真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦
下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦
浏览次数:1218 更新时间:2024-8-12



Journeys to the Nuptial House. — Sufferings on Account of the Profanation of the Most Blessed Sacrament.


从世界各地前往婚房的朝圣之旅。 ——因亵渎至圣圣体而受的苦难。

Daily during the ecclesiastical year did Sister Emmerich travel to the Holy Land under the care of her angel, who chose the route both going and returning. This he determined by the various tasks she had to fulfil for the sick, the dying, the needy, and the souls in purgatory, in accordance with the order laid down by God. No one was excluded from her charitable ministrations, but the Head of the Church received her chief attention when in need of aid to lighten the burden of his pastoral charge.

在教会礼仪年期间,艾曼丽修女每天都会在她的护守天神的照顾下前往圣地,天神选择了往返的路线。天神按照天主规定的次序,根据艾曼丽修女必须为病人、垂死者、贫困者和炼狱中的灵魂完成的各项任务,来决定该路线。 没有人寻求她的帮助而得不到她的爱心服务,特別是当教会的元首需要帮助以减轻他的牧灵负担时,会得到艾曼丽修女的特别关注。

Rome was as familiar to her as the Holy Land. The Vatican, the various churches of the Eternal City, were as well known to her as the Temple, the Palace of David, the Cenacle, and other Holy Places of Jerusalem. On these journeys she visited those places sanctified by the birth, labors and death of the saints, who frequently appeared to her and gave an account

of the various details of their life and sufferings.

罗马对她来说就像圣地一样熟悉。 梵蒂冈,永恒之城的各个圣堂,与耶路撒冷的圣殿、达味王宫、晚餐厅和其他圣地一样为她所熟知。 在这些旅程中,艾曼丽参观了那些因圣人的出生、工作和去世而圣化了的地方,这些圣人经常向她显现,并讲述了他们生活和苦难的各种细节。

Every day brought its own special tasks, its own particular visions on the mysteries connected with the work of Redemption, so that we must not be surprised at her inability to relate all, weighed down as she was by corporal and mental sufferings.


The connection between the Church's calendar and Sister Emmerich's mission was close and real ; only the contemplative can understand the multiplicity and variety of action thereby entailed. Although the fragments contained in the following communications are short, they are, nevertheless, most striking and sufficient to convince the reader of the marvellous ways by which this soul was led in the accomplishment of works whose surprising manifestation will redound to the greater glory of God on the Judgment Day.

圣教会的日历和艾曼丽修女的使命之间的联系是密切而真实的; 只有默观者才能理解由此带来的多重性和多样性的行动。尽管以下讯息中包含的片段很短,但它们吸引人注目且足以使读者相信这个灵魂被引导完成工作的奇妙方式,这些工作令人惊讶的展现将在审判之日更大的光荣天主。

July, 1820, she related the following: — "I was commanded to travel over the world in order to see its misery. I went through St. Ludger's vineyard to that of St. Peter, viewing everywhere the sad state of mankind and the Church represented by different degrees of cold, fug, and darkness, though here and there I beheld bright spots and people standing in prayer. I had visions of these individuals.

1820 7 月,艾曼丽讲述了以下内容:「我奉命环游世界,以了解世界的苦难。我经过圣卢杰的葡萄园,来到圣伯多禄的葡萄园,到处看到人类和教会的悲惨状况,以不同程度的寒冷、雾气和黑暗代表着,虽然我偶尔也在这在那看到一些亮点一些站着祈祷的人。我有这些人的异象。

Wherever I went, I was taken to the needy, the abandoned, the sick, the persecuted, the imprisoned, for whom I prayed, aiding and consoling them in many ways. Everywhere I saw the state of the Church, the saints of the countries, Bishops, martyrs, religious, and anchorites — all upon whom the grace of God had descended. I saw especially those who had had visions and what their visions were. I saw them appearing in prayer to others and others to them.


I saw all that they had done, and I understood that the Church has always had such servants, visions, and apparitions. They existed even in the time of promise, constituting one of her richest graces and contributing largely to her welfare and union. I saw everywhere holy bodies lying in tombs. I saw their influence, their connection with the saints, and the blessing emanating from them through their union with their souls.


In this immense vision I had scarcely any other joy than that of seeing the Church founded upon a rock, and of knowing that love follows her and imitates Jesus, from which spring eternal blessings. I was told that in the Old Testament God sent angels to men and warned them in dreams. But, after all, that was not so clear and perfect as the spiritual teaching of Christianity — and yet, how faithfully and simply the people of the Old Law followed such divine inspirations ! —


“When I arrive in any country, I generally see in the chief city, as in a central point, its spiritual state indicated by cold, fog, and darkness. I see the headquarters of corruption and pictures of its greatest perils. I understand all. From them I see streams and pools spreading through the land like poisoned veins, and in their midst pious souls in prayer, churches containing the Blessed Sacrament, countless holy bodies, good works being performed, sin expiated or prevented, assistance given to the needy, etc.


When I see the sins and abominations of a nation, their good and evil works; when I have discovered the source of the poison, the cause of their maladies, I see as a necessary result the suffering, chastisement, destruction they entail and a total or partial cure effected in proportion as the good performed by its own people produces salutary effects, or the charitable efforts of others done for the love of Jesus, bring forth streams of grace and salvation.


