真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
036.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第32章 威廉·韦森纳医生 — 催眠术
036.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第32章 威廉·韦森纳医生 — 催眠术
浏览次数:2013 更新时间:2024-6-3



Dr. William Wesener. — Mesmerism

第三十二章 威廉.韦塞纳医生——催眠术

Let us turn our attention to Dr. Wesener, a man who holds so prominent a place in Sister Emmerich's life, and to whom we owe the knowledge of many interesting facts. As we have seen, the first report of her extraordinary state had drawn him to her bedside, and a more intimate acquaintance with her had won him back to the faith and to the practice of his religious duties. Deeply grateful for the spiritual favors she had obtained for him, he made her case his careful study, noting down not only such facts as proved to him her rare perfection, but also those incidents and conversations which influenced his own progress in virtue.His simple memoranda, like those of Clement Brentano, five years later, show by what means Sister Emmerich gained souls to God. It would be difficult to imagine two individuals more dissimilar in talents and inclinations than the physician of Dulmen and the poet Brentano, so rich in natural gifts ; yet both aver that their connection with the stigmatisee, brought about by apparently fortuitous circumstances, was a most merciful dispensation of Divine Providence in their regard, one most fruitful in happy consequences.


The following are some of the doctor's own words : —

" It was in 1806 that I first heard of Sister Emmerich. I was then practising in Reklinghausen, where the attendant physician of Agnetenberg, Dr. Krauthausen, consulted me upon the inexplicable phenomena displayed in one of its inmates, Sister Emmerich. I had been reading an article on magnetism in “Reil’s Archives," and I mentioned to him certain cataleptic cases to which, however, he paid but little attention. He was a stern old man and attended the convent gratuitously ; this was one of the reasons why Sister Emmerich felt obliged to accept his medicines, although at her own expense. He enumerated a long list of her maladies, each marked by its own special character. Scarcely was she cured of one, when she was seized by another. At the moment in which death seemed inevitable, they took a favorable turn, although medical skill seemed to exercise no appreciable influence upon them.


「我第一次听说艾曼丽修女是在 1806 年。当时我在雷克林豪森行医,阿格内滕贝格的主治医生克劳特豪森医生向我咨询了该院的一位病人--艾曼丽修女---身上出现的令人费解的现象。我当时正在阅读 “瑞尔的档案”中一篇关于磁力的文章,我向他提到了一些催眠病例,然而,他却很少关注这些病例。克劳特豪森是个严厉的老人,他无偿地为修道院提供看病服务;这也是艾曼丽修女不得不接受他的药方的原因之一,尽管艾曼丽修女自己承担了费用。克劳特豪森医生列举了一长串艾曼丽的病症,每一个病症都有它们自己的特点。他还没治好其中一个病症,另一种病又发作了。 就在死亡似乎不可避免的时刻,这些病症却出现了转机,然而医疗技术似乎对这些病症难以诊疗。

" On March 21, 1813, I visited her for the first time. I had heard her stigmata spoken of in a certain assembly. She lay in bed unconscious ; but on returning to herself, she regarded me with a frank expression, and when the Abbe Lambert introduced me she said smiling, that she knew me well. I thought her remark rather singular, and putting it down as a silly pleasantry, I assumed a grave demeanor. There was however no need for any such proceeding, and as I became better acquainted with her I was convinced of her candor and uprightness. She was a simple, truly Christian soul, at peace with herself and all around her, seeing in everything the will of God, and looking upon herself as inferior to everyone. I shall never forget her kindness in calming my fears concerning the war. She often assured me most positively that Napoleon would soon fall and that Diilmen would be spared by the French. Her prediction was remarkably verified. In the French garrison at Minden were numbers of lawless bandits ; they committed many outrages at Dorsten, but passed by Diilmen without even entering the town.

1813 年 3 月 21 日,我第一次去探望艾曼丽修女。我曾在某个集会上听说过她的圣伤。她躺在床上不省人事;但当她醒来时,她用坦率的表情看着我,当兰伯特神父介绍我时,她微笑着说她很了解我。我觉得她的话很奇怪,把它当作一种愚蠢的玩笑,我装出一副严肃的神态。然而,很快我就没有必要这样装腔作势了,随着我更加熟悉她,我相信了她的坦率和正直。她是一个单纯的人,真正的基督徒,与自己和周围的人和平相处,在每一件事上都明了天主的旨意,并认为自己比任何人都低微。我永远不应忘记她在平息我对战争的恐惧时的善意。她经常以最积极的方式向我保证,拿破仑很快就会垮台,法国人不会伤害杜尔门。她的预言得到了惊人的验证。在明登的法国驻军中有许多无法无天的匪徒,他们在多尔斯滕犯下了许多暴行,但却没有进入杜尔门。

"In our communications I always found Sister Eramerich simple and natural, kind and gracious toward every one, particularly the poor, the sick, and the unfortunate. It is only lately that I have been able to understand her ability to take upon herself the sufferings of others. She possessed in a high degree the gift of imparting consolation as I myself often experienced, for she reanimated my confidence in God, taught me how to pray, and thus lightened in no small degree the heavy crosses which my natural inclination to sadness aggravated. Her life was wholly in God. The publicity given to her miraculous state greatly annoyed her. She was constantly employed in relieving the miseries, corporal and spiritual, of the crowds that flocked to her. Her heart was free from creatures ; consequently, it is not hard to divine the source whence flowed the consolation she dispensed to her neighbor.


" In our first interview, she exhorted me to confidence. Smiling sweetly, she said : ‘God is infinitely merciful ! Whoever repents and has a good will finds favor in His sight!’ She begged me to help the poor, a work so pleasing to God, saying with a. sigh : ‘There never was so little love of the neighbor as at present, although it is so beautiful a virtue, whilst indifference or contempt is so great a vice.’ She protested that the Catholic faith alone is true, the only one that leads to salvation, and she spoke warmly of the incomparable happiness of belonging to the Catholic Church : 'Let us trust in God!’ she used to say.  Let us hold to our holy faith ! Is there anything more consoling upon earth? What religion or what philosophy could indemnify us for its loss? I pity the Jews above all others. They are worse off, they are blinder than the pagans themselves ; their religion is now only a fable of the rabbis, the curse of God rests upon them. But how good is Our Lord to us ! He meets us half-way if we have a good will, the abundance of His graces depends only upon our own desire. Even a pagan may be saved if, sincerely desirous to serve God, the Sovereign Lord and Creator, he follows the natural light infused by Him, and practises justice and charity toward his neighbor.’

