真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
029.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第25章 伦辛院长的证词
029.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第25章 伦辛院长的证词
浏览次数:1713 更新时间:2024-4-6


Dean Rensing's Testimony.



Dean Rensing had long known Sister Emmerich's sincere piety and her ardent desire of living unknown and hidden from the world. From his very first visit to her he had regarded the truth of the wonders wrought in her as indubitable; but he was timid and cautious, and the objections raised by strangers or enemies failed not to influence him. A specious argument, a suspicion cast upon the freedom of his judgment or the firmness of his character, sufficed to torment him keenly and fill him with distrust. The wisdom and good sense which ordinarily characterized his conduct were not proof against the absurd suspicions raised on all sides as soon as the case was publicly known. Nothing, therefore, was wanting on his part to aggravate the invalid's sufferings ; her patience, her confidence in God were subjected to such trials as are imposed only upon chosen souls.



The Dean's favorable opinion of the invalid was first shaken by the idle talk of one of her former Sisters in religion who, about a month before the inquiry began, pretended to have seen her through the key-hole leave her bed and search in her closet for eatables. Two others declared that they had seen the same thing in the same way and that they had once found her lying on the floor with a slice of buttered bread in her hand. Dean Rensing, who had never doubted the invalid's inability to eat, took these words very much to heart. He sent for the persons in question and instituted a procesverbal upon their reports ; but on trying to make observations himself in the same way, he became convinced of the impossibility of commanding from the point indicated a sight of either the invalid's bed or the closet. At last, his informants avowed that they knew for certain Sister Emmerich's inability to leave her bed without assistance; but even then the Dean desisted not from interrogating Sister Emmerich herself, for the bread-and- butter story disquieted him not a little.

伦辛总铎对病人的好感首先被艾曼丽的一位前修会修女的闲谈所动摇,大约在调查开始前一个月,这位修女伪称通过钥匙孔看到艾曼丽离开床铺,在壁橱里寻找吃的东西,她的闲言碎语第一次动摇了伦辛总铎对这位残疾人的好感。还有两个人声称,她们以同样的方式看到过同样的事情,有一次她们发现她躺在地板上,手里拿着一片黄油面包。从来没有怀疑过病人无法进食的伦辛总铎,把这句话放在了心上。他找来了有关人员,并根据他们的报告进行了调查;但当他自己也试图用同样的方法进行观察时,他确信不可能从所指示的位置看到病人的床或壁橱。最后,这些信息的提供者承认她们确实知道艾曼丽修女在没有帮助的情况下无法离开她的床。但即便如此,伦辛总铎也没有停止艾曼丽修女本人的询问,因为这个 "面包和黄油 "的故事让他有些不安。

 “I asked her," he says in his journal, "if she remembered having been found at any time out of bed. 'Yes, certainly,' she answered. ' I lay on the floor by the bed out of which I once fell when I had no one to help me. It may be that I did have a piece of bread in my hand, though I think it more likely that it was on the floor. I had a piece by me for a poor woman whose child I was expecting, and it is probable that it fell to the floor with the coverlet.' "

「我问艾曼丽,」伦辛总铎在日记中说,「她是否记得任何时候曾被发现离开过自己的床。」「是的,当然,」她回答。 「我躺在床边的地板上,当没有人帮助我的时候,我曾经从床上掉下来。可能是我手里确实有一块面包,尽管我认为它更有可能是在地板上。我身边有一片为一个可怜的女人准备的面包,我那时正等着她的孩子来拿这面包,很可能面包和床单一起掉到了地板上。」

This quieted the Dean somewhat, but he was not fully reassured till Dean Overberg took upon himself Sister Emmerich's defence. Again was he troubled by a fresh report circulated throughout Diihnen and Minister. It was said that even though Sister Emmerich's sincere piety could not be questioned, yet her stigmata would always be open to suspicion, inasmuch as there could be no certitude that they were not artificially maintained by the Abbe Lambert. Might not this foreign priest be fanatic enough to regard as a good work the assistance given to the simple-minded nun to bear constantly on her person the marks of the Saviour's Passion ?


A priest from Minister on a visit to the Dean informed him of the conjecture. It made all the more impression upon the latter as he had just heard something similar in Diilmen. “This remark has been made here also," he wrote, " not only by judicious Christians, but even by a well-meaning Jew who was struck by the phenomena exhibited in Sister Emmerich's person.


Although Dean Rensing felt morally certain on hearing the formal asseverations of the Abbe and Sister Emmerich, that they were incapable of such a fraud, yet the report gave rise to doubts which haunted him until the invalid herself came to his aid and delivered him from his mental agony. Her penetration discovered his secret uneasiness and, as she knew that he would not explain himself freely, she asked his permission to speak to him of what was on his mind, and she set before him his disquietude and its cause.


