真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日子和去世
下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日子和去世
浏览次数:1246 更新时间:2024-6-13

February 6th — " She requested a Mass to be said to-morrow for the Abbe Lambert. It is his anniversary."

February 7th — " She constantly sighs to God for help ; her sufferings do not abate. She often prays : ‘Ah ! Lord Jesus, a thousand thanks for my whole life ! Lord, not as I will, no, but as Thou wilt !’ And once she uttered these touching words : ‘Ah ! the lovely little basket of flowers there! Take care of it! And that young laurel-tree, take care of it also. I have tended it long, but I can do so no more.’ Probably she alluded to her niece and her nephew, the student."

 6 ——明天是兰伯特神父去世周年。她要求明天为兰伯特神父献一台弥撒。

 7 ——她不断地向天主呼求帮助;她的痛苦并没有减轻。她常常祈祷:啊!主耶稣,为我的一生献上万分的感谢!主啊,不要照我的意愿,不,而要照祢的旨意成就!有一次,她说出了这些感人的话:啊!那里有一小篮可爱的花朵!照顾它!还有那棵小月桂树,也请照顾它。我已经照料它很久了,但是我不能再这样做了。也许她指的是她的侄子和侄女,他们刚开始接手这个工作。

February 8th — " Toward evening, the Vicar Hilgenberg prayed by her. Through gratitude she wanted to kiss his hands which, however, he humbly withdrew. She begged him to stay by her at the hour of death, relapsed into silence awhile, and then said : ‘Jesus, for Thee I live, for Thee I die!’ and again : ' Thanks to God, I can no longer hear, I can no longer see!’ She appeared unconscious from pain as the Pilgrim knelt by her bed in prayer. He slipped into her hand a little reliquary which she once used to wear and which she had given him four years previously. She clasped it firmly for a moment, and then he took it from her. Next day he found the silver ring snapped in two — it was the day of Sister Emmerich's death."

 8 ——傍晚时分,希尔根贝格神父在她身边祈祷。出于感激,她想亲吻他的手,但他谦卑地收回了手。她恳求他在她临终的时候留在她身边,她沉默了一会,然后说:耶稣啊,我为你而活,为你而死!然后又说:感谢天主,我再也听不见,再也看不见了!当朝圣者跪在她的床边祈祷时,她因疼痛而失去知觉。朝圣者把一个艾曼丽修女曾经戴过的,也是她四年前送给他的小圣髑,塞进她的手里。她紧紧地握了一会儿,然后朝圣者从她手中接过来。第二天,他发现银戒指啪的一声断裂为二——那正是艾曼丽修女去世的日子。

February 9th— Father Limberg states : — "I gave Sister Emmerich Holy Communion before daybreak. She received with her accustomed fervor. During the night she re- marked that she knew the signification of her illness and that she would tell me as her confessor, had she the strength. Toward two P. M., the death struggle came on, and she groaned in agony from the wounds on her back. Some one offered to re-arrange her pillows, but she declined with the words : ‘It will soon be over. I am on the cross!’ — which words affected me deeply.

 9 ——林堡神父说:——我在天亮前给艾曼丽修女送了圣体。她像往常一样热心地领受了。她说她知道她生病的意义,如果她有力气的话,她会以我作为她的告解神父的身份告诉我。快到下午两点,生死搏斗来到了,她因背上的伤口痛苦地呻吟着。有人提出要重新整理她的枕头,但她婉言谢绝了:很快就结束了。我在十字架上!——这句话深深地影响了我。

I gave her the general absolution and recited the prayers for the dying at the conclusion of which she seized my hand, pressed it, thanked me, and bade me farewell. Shortly after her sister entered and begged her pardon. The dying one turned toward her, gazed at her fixedly, and said to me :  ‘What does she say ?’ 'She asks your pardon,’ I answered. She replied solemnly : ' There is no one on earth whom I have not forgiven.'