「在我们的第一次面谈时,她劝我要有信心。她甜美地笑着说:『天主是无限慈悲的!谁悔改,谁就会在祂眼中蒙恩!』她恳求我帮助穷人,这是天主喜悦的工作,她叹息着说:『尽管爱是如此美丽的圣德,从来没有像现在这样,人们对近人的爱如此少,然而冷漠或蔑视是多么巨大的恶。』她抗议说,只有天主教信仰才是真正的信仰,是唯一能使人得救的信仰,她热情洋溢地讲述了属于天主教会的无与伦比的幸福:『让我们相信天主!』她经常这样说。让我们坚守我们神圣的信仰......」!世上还有比这更令人欣慰的信仰吗?还有什么宗教或哲学能补偿我们的损失?我最同情的是犹太人。他们的处境比异教徒还要糟糕,他们比异教徒更盲目;他们的宗教现在只是拉比们的寓言,天主的诅咒笼罩着他们。(注: 耶稣自己本是犹太人,但祂本国的人到现在仍然不肯相信祂就是旧约圣经所预言要来的救世主基督,这一点实在可惜。因此对今日的犹太人的态度若比作对老犹太人忠信于天主,如今还在等待默西亚来临是不合适的。教会从古圣祖那里忠信的接受了传承,而今日的犹太人则完全相反,他们的背叛耗尽了他们的传承。不过,根据圣经的预言,将来有一天犹太人会发现,他们一直以来所否认,和亲手杀死的耶稣,原来真是他们等候的基督,他们会痛哭悔改,就因而有得救的机会。) 但我们的主对我们是多么的好!如果我们有良好的意愿,祂就会在我们的人生路上与我们相遇,祂的恩宠是如此丰富,只取决于我们自己是否真想得到。即使是异教徒,如果他真诚地希望侍奉天主--至高无上的造物主——追随祂所赐予每个人内在的自然之光,对他的邻居践行正义和仁慈,那么他也可以得救。(注:在古老的年代,在福音未开始传扬以前,的确,有许多人是没机会信主的。圣经中给我们的提示是:他们有一天将照他们依循良心行事的程度,受审判。)

 Once I turned the conversation upon prayer. I remarked that, according to my ideas, true prayer consisted in the accomplishment of duty and the exercise of charity toward the neighbor, and that I felt curious to know how she could spend entire hours in it, forgetful of all around, lost, so to speak, in God. She replied . ‘Think a moment ! May not a man become so absorbed in a beautiful book as to be unconscious of aught else? But if he converse with God Himself, the Source of all beauty, how is it possible for him not to be wholly lost in Him? Begin by adoring Him in all humility, the rest will come.' I then spoke of the temptations man has to endure from the evil one, and she replied : — ' True, the enemy tries to hinder prayer ; the more fervent it is, the more does he multiply his attacks. Something of this was shown me one day. I was in a beautiful church in which three females were kneeling in prayer; behind them stood a horrible figure. It caressed the first who immediately fell asleep ; it then tried the same with the second, though not so successfully ; but the third it struck and abused so cruelly that I was filled with pity. Surprised, I asked my guide what it all meant, and he answered that it was symbolical of prayer.

「有一次我把话题转到祈祷上。我说,根据我的想法,真正的祈祷是履行职责和对近人施以仁爱,而且我很想知道她怎么能花上整整几个小时,忘记周围的一切,专心地祈祷。可以说是在天主内迷失了。她回答:『想一想,当一个人如此专注于一本美丽的书时,难道不是同样对其它任何事情都无动于衷吗?但是,如果他与全能天主---- 万福泉源---交谈,他怎么可能不完全迷失在祂里面呢?从谦卑地朝拜天主开始,其余的都会随之而来,』然后,我谈到人必须忍受来自魔鬼的诱惑,她回答说:『是的,敌人试图阻碍祈祷;祈祷越是热切,敌人的攻击就越多。有一天,天主让我看到了一些事。我在一个美丽的教堂里,三个女人跪在那里祈祷;在他们身后,站着一个可怕的身影。牠抚摸第一个,她立即睡着了;然后牠对第二个人尝试了相同的方法,然而没有那么成功;但对第三个人牠如此残忍地打击和虐待,我对她充满了怜悯。我很惊讶,我问我的护守天神这一切意味着什么,他回答说,它象征着祈祷。

The first was neither earnest nor fervent, and the devil easily put her to sleep ; the second was not so bad, but still she was tepid ; the third was fervent and therefore she was tempted the most violently, but she conquered. The prayer most pleasing to God is that made for others and particularly for the poor souls. Pray for them, if you want your prayers to bring high interest. As to myself personally, I offer myself to God, my Sovereign Master, saying : l Lord, do with me what Thou wilt !' Then I remain in sweet security, for the best, the most loving of fathers can only seek my good. The poor souls suffer inexpressibly. The difference between the pains of purgatory and those of hell is this: in hell reigns only despair, whilst in purgatory the hope of deliverance sweetens all. The greatest torment of the damned is the anger of God. Some faint idea of His wrath may be formed from the terror of a defenceless person exposed to the attack of a furious man.' 

第一个女人既不认真也不热心,魔鬼很容易让她睡着; 第二个还不错,但她还是不温不火;第三个是热忱的,因此她受到最猛烈的诱惑,但她战胜了诱惑。最讨天主喜悦的祈祷是为他人,尤其是为可怜的灵魂的祈祷。如果您希望您的祈祷得到悦纳,那就为近人祈祷。至于我个人,我将自己献给天主—— 我的至高主宰,我祈祷说:『天主,照祢所愿意的对待我吧! 』这样我会留在甜蜜的安全中,因为最好的最慈爱的天父只寻求我的善念。那些可怜的灵魂承受着无法形容的痛苦。炼狱的痛苦和地狱的痛苦之区别在于:在地狱里只有绝望,而在炼狱里,解脱的希望使一切变得容易忍受。而在地狱,被诅咒者最大的痛苦是天主的义怒,就如一个手无寸铁的人受到一个暴怒的人攻击时,他会感到恐惧,这也许会使他隐约地意识到他的愤怒。(注:因为那些被诅咒者从前被所有的欲火所燃烧,现在天主的正义之火将永远焚烧着他们,他们再也无法享见美善的天主。)

" I spoke of man's destiny, and she said : ' Do you know why God created us ? For His own glory and our happiness. When the angels fell, God resolved to create man to fill their places. As soon as their number will be equalled by that of the just, the end of the world will come.' I asked her where she had learned that. She answered simply that, in truth, she did not know. In a little conference on indulgences, I remarked that I looked upon them merely as a remission of ancient ecclesiastical penances. She replied: ‘They are more than that, for by them we obtain the remission of the punishments awaiting us in purgatory.


To gain an indulgence, it is not enough to say some prayers, or perform some good work ; we must approach the Sacraments with true repentance and a firm purpose of amendment without which no indulgence can be gained. I believe that there is an indulgence attached to every good work. A person's good works are as diverse as their number ; and if upon the least of them there flows some little of the merits of Christ, it acquires great value. What we offer to God in union with these infinite merits, however insignificant it may be, is set down to our account and deducted from the punishment awaiting us.


I cannot sufficiently deplore the sad blindness of those for whom our holy Faith has become a chimera. They live in sin, imagining they can gain Indulgences by certain forms of prayer. Many Christians will one day behold Turks and pagans who have lived according to the law of nature, less rigorously dealt with at God's tribunal than themselves. We possess grace, and esteem it not ; it is, in a certain sense, forced upon us, and we cast it away. He who spies a little piece of money in the dust, runs quickly, stoops, and picks it up; but if the grace of eternal salvation were lying at his feet, he would carefully shun it, in order to follow the vain amusements of the world. Indulgences are of no avail for such people and, indeed, the religious practices they perform through stupid routine will serve rather for their condemnation.’


" It is to this blind pursuit of worldly goods that the following vision seems to refer: — ‘I found myself in a great, broad field where I could see all around. It was crowded with people, all striving in different ways to attain their ends. In the centre of the field stood Our Lord full of sweetness. He said to me: ‘Behold how these people exert and torment themselves after gain and happiness ! They pay no attention to Me, their Master and Benefactor, although they see Me here before them. Only a few regard me with grateful feelings and even they thank me only in passing, as if giving a paltry alms.' Then approached some priests on whom Our Lord bestowed special attention; but they threw him something, passed on quickly and mingled with the crowd. One alone went up to Him, but with

an indifferent air. Our Lord laid His hand on his shoulder, and said : ‘Why fly from me? Why slight me? I love you so!’

