真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦
下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦
浏览次数:1311 更新时间:2024-9-27

This journey exhausted the poor invalid; its frightful pictures agitated her soul like the waves of an angry sea. Without the support received from on high, she would, as she declared, have been unable to endure the sight of even a small part of the miseries that passed under her eyes.


She saw upwards of a thousand saints with the detailed life and visions of about one hundred. But she beheld none of the clairvoyants of the day among them ; indeed, she had never seen one of the latter under favorable colors — they all appeared in a suspicious light and in the train of the abominable bride of the Nuptial House.


She saw the twelve future Apostles of the Church, each in his own country and present position. The saints of whom she possessed relics appeared to her more distinctly than others. From this fact she inferred that there are among her treasures some of Apostles and disciples which she would discover later.


This extended journey was accompanied by corporal sufferings in expiation of the outrages offered to her Divine Spouse in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. She was taken into the various churches she met on her way, there to atone by her fervent prayers for the affronts to which Jesus was exposed from the tepidity, indifference, and incredulity of the age.


The first communication on this subject relates to the celebration of Corpus Christi in which she herself took part, 1819. It is given, as follows, by the Pilgrim : —


" All night I went around among the unhappy and afflicted, some known to me, others unknown, and I begged God to let me bear the burden of all who could not approach the Holy Communion with alight and joyous heart. Then I took their sufferings on my own shoulders. I found them so great as to weigh me down almost to the earth.


The poor people passed before me in pictures, and from each I took a part or the whole of his burden according as I could get it. I drew it from his breast under the form of fine, flexible rolls, light as a tender switch, but so numerous as to make an enormous package when bound together.

可怜的人们从我面前以画面经过 ,我从每个人身上尽我所能地分担他的一部分或全部的负担。我把负担从那人的心里取出来,做成柔韧的细卷,轻得像一根柔软的枝条,但数量如此之多,当捆在一起的时候,就变成了一个巨大的包袱。

My own torments were under the form of a long white leathern girdle, about a hand in breadth, streaked with red. I bound all the rolls together, folded them in two, and fastened the great, heavy package over my cross with the two ends of my girdle. The rolls were variously colored according to the different sufferings they symbolized — if I reflected a little, I should be able to name the colors of many whom I knew.


I took the huge bundle on my shoulders and made a visit to the Blessed Sacrament to offer these sufferings for the poor, blind creatures who know not that infinite treasure of consolation. First I went into a chapel, unfinished, unadorned, but in which, notwithstanding, God was waiting on the altar. There I offered my package and prayed to the Blessed Sacrament.


It seemed as if this chapel had sprung up merely to give me strength, for I was almost sinking under the burden which I carried on my right shoulder in memory of the wound made on Our Lord's shoulder by the cross. I have often seen that wound, the most painful of all on His Sacred Body.


At last I came to a place in which a procession was being made and I saw, at the same moment, similar processions in distant places. In the one in which I took part figured most of those whose sufferings I bore and I saw, to my astonishment, the same colors issuing from their mouth as they sang, as were the rolls I had drawn from them.


The Blessed Sacrament had the appearance of a little luminous, transparent Infant in the centre of a resplendent sun, surrounded by myriads of angels and saints in great splendor and magnificence. It is inexpressible ! If the others had seen what I saw, they would have sunk to the ground unable from terror and amazement to bear the monstrance further.


I prayed and offered my pack. Then the procession entered into a church which now appeared in the air surrounded by a garden and cemetery. The graves of the latter were covered with lovely flowers : lilies, red and white roses, and white asters. From the east side of the church advanced in unspeakable splendor a priestly figure like unto Our Lord.


He was soon encircled by twelve resplendent men, and these again by numerous others. I had a good position, I could see everything. There issued from the Lord's mouth a little luminous form which gradually increased, took a more definite shape, and then again decreasing entered the mouth under the figure of a little shining child, first of the Twelve then of all the others around the Lord.


This was not the historic scene which I see on Holy Thursday, the Lord reclining at table with His Apostles, but it reminded me of it — all was luminous and sparkling, a divine function, a Church festival. The whole church was crowded, some sitting, some standing, some hovering in the air. There were seats raised in tiers, but perfectly transparent.


I saw in the Lord's hands a figure into which entered the little luminous body that issued from His mouth and around which appeared a spiritual church highly ornamented — it was the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance as It is when exposed for adoration or Benediction. The Lord repeatedly uttered into It His loving Word, and the Body, ever one and the same, entered the mouth of all the assistants.


"I laid down my burden awhile and received the Heavenly Manna. When I took it up again, I beheld a troop of people whose bundles were so filthy that I dreaded to touch them. I was informed that they were still to be severely judged and punished according to their works of penance, but I felt no pity for them.


The feast ended, and it seemed to me as if I had seen some men who would rekindle over all the world faith and fervor in the admirable mystery of the real presence of God. The chapel in which I had first rested with my burden was in a mountain as, when a child, I had seen the altars and tabernacles of the early Christians — it represented the Blessed Sacrament in time of persecution.


The cemetery signified that the altars of the Unbloody Sacrifice should stand over the tombs and relics of martyrs, that the churches themselves should be erected over them. I saw the Church under the form of a spiritual, heavenly festival. A four-branch candle-stick stood before the altar.


I saw the Feast of Corpus Christi, first directly through Jesus, then through the Blessed Sacrament Itself, the treasure of the Church. I saw the feast celebrated by numbers of the early Christians, by those of our own times, and by many belonging to the future, and I received an assurance that Its worship would flourish with new vigor in the Church.


"On the feasts of the holy peasant Isidore, many things were shown me on the importance of celebrating and hearing Mass, and I saw how great a blessing it is that so many are said though even by ignorant and unworthy priests, as it averts all sorts of dangers, chastisements, and calamities from men. It is well that many priests do not realize what they do, for if they did they would be so terrified as not to be able to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice.


I saw the marvellous blessings attached to hearing Mass. It facilitates labor, promotes good, and prevents loss. One member of a family returning from Mass, carries home a blessing to the whole house and for the whole day. I saw how much greater is the advantage attached to hearing a Mass, than to having one said without assisting at it. I saw all defects in the celebration of Mass supernaturally supplied."