我给她放了临终大赦,并为她念了临终祷文,祈祷结束时她抓住我的手,握了握,感谢我,并和我告别。不久,她妹妹进来请求她的原谅。 那垂死的人转过身来,定定地注视着她,对我说:她说什么?』『她请你原谅,我回答。她郑重地回答:世上没有一个人是我不能原谅的人。

"She ardently longed for death and frequently sighed : ' Come, Lord Jesus !’— I encouraged her to suffer with her Saviour who forgave the thief on the cross, and she uttered these significant words : 'The people of that time, even the murderer on the cross, had not so much to answer for, they received not so many graces as we.


I am far worse than the murderer on the cross !’— And again, ' I cannot die, because some good people are deceived in me ; they think too well of me. Tell them all that I am a miserable sinner !’ — As I again tried to reassure her, she replied energetically : 'Ah ! that I could cry out loud enough for all to hear that I am nothing but a miserable sinner far worse than the murderer on the cross !’— after which she grew calm just as the Vicar Hilgenberg arrived. The good old man knelt by her a whole hour in prayer."


The closing scene of Sister Emmerich's life we take from the Pilgrim's ever-faithful journal : —

"The Pilgrim arrived at about half-past six, just as Father Limberg drew the blinds of her little room, saying in low tones, ' The end has come !’ — Kneeling around were her sister, her brother, and her niece, the Vicar Hilgenberg, Father Limberg's sister and sister-in-law, Madam Clement Limberg, with the latter of whom Sister Emmerich had formerly lodged.


The door was open to admit air to the dying one. She lay half reclining in her little willow bed, her breathing short, her countenance imposing, her eyes raised to the crucifix. The blessed candle had burned low. After a few moments, she drew her right hand from under the bed-clothes and laid it upon the coverlet. Father Limberg spoke words of comfort and repeatedly presented to her the crucifix to kiss ; her lips invariably sought and pressed the feet with lingering love.


She never touched the head or breast. And now she seemed desirous of communicating something to her confessor. Obedient to the last, she responded instantly to his question regarding her wish to speak to him. All left the room, and the Pilgrim saw her no more alive. It was then just eight o'clock. Father Limberg afterward told us that she spoke of a trifle already confessed and then remarked : ' I am now as peaceful and confident as if I had never sinned.’  She kissed the crucifix and again Father Limberg recited the prayers for the agonizing.

她从来没有碰过苦像的头部或胸部。现在她似乎很想和她的告解神父说点什么。神父问她是否想跟他说话,她立刻就回答了他。所有人都离开了房间,朝圣者不会再看到她活着的时候了。 那时刚好八点。 林堡神父后来告诉我们,她谈到了一件已经告明过的小罪,然后说:我现在平静而自信,就像我从末犯过罪一样她亲吻了十字架,林伯格堡神父再次为痛苦的病人诵念了临终祷文。

At intervals she sighed : ' Lord, help ! Help, O Lord Jesus !’ — Father Limberg placed the blessed candle in her right hand and rang a little Loretto bell, which had formerly been used in the Agnetenberg convent on the death of the religious, saying; ' She is dying.’ It was now half after eight (1). The Pilgrim approached the bed just as she sank down on the left side, her head upon her breast, and her right hand upon the coverlet, that miraculous hand to which the Giver of celestial gifts had attached the unheard of privilege of recognizing whatever was holy, whatever was blessed by the Church.

她不时叹息一声:主啊,救我!救我,主耶稣!——林堡神父把那只祝圣的焟烛放在她的右手上,摇响了一个小洛雷托铃,这个铃以前曾在阿格涅滕贝格修道院中用于宣告修道士的死亡,林堡神父说: 她快死了。现在是八点半(1)。朝圣者走近床时,她正躺在床的左侧,头垂在胸前,右手放在被单上,这只神奇的手,天国恩宠的赐予者赋予了这只手前所末有的特恩,即可以识别一切圣洁的事物、一切被圣教会祝圣的事物。

No one before her, perhaps, had ever possessed that grace in so high a degree. The Pilgrim took that blessed hand, that organ of spiritualized sense which could discover the sanctified substance even in a grain of dust — it was cold and lifeless ! Yes, that humble, beneficent hand which had so often fed the hungry and clothed the naked, now lay cold and dead ! The gift was withdrawn from earth, and with us lies the blame! Some years previously she had in vision told her confessor that he should remove her right hand from her body after death (2), and the Pilgrim remembers her assuring him that even after death, if ordered to do so, she would still be able to discern whatever is blessed.