「以下的神视似乎正是指这种对世俗财富的盲目追求:『我发现自己身处一个广阔的田野,我可以看到周围的一切。那里挤满了人,每个人都以不同的方式努力实现自己的目标。我们的主站在田野中央,满怀爱情。祂对我说:『看,这些人为了现世的利益和幸福是多么努力且折磨自己!他们不理会我 —— 他们的主人和恩主,尽管他们看到了我在他们面前。只有少数人对我怀有感激之情,甚至他们也只是顺便感谢我,就像是在给与微不足道的施舍。』然后,一些神职人员走近前来,我们的主特别关爱他们,但他们向主耶稣扔了一些东西,就急忙退去,混入人群中去了。只有一个人走到耶稣跟前,但态度冷漠。主耶稣把手放在他的肩膀上,说:『为什么要逃离我?为什么要轻视我?我那么爱你!』

 “’Then the vision vanished. But I have had many such on the life of the clergy of the present day which made me very sad. Owing to the spirit of the world and tepidity, if the Saviour returned to earth to-day to announce His doctrine in person, He would find as many opponents as He did among the Jews.’


“I once heard her relate the following vision upon the teachings of our times : ‘My guide led me to a stately edifice : “Enter, he said, and I shall show you the doctrines of men." We entered a spacious hall filled with pupils and professors. A warm dispute was going on ; loud words, contradictory statements resounded on all sides. I saw into the hearts of the professors and, to my amazement, I discovered in each a little black casket. In the centre of the hall stood a female of imposing appearance, who took a foremost part in the discussion. I paused a few moments with my guide to listen, when to my surprise I saw the audience disappearing, one by one. The hall itself began almost imperceptibly to fall to ruins, the floor was no longer safe. The professors mounted a story higher where they continued their debate with renewed ardor ; but there, too, the building began to crumble.


I trembled on seeing myself standing on a worm-eaten plank, and I begged my guide to save me. He reassured me and led me to a place of safety. Then I asked him the meaning of the little black casket. “It signifies," he said, “presumption and the spirit of contradiction. The female is philosophy or, as they say pure reason, which seeks to regulate all things by its own formulas. These professors follow her teachings and not those of truth, the precious treasure handed down by tradition." Then my guide conducted me into another hall in which sat several professors in their chairs. All was very different here ; the clearness and simplicity of their words charmed me, order and charity reigned and many who had left the ruined halls took refuge here. My guide said : "Here is simple, unadulterated truth which springs from humility and gives birth to love and all other blessings." '


 One day, I expressed regret at not having a fuller knowledge of the life of Jesus before His public ministry. Sister Emmerich replied : I know it, I have seen it even in its smallest details. I know too the history of the Mother of Jesus. I often wonder how I came by the knowledge, since I never read it.' She promised to relate all to me and, once when I got a chance, I reminded her of it. She began by explaining that it had been made known to St. Anne that the Messiah would be born of her posterity. ‘Anne had several children,’ she said, ‘but she knew that the true child of benediction was not yet born ; therefore, she prayed, fasted, and offered sacrifice to obtain the promised blessing. She had no children for about eighteen years, which circumstance rendered her very sad ; but in humility she attributed the non-fulfilment of the promise to her own sins.


Joachim went to Jerusalem to offer expiatory sacrifice in the Temple, but he was repulsed. Overwhelmed with sadness, he prayed and received in a dream the assurance that the promise would be fulfilled. At the same time Anne received a similar assurance, and afterward gave birth to the little Mary. Joachim and Anne saw in the child a pure gift from God. They resolved to consecrate her to the Lord in the Temple, which they did in her third year. On reaching the Temple, they attempted to take her little hands to help her to mount the high steps ; but the child ran on alone. She wore a silk robe of sky-blue. She was neither sad nor troubled on taking leave of her parents, but gave herself up quietly to the priests. She was instructed in everything in the Temple, and with the other young girls she spent her time in working for it.


When she had reached her fourteenth year, the priests wrote to her parents to take their daughter home, for the Law did not allow any child to remain over that age. Mary would willingly have stayed in the Temple in a state of virginity, but it was not permitted. Her parents were anxious about choosing a spouse worthy of their admirable child; therefore, they repaired to the Temple to seek light from the Most High. Every youth aspiring to Mary's hand, was directed to bear his staff to the Holy of Holies ; but at first no change appeared in any one of them. Prayers and sacrifices were again offered, when a voice was heard saying that the staff of one was still wanting. Search was made and Joseph found. He was of a noble family, but not much thought of by his relatives, because of his simplicity and also on account of his remaining unmarried.


His staff was placed in the Holy of Holies. That night it blossomed, and next morning it was surmounted by a white lily. Then Mary was espoused to Joseph, who was filled with joy when she made known to him her vow of perpetual virginity. Mary thought always of the promised Redeemer. In her humility, she prayed to be the handmaid of His chosen Mother. It was on this account that she was so frightened when the angel announced her sublime maternity. She said nothing to Joseph of her visions or of the angel's message.'


 In speaking of alms-giving and of the duties of one's state, Sister Emmerich sometimes alluded to her contemplations. Once she said : ‘Use your strength and your means in the service of your patients without, however, wronging your own family ; not one only but many of the poor, call upon you for assistance. Their merit lies in their poverty. Faith teaches that it is an enviable condition, since the Son of God chose it for Himself and gave to the poor the first title to the kingdom of heaven.' Then she related some singularly beautiful incidents of Christ's infancy, for instance that Mary some days after the Nativity, hid herself in an underground cave to escape the gaze of the curious."


It soon became clear that God had placed the doctor near the invalid, as later on He did Clement Blentano, to aid her in the accomplishment of her mission. Under her direction, he distributed not only his own alms among his poor patients, but also money and clothing supplied by her for that purpose. Sister Emmerich received an annual pension of one hundred and eighty thalers which God so abundantly multiplied that her alms far exceeded that sum. Day and night was she occupied in works of some kind for the needy and, when her own slender resources failed her, she begged materials from others. Her skilful fingers soon transformed pieces of old silk, etc., into beautiful little caps for new-born infants. When in need, she used to invoke with sweet familiarity the assistance of Lidwina, Magdalena von Hadamar, and other holy virgins who had been, like herself, marked with the sacred stigmata. Addressing them as if really present, she would say : “Is that you, little Magdalena ? See, it is almost Christmas and there are still so many children without stockings and caps. You must keep your promise and bring me some wool and silk." Never did her petitions go unheeded.


The doctor, convinced by daily experience that she saw and assisted in spirit every one whom he attended, used to describe to her the sufferings of his patients. He followed her advice with the most successful results. He was often surprised to see unlooked-for recovery, or the alleviation of maladies. These he ascribed not to his own prescriptions, but to Sister Emmerich who had taken their sickness upon herself, either to facilitate their cure or to prepare them for a happy death.


Up to the last he remained a faithful friend and support to the old Abbe Lambert, supplying the remedies his infirmities demanded with such care and charity as could spring only from his deep veneration for Sister Emmerich. This was to her a great consolation. The following incident will prove her interest in the good old priest's welfare, as also her wonderful foreknowledge of approaching danger.


Dr. Wesener's journal, Feb. 15, 1815: —

“I tried to calm Sister Emmerich's fears for the Abbe, who is suffering from a chronic cough and oppression of the chest. Yesterday he had so severe an attack whilst in her room that he fainted. The confessor was present. He had yielded to her request and remained with her in the afternoon, as she dreaded some approaching danger, and it was fortunate that he did so."

