真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示(婴孩耶稣德兰 胡文浩 译 王保禄 杨开勇 羔羊校阅)列表
·027. 真福艾曼丽修女的生命与启示
·下卷第一章01 属灵上的操劳和为教
·下卷第一章02 知道他人的想法
·下卷第一章03 纠正和抗争朝圣者在
·下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里
·下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
·下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年
·下卷第三章01 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章02 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章03 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第三章04 因他人对至圣圣事的
·下卷第四章01 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章02 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第四章03 炼狱中的灵魂—众天
·下卷第五章01 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章02 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章03 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第五章04 为教宗庇护七世、为
·下卷第六章01 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章02 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章03 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章04 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章05 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章06 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章07 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章08 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章09 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章10 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章11 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章12 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章13 艾曼丽修女识别圣髑
·下卷第六章14 天堂乐园一瞥
·下卷第七章01 我们救主的生平—朝
·下卷第七章02 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章03 善良的老兰伯特神父
·下卷第七章04 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第七章05 预示艾曼丽修女去世
·下卷第八章01 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章02 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章03 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章04 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章05 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第八章06 为受诱惑的灵魂、苦
·下卷第九章01 艾曼丽修女最后的日
·下卷第九章02 艾曼丽修女最后的日
下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
下卷第二章02 教会礼仪年的结束
浏览次数:1387 更新时间:2024-8-12

Close of the Ecclesiastical Year



“I had a great vision in which I beheld accounts settled between the Church Triumphant and the Church Militant. The former was not a building, but an assembly of the blessed. The Most Holy Trinity appeared above them as the living Fountain of all, with Jesus on the right and Mary just below, the choirs of saints and martyrs on the left.


Around Jesus were the instruments of His Passion and pictures of His life. The latter related especially to the mysteries of God's mercy and the history of Redemption, whose feasts are commemorated in the Church Militant. I saw Our Lord's temporal and redeeming life as the source of all the graces that flow upon us, inasmuch as the Church Militant mystically celebrating its mysteries, gratefully appropriates them and renews them among her children by the Holy Sacrifice and the Divine Eucharist.


I saw the never- failing, outflowing streams of the Most Holy Trinity and the Passion of Christ, and their influence over all creation. I saw the immense results of Christ's journey through Arabia before His Passion, when He promised the nations of the Three Kings that some one should come to baptize them, and pointed out to them a country to which they should remove, there to become a separate nation. He seemed to refer to a land in which they should have priests and teachers.


I saw the journey they made at a later period toward the south-west, not the whole nation, but about one hundred men in separate bands. They bore with them the bodies of their dead chiefs. I saw them distinctly. They were clothed with flesh and habited in the style of their country, the hands and feet bare, the raiment white. The wives of these Arabs followed them later when they had founded a settlement.


I saw them increase and become a nation. There was a Bishop among them who had formerly been a goldsmith. The eagerness of these people to receive his instructions and the purity of their lives, so different from those among whom they dwelt, gave him great consolation. I recognized the descendants of the races that had offered gold, frankincense, and myrrh.


 “I saw all the feasts of Our Lord's life to the descent of the Holy Ghost. I learned that on this day when her cycle recommences, the Church receives the Holy Spirit in her pure and well prepared members in proportion to each one's desire. Whoever wishes lovingly and zealously to repair whatever might be an obstacle to the general reception of the Holy Spirit, will endure sufferings for Jesus and, uniting them to His merits, offer them for this intention.


Every one can draw down upon himself the effusions of the Holy Ghost, in such measure as his love and self-offering participate in the sacrifice of Jesus. I saw the effusion of the Holy Spirit over the works of the Apostles, disciples, martyrs, and saints. Suffering gladly for Jesus, they suffered in Jesus and in His Body the Church, becoming thereby living channels of the grace flowing from His Passion — yes, they suffered in Jesus and Jesus suffered in them, and from Him sprang the good they rendered to the Church.


I saw the multitudes converted by the martyrs. The martyrs were like canals dug out by pains ; they bore to thousands of hearts the living blood of Redemption. The martyrs, teachers, intercessors, penitents appeared in the Church Triumphant as the substance of all graces profitable to the Church Milliant, which are renewed or of which she takes possession on the feasts of her saints.


I saw in these visions their sufferings of short duration; but their temporal effects, because they proceeded from the eternal mercy of God and the merits of Jesus Christ, I saw working on perpetually for good in the Church, kept alive by her feasts, lively faith, prayer, devotion, and good works.


I saw the immense treasures of the Church and the little profit some of her members derive from them. It is like a luxuriant garden above a desert waste. The former sends down thousands and thousands of fertilizing influences which the latter rejects ; it remains a waste, and the rich treasures are prodigally squandered.


I saw the Church Militant, the faithful, the flock of Christ in its temporal state upon earth, dark, dark, and desolate ; and the rich distribution of graces from on high received carelessly, slothfully, impiously. I saw the feasts celebrated with such apathy and levity that the graces flowing from them fell to the ground, the Church's treasures were turned into sources of condemnation.


I saw all this in a general way and in a variety of pictures. Such negligence must be expiated by suffering ; otherwise, the Church Militant, unable to settle accounts with the Church Triumphant, would fall- still lower. I saw the Blessed Virgin putting everything in order.


This was the end of the task I had begun with her in the Nuptial House on St. Catherine's day, that tiresome gathering of fruits and herbs, bleaching of sacristy linen, and cleaning of church ornaments. It is hard to describe, for nature, man himself, has fallen so low, is in so constrained a position, man's senses are as it were so tightly bound, that the visions in which I really act, which I understand, which never surprise me at the time, appear to me when returned to consciousness as strange as they do to others.


I had, for instance, to press honey from thistles with my bare hands, and carry it to the Blessed Virgin to pay off the balance of the Church debt. She boils and refines it, and mixes it with the food of those who are in need of it. This signifies that during the ecclesiastical year the faithful have neglected or squandered grace which a right use would have changed into multiplied blessings, into sweet strengthening food for which many poor souls are languishing.