Once she saw herself lying in her coffin before the church without her hands, which were floating up in the air toward the holy things in the church. Father Limberg trembled till the last moment with the fear of the invalid's repeating her request of previous years. ' Perhaps,’ he said, ' seeing my dread, she refrained from doing so. ’"



(1) Sister Emmerich died on the Monday before Septuagesima.

(2) See Vol. 1,39.

(1) 艾曼丽修女于四旬期的第三个主日去世。

(2) 见上卷39章。


The next day, February 10th, the Pilgrim went to Haltern and Bocholt, returning only toward the close of the month. Father Limberg and Dr. Wesener conformed scrupulously to Sister Emmerich's dying request that her body should not be subjected to examination. The care of preparing her blessed remains for burial was intrusted by Father Limberg to his brother Clement's wife, to whom the Pilgrim renders the following testimony : "Humbler hands could not have been found for the task, which she reverentially regarded as a favor, a high distinction conferred upon her."

第二天,也就是 2  10 日,朝圣者去了哈尔特恩和博霍尔特,直到月底才回来。林堡神父和韦塞纳医生一丝不苟地遵照艾曼丽修女临终前的请求,即不要对她的遗体进行检查。林堡神父将准备她的遗体安葬工作委托给他的兄弟克莱门特的妻子,朝圣者对她提供了以下证词:找不到比她更谦卑的手来完成这项任务了她恭敬地认为这是一种恩惠,是赋予她的一种崇高荣誉

This good lady gives us the following account of her labor of love: "On Wednesday afternoon, the 11th, in accordance with the wish of the deceased, I wrapped the body in a large winding-sheet, and removed it from the bed on which she died to a mattress. The feet were firmly crossed one over the other, the wounds of which, as well as those of the hands, being of a deeper red and more distinct than usual. As I raised the body, blood and water flowed from the mouth. All the members were perfectly supple. Our Sister looked very lovely.

这位善良的女士给我们讲述了她的爱心之举:11 日星期三下午,按照死者的意愿,我将尸体用裹尸布包裹起来,然后将其从床上移到床垫上。双脚紧紧地交叉在一起,脚上和手上的伤口比平时更红,更明显。当我抬起身体时,血和水从嘴里流出。所有的肢体都非常柔软。我们的修女看起来非常可爱。

Contrary to her wish for a poor, plain coffin, they furnished a handsome one, and in it she was placed on Thursday at noon. The funeral took place Friday, at half-past eight A. M., the concourse of people being so large that never before had the like been seen in Dulmen : clergymen, citizens, the school- children, the poor, all took part in it."

她本来想要一个简陋的棺材,可他们却给她提供了一副华丽的棺材,12 日周四中午,她就被安放在棺材里了。葬礼于13 日周五上午 8 点半举行,参加葬礼的人如此之多,在杜尔门以前从未见过这么多的人:神职人员、市民、学童、穷人都参加了。

On February 11th, Father Limberg gave alms to a poor woman to make with her children the Way of the Cross for the deceased during nine days. He afterward told the Pilgrim what follows :

 11 日,林堡神父向一位贫穷妇女施舍,让她与她的孩子们一起为死者连续九天拜苦路。林堡神父随后告诉朝圣者以下内容:

 “Several days before her death Sister Emmerich charged me to have a Mass said for her by Vicar Hilgenberg, for nine days in St. Anne's chapel, and to burn a candle before the saint's picture. She likewise requested that the poor woman and her children would make the Stations for the same time. The last part of the commission I did not fulfil, on account of the bad weather. Though Sister Emmerich could naturally know nothing of the omission, yet shortly before her death she said to me : ‘You have deprived me of one consolation. You have not sent the woman to make the Stations for me."