韦塞纳医生的日记,1815 年 2 月 15 日:—


Dr. Wesener's communications with Father Limberg bore very important consequences for the invalid. The timid religious would have abandoned his spiritual daughter at the first sound of the stupid calumnies spread against her, had it not been for the doctor whose experience rendered him deaf and incredulous to all such tales. Father Limberg could not reply coolly and unhesitatingly to the specious arguments and suspicions uttered on all sides.


He grew nervous, gave shuffling explanations, and openly declared his desire to withdraw entirely from his connection with Sister Emmerich ; but the doctor's presence always lent him courage. He saw the change produced in the latter by Sister Emmerich's words. The earnestness and fidelity with which he now attended to his religious duties, and his indifference to the world's opinions and judgments greatly encouraged him. His confidence in the doctor made him impose upon his penitent the obligation of simple obedience to every prescription, thus placing her in exactly the same position she had formerly held toward Dr. Krauthausen at Agnetenberg.


Again she submitted to all the remedies employed for her cure. Musk, opium, camphor, and above all, hot brandy were, in the doctor's estimation as well as in that of her confessor, the means most conducive to such an end. Truly, they lost sight of the fact that her miraculous body contained not in itself the germ of her singular maladies. They sprang only from the tribulations heaped upon the Church. She never complained even when an aggravation of suffering proved the inefficiency of their remedies. At such times she was even more grateful and docile, so that years passed before the doctor and confessor recognized the uselessness of their prescriptions. 


We find the following entry in the doctor's journal, May 16, 1814:—

" The invalid suffers a martyrdom, terrible pains in her breast and loss of hearing. We thought her at the point of death several times. Her sufferings are so horrible, spasms in the throat and stomach, that Father Limberg wants to administer Extreme Unction, which, however, I think not yet necessary ; meanwhile, though convinced that remedies are useless, I can no longer remain a passive spectator of her struggles. She can retain nothing……

我们在 1814 年 5 月 16 日的韦塞纳医生日记中找到了以下记录:


I gave her four drops of musk, but she rejected it even before swallowing ; then I diminished the dose but with no better success. She suffered terribly all night, her stomach several times rejected the musk administered; it was only near morning that she was able to retain five drops. I found her in an alarming state of prostration, and I left expecting never again to see her alive. May 18th ; she lay insensible almost all day, at intervals vomiting water with violent retching. I determined to stay by her all night. She grew a little better about midnight, when I read to her from a pious book and spoke to her on religious subjects, which seemed to afford her great relief. On my expressing surprise at this she remarked : ' It is always so. However weak I may be, I am always relieved when God or holy things are spoken of; but if worldly subjects are mentioned, I grow worse.' "

我给了她四滴麝香,但她还没咽下去就吐出来了;然后我减少了剂量,但没有取得更好的效果。她整晚都很难受,她的胃好几次呕吐出咽下的麝香;直到快天亮的时候,咽下的五滴才没有吐出来。我发现她处于令人惊恐的虚脱状态,我恐怕再也见不到她活着了。 5 月 18 日; 她几乎整天躺着床上昏迷不醒,不时地呕吐,剧烈地干呕。我决定整夜陪在她身边。午夜时分,当我读一本虔诚的书给她听,并与她谈论信仰话题时,她的身体情况好转了一点,这似乎让她大为缓解。当我对此表示惊讶时,她说:「总是如此。无论我多么软弱,当谈到天主或圣洁的事物时,我总是感到宽慰;但如果提到世俗的事,我就会变得更糟。」

Six years later Clement Brentano witnessed a similar trial of musk of which he highly disapproved. Sister Emmerich said to him : “True, it is particularly disgusting to me, it causes me great suffering. I am always worse after it, but I must take it in obedience to my confessor, although he has often seen what bad effects it has on me."


Shortly after she had a vision of her own past life, of which the following particulars relative to the remedies employed in her case will prove interesting: — "I have had a vision of the sorrowful side of my own life. All that certain persons had ever done to thwart my mission was shown me in pictures in which those persons themselves figured. I had never dared think of them for fear of temptations to aversion. Last night I had to struggle with that temptation, and I had the consolation of hearing it said that I had fought well.


The pictures were shown me in various ways ; sometimes as if a past trial had actually returned, sometimes people busy among themselves, and again it seemed to be a recital. I saw all I had lost thereby both in my life and spiritual work and what harm such or such a one had done me, although I was not aware of it at the time. What I had only suspected, I now saw for a certainty. It cost me much to endure again the agony of the past, the falsehood and wickedness of men. I had not only to crush every feeling of resentment, but to foster the most sincere affection for my cruel enemies.


 The vision began with my religious profession and all that my parents had done to prevent it. They had tried my patience and secretly hoped to hinder me. The nuns had made me suffer. I saw their great perversity. At first, they abused me ; and, when my state became known, they honored me immoderately, but without refraining from their gossiping. It made me so sad, for I loved them. I saw the physician of the convent, and how hurtful his prescriptions were tome. I saw the second physician and his medicines ruinous to my chest. My breast seemed to be quite hollow, and I felt that without care I could not last long. I would have been cured of all my maladies without medical treatment, if only the Church's remedies had been applied.


 I saw how wrong it was to expose me to the public gaze, to people who regarded only my wounds without taking other circumstances into consideration, and I saw how I had been forced to show them to curious visitors, a proceeding which had disturbed my recollection without benefiting any one. It would have been much better had they left me in peace. I saw the prayers and entreaties which I made not of myself, but in obedience to an interior warning. All was useless ; and, contrary to my better judgment, I was made a spectacle to the world. The greatest humiliations accrued to me from it. What I did sorrowfully and only in obedience was cast up to me as effrontery, and they who constrained me to show my signs uttered no word in my defence."


Such contemplations never affected Sister Emmerich's actual position. She endured the same absurd treatment as before, and the physician's remedies remained unchanged. But her soul was enlightened. She recognized in persons and events instruments and means destined by Almighty God to advance her to her end, if she faithfully availed herself of them. Her angel among other instructions ordered her never to refuse remedies, a command in strict accordance with the divine economy. The representative of the Church, she was called upon to expiate the sins of men who, by their principles, their teachings, their baneful designs and measures, sought to exercise over it an influence analogous to that produced upon herself by the musk, the opium, and the brandy lotions.


She knew that her expiation would be so much the more efficacious, the more simply and unhesitatingly she submitted to every prescription ; therefore, we detect in her neither resistance nor contradiction. When we reflect upon the waves of destruction that threatened the Church at this period ; when we recall the ravages produced by the unwholesome spirit of philosophy, the factitious exaltation of false mysticism, which generally ended in monstrous depravity, we are involuntarily led to recognize in the opium and disgusting liquor a striking symbol of these false doctrines.


To struggle against the dangers arising from mesmerism formed also a part of Sister Emmerich's task, since both her physician and confessor were the first to resort to it after their vain use of opium and musk. Dr. Wesener tells us : —


 Father Limberg told me that, whilst the invalid lay apparently in a cataleptic state, he tried several mesmeric experiments upon her, but without success. Then I determined to make some myself the first chance I should get. I did so a few days later when she lay rigid in ecstasy. I pronounced a few words on the pit of her stomach and the extremities of her toes; I laid the tips of the fingers of my right hand upon the pit of her stomach and spoke some words upon the tips of the fingers of her left hand ; I called into her ear, but none of these actions produced the slightest impression upon her. At my request, her confessor made the same experiments, though with no better success; but, when he pronounced the word obedience, she trembled, sighed, and returned to consciousness. He asked what ailed her, and she answered : ' I have been called!’"