The Lord supplied all that was necessary from the Church Triumphant. The Church Militant must now render an account, must pay capital and compound interest too. In this account, the honey had been omitted (God's grace appears in the natural world under the form of honey) and it should have been represented.


In the flowering season it might easily have been gathered, a little care bestowed on the hives was all that was needed; but now it can be procured only with suffering and fatigue, for the flowers have disappeared, and thistles alone are to be found. The merciful Jesus accepts the pains and sufferings of some as an expiatory sacrifice for the omissions of others, and with blood-stained hands had the honey to be extracted from, the thistles.


The Blessed Virgin, the Mother of the Church, cooks and applies it where the gifts of grace, which it typifies, have been wanting during the year. Thus was my martyrdom accomplished during those days and nights by manifold labors in vision. The two Churches were ever before me and, as her debt was paid off, I saw the lower one issuing from its obscurity.


 “I saw the members of the Church Militant as I had seen those of the Church Triumphant. I saw about one hundred thousand great in faith and simple in their actions. I saw six persons, three men and three women, working with me in the Church in the same manner as I do.

「我看到了征战教会的成员,就像我看到了凯旋教会的成员一样。我看到大约有10万人信仰坚定,行动单纯。 我看到六个人,三个男人和三个女人,以和我一样的方式在教会中与我同工

The stigmatisee of Cagliari, Rosa Maria Serra, and a female laden with great bodily infirmities; the Franciscan of the Tyrol, whom I have often seen united in intention with me, and a young ecclesiastic in a house with other priests in a mountainous country. He grieves bitterly over the state of the Church and through God's grace, he endures extraordinary pains. He prays earnestly every evening to be allowed to expiate all the failings of the Church that day.


The sixth of my fellow-laborers is a married man of high rank; he has a wicked, perverse wife and a large household of children and servants. He resides in a great city full of Catholics, Protestants, Jansenists, and Free- thinkers. His house is perfectly regulated ; he is very charitable to the poor, and bears most nobly with his bad wife. There is a separate street for Jews in that city, closed at either end by gates. Immense traffic is carried on in it.


My labors were mostly in the Nuptial House and garden. The visions in which I drew milk from all my members and which weakened me so, referred to my frequent effusions of blood on those days. Some of my tasks were under the form of washing. I remember one in particular: a so-called devotee who made profession of pious practices, ran to pilgrimages, etc., brought me his bundle.


He had often asked why this one or that one did not do as he; consequently, he had a dream in which he saw many of those over whom he had gloried far above him in piety, and he was filled with confusion.


 “When I had finished my work, I saw by the Saviour two large tablets on which were recorded all neglects and their expiation. All my labors were shown to me in figures and I saw whatever was lost. On one side were beautiful crowns, ornaments, and flowers, on the other faded garlands, garments slovenly made or only half- finished, and scraps of fruits and vegetables ; on one side a pile of the most magnificent of God's gifts, on the other a heap of rubbish and potsherds.


I saw the six other laborers weeping in like manner and receiving the same consolation. Then I saw the Blessed Virgin extend her mantle over the Church and a crowd of the poor, the sick, and the lame raise it in some way, until it floated in the air clear and shining, where it met and united with the Church Triumphant. Jesus and the Apostles appeared in the upper choir and distributed the Holy Eucharist as a renewal of strength, and numerous souls, among them kings and princes, went from Abraham's bosom into the Church.


I saw, above all, many a soul, thought to be among the saints, still in Abraham's bosom, not yet in possession of the vision of God, and I saw others going to heaven after one or two days' purification. I saw purgatory in this vision as the Church Suffering, a vast, sombre cave in which souls were paying off their debt. There was a dull glare in it, like candle-light, and a kind of altar.


An angel comes several times a year to administer something strengthening to the poor sufferers, but when he retires everything church-like disappears with him. Although the poor souls cannot help themselves, yet they intercede for the Church. When I have visions of the Church as a whole, I always see to the north-west a deep, black abyss into which no ray of light enters, and I feel that that is hell.


Afterward I saw a great feast in the Church and multitudes uniting in it. I saw several churches, or rather meeting-houses surmounted by weathercocks, the congregations, disunited from the Church, running here and there like beggars hurrying to places where bread is distributed, having no connection with either the Church Triumphant or the Church Suffering.


They were not in a regularly founded, living Church, one with the Church Militant, Suffering, and Triumphant, nor did they receive the Body of the Lord, but only bread. They who were in error through no fault of their own and who piously and ardently longed for the Body of Jesus Christ, were spiritually consoled, but not by their communion. They who habitually communicated without this ardent love received nothing ; but a child of the Church receives an immense increase of strength."


December 4th — Sister Emmerich lay prostrate and miserable after her labors and sufferings of the last eight days with continual vomiting of blood, bleeding of her side, and bloody sweats, though she never ceased, day or night, making caps for poor children and lint for the Abbe Lambert. The greater part of several nights she passed in a sitting posture, her head resting on her knees. She was unable to lie down and still too weak to sit upright.

12 月 4 日 — 在经历了八天的辛苦劳作和痛苦之后,艾曼丽修女痛苦俯卧着,不停地吐血、肋旁流血、出虚汗,但她从未停止过,日夜为可怜的孩子制作帽子,为兰伯特神父做棉絮。几个晚上,她大部分时间都是坐着度过的,头靠在膝盖上。她无法躺下,身体也虚弱的坐不直。

Her heart and breast were torn with racking pains and the hot tears flowed copiously from her eyes, greatly aggravating her misery. Another vision showed her the Church after being purified with immense trouble and fatigue, again degraded and dishonored by faithless ministers. St. Barbara appeared and consoled her, reminding her that she, too, had labored and prayed in vain for the conversion of her own father.


Then she had a vision on the state of several individuals among the clergy who fulfilled not their duty toward the souls intrusted to them. She saw that they would have to render an account for all the love, all the consolation, all the exhortations, all the instructions upon the duties of religion that they do not give their flock ; for all the benedictions that they do not distribute, although the power of the Hand of Jesus is in them ; and for all that they omit to do in imitation of Jesus.