The week preceding Pentecost, 1820, Sister Emmerich's sufferings both of mind and body were almost insupportable. These sufferings she had to offer as an atonement for the outrages committed against the Blessed Sacrament. She was assisted by the saints of the day, and particularly by the highly gifted' souls who in the past had suffered in the same manner as she now did.

1820 年五旬节前的一周,艾曼丽修女的身心痛苦几乎无法承受。她必须奉献这些痛苦来补赎人们对圣体犯下的暴行。她得到了当天圣人们的帮助,尤其是那些有特别恩賜的灵魂,他们在过去也遭受过和她现在一样的痛苦。

 “To-day, May 17, 1820," writes the Pilgrim, "I found the invalid in tears, because Clara Soentgen wanted to bring some strangers to see her. —'Every moment I think I shall die of pain,’ she groaned,  ‘and yet they leave me no rest !' — Her malady (retention and a suffocating cough) is intolerable and the shooting pains in her wounded side intense; her longing for the Blessed Sacrament consumes her and her deep sadness makes her shed torrents of tears.

今天,1820 年 5 月 17 日,朝圣者写道,我发现病人在流泪,因为克拉拉·索恩特根想带几个陌生人来见她。 ——每时每刻我都想我一定会死于疼痛,艾曼丽修女呻吟着,然而他们却让我不得安宁! ——她的病症(咽喉肿痛和窒息性咳嗽)让人难以忍受,她受伤的一侧肋骨剧烈疼痛;对圣体的渴望吞噬了她,深深的悲伤让她流下了滂沱的泪水。

Her sufferings of body and soul are pitiful to behold. She begged the child (her niece) to say three Our Fathers to obtain for her strength to live, if it were God's will that she should do so. The little girl prayed with her, and she became calm."


May 18th —"Her desire for the Blessed Sacrament becomes more violent. She languishes, laments the privation of her daily bread, and cries out in ecstasy : ‘Why dost Thou leave me thus to languish for Thee? Without Thee I must die ! Thou alone canst help me ! If I must live, give me life !' — When she awoke, she exclaimed : —'My Lord has told me that I now must see what I am without Him. Things are changed — I must become His nourishment, my flesh must be consumed in ardent desires.' Her visions at this holy season are sad ; so much distress and misery, so many offences against God ! She cannot relate them.”

5 月 18 日——艾曼丽修女对圣体的渴望变得更加强烈。她受煎熬,哀叹她日用食粮的匮乏,并在神魂超拔中大喊:『祢为什么丢下我,让我为祢憔悴?没有祢,我必死!只有祢能帮助我!如果我必须活下去,请赐予我生命!——当她醒来时,她喊道:『我的主告诉我,我现在必须看到没有祂我是什么样子。一切都变了——我必须成为基督喂养羊群的食物,我的肉体必须被炽热的渴望所消耗。 她在这个神圣的五旬节期,看到的景象是悲伤的,有那么多的痛苦和苦难,那么多对天主的冒犯!她无法描述出来。

Feast of Pentecost, May 21st. — The Pilgrim, who had witnessed her anguish and tears on the preceding evening, found her this morning radiant as a spouse of Christ, breathing but joy and holiness.

五旬节,5月21日。—— 前一天晚上目睹了她的痛苦和泪水的朝圣者,今天早上发现她像基督的净配一样容光焕发,充满了喜乐和圣洁。

 “I have been in the Cenacle with the Apostles, and I have been fed in a way that I cannot express. Nourishment under the form of a wave of light flowed into my mouth. It was exceedingly sweet, but I know not whence it came.


I saw no hand, and I began to fear lest, perhaps, having broken my fast, I should not be able to receive Holy Communion in the morning. I was not here, and yet I distinctly heard the clock strike twelve, stroke for stroke. I counted each one.


I beheld the descent of the Holy Ghost on the disciples, and how the same Holy Spirit on every anniversary of this feast spreads all over the earth wherever He finds pure hearts desirous of receiving Him. I can describe this only by saying that I saw here and there in the darkness a parish, a church, a city, or one or more individuals suddenly illumined.

我看见圣神降临在门徒身上,又看见在每年的圣神降临节,同一圣神都会降临到世界各地,降临到那些渴慕祂寻找祂的纯洁的心灵中。我只能这样描述: 在黑暗中,我不时看到一教区、一座教堂、一个城市,或者一个或多人突然被照亮

The whole earth lay in darkness below me, and I saw by a flash of heavenly light here a flower-bed, there a tree, a bush, a fountain, an islet, not only lit up, but rendered quite luminous. Through the mercy of God, all that I saw last night was good; the works of darkness were not shown me.


All over the world I saw numberless infusions of the Spirit; sometimes, like a lightning-stroke, falling on a congregation in church, and I could tell who among them had received the grace ; or, again, I beheld individuals praying in their homes, suddenly endued with light and strength. The sight awoke in me great joy and confidence that the Church amid her ever-increasing tribulations, will not succumb;  for in all parts of the world I saw defenders raised up to her by the Holy Ghost.


Yes, I felt that the oppression of the powers of this world serves but to increase her strength. I saw in St. Peter's at Rome a grand feast celebrated with myriads of lights, and I saw the Holy Father and many others receiving the strength of the Holy Ghost. I did not see the dark church last night (Protestant) which is always a horror to me.


I saw in different places the twelve enlightened men whom I see so often as twelve new Apostles or Prophets of the Church. I feel as if I know one of them, that he is near me. I saw the Holy Spirit poured out on some of our own land. I knew them all in my vision, but it is seldom that I can name them afterward. I think I saw the stern Superior. I felt certain that the persecution of the Church here in our own country will turn out well, but great troubles await us."


On Whit-Monday, a painful task of reparation to the Blessed Sacrament was announced to her ; —


注:Whit-Monday圣神降临节(也称五旬节,等于 Whitmonday)

 “I knelt alone with my guide in a large church before the Blessed Sacrament which was surrounded by indescribable glory. In It I saw the resplendent figure of the Infant Jesus before whom since my childhood I have always opened my heart and poured out my prayers. As I presented my petitions, I received an answer to each one from the Blessed Sacrament in the form of a ray which pierced my soul and filled me with consolation. I was, also, gently reproved for my faults. I passed almost the whole night before the tabernacle, my angel at my side."