Dr. Wesener was another witness of Sister Emmerich's last hours. From his notes we cull the following : —

“All winter Sister Emmerich suffered intensely from her eyes. When, by applications customary in such cases, external inflammation was allayed, the disease attacked the interior of the eye-ball. Remedies proved vain, as she herself declared whilst in ecstasy, for it was a spiritual labor, imposed in the form of suffering, which had to be finished at Christmas.



In effect, the malady ceased on the day after that feast, only to be succeeded, however, by a most painful convulsive cough. For several weeks she clearly for-saw her death. Fourteen days before it actually happened, she sent for her nearest relations and took a most edifying leave of them, consoling them with the hope of a speedy reunion and begging them not to visit her again. The last eight days she spoke but little excepting to her confessor, the few remaining hours of life being wholly consecrated to prayer.


Up to the last sigh she preserved, though in the greatest pain, her unalterable patience, and gracious demeanor. When unable to speak she pressed our hands. On my morning visit of Feb. 9th, I found her in a pitiable state. Her copious expectoration had ceased, and she complained of pains in her side. I was convinced that a fresh attack of pleurisy had come on in the night.


She suffered indescribably till four P. M., when the struggle appeared to come to an end, pulmonary paralysis having set in. Her countenance fell, her pulse vanished, and her extremities became icy cold. She regained her serenity and spoke up to a few moments before her death, which occurred at half-past eight P. M. She died in full consciousness. “


On February 10th, the Vicar Hilgenberg penned the following lines to Sister Soentgen :- —

" Our dear friend has finished her course. Having kept the faith, we may rightly believe that she now wears the crown. Her death was edifying as her life. During the whole winter she suffered more than usual. Eight days ago she said to me : ‘Stay by me when I am dying!’— Yesterday evening she sent for me about six o'clock, and at half-past eight she sweetly expired after kissing the crucifix repeatedly.

 10 日,希尔根伯格神父给索恩特根修女写了以下几句话:——

我们亲爱的朋友已经完成了她的使命,当守的道她已经守住了,我们可以确信她现在已经戴上了王冠。她的死就像她的生一样启迪我们。整个冬天,她比往常更痛苦。八天前,她对我说 当我快死的时候,请留在我身边!——昨天( 9 日),晚上六点左右,她派人给我捎来口信,八点半的时候,她反复亲吻了十字架后,甜美地离开了人世。

Father Limberg, her confessor, never left her. Brentano, too, was there, with Madam Clement Limberg, her sister Gertrude, her brother, her niece, and the nurse, Wissing. — All were silently praying in the adjoining room. Some moments before her death, she signified her desire to speak with Father Limberg, after which he called us in, saying, ‘She is dying!’ — Sweet was her death and most sensibly do we feel her loss ! Still, I must say that I experienced real joy at seeing her triumph, her victory over the world. Pray with the friends around you for our glorified one if, perchance, she have need of such help, though I feel that she is now praying for us.”

林堡神父,艾曼丽修女的告解神父,在她临终时,片刻也没有离开她。 朝圣者也在那里,还有克莱门特·林堡夫人、艾曼丽修女的妹妹格特鲁德、她的兄弟、她的侄女和护士维辛。——所有人都在隔壁的房间里默默地祈祷。 在她去世前的几分钟,她表示希望单独与林堡神父交谈,之后林堡神父把我们叫了进去,说:她快死了!——我们是亲眼目睹她一步步走向死亡的,她的死是甜美的,我们最深切地感觉到失去了她!尽管如此,我必须说,看到她的胜利,她战胜世界的胜利,我经验到真正的喜悦。请与你周围的朋友一起为我们得荣耀的这位修女祈祷,也许她需要这样的祈祷,尽管我觉得她现在正在为我们祈祷。

Again the Vicar wrote on February 16th — " In reply to your questions, I inform you that Sister Emmerich's obsequies took place on Friday, the 13th. No examination of the body was made ; such a step would have been a most painful one to good Dr. Wesener. It was not removed from the bed of death till the afternoon of the 11th, when her cheeks were still flushed. The water which, on her deathbed, she had taken more freely than usual, flowed from her mouth and nostrils and her head was covered with a bloody moisture.