They will have to give a strict account to Jesus for their neglect of souls. For such pastors she had to undergo great trouble and fatigue, carrying them in spirit through water, and praying for such of them as were tempted.


St. Hildegarde and St. Catherine of Sienna often saw the Church under the form of a virgin or a matron, sick, persecuted, struck with leprosy, their spiritual labors assuming an analogous form ; and so, too, did Sister Emmerich find in the Nuptial House and its dependencies the Church symbolized under the form of a matron in various positions.


In the last week of Advent, 1819, she related the following: " As I was going to Bethlehem, I found on the road to the Nuptial House an old matron covered with ulcers which she tried to conceal under her soiled mantle. I invoked St. Francis Xavier to overcome my repugnance, and I sucked her sores from which immediately streamed forth rays of light which shed their brilliancy all around.

在 1819 年降临期的最后一周,她讲述了以下内容:「当我前往白冷时,我在去婚房的路上发现一位老妇人,身上长满了溃疡,她试图用她肮脏的斗篷掩盖溃疡。我呼求圣方济.沙勿略帮我克服厌恶,我吸吮了她的疮口,疮上立即散发出光芒,将它们的光辉洒遍四周。

The sucking of these wounds was wonderfully sweet and pleasant. A resplendent lady floated down from on high, took from the matron, who was now almost well, her old, stiff mantle, threw around her own beautiful, shining one, and disappeared. The matron now shone with light and I took her into the garden of the Nuptial House, from which she had formerly been driven.


It was whilst wandering around that she had fallen sick. I have never been able to get her any farther than the garden which I found over-run by weeds and the flowers nearly all dead, because the gardeners were not united. Each one gardened for himself alone. They did not consult the old man placed over them, they gave themselves no trouble about him.


The poor old man was sick ; he knew not of the spreading weeds until the thistles and brambles mounted up to his very windows. Then he gave orders for them to be rooted out. The matron who had received the mantle from the Mother of God carried a treasure in a box, a holy thing which she guarded without knowing clearly what it was.


It is the mysterious spiritual authority of the Church with which they in the Nuptial House no longer want to have anything to do, which they no longer understood. But it will again silently increase, and they who resist will be driven from the house. All will be renewed."


During the above recital, the invalid had assumed a listening attitude as if in expectation of some one's approach. Suddenly she was rapt in ecstasy. She was with her Spouse whom she tenderly conjured to allow her to suffer for the matron and for “those three homeless women, wandering about with their poor children,” symbols of the various denominations separated from the Church, wandering out of the sheepfold.

以上讲述过程中,艾曼丽修女表现出一种倾听的态度,好像在期待某人的到来。她突然欣喜若狂,在神魂超拔之中, 她和她的净配在一起,她温柔地请求她的净配允许她为那老妇人和「那三个带着可怜的孩子四处游荡的无家可归的妇女」受苦,这些妇女是与圣教会分离的各个教派的象征,她们在羊栈外徘徊。

— " There," she exclaimed, still in ecstasy, "there I can suffer no more, there all is pure joy ! Ah ! leave me here awhile longer, leave me here to be of service to my neighbor!" At this moment one of her fellow-religious with whom she had previously made an appointment, appeared at the door ; but seeing her in ecstasy, she was about to retire, when Sister Emmerich called out : " Here is a person who wants something. This is for her, and this for her landlady !"


— and so saying, she took from the closet near the bed some packages of coffee, and handed them to her former companion. When the latter withdrew, Sister Emmerich began to thank God with signs of delight. " By this alms," she exclaimed, “I have obtained the deliverance of a poor soul from purgatory. I wanted as many as there were grains of coffee ; however, I got one!" And she gazed in rapture on the glory of the ransomed soul.


On Christmas, she related the following : “I was in the garden of the Nuptial House. The matron was there still sick, but trying to put things here and there in order. The sheep-fold had become a church, the nut-hedges around the stable were withered, the nuts dried up and empty (1).


(1) Nuts signify discord.

(1) 坚果表示不和谐。

I saw blessed souls in antique priestly robes cleaning out the church, taking down the spider webs ; the door stood open and all was becoming brighter and brighter. It seemed as if the masters were doing the work of their servants, for the people in the Nuptial House, though making a great bustle, did nothing ; they were disunited and dissatisfied. They all expected to enter the church when in order, but some were to be excluded.


The church continued to grow cleaner and brighter. Suddenly there spouted up a beautiful fountain. Its water pure as crystal, flowed out on all sides, through the walls, and into the garden, refreshing everything — all was blooming and joyous.

教会变得越来越干净,越来越明亮。突然,一个美丽的喷泉喷涌而出。 泉水像水晶一样纯净,从四面八方流出,穿过墙壁,流入花园,使一切都焕然一新-—— 一切都变得繁花似锦,充满了欢乐。

Above it rose a shining spiritual altar, a pledge of future increase. The church and everything in it kept growing larger and larger, the saints continued their work, and the bustle in the Nuptial House became greater."


Of separate denominations, Sister Emmerich spoke as follows : — “I came across the house with the weathercock. People were going in and out with books in their hands ; there is no altar in it, all looks bare. I went through it. It is like a public highway, benches and seats thrown here and there — some have been stolen ; the roof is in a bad state, and through the rafters can be seen the blue sky.


I saw two mothers covered with ulcers wandering around with two children by the hand, they seemed to be lost ; a third, the most wretched of all, lay with a little child near the dilapidated meeting-house, unable to move. These three women were not very old and not dressed like common people. They wore long, narrow garments which they seemed to draw around them in order to hide their sores.


I saw that the children derived no strength from them ; but that, on the contrary, all the mothers' strength came from the children. The mothers were not what they ought to be, but the poor children were innocent. Homeless, they tottered along one after the other, tramping about everywhere, lodging miserably, and thus contracting disease.