Sister Emmerich's humility would not allow her to give the details of this vision. It was immediately followed by apparitions of St. Augustine and two holy Augustinians, Rita of Cassia and Clare of Montefalco, who prepared her to undergo sufferings such as they themselves had formerly endured for the Blessed Sacrament.


She fell into ecstasy and, to the amazement of her confessor and the Pilgrim, who were conversing together in the antechamber, she suddenly stood up on her bed (a thing she had not done for four years), her countenance radiant with joy, her hands raised to heaven, and recited slowly and devoutly in a sweet, clear voice, the whole of the Te Deum.

艾曼丽陷入了神魂超拔之中,令正在前厅里交谈的告解神师和朝圣者大吃一惊的是,她突然从床上站了起来(这是她四年来从末做过的事),她的脸上洋溢着喜悦的光芒,双手向天举起,用甜美清晰的声音缓慢而虔诚地诵念了整个 Te Deum)“赞美颂

注:Te Deum(拉丁文)赞美颂;感恩赞美颂乐曲


 Her face was emaciated and slightly sallow, but her cheeks were flushed and a look of enthusiasm beamed from her dark eyes. She stood upright, firm and secure in her position. At certain parts she joined her hands and inclined her head suppliantly, her voice betraying a tender, caressing accent like a child reciting verses in its father's honor. Her ample robe fell below the ankles, giving her a most imposing appearance, and her prayer, repeated in a loud voice, excited in the hearer a feeling of mingled piety and awe.


" St. Augustine stood by me," she said next day, "in his episcopal robes, and O he was so kind ! I was rejoiced to see him and I accused myself of never especially honoring him. He replied : ' Still I know thee. Thou art my child!’ — When I asked him to relieve my pain, he presented me a nosegay in which was a blue flower — a feeling of strength and relief instantly pervaded my whole person.

圣奥斯定站在我身边,第二天艾曼丽修女说,他穿着主教的长袍,啊,他是那么亲切!见到他我很高兴,我责备自己从来没有特别恭敬过他。他回答说:『我仍然认得你,你是我的孩子! ——当我请求他减轻我的痛苦时,他给了我一束花,里面有一朵蓝色的花——一种力量和解脱的感觉立刻遍布了我全身。

The saint said to me : ‘Thou wilt never be entirely well, for thy way is that of suffering. But, when in need of help and consolation, think of me. I shall always give them thee. Now rise and say the Te Deum to thank the Most Holy Trinity for thy cure.' Then I arose and prayed. I was perfectly strong and my joy was very great.

圣人对我说:『你永远不会完全康复,因为你的道路是受苦的路。但是,当你需要帮助和安慰时,就想到我吧。我永远会给你安慰。现在起来并诵念 Te Deum)“赞美颂,以感谢至圣圣三的治愈。 然后我起来祈祷。我的身体非常强壮,我的喜乐极大。

Afterward I saw St. Augustine in his glory. First, I beheld the Most Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin, I can hardly say how. I seemed to see an old man on a throne. From his forehead and breast streamed rays of light in the form of a cross from which, in turn, shot numerous other rays over the choirs and orders of angels and saints.


At some distance, surrounded by blessed spirits, I saw St. Augustine's celestial glory. He was seated on a throne, receiving from the cross of the Holy Trinity streams of light which he imparted to the surrounding choirs. Around him were priests in various costumes, and on one side, rising like a mountain one above the other and floating like clouds in the sky, were numerous churches, all of which had emanated from the saint.

在远处,我看到了圣奥斯定天上的荣耀,周围都是有福的灵魂。 他坐在一个宝座上,接受来自至圣圣三的十字架的光流,并将这些光流传递给周围的歌咏团。在他的周围,是身着各种祭衣的司铎,而一侧,像天空中的云朵一样漂浮着无数的教堂,像一座座山峰高高耸立,所有这些教堂都是从圣奥斯定那里发出的。

This was a picture of his heavenly greatness. The light received from the Trinity symbolized his own personal illumination. The choirs around him were the different vessels, the different souls that received light through him. They, in their turn, poured it upon others whilst receiving, also, rays directly from God.


The sight of such things is unspeakably beautiful and consoling, and so natural — yes, more natural, more intelligible than the sight of a tree or flower upon earth. In the choirs around the saint were all the priests and doctors, all the Orders and communities which had emanated from him, inasmuch as they are blessed, inasmuch as they have become vessels of God, gushing fountains of living waters whose source is in him.


After this I saw him in a heavenly garden, but this picture was a little lower down. The first was a vision of his glory, his place in the starry heaven of the Most Holy Trinity ; the second was rather a picture of his actual influence upon earth, his assistance to the Church Militant, to living men.


All pictures of the celestial gardens appear lower than those of the saints in God, in glory. I beheld him in a beautiful garden full of the most wonderful trees, shrubs, and flowers. There were many others with him, among whom I remember particularly St. Francis Xavier and St. Francis de Sales.


They were not seated in order as for a feast, but going around, distributing the flowers and fruits of the garden, which represent the graces and good works of their life. I saw numbers of the living in the garden, many of whom I knew, and they were receiving gifts in manifold ways.


The apparition of the living is something very special, the counterpart, as it were, of the apparition of saints upon earth. They appear in the garden of the saints like spirits under certain, indeterminate forms, and receive all kinds of fruits and flowers.


I see some who seem to be raised into this sphere of grace by prayer, and others who seem to receive such favors without conscious effort on their part ; they are vessels of election. The same difference exists between these two classes as between one who takes the trouble to gather fruit in a garden, and another who sees it falling at his feet as he walks along, or to whom God deigns to send it by this or that saint.


" After this my guide led me on my own road to the Heavenly Jerusalem, and I saw that I was now far beyond the place where I had seen the little notes of warning (1). I climbed a mountain and reached a garden of which St Clare of Montefalco had charge.

(1) See Vol. I., Chap. 39.