希尔根伯格神父在 2  16 日再次写道——为了回答你的问题,我通知你,艾曼丽修女的葬礼于2月 13 日星期五举行。没有对尸体进行检验;尸体检验的步骤对韦塞纳医生来说是最痛苦的。她的双颊还泛着红晕,直到 11 日下午,尸体才从亡者的床上移开。在临终前她比平时喝了更多的水,水从她的嘴巴和鼻孔流出,她的头上沾满了湿漉漉的血渍。

The body was immediately enclosed in the coffin on account of the crowds that flocked to see her, a favor granted only to few. Although she had expressed a desire for an humble, simple funeral, without the pomp of a High Mass, and the attendance of the confraternity and school-children, yet the concourse of mourners was so great that the oldest inhabitants of Diilmen remember nothing like it. The church was crowded as on a Sunday. All Diilmen mourns her loss.


I have made known your request to Father Limberg, who sends cordial greetings to you. He promises to be in Miinster soon. On Saturday, the 14th, Dean Rensing received a visit from a person who offered on the part of the Hollanders, 4000 florins for Sister Emmerich's remains. He alleged that he was authorized to do so by the Pro-vicar and the Chief-President Vinke ; but the offer was very justly rejected. God grant that she, whose life was one of such annoyance, may now rest in peace !"

我已将您的请求告知林堡神父,他向您致以诚挚的问候。他承诺很快就会到明斯特。 14 日星期六,伦辛院长接待了一位荷兰人的来访,他提出用 4000 弗罗林换取艾曼女修女的遗体。他声称,他这样做是由前副主教和首席院长文克授权的;但这个提议被非常合理地拒绝了。愿天主保佑艾曼丽修女,她的一生被各种各样的人和事打扰着,现在可以安息了!


The Pilgrim visited the Dean for the purpose of obtaining a full explanation of the proposed purchase. The following is his statement of the affair : — “On Sunday, February 29th, the Pilgrim went to see Dean Rensing about a tombstone for the deceased ; he spoke to him also concerning the offers to purchase the body upon which he received the following account.


—'The evening after the funeral the merchant, Mr. H — of Miinster, came to see me. He had been commissioned by a Hollander to pay 4000 florins to Sister Emmerich's family or to the parish church of Diilmen for her body. He likewise stated what seemed to me rather doubtful, that the Pro- vicar and the Chief-President Vinke had no objection to the bargain's being made. But, when I asked what he wanted with the body which had already begun to decompose, he withdrew his offer."

——葬礼后的第二天晚上,明斯特的商人 H 先生来找我了。他受一位荷兰人的委托,向艾曼丽修女的家人或杜尔门教区教堂支付 4000 弗罗林,来换取她的遗体。他还说了一件在我看来颇令人怀疑的事情,那就是前副主教和首席院长文克对达成这个交易没有异议。但是,当我问他要那具已经开始腐烂的尸体做什么时,他收回了他的提议。   

The Pilgrim went on to speak of the extraordinary graces granted the deceased, when the Dean remarked : ‘Yes, she certainly was one of the most remarkable personages of the age.’— And yet he had not taken one step to console this member of his own flock who, when dying, had craved his pardon, though she had never offended him.


