粗心大意,一位法国女帽销售商无礼地走进了病人的小房间,把她的东西摊在床上。艾曼丽修女费了九牛二虎之力才摆脱了这位纠缠不休的来访者,她的喋喋不休让艾曼丽修女很烦恼,以至于艾曼丽修女几乎无法把自已看到的异象告诉不久之后到来的朝圣者。

 “Last night I had a vision of the Pope. I saw St. Francis carrying the church, and the basilica of St. Peter borne on the shoulders of a little man who had something of the Jew in his countenance. It looked very perilous. Mary stood on the north side of the church with her mantle extended over it. The little man was almost bent double. He is, as yet, a laic. I know who he is.


The twelve men whom I always see as the twelve new Apostles ought to have helped him, but they arrived too late; however, just as he was about to fall, they all ran up with myriads of angels to his assistance. It was only the pavement and the back part of the church, for all the rest had been demolished by the secret society helped by the servants of the church themselves. They bore it to another place, and it seemed as if rows of palaces fell before it like fields of wheat in harvest time.


 “When I saw St. Peter's in this ruinous state and so many ecclesiastics laboring, though secretly, at its destruction, I was so overcome that I cried earnestly to Jesus for mercy. Then I saw my Heavenly Spouse before me under the form of a youth. He spoke to me for a long time. He told me that this translation of St. Peter's signified that the Church would apparently fall to total ruin : but that, resting on these supports, she would be raised up again.


Even if there should remain but one Catholic Christian, the Church would again triumph since its foundations were not cast in the intellect or councils of men. She had never yet been without members praying and suffering for her. He showed me all that He Himself had endured for her, what efficacy He had bestowed upon the merits and labors of the martyrs, and He ended by saying that He would endure it all over again if it were possible for Him again to suffer.


He showed me, also, in numberless pictures, the miserable aims of Christians and ecclesiastics throughout the whole world. The vision grew wider, more extended, until it embraced my own country ; and then Jesus exhorted me to perseverance in prayer and expiatory suffering. It was an unspeakably great and sorrowful picture. I cannot describe it ! — I was also told that very few Christians, in the true sense of the term, are to be found nowadays and that the Jews of our day are pure Pharisees, though still more obstinate ; only Judith's people in Africa belong to the ancient Jews. — I am greatly afflicted at what I saw ! "


October 7th — “I have been on a mission among the Roman catacombs, and I saw the life of a martyr who with many others lived there concealed. He had made numerous conversions. He lived not long after Thecla's time, but I have forgotten his name. Even when a boy he used to go with holy women to the catacombs and prisons to console the poor Christians. He lay concealed a long time in a hermitage, but afterward endured cruel torments, and ended his life with many others by decapitation.

10 月 7 日 — 我在罗马地下墓穴中执行任务,我看到了一位殉道者的生平,他和许多人隐藏在那里。他生活在特克拉时代后不久,他使无数人皈依悔改。但我忘记了他的名字。甚至在他还是个孩子的时候,他就经常和圣妇一起去地下墓穴和监狱安慰可怜的基督徒。他作为隐士隐匿了很长时间,但后来忍受了残酷的折磨,与许多其他人一起被斩首,而结束了他的生命。

He carried his own head from the place of execution, but I do not remember his history very distinctly. I went with the martyr and St. Frances of Rome into one of the catacombs, the ground of which was covered with shining flowers, the blossoms of his own and his companions' sufferings ; for here it was that they had been executed. Conspicuous among them were beautiful white roses, one of which I found all at once sticking in my bosom (the saint's relic.


In several other places I saw flowers, the sufferings of those martyrs whose intercession I had implored for the Church in her present tribulations, As I went through Rome with Frances and the saint, we saw a great palace enveloped in flames the Vatican). I was in dread lest the inmates would be consumed, for no one tried to extinguish the fire ; but when we drew near, it suddenly ceased and left the building black and scorched.


After passing through numerous magnificent apartments, we reached that of the Pope. We found him sitting in the dark, asleep in a large arm-chair. He was very sick and weak, no longer able to walk, and people were going to and fro before his door. The ecclesiastics most nearly connected with him pleased me not. They appeared to be false and lukewarm, and the simple-minded pious men whom I once saw by him were now removed to a distant part of the palace. I spoke long with the Holy Father, and I cannot express how very real my presence there seemed to be ; for I, too, was extremely weak and the people around were constantly obliged to support me.


I spoke with the Bishops soon to be appointed, and I again told the Pope that he must not leave Rome, for if he did, all would go to ruin. He thought the evil inevitable and that his personal safety as well as other considerations, would oblige him to go, a measure to which he felt himself strongly inclined and to which also he was advised by his counsellors.


— Then Frances spoke to him a long time, whilst I stood by weak and fainting, supported by my companions. Before I left, the Pope gave me a little saucer of sugared strawberries which, however, I did not eat, as I wanted them for a sick person." — Later, she exclaimed still in ecstasy : " Those strawberries have no very good signification. — They show that many ties still bind the Pope to earth."


 “I saw Rome in such a state that the least spark would inflame it, and Sicily dark, frightful, abandoned by all that could leave it." — One day whilst in ecstasy, she groaned: “I see the Church alone, forsaken by all and around her strife, misery, hatred, treason, resentment, total blindness. I see messengers sent on all sides from a dark central point with messages that issue from their mouths like black vapor, enkindling in the breast of their hearers rage and hatred. I pray earnestly for the oppressed !


— On those places in which some souls still pray I see light descending ; but on others, pitchy darkness. The situation is terrible ! May God have mercy! How much I have prayed ! O city ! city, (Rome) with what art thou threatened ! The storm approaches — be on thy guard ! I trust thou wilt stand firm !"



天主之仆教宗庇护七世(拉丁语:Servus Dei, Pius   PP. VII;1742年8月14日-1823年8月20日)原名巴尔纳·基亚拉蒙蒂(Barnaba Chiaramonti),1800年3月14日当选罗马主教,同年3月21日即位至1823年8月20日为止,在位23年




玛丽亚·冯·莫尔神秘主义者,补赎者,代罪人做补赎者 (1812-1868)



上一篇:下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天神—天上的耶路撒冷
下一篇:下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为上莱茵教省、为罪人的悔改、为临终者的祈祷和受苦


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