I saw them again later on in the night. I sucked their sores and bound them up with herbs. I wanted to take them to the church, but they were as yet too timid and they turned away…… These Christians separated from the Church have no place near the Holy Sepulcher, although they now try to introduce themselves into such places. They have lost the priestly ordination and rejected the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to their own great misfortune "


“I spoke to the poor wanderers and their children. Surely they will soon be better off! They are like old trees sending up new shoots, for which reason they are not cut down. The children represent souls making efforts to return to the Church and to draw after them their famished mothers who are weak and wholly governed by them.


The women nearest the church (the Catholic- Church) have each two sprightly children by the hand whose every wish they follow ; the third, lying sick on the road near the ruined meeting-house, has only one child, smaller than the others, but it is still a child, and she too will come……”


" Again I met the two women with their four children nearer to the Nuptial House. The children would not be quieted. They dragged their mothers after them, but they would not go into the garden ; they stood outside timid, frightened, and quite amazed at what they saw ; they had never thought of such things. ...


I prayed again before the Crib for the poor mothers that they might, at last, enter the garden of the Nuptial House, and I saw the matron go out to look for them and coax them in. But she behaved so mysteriously, pretending to be only taking a walk ; she looked so furtive and timid that I became anxious, especially when I saw that she wanted to go first to a shepherd not of the fold.


I feared she had not her box with her, that consequently she was weak and the shepherd would be able to prevent her returning to the Nuptial House. I was so anxious for her to go straight up to the women ! I went out to meet her and found, to my great relief, that she had her box with her, but l was sorry to see that she was not quite cured.


Some of her wounds had healed too quickly, corruption was still within, and that was what had prevented her giving the invitation to the mothers properly ; her timidity proceeded from it. She went not straight on in the name of Jesus. I spoke a great deal with her, and I found that she was not full of charity.


She was so emphatic with regard to her rights, her privileges, her possessions that one could easily see she was not animated by that virtue. I asked her what she had in the box. She answered : ‘It is a mystery, a holy thing.’  She knew not what it was nor what use to make of it, but kept it locked up. She was displeased at my not curing her perfectly.


I led her past the shepherd to the vagrant mothers whom the four children were dragging to meet her. She accosted them a little stiffly, at first, and tried to persuade them to be reconciled with her and go into the garden of the Nuptial House. The children wanted to do so, but the mothers insisted on speaking first to the shepherd ; so they went all together to see him.


When they found him, the matron addressed him. I was in dread lest, dissatisfied at not being entirely cured, she would manage things badly. This really was the case. She made indiscreet assertions, saying that she owned everything, all belonged to her, grace, strength, goods, rights, etc. The shepherd wore a three cornered cap, and was not very gracious.


He said, ‘What is in that box you are carrying around with you?’ She answered that it was a mystery, and one might readily perceive that it was, indeed, a mystery even to herself. He replied disdainfully : ' Indeed ! If you come again with your mystery, I'll hear nothing of it. It is on account of your traffic in mysteries that we are separated from you. Whatever will not bear the light of day, the scrutiny of all, is worth nothing,’ and so they parted.


The mothers would not now go with her, and she and I returned to the garden alone. But the children could not be prevented from running after us. They seemed to have a special attraction for the matron and went with her into the garden when, after examining everything, they ran back to tell their mothers all they had seen. They were very much impressed."


During the last week of the ecclesiastical year, November, 1820, Sister Emmerich saw the result of her labors for the conversion of schismatics. “In my sufferings I invoke the dear Mother of God that all hearts drawing near to the truth may be converted and enter the Church. Mary appeared to me in the Nuptial House and told me that I would have to cook for two hundred and twenty different guests.

在教会礼仪年的最后一周,即 1820 年 11 月,艾曼丽修女看到了她为使裂教者皈依而努力工作的成果。「在我的苦难中,我祈求亲爱的圣母,让所有接近真理的心都皈依并进入圣教会。圣母玛利亚在婚房向我显现,告诉我必须为 220 位不同的客人做饭。

I had to gather all kinds of fruits and vegetables upon which dew from the heavenly gardens had fallen. My task resembled that of a pharmacist, for I had to prepare mixtures against spiritual evils. It was quite different from ordinary cooking. By the fire of charity something earthly had to be destroyed and the ingredients intimately mixed together — it was a troublesome work.


Mary explained to me all I had to do as well as the signification and effect of the various spices which, according to the spiritual state of this or that guest, were to be added to the food. All these symbolical operations in vision were most painful to my earthly nature. During my work, I saw the hard and difficult points in some natures softened; and, according to the different defects of character, was my task more or less difficult.


At last, I saw the guests arriving at the Nuptial House and partaking of the food prepared for them and, at the same time, I saw in far-off countries many hurrying with the children of the Church to the Banquet of the Lord."



Conversion of an Ancient Sect (Maronite).



“I went to Bethlehem. I went in reality with great fatigue and rapidity. Near the Nuptial House I met an old woman, so old that one might think she had lived at the birth of Christ. She was so tightly enveloped in a black robe from head to foot that she could hardly walk. She begged my aid and accepted also some alms and clothing; but she persisted in hiding something from me of which, however, I had an instinctive knowledge and which had chiefly attracted me to her.


It was an infant which she kept concealed under her mantle as if she were ashamed of it, or feared that I would deprive her of it. She seemed to own nothing but this child, to live for it alone, and she hid it as if she had stolen it ; but she had to give it up to me. Ah ! it was pitiful to see how tightly and painfully it was swathed ; it could not move a limb.


I loosened some bandages which were injuring its health, bathed it, and wanted to take charge of it, to which however the old woman would not consent. I thought if the little thing, which loved me and clung to me with its hands now free, were let to run around the Nuptial House, it would grow very fast. I thought, also, that if I had the old woman in the garden of the Nuptial House, she could help me clear away the weeds.


 “I told her that I would soon return and that, if I found her behaving more reasonably toward the child, she should receive more help from me. She was something like the obstinate old man with the cross, but she promised everything. The poor, feeble creature is proud of her origin and the perfect preservation of the customs of the primitive Church among her people.