It did not escape the Pilgrim that the Dean, after declaring in the beginning of the conversation that a tombstone could not be placed over the grave without the authorization of Ecclesiastical Superiors, and that the grave could not be opened without the same, yet ended by saying : ‘Before a tombstone is erected, it would be well to see whether the body is still there or not. ‘”


After the foregoing speech, it would seem as if Dean Rensing also gave some faith to the report that a Hollander had secretly carried off the body, a report which spread rapidly and raised so great excitement in Dulmen that the authorities found it expedient to open the grave to assure themselves of the truth. On March 26, 1 824, the Vicar Hilgenberg again wrote to Sister Soentgen : —

在上述讲话之后,伦辛院长似乎相信了一个荷兰人偷偷运走尸体的报道,这一报道迅速传播开来,并在杜尔门引起了极大的轰动,以至于当局认为打开坟墓以确保自己了解真相是权宜之计。1824  3  26 日,希尔根伯格神父再次写信给索恩根修女:——

" I write to inform you that, on the night of the 21-22d of March, the Burgomaster Moellmann, in presence of the police and Witte, the carpenter, had Sister Emmerich's grave opened by two grave-diggers (as she had herself predicted). They found the body lying in precisely the same condition as at the time of burial, the winding-sheet enveloping it in such a way that only the face and forepart of the head could be seen. "

我写信通知您,3  21 日至 22 日晚上,市长默尔曼在警察和木匠维特在场的见证下,让两名掘墓人打开了艾曼丽修女的坟墓(正如她自己曾经预言的那样)。他们发现遗体的状况与下葬时完全一样,裹尸布包裹着尸体,只能看到脸部和头部的前半部分。

A reddish liquid had flowed from her mouth and her cheeks were tinged with red. She looked even more beautiful than on the bed of death, without a sign of corruption, though six weeks in the grave. The wounds of the feet were still plainly visible, but those of the hands could not be seen as they were enveloped in the folds of the winding-sheet. Around the top of the head, as also at the sides of the body, could be seen a bloody moisture. The police officers, fearing an offensive exhalation, had lighted their pipes and the burgomaster held his handkerchief to his face.


But no such precautions were necessary ; there was not the slightest odor. The burgomaster, who was commissioned to make the investigation will now send in his report, and false rumors will cease. Miss Hensel has planted a rose-bush and other flowers on the grave. I feel confident that Our Lord will reward the deceased with an unfading crown, and that He will accept her prayers for us."


Some days previously Miss Hensel had had her friend's grave opened, but secretly, as much through disquiet at the alarming reports current, as through desire to gaze once again on the features of her whom she so greatly revered.


 “She had been buried five weeks," she wrote to the author of this biography. “The straw on which she lay was already full of mold, and yet there was not the slightest disagreeable odor. The winding-sheet was damp, as if lately washed, and it clung close to the limbs. Her features were lovely, not the least change in them. Her remains in their linen winding-sheet left upon me an ineffaceable impression. I slipped under her head a leaden plate inscribed with her name and date of decease."


On October 6, 1858, Sister Emmerich's grave was opened for the third time, as may be seen by the following interesting and circumstantial letter written to the author by Canon Krabbe, Dean of the Cathedral, Miinster : — “On the 6th of October, 1858, in presence of Mr. Bernard Schweling, Episcopal Commissioner and Notary Apostolic, Mr. Cramer, Dean of Diilmen, and several other reverend gentlemen, the grave of the late Sister Emmerich was opened, the third time since her interment, February 13, 1824.

1858  10  6 日,艾曼丽修女的坟墓第三次被打开,这可以从下面这封有趣而又详细的信中看出。这封信是由主教座堂院长卡农·克拉贝写给作者的:

1858 年10  6 日,在主教专员和公证人伯尔纳德.施韦林先生、杜尔门院长克莱默先生和其他几位可敬的绅士的见证下,已故艾曼丽修女的坟墓被打开,这是自 1824 年2  13 日安葬以来的第三次开棺。

Father Pellicia, Order of the Brothers of Mercy, had visited his aged mother in Miinster a few years previously, which circumstance led indirectly to the subsequent examination into the state of Sister Emmerich's remains. He spoke often of the great veneration in which she was held in Rome and expressed his astonishment at hearing so little mention made of her in Westphalia, her native country. He went to Diilmen to visit her grave, and there, again, was he surprised to find it destitute of even a memorial cross.