No further attempts of the kind were made until the following January, when the invalid fell into such a state of misery that neither the confessor nor physician could endure the sight. Daily for weeks she experienced suffocation and convulsive pains round her heart. Death seemed inevitable, and Communion alone enabled her to battle against her frightful pains. Not the poor invalid, but her confessor and physician at last began to lose patience. The doctor reports, January 26th : —

他们没有进一步尝试催眠术,直到第二年 1 月,病人陷入如此痛苦的境地,以至于告解神师和医生都无法忍受这种景象。一连几个星期,她每天都感到胸闷和心脏痉挛性绞痛。死亡似乎不可避免,唯有圣体使她能够与可怕的痛苦作斗争。但不是可怜的病人,而是她的告解神师和医生终于开始失去耐心。韦塞纳医生报告,1 月 26 日:-

" I was with her this evening ; she was very ill, her pulse low. A kind of trance came on about five o'clock. Her eyes were open, but so void of sensation that I could touch the cornea with my finger without the eyelids closing. The day before she told me that her sight was so wonderfully piercing that, even with closed eyes, she could see. The trance lasted an hour, when she fell into ecstasy, arose on her knees, and prayed with extended arms. I prevailed upon Father Limberg once more to have recourse to mesmerism, to ask her the nature of her malady, and where it was principally seated. He did so several times and insisted upon an answer, but none came. I then begged him to command her in obedience. Scarcely had the word escaped his lips than she started and awoke with a sigh. To the question why she appeared frightened, she answered: 'I heard aloud voice calling me.' Again she relapsed into unconsciousness, and I administered twelve drops of musk. Next morning she said she had had vertigo all night from weakness."


There was no human remedy for Sister Emmerich's sufferings, since their origin lay not in physical evils, but in the sins of others. When her convulsions ceased, vomiting ensued and she threw off a watery liquid, although literally unable to swallow a drop of water to slack her burning thirst. Until February 9th, she daily lay for several hours in profound ecstasy which, on that day, was prolonged nine consecutive hours. She gave the following explanation to her confessor, as also to the doctor whose skill was completely baffled : —

艾曼丽修女的痛苦没有人类的治疗办法,因为痛苦的根源不是她身体上的罪恶,而是他人的罪恶。当她的抽搐停止时,呕吐随之而来,她吐出一种水状的液体,尽管她实际上无法吞下一滴水来缓解她灼热的口渴。 直到 2 月 9 日,她每天都在深度的神魂超拔中躺几个小时,而那天,这种神魂超拔持续了9 个小时。艾曼丽对她的告解神师,以及完全束手无策的医生作了如下解释:

" Thursday, Feb. 8th, as I was saying my Hours, my thoughts turned upon our utter unworthiness and God's infinite mercy and forbearance, and I was quite overwhelmed by the reflection that, in spite of His mercy, so many souls are lost forever. I began to beg grace for the unhappy creatures when, all at once, I saw my cross hanging there on the bed-post (1) surrounded by a bright light. I was wide awake, in my senses, and I said to myself :  Is it not a mere fancy? and I went on saying my Office, though the light dazzled me. At last, I knew it was not an illusion, and I began to pray fervently. I asked God, my Saviour, for grace and mercy for all mankind and above all, for poor, weak, straying souls. The cross grew brighter. I beheld a figure attached to it and blood streaming from the wounds, though not falling below the cross. I redoubled my prayers and acts of adoration, when the right arm of the figure stretched forth and described a circle as if to embrace the whole world. I was fully awake and conscious all the time. I noticed certain things around me, and I counted the hour every time the clock struck. The last I heard was half-past eleven, after which I knew no more, as I fell into contemplation on the Passion of Christ.

(1) A little silver reliquary containing two small particles of the True Cross.

「 2 月 8 日星期四,当我诵念日课时,我默想到主的恩典,是何等的无限量,是何等的甘甜。我们真是何等忘恩,我看到,尽管救主怜悯灵魂,许多灵魂恋慕世俗仍然不爱救主,失去救恩,当我突然看到我的十字架挂在床柱 (1) 上被明亮的光包围时,我开始为不幸的受造物祈求恩宠。我完全清醒,在我的感觉中,我对自己说:『这难道不是一种幻想吗?』我继续念我的日课经,虽然光线让我眩目。最后,我知道这不是幻觉,我开始热切地祈祷。我祈求天主,我的救主,为全人类,最重要的是,为可怜、软弱、迷途的灵魂赐予恩宠和怜悯。十字架变得更加明亮。我看到一个人影依附在十字架上面,伤口流着血,虽然没有流到十字架下面。当那人影的右臂伸出来描绘一个圆圈,仿佛要拥抱整个世界时,我加倍祈祷和朝拜。我在整个时间完全清醒和有意识。我知道周围发生的事,每次时钟敲响时我都会计算时间。我最后一次听到敲钟是十一点半,之后我就不知道了,因为我陷入了对基督苦难的默想。



I saw it in a picture before my eyes, just as it had really taken place. I saw the Saviour carrying His Cross. I saw Veronica consoling, and Simon helping Him. I saw Him extend His limbs and allow Himself to be nailed to it. It pierced my inmost soul, though my grief was not without a sentiment of joy. I saw Our Lord's Mother and several of her relations. I adored my Lord Jesus, begging pardon for myself and all mankind. Then He said to me : ‘Behold here My love, it knows no bounds ! All, all, come to My arms ! I will make all happy!’ And then I saw how most men turn rudely away from His embrace. At the commencement of this apparition, I begged the Lord to put an end to the horrors of war, to give us peace, and again I implored His grace and mercy ; thereupon, a voice said to me : ' The war is not yet over. Many countries will still groan under it ! But pray and have confidence !’ — And now I firmly believe that Miinster and Diilmen will not suffer from it."


The Abbe Lambert and Gertrude say that, during the whole time the above apparition lasted, from ten a. m. till about five p. m., she lay quite still. From ten till noon her eyes were open, her face flushed ; but from noon till five her eyes were closed, and tears flowed down her cheeks.


Feb, 8th was the Thursday before Septuagesima. On this day she was accustomed to receive her task for the holy time of Lent, which she accepted eagerly for the salvation of souls. The foregoing details, related to the doctor on her confessor's command, determined the former to desist for the time being from further experiments in mesmerism. Neither he nor Father Limberg dared mention to her their unsuccessful attempts which, it was evident, had not in the least affected her ; so they allowed the affair to pass unnoticed, A year later a medical friend of Neeff and Passavant arrived in Diilmen with the express object of making observations on the stigmatisee whom they believed a suitable subject for mesmerism.