It is on this account she is so closely enveloped and so solitary and that the sect live scattered in little isolated groups. She really means nothing bad, but she has become horribly stubborn and ignorant. So it always happens when the wife separates from the husband and wants to preach. She goes apart into the mountains ; she swathes her child tightly that it may not grow and she conceals it to preserve its innocence ; but, whilst the old swather thinks thus to guard her child, she has nothing for her pains but her miserable obstinacy, and she helplessly drags herself here and there through the wilderness.


With heart-felt pity and in all charity, I represented to her her unreasonableness, her poverty, her obstinacy which drove her even to starvation, her pride, and her misery. Again and again, I conjured her to have pity on herself, to turn from her absurd isolation to the source of life, to the holy Sacraments of the Church. But she was hardened in her self-will. She spurned me haughtily, saying that Catholics practice not what they teach.


I replied that to turn away from the teacher of truth on account of the faults of individuals, would be as unreasonable as to abandon virtue on account of the wicked. She had nothing to reply though she still persevered in her obstinacy. The poor woman has been driven from the Holy Sepulcher, to which she no longer has a right; but in the spiritual church which I see above the Grotto of Bethlehem, prayer is still offered for her. It is her good fortune to possess still a living fiber by which she derives a little strength. Ah ! I hope she will yet return ! "


In the Advent of the preceding year Sister Emmerich had already had dealings with this sect, the Maronites and their chief. She then received a task which was to continue for the next five years, ending in October, 1822, by a mission given to bring about their reunion with the Church of Rome.

在去年的将临期,艾曼丽修女已经与这个马龙派教徒和他们的首领打过交道。然后,艾曼丽修女接受了一项任务,该任务将在接下来的五年中持续到 1822 年 10 月结束,任务是让他们与罗马教会团聚。

" Among those whom I met on my way to the Nuptial House," she said in December, 1818,  “there were more women than men. This surprised me. They wore long robes, their heads bound with linen, one end hanging down behind. Near them was one of their priests, a poor helpless fellow, not like a priest. He scarcely knew how to read or pray !

1818 年 12 月,艾曼丽修女说:「我在去婚房的路上遇到的那些人中,女性多于男性。这让我很惊讶。们穿着长袍,头上缠着细麻布,缠布的一端垂在脑后。他们旁边有一位神父,一个可怜无助的人,一点也不像神父。他几乎不知道如何阅读和祈祷!

“A fiery wild horse was brought to him to tame, but he ran away in fright followed by all his people. Then my guide ordered me to mount the animal. He helped me upon his back himself. I sat sideways, the horse becoming quite gentle. I was ordered to ride five times around the place where the people were gathered, each time widening the circle, to keep off the impure beasts which I had already driven away, but which were doing their best to return.


I chased them away at last and, on my fifth round, I discovered a sheepfold. I thought, ' You must make a turn around it in order to unite it with the Church.' Then I returned to the priest with the horse which had become quite gentle. It had no saddle, only a bridle. “

我终于把野兽赶走了,在我的第五圈中,我发现了一个羊栈。我想,『你必须围绕羊栈转一圈,才能将羊栈与圣教会联合起来。』 然后我带着那匹变得相当温顺的马回到了神父那里。马上没有鞍,只有缰绳。」

This horse of the desert is a symbol of wild, uncurbed nature which the weak priest could not master ; but Sister Emmerich mounted and tamed him to prove that it could be subdued by the discipline of the true Church clothed with strength and authority from God. The five turns on the horse signified the five ecclesiastical years at the end of which the stray sheep would return to the fold.


October 4, 1822, she related the following: — "I have had a tiresome journey to deliver a message, against the accomplishment of which a thousand obstacles arose. I was pursued, maltreated, tormented by evil spirits. I endured hunger and thirst, heat and fatigue ; but, in spite of all, I fulfilled my commission. Under the form of Maleachi, the scout of Moses, I had to go from Jagbeha to an ancient Christian sect ardently sighing for the truth.

1822 年 10 月 4 日,艾曼丽修女讲述了以下内容:「为了传递一个信息,我经历了一段令人厌烦的旅程,在完成这次旅程的过程中遇到了无数的障碍,我被邪灵追赶、虐待、折磨。我忍受着饥饿、干渴,炎热和疲劳;但尽管如此,我还是完成了我的使命。我化身为梅瑟的侦察兵马莱基 ,我必须从贾格贝哈前往一个古老的基督教教派,他们热切地渴望真理。

I was clothed in the habit of Maleachi and accompanied by the prophet Malachias who instructed me what to do. We went through Judea, the wilderness of Sinai, and along the Red Sea. On the whole way I saw the events that had formerly happened there and which bore some reference to our mission.


I saw also many circumstances in the life of Malachias himself. The people to whom I was sent dwelt in five establishments under an Ecclesiastical Superior whose decision was law in all religious matters. He was very much attached to the Old Testament and the Mosaic Law, so I had to explain to him some prophecies : for instance, the words, “Thou art a priest forever according to the order of Melchisedech.'


I asked him if Aaron had been such a priest ; if Moses on Sinai had received other than an outward, disciplinary law for a people who had believed in an anterior sacrifice of bread and wine ; if this sacrifice was not holier and, properly speaking, the beginning and the end ; if Abraham had not offered Melchisedech bread and wine, paid him tithes, and bowed down before the sacrifice of his Church.

我问他,亚郎是不是这样的司祭;梅瑟在西乃山上,接受的不是外在的律法,而是为一个之前已相信以饼酒献祭的民族制定的律法(译注: 撒冷王默基瑟德也带了饼酒来,他是至高者天主的司祭 创14:18),这个祭献是不是更神圣正确地说,这祭献是不是既是开始又是终结;亚巴郎是不是向默基瑟德献上饼和酒,将所得的,拿出十分之一,给了默基瑟德。并在他的祭品前俯伏跪拜?

I cited texts from the Psalms, such as : ‘The Lord said to my Lord,' etc., and passages from Malachias upon the Unbloody Sacrifice. I exhorted him to go to Rome, there to be instructed and to have the above passages particularly explained. After these words, I saw him rise, take a Bible, and consult the texts quoted.


These people have no fixed abodes, but they seemed about forming some for they took possession of land, enclosed it with walls, and built mud huts. They seemed to be descendants of the Madianites. Children profit by the good works of their ancestors. He that sins breaks the blessed chain ; he that lives virtuously extends the source of benediction."