He declared his intention to raise a collection on his return to Rome among those who venerated her memory, for the purpose of erecting a tomb to her honor. The collection was, in effect, made among the most distinguished of the Roman nobility and sent to Miinster for the purpose signified. Mgr., the Bishop, authorized the erection of a Gothic cross over the grave and the opening of the latter in presence of responsible witnesses, in order to lay a foundation of brick-work.


No trace of the coffin was visible, excepting one nail. After carefully removing the earth from the remains, two Sisters of Charity from the neighboring hospital lifted them out, one by one, and handed them to the physicians, Drs. Wiesmann and Wesner, the latter the son of him who had so faithfully attended the stigmatises during the last ten years of her miraculous life.


The bones were recognized by the two physicians as those of a female, and placed by the Sisters in an oak coffin. The whole skeleton was, at last, found in a natural position, only a small part, which had dissolved and mingled with the dust, was wanting. The coffin was then conveyed by the Sisters, followed by the assistants, to the hospital where it was hermetically sealed.


When the tomb was ready to receive it, the coffin was again borne processionally to its final resting-place in which it was solemnly deposited with the accustomed blessings and prayers. A brick vault now holds the remains and on it lies the old marble slab, surmounted by a handsome Gothic cross."


Some years later the grave was inclosed by a beautiful iron railing and surrounded by kneeling-benches on which devout souls may often be seen in silent prayer.


In March, 1824, Mr. Clement Brentano, "the Pilgrim," as the good Sister herself taught us to style him, bade a final farewell to Diilmen. He took with him the precious harvest he had zealously gleaned and which he has transmitted to us in his journal, that ingenuous record of over five years spent by the invalid's bedside.

1824 年3月,克莱门特·布伦塔诺先生–“朝圣者”,这位好修女亲自教我们这样称呼他为“朝圣者”,朝圣者向杜尔门作了最后的告别,他带着辛勤采集来的宝贵日记离开了,那日记是他在病人床边度过的五年多的真实记录,他要把这宝贵的收获传递给我们。

All feelings of bitterness had been effaced from his heart by the loss of her to whom he owed so much, and all remembrance of past annoyance perfectly obliterated. His farewells to the Vicars Hilgenberg and Niesing, to Father Limberg, Dr. Wesener, and others were so sincere and cordial, that the kindest feelings ever afterward existed between him and his friends in Diilmen. The numerous letters which he annually received from them testify to this.


Dr. Wesener wrote to him the following lines, March 18, 1825 : — " You have learned through our friends here that I have been to the gates of the tomb. I allude to it, that I may make mention of one fact which with me you will esteem the most important of my illness ; viz., my perfect peace of soul in the severest sufferings. This peace I owe to close union with Our Lord Jesus Christ and the use of His spiritual remedies.

1825  3  18 日,韦塞纳给朝圣者写了以下几行字:「您已经从我们这里的朋友得知,我已经到了坟墓的门口。我提到这件事是想让您知道,在我的病中,有一件事是最重要的那就是,在最痛苦的时候,我的灵魂得到完全的平安。这种平安来自我与主耶稣基督的紧密结合、这种平安是因着我祈求并使用了祂的属灵医治才有的。

Father Limberg and the Vicar Niesing were my faithful supporters ; both rejoiced on beholding the consolations of faith sweetening my great pain and enabling me to bear it with patience. My cure was wrought at the moment in which all, including myself, thought me dying. It was on a January morning about four o'clock. In her distress, my wife ran to the cemetery and invoked the intercession of our dear Sister Emmerich. O dear, good soul, how often in my illness did I not call to mind thy nameless sufferings!"


Mr. Brentano wrote to one of his intimate friends in the early part of the year 1832 : — "I am working diligently on my journal of the first three months of my sojourn near Sister Emmerich ; but on account of its personal connections, it is a difficult task."