  (1) 见上卷第39章。

In her hands I saw luminous wounds and around her brow a shining crown of thorns; for, although she had not had the exterior marks of the Wounds, she had felt their pain. Clare told me that this was her garden and that, as I loved gardening, she would show me how it should be carried on.


There was a wall around it, but it was only symbolical, for one could both see and pass through it ; it was built of round, variegated, shining stones. The garden was laid out in eight beautiful beds all verging toward the centre. There were some handsome large trees in full bloom, and a fountain which could be made to water the whole place.


A vine was trained all around the wall. I stayed almost all night in the garden with St. Clare. She taught me the virtue and signification of every plant and how to use it. We passed from one flower-bed to another, but I do not now remember where she got the roots.


It seemed to be supernaturally in the air, or from an apparition. I worked with her near a fig-tree, though I do not now recollect at what. I only remember that there were beds of bitter-cress and chervil. Clare told me that, if my taste were too sweet, I must take a mouthful of cress, and if too bitter, a mouthful of chervil.


I have always been very fond of these herbs. I used to chew them when I was a child, indeed I could have lived on them. The hardest thing for me to understand was Clare's management of the vine, how she trained it, divided it, and pruned it. I could not succeed. It was the last thing she taught me in the garden.


During our work the birds flocked round us, perched on my shoulders and were just as familiar with me as they had been in the convent cloister. Clare told me that she had the instruments of the Passion engraven on her heart and that, after her death, three stones had been found in her gall. She spoke, also, of the graces she had received on the Feast of the Holy Trinity, bidding me prepare for a new labor on the coming feast. She looked very thin, pale, and exhausted.


 “I saw, too, St. Rita of Cassia. As she prayed one day before a crucifix, she begged in her humility for one single thorn from the crown of her Crucified Saviour, when a ray of light shot from the crown and wounded her in the fore-head. She suffered in that spot a lifelong, indescribable pain, matter continually oozing from it which caused her to be shunned by all. I saw also her great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. She told me many things."


On the eve of the Most Holy Trinity, the task foretold by St. Clare began. Sister Emmerich says : “When I saw the bad preparation of so many persons who were going to confession, I renewed my petition to God to let me suffer something for their amendment ; and then, indeed, my task began.


It seemed as if I were being pierced incessantly by fine darts of pain shot at me like arrows, and in the night they became more intense than I had ever felt before. They began around my heart which felt like a furnace of pain tightly bound in flames. Waves of fiery pains swept thence through all parts of my body, through the marrow of my bones, to the tips of my fingers, my nails, and my hair.


It was like the regular flow of the tide from my heart to my hands, feet, and head and back again, my wounds being the principal centres. My sufferings increased until midnight when I awoke, steeped in perspiration and unable to move. I had only one consolation — the indistinct idea of the cross formed by the principal centres of my pain which seemed to be grinding me to powder.


At midnight I could bear it no longer, for my stupor made me forget its cause ; so I turned like a child to my father, St. Augustine. 'Ah! dear father, St. Augustine, thou didst promise to help me whenever I invoked thee ! Ah ! see my distress!’— my prayer was instantly heard. The saint stood before me, telling me most kindly why I was suffering so, but that he could not take away my pains since I was to endure them in union with the Passion of Jesus Christ.


He bade me be comforted although I was still to suffer three hours more. I was greatly consoled though in intense agony, knowing that it was for the love of Christ's Passion and to satisfy Divine Justice for sinners. I rejoiced to be of some use and I threw my whole heart into my pains. I accepted the grace of expiatory suffering with loving confidence in the mercy of the Heavenly Father.


St. Augustine reminded me, moreover, that three years ago, on the morning of All-Saints, my Spouse had appeared to me as I lay at the point of death. He had given me my choice either to die and go to purgatory, or to live longer in suffering, and that I had replied: 'Lord, in purgatory my sufferings will be of no avail. If, then, it be not contrary to Thy will, let me live and endure all possible torments if thereby I can aid but a single soul !'


— Then, although I had at first asked for death, my Saviour now granted my second request by prolonging my life of suffering. When my Holy Father recalled this circumstance, I distinctly remembered it and, from that moment until the end of the three hours, I calmly and thankfully endured the most cruel tortures. Pain forced from me the bitterest tears and the sweat of death.


" I had another vision of the Most Holy Trinity under the form of a resplendent old man seated on a throne. From His forehead streamed an indescribably clear, colorless light ; from His mouth flowed a luminous stream slightly tinged with yellow, like fire ; and from His breast near the heart, another stream of colored light.


These streams formed in the air above the old man's breast a cross which sparkled like the rainbow, and it seemed to me that He laid His hands on its arms. Innumerable rays issued from it. They fell first on the heavenly choirs and then down upon the earth, filling and quickening all things.


A little below the Holy Trinity and to the right, I saw Mary's throne. A ray darted to her from the old man and another from her to the cross. All this is quite inexpressible. But in vision ; although dazzling and swimming in light, it was perfectly intelligible : one and three, vivifying all, enlightening all, and most wonderfully sufficing for all.


Below the throne were the angels in a world of colorless light; above them the four-and-twenty ancients with silver hair, surrounding the Most Holy Trinity. All the rest of the boundless space was filled with saints who were themselves the luminous centres of shining choirs. At the right of the Trinity was St. Augustine surrounded by his choirs, but much lower than Mary, and all around lay gardens, shining palaces, and churches.


— I felt as if I were wandering among the starry heavens. These vessels of God are of every variety of form and appearance, but all are filled with Jesus Christ. The same law governs all, the same substance pervades all though under a different form, and a straight line leads through each into the light of the Father through the cross of the Son.


I saw a long line of royal females extending from the Mother of God, virgins with crowns and sceptres, though not earthly queens, souls who had preceded or followed Mary in the order of time. They seemed to serve her as the twenty-four ancients serve the Most Holy Trinity. They were celebrating the feast by a marvelously solemn movement severally and all together. I can compare it only to beautiful music.


The angels and saints advanced in one or many processions to the throne of the Most Holy Trinity like the stars in the sky revolving around the sun. And then I saw down on the earth innumerable processions corresponding to the celestial ones, also celebrating the feast — but how miserable ! how dark ! how full of breaks !