 “I was," he says, “exceedingly surprised. It was just as she said. I told her it would be better for her to declare her stigmata the result of pious enthusiasm, for then I should be freed from many annoyances and she from much suffering — 'How could I make such a statement !’ she said quietly. ‘That would be a lie ! Even the smallest lie is a venial sin and so displeasing to God that I would rather suffer any pain than be guilty of it. ? ‘”


Dean Rensing's silent reserve was now over. He spoke long of the danger of indiscreet religious zeal; and he conjured the sufferer, for the honor of God and the good of souls, to say whether her wounds were the result of exaggerated piety or not. “But," says his journal, " she protested in the name of all things sacred, that she could truthfully say nothing else about them than what she had already said, that she should be only too well pleased if God would hear her prayer and grant to the physicians the power of effacing them, adding: ' To obtain such a result, I would be willing to be punished as an impostor and despised and mocked by the whole world.' "


Sister Emmerich relieved the Dean in his doubts on another occasion when he had been commissioned by the Vicar-General to interrogate her former Superioress and companions respecting her life in the convent. She clearly foresaw that these women would say many things calculated to perplex his mind and arouse fresh misgivings ; and fearing that he would again hesitate to make known his suspicions to her, she herself prepared him for it. " The inquiry you are about to make of my former companions will necessitate your appealing to my conscience in terms the most severe. It will cost you much ; but I beg you not to fear. Subject me, as well as those Sisters, to the most rigorous examination. I shall pray God to give you grace and courage to do so."


Sister Emmerich's uprightness and, candor rendered the Dean's position toward her less embarrassing. The more he examined, the more convincing became the proofs of the supernatural origin of the favors bestowed upon her, the sublime perfection of her virtue. Her obedience and respect for ecclesiastical authority were unlimited, and her fear of disobeying orders through excessive pain gave her more uneasiness than the sufferings caused by the attempts made to cure her wounds. Sometimes the Dean found her in tears, or a word from him would call forth this touching question : " Have I sinned by my sadness ! " — His assurances to the contrary quickly restored her to the innocent light-heartedness of a child, and she would say through her tears :  “Willingly shall I bear still more, if only the dear God will give me strength to endure my sufferings and not to fail in obedience."


Never did Dean Rensing hear her complain of anything else than of the crowd that flocked to see her. When he prohibited their entrance, she thanked him gratefully. Her tearful pleadings often encouraged him to defend her boldly from the inquisitive throng. Never did he behold in her a sign of impatience or discontent ; on the contrary, the serenity of her countenance testified to her resignation and union with God. He says in his journal : — " I found her extremely weak ; but as soon as she saw me, she assumed the air of serenity usual to her." And : " Whilst I chatted with her, her countenance was full of peace ; but I noticed that as often as the back of her head chanced to touch the pillow, her features contracted with pain."


If he reproached her with her stigmata, she took it quietly as if she herself entertained the same sentiments. “If you had not those singular marks on you," he said to her one day, "you would be free from the pains you now endure from them (1)." "I have prayed the dear God with all my heart,' she replied, “to take them from me, and I am willing to be treated as a hypocrite and impostor, but my prayer has not been heard."

如果伦辛总铎用艾曼丽的圣伤来责备她,她会默默地接受,好像她自己也怀有同样的感受。有一天,他对艾曼丽说,「如果你身上没有那些奇异的圣伤,你就不会遭受现在的痛苦 (1)。」她回答说,「全心全意地祈求亲爱的天主把圣伤从我身上拿走,我愿意被当作伪君子和骗子对待,但我的祈祷没有被天主俯听

He was often quite overcome at the sight of her sufferings and, not being able to afford her any relief, he desired to withdraw ; but she tried to compose herself and begged him not to deprive her of the solace his presence and benediction afforded. Once he noted the following words in his journal :  " I stayed with her a while longer, deeply affected at seeing the grace of Our Lord so strong in the weak."



(1) When   the reality of the stigmata had been   unquestionably proved, Bean   Reusing changed his tactics and reproached the   invalid for having   prayed for their disappearance. Dr. Wesener's journal contains   the   following notes on this subject, Jan. 10, 1815 :" Today, Tuesday,     the wounds seemed larger than usual and, on examining them closely, I came to     the conclusion that they had bled both on the upper and lower surface.   I   inquired why this had happened on a Tuesday ? The invalid could not   say, but   she told me the following :— “Dean Rensing was here   yesterday. He reproached   me for wishing and praying for the removal of   these marks. I do not think I   did wrong in this, for it was not from   any bad Intention. I am resolved to   conform to the will of God, to   abandon myself entirely to it Gladly would I   suffer until the Day of   Judgment to please God and serve my neighbor !'   "