Over some places sunk in darkness I see destruction floating in threatening pictures; over others are strife and bloodshed darkening the air, and from them frequently issues another striking picture with its own signification. These dangers and chastisements do not stand alone. They are connected with the crimes of other countries ; and thus, sin becomes the rod that strikes the guilty.


" Whilst all this appears in dark, earthly pictures over these lands, I see above them the good, luminous germs giving rise to other pictures like a world of light, representing what is done for it by its holy members through the treasures of grace they pour out upon it from the merits of Jesus Christ. I see above desecrated churches other churches floating in light, and I see the Bishops, doctors, martyrs, intercessors, prophets and all the privileged souls that once belonged to them ; pictures of their miracles, graces, visions, revelations, and apparitions pass before me; and I see their influence far and near, the effects it produced even at the most remote distances.

「虽然在这些地区呈现的都是黑暗、世俗的画面,但我看到在它们之上的另一些画面中生出美好的、光明的萌芽,就像一个光明的世界,代表其中的神圣成员,通过他们恩宠的宝藏为这世界所做的一切,他们将从耶稣基督的功劳中获得的恩宠宝藏,倾泻到这个世上。我看到被亵渎的圣堂上方漂浮着光,我看到主教、圣师、殉道、代祷者、先知和所有曾经被赋予特恩的灵魂;这些各国各地圣人们的圣迹 、圣宠、异象、启示和显现的画面在我面前掠过;我看到他们的影响遍及远近各处,即使在最遥远的地方也能产生影响。

A blessing still lingers over the paths they have trodden, since they are still united with their country and flock through pious souls who keep their memory alive. I see that their bones, wherever they rest, are in mysterious communication with them and become the sources of their loving intercession.


Unless supported by God's grace, one could not contemplate such misery and abomination side by side with so great mercy and love — one would die of grief.


“If on the road there are some needy souls for whom the Lord deigns to receive the prayers of a poor creature, I am conducted to them and I behold the cause of their misfortunes. I draw near to their bed if they sleep, I approach them if awake, and I offer to God a fervent prayer for them that He may receive from me in their behalf what they cannot, or know not how to do for themselves.


I often have to take upon myself a part of their sufferings. Sometimes they are people who have implored the prayers of others, or even my own, and this is the reason I have to take these journeys ; they are all for my neighbor's relief. Then I see the poor creatures turning to God, from whom they receive consolation and all that they need, rarely in a miraculous way, but by ordinary though often unexpected means.


This shows that corporal and spiritual distress comes most frequently from man himself who, instead of turning like a child to beg and receive help from the ever-open Hand of God, shuts himself up in himself incredulous and defiant. My intervention, I who have the gift of seeing, is in itself the Hand of God that sends to many a blind, closed heart one who sees, who is open to the light, who is as a channel for His plenteous mercy.


On these journeys I am often directed to hinder sin by intervening to strike terror into, to disconcert some evil-minded person. I have more than once aroused mothers whose infants were in need of them, or in danger of being smothered either by themselves, or drowsy nurses, etc."


" I went over Ludger's vineyard (Minister) where I found things in a miserable state, as usual ; through that of St. Liborius (Paderborn) in which I last labored and which I found improved ; and then by the place where lie Nepomecene, Wenceslas, Ludmilla, and other saints. This place is full of holy remains, but there are few pious priests among the living, and I saw that the good, holy people generally live hidden.

「我经过卢杰的葡萄园(明斯特),发现那里的情况像往常一样糟糕;又经过我上次在那里工作、并发现有所改善的圣利博里乌斯的葡萄园(帕德博恩);然后到了内波穆克, 瓦茨拉夫、卢德米拉和其他圣人安葬的地方。这里到处都是圣洁的遗体,但活人中很少有虔诚的司铎,我看到善良、圣洁的人们通常都隐居。

I went southward to a great city (Vienna) with a high tower, around which are many streets and avenues ; a broad river flows by the city (the Danube). I turned to the left into a high mountainous district (Tyrol), where dwell many pious souls, especially in the thinly settled parts. Still journeying toward the south, I arrived at a city on the sea (Venice) in which I lately saw St. Ignatius and his companions, St. Mark and other saints; but great corruption prevails there. I went into Ambrose's vineyard (Milan) and there I saw many visions and graces granted to St. Ambrose, and especially his influence over St. Augustine. I learned many things about him, his knowledge of a person who possessed in some degree the gift of recognizing relics.


— I had visions on this point and I think the saint has referred to it in a book. I learned, also, that no one ever had this faculty so fully as God has imparted it to me, and this because of the shameful neglect of relics, and because the veneration of them must be renewed. I saw as I went south an incredible number of churches and saints favored with various graces.


I saw clearly the works, visions, apparitions of St. Benedict and his companions ; the two Catherines of Sienna and Bologna, Clare of Montefalco, their visions and apparitions. During my great vision in the diocese of St. Ambrose, it seemed to me that the saint spoke from heaven, for I saw the influence and ministry of women and virgins in the Church through the gift of contemplation, apparition, and prophecy, and he said something on the discernment of true and false visions ; but I cannot repeat his words.

我清楚地看到了圣本笃和他同伴的工作、神视和显现;西耶纳和博洛尼亚的两位加大利纳,蒙特法尔科的克莱尔,她们的神视和显现。在圣安博罗削教区的伟大神视中,在我看来,圣人似乎是从天上对我说话的,因为我看到了圣妇和贞女通过默观、显现、和预言的恩宠在教会中的事奉和影响,圣安博罗削说了一些关于辨别真假神视的话; 但我无法重复他的话。

I ought to say that in the different countries I generally saw holy Bishops in the first rank, then priests, monks, nuns, hermits, and laics. I saw the apparitions of saints to them in their lifetime and in time of pressing need, when they bore them counsel and consolation from God. I saw in this great country Magdalene di Pazzi and Rita of Cassia, and many of Catherine of Sienna's visions, missions, etc.