To look upon it from above was like looking down into the mire— still there was much good here and there. I saw also our own procession here in Dulmen, and I noticed a poor little ragged child. I know where it lives. I shall clothe it (1)."


 (1)"It is singularly touching,” remarks the Pilgrim, “to see the goodness and compassion of her heart. In the midst of the wonders presented to the eyes of her soul, she pauses to notice the wants of a poor little child, and even to find out Its abode. As It passed before her house, she exclaimed :— Ah ! how I should love to bring that poor ragged little creature up here and dress it ! See, bow sadly it walks among the other children in their holiday clothes!’— If one still in the body can see and feel thus, how great must be the compassion of the angels and saints, our brethren in glory, of Mary, of Jesus, of God Himself, who all love us more than those on earth, and who see more clearly. How can one who prays with faith lose courage?"

 (1) 看到艾曼丽修女那颗善良和同情的心,」朝圣者说:这是非常感人的。在她灵魂的眼睛所看到的奇迹中,她停下来注意到了一个可怜的小孩子的需要,甚至想知道他的住处。当小孩子从她家门前经过时,她惊呼道:——啊!我多么喜欢把那个可怜的衣衫褴褛的小东西带到这里,并给他穿上衣服!瞧,他悲伤地鞠躬,在其他穿节日盛装的孩子中间走来走去!——如果一个还在肉身里的人能看到和感受到这些,那么天使和圣人、我们在荣耀中的弟兄们、圣母玛丽亚、耶稣、天主自己的怜悯该有多么长阔高深,他们比世上的人更爱我们,更清楚地看到我们的处境。一个凭信心祈祷的人怎么会失去勇气呢?

On the evening of Holy Trinity Sunday a dance was held in the house in which Sister Emmerich lodged. Next day she spoke of it as follows : “I suffered intensely last night, on account of the indecent dances and games going on in the house. In the midst of the noisy assembly I beheld the devil, a conspicuous figure under a corporal form, urging on certain individuals and inspiring them with all kinds of evil desires.


Their angel-guardian called to them from afar, but they turned a deaf ear and followed the evil one. No good came from it ; not one went home unharmed. I saw all sorts of animals by their side ; their interior was full of black stains. I frequently ran among them, inspiring fear, preventing sin. — To console me I had visions on the life of two saints, Francis de Sales and Frances de Chantal, chiefly upon their spiritual union ; the former often received counsel and support from the latter.


Once on the occasion of an odious calumny against him, I saw him consoled by Frances who was distressed at seeing him so much afflicted by it. They showed me the foundation, propagation, and dispersion of the Visitation Order and spoke of the restoration of its different houses. Their words came to me as if from a distance. They said that the times are indeed sad ; but, after many tribulations, peace will be restored and religion and charity reign once more among men.


Then convents will flourish in the true sense of the word. I saw a picture of this future time which I cannot describe, but in which I saw the whole earth arising from darkness and light and love awaking. I had also numerous pictures of the restoration of Religious Orders (1). The time of Antichrist is not so near as some 'imagine ; he will still have many precursors. I saw in two cities some teachers from whose schools they will come."


 (1) St. Hildegarde, also, describing the actual state of the times, predicts a renewal of life in the Church. After prophesying the partition of the German Empire and the increasing hostility of the secular power toward the Pope, she says : “The Pope will retain under the sovereignty of the tiara only Rome and some unimportant parts of the adjoining territory. The spoliation will be effected partly by the invasion of armed soldiers, and partly by conventions and measures concerted among the people — But after awhile impiety will be vanquished for a time. It will, indeed, try to raise its head again, but justice will be so firmly administered that the people will sincerely return to the faithful practice of the simple manners and wise discipline of their forefathers - yes, even princes and lords, such as Bishops and Ecclesiastical Superiors, may imitate the virtuous example of their Inferiors, and every one will esteem in his neighbor only piety and justice,”— Liber divinorum operum, pars- III.. Viaio X-, c- 25, 26.

 (注1) 圣希尔德加德也描述了当时的实际状况,预言了圣教会的生命更新。在预言了德意志帝国会分裂,世俗势力对教宗的敌意会日益增加之后,她说:「教宗将只保留罗马和毗邻领土的一些不重要的部分的主权。这种对教宗主权的掠夺,一部分通过武装士兵的入侵造成的,一部分是通过人民之间一致的公约和措施造成的——但过一段时间之后,不虔敬的势力就会被暂时征服,它确实会再次抬头,但正义将得到坚定的执行,人民将恢复并忠实地实践他们祖先的朴素传统和明智的纪律——是的,即使是王公贵族,如主教和教会的上层,也可以效法他们的下级的美德榜样,每个人都将只尊重他的近人的虔诚和正义。」

May 30th — Feast of Corpus Christi, Sister Emmerich's sufferings recommenced as on Holy Trinity : — “Again I felt those pains like fine rays falling upon, piercing me in all directions like threads of silver. Besides, I had to carry, to drag so many people along that I am all bruised; not a bone in my body that is not, as it were, dislocated.

5 月 30 日 — 基督圣体圣血瞻礼,艾曼丽修女的痛苦重新开始,就像在圣三瞻礼上一样:—— 我再次感觉到那些疼痛就像细细的光线射向我,像银线一样向四面八方刺入我。此外,我还得背着、拖着这么多的人走,弄得我浑身淤青;我身上没有一根骨头没有脱臼。

When I awoke the middle fingers of both hands were stiff, bent, and paralyzed, and my wounds have pained intensely all night long. I saw in numerous pictures the coldness and irreverence shown the Blessed Sacrament by which I understood the guilt of those who receive It unworthily, negligently, and by routine, and I saw many going to confess in very bad dispositions.


At each view, I begged God to forgive and enlighten His creatures. My guide took me into all our own parish churches and showed me everywhere how the Blessed Sacrament is worshipped. I found things best at Ueberwasser, Munster. Around the churches I often saw immense morasses with people sunk in them. I had to draw them out, clean, and sometimes carry them on my back to the confessional.