Sister Emmerich also described the Greek Schism: — “On my way from Bethlehem to the garden of the Nuptial House, I met a distinguished looking, gray-haired, man, wandering around sick and covered with wounds. I understood that he had lost or wasted something belonging to his family and that he was looking for it, unconscious that it lay quite near him. He appeared to belong to a matron whom I saw wrapped in a mantle near the garden of the Nuptial House, but he did not want to go to her.


He has apparently more repugnance to her than she to him. He always carries with him an old black wooden cross, about as long as one's arm and in shape like a Y. It struck me that he must have had it a long time, for it is well-used and quite polished ; he holds on to it most tenaciously. Ah ! you dear old man, of what advantage is the wooden cross to you, if it makes you forget your Saviour! The poor man is so hardened, so obstinate, so full of his own ideas, one cannot make him move, and he himself advances not a step.


He has been separated from his wife a long time, and he will not be reconciled to her, because she cannot grant him what he demands. I fear great evils will yet follow from their disunion ! — I cured something in the perverse old man."


When the Pilgrim heard the above, he expressed his admiration at the merciful dispensations of Almighty God, who deigned not only to relieve the corporal wants of the poor by means of His faithful servant, but also to grant spiritual assistance to the stray children of the Church.


Sister Emmerich replied : “It would, indeed, be a matter of astonishment if one lived only in one's self, but the love of Jesus makes all His members one. Every work of mercy performed for His wounded members, goes to the Church as to the Body of Jesus. The perverse old man with the cross has no child.


He will not listen to reason, he will never come round, he will yet cause many miseries and troubles. The sick matron with the holy thing in the box has no child either. She is the Church herself with the various diseases existing in her members, and like her she is ill-treated and repulsed by her children. After all, she is now once more in the garden."


Sister Emmerich's visions, as well as her whole mission upon earth, bear a striking analogy to those of St. Hildegarde, as may be seen by a perusal of the magnificent epistle the latter addressed in 1170 to the Provost Werner of Kirchheim. The saint, in obedience to a divine command, had undertaken a journey into Suabia, in order to portray the state of the Church before the clergy of Kirchheim.

艾曼丽修女的异象,以及她在上的全部使命,与圣希尔德加德的异象有着惊人的相似之处,细读圣希尔德加德在 1170 年写给基希海姆院长维尔纳的宏伟书信就可以看出这一点。为了在基希海姆的圣职人员面前描绘圣教会的状况,这位圣人遵从天主的命令,前往苏亚比亚。

The impression produced by her words was so powerful that, after her return home, the Provost wrote to her begging in his own name and “that of his fellow- laborers,’ that they might meditate constantly upon it, a copy of what under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost she had said on the negligence of priests in offering the Holy Sacrifice.

The following is a copy of the saint's reply ; —


以下是圣人希尔德加德回复的副本; —

 “Confined to my bed by sickness, I had in the year of the Lord, 1170, a beautiful vision of a lady more lovely and attractive than human mind can paint. Her form reached from earth to sky, her countenance shone with splendor, her eyes were fixed on heaven. She wore a shining robe of white silk and a mantle embroidered with precious stones., emeralds, sapphires, pearls, and flowers of gold ; on her feet were shoes of onyx.

「我因病卧床不起,在主历1170 年,我看到了一位美丽的女士,她比人类的心灵所能描绘的更可爱、更迷人。她的身形从大地延伸到天空,她的容颜闪耀着灿烂的光芒,她的眼睛凝视着天堂。她穿着一件耀眼的白色丝绸长袍,披着一件绣有宝石、祖母绿、蓝宝石、珍珠和金质花朵的披风;她脚上穿的是玛瑙鞋。

But her face was soiled with ashes, her robe was torn on the right side, her mantle was stained, her shoes were covered with mud. In a clear, plaintive voice she cried: 'Hear, ye heavens! my face is disfigured ! — Be afflicted, O earth, for my vesture is rent ! — and thou, abyss, tremble, for my shoes are soiled!

但她的脸被灰尘弄脏了,她的长袍右边被撕破了,她的披风被玷污了,她的鞋子上沾满了泥土。她用清晰、哀伤的声音喊道:『听着,诸天! 我的脸毁容了!——大地啊,你受苦吧,因为我的外衣破了!——而你,深渊,颤抖吧,因为我的鞋子弄脏了!

The foxes have holes and the birds nests, but I, I  have none to assist or console me, I have no support on which to lean ! — I was hidden in the bosom of the Father until the Son of Man, conceived and born of a virgin, shed His blood in which He espoused me and endowed me with His grace that, in the pure regeneration of spirit and water ; I might bring forth those anew whom the serpent's venom had infected.


But my nurses, the priests, who should have preserved my countenance resplendent as the aurora, my robe brilliant as the lightning- flash, my mantle glittering as precious stones, my shoes white as snow, have sprinkled my face with ashes, have torn my robe, soiled my mantle, and stained my shoes.


They who should have adorned me have allowed me to perish. They sully my countenance when they handle and eat my Bridegroom's Flesh and Blood in spite of the impurity of their life, their fornications, their adulteries, and their rapacity in selling and buying, a thing unlawful for them. Yes, they cover His Flesh and Blood with opprobrium. It is like casting a new-born babe to swine.


As man became flesh and blood at the very instant that God formed him from the slime of the earth and breathed into him the breath of life, so the same power of God, at the words of the priest, changes the offering of bread, wine and water upon the altar into the true Flesh and true Blood of Christ, my Spouse ; which, however, on account of the blindness occasioned by Adam's fall, man cannot see with his corporal eyes.


The wounds of my Spouse remain fresh and open, as long as those of sinful man are not closed. They are outraged by those priests who, instead of preserving me pure and serving me in holiness, seek with insatiable avidity to heap up riches, and benefice on benefice. They tear my vesture by their infidelity to the Law, to the Gospel, to the priesthood.