 “I came to the church of Peter and Paul (Rome) and saw a dark world of distress, confusion, and corruption, through which shone countless graces from thousands of saints who there repose. Could I relate but a portion of what I saw in this central point of the Church, it would furnish material for a lifelong meditation. Those Popes whose relics I possess I saw most distinctly. — I must have some of Callistus I., the seventeenth Pope, which I have not yet found This Pope had many apparitions.



I saw John the Evangelist's death and his appearing to Callistus, once with Mary and once with Our Saviour, to strengthen him in time of need. I saw several apparitions made to Xystus, of whom I have a relic, and numberless others of the Apostles and disciples to one another and to their successors, giving them warning in times of distress. In these apparitions I saw a certain order of rank and dignity and their correspondence to the needs of him who received them.

我看到圣史若望的去世,以及他向加里多都显现,一次是他与圣母玛利亚一起显现给加里多都,另一次是他与我们的救主一起显现 ,都是在加里多都需要时给他力量。我看到若望有几次显现给西斯都,我有西斯都的圣髑,我还看到无数其他的宗徒和门徒相互之间显现,并显现给他们的继任者,在危难的时候向他们发出警告。在这些显现中,我看到了某种等级和尊严的秩序,以及这些显现与接受者需求的对应关系。

The messengers from the Church Triumphant are delegated with due regard to the importance of the occasion on which they are sent, and not in accordance with the blind judgment of the world. With regard to the gift of recognizing relics, I mast add that St. Praxedes possessed it to a certain degree.



“I saw the Holy Father surrounded by traitors and in great distress about the Church. He had visions and apparitions in his hour of greatest need. I saw many good pious Bishops; but they were weak and wavering, their cowardice often got the upper hand. I saw the black fellow plotting again, the destroyers attacking the Church of Peter, Mary standing with her mantle over it, and the enemies of God put to flight.


I saw Sts. Peter and Paul laboring actively for the Church and their basilica greatly enlarged. Then I saw darkness spreading around and people no longer seeking the true Church. They went to another, saying : ‘All is more beautiful, more natural here, better regulated ' — but, as yet, I have seen no ecclesiastic among them. I saw the Pope firm, but greatly perplexed.


The treaty thought to be so advantageous to us will be of no use ; things will go from bad to worse. The Pope shows more energy now; he has been advised to hold out till death, and this he gained by his late act of firmness. But his last orders are of no account, he enforces them too feebly. I saw over the city terrible evils from the north.


" Thence I went over water in the midst of which lie islands with their good and evil ; the most insolated are the happiest, the brightest. I travelled westward into Xavier's country (Portugal) where I saw many saints and the whole land full of soldiers in red. The master was toward the south beyond the sea. This country was pretty tranquil compared with that of St. Ignatius, which I now entered and found in frightful misery.


Darkness lay over the whole land where reposes the treasure of the saint's graces and merits. I was at the central point, and I recognized the place where long before I had had a vision of people cast into a fiery furnace around which their enemies were gathered ; but they who had kindled the flames were themselves consumed by them (1).


(1) The preceding March Sister Emmerich had seen under the symbol of a burning furnace into which the innocent were cast, the condemnation of the good, the destruction of faith and morals in the country of St. Ignatius ; and she understood that they who prepared the ruin of the innocent should share the fate of their victims.

 (1) 三月上旬,艾曼丽修女在圣依纳爵的国家里,看到了无辜者被扔进燃烧的熔炉的象征,看到了善良的人被谴责,看到了信仰和道德的破坏;她明白,那些准备毁灭无辜者的人应该分担受害者的命运。

I saw unheard-of abominations spreading over the land, and my guide said to me : ‘This is Babel!’ — I saw throughout the whole country a chain of secret societies with influences at work like those of Babel. They were connected with the building of the tower by a web fine as that of a spider, which extended up through all ages. Its highest blossom was the diabolical woman Semiramis.


I saw all going to ruin, sacred things destroyed, impiety and heresy flowing in. A civil war was brewing and a destructive internal crisis was at hand. I saw the former labors of innumerable saints, as well as the saints themselves, of whom I shall mention only Isidore, John of the Cross, Jane of Jesus, and chiefly Teresa, many of whose visions I saw. I was shown the labors of St. James whose tomb is on a mountain. I saw what numbers of pilgrims here find salvation.


My guide pointed out Montserrat. He showed me the old hermits who formerly dwelt there, and I had a touching vision of them. They never knew the day of the week. They counted time by dividing a loaf into seven parts of which they ate one part each day. Sometimes when in ecstasy, they made a mistake of a whole day. The Mother of God used to appear and tell them what to announce to men.


I saw such misery in this country, so many graces trodden under foot, so many saints and their visions, that the thought arose in my mind : ' Why must I, miserable sinner, see all this ? The greater part of it I cannot understand, much less relate' — then spoke my guide: ‘Repeat what thou canst ! Thou knowest not how-many souls will one day read it and be consoled, reanimated, and encouraged by it.