1832 年初,朝圣者写信给他的一位亲密朋友:正在孜孜不倦地撰写我在艾曼丽修女身边逗留的前三个月的日记;但由于其中涉及到个人的隐私,这是一项艰巨的任务。

Another letter to the same friend ends with these words : “I beg you earnestly and in all confidence to pray for my intentions; namely, that God may still have mercy on me, and give me grace and strength not to offend Him so often and so grievously by my words. I am so frequently and easily led to speak imprudently and uncharitably of others without necessity or utility ; it is for me a subject of daily discouragement. Pray, too, that God may prolong my life until I finish my task and dispose of what I possess in favor of the poor."


Some months later, Mr. Brentano published from his journal, " The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with a Short Sketch of the Life of the Servant of God, A. C. Emmerich (1)." Notwithstanding the rapid sale of the " Dolorous Passion" and the blessed fruits it produced, he could not resolve upon publishing anything else from the

same source. He sought the aid of younger, more vigorous workmen than himself to whom he might confidently confide the publication of his manuscripts. Writing to Guido Goerres, he says : " Would that you and I were not so far apart !

几个月后,布伦塔诺先生在他的期刊上发表了《耶稣受难记》,以及《天主的仆人 A. C. 艾曼丽的生平简介》 (1)。 尽管《耶稣受难记》迅速畅销,并结出丰硕的果实,但他仍无法下定决心出版同一来源的其他作品。他寻求比他自己更年轻、更有活力的同工的帮助,他可以放心地将他的手稿交给他们出版。他在写给吉多.戈尔斯的信中说:如果你和我之间的距离不是那么遥远就好了


(1) Salzbach, 1833.


I would intrust to you, to you and Frederick Windischmann, my journal with the sum necessary for its publication; but that cannot be done at so great a distance. Order in arrangement of the notes is indispensable. And for this much reflection and many oral explanations would be absolutely requisite; for what there is of good in them is as delicate as the dust that paints the butterfly's wing. I sit alone as in a desert of shifting sand, eagerly bending over my treasure of fugitive leaves, and languishing in the noise arid bustle of the careless world."


But the labors of their profession allowed not these chosen friends to assume the arduous task of publication, and two other attempts to find an associate in the work were equally unsuccessful.


Clement Brentano, the faithful friend and zealous amanuensis of Sister Emmerich, died July 28, 1842, with the unshaken conviction that God would not permit the precious treasure of his manuscripts, the fruit of so much toil and suffering, to lie hidden. His generous, magnanimous soul could never resolve to efface a single line of the endless complaints against the invalid and her surroundings that fill its pages.

克莱门特·布伦塔诺,艾曼丽修女称他为朝圣者,他是艾曼丽修女忠实的朋友和艾曼丽修女神视异象的笔录者, 1842  7  28 日去世,他始终坚信,天主不会允许他手稿中的珍贵宝藏——这是他无数辛劳和苦难的结晶——被藏匿起来。他那宽宏大量的心灵,无法抹去手稿中充斥的、他对病人及其周围环境的无休止的抱怨。

Ignoring self, he preferred leaving it as it fell from his pen under the impulse of passing impressions, that the future laborer at the work of its arrangement might have as exact an idea of every incident recorded, as if he had been an eye-witness of the same, and consequently be enabled to judge of it impartially, with truth and justice.


Christian Brentano survived his brother Clement ten years. He had the journal in his possession for a long time ; but, though he examined it most carefully, he also scrupulously refrained from retrenching a word therein recorded. Animated by the same liberal spirit as his brother, he desired it to stand as a faithful witness to the situation in which Sister Emmerich was placed by Divine Providence and the circumstances under which she accomplished the daily task allotted her.

克里斯蒂安·布伦塔诺 比他的哥哥克莱门特 (朝圣者) 多活了十年。他拥有那本日记很长一段时间了;尽管他对日记进行了最仔细的检查,他还是小心翼翼地避免删减其中任何字句。他和他的哥哥一样具有慷慨的精神,他希望这本笔记能够忠实地见证艾曼丽修女在天主上智安排下的处境,以及艾曼丽修女是在怎样的环境中完成分配给她的日常任务的。

J. M. J.


上一篇:下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日子和去世


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