They stain my mantle by their neglect of the precepts laid down for them, instead of fulfilling them joyfully and perfectly by continence like unto the beauty of the emerald, by alms-giving like unto the sapphire, and by the practice of all other good works which honor God as so many precious stones. They soil my shoes by walking not in the right path.


the rough and difficult path of justice, and by failing to give good example to their inferiors; but in my shoes I perceive the hidden light of truth among a few. The false priests deceive themselves ; they crave the honor attached to their functions whilst dreading the trouble. But it is impossible for them to have one without the other, since to no one who has not labored will wages be given.


When God's grace touches a man, it urges him to labor for the reward. God now punishes man by raining evils upon him. He covers the earth with them as with a mist until its verdure disappears and it is clothed in darkness. But the abyss will tremble when He will come in His wrath, making heaven and earth the instruments of His vengeance and man's destruction.


Arrogant princes and nations will rise up against you, O ye priests who have hitherto neglected me ! They will drive you forth, they will rob you of your wealth, because you have neglected your sacred ministry. They will cry : ' Cast out of the Church these adulterers, these robbers full of iniquity ! — ' In so doing they think they render God a service, saying that you have polluted His Church; therefore the Scriptures say, ‘Why have the nations raged and the people devised vain things?'


By God's permission the nations will rise up against you ; they will have vain thoughts of you ; they will esteem as naught your priestly dignity and consecration, The princes of the earth will unite to cast you down. Your rulers will drive you from their territories, since your crimes have driven the innocent Lamb far from you.


And I heard a voice from heaven saying: ‘This vision represents the Church — wherefore, O daughter of man, who dost see these things and hear these lamentations, announce it to the priests who have been instituted and ordained to guide and instruct the people, for to them in the person of the Apostles it has been said ; ' Go into the whole world and preach the Gospel to every creature.'

我听到来自天上的声音说:这个异象代表了圣教会——因此,人类的女儿啊,你看见了这些事情,听到了这些哀歌,请将它宣布给那些被设立和祝圣来引导和指导人民的司铎,因为宗徒们对他们说了: 『你们往普天下去,向一切受造物宣传福音,』(谷16:15)

When God created man, He delineated in him every creature, as are written upon a scrap of parchment the seasons and numbers of a whole year; therefore it was that God named man ‘every creature. ‘ And I, poor woman, saw again a drawn sword floating in the air, one edge toward heaven, the other toward the earth.


And it was raised above a spiritual race that the prophet foresaw when he exclaimed in astonishment : ' Who are these, that fly as clouds, and as doves to their windows?’ (Isaias lx. 8) ; for they who are raised above the earth, separated from ordinary men, they who should live holily, showing forth in their actions the simplicity of doves, are evil in their works and manners.


And I saw the sword strike the priestly race in many places as Jerusalem was destroyed after the Saviour's Passion ; and I saw, also, that in the time of tribulation God will spare many pure and upright priests who fear Him, as He said to Elias that he had left in Israel a thousand men who had not bent the knee to Baal. May the inextinguishable fire of the Holy Spirit be enkindled in you to convert you to better things !" Such are Hildegarde's words.

在救主受难之后,当耶路撒冷被摧毁时,我看见这把剑在许多地方击打了司祭们;我还看到,在苦难期,天主会饶恕许多敬畏祂的又纯洁又正直的司祭,正如祂对厄里亚说的,祂在以色列留下了一千个未曾向巴耳屈膝的人。(列王纪上19:18) 愿圣神的不灭之火在你心中点燃,使你转向更美好的事物!」这就是希尔德加德的话。

Sister Emmerich saw in the Nuptial House, not only the state of the Church in general, but also that of individual dioceses. Munster in particular was shown her. In numerous symbolical pictures, she saw its special necessities and how she was to aid it. Her first vision, recounted in December, 1819, clearly tended to the reawakening of piety throughout the country by devotion to the Blessed Virgin and the restoration of religious communities.

艾曼丽修女在婚房看到的不仅是整个教会的状,也看到了各个教区的状。尤其是向她展示了明斯特教区。在许多象征性的画面中,她看到了明斯特的特殊需求以及她将如何帮助它。她在 1819 年 12 月讲述的第一个异象,显然是希望通过对圣母的奉献和修会团体的恢复,唤醒整个国家和各个教会信徒的虔诚

In one of the chambers of the Nuptial House called the “Bridal Chamber,” she had to arrange the dowry and spiritual wedding-garments for those for whom they were destined, This symbolized the effects of her sufferings and prayers by which she obtained for many souls the grace of vocation to the religious life and the means of corresponding there-to.


She had, besides, to avert dangers menacing the faith from foreign influences, to atone for the betrayal of the rights and privileges of the Church, for the cowardice of her children who tried to serve two masters, God and the world, and to wrestle with the consequences resulting therefrom. In this struggle Sister Emmerich held the place of the diocese. She became really and spiritually a mark for the dangers by which it was threatened. The following is what she relates on this point : —


 “I went to Bethlehem to meet Mary and Joseph and prepare a lodging for them. I took with me linen and coverings and also my sewing, for I had not yet finished all my work. I entered a house at which I thought they would arrive that night. It was like one of the large farmhouses of our own country, the roof not flat. The people were rough and uncouth.


They had a large establishment, and when I asked them to prepare lodgings for Mary and Joseph, they answered that there was no room, that they expected many guests; and, in truth, crowds of young and ill-bred people began to arrive. They set to work to prepare a repast. They spread the table, cooked, and danced about like mad people.


Again I asked a lodging for the Mother of God, but all the answer I received was to be trodden upon and pushed from side to side. Then appeared the child in green, Patience, whom St. Cecilia had brought to me once before, and with his help I bore their ill-treatment calmly. These rude people did not seem wholly unknown to me; among them were many Protestants and many who had persecuted me.


Whilst they were refusing a lodging to the holy travellers, I had discovered a little unoccupied room which, however, they did not want to let me enter ; they seemed to have something hidden in it. But I succeeded in getting in, and I found, to my great surprise, an old woman all covered with spider webs whom they had imprisoned. I brushed her off and took her out to the wedding, but the guests were greatly agitated when they saw her.