My guide constantly pointed out new miseries, saying : ‘Come, suffer for this one, etc.' — In the midst of my labor I often wept like a child, though I was not wholly destitute of consolation. I beheld the manifold and marvellous workings of grace by means of the Blessed Sacrament as a light shining over all Its adorers.

护守天神不断指出新的苦难,说:「来吧,为这个受苦吧,等等。 ——在我工作的过程中,我常常像个孩子一样哭泣,虽然我并不是完全得不到安慰。我看到藉着圣体圣事施予恩宠的多样性和奇妙的工作,就像一道光照耀在所有朝拜圣体的人身上。

— Yes, even they who think not of It, receive a blessing in Its presence. Lastly I went into our own church and saw the Pilgrim crossing the cemetery and thinking of the dead. The sight pleased me, and I thought : ‘He is coming to me (1).' St. Francis de Sales, St. de Chantal, St. Augustine, and other saints consoled me. I saw too that I am instrumental in relieving and healing souls, and that I suffer in union with the Passion of Jesus.


 (1) About six o'clock A. M. the time the Pilgrim went to Mass. Why should her other visions be less true than this fact?— (Breutano's Notes).

(原注1) 大约早上六点钟,朝圣者去望弥撒的时间。为什么艾曼丽修女的其他神视不如这个事实更真?——(布鲁塔诺的笔记)。

 “I had a picture of the Abbe Lambert whose sixty-seventh birthday this is. I saw him in his room, dragging around on his lame foot and apparently growing smaller and smaller, so that several times I lost sight of him altogether. I was told that if he did not become like an innocent little child, he could not enter heaven, and that his sickness is very serviceable to him.

我有一个兰伯特神父的神视画面,这是他67 岁生日。我看见他在他的房间里,拖着他的瘸脚行走,显得越来越小,以致我有好几次完全看不见他了。我被告知,如果他不变得像一个天真的小孩,他就不能进天堂,他的病对他很有帮助。

Now, as I thought he had already become very small, I suddenly saw a beautiful luminous infant lie down beside him, as if to measure itself with him. But the Abbe was still larger than the infant, and I understood that he had to be exactly the same size as the child, before he could attain beatitude."

现在,我以为他已经变得很小了,突然看到一个漂亮的发光的婴儿躺在他身边,婴儿好像要拿兰伯特神父来测量自己。但是兰伯特神父还是比婴儿大些,我明白,他必须和婴儿一样大小,才能获得福。(译注: 婴孩那样诚实无伪、表里一致、尊重他人、平等待人、以心换心、爱人如己的人,其人生就达到了与天主同在的天国境界)

In the midst of these sufferings which followed one another in quick succession, she had on Corpus Christi rich and detailed visions upon the institution of the Blessed Sacrament and Its worship down to the present time. But her weakness was so great that she was scarcely able to communicate even what follows : —


 “I saw a vision of the institution of the Most Blessed Sacrament. — The Lord sat at the centre of the long side of the table. On His right was John ; on His left a graceful, fine-looking Apostle very like to John. Next to the latter sat Peter who often leaned over him. The Lord sat and taught for awhile, then He arose and all the rest with Him.


They looked on in silence, wondering what He was about to do. He took up the plate with the bread, raised His eyes, made incisions in the bread with a bone knife, and broke it into pieces. Then He moved His right hand over it as if blessing it, at which moment there flashed from Him into the bread a bright ray of light.


Jesus became all resplendent, drowned, so to say, in the splendor which spread over all present. The Apostles now grew more recollected, more fervent. Judas was the only one that remained in darkness, repulsing the light. Jesus raised His eyes, elevated the chalice, and blessed it. — For what I saw passing in Him during this ceremony, I have but one expression :


I saw and felt that He was transforming Himself. The bread and chalice shone with light. Jesus placed the morsels on a flat plate like a patena and, taking them one by one in His right hand, He communicated all present, commencing, I think, with His Mother who advanced to the table between the Apostles opposite Jesus.


I saw light issuing from the Lord's mouth, and the bread shining and entering into that of the Apostles under a luminous human form. All were filled with light, Judas alone was dark and gloomy. The Lord then raised the chalice by the handle and gave them to drink — and here, again, I beheld a flood of light streaming over the Apostles. After the ceremony, all stood for awhile filled with emotion, and then the picture vanished. The morsels that the Lord gave the Apostles were like two little rolls joined in the middle down which was a furrow."

我看到光从主的口中发出,圣体在发光的人形下,进入宗徒们的口中。众人都充满了光明,只有犹达斯一人是黑暗而阴郁的。 然后,主拿着杯柄举起圣爵,递给宗徒们喝——在这里,我再次看到一束光芒,照耀在宗徒身上。祭礼结束后,众人都满怀感激地站立了一会儿,然后画面就消失了。主给宗徒们的面饼就像两个小饼卷,中间连在一起,下面有一道沟。

The above vision was followed by others relating to the changes that have been introduced in the form of the Sacrament, Its distribution and worship, of which Sister Emmerich relates the following : “I saw that in course of time whiter bread was used for the Blessed Sacrament, and the morsels were smaller.


In the early ages and afterward at certain periods, I saw the faithful very enlightened, full of faith and simplicity ; but later, I beheld them straying, misled, and persecuted. I saw the Church inspired by the Holy Spirit, introducing various changes in her discipline when devotion and veneration toward the Blessed Sacrament had grown weak.


Among those that separated from the Church, I saw the Sacrament Itself cease. I saw the Feast of Corpus Christi and public adoration instituted at a time of great coldness. Incalculable graces were thereby bestowed upon the whole Church. Among many other pictures, I saw a great celebration in a city known to me, I think Liege, and in a far-off, warm country, whence come fruits like dates, I saw Christians assembled in church.


The priest was at the altar, when a frightful tumult arose outside, and a brutal tyrant appeared riding a white horse. He was surrounded by his followers. He led by a chain a raging wild beast which struck terror into all the beholders. The man's intention seemed to be to force the animal into the church by way of insult,  and I thought I heard him say that he would show the Christians whether their God of bread were really a God or not. The people looked on in horror, whilst the priest, turning toward the entrance, gave benediction with the Blessed Sacrament.