There are numerous accounts of similar graces, but sometimes they are not related as they should be. Ancient things are distasteful to the people of this age, or they are often maliciously misrepresented. What you relate will be published in a better way, and will be productive of blessings far greater than you can imagine.' — This consoled me, as for a few days I had bean discouraged and scrupulous.

关于类似的恩宠的记载,不胜枚举,但有时却没有得到应有的重视。古代的事情对这个时代的人来说是令人反感的,或者它们经常被恶意歪曲。你所讲述的将会以更好的方式被发表,并且会产生远比你想象的更大的祝福。』 ——天神的话让我感到安慰,因为这几天我心灰意冷,顾虑重重。

“From this unhappy land I was taken over the sea, a little toward the north, to an Island in which St. Patrick had been (Ireland) and here I found faithful, sincere Catholics, but very much oppressed. They held relations with the Pope, but very secretly, and there was still much good in the country because the people were united. I had an instruction at this point on the communion of the Church's members.


I saw St. Patrick and many of his works. I learned much of his history, and I saw some pictures of the great vision of purgatory he once had in a cave, when he recognized many of the poor souls whom he afterward delivered. The Blessed Virgin used to appear and instruct him what to do.


"From St. Patrick's island I crossed a narrow sea to another large island (England), dark, cold, and foggy, in which I saw, here and there, a band of pious sectarians ; but, for the rest, all was great confusion, the whole nation divided into two parties and engaged in dark, disgusting intrigues. The more numerous part was the more wicked. The smaller one had the soldiers on their side and, though better than the other, yet it was not of much account.

「从圣巴特利爵岛,我穿过一片狭窄的海域,来到另一个大岛(英格兰),那里阴暗、寒冷、雾蒙蒙的我到处看到一群群虔诚的宗派信徒;但对其他人来说,一切都非常混乱,整个国家分裂为两派,暗中勾心斗角,人数多的那部分人更加邪恶人数较少的一方有士兵支持,虽强于对方,却无足轻重 .

I saw the two parties struggling together and the smaller one victorious ; but there was abominable scheming going on, every one seemed a spy to watch and betray his neighbor. Above this land I saw a host of God's friends of former times, so many holy kings, Bishops, and apostles of Christianity who left their homes to labor among us in Germany : St. Walburga, King Edward, Edgar, and St. Ursula, and I learned that the tradition which makes the 11,000 virgins an army of maidens, is not true.

我看到双方相互作战,少数方获胜;但有可恶的阴谋正在进行,每个人都像是监视和背叛他近人的间谍。在这片土地上,我看到了许多万军上主昔日的朋友,许多圣王、主教和天主教虔诚的信徒,他们背井离乡来到德国,与我们一起工作:圣沃尔布加、爱德华国王埃德加,和圣乌尔苏拉,我了解到,使 11,000 名贞女成为少女军旅的传说是不真实的。

They were a kind of confraternity like our own charitable associations, and they did not go all together to Cologne for some of them dwelt widely apart. I saw great misery in the cold, foggy country, wealth, crime, and ships.


“I continued my journey eastward over the sea into a cold country in which I saw Sts. Bridget, Canute, and Eric (Sweden and Denmark). It was poorer, in a more tranquil state than the last, but it, also, was dark and foggy. It is a land rich in iron, but not fertile. I do not remember what I did or saw here ; the inhabitants were all staunch Protestants.

「我继续东行,越过大海,进入一个寒冷的国家,在那里我见到了圣毕哲、圣克努特和埃里克( 瑞典和丹麦)。那里比上一个国家更贫穷,更宁静,但也是一片黑暗,雾气弥漫。这是一片富含铁元素的土地,但并不肥沃。我不记得在这里做了什么或看到了什么;这里的居民都是坚定的新教徒。

Then I passed into an immense dark country subject to great tempests and full of wickedness. The inhabitants are excessively proud. They build great churches (Russia) and think themselves in the right way. I saw them every-where arming and working ; all was dark and menacing. I saw St. Basil and others. I saw the fellow lurking near the shining palace. I went now on to the south, etc…… "


To China, as we may judge from her description of the country, where she beheld many early martyrs and apostles of Christianity and the good effected in her own day by the efforts of the Dominicans. She visited the scene of the labors and death of St. Thomas, as also that of St. Francis Xavier and his companions; and she traversed the isles in which the light of the Gospel is now breaking.


One large island she mentioned particularly, in which the faith is making rapid strides. The people, both Catholics and Protestants, are truly good and gladly receive instruction ; the latter being well-inclined toward Catholicity, the church is crowded at all public functions. The city is so densely peopled that they are beginning to extend its limits. The native population are excellently well disposed.


They are of a brown complexion, some of them quite black. They were accustomed to go almost naked, but they now dress as their teachers prescribe. Sister Emmerich saw their idols which she described — the island seems to be the same for which she had prayed on Christmas night.


In India she met the people whom, on a former occasion, she had seen drawing the sacred waters of the Ganges and kneeling before a cross ; they were now in a better condition, receiving instruction, and about to form into a community — it was here she had a vision of St. Thomas and St. Xavier.


Thence she went into the neighborhood of the Mountain of the Prophets, traversed the dark country of Semiramis where she met Sts. Simon and Jude, saw the huge columns of the ruined city, passed through the land of St. John the Baptist and that in which the Evangelist John wrote his Gospel, and enter- ed the Promised Land to find ruin on all sides.