I reproached them with their treatment of her, when they all fled from the house and the old woman set about preparing another repast. Then I saw other young persons, mostly girls who, I knew, wanted to lead a spiritual life, and I discovered another room which constantly and wonderfully increased in size and brightness. I saw in it the holy deceased of our own country, among them my mother, the lady of Vehme, and their guardian angels.


They wore the old Franconian costume, and I kept thinking that my mother in her magnificent dress would never notice me. I prepared the room for the Holy Family. Joseph and Mary arrived, and were received most cordially. But they paid no attention to anything. They retired in the dark and sat down against the wall, when the whole place was instantly flooded with light. I knelt in veneration.


Their stay was short. The old people of the house gazed curiously at the holy travellers through the open door and then withdrew, I thought through humility. In the meantime, the old woman whom I had set free had grown quite young and beautiful. She was the most honorable person in the house, indeed she was the betrothed (I). She was very lovely and dressed in the old peasant style. By degrees the whole house turned into a church and where the fireplace had stood, arose an altar."


 (1) The old woman typifies the piety and faith of former times, the ancient religion of the country which was to be rejuvenated ; that is, renewed, resuscitated. The costume of the souls referred to the age in which that fervor reigned which was now to be renewed.

(1) 老妇人象征着昔日的虔诚和信仰,象征着这个国家古老的宗教将重新焕发活力,即更新、复苏。灵魂的装束指的是在这一时期,人们的热情高涨,而现在这种热情又将重新焕发。

 “As I went over the sea to the Promised Land, a sudden storm arose and I saw an open boat full of wicked, clamoring people. The thought occurred to me : ' Those people use a boat ; for the waters are deep. How does it happen that I can walk over them ?’— and immediately, just like doubting Peter, I sank in the waves up to my neck. But my guide caught me by the arm, bore me to the shore, and reproached me with my want of faith.


When I reached the Nuptial House near Bethlehem, I was going to pass it ; but my guide made me go in, and he took me all through it. I saw many strangers in it, men and women. A fine-looking youth in blue uniform seemed to be in command, and there was also a tall, imperious woman strutting around with an important, insolent air.

当我到达白冷附近的婚房时,我正要经过它;但是我的护守天神让我进去,他带我走遍了整个婚房。我在里面看到了很多陌生人,有男有女。 一个身着蓝色制服的俊美青年似乎在指挥,还有一个身材高大、专横的女人,昂首阔步地走来走去,一副神气十足、傲慢无礼的样子。

She was attending to everything, and pretending to know every thing better than others ; but ecclesiastics seemed to be banished from the premises. Although the Bridal Chamber was locked, still I was able to enter it. I found the walls hung with cobwebs, but the Nuptial robes in good condition.


There were four unfinished and twenty finished wax tapers, also twenty full sacks and four empty ones. The youth followed me all over the house, astonished at all I did and said. He showed me a hole into which he and his people had swept, though not without difficulty, swarms of unclean animals, such as toads, etc. He tried to prevent my removing the stone that covered it, saying that I would run a risk in so doing.


I replied that I had nothing to fear having often cleaned the place out, and after peeping at the ugly things, I replaced the cover. Then he told me that his people could not cast these reptiles out. I replied that our priests could do it, and I bade him reflect upon it as a proof of their power.


I found also a sealed package of writings whose seal, the youth told me, his people were absolutely unable to break, and I again directed his attention to their weakness. He replied that if they were indeed so weak, it was very imprudent in them to drag that great, imperious woman into the house. The latter was very bitter against me and exceedingly displeased at the young man's being with me.


She had already tried to quarrel with me, scoffing at the brides, whom she called old maids, and at the woman with the box, etc. ; but, as she feared that the young man would put her out, she began to render herself necessary and important. She gathered up the linen of all in the house and prepared for a grand washing (general confession).


But the tub kept tipping over, first on one side, then on the other, so that she could get nothing done; all had to be taken out again wet and dirty. Then she got ready to bake a batch of bread which, like the washing, was another failure ; but, not at all discouraged, she made a great fire ; hung over it an enormous kettle containing something to be cooked, and spread herself out before it so that no one could approach, keeping up all the time for my benefit her tiresome prattle on the Pope and Antichrist.


Suddenly the pot-hook, the kettle, the whole chimney fell with a crash, the fire flew in all directions, and she and her companions scampered from the house leaving the young man alone. The latter expressed his desire of returning to the church in the garden of the Nuptial House (that is, of becoming a Catholic).  He typifies the views (modern pietism) which Protestants entertain of the Church ; his uniform signifies the secular dress ; his authority in the Nuptial House, the pressure of the civil power on the Church in our country ; and the insolent female is symbolical of the old Lutheran leaven……


“I was in the Nuptial House, and I swept from the room of the stern Superior straw, scraps of charred wood, and some kind of black mould, into a deep hole on the very edge of which I had to stand. The old Lutheran woman stood over in a corner enraged at my return, and doing all she could to annoy me.


She scattered, as if in defiance, a quantity of dirty trash around where I was. In sweeping it up my broom happened to touch where she stood. She cried out that I need not sweep near her, she could do it herself. I replied that then she should not have thrown the dirt toward me. Her daughter (shallow rationalism) was always occupied in adorning and beautifying herself, hiding her filthiness so as to catch the eye of the unwary and entice them to her, for she was not chaste.


The odious, crafty boy was among the ecclesiastics, but the Stern Superior now saw more clearly into his intrigues and labored seriously to baffle them. I swept the filthy room that the Dean occupied when he came there, and he seemed a little confused. The schoolmaster (Overberg) had another bride whom he wanted to hand over to the Protestants.


I saw, too, that the stern Superior still wanted to remove me to Darfeld ; but I had a vision which showed me how miserable I should have been there lying as if on a bed of state, and that Miss Soentgen would have played a role, if I had gone……


上一篇:下卷第二章01 艾曼丽修女在婚房里多样的积极祈祷及劳作…等等
下一篇:下卷第二章03 耶稣去世的真正周年纪念日


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