 (1) 当圣伤的真实性被无可置疑地证实后,伦辛总铎改变了他的策略,责备病人为圣伤的消失祈祷。 1815 年 1 月 10 日,韦塞纳医生的日记中有关此事的注释:「今天,瞻礼三(周二),伤口似乎比平时大,仔细检查后,我得出结论,伤口的上表层和下面都流血了。我问为什么在周二发生这种情况?病人说不清楚,但她告诉我以下情况:『伦辛总铎昨天在这里。他责备我希望并祈求消除这些伤痕。我认为我在这方面没有做错,因为这并不是出于任何不良意图   。我决心顺从天主的旨意,将自已完全交托给祂,我愿意受苦直到审判日,以悦乐上主,服务我的近人! 』

Such   experience proved   to him that the gift of longanimity was attached to   the fidelity of her   obedience to Ecclesiastical Superiors, the   representatives of God;   consequently, though not at all enthusiastic,   he acquired in spite of himself   a daily assurance of the power and   plenitude of the benediction attached to   the sacerdotal character.   Whenever she spoke such words as these : “I am not   so weak, I am   stronger when you stay. What I say to you comes from God, it is   for   God, and it never tires me' etc. — he always saw them verified by effects.


The Vicar-Gerneral had     enjoined on her to render to Dean Rensing an exact account of her     contemplations and whatever happened to her exteriorly ; therefore, she     answered all his questions most carefully. We are thus informed of the   fact   of her offering all her sufferings for the souls in purgatory and   the   conversion of sinners. Even during the examination, she spent her   nights in   prayer and contemplation, often “going out of herself,"   as she expressed   it. On the Dean's first visit, she said in answer to   his interrogatories :   " Last night I was in purgatory. It seemed   to me that I was taken into a   deep abyss, a vast region, where I saw,   and the sight filled me with sorrow,   the poor souls so sad, so silent,   yet with something in their countenance   which tells that the thought   of God's mercy gives joy to their heart. Enthroned   in their midst was   the Mother of God, more beautiful than I had ever seen her   before.” —

Then she said to him :     ''Instruct your penitents to pray fervently for the poor souls in purgatory,     for they in gratitude will pray for them in return. Prayer for these   poor   souls is most agreeable to God, as it admits them to His presence     sooner."




Some days later she again said :   “ I had no rest all last   night, on account of the sharp pains in my   wounds, but I was consoled by an   apparition of Our Divine Saviour. I   saw how He recalls repentant sinners, how   He acts toward them. He was   so good, so sweet that I have no words to express   it," She was   often strengthened and consoled by this vision at the   approach of the   Easter solemnities. “My sufferings have become more   endurable,"   she said one day, for I have seen in vision that many great   sinners   will soon return to God. Some have already done so. This gave me     strength and filled me with joy."


The   week after Easter   she again said to the Dean : “I have had a short but   consoling ecstasy in   which I saw how many sinners have returned to God   this Easter and how many   souls have been released from purgatory, I   saw, too, the place of   purification, and I noticed on the countenances   of the prisoners an air of   inexpressible joy which I took as a sign of   their approaching deliverance.   How glad I was to see them freed from   their torments ! I knew the souls of   two priests who have gone to   heaven. They had suffered for years ; one for   his neglect of little   duties, the other for his inclination to jesting." She saw also the   conversion of certain sinners   who had relapsed into their evil habits.


" Jesus stood   before   my eyes. He was maltreated in many ways ; but during it all, He was so     gentle and loving that His sufferings brought to me a sweet kind of sadness.     ‘Ah!’ thought I, ‘every sinner has in this suffering a share, and he   would be   saved if he only had a little good will!’ — I saw also some   persons known to   me who recognized their faults and corrected them. It   was all as clear before   me as if I saw it with open eyes. Among them   was one who is very pious, who   speaks in humble terms of herself; but   she knows not at the same time that   she thinks too much of herself. It   would cost her something to acknowledge   her faults. It is not true   humility for one to depreciate himself, and yet be   unable to endure   that another should speak ill of him or be preferred to   him."


Again she said :   "I   was present when God passed sentence upon some notorious sinners.     Great is His justice, but still more inconceivable is His mercy. He damns     only those who are determined not to be converted ; they who have a   spark of   good will are saved. Some there are who grieve for their   sins, confess them   sincerely, and trust confidently in the merits of   their Saviour ; they are   saved and their sins will no more be   remembered. It is true they go to   purgatory, but not to remain long.   On the other hand, many stay a long time   in purgatory who, although   not great sinners, have lived tepidly. Through   pride they would take   no admonition or instruction from their confessor. The   time was when   the thought of only one poor sinner's condemnation grieved me   so that   I could not get over it ; but on the present occasion, though many     were condemned, I was perfectly calm, for I saw that God’s justice called for     it. All was as clear to me as if God himself had spoken.


"I saw Jesus on a throne,   shining like the sun ; by   Him were Mary, Joseph, and John, and before   Him knelt poor repentant sinners,   supplicating Mary to intercede for   them. I saw then that Mary is the true   refuge of sinners. All that fly   to her find favor, if they have only a little   faith."