2 月 8 日是七旬主日(注:Septuagesima ( L. ):七旬主日;七旬日:拉丁文原文为第七十天,在圣灰礼仪前的第三周,是准备封斋四旬期的时段;新礼仪中已被取消。)之前的瞻礼五(周四)。在这一天,艾曼丽修女习惯于接受四旬期的神圣时期的任务,为了拯救灵魂,她热切地接受了这项任务。上述细节,根据告解神师的命令叙述给韦塞纳医生,医生决定暂时停止进一步的催眠实验。他和林堡神父都不敢向艾曼丽提起他们失败的尝试,显然,这些催眠对她一点也没有影响,所以他们让这件事不为人知。一年后,尼夫和帕萨万特的一位医学朋友来到杜尔门,明确表示他们要对印五伤者进行观察,他们认为艾曼丽修女适合接受催眠术。

This physician was something of a fanatic respecting Neeff’s theory of somnambulism and mesmerism in which he pretended to have found such confirmation of Christianity as to compel his belief in its doctrines. As he possessed the gift of persuasiveness in no slight degree he found little difficulty in winning Father Limberg and the doctor to his own way of thinking, and both acknowledged that views so elevated had never before been presented to them upon the subject. They were on the point of adopting the mesmeric regime, when a higher wisdom interposed to establish the unerring truth, which facts we glean from Dr. Wesener's journal. He says: —


" Holy Saturday, April 5th, 1817, Dean Rensing announced a visit from a physician of Frankfort with an introduction from the Vicar General. The invalid was so afflicted that she implored me to represent to the Dean how very painful such a visit would be to her. But he paid no attention to her words and reiterated his orders through me. She was distressed, but she soon regained her cheerfulness, saying : ‘Well, I submit in obedience ! ' — and she begged me to come with the stranger, as she could not talk to him. Some hours after I introduced him to her. He was so struck by her appearance that he fell on his knees to kiss her hand. She withdrew it hurriedly and rebuked him gently for his enthusiasm, saying that she could not understand how a sensible man could bestow marks of respect on one like her — ‘What temptations I have to endure ! What trials of patience and humility ! But now come others of a different kind.' "

「 1817 年 4 月 5 日,圣周六,伦辛总铎宣布法兰克福的一位医生经副主教的介绍来访问艾曼丽修女。病人非常痛苦,她恳求我向总铎说明,这样的访问对她来说是多么痛苦。但伦辛总铎没有理会她的话,而是通过我重申了他的命令。艾曼丽很痛苦,但很快又恢复了愉快,她说:『好吧,我服从!』她恳求我和这陌生人一起来,因为她不能和那人说话。当我把那人介绍给艾曼丽几个小时后。他被艾曼丽修女的外表震惊了,跪下吻了她的手。艾曼丽赶紧收回手,温和地责备他的(过度)热情,说她不明白一位明智的人怎么能对她这样的人给与尊重——『我要忍受多少诱惑呀!这是什么样的耐心和谦卑的考验啊!但现在来了另一种不同的考验。』」

A few days later, Dr. Wesener again records in his journal: —

" Dr. N. has convinced Father Limberg and myself that the science of mesmerism is nothing more than the flowing of certain vital spirits upon the sick. This spirit pervades all nature and the invalid receives it through a spiritual or even corporal communication. It acts upon the recipient according to the nature of the principle from which it springs, enkindling flame which belongs either to the earth or to the higher or lower regions, and operating accordingly either salutary or pernicious effects. This vital principle the Christian can and ought to kindle by religion and the love of God and the neighbor, in such a way as to render it salutary to soul and body."


「 N. 医生让林堡神父和我本人相信,催眠术只不过是将某些重要的生命元素传递给病人。这种生命元素弥漫于整个大自然中,受术者病人通过精神上的,甚至肉体上的交流来接受催眠术。生命元素根据其产生原理的性质作用于接受者,点燃属于地球上的属于高层次或低层次的火焰,并相应地产生有益或有害的效果。基督徒也可以借着信仰,对天主和近人的爱来点燃这个生命元素,以这样的方式使其对灵魂和身体有益。」

The doctor knew, however, by repeated experience what possessed the power of inflaming his patient, for shortly before he had noted in his journal the following lines : — " I found Sister Emmerich to-day flushed as if on fire. I asked the cause and received the answer : ‘Dean Overberg was here, we spoke only of God ! It excited me, but I do not feel sick. ‘" But now Dr. Wesener came supported by her confessor and, full of the new discovery, the mesmeric vital principle, explained it to her with so much warmth that she soon perceived the dangerous ground on which they were both standing. She maintained a prudent silence, listened patiently to their arguments in favor of the new science, and answered only when her angel ordered her to do so. It is again from the doctor's notes that we learn the folic wing: — 


" On a subsequent visit, the invalid asked me to remain awhile, as she had something to communicate. ‘You have seen,’ she began, ' how I received what you have all told me about mesmerism. I have not concealed my indifference, though I am pleased that you try to present it in its moral bearing. But now I shall communicate to you what I have been told in vision for the third time concerning it. The first vision presented it in an unfavorable light ; the second filled me with terror ; and in the third, last night, my angel showed me that almost everything connected with mesmerism is an illusion of the devil. I hope to have the strength to relate it in detail.





For the present, I can only say that, if we desire to imitate the prophets and Apostles in their works, we must imitate them also in their life ; then we would have no need of a mesmerizer's manipulations, the holy name of Jesus would be sufficient. There is no harm in trying to effect a cure by transmitting something from the healthy to the sick ; but the juggling connected with such an attempt is both foolish and unlawful. The mesmeric sleep which affords a glimpse of distant and future things comes from the devil, who clothes it with the semblance of piety to gain adherents and, above all, to ensnare the good.' — She spoke in so impressive a style that I remarked that perhaps I ought to discontinue the mesmeric treatment I had begun on a young peasant-girl whose arm was paralyzed. She inquired how I conducted the operation.


I told her that I made certain movements of my hands, described circles, and breathed upon the affected part ; that the patient drank mesmerized water and wore on her lame arm a band of mesmerized flannel. She replied : ‘The breathing upon the arm and warming it with the hands, I think strictly natural remedies ; but the passes and circles I condemn as unreasonable and leading to superstition. ‘— When I asked her opinion of the strange physician's views, she answered : ' We must beware of intemperate, ill advised zeal in his regard ; but I feel that he will return to the truth, that I shall be of use to him."

我告诉她,我做了几个手势,画了几个圆圈,对着受术者的患处吹了口气,受术人喝了催眠水,然后,在她跛臂上戴上施过催眠术的法兰绒带。艾曼丽回答说:「在跛臂上吹气,并用手温暖它,我认为完全是自然疗法;但我谴责这些手势,画圆圈等等,这是不合理的,会导致迷信。」——当我问艾曼丽对这个让人奇怪的N. 医生有何看法时,她回答说:「我们必须警惕他过份的、不明智的热情;但我觉得他会回归真理,我会对他有用的。」

The foregoing conversation made so deep an impression upon Dr. Wesener that he forgot his patient’s admonition not to make known to Dr. N. her decision too bluntly. He communicated all she had said in the plainest terms, to the stranger's extreme surprise and vexation, as he entertained a high opinion of the piety of a certain somnambulist of Frankfort. Far from losing confidence in his favorite theory, he replied warmly that it could not be thought that men of such consideration as many of its most zealous supporters, had anything in common with the evil spirit. He declared that Sister Emmerich had looked only on the dark side of mesmerism, but that its bright side might be exhibited with her confessor's assistance by the imposition of hands and the sacerdotal benediction, which he denominated the " mesmeric healing process."