The Holy Places are hardly recognizable, though grace still operates through them. Here her visions became general, portraying the malice of men by frustrating the abundant means of salvation offered them. On Mt. Carmel she had a vision of St. Berthold and the discovery of the Holy Lance at Antioch. She saw many fervent religious, monks and nuns, still serving God there.



" I saw that my relic of the Knight of Malta is one of St. Berthold whom the hermit, Peter of Provence, took on the Crusade. They were together at the seige of Antioch. When their need was most pressing, Berthold thought : ‘If we had the lance with which Our Lord was wounded, we should surely conquer' — then he, Peter, and another, though unknown to one another, severally invoked God's assistance.


The Blessed Virgin appeared to all three separately. She told them that the lance of Longinus was concealed in the wall behind the altar of the church, bidding them communicate this intelligence to one another. They obeyed ; they sought and found the sacred lance walled up in a chest behind the altar.


The iron point was rather short, and the shaft was broken into several pieces. Victory followed the lance everywhere. Berthold had vowed to devote himself to the Blessed Virgin on Mt. Carmel, if the city were delivered ; he became an anchorite, and later on the Founder and General of the Carmelite Order."

铁矛尖很短,枪杆被断成几截。 胜利伴随着长矛无处不在。伯特霍尔德曾发誓,如果这座城市被拯救,他将奉献自己于加尔默罗山的圣母;他成为一名隐士,后来成为加尔默罗会的创始人和会长。」

Sister Emmerich then spoke of other holy monks and hermits whom she had met on her spiritual journey through the Holy Land, and of many chosen souls who like herself had been taken there in ecstasy. She found all dark and dreary in the country in which the Israelites had sojourned, and she met there some ignorant, but well-meaning monks belonging to a certain sect.


She passed many half-ruined pyramids belonging to the earliest ages, and saw St. Sabbas and other saints of the desert. Thence she turned to the land of St. Augustine and Perpetua, pushed on southward through frightful darkness, and visited Judith whom she found pensively planning some way of escape that she might receive instruction, for she was at heart a Christian. Sister Emmerich begged God to help her.


After this she crossed over to Brazil where, also, she met saints, visited the islands, saw many new Christian settlements, passed through America, found a new impulse given to religion and met St. Rose and others. She returned over the sea to Sardinia and found Rosa Maria Serra, the stigmatisee of Ozieri, still alive to the astonishment of all who knew her, though old and bedridden. She saw another similarly favored whom she had met some time previously at Cagliari ; a maritime city of Sicily. The people of this country were in a tolerably good state.


She went on to Rome, thence to Switzerland, visited Einsiedeln and the abodes of the ancient hermits, of Nicholas von der Flue, and others. She saw in passing St. Francis de Sales, and St. Chantal‘s convent ; crossed into Germany where she saw Sts. Walburga, Kilian, the Emperor Henry, and Bonifacius; recognized Frankfort, saw the infant-martyr (1) and the old merchant in his tomb ; crossed the Rhine and met Sts. Boniface, Goar, and Hildegarde, of whom she had special visions. She was told that to the latter had been imparted, through the grace of the Holy Ghost, the power of committing her visions to writing, although she had never learned to read or write ; of calling down chastisement upon prevaricators; and of prophesying concerning the wicked woman of Babylon.


原注:(1) The details will be given later on.

(1)    细节将在稍后给出。

No one ever received so many graces as Hildegarde whose revelations are fulfilled even in our own day. Sister Emmerich now met Elizabeth of Schoenau and, on visiting France, saw Sts. Genevieve, Denis, Martin, with a host of others ; but frightful misery, corruption, and abomination reigned in the capital. It appeared to her to be in a sinking condition and that no stone would be left upon another.


Thence she went to Liege, Belgium, and saw Sts. Juliana and Odilia ; in Brabant, she had visions of St. Lidwina who was wholly insensible to the worms that ate her body, her miserable state of poverty, or the tears that froze on her cheeks as they flowed, for Mary stood by her bed extending her mantle over her. Mary of Oignies she saw In a country still inhabitated by pious Christians, and returning through Bock-holt, she found many of the same stamp on the frontiers of Holland.


Whilst passing through Saxony, she had seen Sts. Gertrude and Mechtiide. She had visions of their gifts and graces, and of what they had done for the Church. In the country of the infant-martyr, she struck terror into two men who were about murdering a poor courier, in order to seize his papers.





内波穆克.若望Nepomecene 1345 年 - 1393 年 3 月 20 日是波希米亚(捷克共和国)的圣人,他是   在波希米亚的瓦茨拉夫四世的命令下淹死在伏尔塔瓦河。 后来的记载说他是波希米亚女王的告解神父,因拒绝透露告解的秘密而被害。 根据这一说法,内波穆克的若翰被认为是告解之印的第一殉道者,是反对诽谤的主保,并且由于他的殉道方式,是洪水和溺水的保护者。


瓦茨拉夫一世Wenceslas(911 – 935 年 9 月 28 日或 929 年),瓦茨拉夫一世是波希米亚的公爵,他的殉道和几部传记的流行使他以英勇的美德而闻名,这导致他被提升为圣人。他死后被宣布为国王,并被视为捷克国家的守护天使。


波希米亚的卢德米拉Ludmilla (c. 860 – 921 年 9 月 15 日) 是捷克圣徒和殉道者,受到东正教和罗马天主教徒的崇敬。   她出生在梅尔尼克,是索布王子斯拉维博尔的女儿。 圣卢德米拉是圣瓦茨拉夫的祖母,他被广泛称为好国王瓦茨拉夫。 圣卢德米拉在她死后不久就被册封了。 作为封圣过程的一部分,925 年,温塞斯劳斯将她的遗体移至布拉格的圣乔治大教堂。