The   following vision on   the value of prayer was afterward vouchsafed to   the invalid : “ I was in a   great, bright place which extended on every   side as far as the eye could   reach, and there it was shown me how it   is with men's prayers before God.   They seemed to be inscribed on large   white tablets which were divided into   four classes : some were written   in magnificent golden letters ; others in   shining silver ; some in   darker characters ; and others, again, in black   streaked lines. I   gazed with delight ; but, as I thought myself unworthy of   such a   favor, I hardly dared ask my guide what it all meant. He told me :     ‘What is written in gold is the prayer of those who have united their good     works to the merits of Jesus Christ and who often renew this union;   they aim   at observing His precepts and imitating His example.





 “’What is written     in silver is the prayer of those who think not of union with the merits of     Jesus Christ ; but who are, notwithstanding, pious and who pray in the     simplicity of their hearts.

“’What is written in     darker colors is the prayer of those who have no peace unless they frequently     confess and communicate and daily say certain prayers ; but who are,   however,   tepid and perform their good works through habit.




 “’Lastly, what is     written in black, streaked characters is the prayer of such as place all     their confidence in vocal prayers and pretended good works, but who do   not   keep God's Commandments nor curb their evil desires. Such prayer   has no merit   before God, therefore it is streaked. So also would the   good works of a man   be streaked who indeed gives himself much trouble   to help on some charity,   but with a view to the honor or temporal   advantage attached to it.'"


Dean Rensing found her     one day reciting the Litany of the Saints from a book. He wished not to     interrupt her, but she said: “ I am not anxious about it. I can take   it up   again where I left off. I do not think God is so strict. He does   not mind   where I begin,” intimating thereby that she interrupted her   prayer, not from   carelessness, but as a mark of respect toward her   director.

有一天,伦辛总铎发现艾曼丽从一本书中诵念了《诸圣祷文》。   他不想打断她,艾曼丽却说:「我不担心被打断。我可以从中断的地方接续下去。我不认为天主是那么严格。祂不介意我从哪里开始,」她以此暗示,她中断祈祷并不是因为粗心大意,而是为了表示对她的指导者的尊重。

She relates another symbolical   vision on prayer: " I   was kneeling in my accustomed place in   church, and I saw by the brilliant   light that shone around two   beautifully dressed ladies in prayer at the foot   of the High Altar.   With heartfelt emotion I watched them praying so devoutly,   when two   dazzling crowns of gold were let down as if by a cord over their     heads. I drew near and saw that one crown rested on the head of one of the     ladies, whilst the other remained suspended in the air a little above   the   head of the second. At last, they both arose and I remarked to   them that they   had been praying earnestly. ' Yes,’ replied the second,   ' it is a long time   since I prayed as devoutly and with as much   consolation as I have done   to-day.' But the first on whose head the   crown had rested, complained that,   although she had wanted to pray   fervently, yet all kinds of thoughts and   distractions had assailed her   against which she had to fight the whole time.   Now I saw clearly by   this that the dear God looks only at the heart in time   of   prayer."


This vision had been     vouchsafed to Sister Emmerich to teach her that her own prayer, so often     disturbed and interrupted by the presence of visitors and other   annoyances,   was now no less agreeable to God than the tranquil   devotion formerly hers in   the cloister. We may recognize a similar   intention in a later vision, simple   apparently and of no great   significance, but which is a striking proof of   God's constant care   over His chosen one: —


 “I had to cross a     narrow bridge. In terror I gazed on the deep waters flowing below, but my     angel led me over in safety. On the bank was a mouse-trap around which   a   little mouse kept running, and running, and at last it slipped in to   get the   bait. ‘Foolish little animal!' I cried, 'you are sacrificing   your liberty,   your life for a mouthful!' — ' Are men more reasonable?’   asked my angel,   ‘when for a momentary gratification they endanger   their soul's salvation   ?'"


Her compassion for the     poor little mouse was turned by her angel to men blindly rushing to their own     destruction, that she might help them from afar by her prayers and     supplications. The vision appeared to imply what seemed to her   impossible,   that the hidden, peaceful life of former years was never   to return, and so   God willed. That happiness so longed-for was never   again to be hers. The time   had arrived for the last and most painful   part of her mission.

As the Church was   bereft   of her asylums of peace in which piety could be practised unmolested     and contemplation sheltered from the vulgar gaze, so was Sister Emmerich torn     from that sacred abode in which she had hoped to end her days, a trial   which   she shared with Holy Church up to the last instant of her life.   What it cost   her the following pages will tell.





上一篇:028.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第24章 伦辛院长和克劳特豪森医生变得不耐烦了
下一篇:030.真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示第26章 从复活节到圣神降临节


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