上述谈话给韦塞纳医生留下了深刻的印象,以至于他忘记了艾曼丽的告诫,不要太直率地告诉 N. 医生她的结论——催眠术来自于魔鬼。韦塞纳医生把艾曼丽所说的一切都用最直白的语言表达了出来,这使N. 医生极为吃惊和恼火,因为他对法兰克福的某个梦游症患者的虔诚有很高的评价。N. 医生非但没有对自已最喜欢的理论失去信心,反而热情地回答说:许多最热心的支持催眠术的人,都是受人尊敬的人,这样的人怎么会与邪灵有任何共同之处。 N. 医生宣称艾曼丽修女只看到了催眠术的阴暗面,若在告解神师的帮助下,并通过神父的覆手和祝福,也可以展示催眠术的光明面,那就是他所称的“催眠治疗过程”。

Although Father Limberg had for years experienced his penitent's wonderful sensitiveness to the blessings and prayers of the Church, yet now, strange to say, he was tempted to ascribe their efficacy to the " mesmeric vital principle.” He had been accustomed to use the power conferred on him by Holy Orders only when she was thought to be in extremity ; but now, blinded by novelty, he submitted her to the " healing mesmeric process " on every occasion. Sister Emmerich was not a little saddened by proceedings so extravagant and, at last, on a formal command from her angel to that effect, she warned her confessor to desist from such folly. It had been said to her in vision : “God wills that you patiently endure your sufferings. Your confessor must do nothing more than hitherto !" She related the following vision : —


" I was in a spacious hall, like a church, crowded with people. Some grave looking personages were going around and obliging others to leave the church, I was surprised, and on asking why they sent away people who looked so good and knew how to speak so beautifully, one of the grave-looking men answered : ‘They have no right here, they are in delusion ; and even if they spoke with the tongues of angels, yet their doctrines are false.' The stranger, Dr. N — was among those going to be turned out. I felt very sorry for him and I ran to his assistance. Some persons near tried to prevent me, saying it would not be proper, but I would not be restrained. I said : ' His soul's salvation is at stake' — and I kept him from being expelled."

「我在一个像教堂一样宽敞的大厅里,里面挤满了人。一些看起来神情严肃的人四处走动,强迫其他一些人离开教堂,我很惊讶,问他们为什么要赶走那些看起来那么好、说话那么动听的人,其中一个面容严肃的人回答说:『他们无权在这里,他们是在妄想中;即使他们用天使的语言说话,他们的教义也是错误的。』这位名叫 N 博士的陌生人也在即将被赶走的人之列。我很同情他,就跑过去帮助他。附近的一些人试图阻止我,说这样做不合适,但我不愿被拦阻,我说:『他灵魂的救赎危在旦夕』—— 我阻止他被驱逐。」

This vision was very remarkably verified ; for, in spite of their seeming inclination toward Catholicism, in spite of their plausible arguments, most of the members of the circle, bewitched by the mesmeric system, died out of the Church. Dr. N. alone, helped by Sister Emmerich's prayers, found another and more solid basis for his faith than mesmerism, to which he had heretofore ascribed the wonders wrought by God in His saints. Father Limberg never after tried any other experiment on his spiritual daughter than that of the Church's blessing, and the doctor also was cured of his enthusiasm for the new theory. His journal contains after this date only the following lines on the subject : " You may make use of the imposition of hands and insufflation when perfectly assured that it will be a cause of temptation neither to yourself nor your patient."

这一异象得到了非常显著的验证;因为,尽管他们表面上倾向于天主教,尽管他们的论点看似合理,但大多数圈子內的成员被催眠系统所迷惑,最终被逐出了教会。在艾曼丽修女祈祷的帮助下,只有 N. 医生为他的信仰找到了另一个更坚实的基础,而不是催眠术,过去他一直将天主在祂的圣徒身上所行的奇迹归因于催眠术。林堡神父此后再也没有对他属灵的女儿进行教会祝福之外的任何其它催眠实验,韦塞纳医生也打消了他对新理论的热情。在此日期之后,他的日记只有关于该主题的以下几行:「当您完全确信你这样做不会对您自己和您的患者造成诱惑时,您可以使用覆手和吹气。 」

The following are the visions in which Sister Emmerich learned the real nature of animal magnetism, or mesmerism, the degradation into which it plunges the soul, and the dangers thereby incurred.

以下是艾曼丽修女在神视中了解到动物磁性 (:18世纪奥地利医师 F.A.梅斯梅尔认为系人体内潜在的一种催眠力)或催眠术的真正本质,它使灵魂陷入堕落,以及由此带来的危险。

 The first I heard of mesmerism was from the strange doctor. Whenever he mentioned the clairvoyant and her friends, a feeling of repugnance arose in my soul, I knew not why. This clairvovant was then shown me, I was enlightened with regard to her state. I saw that it was anything but pure or from God. I saw that sensuality and vanity, though she would by no means acknowledge it, had the greatest share in it and that without being aware of it, she cherished too great an affection for her mesmerizjer.


Scattered here and there in the distance, I saw as if through a magnifying -glass other clairvoyants either sitting or reclining, some having before them a glass with a tube which they held in their hands. The impression produced upon me was one of horror which arose, not so much from the nature of the thing in itself, as from the temptations it excited and to which its victims almost always yielded. The mesmerizer's jestures before his patient's eyes, his passes, the stroking of the hand, etc., were so repulsive to me that I cannot express it. I saw the interior of both, the influence of one upon the other, the communication of their nature and evil inclinations. I always saw Satan directing the mesmerizer's manipulations and making them with him.


"In vision these clairvoynnts are very different from me. If on entering into contemplation they have the least impure thought, they see only lies, for it is the demon who presents their visions to them and glosses all over with a fine appearance. If a clairvoyant has formed a desire of saying something to render herself famous, or if she entertains the least sensual feeling, she is instantly exposed to sin. Some do, indeed, experience bodily relief; but the majority, unknown to themselves, derive results pernicious to their soul. The horror these things excite in me can only be compared to that which a certain secret society and its practices inspire. I perceive the corruption, but I cannot describe it.


 Mesmerism is allied to magic ; the only difference between the two is this : in the latter the devil is invoked, in the former he comes uninvited. Whoever delivers himself up to mesmerism takes from nature that which can be lawfully acquired only in the Church of Jesus Christ, for the power of healing and sanctifying is preserved only in her bosom. Now, for all who are not in living union with Jesus Christ by faith and grace, nature is full of Satan's influence. Persons in the mesmeric state see nothing in its essence and dependence on God ; what they see they behold in an isolated, separated condition as if through a hole or a chink.


They perceive, as it were, a gleam of things, and God grant that this light be pure, be holy ! It is one of God's favors to have veiled us from one another, to have raised walls of separation between us, since we incline to sin, are so readily influenced by one another. It is well that we have to act independently before communicating the contagion of our evil inclinations. But in Jesus Christ, the God-Man, we have our Head in whom purified and sanctified, we may all become one, one single body without our sins and bad inclinations infecting the union. Whoever tries to remove this barrier raised by God unites himself in a most dangerous manner to fallen nature over which reigns the author of its ruin, the devil with all his seductions.


“I see that the essence of mesmerism is true ; but there is a thief unchained in its veiled light. All union between sinners is dangerous, but the mutual penetration into one another's interior is still more so. When this happens to an upright soul, when one becomes a clairvoyant only through simplicity and inexperience, a prey to artifice and intrigue, then one of man's faculties possessed before the fall, a faculty not entirely extinct, is in a certain measure resuscitated, and he lies helpless in a most mysterious state, exposed to the attacks of the evil one.


This state really exists, but it is veiled, because it is a poisoned source for all but the saints. I feel that the state of these persons is, in certain particulars, parallel with my own, but springing from another source, tending toward a different end, and followed by very different consequences. The sin of a man in his natural state is an act accomplished by the senses. His interior light is not obscured by it. It stings the conscience, it urges to other acts of the senses, repentance and penance; it leads to the supernatural remedies which the Church administers under sensible forms in the Sacraments. The senses are the sinners, the interior light is the accuser.


But in the mesmeric state, when the senses are for the time dead, when the interior light both receives and reflects impressions, then that which is holiest in man is exposed to the baneful influence of the evil spirit. The soul can- not fall under such influence by means of the senses subjected as they are to the laws of time and space. In such a state, the mesmeric, it cannot have recourse to the purifying remedies of the Church. I do, indeed, see that a pure soul in God's grace cannot be hurt by the devil even in this state; but I also see that if, before entering it (and it may easily happen, especially to females) the individual has consented to the least temptation, Satan freely carries on his game in the soul, dazzling it with an appearance of sanctity. Her visions are false and if, perchance, she discovers therein a means of healing the body, she purchases her knowledge at the price of her immortal soul; she is sullied by necromantic relations with her mesmerizer."