米兰的圣安博罗削St. Ambrose(339 – 397),是米兰主教、神学家和政治家。他以公众人物的身份大力推动拉丁教会,反对阿里乌主义和异教。他的讲道、他的行动和他的文学作品,以及他创新的音乐圣咏,使他成为 4 世纪最有影响力的教会人物之一。传统认为安布罗斯发展了对经,称为安布罗圣咏,并创作了“Te Deum”咏调。他还对圣奥斯定(354-430)的皈依和成圣产生了显著的影响。



.帕奇Magdalene di Pazzi于   1566 4 2 日出生于意大利佛罗伦萨最富有和最杰出的贵族家庭之一。九岁时,家庭司铎教德帕齐如何默想,德帕齐开始通过自我鞭笞练习克制肉体,戴着带刺的金属丝带,戴着自制的荆棘冠冕。她在 10 岁时初领圣体,并在同年发誓要成为童贞。十二岁时,她在母亲面前经历了她的第一次神魂超拔。从那时起,她继续展示她认为是许多不同的神秘经历。1580 年,14 岁的德帕齐选择了佛罗伦萨的圣玛利亚.德利安杰利.加尔默罗修道院,因为那里的规定允许她每天领受圣体。 1583 1 30   日初学,取名玛达肋纳。口述五卷神秘启示,曾预言教宗良十一就任,常显奇迹。1607525日去世。1668年册封,尸身不腐。-----译者注




522 圣妇丽达(St. Rita of Cascia




西耶娜的加大利纳Catherine   of Sienna's是一位意大利神秘而虔诚的平信徒,通过广泛的写信和宣传参与教宗和意大利政治。 她于   1461 年被封为圣,因其广泛的神学著作而被尊为圣人和教会圣师。   她也被认为对意大利文学产生了影响。



圣加里多一世(St. Callistus)教宗殉道







教宗西斯都一世Xystus (42   124/126/128),也拼写为   Xystus,希腊血统的罗马人,是公元 100 年的罗马第七任主教。直到115 年去世。他通过了以下三项法令:

§ 除圣职人员外,任何人不得触摸圣器;

§ 被传召到罗马教廷的主教在返回后,除非出示宗座信件,否则不得被教区接待;

§ 在弥撒序言之后,神父应与信众一起诵念《圣圣圣》----译者注


译者注:人们对圣巴西德St. Praxedes(或普拉克塞德斯 Práxedes 知之甚少, 相传巴西德是Saint Pudentiana的姐姐;她们的兄弟是圣多纳图斯和圣弟茂德。在迫害时期之一,她们埋葬基督徒的尸体并向穷人分发物品。 De Voragine 的简短描述称他们于 165 年去世,在皇帝马库斯和安东尼二世的统治下


圣依西多禄Isidore(西班牙语:San Isidro 或 San Isidoro de Sevilla,拉丁语:Isidorus   Hispalensis,560年-636年)是西班牙6世纪末7世纪初的教会圣人,神学家。依西多禄生于西班牙地中海沿岸城市卡塔赫纳,两个哥哥皆为主教。他曾长期担任塞维亚总主教,劝化西哥德人归化天主教。著有20卷的类百科全书《词源》,历史学著作《哥德族历史》,自然科学著作《天文学》、《自然地理》等许多作品。636年,逝世于塞维亚。1722年被封为教会圣师。[1]---—译者注



圣十字若望(1542 – 1591)是圣女大德兰同时代的人,他和圣女一同改革加尔默罗男修会。圣十字若望强调,即使是最轻微的执着,包括心灵的执着在内,都会阻止一个人达到与天主结合。


耶稣的简Jane of Jesus ——·弗朗西斯··尚塔尔 Jane Frances de ChantalJeanne-Françoise   FrémiotBaronne   de Chantal1572   1 28 -   1641 12   13   日)是一位天主教圣人,于   1751 年被宣福并于 1767 年被册封。她创立了圣母往见会。——译者注


圣女大德兰(Teresa   of ávila1515   – 1582)是圣十字若望同时代的人,十字若望和她一同改革加尔默罗修会。她是一位坚毅不屈的人,在她的一生中经历不同的神秘经历,她是宗教改革者、文学家、学者、神秘学家、灵修学家、杰出的教会圣师。







圣巴特利爵St. Patrick是爱尔兰的主保圣人。他生于389年,相传他祖籍是罗马,世居英伦三岛。圣巴特利爵为了爱尔兰民族的劝化工作,风尘仆仆,不辞辛苦;到处建造教堂,创立修院,以培植神职人才。他的工作获得了很大的收获,被劝化的异教徒,不计其数。爱尔兰整个民族,最终依赖圣人的努力,全部皈依了真教。巴特利爵于461年安然逝世。圣人去世时,爱尔兰已获得圣人岛的美称。——译者注



圣沃尔布加St. Walburga也称为沃尔普加(Walpurga),是一位盎格鲁撒克逊传教士,曾游历法兰克王国。870年,教宗亚德二世将她册封为圣人,纪念圣日为51日。___译者注




殉教者爱德华King Edward(Edward the Martyr962978),亦称埃德沃德二世(古英语:Eadweard),英格兰国王,975年-978年在位。由于爱德华生前是非常虔诚的基督徒,后世的信徒们称这位少年英王为殉道者。——译者注