— Instantly, the furious beast stood spellbound ! The priest advanced still holding the Sacred Host, when the animal meekly fell on its knees, and the tyrant and his followers were completely changed. They knelt to adore, and entered the church confused, humbled, and converted.


— Last night I endured pain so violent that I often cried out. It passed through all my members, and I was shown pictures which explained to me its cause ; viz., sins committed against the Holy Eucharist. I had also a picture which I cannot describe. I learned from it that Our Lord Himself watches over the parishes of bad priests in most wonderful ways and animates the people to piety."


On June 2d the Pilgrim found Sister Emmerich calm but very suffering, retaining but a slight remembrance of her visions of the preceding night. She had again seen St. Clare of Montefalco's garden. St. Clare explained to her that its eight divisions, of which three were already under cultivation, signified the eight days of the octave of Corpus Christi.

6 月 2 日,朝圣者发现艾曼丽修女很平静,但非常痛苦,她对前一天晚上的神视只记住了一点点。她又一次看到了蒙特法尔科的圣克莱尔花园。圣克莱尔向她解释说,里面的八个花坛,其中三个已经在耕种中,表示基督圣体圣血瞻礼的八天庆祝。

She told her the mysterious signification of the plants and what sufferings were indicated by them. In the garden near the fountain is a rose-bush surrounded by thorns.

克莱尔告诉她这些植物的神秘意义,以及它们所代表的痛苦。 在喷泉附近的花园里,有一丛被荆棘环绕的玫瑰花丛。

June 3d — Again Sister Emmerich lay quite unnerved by pain and scarcely able to speak. She begged the Pilgrim's prayers for two very serious cases: one a family in the country in great dread of an impending misfortune, and another in the city in misery brought on by sin. On Sunday in the octave she lay even more prostrate than she had been since the eve of the feast.

6 月 3 日——艾曼丽修女再一次躺在那里,疼痛难忍,几乎说不出话来。她祈求朝圣者为两个非常严重的情况而祈祷:一个是乡下的家庭,他们非常害怕即将发生的不幸;另一个是在城里的家庭,他们因罪恶而陷入痛苦。八天庆祝的瞻礼主日里,她躺在床上,比瞻礼前夕更加虚弱。

— “I passed the night, " she said, " awake and in unspeakable torment, my pains interrupted only by visions of people in distress who approached my bed as visitors do in the daytime, recommending themselves to my prayers and recounting to me their needs. — I found myself in a large church surrounded by many parishes.


A long Communion Table was prepared in it. I saw both priests and laymen entering the houses around, to call the occupants to receive the Bleesed Sacrament ; but the latter gave a thousand different excuses. One house was full of young people trifling and amusing themselves, etc. Then I saw the servants sent out to invite the poor, the lame, and the blind whom they met on the streets, and I saw numbers of such entering, the blind led and the lame carried by those who prayed for them.


I was almost exhausted. I saw many among the lame whom I know to be perfectly well. I asked a blind citizen how he had lost his sight, for until then I had not thought him blind ; but he would not admit that he could not see. I met a woman whom I had known when she was a little girl, and I asked her if it were not by marrying she had become a cripple. But she, too, thought there was nothing the matter with her; The church was far from being full."


That afternoon Sister Emmerich, in obedience to an inspiration, sent for a man who often abused his wife. She exhorted him in words so earnest to treat her kindly, that he was moved to tears. The wife, also, came to be consoled and encouraged by Sister Emmerich's counsel, and the children whom she had clothed for the feast thanked her most gratefully.


Then her pains recommenced. Every member was convulsed, the wounds in her hands grew red, the middle fingers contracted, and thus she lay in unmitigated suffering till the evening of June 7th. Once she said whilst in ecstasy that she was now enduring an excruciating trial, that she had reached the fig-tree in the southern end of the garden (St. Clare's) and that she had eaten one fig which contained all sorts of torments.


Four beds still remained to be cultivated (four days of the octave). Sister Emmerich had no relic of St. Clare of Montefalco ; but the saint came in virtue of her connection with the Augustinian Order, to which Sister Emmerich belonged, and because their sufferings had been similar. “O that these four days were over !” sighed the Pilgrim, " for her sufferings do but increase ! " And yet it was not without regret that the poor invalid saw morning dawn upon her nights of dreadful agony. At night she could at least suffer in peace, whereas day added its burden of vexations and interruptions to her weighty cross.


On June 5th, she had a vision of St. Boniface: — “I knelt before the Blessed Sacrament in a church in the middle of which were high seats, and there I saw the holy Bishop surrounded by people of every age in ancient costume, some even in the skins of beasts. They were simple and innocent. They listened open-mouthed to their holy Bishop. Around him shone a light like rays from the Holy Spirit which fell in various degrees upon his hearers. Boniface was a tall, strong, enthusiastic man.

6 月 5 日,她看到了圣波尼法爵的异象:——我跪在一座教堂的圣体前,教堂中间有高高的座位,我看见圣洁的圣波尼法爵主教被各个时代的人围着,他们都穿着古装,有些人甚至穿着兽皮。他们淳朴而天真。他们张着嘴聆听着神圣的主教讲道。在主教周围闪耀着圣神的光芒,不同程度地洒向他的听众。波尼法爵是一位高大、强壮、热情的人。

He was explaining how the Lord marks out His own, imparting to them at an early hour His grace and Spirit. — ‘But,’ said he, 'men must co-operate. They must carefully preserve and make use of such graces, for they are only given that their possessors may become instruments in the hand of God. Strength and ability are given to each member that it may act, not only for itself but for the whole body.

他向听众解释主是如何在早期就把恩宠和圣神分施给他们,并在他们身上留下被主拣选的印记。 ——但是,主教说,人必须与天主的恩宠合作。他们必须小心地保存和使用这些恩宠,因为这些恩宠只是为了让恩宠的拥有者成为天主手中的工具,才赐予的。每一个教会肢体都被赋予力量和能力不是为个人而是为整个教会的益处

The Lord gives vocations even in childhood. He who does not labor to maintain the life of grace and make use of it for his own good and that of others, steals from the body of the faithful something which belongs to it, and becomes thereby a robber in the community. Man should reflect that in loving and assisting a member of the Church, he is loving and assisting a member of one and the same body, a chosen instrument of the Holy Spirit.