Females under the influence of mesmerism were often shown Sister Emmerich in vision that she might pray for them and labor to prevent the ulterior consequences of such practices. She was always ready to help them, but never willing to be brought into contact with them either in the natural state or in vision. Once only when Dr. N. was boasting of his clairvoyant's holy visions, she Laid : —

受催眠术影响的女性经常在艾曼丽修女的神视中显示出来,这样艾曼丽修女可以为她们祈祷,并努力防止这种做法的潜在后果。她总是乐于随时帮助她们,但从来不愿意在自然状态或神视中与她们接触。有一次,当 N .医生吹嘘他的通灵者的神圣幻象时,艾曼丽说:——

 I wish she were here before me, her fine visions would soon cease, and she would discover by whom she is deceived. I have often seen her in my visions on this subject. I see that, when in the mesmeric state, Satan cast his spells over her whilst she takes him for an angel of light."


On one of his journeys Dr. Wesener met Dr. Neeff, the mezmerizer of the clairvoyant mentioned above. He pointed out to him her danger and the latter resolved to go to Diilmen himself to study the resemblance between Sister Emmerich and his own patient. On his arrival he informed the sister that his clairvoyant could discern remedies for all diseases, that she was in communication with the blessed, that she was conducted by her own angel and the angel of her mesmerizer through worlds of light, and that she received a species of sacrament from " The Holy Grail !" Sister Emmerich shuddered. She tried sweetly and gently to impress him with the immense danger both he and his patient ran (they were Protestants) but she did not succeed.


The doctor, completely infatuated by his mesmeric powers, appealed to the good intentions which animated his patient and himself, to the precautions they took before beginning their operations, begging God to preserve them from the snares of the evil one, etc. He declared that his clairvoyant was led by a way that daily became more luminous, more sublime, and he skilfully evaded a closer examination into the nature of his practices. In vain did Sister Emmerich protest against the celestial nourishment and luminous worlds, which she stigmatized as diabolical illusions ; the doctor turned a deaf ear to her warnings and went his way.


"When such persons are shown me," said the invalid,  I see the mesmerizer spinning from the clairvoyant a thread which he knots and swallows. She holds him bound by it and leads him around at will. I see this knot in him like a dark cloud, weighing him down and stifling him. Sometimes he tries to reject it, but without success."


Certain persons, actuated by curiosity and even by malice, had recourse to a clairvoyant to obtain information concerning Sister Emmerich's own state. During the second investigation of which we shall speak later, they took her head-dress to use as a bond between her and a certain clairvoyant of M — , hoping thereby to hear many interesting things.



 This person," says Sister Emmerich, was shown me by my angel, but though she put herself to a great deal of trouble, she could never find out anything about me. I always saw the devil with her. When I was released from imprisonment, I saw my confessor with her, the devil on one side, another spirit on the other. The devil wanted the woman to say all sorts of infamous things of me in my confessors presence ; but, in spite of all her efforts, she could see nothing. At last, she took Father Limberg by the hand and said : ' Sister Emmerich is in prayer. She is very sick. She is no impostor, but maybe some of her friends are.'


" When my confessor returned from M and told me this, I had another vision on this subject. I was seized with fear at the thought of receiving Holy Communion from him on the morrow, for I was afraid that he had gone to the clairvoyant through curiosity ; but I was satisfied when I found that it was not by his own choice that he went. I saw that she told falsehoods of other people, and that the devil conjured up visions before her."

「当我的告解神父从通灵者M那里回来,并告诉我这件事时,我对这个问题有了另一个神视。一想到明天要从告解神父那里领圣体,我就感到害怕,因为我担心告解神父出于好奇心已去过通灵者 M那里;但当我发现神父不是自愿去的时候,我感到满意。我看到通灵者 M对别人说谎,而魔鬼在她面前变出了幻象。」

During the investigation referred to by Sister Emmerich when she says, " I was released from imprisonment," an attempt was made to put her in communication with a mesmerizer, by making her wear around her neck a magnetic conductor in the form of a little phial covered with silk. So great was the disgust it excited in her that she dashed it from her, indignantly denouncing as a bare-faced lie the assertion that the horrible thing had been sent to her by her director, Dean Overberg.


A woman of Diilmen having allowed herself to be persuaded to consult a fortune-teller of Warendorf, thought she would try her skill by proposing some questions concerning Sister Emmerich. “What is going on near Sister Emmerich ? " she inquired. The fortune-teller shuffled her cards uneasily and answered : “Strange ! All is exceedingly devout there ! There is an aged man quite stout ! There is a younger one ! There is an old woman dying ! “ (Sister Emmerich's old mother who died by her). “The person herself is sick !"


The questioner had heard enough, she departed in fright. When Sister Emmerich heard of it, she remarked : “Not the cards, but their faith in them, makes fortune-tellers see ! They say what they see, but not what the card shows. The card is the image of an idol, but it is the devil who is the idol. He is often forced to tell the truth, and then the fortune-teller announces it angrily.”


In January, 1821, Sister Emmerich, whilst contemplating the public life of Our Lord, in a vision of the cure of one possessed, saw again the nature and moral effects of mesmerism. The relation between men and the powers of darkness were shown her in three spheres or worlds. The lowest and darkest comprised those that dealt in magic and openly worshipped the demon ; the second those that indulged superstition and sensual desires ; the third was the region of free-masonry and liberalism. These three worlds were bound together by innumerable interlacing threads which, like a ladder, led from the highest to the lowest. In the lowest sphere, as also in the middle one, she beheld mesmerism with its various states and bodily remedies. She understood that it was the most efficient means employed by the demon for the destruction of mankind.

在1821 年 1 月,艾曼丽修女在默想我们主的公开生活时,在一次治愈一个被附魔的人异象中,她再次看到了催眠术的邪恶本质和道德危害。人类与黑暗力量之间的关系,在三个领域或三个世界中向她展示。最底层最黑暗的,就是那些从事魔法、公开崇拜恶魔的人;第二层世界是那些沉迷于迷信和情欲的人;第三层世界是共济会和自由主义。这三个世界被无数交错的丝线捆绑在一起,像一架梯子,从高处领域通向最低处领域。在最低的领域,也像在中间的领域一样,艾曼丽看到了催眠术的各种状态和身体疗法。她明白,这是恶魔用来毁灭人类的最有效手段。

 In the lowest sphere," she says, “l saw certain states and relations which in common life are not regarded as absolutely unlawful. Many individuals therein were under the influence of mesmerism. I saw something abominable between them and the mesmerizer,  dark, shadowy figures passing from one to the other. I have rarely, if ever, seen persons mesmerized without discovering sensuality in them. Clairvoyance is produced by the agency of evil spirits. I beheld people falling from the upper and brighter sphere on account of their employing magic under the name of science in the treatment of diseases. Then I saw them mesmerizing and, blinded by their apparent success, they attracted many from the upper sphere. I saw them eager to palm off cures wrought by infernal agency, reflections of the mirrors of hell, as cures from heaven effected by God's favored souls. In this lowest story I beheld very distinguished men, laboring unknown to themselves in the sphere of the infernal church."



上一篇:035.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第31章 艾曼丽修女在调查后的生活
下一篇:037.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第33章 试图将艾曼丽修女转移到明斯特;她年迈的母亲之死


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