圣女乌尔苏拉St. Ursula是4世纪不列颠国王(西南部杜姆诺尼亚的戴诺涂斯Dionotus of Dumnonia)的女儿,一位笃信基督教的公主,却被许配给阿莫瑞卡(现法国的一部分)一位异教徒柯南·麦瑞多克(Conan Meriadoc)。虔诚的乌尔苏拉公主开出了结婚的条件:婚期延后三年,以达成她前去罗马朝圣的愿望。三年中,她便与十名贵族贞女为伴,开始她们的朝圣之旅。不仅如此,这十一位童贞女,还各自带领一千名童贞女同行前往罗马朝圣。她和她的侍女们到了罗马见了教宗Cyriacus(该教宗名字在罗马教宗的纪录里不可考,纪录里384年的教皇是Siricius)和拉文那的主教Sulpicius。归途中,一场暴风雨把她们带到了高卢人的港口,11艘船就经荷兰进入多瑙河来到了科隆,在此地被入侵的匈奴王阿提拉(Attila,   King of the Huns)所率领的匈奴人袭击,阿提拉欲霸占乌尔苏拉公主,遭到反抗,最终包括乌尔苏拉公主在内的11000位贞女一同殉道。如今我们看到的科隆市徽,其中的11滴眼泪即代表了殉难的11位领队圣女。 --------译者注


瑞典籍的圣女毕哲(St. Bridget),一直渴望知道,主耶稣在苦难中,为我们承受了多少创伤。有一天,在罗马圣保禄大殿内,耶稣在十字架上显现给她说:「我的身体受到5480个伤害,如果你想为它们作补赎,妳就在一年里,每天诵念十五篇天主经、十五篇圣母经、及十五篇祈祷文。当一年届满,妳就弥补了我的每个伤痛。」 随后,耶稣亲口教导圣女这十五篇祈祷文。   一八六二年五月三十一日,教宗庇护九世,正式批准这些经文。同时表示,它们对人灵确有帮助。虽然这些经文应每天诵念,但如有重大原因而缺念一天时,也不会失去特恩,但必须在一年内,念足5480首经文。念满一年后,要朝拜我所有的圣伤。(即念五伤经和耶稣圣伤串经,最好能拜苦路)。



克努特四世Canute(c.1042   – 1086 年 7 月 10 日),从 1080 年到   1086 年是丹麦国王。克努特是一位雄心勃勃的国王,他寻求加强丹麦君主制,坚定地支持罗马天主教会,并设计了英国王位。 1086 年被叛军杀害,他是第一位被册封的丹麦国王。 1101年,他被罗马天主教主教会承认为丹麦的守护神。









巴西略教父St. Basil the Great,圣师 (330-379)。330年时诞生于小圣巴西略亚细亚的凯撒肋雅(Caesarea 今土耳其的东南方).他的父母皆出生贵族,且信仰甚笃,后来亦被教会册封为圣人。这个圣善的家庭育有十个子女,其中就有四位是教会公开列品的圣人(除了圣巴西略外,还包括与圣巴西略,圣额我略纳齐盎齐名的圣额我略尼沙St.   Gregory of Nyssa 335-394). 为东方的隐修制度而言,圣巴西略的地位就如同圣本笃之於西方教会一样.他所订下的原则,至今对东方教会的隐修制度仍有着莫大的影响.当圣人决定按福音的贫穷劝谕开始修道生活时,他已走在一条成为知名教父的路上了。



卡拉布里亚的圣伯特霍尔德St. Berthold一些历史学家认为是加尔默罗会的创始人。他出生于法国利摩日,在巴黎大学被证明是一名出色的学生。晋铎后与他的兄弟、土耳其安提约基亚的拉丁祖先艾默里克,一起参加十字军东征。在加尔默罗山上,他找到了一群隐士,加入了他们,并制定了会规。艾默里克任命伯特霍尔德为第一位加尔默罗会会长。   伯特霍尔德试图改革该地区的基督徒士兵,因为他对基督有了神视,并领导了加尔默罗会四十五年。----译者注







圣女罗撒 ( St. Rose of   Lima-1586-1617): 罗莎于1586年的8月20日诞生于秘鲁的首都利玛(Lima),其双亲皆是西班牙人的后裔。圣女的本名是依撒贝尔(Isabel),由于诞生时极其美丽,故常被唤作「玫瑰(Rose-罗莎)」然而,罗莎并不希望自己的容貌为他人所爱慕,因为她的心早已献给耶稣。罗莎总是将自己易于引人爱慕的容貌,以胡椒涂抹之,使其产生令人生厌的红斑来;后来,她甚至在其母妆点圣女的银制头环内,加上钉针,以此表达耶稣的荆棘刺冠。结果,那头环常因刺入过深而难以取下。当圣女的双亲在经济上陷入困境时,她便整日于花园内工作,以支持其贫困的父母。由于她一心渴望修道,而父母却试图为她安排婚事,为此圣女努力抗争了十年。这期间,圣女基于服从,便只能在家中继续她补赎与独修的生活,当时她已是一位道明第三会的成员。此后,圣女为渴望完全活出基督的生命来,便在家中潜心于独修的操练。