Above all, should parents look thus upon their children. They should not prevent their becoming the instruments of the Lord for the good of His Body, the Church. They should maintain and develop the life of grace in them and aid them to a faithful co-operation, since they can form no idea of the great injury they do the faithful by a contrary line of conduct.'


— It was also shown me interiorly that, Respite men's wickedness and the decadence of religion, the Church has had in every age living, acting members raised up by the Holy Spirit to pray and lovingly to suffer for her. Whilst these living members remain unknown, so much the more efficacious is their action.


— The present age is no exception. Then I saw shining out through thedarkness that envelopes the world, scenes of holy souls praying, teaching, suffering, and laboring for the Church. Of all the pictures that rejoiced and encouraged me in my sufferings, the following did me most good:


— I saw in a great maritime city far away toward the south a sick nun in the house of a pious, industrious widow. The nun was shown me as a holy person chosen by God to suffer for the Church and other intentions. She was tall, extremely emaciated, and marked with the stigmata, though it was not publicly known.


She had come from a suppressed convent and had been received by the widow who shared her means with her and some priests. The piety of the inhabitants of the city did not please me. They had many exterior devotions ; but they gave themselves up not less ardently, on that account, to sin and debauchery.


 “Far away from the last-mentioned city, off toward the west, I saw in an ancient convent lately suppressed, an infirm old lay-brother confined to his room. He, too, was shown me as an instrument of prayer and suffering for his neighbor and the Church. I saw the sick, the poor, and many in affliction receiving consolation and assistance from him. Again I was told that such instruments are never wanting', that they never shall be wanting to the Church of God. They are always placed by Divine Providence where they are most necessary, nearest the centres of corruption."


On Wednesday, June 7th, 9 o'clock P. M., occurred the crisis of Sister Emmerich's present suffering. The pains left her bones, and the intolerable agony she had endured for the last days sensibly abated. She fell into a state of utter prostration, unable to move a limb, utter a sound, or give the least sign of life. Her confessor became uneasy.

6 月 7 日,周三,晚上 9 点,艾曼丽修女目前的痛苦出现了转机。疼痛离开了她的骨头,她在过去几天里难以忍受的痛苦明显减轻了。但她陷入了一种完全虚脱的状态,四肢不能动弹,无法发出声音,也没有丝毫生命迹象。她的告解神师开始不安起来。

He put several questions to her which she understood, but to which she could answer only after the lapse of some hours. Then, weeping and stammering like a child, she begged him to pardon her silence, and told him that her pains had ceased. Next morning, Thursday, she lay like a corpse, but without pain.


As she herself remarked she had fainted just as she reached the goal, and death seemed inevitable. The doctor spoke of quinine, but she made him understand that she was without fever and that in such paroxysms she generally experienced chilly sensations.


" God alone can help me," she exclaimed (1), and then went on to say that Jesus, her Spouse, had sweetly relieved and consoled her ; that Clare of Montefalco had appeared to tell her that the work in the garden was finished ; the vine was the Blood of Jesus Christ; the fountain, the Blessed Sacrament ; that the wine and water had to be mingled together ; and that the rosebush near the fountain signified the sufferings in store for her toward the end of her life.


 (1) " No remedy bas ever been able to interpose an obstacle to the designs of God over her. We are blind, blind in everything. Science itself is but specific blindness." — (Brentano's Notes).

(原1没有任何治疗方法能够妨碍天主在她身上的计划。我们是盲目的,在任何事情上都是盲目的。科学本身不过是一种特殊的盲目。 ——(朝圣者布伦塔诺的笔记)。

She was too weak to give further details, excepting that, at break of day, she had recited the “Te Deum" the “Seven Penitential Psalms,” and the “Litanies,” and now she was to have four days of uninterrupted rest to commune with God alone. When she recalled her pains of the last eight days as well as the mercy of God to her, she could not restrain her tears.


Her friends were touched with compassion at her altered appearance. And yet not one of them, not even the Pilgrim, dreamed of taking her words literally and granting the longed-for repose. He writes : June 9th — “She is pale as a corpse, but she is allowed no rest since no one wards off annoyances from her.

她的朋友们看到她改变的外表都很同情她。然而,他们中的任何一个人,即便是朝圣者,也没有梦想过把她的话当真: 即天主将赐予她渴望已久的安息。朝圣者写道:6月9日——她脸色苍白,像具尸体,但她不能休息,因为没有人能驱走她的烦扰

After her last martyrdom in union with Christ's Passion, she spoke of three days' repose, as the Body of Jesus had lain that time in the tomb, but she knows not whether she will get it. The doctor wanted to rub her with liquor; but the confessor, who expected her death, would not allow it.''


— Sister Emmerich could with difficulty ward off the Pilgrim's questioning, because as he says : "From her interior state and her continued visions, he concluded that the end is not so near, even if the confessor does think so.” The latter stood at the bedside and sought to revive her by holding out to her his consecrated fingers.


Hardly had he conceived the thought, when she suddenly raised her head and moved toward his hand. As she lay thus, pale and motionless, St. Clare of Montefalco, Juliana of Liege, St. Anthony of Padua, and St. Ignatius of Loyola severally assisted and consoled her. The first-named appeared and said to her: — “Thou hast cultivated the garden of the Blessed Sacrament well and thy work is now over ; but thou art exhausted, I must bring thee some refreshment."


—"And instantly,” continues Sister Emmerich, “I beheld the saint descending toward me resplendent with light. She gave me a three-cornered morsel upon either side of which was an image, and then disappeared. I ate it with relish. I am sure that I have eaten the same before. It was very sweet and strengthened me greatly.


New life has been given me through the mercy of God. I live still, I can still love my Saviour, still suffer with Him, still thank and praise Him ! I saw the eight flower-beds which I have been cultivating these last days in St. Clare's garden. Without the help of God, it would have been absolutely impossible for me to do it. The fig-tree signified search after consolations, weak condescension, too great indulgence.


上一篇:下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦
下一篇:下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦


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