1617年的8月30日,圣女病逝,享年31岁;当时,全城都因她的葬礼而默哀,壮丁们则争相轮流为圣女扶棺。圣女过世之后,发生了许多神迹;1667年,教宗克莱孟九世(Pope Clement IX)册封罗莎为真福品;1671年,教宗克莱孟十世(Pope Clement X)将其列为圣品,是美洲第一位被列品的圣人。在圣像中,圣女常被描绘成一位戴有玫瑰刺冠的少女。----译者注



圣基利安 Saint Kilian    大约在 640 年出生于贵族父母,位于现在爱尔兰卡文郡东南部的穆拉附近。曾在著名的 Hy 修道院修道。686 年夏天,基利安与 11 名同伴穿越高卢前往罗马接受教宗的传教使命,于深秋抵达并与教宗卡农会面。从那里他们前往维尔茨堡城堡传教。他让戈兹伯特公爵和他的大部分臣民皈依了主教。因基利安指出赫尔佐格(公爵)娶了他兄弟的遗孀盖拉娜,违反了圣经,导致盖拉娜派她的士兵往维尔茨堡的主要广场,在基利安和他的同事们在那里正在传教时,并将他与他的两个同伴一起斩首。——译者注



舍瑙的伊丽莎白 Elizabeth of Schoenau(约 1129 年 - 1164 年 6   月 18 日)是一位德国本笃会的有神视的修女。她是拿骚公国舍瑙修道院的女修道院院长,经历过无数的神视,为此她受到许多远在法国和英国的有权势的人的广泛探求。----译者注









圣女热纳维耶芙St. Genevieve(422—502),是法国巴黎的主保圣人。圣女热纳维耶芙还是个小女孩时就已经决定终身过贞的生活, 父母过世后,圣女热纳维耶芙来到居住在巴黎的教母处,照顾贫穷及生病的人们。在巴黎,她严格禁欲补赎,传说她从15岁开始一直到50岁每周只进食大麦面包和豆子并只喝水两次(星期四和星期日)。据说在这期间,她经历了如同死尸般的持续三天的僵硬,天神带她看到了天堂与地狱。传说她阻止了匈奴国王阿提拉对巴黎的入侵。传说她还对当时的法兰西国王克洛维一世(约466-511)皈依主教做出了贡献。这位国王是欧洲的第一位接受主教洗礼的国王,从而使法兰克帝国得以基督教化,这对整个欧洲历史都有着非凡的意义。很不幸的是,1793年,圣女热纳维耶芙的遗骸在法国大革命中被公开烧毁了。她的圣骨匣安放在巴黎圣女热纳维耶芙广场上的圣斯德望堂中。----译者注









圣德尼St. Denis,又译为圣丹尼斯,又称巴黎的德尼(法语:Denis de Paris),拉丁文中称为戴奥尼修斯(拉丁语:Dionysius,昵称为Dennis或Denys),基督教圣徒与殉教者。活跃于3世纪时,他是巴黎主教,约西元250年,他在罗马皇帝德西乌斯迫害基督教时殉教。传闻他被斩首后仍拾起头颅边走边讲道,长达十公里,直走到今天称为圣德尼 (Saint-Denis) 的地方。他是法国与巴黎的主保圣人。在艺术作品中,除了砍掉的头颅,我们还可以从主教冠来辨认出他。----译者注



列日的朱莉安娜 St. Juliana(也称为科尼永山的朱莉安娜),(约 1192 年或 1193 年 - 1258 年 4   月 5 日)是比利时的中世纪诺伯丁修女和神秘主义者。 传统的学术资料长期以来一直认为她是基督圣体圣血节的发起人,这个瞻礼于 1246 年在列日首次庆祝,后来于 1264 年被天主教会采用。——译者注



圣奥迪利亚St. Odilia,大约在公元 300 年,圣奥迪利亚和其他十位处女从英格兰出发前往东方朝圣。出于偶然或计划,他们所乘坐的船沿莱茵河而上。他们被一些士兵俘虏并带到科隆。在那里,年轻女性被杀害以捍卫她们的基督教信仰和纯洁。圣奥迪利亚未来作为圣十字勋章守护者的角色体现在克罗西尔标准和她的座右铭“我选择了十字架”中。——译者注




圣女洁如(日多达) St. Gertrude(或圣大格特鲁德)是本笃会的修女,生于公元1256年。五岁的时候,入德意志汉夫德女修院,她的老师是圣女美狄黛。廿五岁的时候,洁如首次见基督的显现。从那一天起,她的思想完全转变。她全心全意谋取与吾主密切结合。她看见自己的灵魂如一块蜡在火上熔化,陈列在耶稣圣胸前,准备接受印记,又看见自己被吸入耶稣的圣心。圣女洁如提倡勤领圣体、大圣若瑟的敬礼和耶稣圣心的瞻礼。这些运动到后来方才普遍传扬。由此可知圣女的先知先觉,见解高人一筹。洁如所著的《天主圣爱的报导》一书,神学意义深邃,文字秀美,为灵修生活不可多得的佳作,若干人推崇洁如这本书的价值仅次于圣德肋撒的作品。圣女洁如于1301年逝世,享年仅四十五岁。-------译者注



哈克伯恩的美狄黛St. Mechtiide(1240/1241 - 1298 年 11 月 19 日)是撒克逊主教圣徒(来自现在的德国),她也是一位本笃会修女。   在 50 岁时,美狄黛经历了严重的属灵危难,以及身体上的痛苦。


上一篇:下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年纪念日
下一篇:下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的亵渎而受苦


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